Division of Laoag City
Division of Laoag City
Division of Laoag City
Department of Education
Region I
July, 1st Week, Day 2 Speech Delivery Use appropriate prosodic features of EN8OL-Ie-5
speech when delivering lines.
Determine how volume, projection, EN8LC-Ie-9
pitch, stress, intonation, juncture, and
speech rate serve as carriers of
July, 1st Week, Day 3 “The Prophet” by Khalil Gibran Use appropriate strategies in unlocking EN8V-Ie-4
the meaning of unfamiliar words and
idiomatic expressions.
Organize information from a material EN8VC-Ie-9
Explain how the elements specific to a EN8LT-Ie-2.2
genre contribute to the theme of a
particular literary selection.
Determine tone, mood, technique, and EN8LT-Ie-2.2.3
purpose of the author
July, 1st Week, Day 4 Making of Bookmarks on Nuggets of Use parallel structures. EN8G-Ie-7
Wisdom (Practical Application of the Use appropriate cohesive devices in EN8G-Ie-8
Article “The Prophet” by Khalil composing an informative speech.
Gibran )
July, 2nd Week, Day 1 A Closer Look at India: Its People, Organize information from a material EN8VC-If-9
Culture, Traditions, Literature, viewed.
Language, and Tourist Spots (video Listen for important points signaled by EN8LC-If-5.1
clips, slides) volume, projection, pitch, stress,
intonation, juncture, and rate of
July, 2nd Week, Day 2 “The Ramayana” Appreciate literature as a means of EN8LT-If-7
understanding the human being and the
forces he/she needs to contend with
Generate ideas and their relationships.
Use the appropriate reading style EN8RC-If-7
(scanning, skimming, speed reading,
intensive reading etc.) for one’s
July, 2nd Week, Day 3 Watching the Video Clip Version and Organize information from a material EN8VC-If-9
Writing a Script of Ramayana viewed.
Use parallel structures EN8G-If-7
Use appropriate cohesive devices in EN8G-If-8
composing an informative speech.
July, 2nd Week, Day 4 Performance Use appropriate prosodic features of EN8OL-If-5
speech when delivering lines.
July, 3rd Week, Day 1 “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam” Read intensively to determine the EN8RC-Ig-7.1
author’s purpose.
Determine the meaning of words and EN8V-Ig-6
expressions that reflect the local
culture by noting context clues.
July, 3rd Week, Day 2 Poetry Interpretation Use the correct stance and behavior. EN8OL-Ig-3.8
Note the changes in volume, EN8LC-Ig-5.2
projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture, and rate of speech that affect
July, 3rd Week, Day 3 Expository Text: Tips on Writing an Organize notes taken from an EN8WC-Ig-6
Event Proposal expository text.
Arrange notes in one-step word, EN8WC-Ig-6.2
phrase, and sentence outline forms.
July, 3rd Week, Day 4 Reading and Critiquing of Expository Organize notes taken from an EN8WC-Ig-6
Texts expository text.
Arrange notes in one-step word, EN8WC-Ig-6.2
phrase, and sentence outline forms.
July, 4th Week, Day 1 Shakuntala by Kalidasa (Act IV) Read intensively to determine the EN8RC-Ih-7.1
author’s purpose.
Explain how a selection may be EN8LT-Ih-3
influenced by culture, history,
environment, or other factors.
Determine the meaning of words and EN8V-Ih-6
expressions that reflect the local
culture by noting context clues
July, 4th Week, Day 2 Tone and Mood Note the changes in volume, EN8LC-Ih-5.2
projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture, and rate of speech that affect
July, 4th Week, Day 3 Reader’s Theatre Shakuntala by Note the changes in volume, EN8LC-Ih-5.2
Kalidasa (Act IV) (1st Part) projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture, and rate of speech that affect
July, 4th Week, Day 4 Reader’s Theatre Shakuntala by Note the changes in volume, EN8LC-Ih-5.2
Kalidasa (Act IV) (2nd Group) projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture, and rate of speech that affect
August, 1st Week, Day 1 Articles about Degrees and Series of Use the appropriate reading style EN8RC-Ii-7
Adjectives (scanning, skimming, speed reading,
intensive reading etc.) for one’s
Organize notes taken from an EN8WC-Ii-6
expository text
Arrange notes in one-step word, EN8WC-Ii-6.2
phrase, and sentence outline forms
August, 1st Week, Day 2 Writing of Informative Speeches or Use parallel structures. EN8G-Ii-7
Articles Using Adjectives and Use appropriate cohesive devices in EN8G-Ii-8
Cohesive Devices composing an informative speech.
August, 1st Week, Day 3 Speech Delivery (Part 1) Deliver a self-composed informative EN8F-Ii-3
August, 1st Week, Day 4 Speech Delivery (Part 2) Deliver a self-composed informative EN8F-Ii-3
August, 2 Week, Day 1 Poem about Library and Reference Use the appropriate reading style EN8RC-Ii-7
Materials (scanning, skimming, speed reading,
intensive reading etc.) for one’s
August, 2nd Week, Day 2 Gathering of Information on Assigned Use the appropriate reading style EN8RC-Ii-7
Topics Using the Appropriate (scanning, skimming, speed reading,
References intensive reading etc.) for one’s
August, 2nd Week, Day 3 Organizing the Information Obtained Organize notes taken from an EN8WC-Ii-6
into an Informative Speech expository text.
Arrange notes in one-step word, EN8WC-Ii-6.2
phrase, and sentence outline forms.
Use parallel structures. EN8G-Ii-7
Use appropriate cohesive devices in EN8G-Ii-8
composing an informative speech.
August, 2nd Week, Day 4 Speech Delivery Note the changes in volume, EN8LC-Ii-5.2
projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture, and rate of speech that affect
Deliver a self-composed informative EN8F-Ii-3