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Ihrm Notes

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Introduction of Human Resource Management (HRM) and IHRM

IHRM is set of organizational activities aimed at effectively managing and directing human
resources/labour towards achieving organizational goals. Typical functions performed by HRM
staff would be recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal,
dismissal, managing promotions and so on.
Then what is International Human Resource Management (IHRM)?

IHRM can be defined as set of activities aimed managing organizational human resources at
international level to achieve organizational objectives and achieve competitive advantage over
competitors at national and international level. IHRM includes typical HRM functions such as
recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal and dismissal done at
international level and additional activities such as global skills management, expatriate
management and so on.

In simple terms, IHRM is concerned about managing human resources at Multinational

Companies (MNC) and it involves managing 03 types of employees namely,
1. Home country employees- Employees belonging to home country of the firm where the
corporate head quarter is situated.
2. Host country employees- Employees belonging to the nation in which the subsidiary is
3. Third country employees- These are the employees who are not from home country/host
country but are employed at subsidiary or corporate head quarters. As an example a
American MNC which has a subsidiary at India may employ a French person as the CEO to
the subsidiary. The Frenchman employed is a third country employee.

Basics of International Human resource management

International Human resource management is the process of procuring allocating and effectively
utilizing the human resources in a multinational corporation. While HR Managers in these
organization have to integrate HR policies and practices across a number of subsidiaries spread
in several countries so that the organization goals can be achieve at the same time they have to
make these policies and practices sufficiently flexible to allow significant differences in these
policies in different countries.

International HRM is concerned with identifying and understanding how the MNC‘s manage
their geographically dispersed worked force in order to leverage their HR resources for obtaining
local as well as global competitive advantage.
Definition of IHRM

Boxall, P. (1992) defined International Human Resource Management (IHRM) as 'concerned

with the human resource problems of multinational firms in foreign subsidiaries (such as
expatriate management) or more broadly, with the unfolding HRM issues that are associated with
the various stages of the internationalisation process. (Boxhall, P. 1992).
Mark Mendenhall (2000) sought to be more specific by outlining a number of criteria relevant to
a definition of IHRM.
IHRM is concerned with HRM issues that cross national boundaries or are conducted in
locations other than the home country headquarters.
IHRM is concerned with the relationships between the HRM activities of organisations and the
foreign environments in which the organisations operate.
IHRM includes comparative HRM studies; e.g. differences in how companies in Japan, Thailand,
Austria and Switzerland plan for upgrading of employee skills and so on.

Importance of IHRM

The importance of international human resource management is getting increase everyday as we

have globalisation and internationalisation over the world. As a result, numbers of the
multinational companies are getting increase. According to Brewster et al. (2007), the
multinational companies are increasing and there is economic dominance as 80% of the
industrial output for the world is produce by the world's 1,000 largest companies. Brewster et al.
(2007) also mentioned that as the number of multinational company increases, global
transferring is increasing such as sending works between team members of the company based
everywhere over the world. In addition, through this trend, diversity is increasing within the
organisation and the multiculturalism must be carefully considered by the organisation to utilise
its human resources effectively in their organisation.
The one of crucial role of human resource manager is developing effective human resource
management policies and practices for organisation such as recruitment, reward, training,
development, flexibility, work-life balance, employee relations and communications (Brewster et
al, 2007). However, these policies and practices can be varied between national cultures.
Rosenzweig and Nohria (1994) argued 'that HR is the area of management most likely to be
subject to national differences' (Cited in Brewster et al, 2007).
In these days, many large companies are trying to expand the company from their own country
of origin to all over the world. These multinational companies are all facing same issues, which
are developing policies and practices for the human resource management in their subsidiary
overseas operations. In this paper, as a senior human resource manager of a multinational
company in the Great Britain, will be discussed the main factors which will be considered while
developing policies and practices for subsidiary in Latin America and also differences of policies
and practices between the UK and the Latin America subsidiary operations.

Human Resource Management Features

Human ResourceManagement is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that
the goals of each are met. The various features of HRM include:
 It is pervasive in nature as it is present in all enterprises.

 Its focus is on results rather than on rules.

 It tries to help employees develop their potential fully.

 It encourages employees to give their best to the organization.

 It is all about people at work, both as individuals and groups.

 It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce good results.

 It helps an organization meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and well-
motivated employees.

 It tries to build and maintain cordial relations between people working at various levels in the

 It is a multi-disciplinary activity, utilizing knowledge and inputs drawn from psychology,

economics, etc.

International Human Resource Management: Nature and Scope

Human ResourceManagement is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that

the goals of each are met. The various features of HRM include:
 It is pervasive in nature as it is present in all enterprises.

 Its focus is on results rather than on rules.

 It tries to help employees develop their potential fully.

 It encourages employees to give their best to the organization.

 It is all about people at work, both as individuals and groups.

 It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce good results.

 It helps an organization meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and well-
motivated employees.

 It tries to build and maintain cordial relations between people working at various levels in the

 It is a multi-disciplinary activity, utilizing knowledge and inputs drawn from psychology,

economics, etc.

The scope of HRM

1. Personnel aspect-This is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection,
placement, transfer, promotion, training and development, layoff and retrenchment,
remuneration, incentives, productivity etc.

2. Welfare aspect-It deals with working conditions and amenities such as canteens, cr?ches, rest
and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety,
recreation facilities, etc.

3. Industrial relations aspect-This covers union-management relations, joint consultation,

collective bargaining, grievance and disciplinary procedures, settlement of disputes, etc.

Functins of IHRM
Globalization, the process of integrating a business's operations and strategies across a wide
array of cultures, products and ideas, is having an impact on the role of human resource
managers. Once concerned with the impact of local issues on employees, human resources must
now consider the effects of workforce diversity, legal restrictions and the interdependence
between training and professional development on the organization. As such, the five main
functions of global human resource management are vital concepts to the strategic operation of a

Attracting, hiring and retaining a skilled workforce is perhaps the most basic of the human
resources functions. There are several elements to this task including developing a job
description, interviewing candidates, making offers and negotiating salaries and benefits.
Companies that recognize the value of their people place a significant amount of stock in the
recruitment function of HR. There is good reason for this -- having a solid team of employees
can raise the company's profile, help it to achieve profitability and keep it running effectively and

Even when an organization hires skilled employees, there is normally some level of on-the-job
training that the human resources department is responsible for providing. This is because every
organization performs tasks in a slightly different way. One company might use computer
software differently from another, or it may have a different timekeeping method. Whatever the
specific processes of the organization, human resources has a main function in providing this
training to the staff. The training function is amplified when the organization is running global
operations in a number of different locations. Having streamlined processes across those
locations makes communication and the sharing of resources a much more manageable task.
Professional Development
Closely related to training is HR's function in professional development. But whereas training
needs are centered around the organization's processes and procedures, professional development
is about providing employees with opportunities for growth and education on an individual basis.
Many human resource departments offer professional development opportunities to their
employees by sponsoring them to visit conferences, external skills training days or trade shows.
The result is a win-win: it helps the employee feel like she is a vital and cared-for part of the
team and the organization benefits from the employee's added skill set and motivation.
Benefits and Compensation
While the management of benefits and compensation is a given for human resources, the
globalization of companies in the twenty-first century has meant that HR must now adapt to new
ways of providing benefits to an organization's employees. Non-traditional benefits such as
flexible working hours, paternity leave, extended vacation time and telecommuting are ways to
motivate existing employees and to attract and retain new skilled employees. Balancing
compensation and benefits for the organization's workforce is an important HR function because
it requires a sensitivity to the wants and needs of a diverse group of people.

Ensuring Legal Compliance

The final function of human resource management is perhaps the least glamorous but arguably of
utmost importance. Ensuring legal compliance with labor and tax law is a vital part of ensuring
the organization's continued existence. The federal government as well as the state and local
government where the business operates impose mandates on companies regarding the working
hours of employees, tax allowances, required break times and working hours, minimum wage
amounts and policies on discrimination. Being aware of these laws and policies and working to
keep the organization completely legal at all times is an essential role of human resources.

Differences between domestic HRM and International HRM (IHRM)

are summarized below:

 Domestic HRM is done at national level and IHRM is done at international level.
 Domestic HRM is concerned with managing employees belonging to one nation and IHRM
is concerned with managing employees belonging to many nations (Home country, host
country and third country employees)
 Domestic HRM is concerned with managing limited number of HRM activities at national
level and IHRM has concerned with managing additional activities such as
expatriate management.
 Domestic HRM is less complicated due to less influence from the external environment.
IHRM is very complicated as it is affected heavily by external factors such as cultural
distance and institutional factors.

IHRM and training and development

Training and development increases in complexity as MNEs move abroad.
Types of training and development depend on a number of factors:
The degree to which management is centralized.
The types of workers employed in subsidiaries or joint ventures.
The importance of branding, and the extent to which employees are expected to reflect the brand.
The cultural expectations of training.
In a global company, the training may well be centralised so that suppliers, employees and
distributors are aware of the brand image that needs to be communicated.
E.g. in Ford training programmes are set up centrally, and then translated and delivered to all
main suppliers, subsidiaries and distributors.
If, however, a more polycentric approach is taken, then the training may well be far more local,
and more in line with the local culture

International Human resource management Performance management

Performance management (PM) is a very important process of human resource management

(HRM), in general. It implies an assessment of current or previous results or performance of the

employee, team or the whole organization. It is a base for many business practices related to

the need for staff training, new recruitment, career development, rewarding, etc. A wide

sources emphasized that PM is a complex process, especially when the global market is in the

of the research

International Human resource management compensation

Let's start our discussion of Compensation Management with a simple question: "What is
compensation?" In very simple terms, compensation is the results or rewards that the employees
receive in return for their work.

Compensation includes payments like bonuses, profit sharing, overtime pay, recognition
rewards and sales commission, etc.

Compensation can also include non-monetary perks like a company-paid car, company-paid
housing and stock opportunities. Compensation is a vital part of human resource management,
which helps in encouraging the employees and improving organizational effectiveness.

From a manager's point of view, the compensation package offered to a company's employees is
essential not only because it costs money, but because it is likely to be the primary reason the
employees work for the firm.

Compensation packages with good pay and advantages can help attract and retain the best
employees. A quick survey of employees about compensation is likely to expose an expectation
that wages are fair and cover basic living expenses, keep up with inflation, leave some money
for savings (perhaps for retirement) and leisure, increment over time.

A company's compensation scheme also informs a great deal about the firm's values and
cultures. Employees often look at what a company pays rather than what it says. In many
aspects, people behave as they are rewarded.

A compensation scheme projects what the company expects of its employees. For example, if
quality is an essential value, then it should be implemented through some element of the total
compensation system.

International Human resource management Employee relations

Human resource management and employment relations are at the heart of any modern
organisation. Our Human Resource Management and Employment Relations major focuses on
understanding people and relationships at work – what makes organisations work, what
motivates employees, and what the future of work could be.

You explore how employees, employers, government and trade unions shape people‘s
experience of work and the outcomes from work. Choose from a wide range of papers to tailor
your study to your interests. You can investigate the relationship between strategic human
resource management and organisational performance, inequalities in work and organisations,
and ways to build inclusiveness in organisational life. You can also explore employment
regulation issues, negotiation and conflict management, strategic career management; and work-
related injuries and illness, and how to prevent them.

Approaches to international policy across countries

Human resource policies are the formal rules and guidelines that businesses put in place to hire,
train, assess, and reward the members of their workforce. These policies, when organized and
disseminated in an easily used form, can serve to preempt many misunderstandings between
employees and employers about their rights and obligations in the business place. It is tempting,
as a new small business owner, to focus on the concerns of the business at hand, and put off the
task of writing up a human resource policy. All business analysts and employment lawyers will
advise a new business owner to get a policy down on paper, even if it is a simple one drafted
from a boilerplate model. Having policies written is important so that it is clear to all what the
policies are and that they are applied consistently and fairly across the organization. Moreover,
when issues concerning employee rights and company policies come before federal and state
courts, it is standard practice to assume that the company's human resource policies, whether
written or verbal, are a part of an employment contract between the employee and the company.
Without clearly written policies, the company is at a disadvantage.

Small businesses—and especially business startups—can not afford to fritter away valuable time
and resources on drawn-out policy disputes or potentially expensive lawsuits. Having a human
resource policy in place from the start can help to avoid this situation. The business owner who
takes the time to establish sound, comprehensive human resource policies will be far better
equipped to succeed over the long run than the business owner who deals with each policy
decision as it erupts. The latter ad hoc style is much more likely to produce inconsistent,
uninformed, and legally questionable decisions that may cripple an otherwise prosperous
business. For as many small business consultants state, human resource policies that are
inconsistently applied or based on faulty or incomplete data will almost inevitably result in
declines in worker morale, deterioration in employee loyalty, and increased vulnerability to legal
penalties. To help ensure that personnel management policies are applied fairly, business owners
and consultants alike recommend that small business enterprises produce and maintain a written
record of its HR policies and of instances in which those policies came into play.

International Recruitment and selection process

while recruiting people for international operations, the international HR managers must identify
the global competitiveness of the potential applicants at the time of the recruiting process. It is
essential that the workforce of an international organization is aware of the nuances of
international business. Understandably, the company must keep international knowledge and
experience as criteria in the recruitment and selection process.12 Besides, the international HR
department must have a fairly good idea about the skills and availability of human resources in
different labour markets in the world. The HR department must have the capacity to foresee the
changes in these markets and exploit those changes productively. A truly international HR
department would insist on hiring people from all over the world and place them throughout the

Approaches to Recruitment in IHRM Though the general aim of any recruitment policy is to
select the right people for the right task at the right time, the HR department of international
companies may adopt one of the following three specific approaches available for recruiting
employees for global operations.

When a company follows the strategy of choosing only from the citizens of the parent country to
work in host nations, it is called an ethnocentric approach. Normally, higher-level foreign
positions are filled with expatriate employees from the parent country. The general rationale
behind the ethnocentric approach is that the staff from the parent country would represent the
interests of the headquarters effectively and link well with the parent country. The recruitment
process in this method involves four stages: self-selection, creating a candidate pool, technical
skills assessment, and making a mutual decision. Self-selection involves the decision by the
employee about his future course of action in the international arena. In the next stage, the
employee database is prepared according to the manpower requirement of the company for
international operations. Then the database is analysed for choosing the best and most suitable
persons for global assignments and this process is called technical skills assessment. Finally, the
best candidate is identified for foreign assignment and sent abroad with his consent.

The ethnocentric approach places natives of the home country of a business in key positions at
home and abroad. In this example, the U.S. parent company places natives from the United
States in key positions in both the United States and Mexico.

When a company adopts the strategy of limiting recruitment to the nationals of the host country
(local people), it is called a polycentric approach. The purpose of adopting this approach is to
reduce the cost of foreign operations gradually. Even those organizations which initially adopt
the ethnocentric approach may eventually switch over lo the polycentric approach. The primary
purpose of handing over the management to the local people is to ensure that the company
understands the local market conditions, political scenario, cultural and legal requirements better.
The companies that adopt this method normally have a localized HR department, which manages
the human resources of the company in that country. Many international companies operating
their branches in advanced countries like Britain and Japan predominantly adopt this approach
for recruiting executives lo manage the branches."

The polycenlric approach uses natives of the host country to manage operations in their country
and natives of the parent country to manage in the home office. In this example, the Australian
parent company uses natives of India to manage operations at the Indian subsidiary. Natives of
Australia manage the home office.

When a company adopts the strategy of recruiting the most suitable persons for the positions
available in it, irrespective of their nationalities, it is called a geocentric approach. Companies
that are truly global in nature adopt this approach since it utilizes a globally integrated business
strategy. Since the HR operations are constrained by several factors like political and ethnical
factors and government laws, it is difficult to adopt this approach. However, large international
companies generally adopt the geocentric strategy with considerable success.
For international recruitment, especially on foreign soil, organizations generally use manpower
agencies or consultants with international connections and repute to source candidates, in
addition to the conventional sources. For an effective utilization of the internal source of
recruitment, global companies need to develop an internal database of employees and an
effective tracking system to identify the most suitable persons for global postings.
The geocentric approach uses Ihe best available managers for a business without regard for their
country of origin. In this example, the UK parent company uses natives of many countries at

Company's international business is divided into international geographic regions. The
regiocentric approach uses managers from various countries within the geographic regions of
business. Although the managers operate relatively independently in the region, they are not
The regiocentric approach is adaptable to the company and product strategies. When regional
expertise is needed, natives of the region are hired. If product knowledge is crucial, then parent-
country nationals, who have ready access to corporate sources of information, can be brought in.

One shortcoming of the regiocentric approach is that managers from the region may not
understand the view of the managers at headquarters. Also, corporate headquarters may not
employ enough managers with international experience.

The regiocentric approach places managers from various countries within geographic regions of
a business. In this example, the U.S. parent company uses natives of the United States at
company headquarters. Natives of European countries are used to manage the Italian subsidiary.

International Selection process

Even though cultural differences influence the selection procedure to some extent, organizations
tend to follow similar criteria and methods worldwide. This is due to the fact that the end
objective of any selection process is to choose the most capable persons for the job. The
selection criteria for international jobs usually revolve around the five core areas of behaviour,
attitudes, skills, motivation and personality. More specifically, the focus of selection for
international operations normally includes cultural adaptability, strong communication skills,
technical competence, professional or technical expertise, global experience, country-specific
experience, interpersonal skills, language skills, and family flexibility. Employers around the
world usually rank personal interviews, technical competency and work experience in similar
jobs as important criteriaforselection

 highly developed technical skills

 good language and communication skills
 tolerance towards other culture, race, creed, colour, habits, and values
 high level of motivation
 stress resistance
 goal-oriented behaviour

Finally, at the time of selection for international assignments, an organization should consider
the previous

Expatriate Selection Process

The results of the interviews indicate that the majority of the respondents
(87%) still placed extreme importance on the technical competence of
their expatriates, with (47%) acknowledging personality traits, relational
abilities and motivational state to be highly important criteria. Overall,
the participating companies considered the family situation as
moderately important, language skills as somewhat unimportant and
prior expatriate experience as moderately unimportant. Therefore, the
value of language skills and prior overseas experience was dismissed by
respondents as relatively unimportant in the area of selection. However,
it was noted that previous overseas experience reduced the need for
Responses from the interviews suggest that technical expertise and
domestic track record are by far the two most dominant selection criteria
of these participating firms. Factors such as language skills and
international adaptability are of decreased significance. However, it is
important to note that almost half of the respondents did place a high
emphasis on the cultural and adaptability demands of offshore
assignments. These results show that there is a growing recognition of the
importance of human relational abilities. In fact, several respondents also
acknowledged the greater impact of cross-national assignments on
spouse and family than on expatriates.
With regards to the importance of family situation, the majority of the
respondents still regarded family situation as only moderately important
in the selection criterion. However, several respondents did acknowledge
that the family situation was often responsible for the expatriate’s
inability to function effectively in a foreign environment.

Pre-departure Training
In terms of pre-departure training for expatriate assignments, the
interviewees noted that although they consider training as essential, the
high costs associated with expatriation reduced their capacity to provide
formal training for expatriation. Respondents tended to believe that
‘Training is important, but the cost benefit must be considered’
(interviewee 6). Generally, most of the participants indicated that the
level of pre-departure training provided depended very much on the cost
and the benefit obtained from running such programs (interviewees 4,
15). As a result, they (i.e., interviewees 1, 4, 15) tend to rely on indirect
forms of training, such as notes for guidance and the provision of an
internet information web-site.
These respondents also noted that their companies considered other
forms of preparation to be more cost effective. These preparatory
initiatives included ‘flying the employee and family over to location to
check out if they would like to stay’ (interviewee 3). The relevance of
briefings and shadowing of current incumbents was also highlighted by
the respondents. Indeed, these were more frequent practices than the
provision of formal training programs. Interviewee four indicated that
this company used the ‘immersion approach’ (Figure 1) to a limited
extent for some countries where expatriates must be fluent in language.
In this situation, they provide extensive training. This respondent added
that the expertise of the expatriate also determines the type of training.
For example, engineers and scientists would not receive the immersion
approach, whilst sales and marketing would need this more intensive
training. According to these respondents, certain jobs (e.g., marketing)
require greater interpersonal relationship with host country nationals. In
contrast, Tung (1988a) indicated it depends on other factor such as
length of stay and degree of engagement. Most study participants agreed
that the degree of expected interaction and similarity between the home
and host cultures would predict the use of the cross-cultural training
method by their employee and his/her family (interviewees 3, 8, 10).
Interviewee two noted that training would be provided for all family
members for countries that are culturally different. Some of the
respondents (interviewees 3, 5) recognised that all families who could not
speak the language would feel isolated, and, therefore, the language
survival briefing should also include the wife and children of the
expatriate. On the whole, most companies recognised the need for pre-
departure training for their expatriate and family, but the extent and
coverage are driven by the cost considerations. This primarily resulted in
the adoption of less intensive training.

The study results show that the majority (87%) of the participating firms
provided a specific length of posting (average of 3 years). None of the
identified companies’ offered return incentive payments. The majority
(87%) of the firms offered their expatriates a mutually acceptable position
on their return from an assignment. Notably a large number (87%) of
these companies did not provide any re-entry training for their returned
expatriates, but did provide shipment of goods (87%), and relocation
benefits (67%). The majority of the interviewees indicated that their
companies provided repatriation programs but not in a formalised form.
Six of the companies (40%) promoted more than half of their expatriates
on their return home. In terms of higher responsibility without
promotion for their repatriates, only five companies offered their
returned expatriates with such a position. These expatriates were only a
small minority of the total sample. Moreover, generally, all companies
reassigned their returned expatriates to a comparable or mutually
acceptable position. Furthermore, it was acknowledged by eight
respondents that in their firms (53%) nearly ten per cent of returning
expatriates left the company within six months of their return
The repatriation programs explored in this study consisted of ten
effective strategies cited in the literature as facilitating expatriates’ return
to their home country (Black 1992, Fieldman & Thomas 1992, Frazee
1997, Allen & Alvarez 1998). Overall, the results indicated that the
majority of companies provided no separate organisational unit for their
repatriates, no facilitator to identify expatriate new knowledge, no event
to welcome expatriate and family home, no post assignment interview,
and no career-counselling workshop for expatriate and family. A majority
of the companies admitted to the occasional use of a mentorship
program, relocation benefits and the utilisation of repatriates as trainers.
However, most companies did provide the shipment of personal goods
and a HR service to support the career tracking of their expatriates. Many
of the study respondents acknowledged the lack of adoption of the ten
strategic repatriation programs explored in the research and stated that
the reasons were due to cost, and were unaware of the existence of these
repatriation programs. Some of the other respondents reported that the
repatriation programs they offered were not formalised as a policy, but
carried out as an ad hoc practice. It must be noted that when asked, the
majority of these companies acknowledged that the spouse and the family
readjustment were given little attention. The results of this study suggest
that companies fail to plan for the repatriation of their expatriates.

Failed Assignments - Premature Return

Premature return refers to the return of expatriates before the completion
of their international assignment due to several reasons: poor
performance, job dissatisfaction, cultural shock and family dissatisfaction
(Harvey 1985, McDonald 1993). The non-completion of the international
assignment necessitates the replacement of the expatriate (Bird &
Dunbar 1991). Consequently, the expatriate failure is costly and results in
a crisis for the multinational corporation. The results of the study showed
that the majority (67%) of the respondents admitted that up to five per
cent of their expatriates returned prematurely from their assignments, six
per cent acknowledged ten per cent expatriate failure and 13 per cent of
the participating firms confirm that 25 per cent of their expatriates return
A high proportion of the participating firms indicated that their
expatriates generally return home for family reasons or personal reasons
(interviewees 4, 6, 8). Family situation was suggested as playing the
critical role in the premature return of expatriates. This was particularly
noted by one respondent (interviewee 3) who reported that his company
had conducted in depth studies on the adjustment of their expatriates’
wives in a foreign environment because of the frequency of these
expatriates themselves.

Failed Repatriation - Turnover Intention

More than half the respondents acknowledged that ten per cent of their
expatriates are likely to leave the organisation within six months after
their return from their overseas assignments. Some of the reasons cited
for leaving included family reasons and feelings of loss of autonomy and
authority, loss of career direction and promotional opportunities, and a
feeling that the company undervalues their international experience.
In terms of promotion for returned expatriates, six of the respondents
indicated that nearly half of their returned expatriates were promoted to
a senior post and 47 per cent of the respondents acknowledged that half
of their returned expatriates were given a comparable position. Over 50
per cent of the participating organisations provided their returned
expatriates with expanded responsibilities, without recognition of formal

The results of this study show that the key cause for the premature return
of expatriates from overseas assignments was related to concerns that
were articulated as family reasons. This evidence supports previous
studies on expatriate failure indicating the inability of the spouse to adapt
to the foreign environment as the frequent cause of the early return of the
expatriate (Tung 1987, Forster 2000). Clearly, a major challenge for
Australian companies is to develop institutional mechanisms that
heighten priority on family adaptability in their selection criteria. A
strong inference of the study evidence is that without appropriate
arrangements there is a high likelihood of continuing expatriate failures.
This study also identified some significant issues for expatriate
management. First, although the majority of organisations in this study
recognised the importance of the role of spouse and family, this was not
reflected in the corporations’ selection process and repatriation policies
and practices. This low consideration for an employee’s spouse and
family can be attributed to emphases by the multinationals to minimise
costs in the HRM practices. Second, the study evidence confirms that in
the selection process, the assessed Australian companies continue to rank
technical competence as highly important. Several studies (Dowling et al.
1994, Selmer 2000, Harvey & Novicevic 2001), have concluded that
technical competence in a field, although one of the dominant bases for
selection, has very little to do with the ability to adapt to new cultures,
deal effectively with co-workers, or to adopt foreign behavioural norms.
Moreover, the value of language skills and prior overseas experience was
dismissed by respondents as relatively unimportant in the area of
selection, although, the respondents noted that previous overseas
experience reduced the need for orientation. According to Coyle (1996),
from a management perspective, once an employee has previous overseas
experience, and is classified as a career expatriate, there is a tendency for
companies to minimise the material and counselling support given before
and after the move. In contrast, Black and Gregersen (1991) argued that
the extent of previous experience does not necessarily seem to ensure
success in current overseas assignment. Clearly, this study revealed that
the involved Australian companies are gradually making a shift towards
placing greater relevance on personality traits, relational abilities and
motivational state.
Third, the dual career dilemma was acknowledged by respondents as an
emerging problem that can affect career development plans for
international employees. From the information given by the respondents
it appears that most of their companies recognised the issue of the dual
career couple, but are still unsure how to manage the problem in
relevant HRM policies and practices. A previous study by Coyle (1996)
echoed similar findings. In anticipation of such a trend continuing, it is
suggested that organisations might be encourage to implement a career
counselling program for the spouses of their expatriates.
Fourth, pre-departure training involving cross-cultural training has long
been advocated as a means of facilitating effective cross-cultural transfer
(Black & Mendenhall 1990), yet few firms endorse such HRM practices.
The main reason appears to be that top management simply does not
believe that the training is necessary or effective (Jackson 1995, Sanchez,
Spector & Cooper 2000). Cross-cultural training programs are considered
costly and time consuming. Lack of time was another reason why these
companies failed to provide adequate pre-departure training and
language training.
A fifth important finding of this study was evidence which suggests that
the majority of firms do not use comprehensive cross cultural training
programs, This is especially in terms of the ‘immersion’ and ‘affective’
approaches. The value of providing a comprehensive training program for
expatriates is demonstrated by the low turnover rates among
management personnel in European and Japanese multinationals (Tung
1987). Previous studies revealed that other forms of preparation for
example, briefings, shadowing and preliminary visits are more frequently
used than formal training programs (Scullion 1991, Brewster & Pickard
1994) and considered by management to be cost-effective.
Finally, the results of the study indicated that although the participating
organisations recognise repatriation as an important aspect of
international human resource management, very few support systems
were provided for their expatriates in coping with the many difficulties
associated with re-entry, including culture shock and possible ‘career
stagnation’. Clearly, there were many gaps in the repatriation programs
provided by Australian companies for their returned expatriates and
there is a need to address this deficiency. These results, although small in
size, support previous research conducted on American MNCs (Black
1992). It concludes that from the expatriate’s perspective, problems
associated with re-integration into the home country are loss of status,
loss of autonomy, loss of career direction and promotional opportunities,
and a feeling that the company undervalues their international
experience. A salient message from this type of research is that a
comprehensive examination of the Responsiveness Phase of a crisis (i.e.,
the existence of catastrophe or institutional disasters), unequivocally
exposes the shortcomings of current HRM problems and practices that
are being implemented to redress the crisis, and furthermore, this
information provides for revisiting the Preparedness Phase, and even the
Recovery Phase of inevitable future crises.

The evidence of the study reported in this paper reinforced a well-stated
axiom that every firm should try to prevent a crisis from occurring. The
crises confronting MNCs include failed assignments due to premature
return of expatriates and the loss of their returned expatriates due to poor
repatriation. Crises in expatriate management can substantially threaten
a firm’s capabilities and performance in the host country. Additionally,
the high attrition rate of repatriates is costly and creates a net negative
return on a firm’s investment in human resource.
The results of the study indicated that repatriation must be planned
carefully, from the time of expatriation when expatriate selection occurs.
By putting in place suitable HRpolicies and procedures, an organisation
can both, more efficiently manage human resource globally and
encourage more employees to accept foreign transfers. This emphasis is a
visible sign that the organisation supports expatriates and attempts to
contribute to employee success in the overseas assignment. This
Preparedness Phase will significantly increase the probability of
successfully managing expatriate crisis situations because responsibilities
and liabilities are clarified before the crisis happens. A well-managed and
proactive response (Recovery and Preparedness Phases) to an expatriate
management crisis may help a company retain experienced international
employees and reduce the likelihood of public relations and legal
problems in host country.
Technical Ability

Personal Characteristics

A quality describes behavioral or competency-based criteria logically associated with the

successful accomplishment of important tasks/responsibilities in a particular job. Required
technical skills are sometimes found on the job description. Further job analysis should be
completed to identify the qualities not noted on a job description. Some qualities can be technical
as well as personal. The following list is not intended to be all-inclusive.


Can be general or very specific to each job.


 Accurate

 Computer competent

 Customer focused

 Detail oriented

 Good phone etiquette

 Manage multiple tasks

 Mechanical aptitude

 Planning ability—Sets and follows a course of action to accomplish goals.

 Project management skills

 Quality focused

Job Specific

 Excel spreadsheet Intermediate level

 Licensed electrician

 Programs CNC machines

 Read/interpret blueprints

Soft Skills

 Analytical

 Attention to detail

 Decisive—Makes decisions, renders judgment, takes action.

 Impact—Good first impression, confidence, commanding respect.

 Independent/self-motivated

 Leadership—Utilizes skills and methods to develop and guide direct reports towards

goals. Good delegation to and utilization of direct reports.

 Oral Communication—Individual and group situations.

 Organized

 Persuasive—Obtains agreement, cooperation, or acceptance with or without authority.

 Presentation skills

 Problem solver

 Sensitive to organizational objectives—Sees the bigger picture and /or overall impact

and implication of decisions.

 Team player

 Written communication—clear expression in writing

Soft Skills

 Assertive
 Cooperative

 Creative

 Flexible—Able to adapt or modify behavior to reach a goal.

 Good judgment—Makes quality decisions based on logic and factual information.

 Hardworking

 Honest

 Initiative/Drive—Takes action to achieve goals. A self-starter.

 Motivated

 Quick learner

 Reliable/Punctual

 Resourceful

 Self-confident

 Sincere

 Stable

 Tenacious—Stays with a plan of action until completed or it is no longer attainable.

 Tolerates stress—Stable performance under pressure.

"More Than a Gut Feeling"

1. Plan the interview.

a. Thoroughly review job requirements.

b. Ask what skills are important for good performance on the job.

2. Create your interview plan.

a. Formulate job-related questions that will help the interviewee give behavioral

b. Write your questions out so that you will ensure to cover all main points in the


3. Arrange for an interview environment.

a. Be sure that there are no interruptions.

b. See that the interviewee is comfortable.

c. Plan for enough time—one hour is desirable.

4. Conduct the interview.

a. Use rapport-building questions.

b. Ask open-ended questions.

c. Allow silence.

d. Seek disconfirming evidence.

e. Control the interview.

f. Gain behavioral examples.

5. Use intuition to help you ask better questions.

a. Validate or disconfirm your "gut feelings."

b. Protect other people from your hidden biases or prejudices.

6. Rate skills.

a. One behavioral example may provide evidence for or against several different


b. No one is absolutely perfect and no one is absolutely bad!

c. Ask yourself if you have enough information to do a good rating and allow for

unmeasured skills.
International crises experienced by multinational corporations include both the premature return

of expatriates due to failed assignments and the poor retention of returned expatriates due to

failed repatriation. To reduce the direct and indirect costs inherent with expatriate failure,

multinational corporations are striving to improve their capability to manage their expatriates

before, during and after international assignments. This article highlights these issues and

discusses the challenges for human resource professionals when managing expatriates. The

results of the study presented in this paper suggest that the management of international human

resources is increasingly being acknowledged as a major determinant of success or failure in

international business. It concludes by proposing that a well-managed and proactive response to

an international crisis may help an organisation retain experienced international employees.


As organisations become globalised, there is an increasing challenge to use
expatriates on international assignments to complete strategically critical
tasks (Gregersen & Black 1996, Brewster 1998, Downes & Thomas 1999).
Multinational corporations (MNCs) use expatriates, not only for corporate
control and expertise reasons in vital global markets, but also to facilitate
entry into new markets or to develop international management competencies
(Bird & Dunbar 1991, Boyacigiller 1991, Rosenzweig 1994, Shaffer,
Harrison & Gilley 1999, Forster 2000).
While it is recognised that Human Resource Management (HRM) problems
are more complex in the international environment, there is also increased
evidence to suggest that the management of international human resources is
increasingly being acknowledged as a major determinant of success or failure
in international business (Tung 1984, Dowling 1999, Hiltrop 1999). For
renowned and established MNCs, failure to be able to communicate and
coordinate their activities in international business has the potential to plunge
them into a crisis. The crises confronting MNCs include failed assignments
due to premature return of expatriates and the loss of their returned
expatriates due to poor repatriation. These crises, due to poor expatriate
management, can, therefore, threaten the organisation‘s performance and
capabilities in the international arena.
Hence, to avoid a crisis in expatriate management is threefold. The first
challenge for international human resource is planning effectively for the
selection of expatriates for overseas assignments. The second, return of
expatriates has to be attended and the subsequent job assignment for returned
expatriate in their home country is a priority for managerial attention.
Essentially, the primary crisis management roles of international human
resource (IHR) professionals are those of record custodian, crisis
management team member, communicator, and contributing writer to the
emergency plan (Williamson 1991). This multifaceted role of IHR includes
providing professional counselling to help employees and their families to
deal with the psychological problems associated with a hostage or an
evacuation situation, to concentrate on the well-being of their workforce, but
they also addressed compensation and benefits issues, reassignment issues,
legal issues, health, safety, and security issues.

It is widely acknowledged in the relevant literature (Smith & Sipika

1993, Hickman & Crandall 1997, Coombs 2001) that the process of crisis
management entails three main phases. These phases are conceptualised
as (1) Preparedness, which is the period of preparing plans and
procedures for addressing a crisis; (2) Responsiveness, or the actual
dealing with the crisis; and (3) Recovery, during which the organisation
returns to normal operations as quickly as possible. These three phases
are considered as sequential phenomena in a continuous cycle so that
the Recovery phase, which follows the Responsiveness phase, also
precedes the Preparedness phase. In this paper, the Responsiveness of
expatriate crisis management is delineated in an auto reflective narrative
design that utilised the responses of 15 expatriate managers. The data
provided by the managers are considered within the frameworks of the
Recovery phase and the Preparedness phase to reinforce how
corporate HRM policies and practices might facilitate better
management of the expatriate crises. MANAGING EXPATRIATE CRISES
International crises experienced by MNCs include premature return of their
expatriates due to failed assignments and poor retention of their returned
expatriates due to failed repatriation. Researchers have analysed the causes of
failure in overseas assignments and have introduced Human Resource (HR)
practices that would help organisations to select, develop, and retain
competent expatriates (Oddou 1991, Arthur & Bennett 1995, Stroh,
Gregersen & Black 1998, Hiltrop 1999, Riusala 2000, Varner 2002).
Consequently, multinational corporations are striving to improve their
capability in managing human resources internationally. Important features
of these initiatives include (1) the nature and length of the planning for the
selection and training of expatriates for overseas assignments, (2) the return
of expatriate, and (3) the subsequent assigned work for these repatriates in
the home country (Punnett & Ricks 1997, Anderson 2001, Lazarova 2001).

Failed Assignments due to Premature Return of Expatriates

A prominent concern in the international recruitment and selection literature
is that of expatriate failure (Adler 1981, Mendenhall & Oddou 1991,
Feldman & Tompson 1993, Harvey 1993, Riusala 2000). This expatriate
failure becomes an international crisis for the MNC. Several studies have
identified the reasons behind the failure. For instance, premature return of
expatriates and the lack of cross-cultural adjustment by expatriates, their
spouse or family are some identified features (Black & Gregersen 1991,
Black 1992, Shaffer et al. 1999, Riusala 2000) as well as poor performance
(Fieldman & Thomas 1992, Stening & Hammer 1992, Feldman & Tompson
1993, Hodgetts 1993, Naumann 1993, Clark, Grant & Heijltjes 2000) that can
arise during an international assignment. Indeed, research conducted by
Black and Gregersen (1997) indicates that 10 to 20 per cent of United States
(U.S.) expatriates sent overseas return prematurely due to dissatisfaction with
their job or the impact of culture shock. And one-third of those who stayed
for the duration did not perform satisfactory to the expectations of their
organisations. Moreover, when an international assignment is not completed,
necessitating the replacement of the expatriate (Bird & Dunbar 1991, Swaak
1995, Pucik & Saba 1998), the costs of failure to the MNCs are both direct
and indirect. The direct cost includes salary, training costs, and travel and
relocation expenses. The indirect cost could be a loss of market share,
difficulties with host government and demands that parent country nationals
be replaced with host country nationals (Dowling, Schuler & Welch 1994,
Stone 1994, Forster 2000).
Expatriate failure is primarily caused by error in selection (Adler 1981, Tung
1981, Arthur & Bennet 1995, Harvey & Noviceivic 2001). Historically, the
selection of expatriates has been based on technical competence (Katz &
Seifer 1996), neglecting other important interpersonal factors of expatriates
(Mendenhall, Dunbar & Oddou 1987, Suutari & Brewster 1998). For
instance, Clarke and Hammer (1995) found that interpersonal skills assist in
the cultural adjustment of the expatriate and his or her family is a managerial
function worthy of greater consideration. A review of extant literature on
expatriate selection identified other essential traits as predictors of expatriate
success and these are addressed.

Nature of Planning: Expatriate Selection

Within the abundant research on expatriate managers, certain selection
characteristics or traits have been identified as predictors of expatriate
success. These include technical ability, managerial skills, cultural empathy,
adaptability, diplomacy, language ability, positive attitude, emotional
stability, maturity and adaptability of family. One of the earliest reports was
provided by Tung (1987), who examined expatriate selection practices across
80 U.S. MNCs, and subsequently, identified four general categories which
may contribute to expatriate success. These are broadly described as (1)
technical competence on the job, (2) personality traits or relational abilities,
(3) environmental variables, and (4) family situation. This is further
supported by Ronen‘s (1989) model that incorporates the dimensions of
expatriate success identified by Tung (1981). Ronen (1989), describes five
categories of attributes of success: (1) job factors, (2) relational dimensions,
(3) motivational state (4) family situation, and (5) language skills. The five
categories and their specific aspects are outlined in Tab.

Differences in HR practices between UK and USA

‗Two countries separated by a common language‘, is an often used quote to describe the
differences between the UK and the USA! The quote serves as a reminder that whilst we are very
much culturally alike and we approach business in very similar ways there are often some
important variations within the how.

When setting up a company in the USA it is even more vital to get your HR right from the
beginning as it often prevents a lot of problems occurring further down the line. Managing
complex HR problems locally is difficult enough but over time zones, often by phone is a major
headache that you can do without!

Some Key Differences in UK and US HR Practices

The tables below illustrate a couple of key differences in UK and US employment practices.

In the UK it is common practice to provide a new hire a contract of employment, an often-

lengthy legal document that the employee needs to sign. In the US employment is considered ‗At
Will‘. In this case the employer and employee can terminate the relationship at any time and
without cause. A contract is usually only used for Senior Executive levels. A contract is rarely
referred to in the US hiring process. What is key is having an up to date HR handbook, which
covers your HR policies and processes that is legally compliant in the USA.


Another major difference is employee benefits. For example in the UK there is the NHS, which
offers free health cover. The US does not have this level of cover so benefits become a large
component of an attractive offer for a new employee. It is important to seek specialist help in
developing your offer for prospective employees.

These examples serve to illustrate that things are not straight forward when setting up your
company in the USA, however with the right advice it is easy to avoid common pitfalls and
enable you to focus on the major goals of your business and not be distracted by unnecessary HR

By comparing the HRM practices in Indian and European MNE subsidiaries located in four of
the Southern African Development Community countries, this paper tests the relevance of the
country-of-origin effect and analyses the strength of institutional and firm-level influences.
Examining data from 865 MNE subsidiaries obtained from the World Bank enterprise survey
data, the paper finds that Indian MNEs have higher labour costs in relation to total sales than
their European counterparts, that Indian MNEs make more use of temporary labour than their
European counterparts, that Indian MNEs invest in less training than their European
counterparts. No support is found for the hypothesis that Indian MNEs have a lower ratio of
skilled workers in comparison to European-owned subsidiaries. The study shows that country-of-
origin effects are weakened if they are not consistent with host country ideology and that as
economies evolve so too do their expectations of HR policy and practices.
International human resource activities:

International human resource activities include major operative human resource

functions such as procurement, which involves human resource planning and
induction. The second major activity is allocation; it involves the plan for using
human resources among various subsidiaries or projects. Effective utilization of
human resources is the third human resource activity and helps in maximizing the
skills and efficiency of the human resources and productivity.

The activities of international human resource activities cover all the major
activities like HR planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, placement, training
& development, remuneration, and performance evaluation.
Categorization of countries in the concept of IHRM

In the concept international human resource management, the countries having headquarters and
subsidiaries are categorized as follows.

 Home country: Where the headquarters is located

 Host country: Where the subsidiary is located
 Third/other countries: These are the sources of finance and human resources

Types of employees in IHRM

The name international human resource management itself indicates that human resources are
recruited from various countries. Here nationals of various countries contribute their skills and
efficiently for the growth of the organization. They are mainly three types, parent or home
country nationals, host country nationals, and third country nationals. These three types are
differentiated on the basis of citizens of headquarters of the company, citizens of the subsidiaries
of the company, and citizens of various countries.

Home country or Parent Country Nationals (PCNs)

Home country nationals are the employees of the organization and these are the citizens of the
country where the headquarter is located.

Host Country Nationals (HCNs)

Host country nationals are the citizens of the country where the subsidiary is located or when any
organization recruits the nationals of the country where the subsidiary is located.
Third-country Nationals (TCNs)

Third country nationals are the citizens of the other countries, and they are neither the citizens of
the country where the headquarters is located nor the citizens of the country where the subsidiary

Staffing Approaches

Depending on the recruitment of key managerial positions for multinational companies, different
approaches are explained.

Ethnocentric Approach

According to ethnocentric approach, organizations believe that the employees of home country
nationals can perform better to fulfill the organization‘s mission, vision, and objectives, so all the
key managerial positions of the subsidiary are filled with expatriates from the home country.

Advantages of ethnocentric Approach

 Organization‘s culture can be easily adapted to all the subsidiaries with the help of
key managerial decisions such as vision, mission, and objectives.
 Possible to eliminate communication barriers between the headquarters and
 Proper control is possible with the ethnocentric approach.
 The parent company can monitor the operations of the subsidiaries effectively.
 Better coordination of activities between the parent company and subsidiary are


 Need to pay more for the expatriates from the home country.
 Cross-cultural variations may lead to clashes between the various levels of the
 Host country national employees may get disappointed by losing the key managerial
 The subsidiary may lose skilled and experienced employees due to the ethnocentric
 Expatriates from the home country may not aware of the local values and beliefs, so
cultural clashes may arise and may show an effect on the business.

Polycentric Approach

In polycentric approach, all the key managerial positions are filled with the employees of the
host country nationals. Many companies are adopting this approach because they believe that
host country nationals can help in fulfilling the objectives of the organizations with a better
understanding of the local culture, beliefs, and values. Here subsidiary is given freedom to take
decisions and formulate strategies according to the local business environment and vision and
mission of the headquarters.


 Host country managers can analyze and understand the local markets and local people
 Better coordination with the business environment is possible, both internal and
 No difficulty arises due to cultural issues.
 It creates job satisfaction and job enrichment to the host country nationals.
 Hiring host country nationals is less expensive than hiring expatriates.
 Local market knowledge of the host country nationals enables them to take strategic


 It may not always create a scope of better coordination between headquarters and
 Quick control of operations is not possible because of the key managerial positions are
occupied by the host country nationals.
 Though the host country managers follow the vision and mission of the organization,
then also errors may occur in the fulfillment of the standards of organization culture.

Geocentric approach

According to geocentric approach, organizations hire neither the home country nationals nor the
host country nationals preferably. They recruit employees on the basis of the concept right
person for the right job. Here organizations hire right persons or suitable employees for the
effective running of the business operations, irrespective of the nationality. Geocentric approach
facilitates competitive advantage by hiring most talented and eligible people.


 The geocentric approach creates a scope to hire world‘s best talented and skilled
 It facilitates competitive advantage and helps in reaching the market empire position.
 Hiring most talented and eligible people can fulfill the objectives of the organization
 This approach helps in reducing the unfair treatments and clashes in the organization
due to the favoritism towards nationality.


 Hiring according to geocentric approach is expensive.

 Chance of cross-cultural clashes become high
 It may not always facilitate better coordination and control of the operations of the
 Difficult to monitor and control the operations
 Organizations need to spend more on expatriate relocation allowance.
 High cross-cultural variations arise.
Expatriate training and development

While hiring employees for international assignments, the organization needs to provide better
training for the employees. The skill set is not only the constraint to decide the training needs,
and it is necessary for all the levels of employees to fit in the international environment and
culture. Expatriates may face problems with the local language, culture, and beliefs of the local
people, managing personal and family life in the completely new environments. Proper training
and development motivate the employees to perform better in achieving the organization‘s
objectives effectively.

International environment and components of compensation

The components of expatriate compensation vary with the domestic compensation standards, so
the organizations need to fulfill various requirements of the expatriates while hiring. Companies
need to provide housing allowance, travel allowance, education allowance for expatriates
children, relocation allowance, cost of living adjustment packages, and currency differential
packages, etc.,

Position Description:

The Human Resources Manager guides and manages the overall provision of Human Resources
services, policies, and programs for a company within a small to mid-sized company, or a
portion of the Human Resources function within a large company. The major areas the Human
Resources Manager manages can include:

 recruiting and staffing;

 organizational departmental planning;
 performance management and improvement systems;

 organization development;
 employment and compliance to regulatory concerns regarding employees;
 employee onboarding, development, needs assessment, and training;
 policy development and documentation;
 employee relations;
 company-wide committee facilitation;
 company employee and community communication;
 compensation and benefits administration;
 employee safety, welfare, wellness and health;
 charitable giving; and
 employee services and counseling.

The Human Resources Manager originates and leads Human Resources practices and objectives
that will provide an employee-oriented; high-performance culturethat emphasizes empowerment,
quality, productivity, and standards; goal attainment, and the recruitment and ongoing
development of a superior workforce.

The Human Resources Manager is responsible for the development of processes and metrics that
support the achievement of the organization's business goals.

The Human Resources Manager coordinates the implementation of people-related services,

policies, and programs through Human Resources staff; reports to the CEO; and assists and
advises company managers about Human Resources issues.

Primary Objectives of the Human Resources Manager:

 Health and safety of the workforce.

 Development of a superior workforce.
 Development of the Human Resources department.
 Development of an employee-oriented company culture that emphasizes quality,
continuous improvement, key employee retention and development, and high

 Personal ongoing development.

Responsibilities of the Human Resources Manager

Depending on the organization, the Human Resources Manager may or may not have
responsibility for community relations, philanthropic giving, company community sports team
and event sponsoring, space planning, benefits review, and administration.

Depending upon the needs of the organization, such responsibilities may be carried out by the
finance department, facilities department, marketing and public relations, and / or administration.

No matter which department bears the leadership responsibility for the function, the Human
Resources manager is closely involved in decisions, implementation, and review.

Thus, responsibilities of the Human Resources manager may include the following.

Development of the Human Resources Department

 Oversees the implementation of Human Resources programs through Human Resources

staff. Identifies opportunities for improvement and resolves problems.
 Oversees and manages the work of reporting Human Resources staff. Encourages the
ongoing development of the Human Resources staff.
 Develops and monitors an annual budget that includes Human Resources services,
employee recognition, sports teams and community events support, company
philanthropic giving, and benefits administration.
 Selects and supervises Human Resources consultants, attorneys, and training specialists,
and coordinates company use of insurance brokers, insurance carriers, pension
administrators, and other outside sources.

 Conducts a continuing study of all Human Resources policies, programs, and practices to
keep management informed of new developments.
 Leads the development of department goals, objectives, and systems. Provides leadership
for Human Resources strategic planning.
 Establishes HR departmental measurements that support the accomplishment of
the company's strategic goals.

 Manages the preparation and maintenance of such reports as are necessary to carry out
the functions of the department. Prepares periodic reports for management, as necessary
or requested, to track strategic goal accomplishment.
 Develops and administers programs, procedures, and guidelines to help align the
workforce with the strategic goals of the company.
 Participates in executive, management, and company staff meetings and attends other
meetings and seminars.
 With the CEO, CFO, and community relations group, plans the company's philanthropic
and charitable giving.

Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS)

 Manages the development and maintenance of the Human Resources sections of both the
company website, particularly recruiting, culture, and company information; and the
employee Intranet, wikis, newsletters, and so forth.
 Utilizes the HRIS system to eliminate administrative tasks, empower employees, and
meet the other needs of the organization.

Training and Development

 Coordinates all Human Resources training programs, and assigns the authority /
responsibility of Human Resources and managers within those programs. Provides
necessary education and materials to managers and employees including workshops,
manuals, employee handbooks, and standardized reports.

 Leads the implementation of the performance management system that

includes performance development plans (PDPs) and employee development programs.
 Establishes an in-house employee training system that addresses company training needs
including training needs assessment, new employee onboarding or
orientation, management development, production cross-training, the measurement of
training impact, and training transfers.
 Assists managers with the selection and contracting of external training programs and
 Assists with the development of and monitors the spending of the corporate training
budget. Maintains employee training records.


 Establishes and leads the standard recruiting and hiring practices and procedures
necessary to recruit and hire a superior workforce.
 Interviews management and executive position candidates; serves as part of the interview
team for position finalists.

 Chairs any employee selection committees or meetings.

Employee Relations

 Formulates and recommends Human Resources policies and objectives for the company
on any topic associated with employee relations and employee rights.
 Partners with management to communicate Human Resources policies, procedures,
programs, and laws.
 Determines and recommends employee relations practices necessary to establish a
positive employer-employee relationship and promote a high level of employee
morale and motivation. Conducts periodic surveys to measure employee
satisfaction and employee engagement.
 Coaches and trains managers in their communication, feedback, recognition, and
interaction responsibilities with the employees who report to them.
 Conducts investigations when employee complaints or concerns are brought forth.
 Monitors and advises managers and supervisors in the progressive discipline system of
the company. Monitors the implementation of a performance improvement process with
non-performing employees.
 Reviews, guides, and approves management recommendations for employment
 Leads the implementation of company safety and health programs. Monitors the tracking
of OSHA-required data.
 Reviews employee appeals through the company complaint procedure.


 Establishes the company wage and salary structure, pay policies, and oversees
the variable pay systems within the company including bonuses and raises.
 Leads competitive market research to establish pay practices and pay bands that help to
recruit and retain superior staff.
 Monitors all pay practices and systems for effectiveness and cost containment.
 Leads participation in at least one salary survey per year. Monitors best practices in
compensation and benefits through research and up-to-date information on available


 With the assistance of the CFO, obtains cost effective, employee serving benefits;
monitors national benefits environment for options and cost savings.
 Leads the development of benefit orientations and other benefits training for employees
and their families.
 Recommends changes in benefits offered, especially new benefits aimed at employee
satisfaction and retention.


 Leads company compliance with all existing governmental and labor legal and
government reporting requirements including any related to the Equal Employment
Opportunity (EEO), the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), the Family and Medical
Leave Act, Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the Department of
Labor, worker compensation, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), and so forth. Maintains minimal company exposure to lawsuits.
 Directs the preparation of information requested or required for compliance with laws.
Approves all information submitted. Serves as the primary contact with the company
employment law attorney and outside government agencies.

 Protects the interests of employees and the company in accordance with company Human
Resources policies and governmental laws and regulations. Minimizes risk.

Organization Development

 Designs, directs and manages a company-wide process of organization development that

addresses issues such as succession planning, superior workforce development,
key employee retention, organization design, and change management.

 Manages employee communication and feedback through such avenues as company

meetings, suggestion programs, employee satisfaction surveys, newsletters, employee
focus groups, one-on-one meetings, and Intranet use.
 Manages a process of organizational planning that evaluates company structure, job
design, and personnel forecasting throughout the company. Evaluates plans and changes
to plans. Makes recommendations to executive management.
 Identifies and monitors the organization's culture so that it supports the attainment of the
company's goals and promotes employee satisfaction.
 Participates in a process of organization development to plan, communicate, and integrate
the results of strategic planning throughout the organization.
 Manages the company-wide committees including the wellness, training, environmental
health and safety, activity, and culture and communications committees.
 Keeps the CEO and the executive team informed of significant problems that jeopardize
the achievement of company goals, and those that are not being addressed adequately at
the line management level.

The Human Resources Manager assumes other responsibilities as assigned by the CEO.

This job description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work
performed by jobholders within this role of Human Resources Manager.

It is not designed to contain or to be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties,

responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees assigned to the job.

To perform the Human Resources Manager job successfully, an employee must perform each
essential responsibility satisfactorily. These requirements are representative, but not all-inclusive,
of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to lead in the role of the company Human
Resources Manager.

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform

these essential functions.

Human Resources Manager Job Requirements

 Knowledge and experience in employment law, compensation, organizational planning,

recruitment, organization development, employee relations, safety, employee
engagement, and employee development.
 Better than average written and spoken communication skills.
 Outstanding interpersonal relationship building and employee coaching skills.
 Demonstrated ability to lead and develop HR department staff members.
 Demonstrated ability to serve as a knowledgeable resource to the executive management
team that provides overall company leadership and direction.
 Excellent computer skills in a Microsoft Windows environment. Must include knowledge
of Excel and skills in Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS).
 General knowledge of various employment laws and practices and experience working
with a corporate employment law attorney.
 Experience in the administration of benefits and compensation programs and other
Human Resources recognition and engagement programs and processes.

 Evidence of the ability to practice and coach organization managers in the practice of a
high level of confidentiality.
 Excellent organizational management skills.

Education and Experience Required for the Human Resources Manager Job

 Minimum of a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Human Resources, Business, or

Organization Development.
 A minimum of seven years of progressive leadership experience in Human Resources
 Specialized training in employment law, compensation, organizational planning,
organization development, employee relations, safety, training, and preventive labor
relations, preferred.
 Active affiliation with appropriate Human Resources networks and organizations and
ongoing community involvement, preferred.
 Possess ongoing affiliations with leaders in successful companies and organizations that
practice effective Human Resources Management.

Physical Demands of the Human Resources Manager Job

These physical demands are representative of the physical requirements necessary for an
employee to successfully perform the essential functions of the Human Resources Manager's
job. Reasonable accommodation can be made to enable people with disabilities to perform the
described essential functions of the Human Resources Manager's job.

While performing the responsibilities of the Human Resources Manager's job, the employee is
required to talk and hear. The employee is often required to sit and use his or her hands and
fingers, to handle or feel. The employee is occasionally required to stand, walk, reach with arms
and hands, climb or balance, and to stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl.

Vision abilities required by this job include close vision.

Work Environment for the Human Resource Manager

While performing the responsibilities of the Human Resources Manager's job, these work
environment characteristics are representative of the environment the Human Resources
Manager will encounter. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable people with
disabilities to perform the essential functions of the Human Resources Manager's job.

While performing the duties of this job, the employee is occasionally exposed to moving
mechanical parts and vehicles. The noise level in the work environment is usually quiet to


This job description is intended to convey information essential to understanding the scope of the
Human Resources Manager's position and it is not intended to be an exhaustive list of
experience, skills, efforts, duties, responsibilities or working conditions associated with the

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for
accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience. Please seek legal assistance, or
assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your
legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance,
ideas, and assistance only.

IHRM training and development

Training and development is basically related with the Human resource management which is
concerned with the activities of an organization aiming at betterment of the performance of an
individual and groups in setting of organizations. The training and development is also well
known with some of the other names which are employee development, learning and
development and human resource development.
When we observe the international training and development, then it encompasses basically three
main types of activities which are education, training and development. Training is a type of
activity which focuses upon and evaluated against the job that is currently held by an employee
whereas education is the activity that focuses upon the job which may be potentially held by the
employee in near future and is evaluated against these jobs. The last activity is development
which mainly focuses upon the activities of an organization that employs an individual or the
individual is the part of or may take part in the future and almost impossible to eliminate.
The research is done on the methodology which shows us the relation between the international
training and development and the performance of Multi-National Company. The process of
training and development is applied on the employees to make sure that there is skilled and
willful workforce present to work for an organization and in addition to that there are other four
objectives which are also focused to meet the requirement which are Individual, Organizational,
Functional and Societal objectives.
Aims and Objectives-


Main aim behind performing the research on the topic is to understand the concept of the
international training and development in the Multi National Companies and the performance
which is affected by it.


The main objective behind the research is to find the use and benefit of international training and
development which are performed by the Multi National Companies. There are many other
objectives which are met from the international training and development such as individual
objectives, organizational objectives, functional objectives and societal objectives.

Research MethodologyÂ-

There are two main type of doing research:

In this particular research Qualitative research methodology is used. This research is based upon
qualitative analysis of data. Secondary sources are used for this research. Analysis of secondary
resources is included in this section.
International training and development is one of the branches of the Human Resource
management which is considered as the new term since 1930s. The international training and
development is a sub system of the organization which ensures that the learning and behavioral
change should be accepted in the structured format and the randomness should be reduced. There
are two approaches towards the development of the international training and development
which are
Traditional Approach
Modern Approach
When we talk about the Traditional Approach then there was no term related to the training
which was considered by the organizations applying the basic fundamentals like managers were
born not made as it was running from decades. There were some views about the training that is
it is too costly affair and not worth and some of an organization used to believe more on the
executive pinching instead now the scenario has changed or seems to be changing.
When we look at the modern approach towards the training and development then some
Multinational Companies have realized about the importance of the corporate training which
could immensely effect their reputation or status in the positive or negative manner. It is
nowadays more considered as the retention tool instead of the cost. The training systems used in
the multi-national companies are basically aimed at creating smarter workforce and yielding the
best results in favor of organization.
There are many objectives set by various MNCs which has principal objective of training and
development division to make sure about the availability of the skilled and willing workforce to
a Multi National company in addition with that there are four other objectives which are
Organizations, Individual, Societal and functional objectives.

Essentiality of International Training-

Conventional training is basically required to cover up all the skills related to the work,
techniques and knowledge and mostly sections deals with the positive approach to some sort of
traditional approach of training.
There are many ways to develop people or employees but the best way to make development in
people is quite different from the traditional approach of training from the conventional skills
training and it is the most effective way to allow personal development and learning with all that
this implies. As soon as we have covered the basic work related skills training there are many
other things which is described in this section which focus on the development and learning of
the people as individuals which has extended the range of development apart from the traditional
work and knowledge and make way for more creative work which creates opportunities like
liberating, motivational and exciting for people.
As we all know about the Profit which is achieved through approachable training and
development of the skills of the people well with the development of the people enabling of
profit take place. The Multi National Companies which approach international training and
development with an aim of fostering people who have performed well and progress is seen in
their progress card and should stay in the company for the long time to become perfect at what
they do and also help others to become so. As we have many times used the term training for our
daily purpose which is features heavily in the coming paragraphs but the term learning could be
used as improved way to approach a subject as the term learning relates with the term learner
whereas trainer generally belongs to the person who needs training that is trainer or the
organization. When we observe the training from the realistic perspectives then corporate
attitudes and expectations from the term training cannot be changed overnight and most of the
organizations perform training so as to improve the work skills, classrooms and power point
presentations. There are many other ways to develop people apart from the traditional skills of
training for example - (Green)
Facilitating personal development
Enable learning to become learner.
It helps people to achieve and identify their potential

Training ideas and Outline process-

There is relatively simple overview present of the models, processes and tools which are found
for the effective delivery or planning of the training required in the organization. Various points
which are included in the above process for international training and development in the Multi
National Companies are-
Various training needs should be understood well and there should be some sort of training needs
analysis process or DIF analysis conducted to improve the training process or the drawbacks
which the company is facing could be retrieved through the analysis resulting in the
improvement of those points which commonly happens in the appraisal process. This type of
training analysis involves the people who identifies and agrees on the relevant aligned training
and considers the values of company and ethics and spirituality at work. Some light should be
thrown at the recruitment processes so that there are no point training people who are not capable
of doing the job.
There should be creation of training and development specifications which identifies about our
training and in the development of the people which must be break down into the manageable
elements and each element should be attached with standards, measures or some parameters.
There are many tools which are useful in this kind of training purposes but the best tools which
can be used are 360 degree process and template, training planner. The skill sets and the training
needs analysis which we have learnt in the above point should be revisited which can help in
organizing and training elements assessment on the large scale.
There should be difference in the learning styles and personality which should be considered as
people's learning style greatly affect in the types of training which can be found to be most
easiest and effective and sometimes personality types are also considered and it should be always
remembered that we are dealing with the people instead of objects as they are filled with the
feelings, skills and knowledge. Models like Erikson model and Johor Window is the wonderful
mean to better understand this type of training and the team or their group also helps in the
understanding the training needs which could be helped by the Adair's theory and Tuckman
There should be better planning and evaluation which is to be performed that considers
effectiveness of the evaluation training including before and after measurements. Various models
are also included in this kind of training need such as Kirkpatrick model and that helps to
structure training design. Bloom's theory should also be considered that can help us to
understand about what type of development we are addressing to with this theory there are other
activities which should be considered which are team activities and exercises. The tips like self
studying program design should be observed as they offer more opportunities than ever.
Design materials, methods and deliver training are the tools which can be used to determine the
needs of training and development in the company. The methods which are innovative should be
considered such as business balls communities which have lots of providers and ideas. Running
meetings, workshops and presentations should also be considered as an important aspect for
delivery. The training provider's selection template could be used on the sales training page
which is adopted by the providers and services.
There are many ways or methods of training and development such as
Internal training courses
Classroom training
On the job training
Skills training
Behavioral training
Technical training
Training assignments
The training is also available outside and beyond the classroom where most importantly training
and learning are the topics which are indeed to look at from the trainee's view where view refers
to the offer is learning and developmental experience. There are various aspects which are
included in the international training and development such as ethics and morality, leadership
and determination and attitude and behavior in addition with the skills and knowledge.
We have seen that many organization's face various challenges of developing answer findings,
initiatives, self-belief and predicament solving capabilities within their people. There are certain
requirements of organizations where they need self sufficient, creative, autonomous and
resourceful staff at all the levels which can contribute to the overall performance of an
organization. The behavior of the staff tells about the operations which they can perform at the
higher strategic level which makes their company more productive and competitive in the market
where people's effort are more considered to produce bigger result. There are many types of
training which we have studied in which conventional skills training provides people with the
new methods and techniques which will not help in their courage, maturity and belief that are
essential for the progress of the managerial capabilities which focus on developing the person
instead of their skills.
In the period of training there can be participative workshops which can be included in the
beginning as it involves people right from the starting and focus on what they want. There could
be also personal development questionnaire to set the scene and examples should be provided of
alternative learning opportunities.

General Training Tips-

The tips which will be mentioned below is applicable to usual work related training for the
transfer of necessary job and work related skills instead these tips do not apply automatically to
the other forms of personal development and learning which can involve much wider
development methods and experiences. During the planning of the training these are some of the
points which should be kept in mind-
Personal objectives
Number of trainee
Methodology and usage of format
Time period of training
Location of training
Effectiveness of training
Reaction or feedback of the trainees
Whenever some Multi-national companies provides skills training to a trainee, they use these
five step approach -
Prepare the trainee- they provide time to relax them as some of the employees could find
learning new things stressful in the beginning.
Explain the job, task- the methods, standards, necessary tools, equipments and system should be
explained and discussed.
Provide a demonstration- a step by step process is more complex as more and more steps could
be difficult to learn so always show the correct way and accentuate the positive in addition with
feedback and check understanding.
The trainees should actually perform the job which would help in learning more by practical
applications of the equipments and services.
The progress is monitored which gives positive feedback and people should be encouraged,
coach and adapt with the pace of development.
These were the five steps which are provided to the trainee in their training period so as to make
perfection in their actual work performed in the company. Creating charts and using them could
be helpful as they are essential for complex work where we cannot measure it and it is essential
to use the training tools for various purposes such as accessing, recording, planning, measuring
and following up the person's training.

Training Planning Factors-

The guidelines which will be provided below will be dealing with the conventional work skills
training and development beyond which the issues of personal development and learning will be
the most noteworthy areas of the personal development which is to be focused on.
There are various areas which should be included to plan the traditional training of work skills
and capabilities which link the improvement of the organizational performance which needs to
identify the needs, priorities and gaps in the organizational performance. It will not be possible to
include so many aspects which determine the need of the training or there are various training
drivers which will produce the results which is cost effective in terms of business performance
which are- (rae)
Surveys on customer satisfaction
Financial reports and ratios.
Statistics and reports on business performance
Feedback on the training needs
Legislative pressures
Relevant qualification and certification program.
Staff Assessment centre and training audits.
Management feedback on the needs of the employee
Competitor analysis and comparison which could be done by SWOT analysis.
Strategic priorities and Director driven policy
The indicators and results are picked from the chosen driver to produce the priority needs of the
training as per the staff which will enable staff and management to accomplish improvements
required by an organization.

Development of Resources for Training-

There is a need of resources to perform a fully fleshed training with all the facilities which can
result in becoming independent in work and life. People who are having plenty of resources are
tend to be well developed individuals, capable of teaching and leading others, enabling and
assisting the change in groups and organizations, able to convey the enjoyment and advantages
finding the answers. Resources help in answering questions that are considered as one of the
indispensable needs of work and life.
Resources are generally used for developing people or making improvement is something which
could be small and realization for a single individual and if you build effective relevant resources
then obviously it will become effective and more relevant.

Training is given to make sure the accessibility of both skilled and the workforce which is
willing to work to an organization and this is the main objective of training and development
union. Information that is shared through training is one of the most valuable tools for
developing the most valuable asset which are employees. The main aim of all the training
whether it is local or international is the empowerment of the employees and increment in the
productivity. All the multinational companies give training to their employees for making the
process more efficient also more effective and the main reason behind this is the satisfaction of
the customer. For improving the overall performance of the organization is also related to the
proper training of the employees of that organization. Nowadays international training is very
important because it helps in maintaining the skill levels and the advance skill and knowledge
given to the employees improves their performance which finally results in increasing the
profitability which includes productivity and manpower. International training given to the
employees by the multinational companies helps in establishing the standards for work practices.
The frequent changes in the technology affects the requirements of jobs but the proper training
can respond to the changes in technologies and also to the organizational restructuring.
Development of the career is very important for a working person or an employee of
multinational company; proper training supports the career development of the employees. For
every successful employee training is very important because it fulfills all the needs of the
employees which are required for their growth and development. These days the multinational
companies give more emphasis on the international training of the employee rather than the local
training because the international training give more ideas about the whole world and also
develops the mind of the employee for facing all the bottlenecks that comes regularly in the path
and this results in the all around performance of that employee. (Sims, 1998)
Most of the multinational companies invest huge money for developing and purchasing of assets
used in training and the main purpose behind this is to build and extend their capabilities.
According to the survey of one of the multinational company it was found that in 2009 that
company gave international training to their 3500 employees and also provided the self training
courses. These companies' also provides various types formal and also informal training
programs for helping their employees to acquire the special skills. Formal training given to the
employees by the company helps in building of their experience and also their practical
knowledge in real life.
Employees are given training for achieving various mission and goals of the company. Training
and development gives knowledge to the employees about delivering of the quality solutions
with the help of practical tools and methods. This development provides the further progress and
gives various opportunities like to master a core-curriculum. This curriculum depends on certain
factors and it changes with the level of the employee, deployment of growth platform and
specialization but it involves the developing features like expertise of technology and industry,
professional skills like leadership, management, business selling etc.
These days' multinational companies are also focusing on the online training for their employees.
In this type of training employees of the company are trained on the computer and there is no
need of going somewhere which means travelling is not required in this training by the
employees. International training offers great advantage to the employers and the employees and
its good effects are seen when an employee is send to an external program of training or in a
seminar. This type of training increases the confidence and also the mental growth of the
employees working in the multinational companies etc.
Proper training and development of the training capabilities of the employees leads to increment
in the advantages for organization. The employees should be made familiar with the goals,
strengths and weakness of the company, environment culture etc. All these factors give a unique
advantage to the employees over the trainer who has the responsibility to learn all these factors
like company strengths and weaknesses, environment culture etc. The high performing
multinational companies are recognizing the needs of using various practices for training and
development for enhancing their competitive advantage. For every multinational company
training and development is an essential tool if they want to harness and grows the potential of
its employees. There is a clear link between the strategic training and development initiatives and
the bottom line present in the company. The image of a multinational company and its employers
are reflected by the quality and also the extent of training of staff and development. In today's
business world all the multinational companies are facing the shortage of the experience and the
skillful staff and because of this companies are facing the competition which includes both
internal and external for quality employees. An employer who gives 100 percent with full
seriousness in the field of training and development gets the entire benefits of a working
environment which is enriched with the staff retention of the higher level and also the increased
productivity and the performance of the employee in all fields of work. There are various key
drivers of training initiatives and these three drivers are health and safety, changes in technique
and the last one is the customer service. Now day's multinational companies are using training
and development as a gift for retaining and motivating the people and to be treated as the
employer and also giving staff the skill and knowledge which is required for the technological
change and services related to the customer. According to one of the survey most of the
multinational companies gave support to the employees for perusing the outside educational
programmers related to the work of their company. This support of the company for their
employer consists of financial aid and also the time off for both study and the exam leave. The
benefits of both these initiatives are very difficult to qualify but the fields like turnover of the
staff and morale are main factors of the success in this field. The amount of money spend and the
number of days spend on the training of the staff is very useful in getting an overview of the
multinational companies which are committed to the development and the training. But the
success of the multinational company is determined by the approach and the content of the
initiatives of the training and by their assessment and follow up. The initiatives of the training
requires the strategically alignment to the mission and goals of the company and they requires
design and delivery for helping the staff for achieving their departmental and the personal goals
also. The training initiatives become more targeted, measurable and effective when strategic
approach is adopted for the training and development. Training delivery also requires assessment
in terms of reaction, learning, change of behavior etc for the determination of the added value to
the company.
There are various things about training like some of the employees of the multinational
companies are worried by the external training or it may also give them feeling that company is
not doing fare job by sending them on the offered courses. This is the situation where the
appraisal system helps greatly because training is directly linked to the job role and objectives.
Most of the employees of the multinational companies welcome the opportunities for developing
new skills and for gaining further qualifications. Training and development opportunities can be
important factor in retaining staff only when it is offered to the staffs that are keen and interested
in their progress. There are various types of trainings but the multinational company should
choose that sort of training for their employees that suit both company and the employees. There
are many benefits in having a training and development in multinational companies and they are:
All the training and the development programmers are agreed between the employees and the
company and they linked with each other for meeting the company's objective. Another benefit is
that all the employees of the multinational company get equal access and equal opportunities for
training and development. Because of international training and development employees can
gain recognition for the knowledge and also the skills by achievement of qualifications which are
vocationally relevant. The activity of training and development is evaluated for ensuring that it is
meeting the identified needs.
In order to help the individual to develop perfect curriculum vitae, records of the activities of
training are kept. There are various methods of training and development:
First is the on the job training and this training is related to the formal training on the job. Due to
job over time worker becomes experienced due to the modification in the behaviors of the job at
the point of acquisition of skills.
Second is the orientation method which is carried out for entrants on the job for making them
familiar with the overall requirements of corporate which includes various norms, ethics, values
and all the rules and regulations.
One method of training is apprenticeship and it is a method of training where a skilled person is
understudied by the unskilled person.
Another method of training and development is the demonstration and in this type of method the
jobs are performed by the skilled workers and it is observed by the unskilled workers with the
purpose of understanding the job.
The last method of training and development is termed as the vestibule and this type of method is
performed through industrial attachment for the objective of transfer of skills and technology. In
this method training and development is achieved through the placement of an individual in
another area of relevant work or another company. This process has effects on the individuals in
acquiring the practical and the specialized skills. There is one more method of training and
development that we have discussed above and that method is the formal training which includes
the practical and the theoretical process of teaching. Trainings are often neglected by some of the
companies because of urgency of need, time of the training, cost of the training, turnover of the
employees, due to the diversification of the workers etc. But these should not be kept in mind by
the companies for training and development.
Training and development is very useful for many purposes but the significant importance of
international training and development is the increase in sales. As training and development
expands the business of the multinational company and it also provides the better customer
service which in turn helps in increment of the sales of the company. Training and the
development programmers helps employees a lot because these programs value employees to put
some time into making them better and the best thing about training and development is that they
value the thinking of the employees of the company and due to these programmers only the
employees of the multinational company don't quit the companies. Training and development
gives more time to the supervisor for management, standardized performance, less turnover,
more customers and finally the better service. Training and development gives confidence to the
workers for doing their jobs properly, reduces the tension of the workers, morale boosting,
satisfaction of job to the employees and it also gives them the chance of advancing their skills,
knowledge etc. For the multinational companies international training and development provides
a good image which is most important for every company and which finally results in more
profit for the multinational companies. After all the discussions it is concluded that training and
development is very important for all the multinational companies.
performed on the training field of the multinational companies and development which can be
seen in the performance of the trainee. The whole scenario describes about the benefits and the
use of training which was not considered in the past.

Human Resource Management in Virtual Organization

Planning, recruitment, development, maintenance, retention, and socialisation are the common
HR issues that ensure right HR tor right job. These also control and regulate the antecedent
conditions of performance. Virtual organisations are staffed by highly proficient workers who
are left to do their own things and produce highly competitive products or services.

Jobs in virtual organisations being knowledge-based are assumed to require greater skills, have
greater variety and offer better quality of working life (QWL). From HR point of view, virtual
organisation has both sides of the coin. The one (positive) side is greater job autonomy and more
financial stability, which are the most sought after things by the workers in any organisation.
This is so because of the reduced commuting, lunches and the clothing costs.

Added to these are increased working hours, a perceived increase in performance, reduced job-
stress and better social relationships as barriers between the home and work interface are
dissolved. However, the other (negative) side includes aspects like longer work hours, increased
work demands, poor working (physical) conditions and fewer career opportunities. In virtual
organisations, jobs are variable and of short term. People with multi-skill are valuable to the

The major HR issues involved in a virtual organization are:

1. Recruitment is conducted under time pressure and requires high performance expectations.

2. Both human capital i.e., knowing one‘s job and social capital i.e., knowing each other become
extricably linked.

3. Stability in social relationship is not very much required.

4. Master-apprentice relationship is craft-based learning techniques matter.

5. Work pace is variable because the need for readiness to be mobilized at any moment, like
defence service, is high.
6. Job is of short term. This requires virtual organisations a heavy investment to create systems
and staffing structures.

The employee selection is a very crucial area in virtual organisation. The reason being people
have to work in a virtual set up. Hence, there are certain requirements need to be met to work in
virtual organisations.

On the whole, the shift from traditional/face -to-face organisation to virtual organisation
triggers two ongoing debates within the HRM field:
1. The relevance of traditional forms of HRM to future organisational forms.

2. The shift from person-job-fit to person-role as the guiding paradigm for resourcing decisions.

There can be endless debate, on pros and cons of virtual organisations. Nonetheless, it can be
said with confidence that in a world of ever increasing competition and differention, it is
impossible for any company to have all skills that are needed to do the job. It is virtual
organisation that imbibes these ideas and makes the final leap. In fact, that is where the reality of
virtual organisations lies to-day and possibly will remain tomorrow as well.

Globalization is a term in business that refers to the integration of an organization's operations,

processes and strategies into diverse cultures, products, services and ideas. Because of its
emphasis on diversity, globalization also has a deep impact on the way companies manage their
employees. Understanding the effects of globalization on human resources can help managers to
better equip their organizations for the increasingly global business.

Diversity Recruitment

With the rise of globalization, companies of all sizes are now interacting with customers and
stakeholders from diverse cultures, languages and social backgrounds. In response, many human
resources managers seek to hire employees from equally diverse backgrounds. Companies
engaging in this diversity recruitment recognize the value of having people on staff that their
customers can relate to, and they know that having a team of diverse people contributes to the
range of ideas and influences within the organization.

Push for Professional Development

A further effect of globalization on HR management is a push for professional development.
Professional development is concerned with providing employees opportunities to achieve their
career-related goals. Some organizations provide resources for their employees to earn a
university degree, others send their employees to conferences or networking events and training
days. Professional development is important to globalization because it creates a win-win
situation. The employees feel as though the organization is concerned with providing a range of
skills and competencies for their employees. Likewise, the organization benefits from the added
skills and connections that the employees who take advantage of professional development
programs acquire.

Greater Emphasis on Training

Similar to professional development, a greater emphasis on training has resulted because of

globalization in human resources management. Training, however, tends to be focused on the
needs and professional competencies of groups of employees within the organization. The
company might, for instance, host language classes to give its call center staff an edge in
telephone sales. It might also teach its employees how to use a new global software platform.
This emphasis on training seeks to give the company a competitive edge in the global
marketplace by honing the employees' diversity emphasis.

Management of Laws Across Jurisdictions

A final effect of globalization on human resources management is the need for businesses to
understand and apply the laws of many different jurisdictions to the particular business. The
federal government sets out a number of tax and labor laws that businesses operating in the
United States must comply with, but there may also be local and regional laws that apply to
companies that operate in different states or different countries. Selling products in Europe, for
example, might mean that a company has to impose a Value-Added Tax on its goods. Hiring
employees at branch locations in different locations might change the requirements on minimum
wage, tax allowances or working hours. Understanding these laws is vitally essential to the
organization because any breach of them will have a serious impact not only on the business's
financial well-being but also on its reputation.
A virtual organization

It is an organization involving detached and disseminated entities (from employees to entire

enterprises) and requiring information technology to support their work and
communication.[1] Virtual organizations do not represent a firm‘s attribute but can be considered
as a different organizational form.

Unfortunately, it is quite hard to find a precise and fixed definition of fundamental notions such
as virtual organization or virtual company.[2] The term virtual organization ensued from the
phrase ―virtual reality‖, whose purpose is to look like reality by using electronic sounds and
images.[3] The term virtual organization implies the novel and innovative relationships between
organizations and individuals. Technology and globalization both support this particular type of

Virtual can be defined as "not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do
so",[5] in other words ―unreal but looking real‖.[6] This definition precisely outlines the leading
principle of this unconventional organization, which holds the form of a real (conventional)
corporation from the outside but does not actually exist physically and implicates an entirely
digital process relying on independents web associates.[6] Thus, virtual organizations are centred
on technology and position physical presence in the background. Virtual organizations possess
limited physical resources as value is added through (mobile) knowledge rather than
(immovable) equipment.[3]

Virtual organizations necessitate associations, federations, relations, agreements and alliance

relationships [4] as they essentially are partnership webs of disseminated organizational entities or
self-governing corporations.[6]

A virtual organisation has the following characteristics:
1. Flat organisation

2. Dynamic

3. Informal communication
4. Power flexibility

5. Multi-disciplinary (virtual) teams

6. Vague organisational boundaries

7. Goal orientation

8. Customer orientation

9. Home-work

10. Absence of apparent structure

11. Sharing of information

12. Staffed by knowledge workers.

In fact, this list of the characteristics of virtual organisation is not an exhaustive one but illustra-
tive only. One can add more characteristics to this list.

Types of virtual organizations:

Depending on the degree or spectrum of virtuality, virtual organisations can be classified
into three broad types as follows:
1. Telecommuters

2. Outsourcing employees/competencies

3. Completely virtual

A brief description of these follows in turn.

These companies have employees who work from their homes. They interact with the workplace
via personal computers connected with a modem to the phone lines. Examples of companies
using some form of telecommuting are Dow Chemicals, Xerox, Coherent Technologies Inc., etc.

Outsourcing Employees/Competencies:
These companies are characterised by the outsourcing of all/most core competencies. Areas for
outsourcing include marketing and sales, human resources, finance, research and development,
engineering, manufacturing, information system, etc. In such case, virtual organisation does its
own on one or two core areas of competence but with excellence. For example, Nike performs in
product design and marketing very well and relies on outsources for information technology as a
means for maintaining inter-organisational coordination.

Completely Virtual:
These companies metaphorically described as companies without walls that are tightly linked to
a large network of suppliers, distributors, retailers and customers as well as to strategic and joint
venture partners. Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games (ACOG) in 1996 and the
development efforts of the PC by the IBM are the examples of completely virtual organisations.
Now, these above types of virtual organisations are summarized in the following Table

Virtual organisations offer the following advantages:
1. It saves time, travel expenses and eliminates lack of access to experts.

2. Virtual teams can be organised whether or not members are in reasonable proximity to each

. Use of outside experts without incurring expenses for travel, logging and downtime.

4. Dynamic team membership allows people to move from one project to another.

5. Employee can be assigned to multiple, concurrent teams.

6. Teams‘ communication and work reports are available online to facilitate swift responses to
the demands of the (global) market.

In spite of these advantages, virtual organisations suffer from the following disadvantages
1. The lack of physical interactions with its associated verbal and non-verbal cues and also the
synergies that often accompany face-to-face interaction

2. Non-availability of paraverbal and non-verbal cues such as voice, eye movement, facial
expression, and body language which help in better communication.

3. Ability to work even if the virtual teams are miles apart and the members have never or rarely
met each other face-to-face.

It has played an important role in the generation of employment in India. Since the economic
liberalization policies in the 1990s, the employment scenario in the country has significantly
improved. An analysis of the impact of globalization on employment in India will bring out a
number of factors in this regard.
Market liberalization policies and employment
The wake of globalization was felt in India in the early 1990s when the then Finance Minister
Manmohan Singh initiated the open market policies. This led to a significant improvement in the
gross domestic product of the country and the exports increased considerably. There was
significant rise in the customer base and it slowly gave rise to the consumer market where the
market changes were dependant on the demand supply chains. In fact, the growth in demand
brought a favorable change and the supply too started increasing. As, supply is directly involved
with employment, more supply led to more production which led to more employment over the
Growth of new segments in the market
Due to globalization and the growth of the consumer market, a number of segments in various
sectors of the industry have grown over the years. This has led to the significant rise in the rate of
demand and supply. In the recent years, a number of industry segments such as information
technology, agro products, personal and beauty care, health care and other sectors have come
into the market.

Experts say that the introduction of a wide range of sectors have led to the favorable growth of
the economy in the country. With more and more industry segments coming up, there has been a
high demand for quality workforce. As such, lots of young people are taking jobs in all these
segments in order to start a good career.

In the unorganized sector as well, there has been an increase in various sectors which has
improved the rate of employment in the country. As per the recent surveys, there has been a
significant increase in the number of people working in the unorganized and allied sectors. The
pay package in all these unorganized sectors have also increased to a great extent.

Improvement in the standard of living

As globalization has put a favorable impact in the economy of the country, there has been an
improvement in the standard of living of the people. The favorable economic growth has led to
the development of infrastructure, health care facilities and services, per capita income and other
factors which have really led to the high growth rate. It has been expected that the economy in
India will grow by around 6-7% yearly. This growth rate is expected to improve the overall
employment situation more and the per capita income will also increase significantly.

Development of other sectors

Globalization has positively affected the growth of various sectors in India. These have opened
up new employment opportunities for the people. The service industry has a share of around 54%
of the yearly Gross Domestic Product (GDP). From this figure itself, it is understood that the
service industries are doing very well in the market and as such, plenty of employment
opportunities are taking place.

In the other sectors such as industry and agriculture, the rate of employment has gone up. The
industrial sector contributes around 29 % while the agricultural sector contributes around 17 % to
the gross domestic product. Some of the well known exports of the country consist of tea, cotton,
jute, wheat, sugarcane and so on. Due to the growth of customer base in all these sectors, more
and more employment opportunities are opening up. In fact even young people and freshers are
getting jobs in all these sectors. In the manufacturing sector, there has been a growth of around
12% while the communication and storage sector has also grown up by around 16.64%.

Government Initiatives

To keep pace with the favorable effects of globalization, the government has taken a number of
initiatives. A number of employment opportunities such as Prime Minister Rojgar Yojna and the
CM Rojgar Yojna have been initiated to improve the employment situation in the rural areas.
The Minimum Wages scheme has also been successfully implemented. In order to improve the
quality of the workforce, effort is also being given to impact education to various sectors of the
rural areas. Under these schemes, new schools are being opened up and attention is also being
given to the welfare of the students. Likewise in the urban sector too, more and more
employment opportunities are being opened up for the youth in a number of government sectors,
banks and so on.

In order to foster communication and migration of workforce to various parts of the country to
cater to the needs, the government has also developed infrastructure to a great extent. New roads
and highways are being constructed to increase connectivity.

Collective bargaining

is a process of negotiation between employers and a group of employees aimed at agreements to

regulate working salaries, working conditions, benefits, and other aspects of workers'
compensation and rights. The interests of the employees are commonly presented by
representatives of a trade union to which the employees belong. The collective
agreements reached by these negotiations usually set out wage scales, working hours, training,
health and safety, overtime, grievance mechanisms, and rights to participate in workplace or
company affairs.[1]

The union may negotiate with a single employer (who is typically representing a company's
shareholders) or may negotiate with a group of businesses, depending on the country, to reach an
industry-wide agreement. A collective agreement functions as a labour contract between an
employer and one or more unions. Collective bargaining consists of the process of negotiation
between representatives of a union and employers (generally represented by management, or, in
some countries such as Austria, Sweden and the Netherlands, by an employers' organization) in
respect of the terms and conditions of employment of employees, such as wages, hours of work,
working conditions, grievance procedures, and about the rights and responsibilities of trade
unions. The parties often refer to the result of the negotiation as a collective bargaining
agreement (CBA) or as a collective employment agreement (CEA).

Participative Management

It refers to as an open form of management where employees are actively involved in

organization‘s decision making process. The concept is applied by the managers who understand
the importance to human intellect and seek a strong relationship with their employees. They
understand that the employees are the facilitators who deal directly with the customers and
satisfy their needs. To beat the competition in market and to stay ahead of the competition, this
form of management has been adopted by many organizations. They welcome the innovative
ideas, concepts and thoughts from the employees and involve them in decision making process.

Participative Management can also be termed as ‘Industrial Democracy’, ‘Co-

determination’, ‘Employee Involvement’ as well as ‘Participative Decision Making’. The
concept of employee participation in organization‘s decision making is not new. However, the
idea couldn‘t gain that much popularity among organizations. Studies have shown that only 3-5
percent of organizations have actually implemented this concept in their daily operations.
Though the theory of participative management is as old as the institution of employees and
employers still it is not applied by a large proportion of organizations.

The idea behind employee involvement at every stage of decision making is absolutely straight.
Open and honest communication always produces good results both for organization as well as
workers. Freedom and transparency in company‘s operations take it to the next level and
strengthens the basis of the organization. On the other hand, there are several companies that
straightway rule out the possibility of participative decision making process. According to them,
employees misuse their freedom of expression and participation in decision making as it
provides higher status to employees and empowers them.

However, there are many companies who have embraced this particular style of management and
are now getting positive results. Toyota is the best example. The company has been following
suggestion schemes and employee involvement procedures for over a decade now. The
management receives almost 2,000,000 suggestions and ideas every year and around 95 percent
of these are implemented by the company. Who is not aware of Toyota‘s success rate? Around
five thousand improvements per year have made Toyota one of the fastest growing organizations
globally. The need is to develop and implement a comprehensive company policy and everything
works well.

British Airways is another great example of participatory management. During economic

downsizing, employees‘ suggestions helped them cut annual cost of their operations by 4.5
million pounds. This is just unbelievable. The company would have suffered from huge losses,
had it not adopted employees‘ suggestions. It is right to some extent that employees can misuse
industrial democracy but with a proper management of HR functions, this problem can be solved
and the operations of organization can be taken to the next level.

Satyam is another great example. It has been implementing company-wide suggestion scheme,
‗The Idea Junction‘, since 2001. A real-time web-based portal is present in Intranet that can be
accessed by all its employees all across the globe to support the entire life cycle of an idea right
from its generation till its implementation. The main idea behind adopting this management style
was to create values and bring sense of belongingness in the employees through ideas,
suggestions and complaints. The whole procedure is backed by a strong and comprehensive
reward policy that encourages employees to perform better each time.

Employee participation at each level of decision making process is not at all harmful if managed
efficiently. The whole process can be well coordinated and controlled by the sincere and honest
efforts of human resource managers.

Ethical issues in hrm

Of all the organisational issues or problems, ethical issues are the most difficult ones to handle or
deal with. Issues arise in employment, remuneration and benefits, industrial relations and health
and safety.

 Cash and Compensation Plans

There are ethical issues pertaining to the salaries, executive perquisites and the annual
incentive plans etc. The HR manager is often under pressure to raise the band of base
salaries. There is increased pressure upon the HR function to pay out more incentives to
the top management and the justification for the same is put as the need to retain the
latter. Further ethical issues crop in HR when long term compensation and incentive
plans are designed in consultation with the CEO or an external consultant. While
deciding upon the payout there is pressure on favouring the interests of the top
management in comparison to that of other employees and stakeholders.

 Race, gender and Disability

In many organisations till recently the employees were differentiated on the basis of their
race, gender, origin and their disability. Not anymore ever since the evolution of laws and
a regulatory framework that has standardised employee behaviours towards each other. In
good organisations the only differentiating factor is performance! In addition the power
of filing litigation has made put organisations on the back foot. Managers are trained for
aligning behaviour and avoiding discriminatory practices.

 Employment Issues

Human resource practitioners face bigger dilemmas in employee hiring. One dilemma
stems from the pressure of hiring someone who has been recommended by a friend,
someone from your family or a top executive.

Yet another dilemma arises when you have already hired someone and he/she is later
found to have presented fake documents. Two cases may arise and both are critical. In the
first case the person has been trained and the position is critical. In the second case the
person has been highly appreciated for his work during his short stint or he/she has a
unique blend of skills with the right kind of attitude. Both the situations are sufficiently
dilemmatic to leave even a seasoned HR campaigner in a fix.

 Privacy Issues

Any person working with any organisation is an individual and has a personal side to his
existence which he demands should be respected and not intruded. The employee wants
the organisation to protect his/her personal life. This personal life may encompass things
like his religious, political and social beliefs etc. However certain situations may arise
that mandate snooping behaviours on the part of the employer. For example, mail
scanning is one of the activities used to track the activities of an employee who is
believed to be engaged in activities that are not in the larger benefit of the organisation.
Similarly there are ethical issues in HR that pertain to health and safety, restructuring and
layoffs and employee responsibilities. There is still a debate going on whether such
activities are ethically permitted or not. Layoffs, for example, are no more considered as
unethical as they were thought of in the past.
Special Issues in IHRM
As the success of domestic business depends on its human resources, the success of a
multinational company depends on international human resource management. Human resources
managers are kind of people managers of any business organization, and are responsible for
managing a wide range of employees. The human resource manager in a multi-national company
with divisions or subsidiaries in foreign countries has all the normal HR responsibilities plus a
brace of additional tasks that are specific to offshore operations of his department. He is literally
responsible for international human resource management.
Typically, HRM refers to those activities undertaken by an organization to effectively utilize its
human resources. These activities would include at least the following:
Human resource planning
Performance management
Training and development
Compensation and Benefits
Labour relations
We can now consider the question of which activities change when HRM goes international. A
paper by Morgan (1986) on the development of international HRM is helpful in considering this
question. He presents a model of international HRM that consists of three dimensions:
The three broad human resource activities of procurement, allocation, and utilisation. (These
three broad activities can be easily expanded into the six HR activities listed above).
The three national or country categories involved in international HRM activities:
The host-country where a subsidiary may be located,
The home-country where the firm is headquartered, and
"Other" countries that may be the source of labour or finance.
The three types of employees of an international firm:
Host-country nationals(HCNs),
Parent-country nationals (PCNs), and
Third-country nationals (TCNs).
Thus, for example, IBM employs Australian citizens (HCNs) in its Australian operations, often
sends U.S. citizens (PCNs) to Asia-Pacific countries on assignment, and may send some of its
Singaporean employees on an assignment to its Japanese operations (as TCNs).
So, International human resource management functions cover many different activities related
to a business organization's employees and contractors. The first and most important is the
staffing needs of the company whether staff members are company employees or outside
contractors. Other functions include recruiting and training employees, ensuring that they are
performing at expected levels or better, handling performance issues and making certain that
personnel and management policies conform to laws and regulations. IHR management is also
involved in how the company manages employee compensation and benefits, employee records
and personnel policies and practices.
The primary difference between domestic human resource management and international human
resource management is the added knowledge and responsibilities required due to foreign
operations. These typically include language (in non-English speaking offshore organisations),
the local and national regulations and laws governing business operations within a foreign
country; currency exchange rates, career outlooks, company benefits and incentives and, perhaps
most important. The ethics and etiquette expectations of foreign business contacts. IHR
management people must understand these differences clearly and stand ready to keep other
company people informed of them to prevent embarrassing situations and unintentional 'affronts'
from occurring
Basic human resources are a management activity while human resources development is
considered a profession. The latter is targeted more specifically to developing personnel inside
organisations through career development, organizational development and training activities.
Both functions have undergone very-significant evolutions during the past several decades so
that they now play major roles in staffing, managing and training people so that the will perform
in an optimum manner for the organisation. Today, international human resource management is
the fastest-growing subset of HR due to the growing trend for global business operations.
Still other international human resource management activities include ensuring workplace
safety through dealing with drugs and drug problems, employee assistance, ergonomics,
spirituality and diversity. In these efforts multiple sets of regulations must be used as guidelines;
those of the company and those arising from being in a foreign nation with different laws,
regulations and etiquettes. (managementhelp.org, 2007).
An understanding of international HRM, as Scullion (1995) points out, is of growing importance
for a number of reasons, the most significant of which are:
Recent years have seen a rapid increase in global activity and global competition. As the MNCs
increase in number and influence, so the role of international HRM in those companies grows in
The effective management of human resources internationally is increasingly being recognised
as a major determinant of success or failure in international business.
Research evidence shows that
Shortage of international managers is becoming an increasing problem for international firms,
To a large extent the successful implementation of global strategies depends on the existence of
an adequate supply of internationally experienced managers,
Business failures in the international arena may often be linked to poor management of human
resources, and
Expatriate failures continue to be a significant problem for many international firms.
In this connection, Schuler et al. (1993) argue that:
HRM at any level is important to strategy implementation;
Major strategic components of MNCs have a significant bearing on international management
issues, functions, policies and practices;
Many of these characteristics of strategic international human resource management can help or
hinder the MNCs in their attempt to achieve their goals and objectives; and
There are various factors that make the relationship between MNCs and strategic IHRM
complex, thereby making the study of IHRM important.
To the above must also be added the issues which are important from the employees' point of
view and the effect that MNC's HRM policies and practices might have on their morale and
future career prospects. This is especially crucial because the bulk of employees of major MNCs
come not from the companies' home country but from many other nations with sometimes totally
different ways of doing things. Employees from the host countries for instance might have
different expectations from their job and their workplace than do the home country employees.
In addition, host countries' labour laws and regulations and industrial relations are very likely to
be different from those of the MNC's home country.


To achieve a competitive advantage in the global market, effective exploitation of human
resources is of significant importance. To be in competition and have sustainable advantage it is
necessary to manage internal resources in efficient way. For sustainable advantage in
competition, creation of value is important, but it should be rare, it must be inimitable, and must
be non-sustainable.
For the sustainable competitive advantage, human resources are the most important factor as it is
inimitable, non-substitutable as well as valuable and rare.

Human resources- Valuable

For sustainable competitive advantage, resources must be valuable. The demand for labour is
different in different firms and it is more different across the countries than it is within the
countries due differences in availability of capital, difference of labour practices and social and
cultural norms which are related to the work. The labour supply is also different across countries
than within the countries due to difference in hygiene, health care, nourishment, training and
educational opportunities. As competition becomes more global, there is an opportunity for
creating value through human resources.
Human resources must have control, information, awareness, recognition and rewards to be the
source of competitive advantage.
Human resources- Rare
To be source of sustainable competitive advantage the resource should be rare. Human skills are
distributed normally in the population and are rare. Human resources vary in worth, and different
jobs require different skills and finding these skills are rare. International firms have and can
draw more labour pool; they have great potential for developing the valuable and rare resources
than the domestic firms which draw from only labour pool.

Human resources- Inimitable

It will be more difficult to imitate the resources in the presence of causal ambiguity and social
Causal ambiguity: - Exists when their imperfection in understanding of the link between a firm's
resources and competitive advantage. If the firm which is in the competition is not able to
identify the human resources which are responsible for competitive advantage, they cannot
imitate the advantage. Causal ambiguity is caused mainly due to team production. When the
work is done in team, it becomes difficult to identify who had contributed maximum to achieve
the goal.
Social complexity: - It may arise from the transaction-specific relationships. The competitive
advantage can be gained due to complex social situation. Even when the relationships are too
complex, it is better to consider the value of relationship which may be due to the human
transactions. The value can be developed due to the knowledge and trust which had been
developed over the time. Human interaction may lead to social complexity.
In the global competition, the social complexity and causal ambiguity act as a barrier to
imitation. It becomes difficult for the outsiders to understand the competitive advantage due to
differences in customs and norms. The imitation becomes impossible due to religion, culture and
political alliances.

Human resources- Non-substitutable

To stay in the competitive global environment there should be no good substitute available.
Finding the good substitute is the difficult task. Human resources are the factor which can be
transferred across the technologies, products and markets. Human resources are thus valuable. If
the firm has obtained high level of learning capabilities then providing good training ensures that
resources do not becomes out of date.
It is possible to substitute all the other resources for the short term and they can't eliminate the
substitution of the human resources for long.

What is Globalization?
2. A Google search under the key word "globalization" yields more than 1.6 million hits —
ample proof that both interest and definitions abound. From my perspective as an economist,
globalization means a process of increasing international division of labor and the accompanying
integration of national economies through trade in goods and services, cross-border corporate
investments, and financial flows. This integration is boosted by technological progress, in
particular in transport and communications. However, there is more to globalization than mere
economics: globalization also means the free exchange of thoughts and ideas, and greater
mobility of people. This is not something that is imposed upon us, but the result of forces for
change that are deeply rooted in human nature: the drive for freedom and a better life, for new
discoveries, and for a broader horizon.

A brief history

3. Globalization is not a recent phenomenon. Even in the pre-Google days humans were reaching
out for new frontiers. Back in the 11th century the Venetian Republic was an early force in
globalization. The age of the Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch voyages of discovery gave further
impetus to global integration through rapid advances in maritime technology. The discovery of
electricity, the expansion of the railways, and the gold standard in the period from the mid-
19thcentury to 1914 brought about an enormous increase in trade and financial integration.
However, it is important to remember that this great wave of economic integration was
interrupted in the first half of the 20th century by a phase of aggressive nationalism and
protectionism in the aftermath of World War I, leading to the Great Depression of the 1930s and
the catastrophe of another world war.

Opportunities and risks of globalization

4. An objective look at the last 50 years provides impressive evidence of the economic
advantages of globalization. In the industrialized countries, real per capita income more than
tripled in the second half of the 20th century. In some developing countries the increase was even
more dramatic. In South Korea, for example, per capita income increased more than tenfold,
measured in today's prices. Economic growth also brought about medical advances, for example:
life expectancy rose by over a decade in industrialized countries and by over 20 years on average
in developing countries. Some developing countries that have embarked on the road toward
global integration, such as China, India, Malaysia, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, and Thailand,
now no longer export only raw materials, but also finished products, and services. In India, for
example, IT exports alone account for nearly 40 percent of export earnings.

5. Nevertheless, globalization also contains risks. In my view, there are three major economic

 First, the benefits of economic integration have primarily extended to the industrialized
countries, along with, in the last 10 to 20 years, a group of developing countries, admittedly
encompassing over 3 billion inhabitants. At the same time, however, according to a World Bank
classification, a similar number of people live on less than $2 a day. Such poverty is the greatest
challenge for stability and peace in the 21st century.
 Second, the globalization of financial markets has been accompanied by devastating
financial crises in emerging market economies. The causes of these crises are complex.
However, a common feature has often been over-indebtedness and massive reversals in capital
flows, leading to severe recession accompanied by a sharp rise in unemployment.
 Third, globalization exerts pressure on the environment. Domestic environmental protection
policies alone are no longer sufficient to address this pressure. In economists' language, an
environment worth living in has become a global public good that warrants active engagement.

6. Globalization is neither good nor bad. It all depends on what we make of it — the extent to
which we are able to exploit the opportunities and at the same time limit the risks. I believe that
to alleviate world poverty, we need more, not less, globalization — but above all a better
globalization. In other words, globalization requires political management. I welcome the critical
debate on globalization, which should help us to find workable solutions for a better

7. At the last IMF annual meeting I set out five guide posts for the IMF in its contribution
toward a better globalization:

 First: issues of international interdependence must be given greater priority in national policy
agendas. Increasing mutual dependence requires that each country must give more consideration
to the consequences of its actions on others. That in turn requires closer international cooperation
and also institutions that are directly responsible for global problems;
 Second, globalization urgently requires international solidarity. Solidarity is, however, not just
an ethical and moral duty. In actively combating world poverty I see an investment in stability
and peace for the whole of mankind.
 Third, international cooperation and solidarity should not weaken or even replace national self-
responsibility. At the end of the day, what matters is also, and above all, good governance,
sound institutions, and respect for the rule of law;
 Fourth, the market economy has proven to be the best mechanism in history for economic
coordination. Nevertheless, market forces alone do not suffice. We need internationally
recognized ground rules for participation in globalization.
 Fifth, we should regard the diversity of experiences and cultures as part of the wealth of our
planet. Strengthening the international financial architecture should not therefore be an attempt
to force all countries into a uniform, one-size-fits-all economic or cultural model.

The international financial architecture and the role of the IMF

8. A key lesson from financial crises of the past few years is that crisis prevention must
stand at the center of the IMF's mandate. The principal starting point for this task is the
Fund's bilateral and multilateral surveillance work, that is the regular examination and
assessment of economic developments and policies at the national and international level. We are
currently honing this tool, by focusing more than ever on the sources of crisis vulnerability and
on strengthening crisis resilience:

 We are advising our members to incorporate more shock absorbers in their economic
policies. The starting points for this are, for example, a fiscal policy that also leaves room for
maneuver in difficult times; efficient and diversified financial sectors; and last but not least more
effective social safety nets. Experience also shows that flexible exchange rates function
particularly well as a buffer, by allowing gradual adaptation to changing economic
 Following the Asian crisis we have also been focusing increasingly on financial sector
issues. In conjunction with the World Bank, we draw up profiles of member countries' strengths
and weaknesses as part of our Financial Sector Assessment Program. So far, we have completed
over 50 country analyses; for Germany, this work is currently under way.
 Today's world economy looks dramatically different from that of 20 years ago, primarily
due to the evolution of international capital markets. Private capital flows have overtaken
public flows in terms of volume and variety. For this reason, one of my first decisions as
Managing Director was to set up a special department at the IMF to provide better analysis and
assessments of developments in international capital markets. This includes a regular dialogue
with the private sector, and Dr. Gentz is a member of our International Capital Markets
Consultative Group. Moreover, in the Global Financial Stability Report, we now analyze the
risks in the international financial system semi-annually. In this we have identified, for example,
the current weaknesses in corporate balance sheets as a threat to economic recovery. We also
counseled in favor of greater transparency in financial derivatives at an early stage, so that
market participants could evaluate the associated risks more easily.
 Free movement of capital provides developing and emerging market economies with access
to technology, investment, and also financial expertise. These are important prerequisites for
economic growth and employment. Promoting further liberalization of capital flows therefore
remains an appropriate and important objective. However, as the Asian crisis reminded us most
recently, we know that opening up to the free movement of capital must be carefully sequenced,
paying due attention to the establishment of sound institutions — including the necessary
domestic regulatory and supervisory capabilities.

9. Crisis prevention is strengthened above all through more transparency in economic data
and polices. In this respect there has been a veritable revolution since the financial crises of the
late 1990s. This is especially true in the case of data transparency. Fifty-three member countries
have now joined the IMF Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS), including most of the
large emerging market economies, such as Brazil, India, and Mexico. The SDDS lays down
consistent standards for the publication of important economic data. Private market participants
confirm that the standard, for example, for the dissemination of information on foreign exchange
reserves, is being increasingly used for country risk evaluation. Moreover, more transparency
also helps to combat corruption.

10. Transparency is, however, rightly also required of the IMF itself. And this has been an
important objective for the Fund. Nearly all country and policy documents are now publicly
available, unless a member country explicitly withholds its consent, or unless a document
contains market-sensitive information. Even our semi-annual work program is now published on
the IMF website. In addition, we have established an independent evaluation office, which has
the task to assess the work of the Fund. This office has already presented its second report on the
role of the IMF in the financial crises in Indonesia, South Korea, and Brazil in the late 1990s. I
am looking forward to discussing the report, as it will likely demonstrate among other things that
the IMF has already drawn a number of important lessons from previous financial crises.
11. Nevertheless, much work remains to be done. This is particularly the case for the work on
the internationally-accepted rules for the global economy. In the context of our surveillance
responsibility, we are promoting acceptance and observance of standards and codes agreed by
the international community. Such standards and codes extend from economic statistics, as in the
IMF Special Data Dissemination Standard, via transparency rules for fiscal and monetary policy,
minimum capital requirements for banks, supervisory standards for the investment and insurance
industries, to a methodology for combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
The broad implementation of these initiatives will take time, and the various standards and codes
must be regularly reviewed. However, there is no doubt in my mind that these initiatives,
together with the systematic review of our member countries' financial sectors, have already
gone a long way to strengthening the international financial system.

12. Even the best efforts of prevention will not completely eliminate the possibility of future
crises. Overshooting and correction will always be part of an open and dynamic market
economy. Nevertheless, the objective must be to have fewer and less severe crises, and also to
avoid contagion. In any case, even in the event of a crisis, self-responsibility is indispensable, if
only to minimize moral hazard. The IMF is no lender of last resort in the sense of an unlimited
availability of liquidity to help countries in financial difficulty. For this reason, we have clarified
the conditions and limits of access to IMF resources. We have also concluded a long discussion
of how best to help a country that faces a threat of insolvency. The Fund's proposal to create a
mechanism similar to private sector bankruptcy for such rare cases failed to achieve the high
degree of voting support required to bring about a change in the IMF Articles of Agreement.
There is consensus, however, on proceeding with the introduction of what are known
as Collective Action Clauses (CAC) in government bonds, so that individual creditors cannot
block an essential debt restructuring. The inclusion of such clauses by Mexico, Brazil, and
recently South Africa in their most recently issued bonds is a welcome development. The IMF
also supports the creation of a voluntary code of conduct establishing ground rules for debtors
and creditors in debt rescheduling procedures. And finally, we are continuing to work on further
open questions, such as the aggregation of debt claims across different bonds. I have no doubt
that these measures have created a framework that will considerably improve crisis management
in the future.

13. It is both appropriate and important that the IMF focus not only on rich countries but
on poor countries as well. We are a global institution with 184 member countries, and in (too)
many of these countries, poverty remains the greatest challenge. Globalization requires a policy
framework for one world. With the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Financing for
Development in Monterrey in March 2002 there is now a remarkable degree of international
consensus on the right approach to alleviating poverty. That approach rests on two pillars:

 First, greater efforts on the part of the poor countries themselves; that means they must ensure
observance of the rule of law, good governance, the fight against corruption, and a better
investment climate in their own country.
 And second, swifter, more comprehensive, and more effective support from the advanced
economies. Above all, the latter must realize that aid becomes more effective, the more
cooperation with developing countries is treated as a partnership.
This approach, and the spirit of Monterrey can already be seen in the efforts of a new generation
of African leaders in putting forward the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD).

14. The World Bank and the IMF — under the leadership of the World Bank — are
supporting this concept with technical assistance and financial support as part of
the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP). These are long-term development strategies
adopted by the countries themselves. What is new about this concept is especially the broad
consultation process involving civil society, aimed at strengthening ownership and thereby
improving the chances of success. Moreover it is important that these country strategies be
discussed with other bilateral and multilateral donors, and with NGOs, so as to improve aid
coordination. Within this approach, the IMF contributes its expertise in the area of
macroeconomic policy and financial stability. In doing so, we do not pursue stability as an end in
itself, but because experience has shown that inflation and weak government finances hamper
sustainable economic growth and, as a result, hurt the poor most of all. So far, twenty-eight
developing countries have prepared full PRSPs and twenty-one others are coordinating their
development process with the help of interim PRSPs. The first signs of success can be clearly
seen in countries such as Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda. These countries have weathered
the shocks to the global economy of the past three years with relatively stable growth. Moreover,
in these countries there has also been a structural increase in expenditure on education and
health. Overall, the IMF has strengthened its involvement in Africa, particularly through the
establishment of two regional technical assistance centers in Tanzania and Mali. These centers
offer countries education and training, with the objective to improve the efficiency of the
management of public finances and to support the establishment of financial sectors that promote

15. Debt relief clearly must be part of a comprehensive approach to poverty alleviation. The
enhanced HIPC initiative of the IMF and the World Bank has so far reduced the external debt of
20 countries by $40 billion, a reduction by two thirds in net present value terms. At the same
time, in these countries, social expenditures are now on average three times higher than their
debt service. However, I should caution that debt relief is no panacea. The word "credit" comes
from the Latin credere, to trust. Developing countries must maintain or build up the confidence
that contracts will be honored, if they wish to open up the possibility of access to private
financial resources. Promoting such a credit culture is crucial not only for development, but also
for the stability of the international financial system as a whole.

16. The true credibility test for industrial countries in combating poverty lies in their
readiness to open their own markets to developing country exports, including by
dismantling market-distorting subsidies, and in honoring their pledges to provide overseas
development assistance. Trade is an engine of economic growth, without which no real progress
can be made in alleviating poverty. Trade is the best form of help to self-help and reduces
dependence on development aid. It is high time that the industrial countries open their markets
more widely to products from developing countries. Far-reaching reforms in agricultural policy
in all industrial nations are therefore urgently needed — both for fundamental moral reasons and
because it makes economic sense:

 Abolishing all trade barriers in goods markets would lead, according to best estimates, and
before taking into account productivity gains and improved investment prospects, to an annual
increase in global income of $250 billion to $620 billion — of which one third to one half would
benefit developing countries;
 Total financial support to the agricultural sectors in the OECD reached over $300 billion in 2001
— six times overseas development assistance from these countries. The average European cow
receives a daily subsidy of $2.50 — statistically, that is more than almost 3 billion people in
developing countries have to live on per day!
 Trade barriers prevent manufacturing industries from emerging in developing countries. For
example the EU applies a zero tariff on imports of cocoa beans, but cocoa paste, a semi-finished
product, is subject to a 9.6 percent duty, and processed chocolate is taxed under a mixed set of
tariffs that can add up to as high as 25 percent.

It was a moment of inspiration in development policy two years ago when trade negotiators,
meeting under the auspices of the World Trade Organization in Doha, Qatar, agreed to make the
new multilateral trade liberalization initiative a "Development Round." Today we must ask
ourselves with concern whether this optimism is still justified. In any case, it is disappointing
that the March deadline for agreeing to the modalities for the agricultural trade talks was missed.
Three fourths of the world's poor live in rural areas and are dependent on agriculture. The
agricultural sector is thus the key to a true "Development Round." Moreover, the successful
conclusion of the Doha Round by the agreed deadline in 2005 is also a vital step in strengthening
confidence in global cooperation, thereby supporting the emerging economic recovery.

17. It is also high time that industrial countries finally keep their promise to spend
0.7 percent of their gross national product on development aid. In Germany, development aid
is now 0.26 percent of GNP. Anyone looking for causes and culprits for injustice in the world
should at the very least reflect upon this number. It is a concrete expression of current social
preferences in Germany.


A global world needs a global ethic

18. I am basically an optimist and I am convinced that with the right policy a better globalization
is possible — and that also includes not least the elimination of glaring poverty in the world.
Nonetheless, the recent financial scandals in the United States and in Europe should remind us
that good market economics and good corporate governance are not measured by quarterly profit
alone. We also need a corporate code of ethics that fosters sustainable value creation that takes
into account shareholders, workers, and the environment. I agree with Hans Küng that the world
cannot survive without a global ethic. This ethic must respect human rights, but should remind us
that we have duties as well as rights. Hans Küng also demonstrated that there is a great deal of
commonality between the great world religions. In this too I see a basis for optimism, not least
for the vital healing process in the Middle East. We must and indeed can all help in bringing
about Roman Herzog's ideal of a common civilization living together in peace. That is also the
basis for my vision for the IMF.

Impact of IT on Human Resource Management-

Leveraging Human Resources During Difficult Times
Posted by Tresha Moreland on Apr 3, 2016 in Career
Management, Competitive, Customer, Innovation, Planning, Productivity, Profitability, Qu
ality, Turnaround, Value | Comments Off on Leveraging Human Resources During Difficult

The global economic crisis continues to force businesses to make difficult decisions to remain
viable and competitive. Increasing regulatory pressures, decreasing revenues, and continual
competitive threats have turned the ―status quo‖ into the ―status isn‘t‖.
In this new era of uncertainty, businesses need to think differently and beyond its immediate
challenge(s) to navigate successfully through difficult times. Executives who think of a human
resources function only as an administrative overhead department, businesses can stand to lose
out on critical key strategies that will help them remain viable and competitive.
Workplaces can leverage its human resources in order to navigate through these difficult times to
remain viable, and ultimately obtain a competitive advantage when the economy turns around.
Here are three specific areas where human resources can be leveraged in this new era:
Cost containment
Cost containment can go beyond just eliminating positions and reducing supply purchases.
Human resources can be leveraged in analyzing and locating wasteful spending in its benefits,
compensation, and staffing practices. There are reports of organizations finding hundreds of
thousands of dollars in savings by its human resources facilitating the auditing of its benefit
plans and records, alone. In fact, Liberty Benefit Insurance Services offers insight in how
businesses have been able to save much needed money by auditing its health insurance plans.
Through these auditing practices, businesses may be able to find savings without compromising
on coverage.
In addition, businesses can leverage human resources in correcting those cost containment
opportunities from within the organization. These activities include facilitating real collaborative
house-wide organizational efforts, managing reduction-in-force efforts, while mitigating risks
that may lead to spending money on legal defense. By managing a non-punitive, truly engaging
efforts, employees may feel open to sharing with you areas of opportunity for saving money.
However, punitive, singling-out efforts will only encourage employees to remain silent, costing
the company cost containment opportunities that could have been realized. While cost
containment findings may offer short-term solutions, being able to internally work together,
identifying and self-correcting wayward practices is a step towards becoming self-reliant and
viable in the long term.
Performance Improvement
In an era where businesses must do more with less, it is critical that its workforce is performing
at its highest level, now more than ever. Now is the time to be fully ―on‖ with all employees
moving in the same direction. This can be done with the right tools and collaborative support
from the executive and leadership teams.
In a time of crisis it is especially important to ensure job descriptions, evaluations, any
assessment tools, training efforts and internal communication methods are current and aligned
with organizational goals and objectives. A common mistake is to assume that these are only
administrative chores and have no impact on organizational performance. It is completely ironic
when businesses use tools that are not connected to actual goals and objectives, but expect stellar
performance. Resist the temptation to use tools just because some other company uses it without
building in language and measurements that align with your desired business culture and goals.
When each of these tools are designed with business results in mind and skillfully leveraged
together, they can help achieve direct results such as hiring the right people, holding them
accountable, and developing future leaders. It is these steps that keep people on the ship focused
on desired direction, despite the stormy weather going on around you.
Positioning for growth
Leveraging human resources comes into play for workplaces who wish to engage in positioning
for growth. Some of those activities are through leadership, hiring the right people, and
employee engagement.
Leadership - Identifying who should be ―on the bus‖, obtaining and developing a strong
leadership team is a key strategy. Effective leadership development programs address current
challenges and are not a one-size-fit-all approach. Most organizations have leaders that are at
different stages in their development. In addition, with multi-generations that comprise the
workforce, being able to mix-up and customize development programs are essential.
Hiring the right people - Recruitment is the front door to successful talent management and goal
achievement. Businesses will be set up for success if they make a concerted effort to hire people
with values that are aligned with organizational goals and objectives.
Employee engagement - Knowing how to engage people in crisis, solutions, and organizational
goals and objectives is a key strategy towards success. You can sit and bark orders at people all
you want, but unless employees are engaged in the desired direction, success will be elusive.
This article only touches on some of how human resources can be leveraged. Other activities
include facilitating merger and acquisition due diligence, communication strategies, expounding
on performance management, employee engagement, and human resource technology are also
While times are tough, acting like a ―deer in the headlights‖ or reacting without leveraging
human resources can only yield being run over. In this new era it is the executive who can step
away from the status quo, know how to leverage resources, and create new opportunities, will
realize success today and in the future.

Globalization has influenced business so much that even small businesses have global concerns.
Businesses can exploit markets worldwide fairly easily in terms of marketing, but the human
resources they need on the ground in various countries can present challenges. The human
resources department must learn to recruit and retain talent on a global scale. This presents a
number of new challenges.
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Quality of Work Life: it’s Meaning and Definition!

The present era is an era of knowledge workers and the society in which we are living has come,

to be known as knowledge society. The intellectual pursuits have taken precedence over the
physical efforts.

Some knowledge workers work for more than 60 hours a week. As a result of this, their personal

hobbies and interests clash with their work. Life is a bundle that contains all the strands together
and hence the need to balance work life with other related issues.‘

One must have both love and work in one‘s life to make it healthy. Gone are the days when the
priority of employees used to be for physical and material needs. With the increasing shift of the
economy towards knowledge economy, the meaning and quality of work life has undergone a
drastic change.

Quality of work life (QWL) refers to the favourableness or unfavourableness of a job

environment for the people working in an organisation. The period of scientific management
which focused solely on specialisation and efficiency, has undergone a revolutionary change.

The traditional management (like scientific management) gave inadequate attention to human

values. In the present scenario, needs and aspirations of the employees are changing. Employers
are now redesigning jobs for better QWL.

The QWL as strategy of Human Resource Management has assumed increasing interest and

importance. Many other terms have come to be used interchangeably with QWL such as

‗humanisations of work‘ ‗quality of working life, ‗industrial democracy‘ and ‗participative


There are divergent views as to the exact meaning of QWL.

A few definitions given by eminent authors on QWL are given below:

1. ―QWL is a process of work organisations which enable its members at all levels to actively;

participate in shaping the organizations environment, methods and outcomes. This value based

process is aimed towards meeting the twin goals of enhanced effectiveness of organisations and
improved quality of life at work for employees. ‖

—The American Society of Training and Development

2. ―QWL is a way of thinking about people, work and organisations, its distinctive elements are
(i) a concern about the impact of work on people as well as on organisational effectiveness, and
(ii) the idea of participation in organisational problem-solving and decision making. ‖ —Nadler
and Lawler

3. ―The overriding purpose of QWL is to change the climate at work so that the human-
technological-organisational interface leads to a better quality of work life.‖


4. ―QWL is based on a general approach and an organisation approach. The general approach

includes all those factors affecting the physical, social, economic, psychological and cultural

well-being of workers, while the organisational approach refers to the redesign and operation of
organisations in accordance with the value of democratic society. ‖


From the definitions given above, it can be concluded that QWL is concerned with taking care of

the higher-order needs of employees in addition to their basic needs. The overall climate of work
place is adjusted in such a way that it produces more humanized jobs.

QWL is viewed as that umbrella under which employees feel fully satisfied with the working

environment and extend their wholehearted cooperation and support to the management to
improve productivity and work environment.

There are many reasons why women expats face a different set of challenges than men do. While
expat situations for women vary greatly, there are some common issues with which all can
identify. Being aware of these known issues is a source of power for women, because in the end,
it is up to each individual to discover the inner strength to find ways to create a positive and
satisfying life abroad.

This is an issue for all women everywhere, but of course it plays a more prominent role in the
lives of single women, and more so for single women in a foreign country. The challenge is to
find a balance between exuding self-confidence and taking sensible precautions.

One major factor that leaves a person vulnerable in any situation is unfamiliarity, so being as
perceptive to one‘s surroundings as well as to the general cultural atmosphere as possible is one
of the best precautions that a woman can take. Learning such details as which streets and which
neighborhoods are safest is one aspect of safety, while taking a wider view of a place‘s history,
culture, and current social issues is important for putting things into proper perspective. Learning
the language is another very important key to knowing what is going on around oneself. And
networking with other expats as well as locals in the community – especially with women – will
be invaluable to feeling safe and secure in a foreign country, as this is the best way to get a grasp
of what the crime situation is really like on the ground and find out how best to avoid being

El Machismo
Women should prepare themselves for being perceived and treated differently than they may be
used to when they enter into other cultures. Cultural attitudes are complex and often
contradictory creatures, and it is difficult to overemphasize the importance of realizing how
different these cultural attitudes are.

Do not assume, for example, that the fact that Argentina‘s president is a woman means that
women in general have achieved equality or are given the same kind of respect that men are
given. The objectification of women‘s bodies is prolific in this country, from the bountiful
images of topless women at every magazine stand to the way women appear on television to the
constant barrage of perfect, youthful bodies in advertising. Many men see a woman who is
unaccompanied by a man as fair game for catcalls and sexual advances, and the notion of
chivalry is alive and well, at least in their minds. Learning to ignore the unwanted attention as
well as asserting strength and capability would be among the coping skills that women new to
this kind of machismo culture might need to attain. Again, networking with other women can be
an invaluable aid in this regard.
It should be stressed that understanding the unspoken rules of dress and conduct is the
responsibility of the woman in these kinds of societies, and failing to learn the boundaries and
follow the rules could be dangerous for any woman, particularly a foreigner. Pushing the
boundaries or trying to make a point about how wrong it is that women are held responsible for
the urges and actions of men should be left to people who come from within these societies, not
attempted by foreigners unless they have become immersed in the society. Such cultural attitudes
have persisted for a thousand years and will have to evolve from within.

With considerations such as the above, it is no wonder that women find expatriation to be more
stressful than men do. Several other factors also play into this reality, having to do with the
woman‘s fundamental role in the family.

Women are the nurturers, whose concern is the health and well-being of her family. Therefore,
much of the stress and difficulty that the children in the family go through when they are moved
abroad falls into the lap of the mother, who must help them adjust to their new surroundings
(especially if her spouse is busy at the job assignment that was the reason for the expatriation – a
situation that will be covered in more detail in the next installment of this two-part series).
Meanwhile, of course, she is going through the adjustment process, herself.

According to reporting from the US-based Interchange Institute, it is mothers with teenagers who
have the most difficult time adjusting, which, considering the nature of teenagers, is not
surprising. What is more interesting is that mothers of younger and adult children reported doing
better than women with no children at all. This punctuates what many parents have discovered
for themselves, the fact that children, as long as they are not in the throes of all the crazy
hormonal changes that drive teenage angst, often serve as an engaging factor, forcing their
parents to interact with the community through school and other social activities that children
need in their lives.

The study also highlighted the other fundamental role that women play in their families, and that
is as a connecting force. Women in general need to feel connected to a much greater degree than
men do, which was one of the biggest reported sources of stress for women expatriates. Being
away from family and friends is difficult for most women. The internet technology of today has
made this issue much more bearable, yet staying in contact cannot possibly replace being
together at holidays and other special family occasions, and when women who are very closely
connected with loved ones who are far away have to contend with unreliable or intermittent
internet access, they can become distraught, feeling lost and alone.

Women generally need not only connection with their own families, but they also tend to be
more in need of feeling that they are connected with a community. Therefore, overcoming all of
the urges that might cause someone to perpetuate their isolation – fear of the unknown and
insecurities about being different and not fitting in – can be a major challenge for many expat
women. This is yet another reason why language learning is such a big help to women in
particular, and this fact is born out in the report. One of the most common pieces of advice given
by participants was to study the local language. This, of course, will facilitate engagement in the
community, make taking care of tasks less frustrating, and help to alleviate those feelings of

A great tool for expats to find connection, in several different respects, is blogging. This is for
anyone who wants to share their experiences, photos, recipes, etc, but the more I explore the
internet in search of expat blogs, which are an excellent way for potential expats to gain some
valuable insight into the expat experience, the more I find that the expat women bloggers
outnumber the men by quite a bit. Many bloggers say that they began their expat blogs in order
to continue sharing their lives with friends and loved ones back home, letting them know how
they are doing and showing off what this foreign country is like – staying connected. A
secondary effect that often results is becoming connected with others – expat bloggers, expats,
potential expats, people who are interested in this interesting lifestyle choice, and many other
pleasant surprises.

Another kind of connection will occur via the act of recording one‘s experiences, impressions,
and thoughts about a place. Keeping alert for things that will be of interest to write about or take
photos of; learning about the history and culture of a place; exploring – all of these are ways of
heightening one‘s awareness, which in turn, leads to feeling more comfortable in surroundings
that are more closely examined. Blogging, keeping a diary, or writing about one‘s experiences in
any way is always connective and can also be therapeutic, helping one to sort out their feelings
and find their way through the fog of the unfamiliar.

And then there is networking, which keeps coming up when considering expat women‘s issues.
Women, because of this need to connect, feel secure, and for moral support, need to network
with friends, family, other expats, people with similar interests, and especially with other
women. One excellent resource for doing this is ExpatWomen.com, and one excellent piece of
advice given there for women who are having difficulty adjusting to expat life is to choose
associates with care.
Networking is not just about adding friends to a list or finding fellow English speakers to talk to.
Rather, it is about finding helpful and positive connections. Feeling lost, disconnected, and out of
control of one‘s life is a very common expat experience that will not get any better if other
people are feeding into it with negative or cynical attitudes. While seeking the company of
people who are going through the same struggles is only natural, gaining some sense of control
in a foreign culture is far more difficult if the reaction is withdrawal to an insular clique rather
than engagement. Like the homesick child at summer camp, dwelling on what one misses about
home causes them to miss out on all the positive aspects of the place they are in. And just as
there are councilors to help kids at summer camp, there are many great expat sites to facilitate
networking, several of which focus on women expats, which offer positive input, advice, and
connection. Here are just a few:

IT and HR- out sourcing HR-Globalization,

It‘s a fact of life in many international companies that anyone hoping for a successful executive
career will be expected to spend time working abroad.

Nobody finds it easy being thrown into a new culture. But for women, international assignments
can be particularly challenging as a result of cultural, social and gender barriers that their male
colleagues simply don‘t face.

That is certainly true of my own experience of working in Asia. It quickly became apparent that
there is a pervasive unconscious bias around leadership across Asia. Often women are seen more
as 'doers' than leaders, which has implications in terms of their career development. But even as
a senior executive, the same bias meant that I found securing the trust and creditability of my
male peers and team members harder than I had expected.

My first 90 days after being drafted in from central headquarters was spent learning about the
local business society, what role women played, who spoke up and when, how to give feedback
or disagree with a peer or superior.

This knowledge then enabled me to find ways to work with the culture rather than against it. I set
aside the gender differences and managed my team as 'people', holding them to high standards
and setting boundaries and expectations. I also used key one-to-one conversations to address any
biases so that people knew where I stood on the matter whilst I tried to show understanding and
respect for their views.

Establish contacts

Establishing a strong network of people you can trust for support, guidance and even coaching is
another essential building-block for a successful assignment abroad. Not only will a strong
network help you understand cultural norms, but it‘s an important way to build your personal
brand and strengthen your creditability. I found it particularly helpful to have an external coach
who could guide me in a male-dominated organization and region.

It takes a tremendous amount of energy to establish networks in a different country, but be pro-
active about finding the influencers in your organization and the market place. Then work on
maintaining these relationships long-term to help you to progress.

Gender diversity is not a priority

Compared to Europe or the USA, nurturing female talent is simply isn‘t a strategic focus for
most companies in Asia. So even if you're in a leadership role, ensuring that you‘re kept in the
loop and included in decision-making can be challenging.

So it‘s important to be proactive, assertive and to take ownership of your career. You may not
have access to the internal or external channels you need to boost your success, so think of ways
you can self-promote and gain exposure. Draw upon your network of contacts for advice or
insight. Can you put yourself forward for any projects or initiatives that haven‘t yet piqued the
interest of other leaders?

Be yourself but learn to adjust

It can be difficult to be authentic when your management style is at odds with the prevailing
work culture. For example, I value an open door policy and a work climate that promotes
continuous learning through regular, open feedback. But such openness is considered
disrespectful in Asia.

In Asia, leadership is ‗top-down‘, authoritarian and directive. There‘s little interest in small talk.
Giving feedback, support or involving team members in decision-making is not the norm. I
quickly learnt that the more I involved staff in strategic planning and encouraged ideas, the less
confidence and trust my subordinates had in me. They assumed I must lack experience if I was
asking for their input.

Yet continuous learning through feedback is vital for developing and driving results through
people, a capability I wanted to demonstrate back to central office. To overcome this challenge -
without compromising my leadership approach - I adjusted my feedback to be more focused, so
on a one-to-one basis or on a specific area or project rather than on-going.

Likewise, I also found out that women with strong views tend to be viewed as aggressive whilst
men with similar views are merely demonstrating their expertise and passion! So I learned to
adapt my directness, to control my positive and high energy and tone down my level of
participation in meetings in a way that aligned more with local norms. Rather than challenge data
or views in a group, I used separate face-to-face meetings to present facts and supporting
evidence, which soon earned me the credibility I needed to succeed.

The divide

Since my first foreign assignment, many more females are taking seats on the boards of
businesses around the world. Nevertheless gender inequality is still a fact of life to a greater or
lesser degree in many regions. The key for any female executive is to understand these
disparities quickly. Then adapt or learn new ways of leadership that you can use to showcase
your international leadership skills and overcome any possible setbacks early in your car



It is small group of employees in the same work area or doing similar type of who voluntarily
meets regularly for about an hour every week to identify, analyze and resolve work related
problems not only to improve quality, productivity and the total performance of the organization,
but also to enrich the quality of work life of employees. There is a misconception that quality
circles and task force are one and the same. But the quality circle is not a task force and the
former is broader than the latter.
A task force is a group of most skilled employees selected and appointed by the management,
engaged in various functions with an orientation to problem- solving. The quality circles are
voluntary associations of workers of the same work place. Quality circles involve people in
solving problems and their brain power effectively.
Objectives: the important objectives of Quality Circles are:
(i) To develop, enhance and utilize human resources effectively;
(ii) To improve quality of products/services, productivity and reduce cost of production per unit
of output;
(iii) To satisfy the workers‘ psychological needs for self-urge, participation, recognition etc. with
a view to motivating them. Accomplishment of this objective will ensure enhancement of
employee morale and commitment;
(iv) To improve various supervisory skills like leadership, problem solving, inter-personal and
conflict resolution and
(v) To utilize individual imaginative, creative and innovative skills through participation,
creating and developing work interest, including problem solving techniques etc. Achievement
of these objectives effectively requires the use of certain techniques.
Organizational Structure of Quality Circles
One of the factors for the success of any organization is its structure and the functional rapport
between the different elements. For the successful operation of quality circles, a well-structured
approach is therefore, absolutely necessary. The model of the structure is indigenous. It is found
that it is successful in our country.
(1) Non-members: Non- members play an important role in the quality circle activities. These
are the persons who have help in implementing the recommendations made by the quality circle
members. Even the non-members would become part of the structure in the process of quality
circle activities. In fact, this would produce catalytic effect on them and enthuse them either to
become members of the existing circle or form new circle.
(2) Members: the basic element of a quality circle, of course, is the members themselves.
Hence, the members are the heart of the programme, and proper use of their untapped brain
power is the key to its success. The concept of quality circle is introduced to the members by the
management with the help of audio-visual equipment and meetings. Those who are interested in
the concept of quality circle is introduced to the members by the management with the help of
audio-visual equipment and meetings. Those who are interested in the concept will form a
quality circle. The members in a circle should be from the same work place as the members from
the same work place are familiar with the work and it will be useful for them in meetings. The
activities of the members include; attending meetings problem solving discussions and
developing useful solutions to the problem.
(3) Leader/Depute Leader: the quality circle leader is elected by the circle members. He is
responsible for the operation of his circle and is therefore responsible for the circle activities.
Generally, the line manager acts as the leader of the quality circle. The main functions of quality
circle leader are- (a) conducting meetings regularly, (b) generating enthusiasm for circle
activities, (c) acting as link between members and facilitator, (d) keeping the meetings on right
track and (e) training members in problem techniques.
The leader must have skills in discussion, initiation and promotion of active participation. He
should be trained in group dynamics, human behavior and participative leadership styles.
(4) Facilitator: facilitator is an important link between the quality circle leader and the steering
committee. The main duties of facilitators are; (a) serving as quality circle co-ordinate, (b)
training members, leaders and management, (c) initiating the setting up of quality circles by
persuading the supervisors by teaching and training, (d) providing feedback to the steering
committee about the proceeding and results of the quality circle, (e) helping the quality circle in
preparing the presentations, visual aids etc., (f) acting as an evaluator and reviewer of quality
circle operations and programmes.
The facilitator has to maintain sound inter-personal relations in order to function as a social
leader; he should prove himself successful in acting as a co-coordinator, coach, promoter, teacher
and innovator. He is expected to be an excellent resource person for training the managers at the
higher level.
(5) Steering Committee: it is an apex body at the highest level of the plant which would be
responsible for formulating the objectives and for supplying the s\resources for the quality circle
activities. It is advises, guides and directs the quality circle in their operation. The structure of
the committee is made up of the departmental heads from evry major function like production,
finance, material management, engineering, other services areas heade by the Chief Executive of
the plant.
The main functions of the Steering Committee are:
(i) Providing training to quality circle leaders.
(ii) Arrangement of meeting halls and associates in the meetings.
(iii) Providing budget for quality circle activities.
(iv) Making quality circle activities as part of the organizational goals.

The steering Committee would take part in the top management presentation given by the
quality circles and respond to circles‘ recommendations expeditiously. They may also participate
in annual social get-together.
(6) Top management: the top management in the quality structure consists of Chairman and
Managing Director, Directors, Chief Executives, General Managers and other top executives.
Without the faith and commitment, support and encouragement from top level, the activities o f
the quality circle cannot be deemed to have complete support for the programme.
(7) Co-ordinating Agency: although the quality circle structure does not envisage a separate
department to look after its activities, a great deal of co-ordination is called for convening
Steering Committee meetings, arranging management presentations, formulating budgets and
disseminating information on circles to the parties concerned etc. the main functions of the co-
ordinating committee are:
(i) Preparing agenda and convening meetings of the Steering Committee.
(ii) Presenting the report of the quality circle activities to the Steering Committee.
(iii) Maintaining statistics of the operation of the quality circles and
(iv) Co-ordinating training programmes and arranging seminars, workshops, conventions and
top management presentations in two months.
Benefits of Quality Circles
Quality circles benefit both the members and the organization.
Benefits for members include: (i) satisfaction of self-esteem and esteem from others,
(ii) improved job satisfaction, (iii) self-development in terms of skills, knowledge \, sensitivity
skills etc, (iv) satisfaction of social and psychological needs. Benefits to the organization
include: (i) improvement in the job performance of the members, (ii) development of solutions to
the identified areas, (iii) improvement in two way communications among members and the
management, (iv) promotion of participative management culture and team work, (v) generation
of pride among the member in doing a meaningful job, (vi) increased managerial
effectiveness, (vii) development of problem solving- ethics in the
organization, (viii) development of harmony and mutual trust between members and the
Ultimately, the effective functioning of the quality circle results in organizational effectiveness.
Problems of Quality Circles
However, there are certain problems in quality circles regarding fitting them effectively in the
existing cultural environment in the industry, rewarding, awarding and motivating the quality
circle members‘ and facilitators. These problems can be solved if the top management takes
proper care and interest. This participative scheme will contribute to the organizations‘
effectiveness and to enhance job satisfaction and sound human relations in an organization and
quality of the work life of employees.

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