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Maintenance Matters 06 Decks Balconies

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Building Envelope
Matters Maintenance Bulletin

This bulletin provides

Decks and Balconies
practical information
on steps to be taken for Decks and balconies provide residents with great enjoyment and direct access
proper inspection,
to fresh air and the outdoors. Like all other building components they require
maintenance and long-
term performance of routine maintenance, inspection and repair by qualified contractors and
decks and balconies. consultants to ensure durable performance.

What are Decks and Balconies?

This may sound like a simple question, but in fact decks and balconies are different.
A deck is a horizontal surface exposed to the outdoors with a walking surface and located
over an enclosed space below, so it is also a roof. A balcony is also a horizontal surface exposed
to the outdoors with a walking surface, however, it typically projects from the building and
it is not located over an enclosed living space below.
In addition to walking surfaces such as membranes, wood decking or concrete pavers,
decks and balconies incorporate a variety of components including: guardrails, guardwalls,
drains, gutters, soffits and vents.

What is a Deck or Balcony Membrane?

A deck or balcony membrane is a waterproof layer installed to protect the underlying
structure from water leakage. The membrane may be exposed, acting as the actual walking
surface, or may be covered with precast concrete pavers, wood planking or a concrete topping.
Different membranes are used depending on the type of deck or balcony construction,
such as:
Liquid-applied urethane
• installed on concrete balconies to protect the reinforcing steel within the concrete
from water penetrating at cracks and causing corrosion (rusting) of the steel, or on
wood balconies to similarly protect the wood structure below
• used on wood decks and balconies that are built with a protected covering as an
asphaltic urethane
• expected service life is usually ten years, however, with lower traffic and less exposure
to the elements these membranes could last longer if regularly maintained.

Maintaining your building envelope What is a building envelope/enclosure? Who should read this bulletin?
This publication is one in a series The building envelope or building Anyone who lives in or looks after a
of bulletins designed to provide practical enclosure includes all parts of the multi-unit residential building should
information on the maintenance of building (assemblies, components read this bulletin, including residents/ This bulletin is funded by
the building envelope of multi-unit and materials) that are intended to unit owners, strata councils, housing the Homeowner Protection
residential buildings, including town- separate the interior space of the building co-operatives, maintenance managers, Office (HPO), a branch of
houses, low and high-rise residential from the exterior climatic conditions. It property managers or building owners. BC Housing, in partnership
buildings. includes, for example, the foundation, Proper maintenance of the building with Canada Mortgage and
exterior walls, windows, exterior doors, envelope can help prevent damage and Housing Corporation and
balconies, decks and the roof. avoid costly repairs in the future. Polygon Homes Ltd.
Sheet-applied vinyl caused by sharp heels, table and chair legs, and
• typically used on wood-frame balconies damage produced by placement of heavy objects
and careless use of tools may also increase the
• most common material is reinforced polyvinyl
risk of water entry. Moreover, hot barbeques,
chloride (PVC) sheeting, often simply called
spilled gasoline or solvents can actually melt vinyl
“vinyl”and installed in sections of standard
widths with seams that are either heat-welded
Residents in newly constructed wood-frame
or glued
buildings should be aware that their building may
• expected service life is usually ten to fifteen be more susceptible to some structural movement
years, depending on degree of exposure to over the first eighteen months of operation, as
Staining on this deck sun, wetting, and wear and tear. moisture from the wood dries out and the wood
membrane indicates
shrinks. During this time, the balcony or deck
ponding. Holes Styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) bitumen
or punctures must be membrane may move or pull away from the wall,
modified torch-on
repaired as soon as causing seams to fail and allowing water ingress
• a two-ply, much stronger membrane at the edge of the membrane. Shrinkage of the
possible to avoid
commonly used on decks or roof surfaces
water entering the building frame can also cause the balcony slope
structure when it rains. • the membrane may be protected from damage to change, and ponding (standing water) at the
with pavers or decking. wall to occur. While these matters are often taken
An alternative method of deck construction, into account during the building’s design and
often seen in townhouses, is to have wood boards construction, some movement can still occur,
(without a membrane) spaced apart allowing water potentially affecting the membrane. All these
to drain between the boards down to the ground. possible situations create a need for more diligent
The most common wood for this type of inspection within the first eighteen months of service.
Report any punctures,
construction is pressure treated lumber. Special Balconies and decks on wood-frame buildings
cracks and separations
care must be used in choosing appropriate are sensitive to water damage. If the membrane or
of the membrane other balcony or deck component fail, water can
metal hardware (e.g. nails, screws, connectors,
immediately to your penetrate to the wood structure, where wood
flashings) if the existing decking boards are
maintenance or building being replaced with new treated wood (see decay may occur. Interior ceiling finishes may also
manager. HPO’s Builder Insight bulletin on compatibility be damaged. Repairing this type of damage can be
of fasteners and connectors with pressure treated very expensive.
wood for further information).
Other Deck and Balcony
Why Must Deck and Balcony Maintenance Items
Membranes be Maintained?
Guardrails and guardwalls
Without proper maintenance, water may get in
Guardrails and guardwalls are important safety
through holes and cracks in the membrane and
features designed to prevent falls from balconies
joints that have separated and produce leaks to
and decks.
the interior, damage to the wall assembly and
Guardrails can be constructed of a
rotting of the deck or balcony structure. Holes
combination of wood, metal and glass. One
location where guardrails require special attention
is at the bottom, where the guardrail may be
fastened directly through the membrane to the
horizontal surface of the balcony or deck. Water
can leak through this vulnerable connection to
The upper deck is located
the structure below. (Guardrails are best secured
over an enclosed space,
to a vertical face of the parapet or edge of the
however, the balcony
(below right) is not located balcony, deck or walkway where the connection
over an enclosed space. to the wall is not as vulnerable to water ingress.)
Attention also needs to be paid to locations where
the guardrail connects to the wall. All guardrail
connections, either through the membrane or
to the wall, should be regularly inspected and

ground or landscaping below. Often, internal floor
drains have piping hidden inside the structure
of the deck or balcony, making inspections and
maintenance more difficult (or nearly impossible in
some cases, such as piping in concrete decks and
balconies). Leaking drainpipes may go unnoticed Neglected deck and
for some time before the damage is apparent. It is balcony components
Guardrail connection to the wall can be also important to ensure that floor drains are not may result in higher
a vulnerable point of water ingress. covered with objects such as carpets, plant pots operating and repair
or other items that will slow or stop water from costs, damage to other
flowing. building components,
maintained to reduce the likelihood of water Keeping deck and balcony surfaces clear of dirt and safety risks.
penetration into the wall assembly or building and debris is also important for continuous “edge
structure. wrap” drainage systems. Located at the perimeter
Guardwalls are typically half-height walls that of the deck or balcony, these systems drain the
wrap around the perimeter of the balcony or deck. water into a continuous gutter. It is important that
Depending on the type of construction, guardwalls these systems remain free-draining to avoid clogs
are particularly susceptible to leaks at corners and water over-flow situations.
and intersections with the exterior wall (saddles).
Regular inspection and maintenance attention is
required including any sealants that may be used
at these locations.

Drains and gutters

Drains and gutters are important parts of a deck or
balcony system that require regular maintenance.
A critical yet easy maintenance item is to keep Deck with
drains and gutters working properly by regularly combination of
cleaning balcony and deck floor surfaces to guardwalls and
remove any dirt or debris, e.g. leaves and twigs.
This will ensure that drains and gutters are
free-flowing and do not clog. Water drainage from decks and balconies with
Proper functioning drains and gutters are guardwalls is commonly achieved through area
especially important for decks and balconies floor drains and scuppers (drains that allow
with surfaces that slope to an internal floor drain water to pass from the surface of the deck or
connected to the building’s storm drain or to a balcony through the wall) located at the base of
drain-pipe that is extended to discharge to the the guardwall. Sometimes, the scupper drainage
system is susceptible to ponding of water and
Maintain drains free of obstructions, membrane degradation around the scupper. Any
dirt or debris to ensure they are free flowing area where water can pool may become a risk
and to prevent water ponding. factor for moisture leaks. These situations should
be reported to your maintenance manager as soon
as possible.
Balconies with guardwalls may have overflow
scuppers placed at an elevation higher than
regular scuppers. This is to prevent excess water
from remaining on the balconies if the regular
scuppers become clogged. If water is draining
from the overflow scupper, this is a sign that the
conventional drainage is clogged or not working
properly, and should be examined immediately.
Decks with pavers use bi-level drains to allow for
drainage of both the paver level and the protective
membrane level.

Soffits and vents to the membrane manufacturer’s literature for the
There are a variety of vents associated with decks recommended cleaning agents that can be safely
and balconies to provide for air circulation through used with their product.
enclosed spaces such as: Building residents or maintenance managers
should not perform the decks and balconies
• soffit panels that cover the underside of
membrane inspection themselves. A building
balconies; typically made of
envelope consultant will have thorough know-
vinyl or aluminum with perforations that allow
ledge of the many causes of membrane failures,
air to circulate into the joist space
deck and balcony problems, as well as the
• round-shaped louver vents, sometimes found understanding of venting requirements and
in the top and bottom of balcony and deck structural systems. If you have any doubts as
support columns to the proper approach to specific maintenance
• strip vents, sometimes located on both sides requirements, you should obtain professional
The build-up of debris of a guardwall or around the perimeter of the advice from a building envelope consultant.
or dirt on the under- deck or balcony, or on the soffit to provide A checklist of some common decks and
side of the balcony proper ventilation, and balconies maintenance items is presented on page 5.
limited the air flow
through the vent, • mechanical exhaust vents from kitchens,
resulting in damage. bathrooms or clothes dryers. How Often Must Decks and Balconies
All vents should be inspected and cleaned of be Inspected and Maintained?
debris or dirt so that they continue to provide
Deck and balcony membranes should be inspected
adequate ventilation, and should never be covered.
at least every two years for both new and existing
Problems can arise in some buildings where
clothes dryer vents, installed on the underside of a
If you live in a new building, the condition
balcony, become clogged with lint. In this situation
of decks, balconies, railings and other related
the warm air can potentially back-up into the joist
components should be inspected before the end
space located above the dryer exhaust vent leading
of year one and year two to detect any possible
to condensation. It can also clog nearby soffits and
problems stemming from wood shrinkage or
vents with lint. Dryer exhaust vents should be kept
structural movement of the building.
clear of lint build-up at all times.
The condition and strength of the guardrails
and guardwalls should be inspected every two
What Maintenance Must be years. Scuppers should be maintained free of dirt
Performed on Decks and Balconies? and debris, and their attachment to the wall or the
membrane should also be checked annually. Balcony
Building residents are usually responsible for
and deck surfaces, including drains and gutters,
cleaning and sweeping the surface of the deck
should be cleaned at least twice a year (or as needed)
or balcony as needed, while other inspection
to remove leaves and other debris and to prevent
and maintenance items should be carried out
clogging and potential water build-up problems.
by a trained professional. When cleaning the
If your building does membrane, use common household cleaners
not have a maintenance containing plastics friendly ingredients. Never use Who Should be Called for Service?
manual, a building solvents, alcohol, paint thinner or lacquer thinner
For Inspection
envelope consultant to clean the membrane because these products
may degrade vinyl and urethane membranes. Refer Engage a building envelope consultant (an
should be engaged to architect or engineer) to carry out inspections,
develop one that and to develop a deck and balcony inspection and
includes building-specific maintenance program, if you don’t already have
deck and balcony one. The report should identify the condition,
maintenance items. causes of deterioration or failure, and whether
localized repairs can be undertaken or, in some
cases, if complete replacement is required.
If the inspection report submitted by the building
envelope consultant recommends replacing
the membrane, it is best to evaluate the entire
waterproofing, drainage, venting systems

including the surrounding walls and guardrail current deck or balcony membrane. In many
connections. New building code requirements cases deck and balcony components including Hire an experienced
mean that more durable membranes must be membranes will include warranties, and different contractor to carry out the
used on deck surfaces, similar to those used on warranties may apply for materials, workmanship, identified maintenance
roof surfaces. design, and so on. A proper maintenance plan will and repair tasks once the
include a record of all applicable warranties, and
inspection of the building’s
For Maintenance and Repair this record should be reviewed before undertaking
decks and balconies has
Hire a contractor who specializes in the installation, the maintenance activities discussed here. The
been completed.
repair, and maintenance of deck and balcony maintenance plan should be updated accordingly
membranes and who is approved by the product after these activities are completed.
manufacturer. Failure to utilize a qualified and If the membrane is over fifteen years old, the
trained contractor may result in faulty installation risk of damage to the deck or balcony structure or
and may not be covered by the product’s warranty. the buildings exterior walls is increased. It may be
Check for any applicable warranties on your prudent to step up the frequency of inspections

Checklist of Common Deck and Balcony Maintenance Items

This list can be used by building residents to become familiar with some inspection and maintenance items. While some of the items can be carried out
by residents, most should be coordinated by the building manager. In most cases, a building envelope consulant will need to be involved.

Inspection/ Description Suggested Action/Who Should be Involved

Mainenance Items
Dirt, leaves, twigs and Lack of cleaning can cause clogs and blockages Residents could sweep, clean and remove debris
moss leading to moisture build-up or ponding that can on their decks and balconies. Gutters cleaning
damage the deck or balcony. should be organized by the building manager.

Water ponding on the deck Ponding could indicate that the drainage hole is Residents should check drainage holes or
or balcony floor blocked, there is not enough slope on the deck or scuppers and remove debris. If water is still
balcony, or that sagging or settlement of the ponding, the deck or balcony should be inspected
structure has occured. by a building envelope consultant. The task
should be coordinated by the building manager.

Clogged soffit and vent Keep vents clear of dirt and debris to ensure Contact your building manager to coordinate
perforations adequate ventilation is achieved. Clothes dryers the clean up of soffits and vents.
that vent to the underside of a balcony can clog
soffit and vent perforations with lint.

Delamination or peeling of The membrane is debonding or pulling Inspection, repair and replacement require the
deck or balcony membrane away from the wall. services of a qualified contractor, and some
from the wall cases, may require inspection by a building
envelope consultant.

Seam failure of the deck or The membrane has failed at the lap joint. In this Inspection, repair and replacement require the
balcony sheet membrane case it may be possible to repair the joint and the services of a qualified contractor, and some
balance of the membrane can remain. Early cases, may require inspection by a building
detection and repair of this type of defect can extend envelope consultant.
the life of the membrane, avoid water leakage and
preserve the structure from major repair.

Corroded, loose, unstable These are safety hazards because they may fail when Report conditions to building manager to
guardrails,or bolts and they are needed to prevent someone from falling. contact a building envelope consultant for
steel connectors on adequate inspection.

Concrete spalling and The presence of spalling, where pieces of concrete Report to building manager to contact a
cracking, rusting of are flaking off or cracking on your deck or balcony, building envelope consultant.
reinforcing steel may be a serious problem and needs to be inspected
by an expert.

to ensure ongoing acceptable performance. If • For new buildings, have the repairs done by
the membrane needs replacement, a building the original supplier to maintain the warranty.
envelope professional should be called in to • Plan on replacing balcony or deck membranes
develop the replacement program to ensure that after ten to fifteen years, and budget for this
it complies with all applicable building codes, replacement program in your contingency fund.
structural requirements, and appropriate moisture-
• Where the membrane system needs to be
management principles.
replaced, a building envelope consultant will
Regular maintenance, When replacing guardrails or guardwalls,
develop a replacement program to ensure that
inspection and repairs approval by a structural engineer must be obtained.
it complies with all applicable building codes,
can detect and correct Any damage to the deck or balcony membrane
structural requirements, and appropriate
must be repaired prior to installing the new guards.
minor damages in deck moisture-management principles.
A building permit may be required from the
and balcony components
municipality for deck and balcony work.
before they develop
into extensive and
A contractor specializing in gutter cleaning
For More Information
should be hired for this task. Often, the same
costly situations. contractor is hired to perform the exterior 1. Best Practice Guide to Wood-Frame Envelopes
window cleaning as the gutter cleaning, and both in the Coastal Climate of British Columbia,
published by CMHC and available online at
maintenance items are performed at the same time.
2. Balcony Repair and Retrofit, published by CMHC
and available online at www.cmhc.ca
Action Plan Tips
3. Wood Decks: Materials, Construction, and
• Keep the deck and balcony surface free of debris Finishing by Kent A. McDonald and available at
and dirt, e.g. leaves and twigs, to avoid drain UBC library, www.library.ubc.ca
clogs and potential water drainage problems. 4. Get to Know and How to Care for your Balcony,
• Hire a contractor to clean balcony and deck CHOA Journal, published by CHOA and
gutters annually (often done at the same time available at CHOA, www.choa.bc.ca
as window cleaning). 5. Rotting Wood Framed Apartments – Not Just
a Vancouver Problem, published by Morrison
• If your building doesn’t have one, develop a
Hershfield Ltd. and available at HPO,
deck and balcony inspection and maintenance
plan that includes a record of all applicable
6. Balcony Enclosures, published by Burnaby (BC)
warranties. The record log should be
Planning and Building Inspection Department
updated accordingly whenever inspection or
and available at UBC library, www.library.ubc.ca
maintenance activities are completed.
7. Deck Inspections a Matter of Life and Death,
• Engage a building envelope consultant to North American Deck and Railing Association
inspect decks and balconies once every two and available online at www.nadra.org
years. This inspection should consider all
8. Manual for the Inspection of Residential Wood
balcony and deck components including Decks and Balconies, North American Deck
membrane, railings, drainage system, soffits, and Railing Association and available online
vents, flashings, sealants, exterior windows at www.nadra.org
and doors, connectors and hardware. 9. See your building’s maintenance manual
• Hire a qualified contractor to carry out 10.Hiring a Professional Engineer or Geoscienist,
identified maintenance and repairs promptly APEG BC and available online at
to minimize any further damage. www.apeg.bc.ca

Acknowledgements Disclaimer
Printed on recycled paper

This bulletin was prepared by a This bulletin is intended to provide readers with general information only. Issues and problems related to
consortium of firms including: buildings and construction are complicated and can have a variety of causes. Readers are urged not to rely
Levelton Consultants Ltd., simply on this bulletin and to consult with appropriate and reputable professionals and construction specialists
JRS Engineering Ltd., Morrison before taking any specific action. The authors, contributors, funders and publishers assume no liability for the
Hershfield Ltd. and Read Jones accuracy of the statements made or for any damage, loss, injury or expense that may be incurred or suffered as
Christoffersen Ltd. Organizations a result of the use of or reliance on the contents of this bulletin. The views expressed do not necessarily 1701- 4555 Kingsway
represented on the project represent those of individual contributors or BC Housing. Burnaby, BC V5H 4V8
steering committee included: The regulations under the Homeowner Protection Act contain specific provisions requiring owners to mitigate Phone: 778 452 6454
RDH Building Engineering Ltd., and restrict damage to their homes and permitting warranty providers to exclude coverage for damage caused or Toll-free: 1 866 465 6873
the Condominium Home Owners’ made worse by negligent or improper maintenance. These apply to both new and building envelope renovated
Association, Canada Mortgage homes covered by home warranty insurance. Failure to carry out proper maintenance or carrying out improper www.hpo.bc.ca
09/2007 R

and Housing Corporation, maintenance either yourself or through qualified or unqualified personnel may negatively affect your warranty www.bchousing.org
Polygon Homes Ltd., and the coverage. Refer to your home warranty insurance documentation or contact your warranty insurance provider Email: hpo@hpo.bc.ca
Homeowner Protection Office. for more information.

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