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Rodelfi Rodríguez

Ciencias Sociales

Título del trabajo:


Inglés 4

Valentín Cruz.

Second assignment (second partial)

Page 104

Past passive voice

The past passive voice is similar to the present passive voice, the difference is that the auxiliary “to
be” changes the conjugation from present to past:

Am- is = was

Are = were

Present Past

Exs: This house is made by a carpenter. This house was made by a carpenter.

My clothes are designed by Armany. My clothes were designed by Armany.

I am trained by an instructor. I was trained by an instructor.

Analyze the information of the past passive voice on page 104 and work the exercises A and B on page

Pages 106- 107

Consider the impacto f the Columbian Exchange.

Read the text and answer the questions in exercise B ON PAGE 106.

Omit pages 108- 109

Unit 10


This unit talks about vacation: different types of vacation, preparation for a trip, the different
documents the person needs to travel, vocabulary about airport, and so on….

Page 112

Talk about preparations for a trip


Label each picture with the correct phrase. (You can take it a picture on this exercise).

Grammar: Modals of Necessity

Must: Is used to talk about obligation in formal situations.

Ex: You must get a Passport to travel. (Obligation, YOU DO NOT TRAVEL WITHOUT A PASSPORT).

Have to: Also expresses obligation, but you can use it in all verb tenses: present, past, future…
Ex: I have to work today. (Obligation in present).

I had to buy a ticket for the party last week. (Obligation in past).

I will have to attend a meeting from my job tomorrow. (Obligation in future).

Have got to = ‘ve got to: Is used to talk about obligation in an informal situation.

If you are talking to a friend, you say: I’ve got to go home.

Do the exercise A, ON PAGE 112.

Do the exercise B, ON PAGE 113.


Read the conversation and take it as a model, then do one similar. Choose one of the countries in
exercise C and use the informationin the box to make the conversation
a. Complete each sentence with the passive form of the verb in parentheses.
1. Money for voyages to the new world _____was provided___________(Provide) by
2. Glass beads______were traded_______(trade) for food.
3. Pipes_____were used_________ (use) for smoking tobacco.
4. Wild animal’s _____were hunted_________ (hunt) by Native Americans.
5. Chocolate ____was drinked____________ (drink) by the Aztecs.
b. How did things get done in the past in your country? Complete each sentence with
the past passive form of the verb in parentheses and your own ideas.
1. Most of the time, meals______were prepared____________(prepare) by women
2. In general, a family´s income____was earnd____________ (earn) by the father
3. Clothes____were made_____________(make) by using animal skin
4. People __was told_______________ (tell) about important news by news paper
5. Many children _were taught_____________ (teach) by their parents
c. Write answers to the questions.
1. In your own words, what was the Columbian exchange?
was the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations,
technology, diseases, and ideas between the Americas, West Africa, and the Old
World in the 15th and 16th centuries

2. What´s one thing that wasn´t in your country before the Columbian exchange?
Diseases and rats

3. Why the Native Americans in tsenacomoco were called Powhatan Indians?

Because of the The powerful American Indian chief, known as Powhatan

4. Why did the colonists sometimes find empty farm fields near the Jamestown
colony? Because when a cornfield stated to produce less they moved to a different
5. Why were the old world animals a problem for the Powhatan Indians?
Because the Indians had no fences around their corn field.
6. Why do you think the old world diseases were especially deadly for Native
Americans? Because they’ve never seen these diseases before and they were
expose to them.
a. Circle the correct modal in each sentence.
1. You (have to/ don´t have to) make reservations for the train. You can buy a
ticket at the station.
2. Sorry! l can´t go to the movie with you because (l must/l´ve got to) work
3. Last week, Chen (had to/ have to) take the bus to class because his car
wasn´t working.
4. To get a driver´s license, you (must/don´t have to) pass a driving test.
5. The law says that all parents (must/ have got to) send their children to
6. Tomorrow l will (have to/must) talk to our teacher after class.
b. Look at the rules from the car rental company work with a partner to make
sentences using modals of necessity.
Car Rental Rules
Have a driver´s license………………………………..
You must have a driver’s license
Make a reservation…………………………………….
You don’t have to make a reservation
Tell the company where you´re going…………
You don’t have to tell the company where you’re going.
Be 21 years old……………………………………………
You must be 21 years old
Pay with a credit card………………………………….
You have to pay with a credit card
c. Look at the information. Make new conversation about these countries.
Do travelers need a passport? A visa? Vaccinations? Hotel reservation?

Turkey yes Yes (online) no No (there are

Lots of hotels)
Australia yes Yes (From the No yes
The Philippines yes No No yes
Frank: Hey Joey how are you?
Joey: Im good, thanks for asking, how about you?
Frank: All good, listen im calling you because my family is planning to make a trip to Australia,
and since you’ve been there already im sure you can answer my questions.
Joey: Sure, tell me how can I help you?
Frank: we would like to know if we need a passport to get there?
Joey: Yes you will need one.
Franks: And what about a visa?
Joey: You’ll need a visa too.
Franks: Thanks, and one last question, is it expensive there? Are hotels expensive?
Joey: well that depends on the hotel you’re planning to go, and also for how long you’re
planning to stay there, I have a list of good hotels that are not so expensive, ill send it to you by
email if that’s ok.
Franks: That would be great ! Thanks !
Joey: You’re welcome man.

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