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Control Systems

Dr. Jawad Aslam
• At least 75% attendance policy will be enforced.
• Attendance rules:
• Anyone late than 10 minutes gets an absent
• For 2 hour classes, missing one hour class will result in
half absent i.e. 2 half absents will result in absent on

9/6/2019 2

Quizzes 15%

One Hour Tests 30%

Project 10%

Final Examination 45%

Group projects start after the First OHT and will be assigned
next week

9/6/2019 3
CLO-PLO Mapping

Level of
1 Apply the knowledge of open/ close loop PLO 2 C3
system to solve the given problem
2 Design flow diagram/ mechanical system PLO 3 C4
based on graphical/ mathematical modeling
3 Perform root locus analysis and stability for PLO 2 C3
an engineering system
CLO/PLO Attainment
• In your exams some questions will be linked with
a specific CLO
• You must secure at least 50% of the allocated
marks to that question in order to attain the
respective CLO
• Average of your earned score of a particular CLO
will establish the attainment criterion
• To attain a PLO, again you must secure more than
50% of the contribution of questions linked with
that PLO
Text Book:
• Control Systems Engineering, By Norman S. Nise John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-44577-0
Other Books:
• Automatic Control Engineering, 5th Ed By Francis H.Raven ; McGraw-Hill,
ISBN: 0-07-113639-8
• Modern Control Engineering,2nd Edition By Katsuhiko Ogata
Prentice Hall International Edition ISBN: 981-3026-94-4
• Automatic control systems, 6th Edition By Benjamin C. Kuo.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall , c1991
ISBN: 0130510467.

Jawad Aslam 6
• A control system consists of subsystems and
processes (or plants) assembled for the
purpose of obtaining a desired output with
desired performance, given a specified input.

• Input represents the desired output

• Elevator example: while at first floor, we
intend to reach fourth floor.
• Our input is the press of fourth floor button
that represents the desired output
• Two performance measures:
– the transient response
– the steady state error
• Control systems are build for four primary
– Power amplification
– Remote control
– Convenience of input form
– Compensation for disturbances
• Configurations of control systems
– Open-loop control system
– Closed-loop control system
• Open-loop control system

• Example: heating system

– Output variable = temperature
– Controller = consisting of fuel valves and electrical
system that operates these valves
• Open-loop control system

• Disadvantage:
– Cannot compensate for any disturbances both at
the input and the output of the system
– Example: mechanical systems
• Closed-loop control system

• Overcomes the disadvantages of open-loop

– Sensitivity to disturbance and
– Inability to correct them
• Advantages of closed-loop systems
– Accurate than open-loop systems
– Less sensitive to noise, disturbances and changes
in environment
• Conclusion
– Systems that perform measurement and
correction are called closed-loop or feedback
control systems
– Systems that do NOT perform measurement and
correction are called open-loop
• Analysis and Design of a control system
– Analysis: process by which system’s performance
is determined e.g. transient response and steady
state error.
– Design: process by which system’s performance is
created or changed.
• Analysis and Design Objectives
1. Producing the desired transient response
2. Reducing steady-state error
3. Achieve stability
• Stability
Total response = natural response (homogeneous
solution) + forced (particular solution) response
– Natural response is the response to initial
conditions. It is only dependent on the system and
NOT the input.
– Forced response (also known as zero-state) is the
response to a particular input but with no initial
• Stability
– Natural response should eventually approach zero
leaving behind forced response only
– In some cases/systems, the natural response does
not decay and starts to grow such that a point
comes where it dominates the forced response
leading to instability.
– Control systems must be designed such that the
natural response decays to zero as time
approaches infinity or oscillates.
Case Study: Position Control System
• A position control system converts a position input
command to a position output response
• Let’s look at the an antenna azimuth position control
• Azimuth is an angular measurement in spherical
coordinate system (radial distance r, polar angle θ,
azimuthal angle φ).
Case Study: Position Control System
• Goal: azimuth angle output of antenna,
follows the input angle of the potentiometer
Case Study: Position Control System

Detailed Layout

Case Study: Position Control System

• Input transducer (potentiometer) converts angular input

into voltage
• Output transducer (potentiometer) converts output
angular displacement to a voltage
Case Study: Position Control System

• Controller: the power and signal amplifier

amplifies/boost the difference between input and output
voltages. The amplified actuating signal drives the
• Controller essentially provides gain
Case Study: Position Control System

• Goal is to make error between input and output zero.

– Input and output match-> zero error-> motor does not turn.
– Big input and output difference->big error->larger input voltage
to motor->motor spins faster and vice versa
Case Study: Position Control System
• Response for low and high gain values
Case Study: Position Control System
• So we have discussed the transient response,
what about steady state response?
• Steady State Error(SSE) is indicative of steady
state response.
• SSE is the difference between input and output
after transients have disappeared.
• In some systems SSE is NOT zero because:
– Gain is not sufficient and
– Increasing gain may lead to trade-off between desired
transient and steady state responses.
– Can be resolved with a dynamic controller also known
as compensator but are more complex.
Control System Design Process

Step 1
• Requirements of position control system:
– Position the antenna remotely
– Description of weight and physical dimensions
• Design specifications:
– Transient response
– Steady state error
Control System Design Process

Step 2
• Translate qualitative description into functional
block diagram
– Includes functions such as input transducer and
controller, as well as possible hardware description
such as amplifiers and motors.
Control System Design Process

Step 3
• Create a schematic
– Includes assumptions about different parts as well as the
– Heavily depends on knowledge of physical system,
physical laws governing the systems and practical
Control System Design Process

Step 4
• Develop a mathematical model using schematic
– Includes the use of physical laws such as KVL and KCL for
electrical networks and Newton's law for mechanical system
along with assumptions to mathematically model the system.
– Model using differential equation, transfer function or state
space representation. Both define the relationship between
input and output of a dynamical system.
Control System Design Process

Step 5
• Reduce multiple blocks into a single block with
mathematical description representing the
system from its input to output.
Control System Design Process

Step 6
• Analysis and Design
– Analysis is done to see if response specifications and
performance requirements are met.
– Standard test input signals (details in next slide) are
used to verify design.
Test Waveforms in Control System

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