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18.02 Problem Set 1
Due Thursday 9/13/07, 12:45 pm.
18.02 Supplementary Notes and Problems. This is where to find the exercises labelled 1A, 1B,
Problem Sets have two parts, A and B.
Part A has problems from the text, with answers to many in the back of the text, and
problems from the Notes with solutions at the end of the Notes. Look at the solutions if
you get stuck, but try to do as much as possible without them. Hand in the underlined
problems only; the others are for more practice. Part A will be graded quickly, checking
that the problems are there and the solutions not merely copied.
Part B consists of unsolved problems, is worth more points, and will be graded more
carefully. Many of these problems are longer multi-part exercises posed here because they
do not fit conveniently into an exam or short-answer format.
Advice: Make sure that you understand the problems by comparing your answers
against the solutions, whether before (Part A) or after (Part B) the assignment is due.
Keep up with the work in small installments – don’t leave it all for a marathon session
on Wednesday night. You can’t learn well under time pressure. To help you keep up,
each problem is labelled with the day on which you will have the needed background for it.
Homework Rules: Collaboration on problem sets is encouraged, but
a) Attempt each part of each problem yourself. Read each portion of the problem
before asking for help. If you don’t understand what is being asked, ask for help interpreting
the problem and then make an honest attempt to solve it.
b) Write up each problem independently. On both Part A and B exercises you are
expected to write the answer in your own words.
c) Write on your problem set whom you consulted and the sources you used.
If you fail to do so, you may be charged with plagiarism and subject to serious penalties.
d) It is illegal to consult materials from previous semesters.
Hand in the underlined problems only; the others are for more practice.
(Notation: 12.1/17 = Book, Section 12.1, problem 17; 1A/1 = Suppl. Notes, page 1A,
problem 1).
Part B (27 points)
Directions: Attempt to solve each part of each problem yourself. If you collaborate,
solutions must be written up independently. It is illegal to consult materials from previous
semesters. With each problem is the day it can be done.
Write the names of all the people you consulted or with whom you collaborated and
the resources you used, or say “none” or “no consultation”. This includes visits outside
recitation to your recitation instructor. If you don’t know a name, you must nevertheless
identify the person, as in, “tutor ”, “the student next to me in recitation.”
Optional: note which of these people or resources, if any, were particularly helpful to you.
because the left and right inverses of a square matrix are the same (see 1G-9b). The
equation AAT = I says that the rows of A are perpendicular to each other and of unit
length, whereas the equation AT A = I says that the columns of A are perpendicular to
each other and of unit length. The geometric significance of orthogonal matrices is that
multiplication by an orthogonal matrix preserves lengths of vectors and the absolute values
of angles between them:
|Av| = |v| and |6 (Av, Aw)| = |6 (v, w)|.
There are two types of orthogonal matrices, rotations and reflections.
a) In 2-dimensional space, rotations are given by
cos θ − sin θ
Aθ =
sin θ cos θ
Find u = Aθ ı̂ and v = Aθ ̂, and draw a picture of u and v for θ = π/4.
b) Use the addition formulas for sine and cosine to deduce that Aθ1 Aθ2 = Aθ1 +θ2 . Say
in words what this matrix formula means about rotations.
c) Calculate A− 1 T
θ , and use this to verify that Aθ Aθ = I (in other words, rotations are
orthogonal matrices). Also verify that Aθ = A−θ , and give a geometric reason why this
property holds.
d) Find the four orthogonal 2 × 2 matrices with first entry a11 = −1/ 2. Hint: try
different signs. (See 1F-9 and 1F-10).
e) Next to each of the matrices in your list in part (d), draw what the matrix does to
the letter F in the plane. Explain how the sign of the determinant of the matrix is related
to the appearance of the transformed F.
where the entries in the i-th column represent the proportions of protein, carbohydrates and
fat in ingredient i.
Give a matrix formula for the total nutritional value of the assortment of pastries con
sidered in (a). (Keep your answer in symbolic form, do not evaluate numerically.)
c) Give a matrix formula expressing the numbers xi of pastries of each type which will
add up to y1 g of protein, y2 g of carbohydrates, and y3 g of fat. Express your answer in
the form X = AY , and give both a formula for A and numerical values for its entries (use
either a calculator or Matlab; short directions for Matlab can be found on the course web
page in the Assignments section.
d) The recommended daily amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fat for a 2000 calorie
diet are 50, 300, and 65 grams respectively. If you wanted to follow those guidelines while
eating only cookies, doughnuts, and croissants, how many pastries of each type should you
eat daily? What is wrong with your answer? Explain.