t:1, - ' - RRRL' - ' - 4 - M - BM - II - : EI - Yc
t:1, - ' - RRRL' - ' - 4 - M - BM - II - : EI - Yc
t:1, - ' - RRRL' - ' - 4 - M - BM - II - : EI - Yc
-980 Problem 12.10. A beam of length 8 m is simply supported at its ends. It carries a uni-
C, = - 6 - = - 163.33 formly distributed load of 40 kNlm as shown in Fig. 12.9. Determine the deflection ofihe beam
Now substituting the values of C 1 and C 2 in equation (ii), we get at its mid-point and also the position of maximum deflection and maximum deflection. Take E
:::: 2 X 105 Nlmm 2 and I = 4.3 X 108 mm4.
Ely = lOx' - 163.33x - 8(x _ 1}' : - 2; (x - 3)' ... (iii)
¥",40 kN/m
(i) (a) Deflection under first load i.e., at point C. This is obtained by substituting x = 1 in A D B
equation (iii) upto the first dotted line (as the point C lies in the first part ofthe beam). Hence,
we get t:1<,- '_r rl'_'~ -_-_-_-_-_~4_m_----Bm-~II--- 3m
EI.yc:::: 10 X 13 -163.33 x 1
= 10 - 163.33 = - 153.33 kNm'
~A ~
:::: - 153.33 X 10 3 Nm3 Fig. 12.9
:::: - 153.33 x 10 3 X 10 9 Nmm3 Sol. Given:
= - 153.33 X 10 12 Nmm3 Length, L=8m
-153.33 x 10 12 -153.33 x 10 12 D.d.l., W = 40 kNim
Y,= EI 2x10'x85x106 Value of E = 2 x 10 5 N/mm 2
= - 9.019 mm. Ans. Value of 1= 4.3 x 108 mm 4
(Negative sign shows that deflection is downwards). First calculate the reactions RA and R B.
(b) Deflection under second load i.e. at point D. This is obtained by substituting x = 3 m Taking moments about A, we get
in equation (iii) upto the second dotted line (as the point D lies in the second part of the beam).
Hence, we get RB x 8 = 40 x 4 x (1 + ~) = 480 kN
EI.yv = 10 x 3' - 163.33 x 3 - 8(3 - 1)3
= 270 - 489.99 - 64 = - 283.99 kNm' RB = 8 =60kN
= - 283.99 X 10 12 Nmm 3 RA = Total load-RR = 40 x 4- 60 = 100 kN
12 In order to obtain the general expression for the bending moment at a distance x from
- 283.99 x 10 = -16.7 mm. Ans.
Yn = 2 x 10 5 X 85 x 10 6 the left end A, which will apply for all values of x, it is necessary to extend the uniformly
distributed load upto the support B, compensating with an equal upward load of 40 kN/m over
(ii) Maximum Deflection. The deflection is likely to be maximum at a section between C
the span DB as shown in Fig. 12.10. Now Macaulay's method can be applied.
and D. For maximum deflection, dd should be zero. Hence equate the equation (i) equal to ,; 40kN/m
zero upto the second dotted line. A' ':::::: :;:::: :::: :::::::: :' B
30x' + C I - 24(x - 1)2 = 0 C 0 40kN/m J"
lm'--l~*I~<-~~~ 4m ~~~"""''"I.f-~- 3m ~--+I
or 30x2 - 163.33 - 24(x2 + 1 - 2x) = 0 (.: C I = - 163.33)
or 6x 2 + 48x - 187.33 = 0
1<-:-------- Bm --------::+1
The above equation is a quadratic equation. Hence its solution is
Fig. 12.10
x =
- 48 ± b8 2
+ 4 x 6 x 187.33
= 2.87 m. The B.M. at any section at a distance x from ~nd
A is given by,
2x6 d 2y (x-1) , (x-5)
(Neglecting - ve root) EI dx 2 = RA.x - 40(x - 1) x - 2 - ~ + 40 x (x - 5) x - 2 -
Now substituting x = 2.87 m in equation (iii) upto the second dotted line, we get maxi-
mum deflection as d 2y
or EI-
= 100x -20(X-1)2 + 20 (x - 5)2
EIYm~ = 10 x 2.87 3 - 163.33 x 2.87 - 8(2.87 - 1)' dx
Integrating the above equation, we get
= 236.39 - 468.75 - 52.31
EI dy ~ 100x
2 20(x _1)'
= 284.67 kNm' = - 284.67 x 10 12 Nmm' +C + 20 (x - 5)' ... (i)
12 dx 2 I 3 3
- 284.67 x 10
-16.745 mm. Ans .
. y max = 2 x 10 5 X 85 X 10 6
6 . By su?sti.tuting x::: 0 in equation (iii) upto dotted line, we get the slope at supportA (the
RA =Totalload-RB = 10-15 =- 5 kN pomt x ::: 0 lIes III the first part AB of the beam).
Hence the reactionRA will be in the downward direction. Hence Fig. 12.11 will be modi~
~ lied as shown in Fig. 12.12. Now write down an expression for the B.M. in the last section of
the beam.
ELBA =-:2 x 0 + 30 = 30 kNm'= 30 x 1000 Nm' C:: at A=9
B 10 'Nt 8A :::
30x 10
Ex I
2 X 10" x 5 x 10
30x 10 9
~ 8
6m -----~.f<-. --
A B =15kN
3 m ---.j (b) Slope at the support B
::: 0.0003 radians. Ans.
By substituting x ::: 6 m in equation (iii) upto dotted line we get the slope at support B
Fig. 12.12 (the point x ::: 6 lies in the first part AB of the beam). '
The B.M. at any section at a distance x from the support A is given by, 5
EI.e B = - :2 x 6' + 30 = - 90 + 30
d 2y .
EI dx 2 =-RAxx ~ +RB x(x-6) ::: - 60 kNm 2 ::: - 60 X 109 Nmm 2
- 60 x 10 - 60 x 10 9
= - 5x : + 15(x - 6) 8B :::
Ex I 2 X 10 5 x 5 x 10 8
Integrating the above equation, we get ::: - 0.0006 radians. Aus.
EI dy = - 5x' + C . 15 (x _ 6)' (c) Slope at the right end i.e., at C
dx 2 1 ,
+==0--"- ... (i)
2 . By. substituting x ::: 9 m in equation (iii), we get the slope at C. In this case, complete
Integrating again, we get equatIOn IS to be taken as point x ::: 9 m lies in the last part of the beam.
15 (x - 6)3
+---- 5
ELSe = - :2 X
9 2 + 30 + 2 (9 - 6)' (
.; dy
ax at C = Se )
2 3
5 5 = - 202.5 + 30 + 67.5 = - 105 kNm 2
:::: - - x 3 + C
X + C, + -(x - 6)3 ...(ii)
6 1 2 ::: - 105 X 109 Nmm 2
vhere C1 and C 2 are constant of integration. Their values are obtained from boundary condi~
-105 x 10 9 - 105 x 10 9
dons which are: Se=-~~'-
(0 atx:::: O,y:::: 0 and (ii) atx:::: 6 m,Y:::: O. Ex I 2 x 10 5 x 5 x 10 8
(i) Substituting x :::: 0 and y :::: 0 in equation (ii) upto dotted line (as x :::: 0 lies in the first
::: - 0.00105 radians. Ans.
part AB of the beam), we get (d) Maximum upward deflection between the supports
0::: 0 + C 1 X 0 + C 2 :. C ::: 0
(ii) Substituting x ::: 6 m and y ::: 0 in equation (ii) upto dotted line (as x ::: 6 lies in the For maximum deflection between the supports, : should be zero. Hence equating the
"'lrst part AB of the beam), we get slope given by the equation (iii) to be zero upto dotted line, we get
-5 5 ,
0= - x + C, x 6 + 0
63 C· C, = 0) 0::: - - x-+ 30::: - 5x 2 + 60
6 2
5 x 36 + 6C,
= -
+ 5 x 36
C'=--6- =30
or 5x 2 ::: 60 or x = 'Is = Jl2 = 3.464 m
Substituting the values of C I and C2 in equations (0 and (ii), we get ~ow substituting x ::: 3.464 m in equation (iv) upto dotted line, we get the maximum
deflectIOn as
EI dy = _ ;; x' + 30 + 15 ex _ 6)' ... (iii)
dx 2 2 5
5 5
Elymax ::: - '6 x 3.464 3 + 30 x 3.464
and ElY:::-'6x3+30x +2(x-6)3 ... (iv)
= _ 34.638 + 103.92 = 69.282 kNm 3 Negative sign shows that RA will be acting downwards. In order to obtain general ex~
pression for the bending moment at a distance x from the left end A, which will apply for all
= 69.282 x 1000 x 10 9 Nmm3 = 69.282 x 10 12 rom 3
values of x, it is necessary to extend the uniformly distributed load upto point C, compensating
69.282 x 10 " with an equal upward load of 4 kN/m over the spanBC as shown in Fig. 12.14. Now Macaulay'S
Ymax = 2 x 10 5 X 5 x 10 8 method can be applied.
= 0.6928 mm (upward). Ans. 12 kN
(e) Deflection at the right end i.e., at point C D B-.
By substituting x = 9 m in equation (iv), we get the deflection at point C. Here complete Af=====~~==~~~~~~~C
equation is to be taken as point x = 9 m lies in the last part of the beam. 4kN/oJ
5 5 3m -->.+1~I--- 3 m -->1+-- 3m-->j
EI y c = - "6 X 93 + 30 x 9 + 2" (9 - 6)3 RA:::3kN R8=27kN
RA =50kN
~ 4m- ____'
Rs ",50kN
(: : at C~Be) Fig. 12.16
= -121.5 + 20,25 -144 + 121.5 + 18 = -105,75 kNm' The B.M. at any section at a distance x from A, is given by
::: -105.75 x 10 3 x 10 6 Nmm 2 ::: - 105.75 X 10 9 Nmm d 2y
9 EI -2 =- 50x + 300
8 __ 105.75 X 10 ::: _ 0.0010575 radians. Ans. dx
c - 2 x 10 5 x 5 x 10 8 =-5Ox + 300(x - 4)°
(b) Deflection at the point C Integrating the above equation, we get
By substituting x::: 9 m in complete equation (iv), we get the deflection at C.
EI dy ~_._50x2 +C + 300(x - 4) .. ,(i)
9' 1 9
EI x Yc = - "2 + 20,25 x 9 - "6 (9 - 3l' + :2 (9 - 6)' + "61 (9 - 6)
dx 2 '
Integrating again, we get
= _ 364,5 + 182,25 - 216 + 121.5 + 13,5
50 x ,,' C C 300 (x _ 4)'
= _ 263,25 kNm' = - 263,25 x 10 12 Nmm' EIY=-2 S+ lX+ 2 : + 2
= __ 263,25 x 10" = _ 2.6325 rom. Ans. 25 ,
:::: - - X3 + C X + C : + 150(x - 4)' ... (ii)
Yc 2xl05x5x108 3 1 2:
Problem 12.13. A horizontal beam AB is simply supported at A and B, 6 m apart. The where C l and C 2 are constants of integration. Their values are obtain~d from boundary condi-
beam is subjected to a clockwise couple of 300 kNm at a distance of 4 m from the left end as tions which are:
shown in Fig. 12.15. If E = 2 x 105 Nlmm 2 and I::: 2 x 108 mm4 , determine: (i)at.x::::O,Y==O and (ii)atx==6mandy=O.
(i) deflection at the point where couple is acting and (i) Substituting x = 0 and y.= 0 in equation (ii) upto dotted line, we get
(ii) the maximum deflection. 0= 0 + C l X 0 + C2 :. C2 .= 0
(ii) Substituting x .= 6 m and y == 0 in complete equation (ii), we get
0::::: - 3 X 63 + C l X 6 + 0 + 150(6 - 4)2
=-1800 + 6C, + 600
1800 - 600
" C, = 6 = 200
Fig. 12.15
Substituting the values of C l and C 2 in equation (ii), we get
Sol. Given: 25
Length, L=6m Ely = - '"3 x 3 + 200x + 150(x - 4)2 (': C2 = 0) ,.,(iii)
Couple = 300 kNm
(i) Deflection at C (i.e., y c)
Value of E :::: 2 X 10 5 N/mm2
By substituting x == 4 in equation (iii) upto dotted line, we get the deflection at C.
Value of I:::: 2 X 10 8 mm 4
First calculate the react~ons R A and R E · E1yc=-S x43 +200x4
Taking moments about A, we get = - 533,33 + 800 = + 266,67 kNm'
RB x 6 = 300 ::::: 266.67 X 10 12 Nmm3
RB = "'6 = 50 kN (!l 266.67 x 10 12
Yc = - 8 = 6.66 mm upwards. Ans.
RA = Total load - RB = 0 - 50 kN (.: There is no load on beam) 2 x 10" x 2 x 10