A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Colgate Toothpaste With Reference To Omalur Town
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Colgate Toothpaste With Reference To Omalur Town
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Colgate Toothpaste With Reference To Omalur Town
1. Introduction
Earlier in India oral hygiene was the domain of local homemade aurvedic powders or
natural herbs. The history of toothpaste in India can be traced back in year 1975. How the
awareness regarding oral hygienic Indian society has increased with the different brands
of toothpaste. The most recent advanced in toothpaste have included the development of
whitening toothpastes, and toothpaste containing Triclosan which provides extra
protection against caries, gum disease, plaque, calculus and bad breath.
find answers to various kind of questions like what, who, where, why and how to know
the present response of the customers towards Colgate Toothpaste.
5. Research methodology
Research design
Descriptive research design includes survey & fact finding inquires of different kinds.
The major purpose of descriptive research is descriptive of state of affairs as it exists at
The study covers customer satisfaction towards Colgate toothpaste. This survey was
conducted in Omalur town.
The survey to know about the customer satisfaction towards Colgate Toothpaste with
special reference to lasted for a period of 6 months.
Data sources
Research is totally based on primary data. Secondary data can be used only of the
reference. Research has been done by primary data collection and primary data has been
collected by interacting with various people. The secondary data has been collected
through various journals and websites and some special publication.
Primary Data:
The primary data was collected by means of a survey. Questionnaires were prepared
and customers of the Colgate Toothpaste at were approached to fill up the questionnaires.
The questionnaires contains 27 questions which reflection on the type and quality of
service provided by the Colgate Toothpaste to customers. The response of the customers
is recorded on a grade scale of strongly disagree, disagree. Uncertain agree and strongly
agree for some questions. The filled up information was later analysed to obtain the
required interpretation and the findings.
Secondary Data
Secondary data are those data which are being already collected by someone else and
which have already been passed through the statistical process. The data are collected
from Internet, books, magazines and newspaper. Ex: Internet, Magazines etc.
Sampling design
Sampling Size
6. Data Analysis
The data obtained as primary data were arranged tabulated. The tabulated data was
analyzed and interpreted.
The data collected were analysed using simple percentage, Chi-Square Test to establish
the relationship between level of significance.
8. Review of literature
Kotler (2003) defines all activities in selling goods or services to the final customers
for personal use in today’s scenario our retailer does not exist in the brick and mortar
form alone. She/he can do it by using the telephone, by direct mails. Richardson et al.,
(1994) “Marketing is a social and managerial process whereby individual and groups
obtain what they used need and want through creating and exchanging products and value
with others”. Consumer behaivour is studied so that we can come to know that how
perception and attitude of a person decides that what should be buying pattern of the
consumers. - Verhallen, (2005). Poiesz (2000) The perception, although seldomly
studied, is a phenomenon that has an impact over its consumers, and researchers.
Unremitting attention and measures of consumer behavior and perception should be added
to the more conventional measures to increase the sales of a product. Richardson et al.,
(1994) in his study titled "Extrinsic and Intrinsic cue effects on perceptions of store brand
quality", revealed that Cues are evoked according to their predictive and confidence
values. The predictive value of a cue is the degree to which consumers associate a given
cue with product quality. The confidence value of' a cue is the degree to which consumers
have confidence in their ability to use and judge the cue accurately. Characterized by high
confidence value and high predictive value assume the greatest weight in the quality
assessment process.
the 1920s. It is in Nepal and India, with manufacturing units based in India and exported
to Nepal.
Chi-square analysis - 1
Null hypothesis Ho: There is no association between attribute and level of satisfaction.
Level of Satisfaction
Level of
Satisfaction Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied
36 60 4
(42.71) (53.28) (4)
30 66 4
(42.71) (53.28) (4)
45 50 5
Long lasting freshness
(42.71) (53.28) (4)
54 44 2
(42.71) (53.28) (4)
54 41 5
Health tooth & gums
(42.71) (53.28) (4)
44 52 4
Prevention of tooth decay
(42.71) (53.28) (4)
36 60 4
Use of natural huns
(42.71) (53.28) (4)
Table value: χ2 (C-1) (R-1) (3-1) (7-1) = 12 (21.026)
χ2 value at 5%
Attribute significant level with 12 Calculated value
degree of freedom
Attribute 21.026 25.928 Rejected
Chi-square analysis -2
Null hypothesis Ho: There is no association between age group and brand in Colgate
tooth paste.
Alternative hypothesis H1: There is association between age group and brand in Colgate
tooth paste.
Colga Colga
Colgate Colga Colgat te te
Band in te Mash
Sensitive te total e Herbal Active Dental
Colgate fresh
salt cream
Below 2 10 10 7
3 (6.63) 7 (3.9)
20 (5.07) (7.8) (7.4) (8.19)
3 7 3 2
20 – 30 5 (3.57) 1 (4.2)
(2.73) (4.2) (3.99) (4.41)
4 4
30 – 40 4 (3.4) 5 (2.6) 1 (4) 2 (4)
(3.8) (4.2)
40 and 2 8
5 (3.4) 3 (2.6) 1 (4) 2 (4)
above (3.8) (4.2)
Table Value: χ2 (C-1) (R-1) (6-1) (4-1) = 15 (24.996)
χ value at 5%
Fac Res
significant level with 15 Calculated value
tor ult
degree of freedom
24.996 24.312 Accepted
As the calculated χ2 value the hypothesis Ho is Accepted. Hence Concluded that there is
no significance different between age and Brand in Colgate Tooth paste.
10. Findings
[1] The most 60% of the respondents are Male.
[2] 39% of the respondents are below 20 years.
[3] 28% of the respondents are Graduate.
[4] 30% of the respondents are Private Employees.
[5] 30% of the respondents are earns below Rs. 10,000.
[6] The most 60% of the respondents are Unmarried.
[7] 31% of the respondents have 5-7 Family Members.
[8] 36% of the respondents use Colgate for below 5 years.
[9] 30% of them came to know the product through Parents.
[10] 45% of respondents are attracted because of Advertisement.
[11] 38% of the respondents purchase for Quality.
[12] 40% of the respondents are purchase with in Rs. 10 to 50.
[13] 36% of the respondents are purchase 100 gms.
[14] 36% of the respondents purchase only Once in a month.
[15] 21% of the respondents are use Colgate Dental Cream.
[16] 34% of the respondents use for Whitening.
[17] 36% of the respondents are buy at Supermarket.
[18] The maximum 70% respondents use Colgate tooth paste with Colgate tooth brush &
the rest are not using Colgate tooth brush.
[19] 30% of respondents are feels in an Entertaining one.
[20] The majority 85% of respondents are induced by Colgate tooth paste advertisement
and others not induced by the advertisement.
[21] 30% of respondent are use Dabur red.
[22] The majority 81% of the respondents are use only Colgate toothpaste and the
[23] Factors & level of satisfaction of are dependent 50% of respondents are highly
[24] There is a significance difference between factor and level of satisfaction.
[25] There is a significance difference between attribute and level of satisfaction
[26] There is no significance difference between age and brands in Colgate tooth paste.
[27] There is significance difference between Size of family and quantity preference in
Colgate tooth paste.
[1] In Colgate toothpaste they may introduce new varieties and flavors for kids.
[2] It may innovative a new cartoon shape toothpaste in order to attract the children’s.
[3] The company should give free gift like small toys to attract children’s.
[4] The company may produce the combo offer Colgate toothpaste with Colgate
[5] The company should create the awareness about usage volume per time in order to
protect the health of the consumer.
The customer satisfaction is important factor to forecast the sales of any product in a
particular area. Most of the people use tooth paste product for improves their teeth
protection. It is evident that Colgate toothpaste have a good brand image among the
customer fewer side effects are the most important motivating factor to buy the product.
The availability of the product is frequent. But the price of the product is high. The
manufacturer should concentrate to reduce the price of the product and concentrate to
introduce more attractive pack in order to increase the values. The consumer are both
quality conscious and price conscious therefore any brand which is of good quality and
reasonable price ensures the safety is mostly preferred by the consumers. Every customer
wants a quality product, good services, and easy availability of product and better
performance of the product of affordable price. Maximum number of respondents in our
study accept that Colgate tooth paste, salt, max fresh are provided in a good quality, good
package system good price and they are reachable one. So that toothpaste company brand
image is grown in a minds of consumer this will help in maintain the market share and
won in the competition of that field.
[1] R.M. Ravilochanan (2002) Research Methodology
[2] Dr. C.R.Kothri (1981) Research Methodology
[3] Dr. C.R. Gupta (1996) Marketing Management.
[4] Philip Kotler (2003) Marketing Management
[5] VS. Ramasamy, S.Namakumari (1990) Marketing Management.
[6] K.Karunakaran (2011) Marketing Management.
[7] www.google.com
[8] www.yahoo.com
[9] www.scribed.com
[10] www.ask.com
[11] www.Colgateplamotive.com
[12] www.toothpaste.com