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Tied Wall Free Earth Support

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Project Job Ref.

RRR Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
R 2020-07-30


In accordance with BS 8002:1994 - Code of practice for earth retaining structures
Tedds calculation version 1.0.07

Tied wall with free earth support

Length of sheet pile for equilibrium (for analysis); H = 9446 mm
Total length of sheet pile provided; Hpile = 9500 mm
Number of different types of soil; Ns = 2
Retained height; dret = 6500 mm
Depth of unplanned excavation; dex = 500 mm
Total retained height; ds = dret + dex = 7000 mm
Angle of retained slope;  = 0.0 deg
Depth from GL to top of water table retained side; dw = 4000 mm
Depth from GL to top of water table retaining side; dwp = 5000 mm
Soil layer 1
Moist density of soil; m1 = 14.7 kN/m3
Dry density of soil; d1 = 9.3 kN/m3
Active pressure coefficient; ka1 = 0.317
Passive pressure coefficient; kp1 = 3.963
Height of soil layer 1; h1 = 4000 mm
Depth from GL to bottom of layer1; d1 = 4000 mm
Soil layer 2
Moist density of soil; m2 = 15.4 kN/m3
Dry density of soil; d2 = 9.6 kN/m3
Active pressure coefficient; ka2 = 0.260
Passive pressure coefficient; kp2 = 5.329
Height of soil layer 2; h2 = 5446 mm
Project Job Ref.

RRR Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
R 2020-07-30

Level Depth below GL 10 kN/m2

dL1 0


Soil 1 - 4000

dL2 4000

Soil 2 - 5500
dL3 7000
-19.6 54.8

Balanced, dL4 9446

-168.7 84.9

Overburden on active side

Overburden at 0 mm below GL in soil 1; OBa11 = Q = 10.0 kN/m2
Overburden at 4000 mm below GL in soil 1; OBa21 = m1  ha1 + OBa11 = 68.8 kN/m2
Overburden at 4000 mm below GL in soil 2; OBa22 = m1  ha1 + OBa11 = 68.8 kN/m2
Overburden at 7000 mm below GL in soil 2; OBa31 = d2  ha2 + OBa22 = 97.6 kN/m2
Overburden at 9446 mm below GL in soil 2; OBa41 = d2  ha3 + OBa31 = 121.0 kN/m2

Overburden on passive side

Overburden at 7000 mm below GL in soil 2; OBp31 = 0 kN/m2 = 0.0 kN/m2
Overburden at 9446 mm below GL in soil 2; OBp41 = d2  hp3 + OBp31 = 23.5 kN/m2

Pressure on active side

Active pressure at 0 mm below GL in soil 1; pa11 = ka1  OBa11  cos() = 3.2 kN/m2
Active pressure at 4000 mm below GL in soil 1; pa21 = ka1  OBa21  cos() = 21.8 kN/m2
Active pressure at 4000 mm below GL in soil 2; pa22 = ka2  OBa22  cos() = 17.9 kN/m2
Active pressure at 7000 mm below GL in soil 2; pa31 = ka2  OBa31  cos() + w  (dL3 - dw) = 54.8 kN/m2
Active pressure at 9446 mm below GL in soil 2; pa41 = ka2  OBa41  cos() + w  (dL4 - dw) = 84.9 kN/m2

Pressure on passive side

Passive pressure at 7000 mm below GL in soil 2; pp31 = kp2  OBp31 + w  (dL3 - max(ds, dw)) + w  (ds - dwp) = 19.6 kN/m2
Passive pressure at 9446 mm below GL in soil 2; pp41 = kp2  OBp41 + w  (dL4 - max(ds, dw)) + w  (ds - dwp) = 168.6 kN/m2

Active forces
Active force at level 1; Fa11 = 0.5  pa11  ha1 = 6.3 kN/m
Active force at level 1; Fa12 = 0.5  pa21  ha1 = 43.6 kN/m
Active force at level 2; Fa21 = 0.5  pa22  ha2 = 26.8 kN/m
Active force at level 2; Fa22 = 0.5  pa31  ha2 = 82.2 kN/m
Active force at level 3; Fa31 = 0.5  pa31  ha3 = 67.0 kN/m
Project Job Ref.

RRR Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
R 2020-07-30

Active force at level 3; Fa32 = 0.5  pa41  ha3 = 103.8 kN/m

Passive forces
Passive force at level 3; Fp31 = 0.5  pp31  hp3 = 24.0 kN/m
Passive force at level 3; Fp32 = 0.5  pp41  hp3 = 206.2 kN/m
Force due to water level on passive side; Fpw = 0.5  pp31  (ds – dwp) = 19.620kN/m

Total forces in tie

Total active forces; Fa = 329.8 kN/m
Total passive forces; Fp = 249.8 kN/m

Active moments about tie

Moment about tie level 1; Ma11 = 0.5  pa11  ha1  [ (dL2 - dt) - 2/3  ha1] = 2.1 kNm/m
Moment about tie level 1; Ma12 = 0.5  pa21  ha1  [ (dL2 - dt) - 1/3  ha1] = 72.7 kNm/m
Moment about tie level 2; Ma21 = 0.5  pa22  ha2  [ (dL3 - dt) - 2/3  ha2] = 107.3 kNm/m
Moment about tie level 2; Ma22 = 0.5  pa31  ha2  [ (dL3 - dt) - 1/3  ha2] = 411.0 kNm/m
Moment about tie level 3; Ma31 = 0.5  pa31  ha3  [ (dL4 - dt) - 2/3  ha3] = 456.8 kNm/m
Moment about tie level 3; Ma32 = 0.5  pa41  ha3  [ (dL4 - dt) - 1/3  ha3] = 792.2 kNm/m

Passive moments about tie

Moment about tie level 3; Mp31 = 0.5  pp31  hp3  [ (dL4 - dt) - 2/3  hp3] = 163.5 kNm/m
Moment about tie level 3; Mp32 = 0.5  pp41  hp3  [ (dL4 - dt) - 1/3  hp3] = 1573.6 kNm/m
Moment about tie – water level on passive side; Mpw = 0.5  pp31  (ds – dwp)  [(ds – dt) – 1/3 (ds – dwp)] = 104.640kN

Total moments about tie

Total active moment; Ma = 1842.1 kNm/m
Total passive moment; Mp = 1841.8 kNm/m

Required pile length

Length of pile required to balance moments; Htotal = 9446 mm
Pass - Provided length of sheet pile greater than minimum required length of pile
Required section modulus
Maximum moment in pile (from analysis); Mpile = max(ABS(Mmin), ABS(Mmax)) = 184.4 kNm
Permissible stress of pile; pile = 270 N/mm2
Material factor; ms = 1.2
Min req’d plastic section modulus (per metre run); Z = ms  Mpile / pile = 819 cm3

Load in tie/strut
Tie/strut load; T = Fa - Fp = 80.0kN/m
Project Job Ref.

RRR Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
R 2020-07-30



19.62 54.8
19.62 54.8

168.68 84.91

Analysis model Analysis loading diagram

Level Depth below GL
dL1 0 0


dL2 4000


dL3 7000

Balanced, d L4 9446

Bending moment diagram

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