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E :D 1 I::,D T Erii! :: LLTJ I, Ist# Eat

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'111e United I{in gdon1 of Oreat Britain an.

Northetn Irelar1d is sit1.ie1ted . -•i.:r1 , the north= ·_
\Vest, of B:.t1roi)ey ·It i~ }i~sb.ed'.'f?:rt~he .t{tJa n t ic
.·· · ean_. _ ,u·n
-.•• ·t· 11- />i. •
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"~r-t no
... . 1 -1rh' . :;:ri.t',..-..""·· -·11). -~j',~- 4u-1,1e
:1. 1 . : ·- ·

Northern •. frela:mcL .iGreat <Bnta1n _, u1cludes
~rit~in and

Er~d~~~~~jd r~~~,
Th.e ,U K-h as•. an•a:t>ea ofmnA,-e than. 9 ...
•. 4
1:, 000
·. .

. ·: . :~, :-·'..·•,>·•
rhe .cluriate .of. Great 'Bntait1 ·is . rather
nuld. l~ is
ri6tV~11/ c~ld-' in i~iqter. a11d Jt is
n.ot too hpt in sun1111er.., . _. - .
It often rafr1s in Gteat I3rltain. It rains irl
. . . .. .. ,. ·,,. '

all t_h e seasons of-the veai---.

It does not' often sn.,o\v in Great .Britain. It
usually snows in tJ1e north and ·v.rest of t11e
country. _
TI1e lqndscape of Eriglarid .a nd _Ireland .is
flat 111e landscape of Scotlt.u id a:nd \i\t a.le~s ls
mou.n tainous.
The rnain 1iver is the 'rham es. '111.e long-
est river is the Seve rn. rt is about: 350 kilo- "
n1et.ers long.
The UI{ is a parl.i an1en tary 1n onarc hy.
The Queer1 or the. King is the head of the
state . '111e Prin1e lVIini ster is the head of the
gover nn1en t.
1'11e .B1i tish Parli arnen t cons ists of two
Hous es: the Hous e of Lora s and the Ho-u.se
of Cornn1ons.
The poliU caJ parti~s~ , '¥hic h •. pl~y arJ, ·
in1portant role itt the coun't';tw-r arC the La;b dur
Party ' the .· Libe ral ', ' Party ' ;, alf]:~, , ;;t!l~;'
Cons ervat ive Partv~
Ther e are . a 1dt of unJv~tsities c6J)eges,
schoo ls, .· theat rest- ·. ~ gaj~~l;i~s:.:a11d ·rn11se-

. ·•: ;. :r?::''.}•,i;:;_jr,_?( ..
The UK 'has a. 1v-e1f-'de\re1oped industry''. .
'The most ' impo .¢:mt'. .· riµtieta1 resour<:eS are
coal an oil~ · - · · ·· · · · ··
The main i11du strial : ce11tres · · · are
Brrminghai11t Mancl1c;t:~r arid Sheffleld.'The
large st cities of ·tf1e lJK are 'Lond on,
Birm ingha m, Manchester, , Belfa st Dubl in.
Card iff and Glasgow.
Agric ulture .is als o w-en .. devel oped , 'and
plays an in1porta nt part tu the economy of
the coun t ry. 'Th e iVidely sprea d agric ultur al
prod ucts are wheat, fr uit, vegetabl~s and
Fill in the blanks ,vith the words from the dia-

Bill: You k11ow*Lucy; rd lilie to visit -- ~ ----~·_very

. 1n1.1clL rve read a ---~-~ about it.
'' ,.· .

--~1tey: -:t111 · yes~ The _- · 11istory ._ of _Scotlar1d iE so

-,, _-~:"- . .: -,.;._
._ - - ~;.;_:• -.~{ou -•.wof1;ti t1e disc1:pJJoir1ted \vhe11 -

·.·,. ~;~:i:ill{~ ~~1~~ <

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Plasgow and

..· L11ciz . " '. . .<it\-;. isl;Clrie of. . filj~ i, n1()St b11sii1ess-like

.~~:··• ·. · ~-i]l-1i~i~1~ottish_~- and ·· ·· ·•· ·__ : :~,i.~i~ · -- -

·•·•·•tiii~§'·~ :,~ .,i:~1(i:}f;(~Oi:fai:ld is fantastic, The
:\\·~'. -:):;~~:. '.:;:;::('.=/-·-. -:
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io1.1rne-y to
,..JC ~·

. . >;;- -CO - atl · .

:,. -- -.'. : --_·-•·, --.- :s.-_ --· .
-B.111: ;.- rh,fU1l< ...yoti~ > -......
, ..· • .· . · •'• ..

Translate tb.e sentences_into .Ei1gllsht

IW§ji , ~, -~, --~ 9·.~ -, Tt:_ f H .,- · · ).T . . ~- ·.. £·_: ..• -- ,-:,. ·t ,~ · ~~~?~t --DJ .. , .. ..... ~~~~~ I 01~> ~ '

IJepeaeau,ne npeOllOJt~eHUR 1'-l.~t OHc;tuik~XJttl5i3b!f~~ _

l . Coe)J.M.n:e1Iaoe Kopo11en(~'TBO B eJlflK06p1-rTtLfil':lf 11

t: eB-epu:C>u .HpJia:arv-r a , pacr101.1-oi1{elIO ·.H,a- c-c:::a ~~~po . .
aa11a,n;e EBpOUhI.

2. (;T0-111':ttl;ei'i CO('JI.IUl<:-'HHOl'O l{.opOJICBCTBH JIBJU{C'fCff
3. 1\1:1r.rn1i-rc1udA H ~')pru·U\V~tc10Iii JIBJLHKYtCH ro-
cy-:1.a.pcTHf'HHhlMJ .1 .fl::U,lKHMH l{aHaj~bl.
4. 1-laee.IleHH:e Y~)JlhCa COCTHBJI.HeT ()J{{)JtO 2 MHJI-
Y(UOHOB ~~JlOBe-I< . ••
!) . l{JIH. l\:!aT
. f\Hl'Jlll:H: ):(OBOJ.tbHO M:JH'KHii
6 . B .l\.11rJn1n ,-rac'ro nlr,eT Jl01JtJ:~h -
7. I11aBHoi1 neKo'i1: sn1..rrHe1'\c11 {)eI \'.a 'IeM3a.
.l '

8. flpe:\1bep-·1\-!HHt!CTp .HBJISH:TC.H f'JH.lBOR npaBH-

'l'e)J :bCTBH.
,9. BptrraHCIU-11{ napJUUvrt~H'i' COCTOHT Il3 ,[(13-y¼ ITaJiaT.:
· na.rraTiu: .n:op,n:on 11 n a1n:1T~t 06m~1H't · ·
10. CoeAu:r-ren:u:oe. JC.opOJieBCTBO · 1u.v1eeT· x:o pomo
D -::1 ,:-~B"X
.l. ""-"'-...:>
TVro t1t'rV'tl\;y·"--r1•r-1J1~u·_
,t;J.. , ._J •
· H~""".
:l.t'"':.l'. 'J-::_i...AA ..J.... ,~ \...e~~ ,~~
1"'''. •. , ·
-~_-V ~:, J.."'-~-~ -

11. X op om {) pa3BllToe ceJ1:bCROv. ,xo;-3JIHCTBO _ Hr-pacr

B3'1{H)J'J\'1 pOJib B 3l{OHOMH~te . . ' •-
~i ,: . . .~ . .

Answer the questions . . ·

OmBembme HQ. BOrlpOCht.

1. VJhere is the United Kingdon1 of C}reat Britain ax1d

Northern Ireland situa ted?
2. \Vhat. is the United Kingdom of G:reat Britain a n d
Northern Ireland washed by?
3 . What does the Ul{ consist of?
4 . What does Great B ritain in clude?
5. \Vhat is the area of the UR:?
6. What is the capital of the country?
7 . \Vha t is tJ1e official la ngu age of Great Brihlin?
8. \Vha1. is the population of the UK?
9. What kjncl of clin1ate is in Great Britain ?


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