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Eurocode 4 Folder : Columns

Concrete encasement composite column with eccentric force application:


Height h = 8,00 m
Eccentricity e = 0,15 m
Beam type = SEL("steel/profils"; Name; ) = HEB
Nominal height NH = SEL("steel/"type; NH; ) = 340
Aa = TAB("steel/"type; A; NH=NH) = 171,00 cm²
hp = TAB("steel/"type; h; NH=NH) = 340,00 mm
s= TAB("steel/"type; s; NH=NH) = 12,00 mm
t= TAB("steel/"type; t; NH=NH) = 21,50 mm
b= TAB("steel/"type; b; NH=NH) = 300,00 mm
Iya = TAB("steel/"type; Iy ; NH=NH) = 36660,00 cm4
W pa = 1.14*TAB("steel/"type; Wy ; NH=NH) = 2462,40 cm³
W pa = 2408,00 cm³

Concrete = SEL("concrete/EC"; Name; ) = C30/37
Steel = SEL("steel/EC"; NameEN; ) = S235
Ecm = TAB("concrete/EC"; Ecm ; Name=Concrete) = 32000,00 N/mm²
fck = TAB("concrete/EC"; fck; Name=Concrete) = 30,00 N/mm²
The value for α for use in a contry should lie between 0,8 - 1,0 and me be found in a National Annex.
The Recommended Value for α is 1,0
α= 1,00
Ea = TAB("steel/EC"; E; NameEN=Steel) = 210000,00 N/mm²
fyk = TAB("steel/EC"; fy; NameEN=Steel) = 235,00 N/mm²

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Columns

Partial safety factors:

Dead load γG = 1,35
Imposed Load γQ = 1,50
Concrete γc = 1,50
Construction steel γa = 1,10
Profile steel sheetingγap = 1,10
Longitudinal shearγvs = 1,25
Elastic modulus γ = 1,35

gk = 450,00 kN
qk = 1000,00 kN

NEd = gk * γ G + qk * γ Q = 2107,50 kN
MEd = NEd * e = 316,13 kNm
VEd = MEd / h = 39,52 kN
fcd = α * fck / γ c = 20,00 N/mm²
fyd = fyk / γ a = 213,64 N/mm²
Ecd = Ecm / γ = 23703,70 N/mm²
Ac = ( hp * b ) *10-2 -A a = 849,00 cm²
Iyc = ( hp ³ * b / 120000 ) - Iya = 61600,00 cm4

Local buckling of parts of the steel section:

ε= = 1,00
= 0,32 < 1
ε * 44

Load-bearing capacity of the column under centric pressure with buckling risk:
A a * fyd + A c * fcd
Npl,Rd = = 5351,24 kN
Structural verification procudure applicable?
A a * fyd
δ= = 0,68
10 * N pl,Rd

0.2 / δ = 0,29 < 1

δ / 0.9 = 0,76 < 1
⇒ Structural verification procudure applicable.

On the effect of lateral shear:

Av = ( 1.04 * hp * s ) * 10-2 = 42,43 cm²
A v * fyd
Vpl,Rd = = 523,35 kN
√ 3 * 10

VEd / Vpl,Rd = 0,08 < 0,5

⇒ The lateral shear force has no effect on the load-bearing capacity.

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Columns

Cross section bearing capacity under pressure and single-axis bending:

Plastic limit moment at point D:
b * hp
W pc = - W pa = 6262,00 cm³
Mmax,Rd = ( Wpa *fyd + 1/2 * Wpc * fcd ) * 10-3 = 577,07 kNm
ND = 1/20 * Ac * fcd = 849,00 kN
Plastic limit moment in points B and C:
Npm,Rd = ( Ac * fcd ) * 10-1 = 1698,00 kN
N pm,Rd
hN = = 7,80 cm
-1 -2
0,2 * b * 10 * fcd + 2 * s * 10 * ( 2 * fyd - fcd )
= 0,61 ≤1
( b / 2 - t ) * 10
⇒ Plastic neutral axis is in the rib!
W pan = s/10 * hN² = 73,01 cm³
W pcn = ( b * hN ² ) * 10-1 - Wpan = 1752,19 cm³
MN,Rd = (W pan * fyd + 1/2 * Wpcn * fcd )*10-3 = 33,12 kNm
The plastic limit moment in points B and C is:
Mpl,Rd = Mmax,Rd - MN,Rd = 543,95 kNm
NB = 0,00 kN
NC = 2 * ND = 1698,00 kN

Load-bearing capacity of a composite column under pressure and single-axis bending:

Npl,Rk = (A a * fyk + Ac * α * fck)*10-1 = 6565,50 kN

Effective elastic bending rigidity:

EIe = (E a * Iya + 0.8 * Ecd * Iyc) * 10-5 = 88667,18 kN/m²

Reference degree of slenderness:

π * EIe
Ncr = = 13673,57 kN

N pl,Rk
λ' = = 0,69
N cr
⇒ Long-term behaviour (creep and shrinkage) may be disregarded.
Strut curve b:
Type = SEL("comp/buck"; Desc; ) = concrete-encased profile strong axis
line = TAB("comp/buck"; line; Desc=Type) = b
κ= TAB("comp/buck"; κ ; line=line; λlat=λ') = 0,789
κd = NEd / Npl,Rd = 0,394
Proportion of edge moments r = 0,00
κN = κ*((1-r)/4) = 0,197

The resulting values for point C are:

κc = NC / Npl,Rd = 0,317
µc = 1,00
1 -κ
µk = * µc = 0,309
1 - κc

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Columns

1 - κd
µd = * µk = 0,887
1 -κ

The length µ is:

µ= µ d - µ k * (κ d - κ N) / (κ - κ N) = 0,784

Structural verification of load-bearing capacity:

N Ed
= 0,50 ≤1
κ * N pl,Rd

M Ed
= 0,82 ≤1
0,9 * µ * M pl,Rd

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Columns

Concrete-filled hollow section:


Column height h = 7,00 m
Outside pipe diameter d = 273,00 mm
Pipe thickness t = 6,30 mm
gk = 500,00 kN
qk = 600,00 kN

Concrete = SEL("concrete/EC"; Name; ) = C30/37
Steel = SEL("steel/EC"; NameEN; ) = S355
Ecm = TAB("concrete/EC"; Ecm ; Name=Concrete) = 32800,00 N/mm²
fck = TAB("concrete/EC"; fck; Name=Concrete)| = 30,00 N/mm²

Ea = TAB("steel/EC"; E; NameEN=Steel) = 210000,00 N/mm²

fyk = TAB("steel/EC"; fy; NameEN=Steel) = 355,00 N/mm²
The value for α for use in a contry should lie between 0,8 - 1,0 and me be found in a National Annex.
The Recommended Value for α is 1,0
α= 1,00

Partial safety factors:

Dead load γG = 1,35
Imposed Load γQ = 1,50
Concrete γc = 1,50
Construction steel γa = 1,10
Profile steel sheeting γap = 1,10
Longitudinal shear γvs = 1,25
Concrete elastic modulus γ = 1,35

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Columns

fyd = fyk / γ a = 322,73 N/mm²
fcd = α * fck / γ c = 20,00 N/mm²
NEd = γ G * gk + γ Q * qk = 1575,00 kN
fyd = fyk / γ a = 322,73 N/mm²
Aa =
* d -(d - 2 * t )
) = 52,79 cm²

Ia =
* d -(d - 2 * t )
) = 4695,82 cm4

Ecd = Ecm / γ = 24296,30 N/mm²

π*(d - 2 * t )
Ac = = 532,56 cm²
π*(d - 2 * t )
Ic = = 22570,10 cm4

Local buckling of parts of the steel section:

ε= = 0,81

/ 90 * ε 2 ) = 0,73 ≤1

Structural verification of the column's load-bearing capacity:

Npl,Rd = ( Aa * fyd + Ac * fcd ) * 10-1 = 2768,81 kN

( )
Structural verification procudure applicable?
Aa *
δ= = 0,62
N pl,Rd * 10

0.2 / δ = 0,32 < 1

δ / 0.9 = 0,69 < 1

⇒Structural verification procudure applicable

Npl,Rk = (A a * fyk + Ac * α * fck)*10-1 = 3471,72 kN

Effective elastic bending rigidity:

EIe = (E a * Ia + 0,8 * Ecd * Ic)*10-5 = 14248,18 kNm²

Reference degree of slenderness:

Ncr = π² * EIe / h² = 2869,87 kN

N pl,Rk
λ' = = 1,10
N cr
λ'g = = 2,11
(1 - δ)

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Columns

λ' / λ'g = 0,52 < 1

⇒ Long-term behaviour (creep and shrinkage) may be disregarded.
Concrete-filled hollow section, therefore strut curve a
Type = SEL("comp/buck"; Desc; ) = concrete-filled hollow section
line = TAB("comp/buck"; line; Desc=Type) = a
κ= TAB("comp/buck"; κ ; line=line; λlat=λ') = 0,596
NRd = κ * Npl,Rd = 1650,21 kN

Structural verification:
NEd / NRd = 0,95 < 1
The ultimate load bearing capacity is almost completely exploited.

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Composite beams - Ultimate load bearing capacity:


Beam length L = 12,00 m
Beam distance s = 3,60 m

Beam type = SEL("steel/profils"; Name; ) = IPE
Nominal height NH = SEL("steel/"type; NH; ) = 450
A= TAB("steel/"type; A; NH=NH) = 98,80 cm²
h= TAB("steel/"type; h; NH=NH)/10 = 45,00 mm
Iy = TAB("steel/"type; Iy ; NH=NH) = 33740,00 cm4
Shear connectors ∅ 22
hb = 100,00 mm
d= 22,00 mm
Distance of shear connectors eL = 15,00 cm
Concrete = SEL("concrete/EC"; Name; ) = C25/30
Steel = SEL("steel/EC"; NameEN; ) = S355

g1k = 15,28 kN/m
g2k = 7,74 kN/m (after removal of temporary props)
qk = 18,00 kN/m

h pb

Floor thickness hd = 16,00 cm

Thickness of profile steel sheeting hpb = 5,10 cm

Material properties:
Ecm = TAB("concrete/EC"; Ecm ; Name=Concrete) = 31500,00 N/mm²
Ea = TAB("steel/EC"; E; NameEN=Steel) = 210000,00 N/mm²

Cross section load bearing capacity at full shear connection:

beff = 2*L/8 = 3,00 m
beff = MIN(beff ;s) = 3,00 m

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Working state analysis of composite beams:

Form factors:
Short term load at point of time t =0:
n0 = Ea / Ecm = 6,67
Effective component thickness:
Beam width in air u = 360,00 cm
ho = 2 * hd * u / u = 32,00 cm
Final creep value t0 =14 days
according to EC2 Appendix1 ϕ = 2,70
constant continuous load ψ A,B = 1,10
Shrinkage ψ A,S = 0,55
Creep under continuous load nϕ = n0 * ( 1+ ψ A,B * ϕ) = 26,48
Shrinkage nS = n0 * ( 1+ ψ A,S * ϕ) = 16,57
Ac = 100 * beff * ( hd - hpb ) = 3270,00 cm²
Ic = 100 * beff * ( hd - hpb )³ / 12 = 32375,72 cm²m²

z's0 =
A* ( ) (
+ hd +
h d - h pb
2 ) = 10,99 cm

( ) ( ( ) ( ))
2 2
Ic -4 h Ac h d - h pb -4
Iy + * 10 + A* + hd + * * 10 = 19,96 cm²m²
n0 2 n0 2

( z' ) ( ) Ac
* ( -1 )
* A+ = -7,11 cm²m²
s0 * 10 n0

Ii0 = 12,85 cm²m²

z'sϕ =
A* ( )
+ hd +

* ( h d - h pb ) / 2

= 20,14 cm
A + A c / nϕ

( ) ( ( ) ( ))
2 2
Ic -4 h Ac h d - h pb -4
Iy + * 10 + A* + hd + * * 10 = 18,51 cm²m²
nϕ 2 nϕ 2

( z's ) ( ) Ac
* ( -1 )
* A+ = -9,02 cm²m²
ϕ * 10 nϕ

Iiphi = 9,49 cm²m²

Ii ϕ = Iiphi = 9,49 cm²m²

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

z'sS =
A* ( )
+ hd +
* ( h d - h pb ) / 2

= 16,48 cm
A + A c / nS

( ) ( ( ) ( ))
2 2
Ic -4 h Ac h d - h pb -4
Iy + * 10 + A* + hd + * * 10 = 18,80 cm²m²
nS 2 nS 2

( z' ) ( ) Ac
* ( -1 )
* A+ = -8,04 cm²m²
sS * 10 nS

IiS = 10,76 cm²m²

Calculation of midspan deflection:

Release of temporary prop at point of time t =0
B= g1k * 1.25 * L/2 = 114,60 kN
fB0 = 100 * B * L³ / ( 48 * Ea /10 * Ii0 ) = 1,53 cm

Assumption: 40% of the live load as a permanent load at point of time t =0:
Ratio= 0,40
fg2,0 = 100 * 5/384 *(g2k + Ratio* qk ) * L4 / ( Ea /10 * Ii0 ) = 1,49 cm

from imposed load (short term ratio):

Ratio2 = 1 - Ratio = 0,60
fq = 100 * 5/384 * Ratio2 * qk * L4 / ( Ea /10 * Ii0 ) = 1,08 cm

From removal of temporary prop at point of time t =∞:

fB = fB0 * Ii0 / Ii ϕ = 2,07 cm

From gk2 + qpermanent at point of time t =∞:

fg2 = fg2,0 * Ii0 / Ii ϕ = 2,02 cm

From shrinkage at point of time t =∞:

Final shrinkage value εcS = 325*10-6

Nsch = (A c * Ea / nS * εcS) / 10 = 1346,88 kN

z sch = z'sS - (hd -hpb )/2 = 11,03 cm
Msch = Nsch * zsch / 100 = 148,56 kN
fsch = 100 * 1/8 * Msch * L² / ( Ea /10 * IiS ) = 1,18 cm
Maximum deflection:
max_f = fB + fg2 + fsch + fq = 6,35 cm
Recommended camber:
f0 = fB0 + fg2,0 = 3,02 cm
Maximum deflection in final state:
f= max_f - f0 = 3,33 cm
Structural verification:
f/100 / ( L / 300 ) = 0,83 < 1

The deflection in the working state meets the required standard!

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Composite floor in the final state:


Steel profile with lugs; values according to manufacturer's specifications (approval )
m= 166,00
k= 0,15
Sheet thickness t = 0,86 mm
e= 17,00 mm
Beam length L = 4,80 m
Stability fyp = 350,00 N/mm²
Cross section area Ap = 1562,00 N/mm²
τu,Rd = 280,00 kN/m
minimum width of concrete ribs b0 = 750,00 mm/m
Floor thickness ht = 14,00 cm
Concrete = SEL("concrete/EC"; Name; ) = C25/30
fck = TAB("concrete/EC"; fck; Name=Concrete) = 25,00 N/mm²
fctk005 = TAB("concrete/EC"; fctk05; Name=Concrete)| = 1,80 N/mm²

Final state:
Permanent load of composite floor G1 = 3,30 kN/m
Permanent load of design loads G2 = 1,20 kN/m
Imposed load Q = 5,00 kN/m

Partial safety factors:

Dead load γG = 1,35
Imposed Load γQ = 1,50
Concrete γc = 1,50
Profile steel sheeting γap = 1,10
Longitudinal shear γvs = 1,25

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Structural verification of the composite floor in the final state:

b= 1000,00 mm
MEd = ( γ G * ( G1 +G2 )+γ Q * Q) * L² / 8 = 39,10 kNm/m

Design resistance:
Ncf = (A p * fyp / γ ap )/1000 = 497,00 kN
The value for α for use in a contry should lie between 0,8 - 1,0 and me be found in a National Annex.
The Recommended Value for α is 1,0
α= 1,00
N cf * 10

( )
χ= = 29,82
b* α*

dp = 10*ht - e = 123,00 mm
d p - 0,5 * χ
Mp,Rd = N cf * = 53,72 kNm/m
Structural verification:
MEd / Mp,Rd = 0,73 < 1

Longitudinal shear, m + k - method:

Design shear force at the footing point:
VEd = ( γ G*(G1 +G2 ) + γ Q * Q ) * L / 2 = 32,58 kN/m
Longitudinal shear resistance:
Shear length Ls = 1000 * L / 4 = 1200,00 mm

Vl,Rd =
b * dp * m *
( Ap
b * Ls
)* 10
= 36,02 kN/m
γ vs
Structural verification:
VEd / Vl,Rd = 0,90 < 1

Longitudinal shear, partial shear connection ( EC4, Appendix E ):

Design value of the bond strength according to manufacturer's information:
Shear length at full shear connection η = 1,00
N cf
Lsf = = 1,77 m
b * 10 * τu,Rd
Design resistance:
τRd = 0,09 * 3 √ fck = 0,26 N/mm²
kv = 1.6 - dp /1000 = 1,48 > 1
Ap = b0 * t = 645,00 mm²
ρ = = 0,007
b0 * dp

Vv,Rd = (b0 * dp * τRd * kv * ( 1.2 + 40 * ρ ))/1000 = 52,54 kN/m

Structural verification:
VEd / Vv,Rd = 0,62 < 1

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Composite beams - Ultimate load bearing capacity:

Beam length L = 12,00 m
Number of temporary props a = 1,00
Beam distance s = 3,60 m
Flange width b0 = 12,60 cm

g1k = 14,50 kN/m
g2k = 7,74 kN/m (Hilfsunterstützung entfernt)
qk = 18,00 kN/m

Concrete = SEL("concrete/EC"; Name; ) = C25/30
Steel = SEL("steel/EC"; NameEN; ) = S355
Beam type = SEL("steel/profils"; Name; ) = IPE
Nominal height NH = SEL("steel/"type; NH; ) = 400
A= TAB("steel/"type; A; NH=NH) = 84,50 cm²
h= TAB("steel/"type; h; NH=NH)/10 = 40,00 cm
t= TAB("steel/"type; s; NH=NH)/10 = 0,86 cm
Iy = TAB("steel/"type; Iy ; NH=NH) = 23130,00 cm4
Mpl = TAB("steel/"type; Mplyd ; NH=NH) = 289,00 kNm
Mpl = IF(Steel="S355";1,5;1)*Mpl = 433,50 kNm
Shear connectors∅ 22
hb = 100,00 mm
d= 19,00 mm
Distance of shear connectors eL = 15,00 cm
Ultimate strength fu = 450,00 N/mm²

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Partial safety factors:

Dead load γG = 1,35
Imposed Load γQ = 1,50
Concrete γc = 1,50
Construction steel γa = 1,10
Profile steel sheeting γap = 1,10
Longitudinal shear γvs = 1,25

h pb

Floor thickness hd = 16,00 cm

Thickness of profile steel sheeting hpb = 5,10 cm
Cross-sectional area of plate Ap = 15,62 kN/m

Material properties:
Ecm = TAB("concrete/EC"; Ecm ; Name=Concrete) = 30500,00 N/mm²
fck = TAB("concrete/EC"; fck; Name=Concrete) = 25,00 N/mm²
fctk005 = TAB("concrete/EC"; fctk05; Name=Concrete) = 1,80 N/mm²
fcd = fck / γ c = 16,67 N/mm²

Ea = TAB("steel/EC"; E; NameEN=Steel) = 210000,00 N/mm²

fyk = TAB("steel/EC"; fy; NameEN=Steel) = 355,00 N/mm²
fyd = fyk / γ a = 322,73 N/mm²

Holorib sheeting in accordance with building regulations approval:

fyp = 280,00 N/mm²

Conformation of fitness for purpose:

Stress resultants in ultimate state analysis of fitness for purpose:
rd = γ G * (g1k + g2k ) + γ Q * qk = 57,02 kN/m
MEd = rd * L² / 8 = 1026,36 kNm
VEd = rd *L / 2 = 342,12 kN

Cross section load bearing capacity with full shear connection:

beff = 2*L/8 = 3,00 m
beff = MIN(beff ; s) = 3,00 m
Av = 1.04 * h * t = 35,78 cm²
Npl,a,Rd = A * fyd / 10 = 2727,07 kN
Ncd = 0,85 * fcd * 100 * beff * ( hd - hpb ) = 46334,26 kN
The value for α for use in a contry should lie between 0,8 - 1,0 and me be found in a National Annex.
The Recommended Value for α is 1,0
αc = 1,00
z pl = Npl,a,Rd / ( 10 * α c * fcd * beff ) = 5,45 cm
⇒ The plastic neutral axis is in the concrete chord above the profile steel sheeting.

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Distance to centre of gravity:

a= h / 2 + hd - zpl / 2 = 33,27 cm
⇒ Mpl,Rd = Npl,a,Rd * a / 100 = 907,30 kNm
Vpl,Rd = Av * fyk / ( 10 * √(3) * γ a ) = 666,68 kN

Structural verifications:
MEd / Mpl,Rd = 1,13 < 1
VEd / Vpl,Rd = 0,51 < 1

Longitudinal shear load capacity and shear connection:

hb / d = 5,26 > 4 -> shear connectors are ductile
α= IF(hb /d>4; 1; 0.2 * ((hb /d)+1)) = 1,00

Marginal force of a shear connector:

0,8 * fu * π * d
PRd1 = = 81,66 kN
4 * γ vs * 10

PRd2 =
( 0,29 * α * d *
2 √ fck * E cm
γ vs ) * 10
= 73,13 kN

PRd = MIN( PRd1 ; PRd2 ) = 73,13 kN


( )
Nr = 1,00 (one row of shear connectors)
0,7 b0 h b * 10
k t1 = * * -1 = 1,66
√ Nr h pb h pb
k t2 = 0,85
kt = MIN ( kt1 ; k t2 ) = 0,85
PRd1 = k t * PRd = 62,16 kN

( )
Nr = 2,00 (two rows of shear connectors)
0,7 b0 h b * 10
k t1 = * * -1 = 1,17
√ Nr h pb h pb
k t2 = 0,70
kt = MIN ( kt1 ; k t2 ) = 0,70
PRd2 = k t * PRd = 51,19 kN

Possible shear connector configurations:

7 pairs of shear connectors at the end of the beam Anzp = 7,00
33 individual shear connectors in the span Anze = 33,00
aufn_V = Anze * PRd1 + 2 * Anzp * PRd2 = 2767,94 kN

Structural verification:
Npl,a,Rd / aufn_V = 0,99 < 1

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Structural verification against diagonal strut failure according to NAD for Germany:
Acv = 100 * ( hd - hpb ) = 1090,00 N/m
Normal concrete η = 1,00
0,2 * A cv * η * fck
ν Rd,2 = = 363,33 kN/m
γ c * 10
P Rd1
ν Ed = = 414,40 kN/m
e L * 10
ν Ed,li = ν Ed *1/2 = 207,20 kN/m
ν Ed,li / ν Rd,2 = 0,57 < 1
This calculation disregards the input from profile steel sheeting!

Cross reinforcement necessary:

NAD τRd = 0,09 * 3 √ fck = 0,26 MN/mm²
A p * fyp
ν pd = = 397,60 kN/m
γ ap * 10
ν Rd,3 = 2.5 * Acv * η * ( τRd / 10 ) + ν pd = 468,45 kN/m

Structural verification of diagonal strut:

ν Ed,li / ν Rd,3 = 0,44 < 1

Working state analysis of composite beams:

Form factors:
Short term load at point of time t =0:
n0 = Ea / Ecm = 6,89
Effective component thickness:
Beam width in air u = 360,00 cm
ho = 2 * hd *u / u = 32,00 cm
Final creep value t0 =14 days
according to EC2 Appendix1 ϕ = 2,70
Creep under continuous load nϕ = n0 * 3 = 20,67
Shrinkage and creep nS = n0 * 2 = 13,78
Ac = 100 * beff * ( hd - hpb ) = 3270,00 cm²
Ic = 100 * beff * ( hd - hpb )³ / 12 = 32375,72 cm²m²

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

z's0 =
A* ( ) (
+ hd +
h d - h pb
2 ) = 10,07 cm

( ) ( ( ) ( ))
2 2
Ic -4 h Ac h d - h pb -4
Iy + * 10 + A* + hd + * * 10 = 15,14 cm²m²
n0 2 n0 2

( z' ) ( ) Ac
* ( -1 )
* A+ = -5,67 cm²m²
s0 * 10 n0

Ii0 = 9,47 cm²m²

z'sϕ =
A* ( ) h
+ hd +

* ( h d - h pb ) / 2

= 16,09 cm
A + A c / nϕ

( ) ( ( ) ( ))
2 2
Ic -4 h Ac h d - h pb -4
Iy + * 10 + A* + hd + * * 10 = 13,89 cm²m²
nϕ 2 nϕ 2

( z's ) ( ) Ac
* ( -1 )
* A+ = -6,28 cm²m²
ϕ * 10 nϕ

Iiphi = 7,61 cm²m²

Ii ϕ = Iiphi = 7,61 cm²m²

z'sS =
A* ( ) h
+ hd +
* ( h d - h pb ) / 2

= 13,47 cm
A + A c / nS

( ) ( ( ) ( ))
2 2
Ic -4 h Ac h d - h pb -4
Iy + * 10 + A* + hd + * * 10 = 14,20 cm²m²
nS 2 nS 2

( z' ) ( ) Ac
* ( -1 )
* 10 * A+ = -5,84 cm²m²
sS nS

IiS = 8,36 cm²m²

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Calculation of midspan deflection:

Release of temporary prop at point of time t =0
B= g1k * 1,25 * L/2 = 108,75 kN
2 3
10 * B * L
fB0 = = 1,97 cm
48 * E a * 10 * Ii0

Assumption: 40% of the live load as a permanent load at point of time t =0:
Ratio= 0,40
5 2 4
* 10 * ( g 2k + Ratio * q k ) * L
fg2,0 = = 2,03 cm
E a * 10 * Ii0

f0 = fB0 + fg2,0 = 4,00 cm

from imposed load (short term ratio):

Ratio2 = 1 - Ratio = 0,60
5 2 4
* 10 * ( Ratio2 * q k ) * L
fq = = 1,47 cm
E a * 10 * Ii0
From removal of temporary prop at point of time t =∞:
fB = fB0 * Ii0 / Ii ϕ = 2,45 cm

From gk2 + qpermanent at point of time t =∞:

fg2 = fg2,0 * Ii0 / Ii ϕ = 2,53 cm

fd = fB + fg2 = 4,98 cm

Creep under continuous load only:

fk = fd - f0 = 0,98 cm

From shrinkage at point of time t =∞:

Final shrinkage value εcS = 325*10-6
Nsch = (A c * Ea / nS * εcS) / 10 = 1619,58 kN
z sch = z'sS - (hd -hpb )/2 = 8,02 cm
Msch = Nsch * zsch / 100 = 129,89 kN
1 2 2
* M sch * 10 * L
fsch = = 1,33 cm
E a * 10 * IiS
Maximum deflection:
max_f = fB + fg2 + fsch + fq = 7,78 cm

Recommended camber:
f0 = fB0 + fg2,0 = 4,00 cm

Maximum deflection in final state:

f= max_f - f0 = 3,78 cm

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Structural verification:
f L
/ = 0,79 ≤1
100 250

The deflection in the working state meets the required standard!

Vibration behaviour:

10 * π E a * Ii0
ω= * = 20,69 (1/s)
2 ( g 1k + g 2k ) * 10 * 9,81
f= = 3,29 Hz
The natural frequency should be no less than 3 Hz.
For sports or dance halls, it should be no less than 5 Hz.

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

POS.: Composite beams - Ultimate load bearing capacity:


Beam length L = 12,00 m
Number of temporary props a = 1,00
Beam distance s = 3,60 m
Flange width b0 = 12,60 cm

Concrete = SEL("concrete/EC"; Name; ) = C25/30
Steel = SEL("steel/EC"; NameEN; ) = S355
Beam type = SEL("steel/profils"; Name; ) = IPE
Nominal height NH = SEL("steel/"type; NH; ) = 450
A= TAB("steel/"type; A; NH=NH) = 98,80 cm²
h= TAB("steel/"type; h; NH=NH)/10 = 45,00 cm
t= TAB("steel/"type; s; NH=NH)/10 = 0,94 cm
Iy = TAB("steel/"type; Iy ; NH=NH) = 33740,00 cm4
Mpl = TAB("steel/"type; Mplyd ; NH=NH) = 373,00 kNm
Mpl = IF(Steel="S355";1,5;1)*Mpl = 559,50 kNm
Shear connectors∅ 22
hb = 100,00 mm
d= 22,00 mm
Distance of shear connectors eL = 15,00 cm
Ultimate strength fu = 450,00 N/mm²

gk1 = 15,28 kN/m
gk2 = 7,74 kN/m (after removal of temporary props)
qk = 18,00 kN/m

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Partial safety factors:

Dead load γG = 1,35
Imposed Load γQ = 1,50
Concrete γc = 1,50
Construction steel γa = 1,10
Profile steel sheeting γap = 1,10
Longitudinal shear γvs = 1,25

h pb

Floor thickness hd = 16,00 cm

Thickness of profile steel sheeting hpb = 5,10 cm
Cross-sectional area of plate Ap = 15,62 kN/m

Material properties:
Ecm = TAB("concrete/EC"; Ecm ; Name=Concrete) = 30500,00 N/mm²
fck = TAB("concrete/EC"; fck; Name=Concrete) = 25,00 N/mm²
fctk005 = TAB("concrete/EC"; fctk05; Name=Concrete) = 1,80 N/mm²
fcd = fck / γ c = 16,67 N/mm²

Ea = TAB("steel/EC"; E; NameEN=Steel) = 210000,00 N/mm²

fyk = TAB("steel/EC"; fy; NameEN=Steel) = 355,00 N/mm²
fyd = fyk / γ a = 322,73 N/mm²
Holorib sheeting in accordance with building regulations approval:
fyp = 280,00 N/mm²

Conformation of fitness for purpose:

Stress resultants in ultimate state analysis of fitness for purpose:
rd = γ G * ( gk1 + gk2 ) + γ Q * qk = 58,08 kN/m
MEd = rd * L² / 8 = 1045,44 kNm
VEd = rd *L / 2 = 348,48 kN

Cross section load bearing capacity with full shear connection:

beff = 2*L/8 = 3,00 m
beff = MIN(beff ; s) = 3,00 m

Av = 1.04 * h * t = 43,99 cm²

Npl,a,Rd = A * fyd / 10 = 3188,57 kN

Ncd = 0.85 * fcd * 10 * beff * ( hd - hpb ) = 4633,43 kN
The value for α for use in a contry should lie between 0,8 - 1,0 and me be found in a National Annex.
The Recommended Value for α is 1,0
αc = 1,00
z pl = Npl,a,Rd / ( 10 * α c * fcd * beff ) = 6,38 cm
⇒ The plastic neutral axis is in the concrete chord above the profile steel sheeting.

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Distance to centre of gravity:

a= h / 2 + hd - zpl / 2 = 35,31 cm

⇒ Mpl,Rd = Npl,a,Rd * a / 100 = 1125,88 kNm

A v * fyk
Vpl,Rd = = 819,65 kN
10 * √ 3 * γ a

Structural verifications:
MEd / Mpl,Rd = 0,93 < 1
VEd / Vpl,Rd = 0,43 < 1

Longitudinal shear capacity and shear connection:

hb / d = 4,55 > 4 -> shear connectors are ductile
α= IF(hb /d>4; 1; 0.2 * ((hb /d)+1)) = 1,00

Marginal force of a shear connector:

0,8 * fu * π * d
PRd1 = = 109,48 kN
4 * γ vs * 10

PRd2 =
( 0,29 * α * d *
2 √ fck * E cm
γ vs ) * 10
= 98,05 kN

PRd = MIN( PRd1 ; PRd2 ) = 98,05 kN

( )
Number of rows of shear connectors Nr = 1,00
0,7 b0 h b * 10
k t1 = * * -1 = 1,66
√ Nr h pb h pb
k t2 = 0,75
kt = MIN ( kt1 ; k t2 ) = 0,75
PRd = k t * PRd = 73,54 kN
Required number of shear connectors for full shear connection:
req_n = Npl,a,Rd / PRd + 0.49 = 44
prov_n = 100*L/2/eL +0.49 = 40
because: req_n / prov_n = 1,10 is a partial connection
The maximum transferrable concrete compression force is:
Nc = prov_n * PRd = 2941,60 kN
Degree of shear connection η = Nc / Npl,a,Rd = 0,92 < 1

Reduced plastic bending moment, calculated with linear interpolation:

MRd = Mpl + η * ( Mpl,Rd - Mpl ) = 1080,57 kNm

Structural verification:
MEd / MRd = 0,97 < 1

Note: No reduction in interaction, because maximum moment and maximum lateral shear force do
not occur in the same place.

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

Eurocode 4 Folder : Floors

Shear connector configurations permissible?

a) Cross section class 1 or 2 ⇒ OK

b) req_η = 0.25 + 0.03 * L = 0,61

req_η/η = 0,66 < 1

Mpl,Rd / ( 2.5 * Mpl ) = 0,80 < 1

All conditions a-c have to be met!

Connection of lateral concrete chord:

Lateral shear::
ν Ed = PRd / ( eL / 100 ) = 490,27 kN/m
ν Ed,li = ν Ed * 1 / 2 = 245,13 kN/m
Acv = ( hd - hpb ) * 100 = 1090,00 cm²/m
Normal concrete η = 1,00
ν Rd,2 = 0.2 * Acv * η * fck / ( γ c *10 ) = 363,33 kN/m

Structural verification against diagonal strut failure:

ν Ed,li / ν Rd,2 = 0,67 < 1
This calculation disregards the input from profile steel sheeting!

EC4 τRd1 = 0.25 * fctk005 / γ c = 0,30 MN/mm²

NAD τRd2 = 0,09 * 3 √ fck = 0,26 MN/mm²
τRd = MIN ( τRd1 ; τRd2 ) = 0,26 MN/mm²
ν pd = Ap * fyp /( γ ap * 10 ) = 397,60 kN/m
ν Rd,3 = 2.5 * Acv * η * ( τRd / 10 ) + ν pd = 468,45 kN/m

Structural verification of diagonal strut:

ν Ed,li / ν Rd,3 = 0,52 < 1
The cross reinforcement has been ignored in this calculation.
In the construction, provision should be made for 0.2% or the relevant cross section area Acv that
may also be taken into account as part of the bending reinforcement to absorb the negative moment
(moment at support) of the transversal continuous composite floor.

Pdf-Overview: Templates for Structural Engineering

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