BA 602 Management Information Systems: Hybrid Course Instructor Information
BA 602 Management Information Systems: Hybrid Course Instructor Information
BA 602 Management Information Systems: Hybrid Course Instructor Information
Hybrid Course
Instructor Information
Name: Dr. Ed Lindoo
Office Location: Online
Telephone: 303-964-6385 (since I’m hardly there, best to email me)
Alternative Contact Information: None
Course Information
Course Number: BA 602
Course Name: Management Information Systems
Credits: 3
Format: This class will be delivered online using Moodle Platform but starts with a residency in
Kentucky the first week. Class sessions will consist of discussions, assignments, and
exam. Discussions, assignments, cases and exam will focus on readings, and other
professionally/academically reviewed journals.
Course Description:
Course Description: The design of computer-based information systems to increase
organizational effectiveness and efficiency in the development and implementation of
organizational strategy and the control and evaluation of organizational activities. Attention is
devoted to decision support systems that support empowerment of individuals in agile
Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. Analyze the roles of information systems in an organization.
2. Analyze different types of information systems and how they process data.
3. Analyze data, text, and document management as well as their impacts on performance.
4. Analyze the impact of business networks and wireless broadband networks on businesses
and organizations.
5. Analyze the functions and financial values of IT security.
6. Discuss e-business strategies and e-commerce operations.
7. Analyze the growing role of mobile computing technologies in the business world.
8. Analyze how businesses are using online communities and social networking services.
9. Analyze companies’ need for enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
10. Analyze how companies use data mining, predictive analytics, dashboards, scorecards, and
other reporting and visualization tools in the management of information.
11. Analyze major types of outsourcing, reasons for outsourcing, and the risks and benefits.
Information Technology for Management, Turban/Volonino/Wood, 10th Edition, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 2015; ISBN: 978-1-118-89778-2 (hard cover) or 978-1-118-99429-0 (looseleaf).
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition) (ISBN-13:
Internet Access: Some of the course materials and problems will be posted and completed on
the internet. It is therefore imperative that you have access to the internet in order to
successfully complete this part of the class assignments.
Class Attendance/Participation
As stated in the Campbellsville University catalog, students are expected to attend class
regularly. To be counted present, a student in online courses must log-in to their course in the
LMS (Moodle) at least once a day and complete those activities as prescribed by the instructor
in the syllabus. When the prescribed amount of inactivity has passed or the prescribed number
of assignments have been missed (or any combination thereof), the instructor will issue the
grade of “WA.” This grade, representing administrative withdrawal, acts as the grade of “F” in
the GPA calculation.
Revolving Technical Issues
Contact the helpdesk if you have a technical problem accessing the course.
• Problems logging into Moodle – Contact the CU Distance Education Help Desk at (270)
• Other technical problems within Moodle – Contact the 24/7 Help Center at 800-985-9781
or 24/7 Help Center.
Course Policies
Citations and References
Unless otherwise noted, all written learning activities should include citations and references, as
appropriate, using APA format. Students are encouraged to utilize the APA Publication
Save and submit all your work as a ###instructor insert file type here## file. Make sure to save
your files using the convention LAST NAME, FIRST INITIAL, COURSE ABBREVIATION,
Example: Smith_L_BA_602_FA14_CaseStudy1
Time Management and Late Activities
Expect to spend approximately 5-8 hours per week for undergraduate courses and 12-15 hours
per week for graduate courses. You should spend approximately 3-4 hours online each week
(reading and responding to others) and 1-4 undergraduate hours or 8-11 graduate hours off-line
(reading and completing written learning activities). Make sure to give yourself enough time to
submit work that represents the best of your abilities and that has been completed without
collaboration with other students. Collaboration without instructor knowledge/permission is
considered academic dishonesty and can result in a failing grade for the course.
Deadlines are an unavoidable part of being a professional; this course is no exception. Avoid
any inclination to procrastinate. To encourage you to stay on schedule, due dates have been
established for each learning activity. The late submission policy is as follows:
A. Please review the course schedule for all reading assignments and due dates of
quizzes, assignments, discussions, etc.
B. All discussions must be completed each week.
C. Grading for Late Assignments
Students who submit work after the assigned due date can expect a reduction of
points in the following manner:
Starting on day one after the assignment was due, 20% deduction up to 7 days.
On day 8 through 14 there is a 50% reduction. After 14 days the assignment
receives a zero.
Please note, assignments due during the last week of the term cannot be accepted late.
2. All past due assignments must be submitted by the last Wednesday of the academic term.
Late assignments submitted after the last Wednesday of the academic term must receive a
grade of zero (0), i.e. no credit awarded.
3. Discussion boards, by definition, are not assignments that are easily made up. Because
students have early access to group discussions, late participation is not accepted.
D. There are no make-up work for all assignments (discussions, papers, quizzes,
team assignment, etc).
It is your responsibility to ensure your learning activities are uploaded into Moodle properly and
on time. After learning activity upload you can go back into the assignment area in Moodle to
ensure your learning activity has been uploaded. It is also your responsibility to allow enough
time so that if there is an issue with the upload or a technology glitch, you still have time to
upload your learning activity before the due date.
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
F Failure 0
I Incomplete 0
W Withdraw 0
WA Withdraw – Absence 0
Each Week stands on its own. Thus, you cannot make-up points from a previous week.
Please make every effort to participate in all discussions.
Discussions close on Sunday night of the week assigned and will not be graded after
Graded Assignments
Team Assignments (14%):
You will be assigned to groups when the course starts, along with a private group discussion
forum. You will have two team assignments. Each team assignment will be made available no
later than the beginning of the week in which the team assignment is due. Additional instructions
will be provided when team assignments become available. Part of your team assignment will
involve power point presentation. Each team member is required to participate.
Quizzes/Assessment (32%):
Quizzes will be based on reading assignments (textbook). Quizzes will be completed on
Moodle. Each quiz is worth 100 points each. Additional instructions will be provided when quiz
becomes available.
Assignment Points
Discussions (11 @ 30 points each) 330 points
The following criteria will be used to determine the letter grade you receive.
Please note that you must earn at least C to receive a passing grade in this class.
1. Discussion topics will be posted no later than the beginning of each Module.
2. Team assignments will be posted no later than the beginning of the Module in
which it is due. Additional instructions will be provided when assignment is made
3. Quizzes will be made available no later than the beginning of the Module in which
the quiz is due. Additional instructions will be available when quiz is made
4. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the course schedule where
Required Residency: Date and address of your required residency is Moodle. Please review
and make appropriate arrangement to attend.
• Additional
Week 16 1. Complete Quiz 4 (100 points).
instructions are on
2. Complete Reflection/Learning
Outcomes Discussion (40 points)
• Quiz 4 due no later
than Sunday) of
week 16
University Policies
Student Behavioral Expectations
A student attends Campbellsville University voluntarily and is expected, for the sake of the
community, to conduct himself or herself with a high standard of personal behavior. While we
realize that it is impossible to create an academic community whose behavioral norms will be
acceptable to every person, we believe that it is important to identify the ways in which
Terry VanMeter
1 University Drive
UPO Box 944
Administration Office 8A
Campbellsville, Kentucky 42718
Information regarding the reporting of sexual violence and the resources that are available to
victims of sexual violence is set forth at:
Americans with Disabilities Act
No qualified individual with a documented disability shall be excluded from participation in,
denied benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any of Campbellsville University’s
programs, courses, services and/or activities in compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Requests for reasonable accommodations
in programs, courses, services and/or activities requires current (i.e. within three years)
documentation of the disability after acceptance to the University and before registration.
Campbellsville University is committed to reasonable accommodations for students who have
documented physical and learning disabilities, as well as medical and emotional conditions. If a
student has a documented disability or condition of this nature, he or she may be eligible for
disability services. Documentation must be from a licensed professional and current in terms of
assessment (within the last 3 years). Please contact the Coordinator of Disability Services,
Teresa Elmore, at (270) 789-5192 or Ashley Abner at (270)
789-5450 to inquire about services.
Verification of Disability
The Coordinator of Disability Services will ask for documentation to verify the disability, and if
appropriate, will cooperate with instructors and Academic Support services to facilitate and track
accommodations and services.
No accommodation will be provided without documentation. In addition, Campbellsville
University will be unable to provide accommodations in the classroom if the student does not
give permission to notify faculty that accommodations are needed. Information regarding a
student’s disability is considered confidential. Information will not be released to anyone without
the express written permission of the student.
Reasonable Accommodations:
• Accommodations are provided on an individual basis.