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the rookies



Selected based on student performance



Guide to
a Visual Effects
(VFX) Artist
Editor: Andrew McDonald
Contributor: Sabrina Scalfari
from the Editor...
This guide is for aspiring artists who are looking
for a career that compliments their passion for
film, technology, design, coding and digital art.
You are the type of person who knows that
finance and medicine really isn't your thing.
You also know you never want to wear a suit <<
Example of
to work either. However, you need some help concept art by student
Ng Jian Zhi

getting started. It's also a great guide to share

with your parents and guardians who are trying
to understand what the hell you are rambling
on about, and why you are so excited. >>

magazine CONTENTS...
3 What is VFX 22 Recommended Online
Schools (left) Shows a wireframe representation of a 3D model. (right) Shows a rendering of the model with shaders, lighting and compositing effects applied.
5 Why work in VFX
23 Free Education

What is
6 Key job titles explained Assessment At its core, Visual Effects (abbreviated
VFX) is the process by which digital
14 Important skills needed Essential Blogs & imagery is created to manipulate or
24 Communities

Visual Effects?
enhance real world footage that has
15 Salary Guide been filmed with a video camera.
25 Free Software
16 How do I start learning? Visual effects involve the integration
26 Professional Software of video camera footage and
17 Is going to school the generated imagery to create
best approach 28 Top companies where environments which look realistic,
you can work but would be dangerous, expensive,
18 Important questions to impractical, time consuming or
ask vfx schools 30 Essential Reading impossible to capture on film.

20 Top 10 Visual Effects 32 For Parents and

Schools 2019 Guardians + Next Steps VISUAL EFFECTS ARE NOT

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Maybe because it's a career that involves the perfect

mix of story telling, cutting-edge technology and
creativity. It could also be because you love films and
want to hang out on set surrounded by movie stars.
Maybe you want a career that allows you to travel the
world or even work remotely from home. Or maybe it's
because you love drawing and building things with your
hands and on the computer. There are so many reasons
why you would want to work in Visual Effects and
there are dozen of possible career paths open to you
across multiple industries.

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>> FEATURE Artwork by Ranganath


We cut through the confusion and jargon to explain the visual
effects landscape in language you can understand. >>
Fast forward twenty years, and things
Many (many) have changed as the industry has
required artists specialise and become
moons ago, as a experts in a specific component of
the 2D and 3D elements of the final
recent graduate, product.

looking to get into In many cases, especially in bigger

studios, the roles required are quite
VFX and Animation, specific, and as a new recruit in the
industry, your reel needs to showcase
applying for a job the particular skills required, or you
might not even get a look in.
was fairly easy - a
If you're not sure what role to pitch
3D generalist could for, below you will find a list of job
titles and nuances explained. The list
get the job done, isn't exhaustive, but it's a pretty good
place to start!
and then some.
Every production needs, well,
Producers! So, let's start there.

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Artist Roles -
Asset Based
A Modeller is someone who is
proficient in modelling software
like Maya, ZBrush, Mudbox and in
some cases, Substance (3D Artists You may also hear someone who Texturing Artist
in Games, for example). A modeller specialises in hard surface modelling,
creates 3D 'assets': characters, called an Environment Artist or A texture artist brings flat colour
props or environments. A Modeller Environment TD. The Environment and texture to a prop, character or
can be a generalist, however he or Artist is found primarily in the environment. Some artists may
she can also specialise in "organic" games industry, and he or she is specialise in character work, and others
or "character" modelling, whilst responsible for the layout of props in texturing the hard surface models.
others focus more on "hard surface and background elements and A Texture artist needs to understand
modelling" - the modelling of objects optimisation of those assets within a how a model has been made and UV'd
and environments. scene. in order to plan for how best to achieve
the look they are after. A Texture
Artist can diversify by learning about
lighting fundamentals and how shaders
work, to also take on "Look-dev" and
"Shading" tasks, depending on how a
Artwork by Pierre Lazarevic given department is setup. Software like
Substance, Mari and Adobe Photoshop
are most commonly used.

Artist Roles - Story Based Cloth TD

On bigger productions a dedicated
Concept Artist Storyboard Artist Cloth TD works closely with the
Modeller to create the cloth
The Concept Artist in an Animation Storyboards are more traditionally simulations on characters as well any
studio, is assigned at the very start used for Feature Animation projects. prop that needs a similar dynamic. FX
of a project, working closely with a A Storyboard artists will create TDs (see more below) will also be able
Director, to dream up the intended key frame sketches which convey to execute the sims needed, and in
look and feel of the characters and the camera angles, environments some cases a Rigging TD or Technical
environments in a film, in 2D form. On and rough animation that should Animator will also get the job done.
VFX projects, the Concept Artist, may be referenced by the relevant Artwork by Jordon Gonzales
also do some of the matte-painting departments in a given pipeline.
of final shots too. When the concept Rigging TD RnD / Pipeline TD ...THINGS HAVE
artwork is approved, modelling can
begin - concept artwork is what Previs Artist A rigging TD has the responsibility I've added the RnD / Pipeline TD here, CHANGED AS
Modellers work from to start bringing (Previsualisation) of creating, the backbone of a but to be honest, they are everywhere! THE INDUSTRY
the characters and environments
into 3D. Someone taking on this Storyboards may not be done for
character, literally. The role requires
someone to have an understanding of
They are essentially the problem
solvers on the project. The Pipeline
role, would need to be an excellent VFX projects, however you may come performance, human anatomy as well TD is tasked with creating new tools ARTISTS
illustrator, as well as being proficient across "Previs". Previs Artists create as a firm grasp of coding languages. and processes for the rest of the SPECIALISE AND
in software like Zbrush and possibly rough, most times greyscale 3D The Rigger is one of the more departments within the pipeline, in
Artwork by Pierre Lazarevic even Maya too. models and environments, to place technical players in the pipeline, and order to execute the artistic vision BECOME EXPERTS
in a scene in order to map out the is essentially tasked with ensuring and brief for the CG, in a cost effective IN A SPECIFIC
general camera angles, layout and the 3D models are (warning: made up and time saving way. A Pipeline TD
animation for a scene. On bigger more word ahead!) "animateable" and then needs to be proficient in most, if not
complex productions, Previs is a key ready for Animators to work with. TD all, relevant coding languages and and THE 2D AND 3D
step in order to get a proof of concept
of the planned CG, approved by the
is an acronym for "Technical Director",
and is a title you will find used for
have a good understanding of most of
the software used by all the disciplines
Director/Vendor. more technical, and less artistic roles. on a project. FINAL PRODUCT.

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Matte Painter
A Matte Painter creates 2.5D
elements for shots. He or she might
create an asset like a sky, which is
added to a sequence of shots and
then potentially tweaked or painted
on, at the shot level, to break up any
repetition. The Matte Painter will also
draw all landscapes and background
elements to be placed in a shot. A
good Matte Painter has strengths in <<
traditional art techniques, as well as a Artwork by
grasp of 3D texturing. Timothee Maron

Lighting TD Rotoscope Artist FX TD

Artwork by Timothee Maron
Traditionally considered a very The Rotoscope artist is part of the Need to blow something up?? Call and
technical role, the Lighting TD or Compositing team in a VFX Studio. FX TD/Artist! They are usually involved

Artist Roles - Shot Based

Lighter, also needs to have an eye This entry level job is a pathway into in the pre-production planning of a
for colour, tone, atmosphere and a Compositing role. The Rotoscope project as they will require a lot of
composition -understanding how Artist creates mattes to isolate research and development time if the
light reflecting on objects in nature objects, to either warp the object or special effects are complex. An FX TD
and the real, world determines to create elements to place around it. will create simulations of elements
how we perceive them. A Lighting Software to know: Nuke, After Effects. like water, fire explosions, smoke,
Matchmover/ Animator TD on a VFX project will use on set dust particles (although, those can
Camera Tracker reference to replicate the lighting be done in Compositing too), which
Animators are story driven. An on set so that the CGI integrates Prep Artist are added in shot and handed over to
Matchmoving or camera tracking Animator breathes life into a seamlessly. On an animated Compositing. FX TDs also work at an
is traditionally an entry level job, modelled character by making it feature, a Lighting TD is setting A Prep Artist or a Junior Compositor is asset level, creating hair grooms and
however it is one of the more crucial move, talk, and express emotions. the lighting and atmosphere for an tasked with clean up of primarily 2D cloth too. Software to know: Houdini,
roles in the pipeline. The Matchmover The animation team will usually entire sequence - usually starting shots, cleaning up unwanted objects Real Flow, Nuke, Fusion, to name a
has the important job of converting have reviews with the studio's with a 'key' shot, and replicating from a shot. So, for example, if a stunt few.
2D raw footage into 3D so that Animation Director and the Director to similar shots. The lighting TD person's wires are visible in shot, a
the CGI can be integrated. It is in of the film: both ensuring the replaces compositing in VFX studios, Prep Artist would be tasked with the
Matchmove that shots and cameras performance and narrative, are and is the person building the final removal of the wires. A Prep Artist Compositor
are created. true to script. The most common shot and delivering to the editing should be proficient in software like
software used to animate is Maya, department. Photoshop, Nuke or After Effects. The Compositor could also be called,
but others like Blender, 3Ds Max, "The Finisher". The buck stops at
Camera/Layout Artist and Cinema 4D are widely used too. Compositing - a film's Director
will approve shots coming out of
On an animated feature project, the this department, that will make
Layout department is equivalent to Crowd TD up the final edit. A Compositor are
Matchmove in VFX. The Layout Artist responsible for assembling the final
will use storyboards as reference to A Crowd TD is specialised in an area shot by combining final layers/renders
create camera angles for a scene, of FX - A mass of digi doubles is from other departments. Although it
as well as placing or 'laying out' the essentially, a simulation. Digi doubles is primarily a 2D role, compositing is
props and environments made by or crowds are populated in a scene interesting in that it requires someone
the Modelling department. With the and by shot. The animation is usually to have an artistic eye, as well as a
help of editing, that scene will then be done first by an Animator and then good knowledge of the CG process,
broken down into shots. Animators, randomised by a Crowd TD. cinematography and storytelling.
Lighters and Compositors will work on The most common software used in
those shots through the cameras set Compositing is Nuke.
by the Layout Artist. Artwork by Jose Luis Castro Artwork by David Bocquillon

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Supervisory VFX supervisor
This role, along with that of the Producer,
On most projects, a lead from all

is held by the more experienced players departments will be nominated to
at a studio - they have been around the communicate the brief to the rest of the
block and back again. In the film industry, team, as well as being responsible for the
the VFX Supervisor of the post-production quality of work produced by the team. The
studio, is quite experienced with on-set Lead will liaise directly with other leads, the
Coordinators filming, and will work closely with the CG and VFX Supervisors and Production. A
vendor's Director and VFX Supervisor (if Lead should have enough experience to be
Coordinators will assist Production they employ their own) to ensure the CG technically and artistically confident, as well
Managers and Supervisors, whether in a compliments the on-set footage. The VFX as being production savvy - many leads will
department or on a project. A coordinator Supervisor is responsible for breaking out help set the discipline schedules with their
is usually responsible for some of the the project's technical requirements and production team.
scheduling - ensuring artists are on track, will direct the visual effects and internally
having the deliverables they need from other approve EVERYTHING before presented
departments, and are delivering to other to a Director or client. The VFX Supervisor
departments on time and problem solving traditionally spends most of his or her time
with other members of the global team, to in Compositing, especially as the project
get the best result for the project overall. comes to that end of the pipeline.

The Coordinator is the right hand of the

Production Supervisor, having a firm CG supervisor
understanding of the status of any given ...AS A NEW RECRUIT


asset or shot when asked to give a report, The CG Supervisor works alongside the VFX
as this person is usually representing for Supervisor, and can stand in place of the
their team in all department, supervisory and VFX Supe if need be; the two need to be YOUR PORTFOLIO
client reviews. This person is in the trenches very much in sync. The CG Supervisor will NEEDS TO SHOWCASE

- you will find them "on the floor" working contribute primarily to the planning for, and
very closely with the crew. ensuring that, the technical aspects of the THE PARTICULAR
visual effects are executed properly; working SKILLS REQUIRED, OR
Production Assistants
closely with the R&D, FX, Lighting/Shading
teams. On an animated feature, you may find
The production team can either be project Line Producers a CG Supervisor in place of a VFX Supervisor. GET A LOOK IN.
based, or department based. However the This role is crucial to either a department
Artwork by Parth Shah
teams are structured, every project will On some projects, you may hear this title. or project. The Production Assistant
have a Producer. The Producer is essentially The Line Producer is key to the daily goings supports the Production Managers as well
responsible for the budget; the bottom line. on of the production and acts as a Producers as Producers. Production Assistant may
A project that is on budget (pipe dreams!) or right hand person and in many cases has be responsible for digital delivery of assets
close to it, is one that is run efficiently. direct communication with a films Director. and shots to a Studio's story and editing
The Line Producer may be responsible for team. The Production Assistant is also
That means, that the crew scheduled to portions of the projects budget. someone who is responsible for data entry
work on it, have what they need to get their (those bidding documents don't populate
jobs done. The Producer has the huge task themselves!), organising travel, events, etc.
of ensuring the right crew, is doing the right Production Managers/
thing, for the right amount of time, at the Supervisors
right time. They won't be able to ascertain Runners
this on their own, and that's where the Production Managers and Supervisors
supervisory team comes in (see below). are usually responsible for a department I class this title under production, as the
or discipline on a project; the titles used runner is an integral support system to the
In smaller studios a Producer can potentially interchangeably. You will also find this title production team, and the studio at large.
manage the clients, the budget, and the used for the people responsible for more A runner is found at bigger studios - 200+
resources, however on bigger productions, than just a department. You might find people and usually in more client facing
a Producer would need more production a Production Manager who looks after studios like those working primarily in
support. either the front or back end departments marketing and advertising. This is an entry
- story, layout, assets in the front end, and level position and will require someone to
animation, lighting and compositing in the take on some of the necessary tasks that
back end. could include "running" for lunches, making
purchases for supplies or other reference,
They are responsible for the schedule and organising accomodation or travel, for clients
budget, as well as understanding global or people of interest. A runner will also get
project needs in order to disseminate the opportunity to practice their craft in
priorities and tasks to the rest of the team. down times, as most runners will eventually
Production Supervisors will take their be promoted to an artist position (if qualified)
directives from the Production Managers in within their first or second year at the
the case above and, are in A LOT of meetings! company.

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Skills needed
to become a
VFX artist
Artwork by Ng Jian Zhi

There are plenty of jobs available to

people in the visual effects industry.
For those of you interested in the
Salary Guide
for VFX Artists
more creative and technical roles
there are definitely some important
skills you should focus on early in your

The skills I'm referring to are not

related to software and technology.
Those will come later when you As in any industry there are exceptions to Entry Level Artist
really start digging into your training. US: $22,000 - $52,000
However, a solid foundation in the the rule, however the following should give GBP: £17,000 - £40,000
following skills will help you for years AUD $31,000 - $74,000
to come: you a good idea of the average salaries
Senior Artist
• Composition and light involved with different stages of your US: $67,000 - $100,000
• Visual Aesthetics GBP: £52,000 - £78,000
• Drawing career. This information has been sourced AUD $95,000 - $143,000
• Sculpture & Anatomy
• Mechanics and Movement from multiple government databases and Supervisors & Management
• Passion for Film US: $100,000 - $136,000
• Real world observation various industry surveys. GBP: £78,000 - £104,000
• Communication skills AUD $143,000 - $190,000
• Photography * Exchange rate April 2019.

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Is going
to school
the best
As mentioned, there are very strong
debates for both sides of the learning
process. Provided below is an overview of
the most common advantages for both
methods of learning.

Self taught Advantages: Artwork by Alec Hunstad

• ability to set your own pace
• often a cheaper option
• no time wasted learning unnecessary
Artwork by Siddharth Valluri skills

How Do I Start
University Advantages:
• accreditation will help with overseas
Visa applications
• access to cutting edge facilities and

Learning Visual APPROACH TO LEARNING VFX • direct access to industry experts

• increased networking opportunities
YOU TAKE, THE MOST IMPORTANT • increased motivation being
THING TO DO IS START. surrounded by peers and lecturers

• access to educational software

Artwork by David Bocquillon Artwork by Daiki Miyama

Traditionally speaking, there are two main Regardless of which approach to learning
ways to start learning Visual Effects. Go to you take, the most important thing to do is
a school, or teach yourself at home. It's very start. It's that simple. Pick up a book, start
easy to find persuasive case studies for both sketching, watch and analyse a movie,
learning paths so which should you choose? watch documentaries about visual effects,
attend local events. Just get started. If you
In my opinion this depends entirely on you. don't have the passion and motivation for
Some people are great at learning skills this, then it doesn't matter how good your
themselves and don't need help for the education - you will never make it.
heavy lifting part. On the other hand, there
are people who need to be surrounded by
others and need strict schedules and tasks. It >>
really is up to you, and how you like to work. Artwork by
David Bocquillon

16 | www.therookies.co www.therookies.co | 17

What visual effects software will you teach me?

When you get this information, cross-check it against the list of
recommended software here. Often schools will have contracts
with certain companies which limits their access to industry
Artwork by Davide Sasselli
approved software. Also make sure to ask if all their software
is up-to-date. Artwork by Davide Sasselli

Important Questions to
What are the most common jobs people get after your
Make sure they are super specific with this one. Are graduates
all working as Compositing Artists? Are graduates actually

Ask VFX Schools

doing jobs that you want to do? Are graduates just working as
Runners. This is a sure fire way to truly figure out what your
employment chances are like after graduation.

When looking for a school it's easy to get distracted by

flashy advertising campaigns and glowing references ALL THE FILMS THAT THEIR
from alumni. It's also a time when you could easily make ALUMNI HAVE WORKED ON.
a decision that you will regret because you didn't do your
Artwork by Davide Sasselli
research. There truly are incredible schools out there, but
there are also some that should not be allowed to teach THIS ONE. OFTEN THEY WILL USE
at all.
Once you have narrowed down your list and you start FROM ALUMNI THAT ATTENDED
talking with schools directly, here are a few questions to
help you better understand which school is best for you.
What percentage of your teaching staff are working in Artwork by Davide Sasselli SUCCESS.
the industry right now?
Be careful of schools that don't have any current or recent
industry professionals. Many schools employ recent graduates
that have little to no experience and just set you tasks, but are Which studios do you have strong relationships?
not able to help or relevant advice. Good schools will always work closely with leading studios.
This means they will often have guest speakers, events and
Who wrote your curriculum and what makes it better recruiters helping out to make sure the school is staying
than other schools? relevant and on track. Get the names of studios and do your
This will show you if they have strong internal educators or own research, it will be pretty obvious.
rely completely on external vendors to provide their training
material. What computer equipment and facilities do you get
access to?
How many of your students from last year have jobs? It's amazing how many schools don't even provide computers
This will help you understand how soon it takes for alumni to or even a working environment you'd want to spend time in.
get a job and what percentage actually were employed. When studying visual effects, you are going to spend a lot of
Artwork by Davide Sasselli Artwork by Davide Sasselli time at school, so make sure it's somewhere descent.

18 | www.therookies.co www.therookies.co | 19
1 6

Toulouse, Nante, Lyon and Montreal,

with more than 25 years of
experience. Recognised for the quality
and richness of its artistic teachings,
the school offers two courses related
to CG Animation and FX: a Prépa 2 7
Entertainment and a Professional
Cycle CG Animation & FX.

6 // ArtFX
ArtFX is a private digital arts college,
training its students in CGI, VFX, 3D
Animation and Video Games. Located
in Montpellier (France), the school
was created by professionals of the
film, video games and visual effects

Top 10 Visual Effects

7 // University of Hertfordshire
The University of Hertfordshire 3 8
is an innovative and enterprising
university, challenging individuals and

Schools in the World 2019 >>

organisations to excel.We are the UK’s
leading business-facing university.

8 // New3dge
New3dge, located in Paris, is a
private school of higher education
specialised in the fields of Game Art,
3D Animation &VFX and Concept Art.
We have tailored our student program
Wouldn't it be great if schools actually competed against 1 // Gnomon 3 // Think Tank Training Center and our teaching methods alongside
each other to see who was the best school? This is exactly Since 1997, Gnomon has been Founded in 2005, Think Tank some of the major players in these 4 9
why the Rookie Awards was started back in 2010 and why educating many of the world’s Training Centre specializes in the fields.
their annual School of the Year rankings are so important best digital artists. The school in latest software, techniques and
to everyone. Hollywood, California, offers a technologies that cater to the needs 9 // The Netherlands Film Academy
variety of educational options to of the film, television and video game The Netherlands Film Academy (NFA)
The School of the Year rankings are based on the quality help students reach their goals in industries. Think Tank boasts 92% job was founded in 1958. The academy
and performance of student work that is submitted to the entertainment industry, with a placement in the CG Industry. is the only recognised institute in the
our judging panel each year for the Rookie Awards. BFA degree in Digital Production, Netherlands that offers training to
full-time vocational programs, 4 // Lost Boys | School of Visual prepare for the work in the various
Most people feel that traditional school rankings that specialised courses for high school Effects crew disciplines.
include peer and employer reviews, faculty to student students, and over 100 individual 20+ years of excellence, Canada's
ratio, citations and other data are not adequate when courses for professional enrichment. School of Visual Effects (VFX). 10 // PIXL VISN | Media Arts
ranking the best creative schools. This might work for Complete your training in Effects, Academy
more traditional career paths, however when it comes to Lighting, or Compositing. 99% PIXL VISN |media arts academy
technical and creative such as Visual Effects which don't 2 // 3dsense Media School placement rate. The studio that was founded in 2010 by industry 5 10
have standardised testing. 3dsense Media School is a pioneering teaches. The award-winning professionals who are driven by a
digital arts school in Asia, preparing Lost Boys Studios operates this passion for training animators and
For a full breakdown on how the results are calculated students for careers in the media extraordinary school of visual effects. visual effects artists. We offer 3D
make sure to visit the official public announcement. and entertainment industry for over With its roots as an internationally Animation and Visual Effects training
13 years. Dedicated to providing a renowned VFX boutique with 20+ in a modern facility equipped with
Please find below the official Top 10 Visual Effects Schools real-world education, 3dsense aims years of excellence. state-of-the-art equipment.
in the World as awarded for 2018. to mold the next generation of elite 3D - VFX & Animation, Web
digital artists and designers for the 5 // ESMA Development, Graphic Design, Video
global industry. ESMA CG School is a higher education Games.
institution located in Montpellier,

20 | www.therookies.co www.therookies.co | 21
Recommended schools to Need some help selecting
learn VFX online the perfect school?
For those of you wanting to get started in visual effects without leaving your home,
there are a bunch of great place to start learning online right now. Here are a few very Get a free education assessment in person or online, where
reputable art schools to get you started on the right path.
our team is capable of helping you with the following:

1-on-1 Meetings
CG Spectrum Online College of Digital With 15 x offices located in Australia, France, Italy, India, Chile and
01 02 Arts and Animation Colombia you can come and visit us in person. There is simply no
They offer online courses taught by top film better way to get advice and start your journey that to meet our
and game artists.What better way to break team in person.
into the film and games industry than to
be personally trained by those who have Matching & Selection
worked on your favourite movies or video We understand that many factors influence your course selection:
games? school reputation, fees, graduate outcomes, etc. Our team can
assist you with this selection-the aim at this stage is to develop a
Pluralsight personalized study plan.
At Pluralsight, we believe everyone should
have the opportunity to create progress
through technology and develop the skills of Academic Applications
tomorrow. Applying to a school requires attention to detail. We help with
compiling and submiting all relevant documentation required also have partnered with Migration Agencies for those seeking to
Gnomon by each school(these may vary between schools). If English is explore post study migration options.
Since 1997, Gnomon has been educating not your first language then we will “package” an English course
03 04 many of the world’s best digital artists. with your main course so that you meet the language entry
Travel & Accomodation
The school in Hollywood, California, requirements. You can then apply for a visa that covers the full
length of yout study period. Do you require flight or any other travel arrangements? No
offers a variety of educational options problem, through our network of partnerships we can offer the
to help students reach their goals in the most reliable and cost-effective travel options for you. Would you
entertainment industry Portfolio Preparation like to live on campus, or share a private accommodation with
Imagine if you were able to showcase your creative work on other students? Maybe you prefer homestay where you can live
CG Master Academy self-promo site. We can assist you with setting up this site and/ with a local family for the first few months of your stay.
CGMA was created for everyone: from 2D or prepare a creative portfolio that you can the use as part of your
and 3D artists looking to supplement their application.
college studies to industry professionals Insurance
We have a developed a pre-departure pack that includes important
looking to stay up to date on emerging
trends and techniques in the field.
Visa Admission information and tips on culture and social norms, emergency
Each destination country(where you will study)has a different set contacts, key events, locations of interest, etc. We also arrange to
of visa rules. We provide full Visa documentation support, including have somebody welcome you when you arrive at the airport.
Think Tank Training Centre assisting with any certification, and translations service required.
Founded in 2005, Think Tank Training We also assist with medical insurance application process. We
Centre specializes in the latest software, Support & Job Placement
05 06 techniques and technologies that cater to We will support you the whole way from start to finish. We will
the needs of the film, television and video be there with pre-departure packs, emergency contact details,
Meet the team at our offices in: Sydney, Australia | Milan, Italy |
game industries. T support throughout your study period and even job placement
Toulouse, France | Bogota, Colombia | Medellin, Colombia | Santiago,
Chile | Delhi, India | Chennai, India. support and advice.
Animation Mentor
Today, more than ever, you can count on
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campus that’s always on, thousands of
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Follow this link to get started today:
commitment to providing you with the most
personal and fulfilling learning experience
+ https://discover.therookies.co/free-consultation/
on the planet.

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Essential Communities & Free Software
Blogs for VFX Artists to start learning
For those of you wanting to get started in visual effects without leaving your home, These days there are plenty of free software licenses out there for you to play with.
there are a bunch of great place to start learning online right now. Here are a few very Most software companies offer educational licenses for their professional suite of tools,
reputable art schools to get you started on the right path. but nothing beats free. These are by far the best tools you can start with today without

01 02 1 // The Rookies Blender

The Rookies is a platform to help digital Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline —
artists get discovered without having modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and motion tracking, even video
to compete with professionals for editing and game creation.
attention. The Rookies has been around
for over 10 years and really is the best
place for newbies to start. (We might be
a bit biased with this one!)

Fusion 16
2 // 3D Total
DaVinci Resolve 16 is the world’s only solution that combines professional 8K editing, color
3dtotal.com Ltd was founded by Tom correction, visual effects and audio post production all in one software tool! You can instantly move
Greenway in 1999 as a simple 3D between editing, color, effects, and audio with a single click. DaVinci Resolve Studio is also the only
resource website. The site has evolved solution designed for multi user collaboration so editors, assistants, colorists, VFX artists and sound
into a comprehensive platform. designers can all work live on the same project at the same time!
03 04
3 // Artstation
Houdini Apprentice
ArtStation provides you with a simple,
yet powerful way to show your portfolio Houdini Apprentice is a free version of Houdini FX which can be used by students, artists and
and be seen by the right people in the hobbyists to create personal non-commercial projects. With Houdini Apprentice, you have access
industry. It's super fast and sleek. to virtually all of the features of the award-winning Houdini FX to develop your skills and work on
personal projects. Apprentice lets you save to disk and render out with a word mark.
4 // Animation World Network

The Animation World Network is the

largest animation-related publishing
group on the Internet, providing readers Foundry Nuke (Non Commercial)
from over 151 countries .
With Nuke Non-commercial, you get access to free, non-watermarked versions of Nuke, NukeX and
5 // Reddit (r/vfx) even top-of-the-line Nuke Studio for as long as you like, so you can learn, explore and have fun on
05 06 your own schedule. If you want to learn to composite, edit and finish with industry-leading tools
There are great topics and discussions used on blockbuster movies, Nuke Non-commercial is what you’ve been waiting for. You can work on
about everything to do with the industry personal projects, update your skills, experiment, research or just play around.
and plenty of people willing to help

6 // FX Guide
Fxguide began in 1999 as a website to
expand on tips, tricks and frequently Sculptris provides an excellent gateway into the exciting world of 3D. Its features are easy to learn,
asked questions arising on the email even for someone with no experience in digital art, yet robust enough for creating base models that
newsgroup "flame-news,". can then be refined in other applications, such as ZBrush.

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Professional Software
1 6

Recommended for VFX Artists 6 // 3D Equilizer

3DEqualizer is by no doubt the world's
best 3D tracking solution for merging
live action footage with digital visual
The following software is predominantly used by professional studios doing high profile effects. It represents a cornerstone
work and you will be in a great position if you start with any of these products. One of modern post production business
thing to remember is that the software doesn't make the artist. Regardless of what tool and is used by virtually all of the major
you TOyouLOOK
start with, OUT
just need FORMoving
to start. IN THE fromCOMING MONTHS
one software to another is easy, but players around the globe who are
2 7

starting is the hard part. Sticking with it is even harder. working in this field.

1 // Autodesk Maya 7 // Pixologic Zbrush

Maya 3D animation, modeling, ZBrush sets the industry standard for
simulation, and rendering software digital sculpting. Its features enable
provides an integrated, powerful you to use customizable brushes to
toolset. Use it for animation, shape, texture and paint virtual clay in
environments, motion graphics, a real-time environment. When you
virtual reality, and character creation. use ZBrush, you'll be working with the
same tools used by film studios, game
developers, toy/collectible makers, 3 8
jewelry designers, automotive/
2 // Foundry Modo aviation designers, illustrators and
Modo’s powerful and flexible 3D artists worldwide.
modeling, texturing and rendering
toolset empowers artists to explore and
develop ideas without jumping through
technical hoops. Modo® is your starting 8 // Foundry Mari
point for creative exploration. Mari® is 3D painting without
limits, combining the power and
performance to handle even the most
complex assets with artist-friendly
3 // Substance Designer (by Adobe) 3D paint tools that make the most of
Substance Designer is the Ultimate your creativity. 4 9
3D Material Authoring and Scan
Processing Tool. It has become
the standard in the entertainment
industry for PBR material authoring. 9 // Adobe Photoshop
If you can think it, you can make it
with Photoshop, the world’s best
imaging and graphic design software.
4 // Foundry Nuke Create and enhance photographs,
Nuke®, NukeX® and Nuke Studio® illustrations, and 3D artwork. Design
offer cutting-edge toolkits for node- websites and mobile apps. Edit
based compositing, editorial and videos, simulate real-life paintings,
review. The Nuke family's unparalleled and more. It’s everything you need to
flexibility and collaborative workflows make any idea real.
help you get the highest quality 5 10

10 // Adobe After Effects

Create cinematic movie titles, intros,
5 // Houdini and transitions. Remove an object
Houdini is built from the ground from a clip. Start a fire or make it rain.
up to be a procedural system that Animate a logo or character. With
empowers artists to work freely, After Effects, the industry-standard
create multiple iterations and rapidly motion graphics and visual effects
share workflows with colleagues. software, you can take any idea and
make it move.

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We visit a developer studio and find out all about and skillset are wide-ranging, thanks to a pool of 2400
talented artists and producers in offices across the globe.
their latest game in production >> Framestore has grasped the opportunities afforded by
new technologies and works with brands, studios, artists,
and organizations to bring immersive experiences to both
Industrial Light & Magic characters and worlds of the last new and existing audiences.
twenty years.
Industrial Light & Magic started a Animal Logic
revolution in the world of filmmaking Double Negative
with the release of Star Wars in Founded in 1991 and driven by a simple philosophy – ‘to
1977. Since then, the ILM name One of the world’s leading visual create GREAT WORK with GREAT PEOPLE’, Animal Logic
has become synonymous with effects, animation and stereo is recognized as one of the world’s leading independent
groundbreaking visual effects work conversion companies for feature film creative digital studios, producing award-winning design,
and the company continues to be and television, with studios in London, visual effects, and animation for over 25 years. With teams
a recognized leader in the field. We Vancouver, Mumbai, Los Angeles, in Sydney, Los Angeles, and Vancouver, Animal Logic has
continue to provide filmmakers with Chennai, Montréal, Chandigarh, never wavered from its core mission and to captivate
the ability to tell stories in ways not Hyderabad and Goa. Since the audiences across the globe, producing great screen
previously possible, allowing only opening of our first studio in London content with our incredible creative partners.
their imagination to limit what can be in 1998 we’ve always focused on
achieved. building close working relationships Moving Picture Company
with filmmakers. We thrive on
Weta Digital collaboration and the creative energy We provide a broad range of in house creative and
this provides, and we are dedicated to production solutions including concept design, pre-
Weta Digital is one of the world’s delivering excellence on every project viz, shoot supervision, 2D compositing, 3D/CG effects,
premier visual effects companies. Led we are involved with. Above: This is a caption for the image above. Tem rem animation, motion design, software development, mixed
by Senior Visual Effects Supervisor re lantiae pro explabo reptur acculpa rchillorum. reality and experiential production, live action production
Joe Letteri, Weta Digital is known for Framestore and colour grading.
its culture of creativity and innovation.
From Gollum to Caesar, Middle-earth Framestore is home to a collective
to Pandora, the studio has created of visionaries working across film,
Right: This is a big background image of the protagonist.
some of the most memorable advertising, and content. Our work

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Essential Reading for
The Art and Science of Digital The Digital Matte Painting Handbook
This unique book reveals a variety of
Occasional supervisor in the visual tools and techniques that are both

Visual Effects Artists

effects and animation world. One industry and classroom tested and will
of the founding employees of Sony enhance your existing skill set. Veteran
Pictures Imageworks. Part of the author and instructor David Mattingly
initial design and development team walks you through the process of
that produced the digital compositing creating a matte painting, starting with
application Shake (acquired by rough concept sketches, working out
Apple in 2002). Continued as Shake the perspective drawing, adding light
There are plenty of amazing books out there that will provide Industrial Light & Magic: The Art of Product Designer for a few years, and shadow, and texturing all of the
you with knowledge to help you improve as a visual effects Innovation until development on the product was elements in the painting.
artist. So take a step away from the computer, grab one of ruthlessly terminated.
these books and be inspired. Industrial Light & Magic: The Art of
Innovation is an extensively illustrated
oral history of the multiple-Academy- Anatomy for 3D Artists: The
Award®-winning visual effects The VES Handbook of Visual Effects: Essential Guide for CG Professionals
company founded by George Lucas Industry Standard VFX Practices and
in 1975. Its tale begins with a small Procedures Anatomy for 3D Artists is an essential
team of craftspeople, engineers, and teaching guide for sculpting human
artists who pioneered analog effects The award-winning VES Handbook anatomy. Non-software specific, it is
that had never before been attempted of Visual Effects remains the most packed with everything today's 3D artist
or realized on the screen for Star complete guide to visual effects needs to know to tackle the difficult
Wars. techniques and best practices task of recreating the human form in
available today. This new edition 3D. Starting with 2D references, and
has been updated to include the moving on to practical and advanced
latest, industry-standard techniques, 3D sculpting—including topology and
Acting for Animators: 4th Edition technologies, and workflows that are animation preparation—every stage in
ever-evolving in the fast paced world the creation of an ideal male and female
Ed Hooks' essential acting guidebook of visual effects. figure is covered.
for animators has been fully revised
and updated in this 4th edition. Hooks
uses classical acting theory – from
Aristotle to Stanislavsky and beyond Masters of Fx The Filmmaker's Guide to Visual
– to explain everything from character Effects
analysis and physical movement to Through interviews with 16 of the
facial expression and scene structure. leading FX pioneers from around The Filmmaker’s Guide to Visual
He speaks directly to animators, the world, author Ian Failes explores Effects offers a practical, detailed
instead of stage or screen actors. the making of some of the most guide to visual effects for non-
Acting for Animators is an invaluable memorable film sequences ever VFX specialists working in film
primer for beginner animators and a produced, showcasing the shift and television. In contemporary
useful reference for experienced pros. from practical to digital magic with filmmaking and television production,
original behind-the-scenes imagery, visual effects are used extensively in a
shot breakdowns, and detailed wide variety of genres and formats to
explanations of some of the secrets contribute to visual storytelling, help
Matchmoving: The Invisible Art of behind the making of cinema's most deal with production limitations, and
Camera Tracking extraordinary creations. reduce budget costs.

Matchmoving is a practical skill that

can help digital artists get a foot in
the studio door. Now you can learn
the professional techniques required
with this essential guide. Author
Tim Dobbert, a veteran in the visual
effects industry, has worked on
such movies as Avatar and Harry
Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and he
passes along years of valuable studio
expertise in this fully updated industry
standard. You'll quickly start acquiring
such technical skills as 2D tracking,
3D calibration, object tracking, what
<< to do on a live-action set, and much
Artwork by more.
Nicolo Granese Artwork by David Bocquillon

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Some Words for Parents
Artwork by
David Bocquillon

and Guardians
If you have read this far, then it's clear that you care, but it also means that you
are probably still a bit confused by all this and just want to make sure the right
decisions are made. The Visual Effects industry is relatively new and there are
so many avenues into this industry crossing creative and technical skills, so it's
a lot to take in but here are some key points you should remember:

• the visual effects industry opens a lot of doors to travel around the world.
• there are plenty of opportunities out there, and it's not slowing down.
• skills learned at Visual Effects schools are not just for films. Television,
Advertising, Architecture, Automotive Industry, Medical, Games, use lots of
VFX and these are only set to grow over the years.
• career progression into senior management roles is quite common. There
are studio executives that started as runners and junior artists.
• visual effects artists can win Oscars, help solve medical problems, visualise
cities and even space. Imagination really is the only limit here these days.
• so please make sure to support your children with their own creative
projects whether it's film, drawing, music, writing, technology or gaming. It
all helps. Artwork by David Bocquillon

Checklist for your

next steps
I hope this has given you a good overview of the Visual Effects industry and the
career prospects available to you. It's really up to you now, you need to put in
the hard work. You need to take the next step using the advice provided in this

So do yourself a favour, grab the following list and start working though it. One
step at a time. That's all it takes.

• Register an account at The Rookies and start your journey

• join a discord channel and talk with other aspiring artists
• start observing the world, drawing, building things
• watch movies and show and read about how VFX were created
• download the recommended software and free training resources
• start building your first portfolio and learning the basics
• attend a local meetup and conference
• follow software companies on social media
• follow inspiring vfx artists on social media
• follow big production studios on social media
• keep learning everything you can and don't give up

Thanks for reading this guide. I plan to keep updating this often to make sure it
remains relevant and helpful. Please reach out to me via the comments section
Artwork by Josh Harrison with any suggestions or questions.

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