Most Urgent-Reminder-V: Chief Engineer-Cum-Chairman PSR Standing Committee
Most Urgent-Reminder-V: Chief Engineer-Cum-Chairman PSR Standing Committee
Most Urgent-Reminder-V: Chief Engineer-Cum-Chairman PSR Standing Committee
NO. /PW/CE/EE(D)/AE(C)/F.No.290/2017-18
Puducherry, the /05/2017
The Assistant Engineer, Electrical Sub Division was instructed to submit rate
list for electrical items as being done in CPWD. The Executive Engineer, SBDI, SBDII
& EE-B&R (Karaikal) were instructed to analyze frequently used electrical items and
to collect local market rates for relevant basic items.
The Executive Engineer, Irrigation Division was instructed to prepare data for
lead of earth for 0.20 km and 0.50 km. In spite of repeated reminders, it is regretted
to point out that there is no response from the Executive Engineers in furnishing the
details sought for. This is causing delay in issue of the addendum.
Chief Engineer-Cum-Chairman
PSR Standing Committee
1) The Project Manager, IGMC&RI, Kathirkamam, Puducherry
2) The Superintending Engineer, Slum Clearance Board/LAD/PIA, Puducherry
3) The Architect, Central office, PWD, Puducherry
4) The Executive Engineer, BRN/BRS/BRC/SBDI/SBDII/Irrgn/NH/PHD/ Planning,
PWD, Puducherry
5) The Executive Engineer, B&R / I&PH, PWD, Karaikal
6) The Executive Engineer, PWD, Mahe / Yanam
7) The Executive Engineer, Slum Clearance Board, Puducherry
8) The Executive Engineer, CPWD / LAD / PIA, Puducherry
9) The Executive Engineer, MTPG & RIHS, Puducherry
10) The Executive Engineer, Pondicherry Municipality, Puducherry
11) The Executive Engineer, Oulgaret Municipality, Puducherry
12) The Executive Engineer, PASIC, Puducherry
13) The Executive Engineer, MGPGI, Puducherry
14) The Executive Engineer, RAGACOVAS, Puducherry
15) The Executive Engineer, PIPDIC / DRDA / PADCO, Puducherry
16) The Project Engineer, Project Cell, PTDC, Puducherry
17) The Executive Engineer, PAJANCOA, Karaikal
Copy to:
1) The Engineer Assistant to Chief Engineer,
Central Office, PWD, Puducherry
2) P.S to Chief Engineer,
PWD, Puducherry