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Report On Internally Cured Concrete Using Prewetted Absorptive Lightweight Aggregate

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The key takeaways are that this report introduces the concepts and process benefits of using prewetted lightweight aggregate to increase cement hydration in internally cured concrete.

The purpose of this report is to introduce the concepts of and describe the process benefit and applications for using prewetted lightweight aggregate to increase cement hydration in internally cured concrete. It also describes mixture proportioning and absorptive material selection and discusses the benefits relating to sustainability.

This report covers the materials, processes, quality control measures, and inspections described for internally cured concrete using prewetted absorptive lightweight aggregate. It also discusses mixture proportioning, absorptive material selection, benefits relating to sustainability, and applications.

ACI (308-213)R-13

Report on Internally Cured

Concrete Using Prewetted
Absorptive Lightweight Aggregate

Reported by ACI Committee 308

and ACI Committee 213
First Printing
June 2013
American Concrete Institute®
Advancing concrete knowledge

Report on Internally Cured Concrete Using Prewetted Absorptive Lightweight Aggregate

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ISBN-13: 978-0-87031-821-4
ISBN: 0-87031-821-7
ACI (308-213)R-13

Report on Internally Cured Concrete Using

Prewetted Absorptive Lightweight Aggregate
Reported by ACI Committee 308 and ACI Committee 213

David M. Suchorski, Chair John C. Hukey, Secretary

ACI Committee 308 roster Frank A. Kozeliski Daniel Webber ACI Committee 308 Consulting
Dale P. Bentz Ronald J. Kozikowski John B. Wojakowski Members roster
Dianne Carey Mauricio Lopez Ralph C. Bruno
Jennifer K. Crisman Darryl Manuel James N. Cornell II
Jonathan E. Dongell Steve F. McDonald Ben E. Edwards
Michael Faubel Michael E. Murray Jerome H. Ford
Dale Fisher John W. Roberts R. Doug Hooton
Sidney Freedman Philip A. Smith David E. Hoyt
Michael G. Hernandez Lawrence Homer Taber James A. Lee
Erik Holck Richard E. Van Horn W. Calvin McCall
Cecil L. Jones Jody R. Wall William S. Phelan

This report introduces the concepts of and describes the process CHAPTER 2—NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS, p. 2
benefit and applications for using prewetted lightweight aggre- 2.1—Notation, p. 2
gate to increase cement hydration in internally cured concrete. 2.2—Definitions, p. 2
It also describes mixture proportioning and absorptive material
selection and discusses the benefits relating to sustainability. The
materials, processes, quality control measures, and inspections
3.1––General, p. 2
described should be tested, monitored, or performed as applicable
only by individuals holding the appropriate ACI certifications or 3.2—Justification, p. 3
equivalent. 3.3—Water movement, p. 3
3.4—Autogenous shrinkage and self-desiccation, p. 3
Keywords: absorption; curing; desorption; durability; high-performance 3.5—Mechanism of internal curing, p. 3
concrete; hydration; internal curing; internally cured concrete; lightweight 3.6—Water movement during hydration observed using
aggregate; outside curing; permeability; saturated-surface-dry; shrinkage;
X-ray microtomography, p. 4
strength; supplementary cementitious materials; water movement.


p. 4
4.1—Early-age shrinkage reduction, p. 4
1.1—Introduction, p. 2
4.2—Crack reduction, p. 5
1.2—Scope, p. 2
4.3—Compressive strength, p. 5
4.4—Overdosing prewetted lightweight aggregate (PLA),
p. 6
4.5—Flexural strength, p. 6
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, and Commentaries are 4.6—Mitigation of warping and dimensional stability, p. 6
intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and 4.7—Modulus of elasticity, p. 6
inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use 4.8—Permeability and resistance to deicing chemicals, p. 7
of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance
and limitations of its content and recommendations and who 4.9—Creep, p. 7
will accept responsibility for the application of the material it 4.10—Durability, p. 8
contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and
all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall
ACI (308-213)R-13 was adopted and published June 2013.
not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.
Copyright © 2013, American Concrete Institute.
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
documents. If items found in this document are desired by means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or
the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduc-
they shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation tion or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in
by the Architect/Engineer. writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.


CHAPTER 5—BATCHING PROCEDURES, p. 8 cements that produce much of their strength in only a few
5.1—Choice of absorptive material, p. 8 days. Concretes made with these cements, however, can be
5.2—Mixture proportioning using absorptive materials, p. 8 more prone to early-age cracking due to their increased heat
5.3—Prewetting lightweight aggregate, p. 10 of hydration and significantly increased autogenous strains
5.4—Concrete batching. mixing, transporting, placing, and stresses that can develop when self-desiccation occurs.
and finishing, p. 10
CHAPTER 6—SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE Internally cured concrete uses absorptive materials in
CONSTRUCTION USING INTERNALL CURED the mixture that supplement the standard curing practices
CONCRETE (ICC), p. 11 by supplying moisture to the interior of the concrete (ACI
308R-01). This process adds moisture without affecting
CHAPTER 7—REFERENCES, p. 11 the w/cm. The moisture is desorbed for internal moisture
augmentation at the time needed to further hydrate the
CHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE cement. This water addition can be achieved using several
materials (Jensen and Lura 2006; Kovler and Jensen 2007),
1.1—Introduction including prewetted lightweight aggregate, super-absorbent
Portland-cement concrete, including mixtures with particles, wood fibers, and absorbent limestone aggregate.
supplementary cementitious materials, does not typically This report will focus primarily on the use of prewetted
develop its durability, strength, and mechanical characteris- lightweight aggregate.
tics without adequate curing. This report on internally cured
concrete (ICC) does not presume to change the require- CHAPTER 2—NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS
ment for water retention at the curing-affected zone on the
concrete surface. The curing methods listed in ACI 308R-01 2.1—Notation
should be consulted for appropriate methods to prevent or Cf = cement factor (content) for concrete mixture, lb/yd3
mitigate moisture loss from the concrete surface. (kg/m3)
Test trial batches should be used during initial mixture CS = chemical shrinkage of cement (mass of water/mass
proportioning to determine and verify those concrete prop- of cement)
erties required for each project. MLWA = mass of (dry) lightweight aggregate needed per unit
Internally cured concrete uses prewetted absorptive mate- volume of concrete, lb/yd3 (kg/m3)
rials that contain moisture. The absorbed moisture is released S = degree of saturation of aggregate (0 to 1, measured
as the internal humidity of the concrete drops below 100 absorption percentage divided by the absorption
percent to enhance and maximize the hydration of cement. percentage at which desorption was measured)
High-performance concrete typically has a low w/cm that wic/c = the ratio of the water supplied by internal curing to
may not supply enough water to hydrate all of the cement. the cement in the concrete mixture on a mass basis
Due to the reduction in permeability of high-performance amax = maximum expected degree of hydration of cement
concrete, even in the first 2 to 3 days, exterior water curing (0 to 1); for ordinary portland cement, the maximum
is limited in its ability to supply in-depth hydration to the expected degree of hydration of cement can be
cement as the products of hydration fill in and disconnect assumed to be 1 for w/cm ≥ 0.36 and the value of
the capillary pore network (Powers et al. 1959). In this case, (w/cm) divided by 0.36 for w/cm < 0.36
the beneficial effect of external water curing is limited to the fLWA = desorption of lightweight aggregate from a
concrete surface. As a result, external water cannot penetrate prewetted condition down to 93 percent relative
the interior of the concrete to maintain a saturated capillary humidity (mass water/mass dry lightweight aggre-
pore system thereby avoiding self-desiccation. One solution gate) in accordance with ASTM C1498-04
is to replace a portion of the normalweight aggregate with
absorbent materials to desorb water to the hydrating cement. 2.2—Definitions
The principal improvements of supplying internal water are ACI provides a comprehensive list of definitions through
the maintenance of a saturated cement paste, which leads to an online resource, “ACI Concrete Terminology,” http://
greater hydration of the cement and more complete pozzo- terminology.concrete.org. The definition provided here
lanic reactions. complements that source.
Characteristics of high-performance concrete that may be prewetted––wetting of the aggregate so that it contains
improved by increased hydration from internally absorbed the prescribed water content available for cement hydration.
moisture include resistance to early-age cracking; higher
strength; decreased permeability; decreased warping; dimen- CHAPTER 3—PROCESS
sional stability; resistance to freezing-and-thawing damage,
deicing chemicals, and chemical attacks; and creep. 3.1––General
In the past 50 years, portland cement has become finer with Concrete with a water-cementitious materials ratio (w/cm)
higher contents of tricalcium silicate and alkalis (Bentz et al. below 0.42 does not contain enough batch water to fully
2008). These changes have led to generally faster hydrating hydrate all of the cement (Neville 1996). In concrete with a

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w/cm of 0.42 or less, the depercolation of the capillary pores Table 3.1—Distance of water travel from surfaces
by the products of hydration (Powers et al. 1959) severely of internal reservoirs (Bentz et al. 2007)
limits the amount of external water that can reach unhy- Estimated travel distance for
drated cement particles. External surface curing has limited Hydration age, days water, in. (mm)
effectiveness after a few days beyond the cure affected Less than 1 0.8 (20)
zone, which is the outer 0.2 to 0.3 in. (4 to 8 mm) at the 1 to 3 0.2 (5)
surface (Table 3.1). For this reason, it can be beneficial to 3 to 7 0.04 (1)
have internal water sources distributed through the concrete More than 28 0.01 (0.25)
to supply additional moisture for more complete hydration.
reported by Zhutovsky et al. (2004) based on a combined
3.2—Justification experimental and analytical evaluation.
Because cement hydration is affected by both temperature
and the presence of moisture, it is beneficial to provide the 3.4—Autogenous shrinkage and self-desiccation
conditions for its optimization. Traditionally, external curing Lower-w/cm concrete suffers from autogenous shrinkage at
has been effectively used for conventional concrete to defer early ages, though it generally has reduced drying shrinkage
drying of the concrete surface to prevent the loss of internal at a later age. Autogenous shrinkage is mainly caused by the
water and promote the continued hydration of the cementi- chemical shrinkage accompanying the cement hydration and
tious binder. With growing emphasis on durability and the the self-desiccation that may occur after setting. As cement
advent of high-performance concrete to achieve it, an effort hydrates, the hydration products occupy less volume than
has been made to minimize the transport of deleterious the reacting materials, producing a net chemical shrinkage
species such as chloride ions and sulfates from the environ- that increases proportionally with degree of hydration.
ment into the concrete (Hoff 2003). This is accomplished by After setting, this chemical shrinkage will result in self-
modification of concrete mixture proportions, including a desiccation in low-w/cm concrete, as vapor-filled pores will
lower w/cm, chemical admixtures, and adding supplementary be formed within the microstructure unless curing water is
cementitious materials to the concrete. Lowering the w/cm available to maintain their saturation. Thus, self-desiccation
and supplementary cementitious materials, however, presents may be overcome by satisfying the chemical shrinkage
new challenges to conventional curing; a low w/cm results demand of the cement with additional moisture supplied by
in less water availability for hydration, leading to increased PLA. Because capillary stresses are inversely proportional to
autogenous shrinkage. Whereas supplementary cementitious the diameter of the pores being emptied (Bentz et al. 2007),
materials generally require moist curing for periods longer individual pores in the PLA should be much larger than the
than a typical 7-day moist cure, such as 14 days for bridge typical sizes of the capillary pores, by micrometers, in the
decks. Even with higher w/cm and the use of supplementary hydrating cement paste. They should also be well connected.
cementitious materials, internally cured concrete (ICC), due If there is insufficient batch water available at any time, and
to increased hydration, is advantageous for its tendency to if external curing water cannot reach the unhydrated parti-
reduce drying shrinkage and resulting cracking tendencies. cles of cement, the needed moisture source to keep the rela-
The use of prewetting lightweight coarse aggregate (PLCA) tive humidity high could come from absorbed moisture in the
as a substitute for a portion of the natural coarse aggregate of aggregate. The optimum source is from a well-dispersed system
the same size, or the use of prewetted lightweight fine aggre- of strong, small PLA replacing a percentage of the normal-
gate (PLFA) as a substitute for some of the natural sand in a weight aggregates. This system is beneficial to the hydration
concrete mixture can benefit the hydration process in high- of field concrete, much like a well-dispersed system of struc-
performance concrete by supplying moisture needed for tured entrained air bubbles is beneficial to protecting concrete
reducing autogenous shrinkage and additional hydration. in freezing-and-thawing conditions (Bentz and Snyder 1999).

3.3—Water movement 3.5—Mechanism of internal curing

Reasonable estimates based on balancing the water demand During cement hydration, the system of capillary pores
for hydration with the water available from prewetted light- within the three-dimensional paste microstructure is refined.
weight aggregate (PLA) distributed uniformly throughout The radii of these pores are generally smaller than the pores
the concrete show the various distances that water will be in the lightweight aggregate. As the internal relative humidity
expected to travel at different ages (Table 3.1) (Bentz et al. decreases from self-desiccation, a moisture gradient and
2007). The 1- to 3-day estimates are in good agreement with subsequent capillary pressures develop. With the light-
X-ray absorption analyses of mortars during curing (Bentz weight aggregate acting as a water reservoir, pores of the
2002). Penetration depths of the drying fronts of 0.8 in. (20 cement paste absorb the water via capillary suction (Kovler
mm) were observed for specimens immediately exposed and Jensen 2007). Capillary forces within the cement paste
to a drying environment, whereas a penetration depth of are large enough to transport water from the prewetted light-
approximately 0.16 in. (4 mm) was observed for specimens weight aggregate (PLA) to the hydrating cement paste, where
first cured under saturated conditions for 1 or 3 days (Bentz further hydration can occur (Weber and Reinhardt 2003).
2002). Penetration depths of several inches during the first The remaining unhydrated cement particles now have more
few days of sealed curing, as predicted for 1 to 3 days, were moisture available for hydration as the capillary pores within

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Fig. 3.6a—Three-dimensional image of original X-ray Fig. 3.6b—Two-dimensional image (0.181 x 0.181 in. [4.6
microtomography data set subtracted from that obtained after x 4.6 mm]) of a portion of the original mortar microstruc-
1 day of hydration for a high-performance mortar with PLA ture with the locations of the evacuated water (in light gray)
(Bentz et al. 2006a). Gray-colored volumes indicate regions superimposed (Bentz et al. 2006a).
where the lightweight fine aggregate particles have lost water
to the surrounding hydrating cement paste. Three-dimen- two-dimensional microstructures, respectively, where the
sional volume is 0.181 x 0.181 x 0.185 in. (4.6 x 4.6 x 4.7 mm). PLA particles have lost water to the surrounding cement
paste (Bentz et al. 2006a). The procedure shows that much
the cement paste microstructure remain saturated. As new of the absorbed moisture is removed during the first 24 hours
hydration products form, the capillary pores will be further of hydration at 86°F (30°C). Observations of water move-
reduced in size, further increasing the capillary suction and ment are in quantitative agreement with more conventional
drawing more moisture from the PLA (Weber and Reinhardt measures of performance, including degree of hydration and
2003). Water movement to the hydrating paste will stop only chemical shrinkage (Bentz et al. 2006b).
when all the cement is hydrated or when the relative humidity
within the pores of the lightweight aggregate is equivalent to CHAPTER 4—INTERNALLY CURED CONCRETE
that in the hydrating cement paste, eliminating the humidity (ICC): EFFECTS, BENEFITS, AND APPLICATIONS
and capillary pressure gradient (Weber and Reinhardt 2003).
In summary, saturated pores in the lightweight aggregate 4.1—Early-age shrinkage reduction
supply additional water to increase hydration of the cement The use of prewetted absorbent materials has been inves-
and to maintain a high internal relative humidity within the tigated since the early 1990s as a means to reduce early-age
concrete to minimize self-desiccation strains and stresses. shrinkage and self-induced stresses in high-performance
concrete by introducing a component into the concrete
3.6—Water movement during hydration observed that aids in the hydration process (Bentz 2007; Bentz et al.
using X-ray microtomography 2005). These absorbent materials provide an internal source
For early-age improvements of the characteristics of high- of available moisture to replace that consumed by chemical
performance concrete, water availability for the hydration shrinkage during hydration. As cement hydrates, water is
of the cement is especially critical. Without it, significant drawn from the relatively large pores in the prewetted light-
autogenous shrinkage and possible cracking can occur. weight aggregate (PLA) into the much smaller ones in the
Strength is also impacted, because without hydration, cement paste. This process could minimize the develop-
strength gain does not occur. Water movement during the ment of autogenous shrinkage and help to avoid early-age
hydration process of a high-performance mortar has been cracking. Figure 4.1 shows the autogenous deformation of
directly observed using three-dimensional X-ray microto- mortars at a 0.35 w/cm, and 8 percent fine silica fume (FSF)
mography with a voxel dimension of approximately 0.79 mil with a curing temperature of 86°F (30°C) under sealed condi-
(20 mm) (Bentz et al. 2006a). With this technique, emptying tions (Geiker et al. 2004). The reference mortar is designated
of the individual pores within the lightweight aggregate can FSF. For mortars LWA20 and LWA08 with internal curing,
be readily observed. In Fig. 3.6a and 3.6b, the gray regions either 20 or 8 percent of the sand by mass was replaced by
show volumes and areas from the three-dimensional and PLA smaller than 0.16 in. (4 mm). A 0.4 percent addition by

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Table 4.3––Measured mortar cube compressive strengths for the various mixtures (Bentz 2007)
Mixture strength 3-day, MPa (psi [s]) 8-day, MPa (psi [s]) 28-day, MPa (psi [s]) 56-day, MPa (psi [s])
SF — control 68.1 (9880 [2.0]*) 80.4 (11,665 [3.0]) † 98.0 (14,230 [2.7])
SF — IC (8) 67.9 (9845 [4.6]) 87.9 (12,745 [4.6]) † 105.6 (15,310 [6.9])
SF — IC (10) 66.7 (9670 [1.4]) 85.0 (12,325 [2.9]) 93.3 (13,530 [4.7]) †
Slag — control 60.9 (8830 [0.9]) 71.5 (10,375 [2.0]) 81.8 (11,865 [3.2]) 84.3 (12,225 [5.7])
Slag — IC 59.2 (8580 [4.2]) 71.7 (10,400 [2.3]) 88.8 (12,875 [3.9]) 94.6 (13,730 [1.0])
FA — control 58.0 (8405 [0.5]) 70.5 (10,225 [3.3]) 85.3 (12,365 [3.4]) 95.3 (13,825 [4.0])
FA — IC 57.4 (8325 [2.3]) 67.5 (9795 [3.5]) 92.9 (13,470 [3.8]) 101.1 (14,665 [2.9])
Numbers in brackets indicate measured standard deviation for compressive strengths of three replicate cubes at each age for each mixture.

Not considered in the experimental program.
Note: SF = silica fume; FA = fly ash; and IC = internal curing.

mass fraction of cement of super-absorbent polymer (SAP)

particles was used in Mixture SAP. Concrete is considered
to be composed of a shrinkage mortar phase that contains
nonshrinking (restraining) aggregates. As such, the LWA20
mortar in Fig. 4.1, where autogenous shrinkage was basi-
cally eliminated, should produce an equivalent concrete
where shrinkage is eliminated as well.

4.2—Crack reduction
Although cracking results from many causes, it essen-
tially depends on two factors: differential volume changes
and restraint to movement. The use of high-performance
concrete has brought cracking into focus mainly because of
its associated autogenous shrinkage. The risk of early-age Fig. 4.1—Autogenous shrinkage for mortars containing
cracking, often presented by high-performance concrete, different prewetted absorbent materials, all cured at 86°F
may be reduced by the use of prewetted lightweight aggre- (30°C) (Geiker et al. 2004).
gate (PLA). Although any amount of internally stored
water might be helpful in reducing autogenous shrinkage,
water content at 7 percent of cement by mass is required
to minimize self-desiccation in low-w/cm mixtures through
the use of PLA (Bentz et al. 2005). The risk factor of
cracking, expressed as stress/strength ratio, was developed
from restrained shrinkage experiments conducted on large
8 x 8 x 40 in. (200 x 200 x 1000 mm) high-performance
concrete prisms under semi-adiabatic conditions (Cusson
and Hoogeveen 2006). Figure 4.2 shows that up to 6 percent
replacement of normalweight fine aggregate with light-
weight fine aggregate (providing wic/c = 0.02) is borderline
for eliminating cracking; 12 percent replacement (or wic/c =
0.04) has a reduced cracking risk; 19 percent replacement Fig. 4.2—Effects of lightweight fine aggregate amount on
(or wic/c = 0.06) reduces the risk of cracking to 50 percent. risk of cracking (Cusson and Hoogeveen 2006).

4.3—Compressive strength opment of a series of high-performance mortars based on

As PLA maintains saturation within the capillary pore blended cements have been measured (Bentz 2007). The
system of the hydrating cement paste, it may also contribute results summarized in Table 4.3 indicate that for each of
to an enhancement in achieved hydration, particularly at the three blended cement high-performance mortars shown
later ages under sealed curing conditions. Depending on the using PLA resulted in approximately an 8 percent strength
compressive strength of the internal reservoirs, this increased gain relative to the control at ages of 28 days and beyond.
hydration may translate into a strength gain for an internally These mortars were prepared with a w/cm of 0.35 and were
cured mortar or concrete relative to a control without PLA. cured under sealed conditions at 77°F (25°C). In slag cement
Such a strength gain was observed for the mortars using and fly ash mixtures using PLA, generally 0.08 extra mass units
PLA in Geiker et al. (2004), whose autogenous deformation of water per unit mass of cement were added via the PLA. For
measurements were presented in Fig. 4.1. More recently, the the mortars using the silica fume blended cement, both 0.08 and
autogenous deformation and compressive strength devel- 0.10 water additions using PLA were investigated, as indicated
by the designations IC (8) and IC (10) in Table 4.3.

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Tests involving economically-produced, durable, high-

performance concrete with preconditioned absorptive mate-
rials compared with those made with absorptive limestone
coarse aggregate (absorption greater than 1 percent) and
those using low-absorption limestone (less than 1 percent)
along with absorptive lightweight fine aggregate (precondi-
tioned at 15 percent absorption) to aid in hydration. Tests
involving economically-produced, durable, high-perfor-
mance concrete with preconditioned absorptive materials
compared concretes made with absorptive limestone coarse
aggregate (absorption greater than 1 percent) and those
using low-absorption limestone (less than 1 percent), along
with absorptive lightweight fine aggregate (preconditioned
at 15 percent absorption) to aid in hydration (Mack 2006).
The mixture was prewetted with sprinkled water so it was
saturated surface-dry. The mixture included: Fig. 4.6—Relationship between warping and drying time (Ya
a) 1012 lb (459 kg) of fine normal weight sand; and Hansen 2008).
b) 227 lb (103 kg) of fine lightweight aggregate sand;
c) 1480 lb (671 kg) of coarse aggregate; strength, especially at early ages when effects of the absorp-
d) 150 lb (68 kg) of fly ash; tive material are not fully developed (Lopez et al. 2006,
e) 30 lb (14 kg) of silica fume; 2008; Lopez 2005).
f) 284 lb (129 kg) of water; and
g) Total weight of 3643 lb (1652 kg), with a w/cm of 0.40. 4.5—Flexural strength
The benefits of the prewetted absorptive materials for the For concrete used for pavement applications, high-early
high-performance concrete were reported to include not flexural strength is desired to put pavement into service with
only a reduction in cracking tendency, but also an increase in minimal delay. Studies have shown that concrete mixtures
the hydration and greater compressive strength of 20 percent with a w/cm of 0.44 and replacement of 100 lb/yd3 (59 kg/
(Mack 2006). m3) PLA for natural sand achieved 74 percent of the 28-day
Lopez et al. (2006) compared two high-performance concrete flexural strength in 3 days, an improvement of 7 percent
mixtures with a w/cm of 0.23; one with cement replacement of over the control mixture (Roberts 2004, 2005). The 3-day
15 percent Class F fly ash, and one with cement replacement flexural strength of the mixture was 15 percent greater than
of 10 percent silica fume. Four cylinders were cast, one on that of the control. At 28 days, the flexural strength of the
three different days for each compressive strength test, for a mixture exceeded that of the control mixture by 8 percent.
total of 12 cylinders for each test. One mixture used prewetted The strength improvements were brought about by earlier
(water sprayed for 48 hours and drained at 100 percent rela- and improved cement hydration due to the presence of water
tive humidity for 24 hours) lightweight aggregate and the absorbed by the lightweight aggregate (Roberts 2004, 2005).
other used air-dried (kept at 50 percent relative humidity for
1 week) lightweight aggregate in the coarse aggregate frac- 4.6—Mitigation of warping and dimensional
tion. At the age of 24 hours, both mixtures had compressive stability
strengths of 10,590 psi (73 MPa). After 28 days, the prewetted In a study conducted by Ya and Hansen (2008), prewetted
and air-dried lightweight-aggregate high-performance lightweight fine aggregate (PLFA) was found to be effec-
concretes had compressive strengths of 11,500 and 11,140 psi tive in reducing moisture warping in addition to eliminating
(79.3 and 76.8 MPa), respectively. This difference between autogenous shrinkage. For the mixtures examined, at least
both high-performance mixtures continued to increase so that, 70 percent of moisture warping was reduced within a drying
after 365 days, the prewetted and air-dried lightweight aggre- time of 16 days. The study concluded that this reduction in
gate high-performance concretes had compressive strengths warping was due to the release of water from the PLFA as
of 12,240 and 11,240 psi (87.5 and 77.5 MPa), respectively. surface drying occurred, and from an increase in the degree
The benefits provided by the PLA allowed for development of hydration that resulted in a denser surface layer, more
of higher medium- and long-term compressive strength in impermeability, and a reduction in water loss (drying).
the studied mixtures. This demonstrates the need for proper Results indicate that PLFA may be effective in reducing slab
conditioning of the lightweight aggregate. warpage. Figure 4.6 shows the relationship between warping
and drying time (Ya and Hansen 2008).
4.4—Overdosing prewetted lightweight aggregate
(PLA) 4.7—Modulus of elasticity
Regardless of the absorptive material used, concrete could The modulus of elasticity of lightweight concrete is
experience a reduction in some mechanical properties if the less than that of normalweight concrete. The reduction of
mixture is not properly designed. In particular, adding PLA the modulus of elasticity resulting from a partial substitu-
in excess of what is needed for internal curing can reduce tion of prewetted lightweight aggregate (PLA) is nonlinear.

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attributed to the increased hydration of the cement supplied

by the PLA.

Based on 4.1 through 4.8, the following statements can
be made about the effect of partial or total replacement of
normalweight aggregate by prewetted absorptive materials
on creep (Lopez 2005). Using PLA can:
a) Increase the compressive strength of concrete; lower
creep can be expected;
b) Increase the internal relative humidity of concrete. Several
of the proposed creep mechanisms state that creep is caused
by water migration within the concrete and from concrete to
the environment. If higher internal relative humidity is main-
tained, a reduction in creep can be expected. Depending on the
Fig. 4.7—Modulus of elasticity versus volume of LWA substi- creep mechanisms, the reduction will be in the drying creep
tution (Hoff 2003). portion or in both the drying and the basic creep portions;
c) Decrease the permeability of cement paste. A reduced
Replacing small amounts of the natural sand with lightweight permeability reduces water loss from the concrete to the
fine aggregate can increase the modulus of elasticity of the environment, which reduces drying creep;
concrete while still greater amounts of replacement reduces d) Increase the degree of hydration. An increase in
it below that of normalweight concrete (Fig. 4.7) (Hoff hydration reduces the amount of unhydrated cement in the
2003). Mixtures with a w/cm > 0.42 can benefit from the use concrete. Unhydrated cement contributes to the aggregate
of PLFA. A substitution of lightweight fine aggregate in the restraining effect on creep and shrinkage (Neville et al.
amount of 100 lb/yd3 (59 kg/m3), in a mixture at a w/cm of 1983). An increase in creep may be expected due to the rela-
0.43, has been shown to increase the modulus of elasticity tive reduction in this restraining phase.
by approximately 10 percent. Note that, in some cases, lower Therefore, statements a), b), and c) suggest a reduction
values of the modulus of elasticity might be preferred because on creep whereas statement d) suggests the opposite––an
they generate lower tensile stresses associated with restrained increase in creep. A reduction in creep, however, has been
shrinkage, thus reducing the risk of cracking. The designer observed overall. For example, recent research on the effects
should consider variations in the modulus of elasticity when of using PLA on creep of high-performance concrete (Lopez
addressing changes in tensile and compressive strength. et al. 2006, 2008) concluded that creep can be significantly
reduced by ICC with PLA. The study compared three high-
4.8—Permeability and resistance to deicing performance concretes with the same amount of cementi-
chemicals tious materials (Type II portland cement, 15 percent Class
Dense, crack-free, low-permeability cement paste offers C fly ash, and 10 percent silica fume) at the same w/cm of
substantial resistance to deicing chemicals. Use of PLA 0.23. The main difference among the mixtures was in the
may contribute to minimizing the transport of deleterious coarse aggregate, which was either granite for the control
substances from the environment into the concrete, with fewer mixture with no absorptive material; prewetted lightweight
cracks and lower cement paste permeability. Conventionally, expanded slate aggregate for the internally cured mixture
to produce concrete with enhanced durability, low-w/cm with absorptive material; or air-dried expanded slate light-
mixtures, supplementary cementitious materials, or both, have weight aggregate for the non-internally cured mixture with
been used with positive results. Prewetted absorptive materials absorptive material. The PLA was sprayed with water for
have also been shown to have a positive influence. For example, 48 hours and drained at 100 percent relative humidity for 24
a PLFA substitution of only 100 lb/yd3 (59 kg/m3), which by hours while the air-dried lightweight aggregate was condi-
volume is approximately 11 percent, can reduce the rapid tioned at a temperature of 73.5 ± 3.5°F (23 ± 1.9°C) with a
chloride permeability test (RCPT) coulomb number by more relative humidity of 50 ± 5 percent for 1 week. Figure 4.9
than 25 percent (Hoff 2003). shows the creep results obtained after 120 days under load
In another study, chloride permeability of different high- with external loading applied at 24 hours of age. The user is
performance concrete mixtures with and without PLA encouraged to investigate the concrete mixture performance
was investigated for more than 3 years (Thomas 2006). for creep when creep is a critical criterion for the project.
At 28 days, the main difference in chloride permeability When concrete was loaded at early ages, 120-day specific
among the mixtures was given by the w/cm; there were not creep of the granite, the prewetted aggregate, and the air-
significant differences between the lightweight and normal- dried aggregate concretes were 0.125, 0.108, and 0.238 me/
weight aggregate mixtures. After 1 and 3 years, however, psi (18.1, 16.7, and 34.5 me/MPa), respectively (Fig. 4.9).
the permeability of the lightweight aggregate mixtures was The specific creep of the mixture is the creep strain divided
approximately 45 and 30 percent, respectively, of those with by the applied stress. The mixture with PLA presented the
normalweight aggregate. The difference in performance was lowest specific creep.

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Because the time at which hydration of the cement starts

is vital, a material that reacts quickly is equally important.
This is a function of the size of the pores and capillaries; if
they are too small, they are slower to release the water when
needed. Important aspects of choice of material are speed and
quantity of water released. This is assessed by measuring the
aggregates’ desorption characteristics according to industry
standards (ASTM C1498-04(10)). Water should be able to
be released while the concrete is in its early plastic state,
and the amount of water, promptly released, should be suffi-
cient to hydrate the cement to the fullest. There should also
be sufficient water to adequately carry out the pozzolanic
function. Because the hydration of cementitious materials
Fig. 4.9—Effect of preconditioned absorptive materials on slows down or even stops as relative humidity of the paste
specific creep (Lopez et al. 2006, 2008). decreases, an absorptive material should supply water to
avoid considerable internal relative humidity drops.
It has been reported (Lopez 2005; Ya and Hansen 2008) The size of the lightweight aggregate, substituted by
that the water stored within the PLA helps to prevent creep volume for normalweight aggregate in a normalweight
by increasing strength, enhancing hydration, and blocking concrete mixture, should be compatible with the size of the
seepage from calcium silicate hydrates to large pores occur- normalweight aggregate. Specifically, 3/4 in. (19 mm) light-
ring under sustained load (seepage being one of the main weight aggregate should be substituted for 3/4 in. (19 mm)
creep mechanisms). On the contrary, when the lightweight normalweight aggregate, 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) lightweight aggre-
aggregate is used in air-dried conditions, it absorbs water gate for 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) normalweight aggregate, sand size
from the calcium silicate hydrate, increasing the seepage and for sand size, unless there is a deficiency in grading of the
therefore increasing the associated creep (Lopez 2005). normalweight aggregate. Where there is a gap grading or the
rheological properties need improving, corrections can be
4.10—Durability made using the lightweight aggregate. For sand substitutions,
The durability of in-place concrete depends on certain lightweight sand (ASTM C330/C330M-12) is appropriate for
intrinsic characteristics. These include a relatively high substitutions of normalweight sand (ASTM C33/C33M-13)
degree of hydration, lack of microcracking, low shrinkage, because it has larger amounts of granular lightweight aggre-
low permeability, a reduced and strong interfacial transition gate passing the No. 100 (0.149 mm) and No. 200 (0.074 mm)
zone, high mortar strength, and air entrainment (Thomas mesh, which might increase cohesiveness of the mixture.
2006). Use of PLA has been shown to increase hydration, These materials can be pozzolanic in nature and contribute to
lower shrinkage and permeability, and increase compressive the volume of supplementary cementitious materials.
strength (Bentz and Weiss 2011). It is relatively simple to design the concrete mixture using
lightweight fine aggregate by using the specific gravities of
CHAPTER 5—BATCHING PROCEDURES the normal and lightweight fine aggregate. The lightweight
fine aggregate should meet all the requirements of ASTM
5.1—Choice of absorptive material C33/C33M-13 and C330/C330M-12, except for the grada-
Chapter 5 reviews the choice of absorptive material and its tion. Additionally, the lightweight fine aggregate can be
preconditioning and incorporation into the concrete mixture. more effective than lightweight coarse aggregate because,
Prewetting of the absorptive material is an essential step in for a given mass, it is distributed more fully throughout the
the process. There are three physical conditions that provide concrete mixture and, therefore, the particle surfaces are
the mechanism to produce internally cured concrete (ICC): closer to the hydrating cement particles. This is important
1) The absorbed moisture is fluid; because, as the cement hydrates, the products of hydration
2) Capillary action within the cement paste is strong; are deposited in the capillaries of the mortar and the distance
3) Water demand from the cement particles is intense. water will travel is reduced.
The absorptive material is an important part of the mortar.
Choose one that will improve the mortar’s strength and the 5.2—Mixture proportioning using absorptive
mortar’s ability to make the concrete more dense and durable, materials
among other characteristics. Verify that the lightweight fine Test trial batches should be used during initial mixture
aggregate does not reduce the compressive strength proper- proportioning to determine and verify the concrete proper-
ties of the mortar by running tests in accordance with ASTM ties required for each project.
C109/C109M-12. Use of an absorptive material that has a The effectiveness of water from the lightweight aggregate
strong cubical particle shape that increases the strength of to hydrate the cement depends primarily on four factors:
the mortar in the concrete is desirable. The material should 1) The amount of water absorbed in the lightweight aggregate;
be one that does not degrade during mixing. 2) Lightweight aggregate particle spacing factor;
3) Lightweight aggregate pore structure;

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Fig. 5.2a—Mixture proportioning with absorptive material; inch-pound units (Bentz 2009).

4) Strength and shape of the lightweight aggregate (Bentz b) An insufficient spatial distribution of the lightweight
et al. 2005). aggregates within the concrete microstructure (Bentz and
The optimum amount of lightweight aggregate used to Snyder 1999);
supply absorbed moisture is a function of the type used and c) Autogenous shrinkage due to the pozzolanic reaction
its amount, size, and degree of saturation; the w/cm that between pozzolanic materials and calcium hydroxide rather
exists at mixing; type and amount of binders used in the than self-desiccation (Bentz 2007);
concrete mixture; rate of desorption from the lightweight d) Effects of other strains in concrete, such as thermal
aggregate; and extent and amount of external moist curing strains and drying shrinkage (Delatte 2008).
afforded to the concrete element (Hoff 2003). Bentz et al. For estimating purposes, use 0.07 pounds of water per
(2005) provides an equation to estimate the amount of light- pound of cement (0.07 grams of water per gram of cement)
weight aggregate (applies to either coarse or fine aggregate) for the chemical shrinkage coefficient. The lightweight
needed for a given concrete mixture aggregate supplier can provide precise data relating to the
adsorption of the aggregate. For actual mixture propor-
C f × CS × α max tioning, to obtain the concrete characteristics desired, use the
M LWA = (5.2) data for obtaining a three-point curve. The data needed are
S × φ LWA
obtained from actual tests of the characteristic in question.
For instance, if shrinkage reduction is desired and the equa-
Equation (5.2) provides only a starting estimate of the light- tion indicates that 200 lb (91 kg) is the mass needed, three
weight aggregate required to supply absorbed moisture, as it does tests using 150, 200, and 250 lb (68, 91, and 113 kg) of light-
not account for a variety of effects that may result in the occur- weight aggregate replacement would provide a three-point
rence of autogenous shrinkage in a concrete formulated with curve. A diagram, which is provided for use in performing
prewetted absorptive materials including, but not limited to: the same calculation as Eq. (5.2), is shown in Fig. 5.2a (in.-lb
a) Loss of some absorbed moisture from the aggregates units) and Fig. 5.2b (SI units) (Bentz 2009).
during mixing, transportation, and placement that effectively
increase the starting w/cm of the concrete;

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Fig. 5.2b—Mixture proportioning with absorptive material; SI units (Bentz 2009).

5.3—Prewetting lightweight aggregate the w/cm of the mixture. Later, this water absorbed into the
Prewetting the lightweight aggregate is a critical proce- aggregate will be available for internal curing purposes.
dure for optimizing the character of the finished concrete. After equilibrium is achieved, the absorbed moisture will
Having the aggregate in its desired prewetted condition begin to desorb to hydrate the cement. Even with this situ-
when batched is an essential process dependent on the type ation, strengths may still be above those of the control at 3
of lightweight aggregate used. Those with a sealed surface days. From a field perspective, the key to successful imple-
require a longer soaking time that is best done in a pit filled mentation of this technology is to assure proper moisture
with water. Those that have an open texture or crushed conditioning of the lightweight aggregate as without this,
surface absorb water faster and are usually prewetted by additional problems with variable unit weight, slump loss,
sprinkling with water in a stockpile. The time required for pumpability, and finishability will likely occur (Villareal
the sprinkling is controlled by the application rate of the 2008).
water, absorption of the lightweight aggregate, and ambient
conditions. 5.4—Concrete batching. mixing, transporting,
Note that if the lightweight aggregate is not prewetted, placing, and finishing
early-age hydration and strength improvements are delayed The batching, mixing, transportation, placing, and
to a later time and, in some cases, reduced. Autogenous finishing of ICC is not significantly different from any other
shrinkage and creep might be also increased if lightweight common concrete practice. In batching, the lightweight
aggregate is below the saturated surface-dry condition. If in aggregate and mixing water should be placed in the mixer
doubt, run several ASTM C128-12 tests to be sure that the first for further assurance that the lightweight aggregate is
moisture content is never below saturated surface-dry. For properly prewetted. When the lightweight aggregate meets
instance, at 62 percent of potential saturated surface-dry, it the criteria cited in this report, the concrete mixture exhibits
takes time for the lightweight aggregate’s water content to batching mixing, transporting, placing and finishing char-
adjust in the fresh mixture, as some of the mixing water is acteristics that are similar to an equivalent conventional
first absorbed into the partially saturated aggregate, reducing mixture without internal curing.

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CHAPTER 6—SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE ASTM C330/C330M-12—Standard Specification for

CONSTRUCTION USING INTERNALL CURED Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete
CONCRETE (ICC) ASTM C1498-04(10)—Standard Test Method for Hygro-
A great contributor to sustainability is the service life of scopic Sorption Isotherms of Building Materials
the concrete. Achieving and even exceeding the design life
depends critically on the mixture proportioning, placement, Bentz, D. P., 2002, “Influence of Curing Conditions on
and curing. The importance of curing concrete is often misun- Water Loss and Hydration in Cement Pastes with and
derstood, sometimes not enforced, and in some cases even left without Fly Ash Substitution,” NISTIR 6886, U.S. Depart-
as an afterthought. To reach optimum sustainability, curing ment of Commerce, Washington, DC, July, 15 pp.
should be emphasized along with the water-cement ratio Bentz, D. P., 2007, “Internal Curing of High-Performance
(w/c). All other methodologies, including proper preparation Blended Cement Mortars,” ACI Materials Journal, V. 104,
and placement, can be negatively affected if the curing proce- No. 4, July-Aug., pp. 408-414.
dure is not performed with diligence. Without proper curing, Bentz, D. P., 2009, “Early Age Cracking: Causes, Measure-
strength can suffer 10 to 20 percent (Mack 2006), perme- ments, and Mitigation,” National Institute of Standards and
ability 20 percent (Hoff 2003), warping 60 percent (Ya and Technology (NIST), http://concrete.nist.gov/lwagg.html
Hansen 2008), and together with cracking could suffer from (accessed Apr. 24, 2013).
weaker interfacial transition zone and reduced durability. Bentz, D. P.; Halleck, P. M.; Grader, A. S.; and Roberts, J.
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the world because of its utility and durability. It can meet Internal Curing Using X-Ray Microtomography,” Concrete
the criteria of sustainability because its characteristics as International, V. 28, No. 10, Oct., pp. 39-45.
a construction material can “meet the needs of the present Bentz, D. P.; Halleck, P. M.; Grader, A. S.; and Roberts,
without compromising the ability of future generations to J. W., 2006b, “Four-Dimensional X-Ray Microtomography
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Environment and Development 1987). Concrete and its ings of the International RILEM Conference—Volume
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key is to build with an appropriate combination of materials Bagneux, France, pp. 11-20.
and construction technologies to achieve the targeted results. Bentz, D. P.; Koenders, E. A. B.; Mönnig, S.; Rein-
Curing is an important part of that key. Surface curing is hardt, H.-W.; van Breugel, K.; and Ye, G., 2007, “Materials
important with high-w/cm concrete, and traditional curing Science-Based Models in Support of Internal Water Curing,”
(along with absorptive materials) is important with low-w/ Internal Curing of Concrete, RILEM Proceedings No. 41, K.
cm concrete. In a higher-w/cm mixture, there is a degree of Kovler and O. M. Jensen, eds., S.A.R.L, Bagneux, France.
drying shrinkage, regardless of how the concrete is cured. Bentz, D. P.; Lura, P.; and Roberts, J. W., 2005, “Mixture
Moving to a lower w/cm reduces drying shrinkage by Proportioning for Internal Curing,” Concrete International,
decreasing the water content of the mixture and increasing the V. 27, No. 2, Feb., pp. 35-40.
modulus of elasticity of the concrete. This also increases the Bentz, D. P.; Sant, G.; and Weiss, W. J., 2008, “Early-Age
autogenous shrinkage dramatically, the mitigation of which Properties of Cement-Based Materials; I Influence of Cement
was the initial impetus for using preconditioned absorptive Fineness,” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, V. 20,
materials. To overcome autogenous shrinkage and cracking, No. 7, July, pp. 502-508.
internal moisture for hydration of the cement is provided by Bentz, D. P., and Snyder, K. A., 1999, “Protected Paste
the substitution of a portion of the normalweight sand in a Volume in Concrete Extension to Internal Curing Using
concrete mixture with a prewetted lightweight fine aggregate Saturated Lightweight Fine Aggregate,” Cement and
(PLFA). Any extra water left from the prewetted lightweight Concrete Research, V. 29, No. 11, pp. 1863-1867.
aggregate (PLA) will help to reduce drying shrinkage. Bentz, D. P., and Weiss, W. J., 2011, “Internal Curing: A
2010 State-of-the-Art Review,” National Institute of Stan-
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Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of Fine gating Autogenous Shrinkage by Internal Curing,” High
Aggregate Performance Structural Lightweight Concrete, SP-218, J.

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Report on Internally Cured Concrete Using Prewetted
Absorptive Lightweight Aggregate


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