UNIT03 Keys and Couplings
UNIT03 Keys and Couplings
UNIT03 Keys and Couplings
Where k
This equation is used to check the
shear stress in sleeve
4) Design of key
For rec tan gular key
d d
wk & tk
4 6
For square key
wk t k
L 3.5d
And length of key lk
2 2
After that key is to checked for
Shearing and crushing
i ) T lk wk k shearing
tk d
ii ) T lk cr k crushing
2 2
Split Muff Coupling
• It is also known as split muff coupling.
• In this case, the muff or sleeve is made into two
halves and are bolted together as shown in Fig.
• The halves of the muff are made of cast iron. The
shaft ends are made to about each other and a
single key is fitted directly in the keyways of both
the shafts.
• One-half of the muff is fixed from below and the
other half is placed from above.
• Both the halves are held together by means of
mild steel studs or bolts and nuts.
• The number of bolts may be two, four or six.
• The nuts are recessed into the bodies of the muff
• This coupling may be used for heavy duty and
moderate speeds.
• The advantage of this coupling is that the position
of the shafts need not be changed for assembling
or disassembling of the couplings.
Split Muff Couplings
Design procedure
• T = Torque transmitted by the shaft,
• d = Diameter of shaft,
• db = Root or effective diameter of bolt,
• n = Number of bolts,
• σt = Permissible tensile stress for bolt material,
• μ = Coefficient of friction between the muff and
shaft, and
• L = Length of muff.
1) Design of Shaft –
The diameter of shaft should be calculated as
discussed in earlier section of shaft.
2) Design of Sleeve –
The sleeve is design by considering a hollow
According to standard proportion –
Outside diameter of sleeve = D = 2d + 13
Length of sleeve = L = 3.5d
3) Considerin g the torsional shear
failure of sleeve
T D (1 k )
3 4
Where k
This equation is used to check the
shear stress in sleeve
4) Design of key
For rec tan gular key
d d
wk & tk
4 6
For square key
wk t k
L 3.5d
And length of key lk
2 2
After that key is to checked for
Shearing and crushing
i ) T lk wk k shearing
tk d
ii ) T lk cr k crushing
2 2
The bolts are subjected to tensile load
force ( f )
d b2
Force exerted by each bolt f d b2 t
The force exerted by the bolts on
each side of the shaft is
f db t
4 2
For uniform pressure distributi on over
the surface due to pressure ' p' on the shaft & muff
projected area
d t
P 4 2
Frictional force between each shaft & muff
F Pr essure area
F P dL
db t
F 4 2 dL
1 2
F d t n
Torque transmitte d by coupling is
T db t n
8 2
T d t n d
From this equation d b can be calculated .
Flange Couplings
• A flange coupling usually applies to a coupling
having two separate cast iron flanges.
• Each flange is mounted on the shaft end and
keyed to it.
• The faces are turned up at right angle to the axis
of the shaft.
• One of the flange has a projected portion and the
other flange has a corresponding recess. This
helps to bring the shafts into line and to maintain
• The two flanges are coupled together by means of
bolts and nuts. The flange coupling is adopted to
heavy loads and hence it is used on large shafting.
• The flange couplings are of the following three
types :
1) Unprotected type flange coupling
2) Protected type flange coupling
3) Marine type flange coupling
Protected Type Flange Coupling
• Protected Type Flange Coupling
Protected Type Flange Coupling
Let , d diameter of shaft in mm
D outer diamter of hub
D1 diameter of bolt circle
D2 outer diameter of flange
D3 diameter of flange recess
l length of hub
t f thickness of flange
t p thickness of protective flange
d b no min al diameter of bolt
n number of bolts
• The design of rigid flange coupling can be done
in two different ways, depending upon the fit of
the bolts in flange holes.
• If bolts are fitted in reamed holes and are finger-
tight, in such case, the torque is transmitted by
the shear resistance and crushing resistance of the
• If the bolts are fitted in large clearance holes and
are tightened sufficiently with pre-load, in such
case, the torque is transmitted from one flange to
the other not through the bolts but due to friction
between the two flanges.
1. Design of Shaft & Key –
The shaft and keys are designed
as discussed in earlier sections.
2. Dimensions of coupling as standard
Outer diameter of hub D 2d
Diameter of bolt circle D1 3d
Outer diameter of flange D2 4d
Diameter of flange recess D3 1.1D 2.2d
Length of hub l 1.5d
Thickness of flange t f 0.5d
Thickness of protective flange t p 0.25d
Number of bolts n 3 for d upto 35 mm
4 for d upto 55 mm
6 for d upto 150 mm
8 for d upto 230 mm
3. Design of Hub –
The hub is subjected to a torsional shear stress.
Considering it as a hollow shaft.
T h D (1 k )
3 4
where k
For safety
h Given
4. Design of Flange –
The flange is subjected to a direct shear at the
junction with the hub.
T shear area direct shear stress outside radius of hub
T Dt f f
For the safety of flange against shear failure
f Given
5. Design of Bolts
a) If bolts are fitted in reamed holes –
In such case, the bolts are subjected to a direct
shear stress and crushing stress.
i) Considering the Shearing of bolts –
T no. of bolts shear area of each bolts
shear stress radius of bolt circle
d 2
T n b
4 2
From this equation d b may be obtained
ii) Considering crushing failure of bolts –
The bolts as well as the contact area of flange are
subjected to crushing stress.
T no. of bolts projected area of each bolt
in contact with flange crushing stress radius of bolt circle
T n d bt f crb
From this equation crushing stress in bolt is to be checked
For safety of bolts
crb cr (Given )
b) If bolts are fitted in large clearance holes –
In such case, the torque is transmitted from one
flange to the other due to friction between them.
Hence, according to uniform intensity of pressure
theory, the torque transmitting capacity of flange
coupling is given by –
2 r ri 3 3
T n W 2
r ri
3 o
where n number of bolts
coefficien t of friction between two flanges
W preload in each bolt
ro outer radius of flange
ri radius of flange recess
The industrial practice is to select the coupling
dimensions for the given shaft from standard tables
and check the stresses induced in various parts.
Bushed Pin Type Flexible Coupling
• A bushed-pin flexible coupling, as shown in Fig.
is a modification of the rigid type of flange
• The coupling bolts are known as pins.
• The rubber or leather bushes are used over the
• The two halves of the coupling are dissimilar in
• A clearance of 5 mm is left between the face of
the two halves of the coupling.
• There is no rigid connection between them and
the drive takes place through the medium of the
compressible rubber or leather bushes.
• In designing the bushed-pin flexible coupling, the
proportions of the rigid type flange coupling are
• The main modification is to reduce the bearing
pressure on the rubber or leather bushes and it
should not exceed 0.5 N/mm2.
• In order to keep the low bearing pressure, the
pitch circle diameter and the pin size is increased.
• Bushed Pin type Flexible Coupling
Let , d diameter of shaft in mm
D outer diameter of hub
D1 diameter of bolt circle
D2 outer diameter of flange
l length of hub
t f thickness of flange
t p thickness of protective flange
lb length of bush in flange
d b no min al diameter of pin
d1 diameter of enl arg ed portion of pin
d 2 outer diameter of rubber bush
n number of pins
1. Design of shaft and key –
The shaft and key are designed as discussed in
earlier sections.
2. Dimensions of coupling as standard
proportions –
outer diameter of hub D 2d
length of hub l 1.5d
Thickness of flange t f 0.5d
Thickness of protective flange t p 0.25d
Number of pins n 3 for d upto 30 mm
4 for d upto 75 mm
6 for d upto 110 mm
8 for d upto 150 mm
3. Design of hub –
The hub is subjected to a torsional shear stress.
Considering it as hollow shaft.
T h D (1 k )
3 4
Where, h torsional shear stress in hub
For safety of hub
h (Given )
Then the design of hub is safe
4. Design of Flange –
The flange is subjected to a direct shear stress at
the junction of the hub.
T shear area direct shear stress outside radius of hub
T n D t f f
For safety of flange against shear
f (Given )
Then the design of flange is safe.
5. Design of pins –
A) Calculate the dimensions of pin
i) Select the number of pins (n)
ii) Nominal diameter of pin
0.5 d
The standard nominal diameter is selected.
iii) Diameter of enlarged portion of pin (d1) –
• Principal stress in pin –
• As the pin is subjected to a bending stress and a
direct stress, the maximum shear stress and the
maximum principal stress induced in the pin are
max ( and
b b2
max ( b2
2 2
for safety of pin
max (Given )
max (Given )
6) Outer diameter of flange (D2) –
The outer diameter of flange is taken such that the
bolt circle is at equidistance from the outer
surface of the flange and the outer surface of the
D D2
D2 2 D1 D
Design of Spur Gears
• Gears are defined as toothed wheels or
multilobed cams which are used to transmit
power and motion from one shaft to another shaft
when the distance between the two shaft is small.
• It is called as positive drive and the velocity ratio
remains constant.
• The gears are transmit large power and are
compact in construction.
• Also they are able to transmit the motion at very
low speed.
Design Considerations for a Gear Drive
• The power to be transmitted.
• The velocity ratio or speed of the gear drive.
• The central distance between the two shaft.
• Input speed of the driving gear.
• The strength of gear teeth so that they will not fail
under static loading or dynamic loading under
normal running condition.
• Wear characteristics of the gear tooth for a long
satisfactory life.
• The use of space and material and cost should be
Lewis Equation for Static Beam Strength of
Spur Gear Teeth
• Consider each tooth as a cantilever beam
• loaded by a normal load (WN) as shown in Fig.
It is resolved into two components i.e.
tangential component (WT) and radial component
(WR) acting perpendicular and parallel to the
centre line of the tooth respectively.
• The tangential component (WT) induces a
bending stress which tends to break the tooth.
• The radial component (WR) induces a
compressive stress of relatively small magnitude,
therefore its effect on the tooth may be neglected.
• Hence, the bending stress is used as the basis for
design calculations.
• The critical section or the section of maximum
bending stress may be obtained by drawing a
parabola through A and tangential to the tooth
curves at B and C.
• This parabola, as shown dotted in Fig., outlines a
beam of uniform strength, i.e. if the teeth are
shaped like a parabola, it will have the same
stress at all the sections.
• But the tooth is larger than the parabola at every
section except BC.
• We therefore, conclude that the section BC is the
section of maximum stress or the critical section.
• The maximum value of the bending stress (or the
permissible working stress), at the section BC is
given by
b (1)
Where, M Maximum B. M . of critical sec tion BC
M WT h
WT Tangential load acting at the tooth
h Length of the tooth
y Half thickness of the tooth
I M .I . about the center line of the tooth
b Face width of gear
Put the values of M , y & I in equation (1)
(WT h)
b 3
(WT h) 6
bt 2
b bt 2
WT (2)
In this equation , t & h are var iables depending
upon the size of the tooth (i.e. circular pitch )
and its tooth profile.
Let , t x Pc
& h k Pc
where, x & k are cons tan t
2 2
x P
WT b b c
Put y
WT b b Pc y
WT b b M y
• The quantity of ‘y’ is known as Lewis form factor
or tooth form factor and WT is called the beam
strength of the tooth.
• The value of ‘y’ in terms of number of teeth, may
be given by
0.684 1
y 0.124 for 14 composite & full depth involute system
T 2
y 0.154 for 200 full depth involute system.
y 0.175 for 200 stub system.
Permissible Working stress (Bending stress) for Gear
Teeth in the Lewis equation