A320 Family Line Maintenance Task Card - Weekly Check: Cockpit
A320 Family Line Maintenance Task Card - Weekly Check: Cockpit
A320 Family Line Maintenance Task Card - Weekly Check: Cockpit
NOTE: If any oil or hydraulic oil is need to added, please use the brand as following: Engine oil(including IDG, starter):MOBIL
JET II;APU oil:MOBIL JET II;Hydraulic oil:LD-4;Shock strut hydraulic oil:ROYCO 756.
2. Operational Test of the AFS via MCDU and make sure test ok.
(Ref AMM Task 22-96-00-710-001)
3. Operational Check of GAPCU via CFDS and make sure test ok.
(Ref AMM Task 24-41-00-740-002)
4. BITE test of the Radio Altimeter and make sure test ok.
(Ref AMM Task 34-42-00-740-002)
8. Check CVR using “TEST” push-button and make sure test ok.
(Ref AMM Task 23-71-00-710-001-A)
9. Operational check of avionic ventilation system via MCDU and make sure test ok.
(Ref AMM Task 21-26-00-710-001-A)
10. Operational check of override function (BLOWER and EXTRACT) and make sure test ok.
(Ref AMM Task 21-26-00-710-002)
1. Operationally check the passenger light annunciation system; visually inspect floor
emergency escape path light tracks in good condition and dispose as required.
2. Operational check of cabin emergency lights.
(A320 MP 335100-01-1, Ref AMM Task 33-51-00-710-001)
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A320 Family Line Maintenance Task Card – Weekly Check
No. TC-320-HA-WK
Rev R01
2. Visually check of landing gear wells and doors for general condition, cleanliness, delimitation
3 and leaks, including: Components are properly installed and no external leakage. Door
structure, hinges, gear up-lock assy, door operating mechanism, Gear assy structure: no
2. Visual check engines for general condition, including: wires, tubes/ducts damage, leakage,
loosen connectors, filters differential pressure indicators, all accessories and supports.
Note: Especially check the engine starter air duct and no wear between PS3 line.
3. Check IDG oil quantities at tanks sight glass after engine shutdown, make sure oil level at
the top of green bands, or replenish. Check filter differential pressure indicator (pop out not
protruding). (A320 MP 242100-02-1 ; ref AMM task 24-21-00-210-046)
2. Carry out visual check of landing gear wells and doors for general condition, cleanliness, no
delamination and no leakage, including: Components are properly installed and no external
leakage. Door structure, hinges, gear up-lock assy, door operating mechanism, Gear assy
structure: no damage.
5 3. Carry out visual check the hydraulic hoses at MLG door actuation cylinder, no leakage, no
loose and no damage, If two or more wires in one plait or a number of wires are broken in
one small area, the hose must be replace.
4. Lubricate the both side eye end spherical bearings of right MLG door actuator. (Ref AMM
Task 12-22-32-640-001).
Note: Grease material No. 04-037(Mobil grease 33), blue color.
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A320 Family Line Maintenance Task Card – Weekly Check
No. TC-320-HA-WK
Rev R01
2. Check wear indicator of starter motor brush, if the brush wear indicator pin is not visible,
replace the starter motor. If the brush-wear indicator pin is visible, but there is any sign of oil
contamination inside the indicator, replace the starter motor. If the wear indicator visible
length is less than 1mm, report to MCC.
Measure and record the wear indicator visible length of APU Starter motor:
Actual value:
3. Check APU oil level at sight glass, If the oil level is not at the FULL mark, and slowly add
the oil until the level in the APU is at the FULL mark (Ref AMM 49-90-00-600-007-A).
2. Carry out visual check of landing gear wells and doors for general condition, cleanliness, no
delamination and no leakage, including: Components are properly installed and no external
8 leakage. Door structure, hinges, gear up-lock assy, door operating mechanism, Gear assy
structure: no damage.
3. Carry out visual check the hydraulic hoses at MLG door actuation cylinder, no leakage, no
loose and no damage, If two or more wires in one plait or a number of wires are broken in
one small area, the hose must be replace.
4. Lubricate the both side eye end spherical bearings of left MLG door actuator. (Ref AMM
Task 12-22-32-640-001).
Note: Grease material No. 04-037(Mobil grease 33), blue color.
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A320 Family Line Maintenance Task Card – Weekly Check
No. TC-320-HA-WK
Rev R01
2. Visual check engines for general condition, including: wires, tubes/ducts damage, leakage,
loosen connectors, filters differential pressure indicators, all accessories and supports.
Note: Especially check the engine starter air duct and no wear between PS3 line.
3. Check IDG oil quantities at tanks sight glass after engine shutdown, make sure oil level at the
top of green bands, or replenish. Check filter differential pressure indicator (pop out not
9 Protruding). (A320 MP 242100-02-1 ; Ref AMM Task 24-21-00-210-046)
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