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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



June 1, 2020

Dear Parents/ Guardians:

Warm Paulinian Greetings!

It’s been a while and I pray that your family is safe and healthy!

It has always been our mission at St. Paul University Philippines to provide our students with
quality Catholic Paulinian education. In this time of pandemic, we will continue to do so- but
now in a different way- as we transition into the new normal.

For the fourth quarter of School Year 2019-2020, we will take a systematic path and employ a
very manageable approach in administering class instruction. Over the past few weeks, teachers
have been working diligently on their Dynamic Instructional Plans (DIPs) which will be
delivered to all the learners to ensure continuity of learning.

On the succeeding pages, you will find the fourth quarter learning targets of Christian Living
and Values Education (CLVE) 6. All learning tasks of the subject are anchored on the learning
competencies your child needs to master. Since these tasks are to be done at home, I ask that you
take time to assist/guide your child to assure his/her success of education.

Please do also take note that all accomplished tasks may be sent through email, messenger, other
social media platform, or be brought to the designated drop boxes strategically situated at
the university’s pedestrian gate.

I am fully aware that these difficult times are having a significant impact on you, your family,
and the school and so we will remain in constant communication with you and will be available
for questions during this transition. We are confident we can move into this new normal together.

Thank you and looking forward to seeing the accomplishment your child will create. I fervently
pray that we will all be blessed and that we will overcome all the difficulties during this time of
uncertainty. Let us continuously pray and work together, all for the greater glory of God!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Nonette U. Genobili
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500







Subject Teacher Subject Team Leader





You just learned that God is the source of our Christian hope. He gave Jesus Christ, His
greatest gift, the Savior we have been hoping for. Out hope in God inspires us to develop his
talents and abilities to become the most loving and holy person we can possibly become.
He encourages us to a change of heart adn to become better persons. At this point, you shall
learn about Jesus whom God the Father has sent to be our Savior and Friend.


This module is designed for you to:

1. know and understand the life story of Jesus as the beloved Son of God, our God’s
greatest gift
2. thank God for giving us Jesus to be our Savior and Friend and for allowing you to
know Him more
3. become sharer of the life of Jesus


What do you always remember when you hear songs during the ‘ber months? Are you
familiar with the Song Hark the Herald angel sing? What does it tell you about the song? Try
to sing it.

Hark! The herald angel sing, “Glory to the new born King!” Peace on Earth and mercy
mild, God and sinners reconciled! Joyful. All ye nations, rise, Jointhe triump of the
skies; With the angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem.

Hark the Heralds Angel’s Sing, Glory to the Newborn King!

Christ, by highest heav’n adored; Christ the everlasting Lord; Late in time behold Him
come, offspring of the Virgin’s womb Veil’d in flesh the God-Head See; hail th’
incarnate Deity, Please as man with man to dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel

Hark the herald angels sing, “Glory to the newborn King!”

Mild He lays His glory by, born that man no more may die, born to raise the sons of
earth, born to give them second bith and life to all He brings. Hail, the Son of
Righteousness! Hail, the heav’n born Prince of Peace!
We all make promises. God made us a promise. In His desire to make us His
closest friends. His beloved sons and daughters able to share in His eternal life, He promised a
Savior. He fulfilled that promise by sending His Beloved Son to become one like us in every way
except sin, to redeem us from the effects of sin, and to enable us to receive eternal life.

This learning module will help you learn that Jesus, our Friend, the Son of God made man, is
God’s perfect gift to us, the fulfillment of God’s promise

Read this.
God sent the Angel Gabriel to a town in Galilee called Nazareth to a virgin
betrothed to a man named Joseph of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was

The angel said: “You are to conceive in your womb and bear a son and you
must name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the mosthigh”

Mary replied: “How can this be? I do not have relations with any man.”

Angel Gabriel relied: “It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that you will
conceive a son. And so the child will be holy and will be called the Son of God.”

Sometime later in a dream, the Angel Gabriel told Joseph that Mary had
conceived by the Holy Spirit. God said: “You are to name Him Jesus, because He
will save His people from their sins.”

Mary and Joseph then travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the town of
David, and there Jesus was born. Mary wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid
Him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.

Then God sent his angels to some shepherds out in the fields keeping guard
over their sheep. They announced the birth of the promised Messiah saying: “ I
bring you news of great joy. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to
you; He is Christ the Lord.”

Then a great host of angels appeared in the sky, filling the sky with great light
and music, singing: “ Glory to God in the highest heaven and on Earth peace for
those He favors.”

God loves us so much that He wants us to share in His eternal life. He make’s us His very
dear friends. He binds Himself to us to be our God and makes us His very dear people. Time and
time again we have turned away from His friendship, forfeited the life that he shares with us. Yet
He has never forsaken us. He constantly calls us back to His friendship wholeheartedly
embracing us in His love. He promised to send us the Messiah who will save us and who will
enable us to remain in God’s love and share in His eternal love. God fulfilled His promise of
salvation for us. He sent us His Only Begotten
Son, born like us in every way except sin, to save us. The great mystery of the
Incarnation is God’s Son becoming human like us. Jesus Christ is God’s greatest gift to us. Jesus
has redeemed us, restored us to God and made us the Father’s adopted sons and
daughters, destined to fully share in the very life of God. Jesus Christ is God’s most perfect gift
of love to us. He revealed to us all the things we need to know about God.He is our Way, our
Truth, and our Life who speaks to us of the greatness of God’s love for us. Jesus, our Friend, the
Son of God made man, is God’s perfect gift to us, the fulfillment of God’s promise of a Messiah
and Savior who would save us from sin and death. Every aspect of Jesus’ life tells us who God is,
kind of relationship we have with Him, and who we are to God.

Jesus grew in wisdom and in strength with the love, care and guidance of both Mary and
Joseph in Nazareth. Then when He was about 30 years old, He left home to do the work that God
had sent Him to do. We call this period of Jesus as the Public Ministry of Jesus, where Jesus
began teaching the people.


These 15-item formative assessment aims to help you practice the concepts, skills, and
values which you have acquired from the module. It will further help you in preparation for the
summative assessment.

A. Directions: The first 7 items help you to share the concepts learned by introducing Jesus to a
nonbeliever who is very curious to know about Jesus.You happen to be the first person he/ she
meets so he/she asks you, who Jesus Christ is in such a way that he/ she will become a believer.

Please be guided by this Rubrics

Message/ Content- 5
Neatness / order 2
7 pts.

B. Directions: The items 8-15 will help you to know the events Jesus’ life so that you will know
Him more and more. God kept His promise. What is the importance of the following events in
the life of Jesus?
8-9. An Angel appeared to Mary.
10-11. An Angel appeared to Joseph.

12-13. Joseph and Mary travelled to Bethlehem

14-15. God sent His Angels to some shepherds. _

Note: After answering the 15 items, check your work by comparing your answers to the answer
key at the end of the module. For items which are incorrectly answered, try working on them
again until you will get the correct answer.


At this point, you are now ready to take the summative assessment for module 1. Place
your answers on a whole sheet of paper.

A. Directions: Reflect on your knowledge of Jesus. Who do you say that Jesus Chrtist is?
Rubric: content/ message ------3 pts.
Neatness/ order-------- 2 pts.

Jesus Christ is......

Prayer Time

B. Directions: After reflecting on your knowledge of Jesus, thank Him by writing a short
prayer for this knowledge and ask Him to let you know Him more and more each day.
Refer to the Rubrics above (5pts.)


C.Directions: Check ( ) the statements which are TRUE and CORRECT. If not, write
the word/s that makes it wrong, then write the correct answer beside it.

1. The great mystery of the Incarnation is the Son of God becoming human like us.

2. Jesus Christ is the greatest and most perfect gift of love to us.

3. God promised to send us the Messiah who will save us and who will enable us to
remain in God’s love and share in His eternal love.

4. He is our Way, our Truth and our Life who speaks to us of the greatness of God’s

5. Angel Michael appeared to Joseph in a dream.


St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500





In the first module, you learned that God so loved the world that He gave us His Only
Son, so that whoever believes in Him might not die but might have eternal Life. Jesus,
our Friend, the Son of God made man, is God’s perfect gift to us, the fulfilment of God’s promise
of a Messiah and Savior who would save from sin and death. At this point you shall be learning
about Jesus being merciful and loving friend.


This module is designed for you to:

1. know and realize that Jesus is the way, the Truth and the Life
2. commit ourselves to action in responding to Jesus’ command to love one another as
He has loved us; and
3. seek Jesus the Way, the Truth and the Life, through a prayer.


Are you familiar with the song Only Selfless Love? What kind of world are we living in today?

Today when all life seems bought and used, there’s a struggle to belong, to be free and to be a
gift to everyone. Calling all God’s people, rise up and raise your hands as one. Come, show the
world the love that binds all God’s children to be one. We call all you people, share the treasure
that’s in your hands. What can save us now? What can lead us now? What can make us all be

Only selfless love, Jesus showed the world that only selfless love can bring a hundredfold
fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, homes….

Where peace and mercy reign, where faith and hope remain, where life begins and ends in God’s
embrace. Calling all families! Let’s make it happen. only through selfless love.

When Jesus was born, the angels brought the joyful message of Jesus’ birth. During His public
life, Jesus announced the Good News Himself with the words of Isaiah the prophet. With those
words, Jesus announced the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy.
Jesus went to Jordan River where John the Baptist had been baptizing people, calling them to
have a change of heart and to be faithful to their covenant with God. Together with people, Jesus
waded through the water to be baptized by John. When He emerged from the water, a voice was
heard “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well please. Listen to Him!”

After He was baptized by John, He went to the synagogue. He took up the scroll
that contained the writing of Isaiah, unrolled it and read. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because He has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent Me to
proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and
proclaimed a year acceptable to the Lord.” Rolling up the scroll, He handed it back to the
assistant. The eyes of those who attended the temple service were on Him. He said,” Today This
Scripture passage is
fulfilled in your hearing.”

During His life on earth, Jesus served all people with abundant mercy and love.
His whole life on earth gave the people the experience of God’s love and care- God’s truth of our
loving and merciful God, God’s Way of union with those who are faithful to Him, and God’s
life- the eternal life of God that we share through Jesus Christ in the Spirit. Jesus reached out to
those who were in need and served them. God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to let us feel
and experience how much God loves us. Sent by the Father, Jesus came to us with the mission to
be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. As the Truth, Jesus Christ reveals that God is our Father and
Creator and we are His children destined for eternal life.
As the Life, Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit who strengthens us in doing good
works and enables us to pray and celebrate the Sacraments with and in the Church. To fulfill His
mission, Jesus went about doing good to everyone. He let all feel that they were precious and
very much loved by God. He went about bringing the love and mercy of God. He sought the
sinners, not to condemn or judge them, but to bring forgiveness and healing, bringing back to the
community of the people of God. He brought sight to those who could not see and enabled them
to see the wonders of God’s love. He healed the sick of their illnesses. He brought inspiration and
hope to those who were in despair, those who were oppressed and imprisoned.

With His loving care and concern, He gave them new life, new encouragement
to change and become new persons. He freed the sinners from guilt and made them strong to face
life’s challenges by His loving acceptance and friendship. His loving presence is the Good News,
confirming that indeed God is always with us and is very much alive and active in His concern
for all of us. He has never left us nor abandoned us.

Thus, by His very person and presence, Jesus fulfilled God’s promise to be with
His people and friends. Indeed, we are never alone. God, our loving and merciful God, is
always with us. To believe in the person of Jesus is to respond to Jesus’ calls to God’s friendship
and unity which will make us God’s sons and daughters who will share in the eternal life of God.
We are given the gift of faith. We believe that Jesus is the Truth, the Way, and the Life that gives
us all the knowledge we need to know about God and ourselves, as God’s adopted sons
and daughters. Jesus encourages us to love and serve one another with God’s mercy and love.

Just like this saint who kept her friendship with God.She was always kind, merciful and
loving especially to the poor. She is no other than St. Mary Faustina.

Helena (the birth name of Sr. Mary Faustina) was born on August 25, 1905. She was the
third of ten children of a poor family. She was prayerful, hardworking, obedient and
loving towards the poor even when she was still a small child. She was very much touched by the
love of God that she always kept the presence of God in her heart from the time she received her
First Holy Communion. She left home at the age of sixteen to work as a housekeeper to
support herself and her family. She then became a nun of the Sisters of our Lady of Mercy and
was given the name Faustina.

Sr. Faustina kept her friendship with God and was always kind, merciful and
loving especially to the poor. To her, Jesus Christ appeared in prayer showing His heart which
was full of great mercy and love for people. She spread the devotion to the merciful heart of Jesus
which is popularly known today as the Devotion to the Divine Mercy.


These 10-item formative assessment aims to help you practice the concepts, skills, and
values which you have acquired from the module. It will further help you in preparation for the
summative assessment.
A. Directions: As the way, the truth and the life, list down at least 5 wonderful things that
Jesus did that are signs of the presence of a loving and merciful God who lived
among men

B. Directions: Following Jesus - “Jesus has no hands on Earth, but yours; no feet on
Earth, but yours. We are His hands; we are His feet.” Trace your handprints and list
some of the things your hands have done that are signs of God’s presence, mercy and
love and then paste inside the box. (10 pts.) Rubrics Drawing: 5 pts.
Content 5 pts.
10 pts.


At this point, you are now ready to take the summative assessment for module 2. Place
your answers on a whole sheet of paper.

A. Directions: Design a message that invites people to love and serve others as Jesus
has commanded us. Please do this in a short bond paper.
Please be guided with the given Rubrics:
Drawing: 3 pts
Content/ Message: 4 pts.
Creativity: 3 pts.
10 pts.
B. Directions: In your paper prayerfully recall your most recent experience of God’s love and
mercy. What was the event? How did you feel? Write a short prayer thanking God for His great
mercy and love.

Please be guided with this Rubrics: Content/ Message of the Prayer_ 3

Neatness/Order _2
Dear Jesus, 5 pts.


St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500





The second module teaches that God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to let us
feel and experience how much God loves us. Sent by the Father, Jesus came to us with
the mission to be the Way, the Truth and the Life.As the Truth, Jesus Christ revelas that God is
our Father and Creator and we are His Children. This time, let’s see what Jesus Christ can give
for His friends.


This module is designed for you to:

1. understand that God’s loving sacrifice on the Cross saves us
2. take part in our salvation by giving a loving service to the poor; and
3. pray to the Holy Spirit for a deep personal love of the Eucharist, so that we
may actively participate in the Eucharistic Celebration that nourishes and
enables us to share God’s life and saving work


What do you see in the pictures? What captured your attention? Why? What are
they telling you? God so loved the world that He sent us Jesus Christ, His only Son, who is our
Way, the Truth and the Life, to bring us to a closer relationship with Him. Jesus came and spent
His life doing good to teach us to be close to God. He taught us everything we need to know
about God. Jesus performed miracles of healing and raising from the dead. Jesus taught us to pray
to call God our Father. He did nothing but love God and give loving service to others, but not all
believed in Him. Many were afraid of Him and wanted to get rid of Him.

Look at this. Read it

One Sunday before the feast of the Passover in Jerusalem, Jesus came riding
on a donkey. A crowd of people gathered to welcome and cheer Him. They said:

“Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.”

Jesus came to celebrate the feast of the Passover in which Israel celebrates
liberation from Egypt. During the Passover, Jesus ate His Last Supper with His
disciples. During the meal, He washed the disciple’s feet and commanded them to do
the same for one another. During the supper, He took the bread, said a prayer, broke
the bread and gave it to the disciples saying, “This is my body.” In the same manner
He gave them the wine. By these symbols He gave us His body and blood to be our
food and drink.

After supper, Jesus with Peter, James and John went to the Garden of
Gethsemane where He prayed and was arrested. He was brought to Pontius Pilate, the
Governor of Judea, to be sentenced to death, But Pilate could not find any fault in
Jesus. He wanted to release Him, but the Jews shouted with very loud voices, “Away
with Him, crucify Him.” So Pilate sentenced Jesus to death on th Cross.

They led Jesus to Calvary to be crucified. Along the way were His
mother, some women and Simon of Cyrene who was forced to help Him to carry His
Cross. When they arrived at Calvary, the soldiers nailed Him to the Cross
between two criminals and made fun of Him. Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them
for they do not
know what they are doing”. One criminal mocked Him, but was reprimanded by the
other who asked Jesus to remember Him when he came into Hi s Kingdom. Looking
at the thief with much love, Jesus assured him he would be with Jesus in Paradise.
After three long hours of suffering on the cross, Jesus shouted, “Father into
your hands I commend My Spirit” and died. (Mt. 27: 50) then they laid Him in a
borrowed tomb.

On the third day, some women friends of Jesus came to anoint His Body but He
was not in the tomb. He had risen for forty days, Jesus would appear to His disciples
giving them peace and blessings. For the last time, He gathered them all in Galilee
commanding them to teach all nations to observe what He has commanded them.(Mt.
28:20) He ascended to heaven to return home to His Father.”

The Paschal Mystery is the great mystery of Christ’s redeeming action. God so loved us that He
sent us Jesus Christ, His greatest gift. Whoever believes and follows His Beloved Son will not die
but will share in the fullness of His Eternal Life. Jesus Christ so loved the Father and so
loved us that He gave us His very life. He suffered, died on the Cross, and on the third day He
rose again from the dead and ascended to the right hand of the Father to prepare a place for us in
heaven where all friends of God are destined to live.

The Paschal Mystery is at the center of Christ’s redeeming action that brings us salvation. This
was prepared for by the long history of God’s covenant in the Old Testament, with
Noah, Abraham, and Moses. It culminates in the life, teaching, ministry of Jesus Christ climaxed
in His Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension.

It is not the death of Jesus that saved us but the Great Love of God through Jesus Christ in the
Holy Spirit that saves us from the effects of sin. God did not leave anything for Himself, but He
gave all of Himself that we may remain in God’s friendship and share His eternal life.

God wants us to share in His saving love and tells us to love and serve one another. Jesus gave
the model of loving service to us all. Every act of kindness and goodness no matter how small, if
done out of love, is valuable to God. Even the picking up of a pin to prevent someone’s getting
hurt is an act of love that is dear to God. Work ceases to be difficult when love prompts us to do
household chores, help someone in need, and teach someone who has difficulty with a lesson or
an activity. These are precious to God who loves us particularly if it is accomplished by some
sacrifice on our part.

We are made strong in our union with Jesus’ Paschal Mystery in the Holy Eucharist, where we
receive the Body and Blood of Christ. In every Eucharistic celebration, the Holy Spirit in
us unites us more closely with Christ and with one another, giving us the ability to share in God’s
life and saving work.

In addition, the saint who followed Jesus through loving service to the people is St. Helena. St.
Helena was the mother of Constantine, the emperor of Rome some three hundred years after the
death and resurrection of Jesus. She visited Palestine to look for the cross on which Jesus died.
She found three crosses together and discovered the true cross of Jesus’ crucifix. As a friend of
Christ, she loved and followed Jesus through loving presence to the people of God, especially the
poor and the homeless. We celebrate her feast on August 18.


These 15-item formative assessment aims to help you practice the concepts, skills, and
values which you have acquired from the module. It will further help you in preparation for the
summative assessment.
A. Directions: Join the whole world in announcing the great Good News of Salvation for
us by completing the following sentences.

1-2. Christ has died

3-4. Christ is risen

5-6. Christ will come again

B. Directions: List down what you do to show that you are a friend and disciple of Jesus
who lives forever....



Note: After answering the 10 items, check your work by comparing your answers to the answer
key at the end of the module. For items which are incorrectly answered, try working on them
again until you will get the correct answer.

At this point, you are now ready to take the summative assessment for module 3. Place
your answers on a whole sheet of paper.

A. Directions: Below are some important moments in Jesus ‘life. Describe what happened in
those moments.

1.Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey

2. Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane.

3.Jesus dies on the Cross

4.Jesus rises from the dead

5.Jesus ascends to heaven

B. Directions: Write the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. It is the mystery of Jesus’ rising from the dead is called .

2. It culminates in the life, teaching, and ministry of Jesus Christ climaxed

in His passion, death, resurrection and ascensionis called .

3. We are saved by Christ’s self-giving for His Father and

for us.

4. As a friend of Jesus, she loved and followed Him through loving service
to the people of God, especially the poor and the homeless.

5. Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of the in

which Israel celebrates liberation from Egypt.

C.Directions: Compose a prayer to the Holy Spirit for a deep personal love of the Eucharist
so that you may actively participate in the Eucharistic celebration that
nourishes and enables you to share God’s life and saving work. (5pts.)

Rubrics: message/ content 3 pts.

Neatness / order 2 pts.
5 pts.


St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500





In the previous modules, you learned that God loves us so much that He sent to us His
Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ born as ordinary human being and suffered, died and
rose fromthe dead. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to follow Him in loving and serving
others. The sacrifice of the Holy Mass makes presents the saving act of Jesus. The sacrifice of the
Mass is the sacrifice of the Cross made present to us. The Mass is the sacramental expression of
Jesus’ Paschal Mystery. At this point, you shall learn that Jesus sends His Spirit to be our
companion and friend


This module is designed for you to:

1. know and welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives
2. become aware of the Holy Spirit who strengthens; and
3. compose a prayer to the Holy Spirit to guide you and your family in goodness and
holiness as a companionand friend


What do you have in mind when you see this picture? What does it symbolize? Take a look at
this excerpt from the song “You’ve Got a Friend” and read.

When you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand and nothing, oh
nothing is going right. Close your eyes and yhink of me and soon I will be there to
brighten up even your darkest night. You just call out my name and you know
wherever I am, I come running to see you again. Winter, spring summer or fall, all
you’ve got to do is call and I ‘ll be there, yes I will. You’ve got a friend.

Through Thick and Thin

Friends we will be now and forever.

Friends never depart from each other.
Friends face all things through every weather,
cloudy or sunny. Friends will always be together.
Sharing one dream, sharing one love forever true
Friends will never part at all.
Even if the worlds of rain should fall,
Friends will always be together
(A Friendly Message from the Friend who loves you so much, Jesus

During the last Supper with His disciples, Jesus gave a very long talk. Jesus talked
to them about what they had to do. He knew that they would become afraid and alone
after He would leave them. Jesus assured and promised them that He would always b with them.
Jesus said: “I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit to be with you always and to teach
you everything I have told you.” (John 14: 16-17, 26) He urged them to remain in His love by
loving one another as He had loved them. Again He said: “You may not understand now.
However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you to the complete truth since He comes
from the Father and Myself.” (John 16:13)
After his resurrection, Jesus breathed on them the Holy Spirit. At Pentecost, the
Spirit descended upon them like tongues of fire giving them courage to go out to all the world to
tell and show God’s love to all.

Jesus did as he promised. He never left them alone. Through Him, the Father sent
the Holy Spirit, and they were not afraid anymore. They went out of the house to tell the people
that Jesus, indeed, was the Messiah and the Savior with the power, strength and courage of the
Holy Spirit. Proof of that is He was raised up from the dead on the third day after His death. All
the people were amazed for they came from different countries and spoke different languages, yet
they understood what Peter and the other disciples of Jesus had been telling them.

Peter and the other apostles of Jesus began to tell the world the Good News that God
loved us so much that He gave us Jesus, His beloved Son. They would travel by land and sea and
experience of the love and refusal by people, yet they never stopped telling the world of
Good News that God showed His love for us through Jesus.

Peter and the other apostles invited and inspired people to change their lives and believe
in all that God had done for the love of us. They urged them to repent and be baptized in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of sins and for the
gift of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, we can never follow Jesus and have the new life
that He offered to us.

The Holy Spirit Gives Us New Life in Christ. He is the Paraclete that enables us to Walk in the

LG 17

Who is the Holy Spirit and what is He doing in our lives? The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of
the Father and the Son, Third Person of the Blessed Trinity.m We experience the Holy
Spirit within our minds and hearts, in our loving relationship with family and friends and in our
social life in the Church and society.

In Baptism, the Spirit makes us children of God and helps us follow Christ in His way of
thinking, acting, and loving through the gifts of the Holy Spirit namely: wisdom, understanding,
counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. These gifts inspire us to love God and
one another, witness to Christ, come to know the Truth and live in loving service of our

The presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts are clearly seen when we experience and live
in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faith, gentleness and purity. These are the
fruits of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Spirit Jesus promised the Father would send them in Jesus’name is
the Holy Spirit. He is the Third Person in the Blessed Trinity, the love of God the Father and the
Son. God fully made Himself known to us to be One God in Three Divine Persons: God
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The work of forgiveness, making us all close friends and adopted sons and daughters of
God, gives us back the eternal life that God shares to us in the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit teaches us and helps us live as beloved children of God. And followers of Jesus. The Holy
Spirit forgives us and gives us love and peace. The Holy Spirit inspires us to accept God’s offer
of friendship say yes to God’s love by keeping our promise to love Him by our love for one

There are several symbols used for the Holy Spirit. Symbols are the things we see that
help us understand those that we can not see. The Pentecost story in the Bible uses wind and fire
to signify the Holy Spirit. Wind is a symbol of life, and fire is a symbol of energy and power. The
Holy Spirit shares us to us the life of God and fills us with the power and the energy to live as
children of God and followers of Jesus Christ. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit in
Pentecost, God fully made Himself known to be One God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is our helper and teacher who is always with us, sharing God’s life with us and
helping us live as followers of Christ.

The saint who was inspred by the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus Christ is St. Athanasius.Read his
life story.

St. Athanasius was a great believer in God and

a firm follower of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit was
with Him always. Through the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit, He sought to know God more and more
and was faithful in following the teachings of Christ.

In 319, he took an active part in defending our

faith against a popular priest, Arius, who denied that
Jesus Christ was God. He died in peace on May

We owe to this great saint the Nicene

Creed, which proclaims all the truths that we must
believe in.

St. Athanasius will help us to love God

more and more and to listen to the inspiration of the
Spirit to follow and obey the teaching of Christ.

This learning module emphasizes that God will send us another Paraclete to be with you
always. The Holy Spirit Gives Us New Life in Christ. He is the Paraclete that enables us to Walk
in the Truth.


These 15-item formative assessment aims to help you practice the concepts, skills, and
values which you have acquired from the module. It will further help you in preparation for the
summative assessment.

A. Directions: Answer the following questions the best you can.

1-2 Who is the Holy Spirit? (2pts.)

3-5. How does He act in our lives? (3pts.)

B. Directions: Make a banner that describes the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit in the following situations:

1. You have hurt somebody.

2. You have an exam and you did not study your lesson.

3. You are at the Eucharistic Celebration.

4. It is recess time, your classmate forgot her baon.

5.You are being a leader for the flag ceremony the following day.

Note: After answering the 15 items, check your work by comparing your answers to the answer
key at the end of the module. For items which are incorrectly answered, try working on them
again until you will get the correct answer.


At this point, you are now ready to take the summative assessment for module 4. Place
your answers on a whole sheet of paper.

A. Directions: Arrange the letters inside the parenthesis to fill the blank before the number.

1. We experience this within our minds and hearts, in our relationship

with family and friends and in our social life in the Church and society
2. It is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (DINGTANSREDNU)

3. It is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. (THIAF

4. He enables us to work. (ETELCARAP)

5. Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, He sought to know God more
and more and was faithful in following the teachings of Christ.

B. Directions: Complete the “Living as God’s People” challenge. Describe how the Spirit is
at work in you.

The Holy Spirit helps me to:

1. Care about
2. Serve others by
3. Pray for
4. Be a better person when I
C.Directions: Make a list of ways your family supports one another in becoming good and

C. Directions: By our words and actions, others will come to know God. Compose a prayer
to the Holy Spirit for His coming to us and for us to be guided in goodness and holiness.
Rubrics: content/ message- 2 pts.
Order/cleanliness-2 pts.


St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



Answer Key (Formative Assessment)

Module 1
A. Directions: The first 7 items help you to share the concepts learned by introducing Jesus to a
nonbeliever who is very curious to know about Jesus.You happen to be the first person he/ she
meets so he/she asks you, who Jesus Christ is in such a way that he/ she will become a believer.

Please be guided by this Rubrics

Message/ Content- 5
Neatness / order 2
7 pts.
Jesus Christ is God. He is the Second Person in the Blessed Trinity, the Only
Begotten Son of God who became human like us in every thing except sin.

Jesus Christ is a true God and a true man, through the Blessed Virgin Mary. He was
born human. With a human mind and body. He acted with a human will and love with a
human heart. This is what the Doctrine of the Incarnation means – the Son of God became
truly human without abandoning His Being God. He is fully Divine and Fully Human. Jesus
Christ is One Person with two natures: divine and human. Sent by God, Jesus Christ the Son
of God, entered this world to redeem us and experienced what all of us are experiencing
including suffering and death. Jesus is the greatest and the most perfect gift that God gave
us. What man did not know about God were revealed to us by Jesus.
B. Directions: The items 8-15 will help you to know the events Jesus’ life so that you will know
Him more and more. God kept His promise. What is the importance of the following events in
the life of Jesus?
8-9. An Angel appeared to Mary- Jesus, as the Son of the Highest, was announced and was
conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

10-11. An Angel appeared to Joseph- Jesus was confirmed to Joseph as the one who would
save God’s people from their sins

12-13. Joseph and Mary travelled to Bethlehem- Jesus was born in Bethlehem

14-15. God sent His Angels to some shepherds- Through the message of the angels to the
shepherds, the birth of Jesus was announced to God’s people and to the whole world.

Module 2
A. Directions: As the way, the truth and the life, list down at least 5 wonderful things that J
Jesus did that are signs of the presence of a loving and merciful God who lived
among men.

Possible answers/ pupils answer may vary

1.Jesus reveals that God is our Father and Creator and we are His children destined for
eternal life.
2. Jesus shows and helps us show how to love God and serve our fellow men.
3.Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit who strengthens us in doing good and enables
us to pray and celebrate the Sacrament with and in the Church.
4.Jesus went about doing good to everyone.
5. He forgave the sinners, healed the sick etc.

B. Directions: Following Jesus - “Jesus has no hands on Earth, but yours; no feet on
Earth, but yours. We are His hands; we are His feet.” Trace your handprints and list
some of the things your hands have done that are signs of God’s presence, mercy and
love and then paste inside the box. (10 pts.) Rubrics Drawing: 5 pts.
Content 5 pts.
10 pts.


Module 3
A. Directions: Join the whole world in announcing the great Good News of Salvation for
us by completing the following sentences.

1-2. Christ has died- to save us from the effects of sin and to restore life to our souls.

3-4. Christ is risen- from the dead to restore and give us new life in Him and to share in the
eternal divine life.

5-6. Christ will come again- in glory to judge the living and the dead so that all who believe
Him will share in the fullness of God’s eternal life

B. Directions: List down what you do to show that you are a friend and disciple of Jesus who
lives forever....

AT HOME (possible answers)

1. I always pray to God.
2. I am kind to others.
3. I help those in need.
4. I obey my parents and elders
5. I help in the household chores

6. I attend the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the church or virtual
7. I pray the Holy Rosary.
8. I receive Holy communion
9. I confess my sins to the priest

Module 4

C.Directions: Answer the following questions the best you can.

1-2. Who is the Holy Spirit? (2pts.)

It is the Spirit Jesus promised, the Father would send then in Jesus’ name, is the
Holy Spirit. He is the 3rd Person the Blessed Trinity. The love of God
thwe Father and the Son. God fully made Himself known to us to be our God in
Three Divine Persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit teaches us and live as beloved children of God and follower of

3-5. How does He act in our lives? (3pts.)

In Baptism, The Spirit makes us children of God and helps us follow Christ in
His way of thinking, acting and loving through the gifts of the Holy Spirit
namely: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of
the Lord. These gifts inspire us to love God and one another, witness to Christ,
come to know the truth and live in loving service of our neighbour. The Spirit
makes us children of God and helps us follow Christ in His way of thinking,
acting and loving through the gifts of the Holy Spirit namely: wisdom,
understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. These
gifts inspire us to love God and one another, witness to Christ, come to know
the truth and live in loving service of our neighbour. The presence of the Holy
Spirit in our hearts are clearly seen when we experience an dlive in love, joy ,
peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faith, gentleness and purity. These are the
fruits of the Holy Spirit.

C. Directions: Make a banner that describes the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in
the following situations:

1. You have hurt somebody.

2. You have an exam and you did not study your lesson.

3. You are at the Eucharistic Celebration.

4. It is recess time, your classmate forgot her baon.

5.You are being a leader for the flag ceremony the following day.

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