Rexroth-Compact Hydraulics: Flexibility. Reliability. Serviceability
Rexroth-Compact Hydraulics: Flexibility. Reliability. Serviceability
Rexroth-Compact Hydraulics: Flexibility. Reliability. Serviceability
Rexroth-Compact Hydraulics:
Flexibility. Reliability. Serviceability.
1. Flexibility
Whether the application demands
manifold designs of aluminum, cast
iron, or ductile iron, Rexroth offers
the greatest flexibility in customized
system development.
Optimization includes a minimum
number of standardized cavities and
guarantees a vast array of valve func-
Volume based requests may be satis-
fied through customized cavities, or
unique product solutions. Products
within a functional family are based
upon a highly evolved harmonized
parts concept, to develop variations.
2. Philosophy
Compact hydraulic systems by Industrial sectors increasingly require
Rexroth are designed to follow a higher system pressures. Future cavi-
“Plug & Play” principle. ties will be developed with a trend to-
Modular technology is characterized ward clearly defined, radial seals on
by ease of maintenance, permitting cartridge bodies. Solenoid-operated
component level or “block” level ex- poppet or spool valves, as well as pro-
changes in the field. This commit- portional valves with associated elec-
ment to ease of service reduces both tronics, will lead this development.
cost and production down-time, Our philosophy can provide design
again a dividend toward profitability. engineers with a modular “kit”,
setting new standards for field ser-
viceability, cost rationalization, and
Cartridge valves are used in both in-
Width of product range
3. Reliability
High performance Rexroth cartridge
valves are designed to endure and
function reliably.
Our solenoid operated directional
spool valves have a split valve body,
thus allowing narrow tolerances on
the valve parts. The advantage: mini-
mum internal leakage and maximum
functional reliability.
Rexroth design compensates for co-
axial clearance, permits high tighte-
ning torques and reduces installation
stress. Select seal arrangements and
construction details permit operation
of some specific models up to
7,500 psi (500 bar).