Krok 1 Medicine: 3.0 Histology
Krok 1 Medicine: 3.0 Histology
Krok 1 Medicine: 3.0 Histology
3.0 Histology
Histologic specimen of a kidney demonstrates cells closely adjoined to the renal corpuscle in the
distal convoluted tubule. Their basement membrane is extremely thin and has no folds. These cells
sense the changes in sodium content of urine and influence renin secretion occurring in
juxtaglomerular cells. Name these cells:
A Macula densa cells
B Juxtaglomerular cells
C Mesangial cells
D Podocytes
E Glomerular capillary endothelial cells
Histologic specimen of a kidney demonstrates cells closely adjoined to the renal corpuscle in the
distal convoluted tubule. Their basement membrane is extremely thin and has no folds. These cells
sense the changes in sodium content of urine and influence renin secretion occurring in
juxtaglomerular cells. Name these cells:
A Macula densa cells
B Juxtaglomerular cells
C Mesangial cells
D Podocytes
E Glomerular capillary endothelial cells
During the first year of life an infant presents with disturbed process of breast milk curdling. What
cells of the proper gastric glands are functionally disturbed?
A Main exocrinocytes
B Parietal exocrinocytes
C Cervical mucous cells
D Accessory mucous cells
E Exocrinocytes
During postembryonal haemopoiesis in red bone marrow the cells of one of the cellular differons
demonstrate gradual decrease in cytoplasmic basophilia as well as increase in oxyphilia, the nucleus is
being forced out. Such morphological changes are typical for the following haemopoiesis type:
A Erythropoiesis
B Lymphopoiesis
C Neutrophil cytopoiesis
D Eosinophil cytopoiesis
E Basophil cytopoiesis
A microspecimen of heart shows rectangular cells from 50 to 120 micrometers large with central
position of nucleus and developed myofibrils. The cells are connected by intercalated discs. These cells
are responsible for the following function:
A Function of heart contractions
B Function of impulse conduction
C Endocrine
D Protective
E Regeneratory
X-ray exmination of a 57-year-old man indicates local areas of hard bone tissue resorption in some of
the patient's bones. These changes can be associated with increased activity of:
A Osteoclasts
B Chondroblasts
C Osteocytes
D Osteoblasts
E Chondrocytes
Atretic bodies and developed yellow body can be observed along with follicles of various orders in an
ovary specimen. What stage of ovarian and menstrual cycle is characterized by the described ovary
A Premenstrual
B Menstrual
C Postmenstrual
D Regeneration
E Follicle growth
Histological specimen of the ovary shows large hollow structures. Primary oocyte within these
structures is surrounded with transparent membrane and radiating crown and is situated in the cumulus
oophorus, the wall is made of follicular cell layer and theca. What ovarian structure can be
characterized by these morphological features?
A Mature (tertiary) follicle
B Primordial follicle
C Primary follicle
D Сorpus luteum
E Corpus atreticum
Histological specimen demonstrates a parenchymal organ with cortical and medullary substances. The
cortical substance is composed of bands of epithelial cells with capillary blood vessels between them.
The bands form three zones. The medullary substance consists of сhromaffin cells and venous
sinusoids. What organ can be characterized by these morphological features?
A Adrenal gland
B Kidney
C Lymph node
D Thymus
E Thyroid gland
A 12-year-old patient has white non-pigmented spots on the skin. The spots appeared after the patient
became 10 years old, and they constantly grow. This spots appeared due to the lack of the following
skin cells:
A Melanocytes
B Adipocytes
C Fibrocytes
D Plasmocytes
E Labrocytes
Histological specimen shows organ parenchyma to consist of lymphoid tissue that forms lymph
nodules; the nodules are located diffusely and have a central artery. What anatomical structure has such
morphological characteristics?
A Spleen
B Tonsil
C Lymph node
D Thymus
E Red bone marrow
Histological specimen shows organ parenchyma to consist of lymphoid tissue that forms lymph
nodules; the nodules are located diffusely and have a central artery. What anatomical structure has such
morphological characteristics?
A Spleen
B Tonsil
C Lymph node
D Thymus
E Red bone marrow
Work in a mine is known to cause inhalation of large amounts of coal dust. Inhaled coal dust can be
detected in the following pulmonary cells:
A Alveolar macrophages
B Respiratory epithelial cells
C Secretory epithelial cells
D Capillary endothelial cells
E Pericapillary cells
Work in a mine is known to cause inhalation of large amounts of coal dust. Inhaled coal dust can be
detected in the following pulmonary cells:
A Alveolar macrophages
B Respiratory epithelial cells
C Secretory epithelial cells
D Capillary endothelial cells
E Pericapillary cells
A microslide of the lung tissue sample taken from a patient with pneumonia shows damage to the
cells that carry out respiratory function. What cells of the alveolar wall are damaged?
A Type 2 alveolar cells
B Type 1 alveolar cells
C Macrophages
D Club cells
E Lymphocytes
An electron micrograph of a nephron segment shows cuboidal cells with ciliated lining on their apical
surfaces; their basal surfaces have basal striation with mitochondria located between the cytolemma
invaginations. Name the described nephron segment:
A Proximal tubule
B Collecting ducts
C Distal tubule
D Thin limbs of Henle's loop
E Glomerular capsule
Histologic preparation stained with orcein demonstrates from 40 to 60 fenestrated elastic membranes
within the middle coat of vessel. Name this vessel:
A Elastic artery
B Muscular artery
C Mixed type artery
D Muscular vein
E Nonmuscular vein
Histologic preparation stained with orcein demonstrates from 40 to 60 fenestrated elastic membranes
within the middle coat of the vessel. Name this vessel:
A Elastic artery
B Muscular artery
C Mixed type artery
D Muscular vein
E Nonmuscular vein
A specimen of a 10-day-old human embryo shows two interconnected sacs (amniotic and yolk sacs).
Name the structure located in the place where these two sacs connect:
A Embryonic shield
B Floor of the amniotic sac
C Roof of the amniotic sac
D Amniotic stalk
E Extraembryonic mesoderm
A 22-year-old female student consulted a physician about fever up to 38 oC, weakness, sore throat.
Objectively: there is white coating of the tongue. What histological structures of the tongue are
involved in the formation of this coating?
A Epithelium of the filiform papillae
B Epithelium of the foliate papillae
C Epithelium of the fungiform papillae
D Epithelium of the circumvallate papillae
E Connective-tissue base of all the lingual papillae
A microslide of the skin sample taken from the finger of a child shows that epidermis is insufficiently
developed. What germ layer was damaged in the process of embryo development?
A Ectoderm
B Mesoderm
C Endoderm
D Mesenchyme
E Ectomesenchyme
A specimen shows an organ covered with the connective tissue capsule with radiating trabeculae.
There is also cortex containing lymph nodules, and medullary cords made of lymphoid cells. What
organ is under study?
A Lymph node
B Thymus
C Spleen
D Red bone marrow
E Tonsils
A specimen shows an organ covered with connective tissue capsule with trabeculae radiating inward
the organ. The organ's cortex contains lymph nodules; there are medullary cords made of lymphoid
cells. What organ is under study?
A Lymph node
B Thymus
C Spleen
D Red bone marrow
E Tonsils
Electron micrograph of the kidney shows fenestrated endothelium lying on the basement membrane;
the external surface of the membrane has adjacent dendritic epithelial cells. What do these structures
form in the kidney?
A Filtration barrier
B Juxtaglomerular apparatus
C Distal nephron
D Henle's loop
E Proximal nephron
Histological specimen of a hemopoietic organ shows clusters of node- and band-shaped lymphocytes
that along with stroma elements compose cortical and medullar substances. Name this organ:
A Lymph node
B Spleen
C Red bone marrow
D Thymus
E Palatine tonsil
Alveolar space of acinus was invaded by bacteria that interacted with the surfactant. This led to the
activation of the cells that are localized in the alveolar walls and on the surface. Name these cells:
A Alveolar macrophages
B Alveolocytes type I
C Endothelial cells
D Clara cells
E Alveolocytes type II
A microslide contains the preparation of a gland composed of several secretory saccule-shaped parts
that open in the common excretory duct. What gland is it?
A Simple branched alveolar gland
B Compound branched alveolar gland
C Simple unbranched alveolar gland
D Compound unbranched alveolar gland
E Simple branched tubular gland
A microslide contains the specimen of a gland composed of several secretory saccule-shaped parts
that open in the common excretory duct. What gland is it?
A Simple branched alveolar gland
B Compound branched alveolar gland
C Simple unbranched alveolar gland
D Compound unbranched alveolar gland
E Simple branched tubular gland
Histological specimen of an ovary demonstrates a spherical structure composed of large glandular
cells containing lutein. What hormone is produced by the cells of this structure?
A Progesterone
B Estrogens
C Testosterone
D Corticosterone
E Aldosterone
A patient complaining of heartburn has undergone biopsy of the gastric mucosa. In the sample there
are numerous cells with oxyphilic cytoplasm in the glandular epithelium. Name these cells:
A Exocrine parietal cells
B Exocrine chief cells
C Mucous cells
D Epithelial cells
E Endocrine cells
A specimen of a parenchymal organ shows poorly delineated hexagonal lobules surrounding a central
vein, and the interlobular connective tissue contains embedded triads (an artery, a vein and an
excretory duct). What organ is it?
A Liver
B Pancreas
C Thymus
D Spleen
E Thyroid
A specimen of a parenchymal organ shows poorly delineated hexagonal lobules surrounding a central
vein, and the interlobular connective tissue contains embedded triads (an artery, a vein and an
excretory duct). What organ is it?
A Liver
B Pancreas
C Thymus
D Spleen
E Thyroid
A hospital has received a 24-year-old man, who had received a penetrating wound to the eye, which
has caused the vitreous body to run out. As the result of this, retinal detachment occurred. What retinal
layer was tightly adherent to the vascular tunic of the eye and did not detach?
A Retinal pigment epithelium
B Layer of rods and cones
C Ganglion cell layer
D Outer nuclear layer
E Inner nuclear layer
As a result of an injury, the integrity of the anterior spinal cord root was broken. Specify the neurons
and their processes that had been damaged:
A Axons of motor neurons
B Motor neuron dendrites
C Axons of sensory neurons
D Dendrites of sensory neurons
E Dendrites of association neurons
A person with vitamin A deficiency develops twilight vision disturbance. Name the cells that fulfill
this photoreceptor function:
A Rod cells
B Horizontal cells of retina
C Bipolar neurons
D Cone cells
E Ganglionic nerve cells
An electron micrograph shows a small vessel with endothelial layer but without basement membrane
and pericytes; anchoring fibrils are present. Name this vessel:
A Lymph capillary
B Arteriole
C Venule
D Sinusoid hemocapillary
E Visceral hemocapillary
Presented is the biopsy material of an organ consisting of saccule-shaped rounded structures of
varying size. Inside these structures there is a gel-like non-cellular substance - colloid; structure walls
are composed of one layer of cuboidal cells that lay on the basement membrane. Between the saccules
there is connective tissue with vessels. Name this organ:
A Thyroid gland
B Pancreas
C Parotid gland
D Thymus
E Parathyroid gland
An electron micrograph shows a cell-to-cell adhesion consisting, in each cell, of an attachment
plaque. The intercellular space is filled with electron-dense substance including transmembrane
fibrillar structures. Specify this adhesion:
A Desmosome
B Synapse
C Tight junction
D Nexus
E Adherens junction
During the hystological study of cortical shaft, basophilic cells with developed synthesis organelles
can be seen on the bone surface under the layer of fibers. These cells take part in bone tissue
regeneration. What shaft layer are they located in?
A Periosteum
B Bone
C Osteon layer
D Outer lamellae of compact bone tissue
E Inner lamellae of compact bone tissue
In allergic diseases, a dramaic increase in basophilic leukocyte number in patients' blood is observed.
This phenomenon is due to the following basophil function:
A Participation of heparin and histamine in metabolism
B Phagocytosis of microorganisms and small particles
C Immunoglobulin synthesis
D Phagocytosis of immune complexes
E Participation in blood clotting
As a result of a mechanical injury an over 10 cm long portion of a peripheral nerve was damaged.
This caused an impairment of the upper limb activity. The patient was offered nerve transplantation.
What glial cells will participate in regeneration and provide the trophism of the injured limb?
A Schwann cells
B Fibrous cells
C Protoplasmic cells
D Microglia
E Ependymal cells
Parenchyma of an organ is composed of pseudounipolar neurons localized under the capsule of
connective tissue. Central place belongs to nerve fibers. Name this organ:
A Spinal ganglion
B Sympathetic ganglion
C Intramural ganglion
D Nerve trunk
E Spinal cord
Parenchyma of an organ is composed of pseudounipolar neurons localized under the capsule of
connective tissue. Central place belongs to nerve fibers. Name this organ:
A Spinal ganglion
B Sympathetic ganglion
C Intramural ganglion
D Nerve trunk
E Spinal cord
There are cortical and medullary substances separated by connective tissue layer in the endocrine
gland specimen. Parenchyma cells make up three zones in cortical substance, with rounded masses in
the superficial zone, parallel chords in the middle one, reticular structure of cell chords in the deep one.
What gland is it?
A Adrenal gland
B Thyroid gland
C Pituitary gland
D Epiphysis
E Hypothalamus
Histological specimen of a 10-day human embryo represents 2 contacting sacs (amniotic and yolk
sacs). Specify the structure that separates the amniotic cavity from the yolk sac:
A Embryonic shield
B Amniotic stalk
C Floor of the amniotic sac
D Roof of the yolk sac
E Extraembryonic mesoderm
An electron micrograph shows a cell of neural origin. The terminal portion of the cell dendrite has
cylindrical shape and consists of 1000 closed membrane disks. What cell is represented by the
A Rod receptor cell
B Cone receptor cell
C Spinal node neuron
D Neuron of the cerebral cortex
E Neuron of the anterior horns of the spinal cord
A histological specimen shows significant amount of mucous connective tissue (Wharton's jelly),
vessels, as well as residual yolk and allantois. Name this organ:
A Umbilical cord
B Esophagus
C Ureter
D Urethra
E Vermiform appendix
A histologic specimen represents an organ with walls comprised of mucous, submucous, fibrous-
cartilaginous and adventitial membranes. Epithelium is multirowed and ciliated, muscular layer of
mucous membrane is absent, submucous membrane contains serous-mucous glands, hyaline cartilage
forms open circles. What organ has the described morphological features?
A Trachea
B Tertiary bronchi (segmental bronchi)
C Secondary bronchi (lobar bronchi)
D Terminal bronchiole
E Larynx
A microslide presents a tissue with spherical cells, each of them containing a large fat drop covered
with thin cytoplasm layer in its center. Nucleus is compressed and situated at the cell periphery. What
tissue is it?
A White adipose tissue
B Brown adipose tissue
C Mucous tissue
D Pigmented tissue
E Reticular tissue
A microslide demonstrates an organ with its wall consisting of three membranes. The inner membrane
has tubular glands and undergoes cyclic changes. Name this organ:
A Uterus
B Esophagus
C Vagina
D Ureter
E Urinary bladder