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Teaching and Self-Directed Learning: Abstract

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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.

24, Issue 10, 2020

ISSN: 1475-7192

Teaching And Self-Directed Learning

* Sr.T.Motcha Alangaram, 2*Mrs. T. Bella Florence, 3*Mr.A.Saravanan, 4*P,Elavarasu5** Dr.R.

Abstract--- Teaching needs to be considered as a profession. It has been argued that each
profession should have a particular set of values. Teaching is a form of public service. It requires
teacher’s expert knowledge and specialized skills, maintained through rigorous and continuing study. It
needs a sense of personal and corporate responsibility for the education and welfare of the pupils. The
responsibility of the teachers is to give effective and qualitative improvement in the entire education
system and the standard of a Nation. Teaching profession may be defined as an occupation which
requires specialized knowledge and advanced learning. Teaching profession is not only an occupation
but also performing a crucial social function. Teaching profession is governed by ethical considerations,
popularly known’s professional ethics. Self- Directed learning is one of the best methods of learning
provide the students to the necessary competencies to become lifelong learners, Self- Directed learning
is a skill and it is one of the concept of learning methods in modern day. It provides the experience that
students needed to be guided for their own learning method. It teaches them to be a successful learner in
life. Self- Directed learning ends not in exercises but in action beyond the class room. Teacher does not
teach so much as they direct themselves by empowering them. Self- Directed learning students not
closely dependent with other students and adults but they act independently. Self- Directed learning
cultivates student’s interests, applies their strengths and equips them for success. Such features enable
the teacher to adapt the program to every students to become more self-confident. It is also an
independent method of learning, auto didacticism and self learning. It is controlled and managed by the
learners’ themselves.

Keywords--- Teaching, method, Self-directed learning, students


The teacher education program aims to improve the quality of education by enhancing the competencies of
teacher. The art of teaching has to be learnt by undergoing a specific training. Teachers are the back bone of the
society. The process of teaching is very vital to eradicate the evils of the society. This art and science of teaching
help in producing quality citizens by modifying the total behavior of the people. According to Edmund Amidon
“teaching is an interactive process, primarily involving classroom talk which takes place between teacher and pupil
and occurs during certain definable activity”. Education is a process of bring out the hidden potentialities of the
individuals. It may innovate and motivate them to think reasonable comprehend analyze and finally learn by
searching and bringing out the hidden knowledge. Self- Directed learners have a great enthusiasm to learn any
subject at any time. They need the requirements of the course and learn how to do it independently. They set their

*Ph.D. Research Scholars, Alagappa University College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi
**Asst. Prof. in Education, Alagappa University College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi.

Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 1446
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 10, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

own goals and achieve them. To accomplish these tasks students must also learn about themselves and as well as
how to study and take action. For all of these activities require the exercise of skills and procedures. The key skill
clusters are concern with thinking independently and taking action. Students should learn how to apply these skills
and achieve the effectiveness of Self- Directed learning. Students should have a great deal to learn these skills in
order to achieve their tasks. Certain skills are needed to set their own goals and achieve the effective of Self-
Directed learning. These are goal oriented skills, information processing skills, competency skills, motivating skills,
cognitive skills, and decision making skills. The role of the teachers is to help learners for developing positive
attitudes and make them to work on independent related learning. Self directed learning insist autonomy and it is
within the reach of the individual who monitors, directs and regulates action toward goals of information and self


The teacher is the most important pillar of the Education system because he is supposed to develop the
learner as well as the society. He is the nation builder and architect of the students’ future. In order to facilitate
learning, the teacher has to assume a number of roles like acting as philosopher, manager, leader, supervisor, guide
helps and friend. Definitely that task of the teacher is quite challenging and difficult which requires dedication and
sacrifice. The students of today and young people of our country do not believe in old traditional values. They are in
the state of dilemma to follow the old traditional values or to choose the demands of the advanced modern era. These
also create a feeling of uncertainty.

A teacher is one who is able to acquire a fund of knowledge, range of skills and their application in the service of
humanity. Teachers’ contribute the collective development and progress of our country. They not only having
acquaintance with the life of our people but also become one with them. Teacher is not an instructor or task- master;
he is a helper and a guide. His duty is to suggest and not to impose. He does not train the pupils mind; he only
encourages and develops their knowledge. Teachers follow different types of teaching methods which can be
categorized in the three broad types. These are teacher –centre methods, learner- centered methods, content –focused
methods and interactive participative methods. Methods are the guidelines through which teaching is made more and
useful. Every method of teaching can be as a guideline to teacher to make learning effective and fruitful. Whatever
be the method a teacher adopts, it should be useful to achieve more outcomes and the maximization of learning.

Since the teachers are the torch bearers of students they should develop right kind of environment which could be
provided of their students. Innovative methods have provided new dimensions to teacher directed learning. The
concepts of teacher and teaching methodology have undergone a rapid change and thus need to be redefined to meet
the challenges of training teachers for the modern age. Equipping teachers with the latest developmental
programs, training them with new skills and adapting modern methods. Teachers can teach students to think
independently, to work through the course materials on their own, to plan their own approaches, and to pursue their
own learning methods, by introducing these four approaches in sequence teachers gradually increase the degree of
self-direction required.

Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 1447
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 10, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

These approaches bridge the gap systematically between teachers directed learning and self-directed learning to
be successful. All of the approaches of self-directed learning require the development of new instructional materials.
As students begin to operate independently, the way the class functions has to change as well so that students can
move freely, consult with each other and work in groups. These new pattern requires a new class room support
system that is appropriate for their new learning activities. The new class room support system should offer more
learning options, more freedom of movement, a suitable environment and new rules of order. Each time the way of
class functions increase the degree of self-directed learning the demand for options increases.


Self – Directed Learning increases knowledge, skill and personal development of the student. It directs them to
bring about his or her own talent in any circumstances at any time. For bright and talented students self-directed
learning often provides an opportunity to move free, go far and run fast. Self directed learning focuses towards the
successes of all students. Self – Directed Learning assesses the development of student’s strengths and measures
their personal progress not rank. This method encourages both the students who are proficient and who are
struggling. Self – Directed Learning creates the tendency of total involvement in learning. Self – Directed Learning
makes the students to take part actively in their learning process. It remains them the success of their past journey -
that is the story of initiative struggle and transformation.

It teaches them how to function as a group, to develop competency skills, to teach through game activities, to
overcome troubleshoot problems that arise in group work and guides them how to plan and act. Self – Directed
Learning makes the students act independently to generate their own original ideas, thoughts and creative results.
Self – Directed Learning gives the students three ways of learning – experience, scrutiny and productive results.
Students are also learning how to become positive, active and how to work successfully with other students.

Students choose what to learn how to learn and most importantly why to learn it. That is to say, they get to
choose the outcome the desire and work they see fit. This might be a personal improvement to operate
independently, move freely and work successful in groups. In self-directed learning the student takes initiative and
accepts the responsibility for what occurs. Students select, manage and assess their own learning activities, which
can be pursued at any time, any place, through any means and at any age. Self-directed learning involves initiating
personal activitiesand developing the personal qualities, to pursue them successfully. When students prepare for
achieving the goal in the real world they must create self directed environment for learning. In the process of self-
directed learning the students should make use of the available rich content and resources that will benefit individual
learners. This content might be digital, traditional text, artifacts, experimental, coordinating visits and interviews

through dialogue with the teacher and others.

A wide range of practical strategies and policies may be employed to facilitate the development of intrinsically
motivated self-directed learning. Self-directed learners should be given opportunities to teach others, thereby
reinforcing their own knowledge and understanding. Group work assignments provide students with opportunity to
share and to explain what they have learnt to others Collaborative learning tasks enhance self-directed learning.
Learner -centered environments require to increase successful independent learning. Strategies to enhance self-

Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 1448
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 10, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

directed learning should be learner – centered, community – based and relevant to the personal & professional needs
of lifelong learners.


Self-directed learners encourage themselves to design and accomplish their own learning tasks and motivate
themselves to learn. This is possible because the self – directed learning is designed to motivate ones personal
judgments and ability. Motivation is common characteristic of self-directed learners. Proactive, extroverted self-
directed learners and leaders of organizations are self-motivated and self-directed in their personal learning
objectives and goals.

All learners may be guided towards effective independent learning strategies. One of the most important
fundamental goals of education may be to create conditions that lead to intrinsic motivation and a life time of self-
directed learning. Self-directed learners initiate their own learning by finding out what they need to learn, by
planning their learning using various resources and maintain their learning by recording it. Self-directed learning
does not occur spontaneously in vacuum. The surroundings environment, society, culture and educational institutions
may promote the characteristic of autonomous learning processes.


Once students committed to learn on their own several skills become necessary for them. These are goal oriented
skills, processing skills, competency skills decision making skills and cognitive skills. This will require what they
need to learn, and in others what they most want to learn. These skills, will update the students who are involved and
will act as both a guide and a mentor to the welfare of the student.

Students observe the ability to know and understand their strengths. It helps them to transform visual information
to notes and records. They begin to read, understand and compare the available materials to process aural
information in relation with the existing information.

Self – Directed Learners develop the ability to identify, prioritize, select, validate, evaluate and interpret
information obtained through decision making. It shows the way when they need assistance realize the perception of
their ability and to achieve their learning goals.

They begin with an overall record of all of their project activities and the date when each will be completed.
They are learning to predict how long activities will take, monitor how long they do to take and adapt so that the
project is completed on time. Managing effort, achieving self-motivation and developing self-discipline are the
major skills of self-directed learning for many students.

This should be a record of events, but also a critical commentary on them. Students also require commenting on
the success of all of their choices, strategies and efforts. Successes need to be acknowledged, but difficulties should
be noted, analyzed and remedied. Analyzing and regulating performance is a key source of learning efficiently and
successfully. Study practice and taking action are the major plans adopted to overcome the challenges of self-

Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 1449
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 10, 2020
ISSN: 1475-7192

directed learning for many students. This planning process raises two other essential skills and practices: becoming
inner directed and learning how to interact with others.

The teacher’s key role here is to monitor students and coach them as they apply their own individual work. It is
important to focus on helping students to become more self aware. They must help them to clarify their own
thoughts and feelings and understand their strengths and how to apply them. It is also important to teach them to
exercise self control and self-management. Teachers need to be trust worthy and cooperative as well as assertive and
daring. They also need to be skillful at managing themselves.

Self-directed learning depends on a set of attitudes that must be developed. Chief among them are clarity of
purpose, the confidence to plan, the courage to act, openness to feedback, the determination to overcome difficulties,

to draw learning from experience and apply it to future plans.


A teacher is the most important factor for the success of self-directed learners. The educational institution may
have excellent building, well design curricula, good teaching aids but if the teachers are not adapting the modern
methods, educational program and self-directed learning can never be successful. Self-directed learners give
importance to self-generated motivation, confidence and focus on goals. On-line learning is increasing opportunities,
providing resources for self-directed learning and allowing learners to overcome many traditional bearers. Intrinsic
motivation can be a powerful force in overcoming many bearers to self-directed, self-generated and autonomous
lifelong learning. Many research studies confirm that the learning skills can be strengthened through self-directed
learning. Teacher should motivate the younger generation to get success in academic achievement using self-directed
learning method. The educational technologies offer wide variety of self-directed learning strategies. Teacher should
be mindful and be careful on selection of appropriate self-directed approaches. There are many pathways to self-
directed learning, but all lead students to the skilful and passionate pursuit of their own learning. This can be
accomplished only by dedicated teachers who are committed to this vision and equipped to empower their students
to become fully and proudly themselves.


This article has been written with the financial support of RUSA phase2.0 grant sanctioned videletter No.F24-
51/2014.U,Policy(TN Multi.Gen) Dep of Edn, Govt. of India Dt.09.10.2018


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Received: 27 Feb 2019 | Revised: 20 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 30 Apr 2020 1451

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