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036 Excavator en Mobile2003

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36 Mobile 2003 Excavators Bosch Rexroth AG

Application Center Excavators

Excavators > 10 to Excavators < 10 to

Head: Werner Herfs Head: Gilles Chetail
Bosch Rexroth AG Bosch Rexroth AG
Mobile Hydraulics Mobile Hydraulics
Zum Eisengießer 1 91 bd. Irène Joliot Curie
97816 Lohr, Germany 69634 Vénissieux, France
Telephone: +49 (0) 93 52 18 - 23 80 Telephone: +33 (4) 78 78 - 52 48
Facsimile: +49 (0) 93 52 18 - 21 59 Facsimile: +33 (4) 78 78 - 52 71
E-Mail: werner.herfs@boschrexroth.de E-Mail: gilles.chetail@boschrexroth.fr
Bosch Rexroth AG Excavators Mobile 2003 37

Drive and Control System for Excavators

1. Flow sharing (LUDV)

system from Rexroth in
mini and compact exca-
(Travel drive)
The number of compact excavators
equipped with a variable displace- (Slew drive)
ment pump and closed center direc-
tional control valve has increased 9SX12
(Control system)
worldwide in recent years.
Rexroth was one of the first hydraulics
manufacturers to have developed this
concept for compact excavators and
the present-day success of this system
confirms that our decision was cor- (Travel and implement hydraulics) (Pilot control units) (Pilot oil supply)
rect. Figure 1: Single-circuit flow sharing (LUDV) hydraulic system for mini excavators from 1.3
The functions demanded by the mar-
ket for compact excavators are stron-
gly determined by those of the stan- The established A10VO and A11VO 63 cm3. Other sizes will follow shortly.
dard excavators: variable displacement pumps have The new arrangement yields the follo-
- More convenient operation proved highly successful in a whole wing advantages in relation to the po-
- Improved precision control, maneu- variety of applications. wer controller already in use:
verability and accuracy of the ma-
chines 1.1 Variable displacement pump - Direct control
- Reduction in costs by simplifying A10VO - No additional piping
the hydraulic system A new power controller integrated
- Less susceptibility to temperature
into the pump housing already exists
- Greater safety - Better adjustability
for the variable displacement pump
Rexroth meets these market require- A10VO in the nominal sizes 28 and - Can be retrofitted
ments with its single-circuit flow sha-
ring (LUDV) system with A10/A11VO
variable displacement pump and type
SX closed center directional control
valve with integrated flow sharing
(LUDV) function (Fig. 1). B

Gilles Chetail BRFD
Egon Rill BRM-AK/VMH1
Werner Herfs BRM-MC/VTB1
Andreas Kuhse BRM-AK/VME1 S L1 L
Mircea Chima BRM-GT/VTG
Figure 2: Variable displacement pump A10VO with power controller LRX
38 Mobile 2003 Excavators Bosch Rexroth AG

The power controller comprises two

springs with which a power hyperbola
is approximated (Fig. 2).
By adjusting the spring pretension,
the characteristic is adjusted so as to
obtain constant power consumption
by the pump.
The required performance values can
be achieved by replacing the preset
controller cartridge without requiring
the use of measuring instruments.
EP: Electro-proportional flow control
The flow control and pressure limita-
I = Imax  Vg max; I = Imin  Vg min; I = 0 mA  Vg min
tion functions enjoy priority and
override the power controller. EK: Electro-proportional flow control,
The size 28 variable displacement with fail save function
pump A10VO is available with a I = Imax  Vg max; I = Imin  Vg min; I = 0 mA  Vg max
through drive mounted gear pump
Figure 3: A10VO - electro-proportional flow control
supplied via a common suction port,
thus reducing the piping required by
the machine manufacturer and cut- Both types of control yield the follo- These units with EP or EK control can
ting the latter’s costs. wing advantages: replace fixed displacement pumps
With this pump combination, leakage - Electric control via a proportional with flow control via external valves.
oil from the A10VO is discharged in- solenoid
ternally via the gear pump, thus elimi- - High accuracy due to mechanical Figure 4 shows a DFR pump control-
nating the need for a leakage oil line. swivel angle feedback ler with additional proportional sole-
- Compact design
1.1.1 Electric control The set spring force of the flow con-
Electro-proportional flow control will - High system efficiency troller can be varied with this additio-
be a further means of controlling the - Can be combined with DR, DRG, nal magnetic force.
A10VO variable displacement pump DFR, DFR1 and ED control. In this way, the differential pressure
in future. set for load-sensing control can be
A distinction is made between EP and „shifted“ to another value. This is also
EK control in this context (Fig. 3). known as differential pressure shif-
EP control means that pump delivery ting.
of a corresponding flow is proportio-
nal to a preset electric current.
EK control includes an additional fail-
safe function.
The pump switches to maximum deli-
very if the power fails or is interrup-
Bosch Rexroth AG Excavators Mobile 2003 39

Pump delivery changes in accordance

with formula.

Q = k • ∆p
k = constant

The electric current can be specified

both in increments and as a conti-
nuous value.
Differential pressure shifting yields
the following advantages: Q = k • ∆p
- Electronic load limiting control k = constant
- Proportional adjustment of actua-
tor speed
- Optimum possible settings during
delicate working movements
- Constant flow output even with Figure 4: DFR - pump controller with additional proportional solenoid
changing input speeds
- Limit position damping for the cy-
1. Port X2
These capabilities are optionally external pump pressure
available for such mobile machines as - lower ∆pLS - setting
- higher efficiency
mini excavators, wheeled loaders,
backhoe loaders and tipper trucks. 2. Port Z
∆pLS Shifting by pilot
pressure or by solenoid
1.2 Variable displacement pump - enhanced fine control
A general trend towards higher pres- 3. Shuttle orifice in port plate
influence of swiveling time in
sure levels is evident for excavators in both directions for:
the weight class above 7 tons. The - improved stability
- optimized reaction time
A11VO swashplate pump (Fig. 5) is
ideal for such requirements. The high 4. Threaded locking pin
blocked internal channel for alternative
pressure permits a larger control ran- pump pressure supply X2
ge for both the pump and the motor.
This is also essential in travel drives
with higher speeds, such as wheeled Figure 5: Variable displacement pump A11VO with LE2S2 control
With its hyperbolic characteristic, the nal load limiting control in the majo- a different pump power setting for
power controller ensures optimum rity of cases. travel and implement movements.
utilization of the drive motor power, Some machine manufacturers require This demand can easily be met by fit-
thus eliminating the need for additio- ting a proportional solenoid that
overrides the power set on the hyper-
bolic controller.
40 Mobile 2003 Excavators Bosch Rexroth AG

Mini excavators are used for a variety portional outputs, as well as two
of jobs. Precision movements are of- switch outputs.
ten needed in order to do the job exa- The following input signals are sam-
ctly. Only small flows are required at pled in combination with GLB con-
the maximum stroke of the pilot con- trol (load limiting control for excava-
trol unit. As already described for the tors):
A10VO, the differential pressure set- - Setpoint speed of the diesel engine
ting of the load-sensing controller can - Actual speed of the diesel engine
be overridden by transmitting an elec-
- External signal for power override
tric current to a proportional soleno-
(e.g. pressure switch).
id. Figure 7: Control block SX12
The A11VO controller additionally Overload is detected by the controller
includes the port X2 to which the by comparing the actual and setpoint
speeds. The PWM signal for power 1.4 Flow sharing (LUDV) control
high pressure present at the control
reduction actuates the proportional block
block can be connected.
solenoid on the pump power control- Easy controllability of the machines is
This option permits optimum adjust-
ler. An additional pressure reducing achieved through volume flow control
ment to the lowest possible differenti-
valve is not required, since the soleno- in the SX directional control valve, the
al pressure setting, since pressure los-
id acts directly on the power control- characteristics of which always remain
ses in the main feed line need not be
ler. optimal, regardless of the load pressu-
taken into account, thus improving
In a single-circuit flow sharing re (Fig. 7). The flow sharing (LUDV)
the system efficiency.
(LUDV) system, the second propor- function allows the flow distribution
The control with power override and
tional output can be used for different desired by the driver to be guaranteed
differential pressure shifting is desi-
slew modes. Precision control modes independently of the combination of
gnated „LE2S2“.
can also be realized with the aid of machine movements. Even if the
1.3 Electronics differential pressure shifting. pump volume flow is insufficient, the
The RC2-2 has a CAN bus interface speed of the movements initiated re-
Electronic components are not only
via which data can be exchanged with mains constant with respect to one
used in standard excavators over 10
tons and mining equipment, but also other control units (e.g. diesel engine another.
or data display). On crawler excavators, straight-line
in compact excavators.
The serial RS232 interface in the RC2- travel is still ensured even if several
The RC2-2 control unit (Fig. 6) can be
freely programmed and has two pro- 2 makes servicing much simpler. A operating functions are activated at
link for service functions, diagnosis, the same time.
parameter settings or indication of The flow sharing (LUDV) system also
the process data can be established via makes it easier for drivers to become
the BB-3 control panel or via a perso- familiarized with the machine’s ope-
nal computer with the special BO- ration and is an additional advantage
DEM software. with regard to the growth of the hire
(Fig. 8).
The patented design principle of the
Rexroth valves enables the necessary

Figure 6: Control unit RC2-2

Bosch Rexroth AG Excavators Mobile 2003 41

functions, such as control, pressure

selection and pressure compensation,
to be implemented in a simple and
therefore reliable manner.
The one-pump circuit allows compo-
nents rationalization: the valve con-
tains only one inlet element, and the
summation power control pump re-
gulator used in multi-pump circuits is
replaced by a simple power control re-
gulator, which reduces the neccessary
pipe work. So, this brings a further re-
duction of components and assembly
The entire system requires fewer com-
Figure 8: Control valve SX
ponents and is less expensive than a
comparable open center system. with the new market demand for
The 4-spool control system in the clo- compact systems, especially for zero
sed center design allows faster optimi- tail models.
zation of the control characteristics of Some of the small machines for rent
each individual directional control are driven by a fixed displacement
valve piston in comparison with the pump. The AZPF gear pump can be
conventional 6-spool valve (open cen- used in the range from 4 to 28 cm3/
ter). This is a significant advantage if revolution (Fig. 9). Despite the com-
the shorter development lead-times pact dimensions and light weight,
expected for new machine models are high pressure up to 280 bar can be
to be achieved. The flow sharing built up, with large viscosity, tempera-
ture and speed ranges. The „Silence“ Figure 9: Gear pump AZPF
(LUDV) principle also allows different
speeds to be set for each actuator version is also available for these sizes.
spool and direction of movement,
thus permitting precise coordination The open center variable displace-
of the excavator’s movement se- ment pump AP2D (Fig. 10) is availa-
quence. ble as an alternative to the gear pump
In addition, the flow sharing (LUDV) and is also installed in combination
load-sensing concept provides the ne- with the SX10 control valve.
cessary flexibility for adding extra The main features of the dual-circuit
functions. AP2D pump are as follows:
The new SX10 directional control val- - Integrated power controller
ve can be used for mini excavators up - Short length
Figure 10: Open center pump AP2D
to approx. 3 tons, with a pump delive- - Optional flange-mounted pilot
ry volume of around 80 l/min and up pump with a common suction port
to 50 l/min per section.
- Integrated pilot oil unit with two
With its smaller installation space re-
solenoids (optional).
quired, this system extensively meets
42 Mobile 2003 Excavators Bosch Rexroth AG

The single-circuit hydraulic system is

also available for compact excavators
in the class from 7 to 10 tons. The cir-
cuit diagram for mobile excavators is
illustrated in Fig. 11; the A10VO or
A11VO pump is used depending on
the pressure level. The SX14 block is
used as control valve and the A6VM
variable speed motor as travel drive. (Slew drive) 9SX14 A6VM + BVD
(Control system) (Travel drive)
1.5 Slew drive
The Mobilex GFB 9 T2 slew drive gear-
box is a drive with different gear ratios
for the 9 and 10-ton excavators. This
slew drive is a combination of an ultra- MHSTE
A11VO/A10VO+AZPF 4TH6N 4TH6NR 4TH6N (Pilot oil supply)
compact 2-stage planetary gear with an (Travel and implement hydraulics) (Pilot control units)
A10FD45 medium-pressure transmis- Figure 11: Hydraulic system for compact excavators from 7 to 10 tons
sion (nnom=320 bar/pmax=350 bar).
The driving gear features a short-de- per body swinging back when dece- 1.6 Travel drive
sign output housing. The bearings lerating) The GFT track drives (Fig. 13) for this
used for the output shaft are high-ca- The piping normally required is con- application are characterized by their
pacity taper roller bearings. The mul- sequently not needed with this inte- remarkable compactness. Such com-
tiple-disc parking brake is mounted grated drive solution. pactness is achieved in particular by
on the cylinder in this rotary group to the use of hydraulic motors specially
save space. The front flange of the The MCR radial piston motor is an developed for this application, which
motor housing serves as gearbox co- alternative for the slew drive for mini function as an integral part of the dri-
ver. In this design, all necessary valves excavators weighing less than 6 tons ving gear and thus form an ultra-
are integrated into the motor port (Fig. 12). compact drive in conjunction with
plate and include the following: Features: the planetary gear construction. A se-
- Pressure relief valves with damping - Low noise levels parate motor housing has been made
(prevents overloading of the motor, unnecessary by adapting the inner
- Large pressure range
pipes and valves due to pressure contour of the carrying axle to the re-
peaks, while two-stage opening of - Low leakage (< 0.5 l/min) quirements of the hydraulic motor.
the pressure relief valves prevents - Valve block with integrated brake The result of this coordinated de-
load peaks for the transmission) velopment is a range of track drives
- Anti-cavitation valves (to prevent characterized by the following fea-
cavitation when braking) tures:
- Brake release valve (electrically or - Compact, space-saving two-stage
planetary construction
hydraulically operated, to actuate
the release pressure to the multiple- - Rugged bearings
disc parking brake) - Integrated medium-pressure hy-
draulic two-step motors in swash-
- Anti-reaction valve (prevents the up-
plate design
Bosch Rexroth AG Excavators Mobile 2003 43

- Counter balance valves and secon-

dary relief valves integrated into the
motor plate
- Integrated multiple-disc parking
- High starting efficiency, simple as-
sembly, simple oil change and low-
noise running

1.7 Pilot control units

The 4TH5 joystick (Fig. 14) with re-
duced actuating force has proved re-
soundingly successful on the mini ex-
cavator market and has improved
both the operating conditions and the
convenience of operation. Figure 12: MCR radial piston motor Figure 13: GFT track drive
With regard to triggering the crawler
travel function, the new 4TH6NR foot
pedal (Fig. 15) in monobloc construc-
tion with integral damping function
makes operation even more conveni-
ent by preventing a build-up of oscil-
The 4TH6NR unit is more compact
than two individual 2TH6R individu-
al units fitted side by side. Use of a
single fastening plate simplifies instal- Figure 14: 4TH5 joystick Figure 15: 4TH6NR foot pedal
lation on the machine. The unit can MHSTE pilot oil unit
also be equipped with different pedals
if desired.
Mainly installed in standard excava- - One is designed for the safety func-
tors in the past, this component is tion in the armrests,
now increasingly being found in mini - the other additionally serves to
excavators, as travel functions are also switch the two-stage travel motors.
assured even when the armrests are
raised (safety function on pilot line).
Rexroth is in a position to supply the
Mini excavators offer various possibi-
complete hydraulic system from a sin-
lities for the pilot oil supply. With our
gle source. Our coordinated compo-
pilot oil unit MHSTE (Fig. 15) this
nent ranges help machine manufac-
function is realized by a pressure-re-
turers to position their machines on
ducing valve connected to the main
the market successfully.
circuit. Two electrically actuated swit-
ching functions can be integrated into
the unit:
44 Mobile 2003 Excavators Bosch Rexroth AG

2. Rexroth LUDV system in

spider mobile excavators
2.1 1,5 circuit LUDV system
Our contribution today with regard to
the topic of excavator applications is
based on the single-circuit LUDV
(load-independent flow distribution)
system which we already described in Fig. 16: Spider mobile excavator
more detail on the occasion of specia-
list conferences and in various publi-
cations. In the following, we would
like to show you how flexibly the Rex-
roth LUDV system can be used also M7
on special excavators.
Slew drive
The system for spider mobile excava- GFB + A10FD
tors was derived from the standard
application of the single-circuit
LUDV (Fig. 17) and adjusted and Travel drive
matched accordingly.
The control components can be selec-
ted from a series of matched Rexroth
Travel and Pilot control
components. implement hydraulic devices

Fig. 17: Single-circuit LUDV, standard mobile excavator

Option II
Option I

Fig. 18: Combination M6-15/M7-20/LS

Main block
M6-15 / M7-20

Slew drive
Pump A6VM + GFB

Fig. 19: System structure, spider mobile excavator

Bosch Rexroth AG Excavators Mobile 2003 45

Depending on the installation situati-

on, type SX, M6 and M7 LUDV valves

may be used. In this way, it is possible

to realize various solutions, for ex-

Option II
Option I
ample with a single block consisting
of M6-15 sections and the slew gear in
M7-20/LS (Fig. 18, 19) or one M6-15
block and a second block consisting of
the M7-20/LS slew gear element alrea-
dy mentioned, additionally combined
M6-15 M7-20/SX14
with SX14 valves (Fig. 20, 21, 22).
Due to the parallel connection of all
actuators to the pump line, the LUDV
system is very flexible. Consequently,
Slew drive
with the existing, wide product range Pump
Rexroth can meet special customer re-
quirements, take account of the fre-
Fig. 20: System structure, spider mobile excavator
quently confined installation spaces
and offer the optimum solution for
each drive problem.
The integration of one or two options
in an overall concept is possible wit-
hout any difficulties. This allows, for
instance, the controlling of the sec-
tions for opening/closing the grab, ro-
tating the grab or the hydraulic ham-
mer. The integrated forestry winch
and the steering system, which is re-
quired on all mobile excavators, can Fig. 21: Combination SX14/M7-20/LS Fig. 22: 5M6-15
be connected directly to the LUDV
46 Mobile 2003 Excavators Bosch Rexroth AG

The extreme ambient conditions in

the mountains, where spider excava-
tors operate mostly, and the potential
risks that are involved for the opera-
tor, require a control which the opera-
tor can master at any time.
In order that spider excavators can
safely move also on such slopes (Fig.
23), front end equipment is used, and
it is an absolute must to optimally ad-
just the control lands of all actuators,
whether in the supply or in the return
line. With proportional controllability
even the slightest instability can cause
accidents. Fig. 23: Excavator in rough terrain
The pump used for the LUDV system
is the A11VO (Fig. 24) variable displa-
cement pump of swashplate design.
This is a variant with overridable hy-
perbolic horse power controller (Fig.
25), load-sensing controller and
through-drive of the A4VG combina-
tion pump.

2.2 Travel drive in closed circuit

In contrast to the majority of stan-
dard mobile excavators, spider excava-
tors of the 7 to 10-tonne class are fit-
ted with a travel drive in the closed Fig. 24: A11VO
circuit (Fig. 26).
This separate circuit for the travel
Modular controller conception with
drive offers the following advantages: compact housing
• During longer downhill traveling in • Multiple possibilities in design
• Compact design with few sealing points
mountains, the heat balance is si-
Power override by pilot pressure
gnificantly better than with an open • Mechanical power control for quick
response time
circuit. This prolongs the service life • Optimum solution for power modes and load
of both, components and consuma- limiting control
• Basic controller also for electric power override
bles. by solenoid

Load sensing controller

• easy adaption to ∆p shifting control

Fig. 25: LG2S controller

Bosch Rexroth AG Excavators Mobile 2003 47

An A6VE plug-in motor (Fig. 27) with

hydraulic two-point control allows
sensitive starting, even uphill, trave-
Pilot control devices
TH6 ling at high output torque and swift
road traveling.
To prevent the diesel engine from
A11VO overloading the power consumption
A4VG of the two pumps, A11VO and A4VG
(Fig. 28), is evenly reduced when the
engine speed decreases under high
loads. The maximum pilot pressure
generated by the DA high-response
valve of the A4VG is rated for the load
Slewing gear
speed. The DA (speed-dependent)
2 x A6VE control reduces the actuating pressure
Fig. 26: 1.5-circuit LUDV with closed travel drive circuit
in relation to the speed decrease, thus
reducing the displacement of the tra-
• Instead of converting kinetic energy vel drive pump. At the same time, the
into heat during downhill traveling DA pressure overrides the hyperbolic
and braking, in the closed circuit, the controller of the A11VO and therefore
pump supports itself on the diesel en- also reduces the power consumption
gine and thus powers other actuators. of the working pump. With this com-
A smaller cooling system and reduced bination, we can ensure a hydraulic
fuel consumption help cut costs. interconnected power control of both
• Uncoupling of the travel drive and the circuits. When the maximum overall
working hydraulics rules out any in- power is utilized, the share in percent
fluences in the case of simultaneous and thus the speed ratio between
Fig. 27: GFT13 gearbox with A6VE 55HZ operation, thus increasing the opera- working and traveling movement
ting comfort. remains unchanged. This is particular
important during walking of these
special excavators (Fig. 29).

Digging Walking Travelling

Diesel A11VO A4VG
power A11VO

Fig. 28: Hydraulic load-limiting control Fig. 29: Hydraulic power management
48 Mobile 2003 Excavators Bosch Rexroth AG

Rexroth can offer a wide variety of ge- Drive Size Excavator Weight (t)
arboxes for travel drives (Fig. 30), 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 25 30 35 45 55 65 75 90 100
both, with plug-in motors (Fig. 27) GFT 7T2
and compact solutions with the mo- GFT 9T2
tors being integrated into the gearbox GFT 17T3
GFT 24T3
(Fig. 31). GFT 28T3
GFT 32T2
2.3 Slew drives GFT 40T2
GFT 60T3
For the slew drive of spider excava-
GFT 70T3
tors, Rexroth can offer various soluti- GFT 80T3
ons to suit the individual customer re- GFT110T3
quirements (Fig. 33): GFT160T3
integrated design plug in motor
• On the one hand, known standard
units of our GFB series (Fig. 32) Fig. 30: Overview of travel drives
with a compact gearbox of size 9
and, for instance, an integrated
A10FD45 fixed displacement motor,
• on the other hand, it is possible to
use a gearbox with a high pressure-
dependent variable displacement
motor of series A6VM (Fig. 34).

Fig. 31: GFT track drive with integrated


1. Crossover pressure relief valves,

shockless type
• to prevent cavitation
• for smooth acceleration and deceleration

2. Make up check valves and boost port

• to prevent cavitation

3. Brake release valve

• directly mounted

4. Anti reaction valve

• hydraulic decelerating without spring effect

5. Multi disc parking brake on motor cylinder

• compact design

Fig. 32: GFB gearbox with A10FD slew gear motor

Bosch Rexroth AG Excavators Mobile 2003 49

This drive solution offers the follo- Drive Size Excavator Weight (t)
wing functional features: 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 25 30 35 45
• High torque for accelerating the GFB 7T2
slew gear, since the motor immedia- GFB 9T2
tely swivels out to a great angle
GFB 17T2
• Low flow volume after the accelera- GFB 24T2
tion pressure has fallen, since the
GFB 26T2
slew gear motor swivels to a smaller
angle in dependence upon the high GFB 36T2
pressure. Thus, a greater amount of GFB 40T2
flow is made available to cylindrical GFB 60T3
actuators of the working hydraulics integrated design plug in motor
when movements performed simul-
Fig. 33: Overview of slew gear drives
taneously with the slew gear move-
ment and the cylinder speeds
increase. The system solutions presented here well established on the market.
• Electrical controlling of the motor for spider mobile excavators show Systems that can be realized as series
to maximum swivel angle can be that Rexroth can also offer optimum, variants also offer customers with
pre-selected by the operator, e.g. tailored systems that meet also special small or medium numbers of units
when the attachment is to be slewed requirements and are based on our produced an efficient and technologi-
uphill on a steep hill. standard single-circuit LUDV that has cally optimized solution.

Automatic control, high

pressure related
• Max. displacement for high
torque during acceleration
• Min. displacement needs
low flow for high swing

Electric override of automatic

• Motor is fixed at max.
displacement for
increasing fine control

Fig. 34: Slew gear drive with A6VM variable displacement motor

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