Istc 717 Final Project
Istc 717 Final Project
Istc 717 Final Project
Gary Sullivan
Towson University
Distance Learning 2
For my final project I decided to create a distance learning instructional module using the
website itsLearning. ItsLearning allows you to create customized pages with links, activities,
videos, etc. My module will be focused around the Vietnam Memorial Wall and the differing
Target Audience
My target audience for this distance learning module would be 9th graders or children
aged 13-14. They should have prior knowledge of World War II, the Vietnam War, and know
what "mood" is. By the point I would be teaching the module they would be familiar with the
Content/Subject Area
The content and subject area for this module would be Social Studies. There are some
important elements gained from this module that could apply in an English classroom as well,
Learning Objectives
Distance Learning 3
My objectives with this learning module are representative of standards for Harford
County Public Schools grade level objectives for Social Studies classes. In my module students
are going to need to gather and analyze information from different types of sources. For instance,
podcasts and videos. They will then have to look at the subject from different viewpoints in order
it to be both collaborative with other members online, as well as having strong individual effort
portions required. The module begins by having students examine two photos of the Vietnam
Students will submit their answers to the motivation questions where after they will
Activity 2: Following the motivation activity, students will have been sorted into
preselected groups of four (similar to our module two assignment) where they will be asked to
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Each student will select from the following resources to complete their note sheet.
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Students will post their notes taken about their assigned form of research in the group
discussion area. Students will then answer the following questions on a collaborative padlet
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Activity 3: After the completion of the group padlet, students are directed to the final
activity which is a constructed response using all of the knowledge gained thus far.
Supporting answers with evidence from the text is one of the essential skills students
need in 9th grade. It aligns with state standards, school and personal SLO's as well.
Closure: Following the constructed response, students will finish the module with a
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Teacher Role
The role of the instructor in this online module is to facilitate the successful learning of
students. Besides designing the instruction, teachers need to be consistently available to answer
questions, whether through itsLearning or email. If a student is stuck, without a timely response
from an instructor to help with their question, it's not unlikely that they will give up and not
Student Role
In this module students are responsible for reading, listening, and responding to a variety
of content related to the Vietnam Memorial. They must work individually as well as
In this module students and teachers will make use of several different distance learning
ItsLearning – an online classroom with pages for assignments and areas to submit
content individually and collaboratively. This technology is similar to blackboard, but feels more
Padlet - Padlet is a digital canvas to create beautiful projects that are easy to share and
collaborate on. Padlet lets students see responses from others instantly and in the same place.
Youtube – The biggest video sharing website in the world. Youtube lets the instructor
Internet and Government Websites – A basic internet browser may seem out of place
in a module like this, but the ability to access historical documents, photos, etc on government
NPR Podcasts – NPR has great podcasts about just about any content you could imagine.
Some learners find podcasts easily accessible and helpful. Many students are not familiar with
podcasts and using them in a module like this can help students have new avenues of learning
measure the level of student comprehension, learning, and overall success in mastering the
provided content. The standard for learning I used when designing this module is "the extent to
which participants change attitudes, improve knowledge, and/or increase skill as a result of
attending the program" (Kirkpatrick, 1998). This is present in both the motivational warm up
activity and closure activity. In my motivation, I ask students what differences they see between
the two memorial, and what mood each might evoke. I have them revisit this in the closure, when
they examine people behaving differently at each memorial and attempt to answer why that
might be. The goal of my module is that by the closure they are able to effectively communicate
the difference in attitudes and mood at each memorial as a result of the different situations the
United States faced in WWII and Vietnam. Being able to effectively do so would meet
The other big assessment strategy included in my module is the constructed response in
activity 3. Utilizing all the knowledge gained throughout the rest of the module, students are
assigned with citing evidence to support their ideas to answer the prompt. In order to
successfully complete activity 3 requires students to have learned the previous content, and their
I selected a lot of the activities and assessment strategies for my distance learning module
based on resources we read and utilized in this course. I utilized several different points
commonly seen in course readings about trends in distance learning. For instance, I based my
first and second activity around fostering a sense of community online to increase student
motivation and sense of connection to the work. My student and teacher roles are based on the
the University of Michigan, which states "Assessing student work on a regular basis provides
both the teacher and the student with a sense of the student’s progress, indicates strengths and
areas for improvement and helps the teacher plan appropriately to meet the student’s needs."
different sections of the module, the instructor can provide feedback directly. There are
opportunities for students to learn and grow from section to section of the module, and this type
Petty, L. I., Johnston, J., & Shafer, D. (2004). Handbook of distance education for adult
learners. Ann Arbor, MI: Project IDEAL Support Center, Institute for Social Research,
University of Michigan.