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Are You Happily Productive or Productively Happy?

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Are You Happily Productive or Productively Happy?

I. Introduction
“What comes first - happiness in your work or productivity in your work?” The

question “Are you Happily productive?” is the main subject that talks about the case

in this chapter. Happiness in your work or productivity in your work? Are we

productive in our jobs and at work because we enjoy what we do and that in itself is a

motivator? Or are we HAPPY in our jobs and at work because we are productive?

II. Issues underlying the problem

The underlying question in the introduction appears to be a chicken / egg

problem. Which comes first HAPPINESS or PRODUCTIVITY? At one point in your

life you had a calling to do what you are doing right now. All the other stuff. At the end

of the day, if you are not happy doing what you do daily, you will have hard time

sustaining your productivity because you will just be getting things done for the sake

of getting things done.

III. Alternative Solutions to the problem

The alternative solutions for those who lack happiness in the job; they must

know key points of some reasons why happiness at work is the ultimate productivity

1. Happy people work better with others and are more productive.
2. Happy people fix problems instead of complaining about them and energetic.
3. Happy people are more optimistic and motivated.
4. Happy people get sick less often and learn faster.
5. Happy people worry less about making mistake - and consequently make

fewer mistakes and make better decisions.

IV. Conclusion
For me happiness comes before productivity. While a factor of happiness on the

job is driven by an employee’s overall attitude towards life and work, an even bigger

contributor to happiness and increased productivity is creating a work environment

that engages employees to deliver their best every day. Happiness in work achieved

when you give your skills just outside of your comfort zone, so that you have to apply

yourself in presence to the challenges at hand.

V. Recommendations
Life is short, so you have to love what you do and of course love yourself first.

Because if your happy of the things that you do, then productivity will flow like a river

from you and there is no better feeling than crawling into bed at the end of the day

with the feeling of having a productive and happy day.

VI. Factual Experience

In my years of working in the industry, one of the considerations when I applied

for a company is that if I will be happy working with my position. It is very important to

all applicants or to those seeking for an employment. The first consideration should

be if they will be hired to a certain company, are they happy with the position or the

nature of work? Are they happy with the salary? This is the first thing they should

consider. Happiness should come first before anything else. I believe, everything will

follow after.

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