How To Install and Configure Pfsense
How To Install and Configure Pfsense
How To Install and Configure Pfsense
This article will guide you through the basic instructions on how to install
and configure pfSense version 2.1.5 in a home/office network and offers
few basic recommendations which is based on my experience.
Hardware Requirements
Hostname :
HDD Size : 2 GB
2. After selecting the architecture and platform, you will get a list of mirrors
to download, make sure to select nearest mirror link to download the image
from there.
3. After download completes, the downloaded image must be burn to an
CD/DVD media as an ISO image before we start using it. You can use any
CD/DVD burning software to burn the image to CD/DVD media.
If incase, you don’t have an CD/DVD drive, you can use Unetbootin tool to
create a Live bootable USB media or if you don’t want to follow all these
procedures, just go the pfSense download page, there you will get pre-
created bootable pfSense images for you USB media, just go there and
grab the “Live CD with installer (on USB Memstick)“. Don’t forget to select
USB console type before downloading…
4. Now switch on or reboot the target machine, place pfSense CD/DVD or
USB stick and set the BIOS options to your booting method (CD/DVD or
USB) according to your choice and choose the boot options by pressing a
keyboard function keys, usually F10 or F12, pfSense will start booting….
5. As the pfSense starts booting, a prompt is displayed with some options
and a countdown timer. At this prompt, press 1 to get install pfsense by
default. If we don’t choose any option it will start to boot option 1 by default.
Boot pfSense
7. On the next screen, it will ask you to ‘Configure Console‘, just press
‘Accept these settings‘ to move forward for installation process.
Configure Console
8. If you’re new to pfsense, choose ‘Quick/Easy Install‘ option to take make
things easier or choose ‘Custom Install‘ to get advance options during
installation process (recommended for advance users).
10. Next, it will ask you to format the selected disk, if it’s new disk you
should format or if it contains any important data you should take backup
before formatting the disk.
Format Disk
11. Choose the cylinder size and heads, here I’m using the default settings
option ‘Use this Geometry‘ to move forward for the installation.
Select Geometry
12. On the next step, it will prompt you a warning about disk format, if you
sure about that the disk has no data, just move forward with the selection.
14. Next, select the partitions you want to have on the disk and enter a raw
size in sectors, then accept and create the partition using the specified size
or you may move forward with default options.
Partition Created
Note: A warning alert will be displayed, telling that during installing pfsense
partition will be overwritten. Click on ‘Ok’ button to continue..
Setup Subpartitions
18. Once subpartitions has been created, you will see the installation
pfSense Installation Process
19. At last for installing the kernel, you can choose from the options as non-
vga or symetmetric multiprocessing kernel. Here I’m going to choose non-
vga and keyboard less.
Install Kernel
20. After kernel has been installed, reboot the machine and configure the
networking and more in next step as follows.
Reboot Machine
pfSense Rebooting
21. After rebooting, you will get the below screen with available interfaces
to configure the network.
Configure pfSense Network
The first option is presented as VLAN’s, generally VLAN’s are not needed,
they are needed for advance networking, simply here say No.
There are two interface’s em0 and em1, I have planned to assign em0 as
WAN our external interface and em1 as LAN which for internal interface
with firewall/NAT features enabled.
Assigned Interfaces
23. After setting up interfaces, you will get the pfsense menu as show
pfSense Menu
1. WAN IP address will be assigned from DHCP. If you need we can assign a
static IP.
2. LAN IP address will be default as, if you want to change choose
option 2 and set interfaces IP address.
First let me define a Static IP, subnet mask in Bit count and gateway for the
WAN and LAN. Disable the DHCP and continue by choosing Y.
26. Open the given link using http protocol and enter the usernamd as
‘admin‘ and password ‘pfsense‘.
Access pfSense Web
27. Once you logged in, a setup wizard window appears that will guide you
through the initial configuration of pfSense.
pfSense Setup Wizard
pfSense Subscription
28. On the next screen, enter the hostname, and domain for pfsense, by
following provide a Primary DNS server and secondary DNS and click
Fill General Information
Reload in Progress
pfSense Configured
pfsense can be used as router or firewall with many advanced features
such as traffic shapper, Load Balancer and much more. It can be used in
small scale to large scale environment. Hope this setup help you to build
your own router and firewall for your environment. Give your valuable
feedback in comment section for future help regarding this topic.