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Advanced LTT cons

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Advanced Load Transfer Technique:

12 m X 5 m X 9 m (3 floors) Service load 2 kN/m2

Column 0.3 X 0.3 m
PB & Roof beam 0.3 X 0.25 m Culcutta
PB & Roof slab 0.15 m tk K2TC - 2
Parapet 1 m (0.23 m tk) Loose soil
Pedestal 1.5 m Construction ground plain

Gravity Load Calculation:

Slab Self wt 225 kN

Mortar ( 20 mm tk) 24.48 kN
Tiles 12 kN
Plastering 14.688 kN
Total Slab load 276.168 kN
Total Slab load 4.6028 kN/m2
LL 5 kN/m2 (Residential, Hotel, Store room)
Service load 2 kN/m2

Total GL 11.6028 kN/m2

Calculation of Axial force as per Load Transfer Technique:

ly/lx 2.4 >2 one way slab

load on B1 & B3 = slab load + self wt of beam

Slab load on B1 & B3 29.007 kN/m
Self wt of B1 & B3 1.875 kN/m
Total udl on B1 & B3 30.882 kN/m

Load on B2 & B4 = self wt of beam

Load on B2 & B4 1.875 kN/m

SF calculation:
SF of B1 & B3 185.292 kN SF of PB 1 & 3 57.6168
SF of B2 & B4 4.6875 kN SF of PB 2 & 4 24.007

Load on top of column C1 to C4 189.9795 kN

Load on bottom of column C1 to C4 = self wt of column + load at top of column C1 to C4 + SF of B5 + SF of B8

386.1465 kN

Load at bottom of column C5 to C8 = load from C1 to C4 + self wt of C5 to C8 + SF of B9 + SF of B12

581.751 kN

Load at bottom of column C9 to C12 = load from column C5 to C8 + self wt of column C9 to C12 + SF of plinth beam
Axial force 668.9998 kN

Wind load Calculation:

Basic wind speed Vb 50 m/s

Probability Risk factor (K1) 1 Residential hotel Type
Terrain & Height factor (K2) 1 (Ht = 10 m TC 2)
Topography factor (k3) 1 Plain surface
cyclone factor (k4) 1 General structure
Design wind speed (Vz) 50 m/s

Basic Wind pressure (Pz) 1500 N/m2

Directionality factor (kd) 1 Rectangular high cyclone
Tributory area factor (ka) 0.8 120 >100 (Table 4)
Combination factor (Kc) 1 (fully closed structure)
Design wind pressure (Pd) 1200 N/m2
1.2 kN/m2 80 %

Wind load effects ( concave & convex effects)

h/w 2 h 10 m
l/w 2.4 l 12 m
w 5m
Cpe 0.8

Final pressure 0.96 kN/m2

Seismic load calculation

Seismic weight

SW of F1 DL
DL Column
Column + Pedestal 40.5 kN Beam in ly direction
Roof & Floor Beam in ly direction 90 kN Beam in lx direction
Roof & Floor Beam in lx direction 37.5 kN Slab
Roof & Floor Slab 450 kN FFL
FFL Mortar
Mortar 48.96 kN Tiles
Tiles 24 kN Total FFL
Total FFL 72.96 kN Slab plastering (12 mm tk)
Slab Plastering (12 mm tk) 14.688 kN Wall in ly direction
Walls in ly direction 312.156 kN Wall in lx direction
Walls in lx direction 130.065 kN Wall Plastering (12 mm tk) ly
Wall plastering (12 mm tk) ly 35.2512 kN Wall Plastering (12 mm tk) lx
Wall plastering (12 mm tk) lx 14.688 kN Total DL of F2
Total DL of F1 1197.808 kN LL
LL 300 kN Total SW2
Total SW1 1347.808 kN

Total SW 3530.018 KN

Step 2 Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficeint Ah = Z/2 * I/R * Sa/g

From Fig 1 Zone Map culcutta falls under Zone IV

Zone factor for Culcutta Zone IV Z
Importance factor (Residential hotel) I
Response Reduction Factor ( Zone 3, 4, 5 should be designed for SMRF) R

Fundamental Natural Vibration period of structure T = 0.075 h^0.75 for RC Building

Soil type is loose (Soft soil )

Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficeint Ah

Step 3 Base Shear Vb = SW X Ah


Distribution of lateral load to all column top joint

Step 4 Floor wise Design Lateral force Qi = Vb X (Swi X hi^2) / (Sw X h^2)

Floor 1 Floor 2
Q1 12.38251 kN Q2 25.75152
Pt load to each column in F1 3.095628 kN Pt load to each column in F2 6.437881

Calculation of HF & BM due to wind & seismic load:

From wind load calculation,

Wind load udl = Final pressure X size of column in wind facing direction

From seismic load calculation,

Pt load at 3m height 3.095628 kN
Pt load at 6 m height 6.437881 kN

Pt load at 9 m height 17.59697 kN

SF & BM due to Wind udl & seismic load

Load SF BM
Wind udl SF = wl 2.592 kN BM = wl^2/2 11.664
Seismic pt laod at 3 m ht SF = P 3.095628 kN BM = Pb 9.286883
Seismic pt laod at 6 m ht SF = P 6.437881 kN BM = Pb 38.62728
seismic pt load at 9 m ht SF = P 17.59697 kN BM = Pb 158.3728
Total SF 29.72248 kN BM 217.9509

Axial force 1191.126 kN

SF 29.72248 kN
BM 217.9509 kN m
GL at GF floor slab
Slab Self wt 225 kN
Mortar ( 20 mm tk) 24.48 kN
Tiles 12 kN
Plastering 14.688 kN
Total Slab load 276.168 kN
Total Slab load 4.6028 kN/m2
LL 5 kN/m2 (No service load)
Total GL 9.6028 kN/m2


B5 + SF of B8
Self wt of column C1 to C4 = 0.3 x 0.3 x (3-0.25) X 25
6.1875 kN

Self wt of column C5 to C8 = 0.3 x 0.3 x (3-0.25-0.25) x 25

5.625 kN

+ SF of plinth beam self wt of column C9 to C12 = 0.3 X 0.3 X (3-0.25-0.25) X 25

5.625 kN

al hotel Type

Side A Side B Side C Side D

0.7 -0.4 -0.7 -0.7
-0.5 -0.5 0.8 -0.1
0.7 0.5 0.8 0.1

SW of F2 SW of F3
27 kN Column 27 kN
45 kN Beam in ly direction 45 kN
18.75 kN Beam in lx direction 18.75 kN
225 kN Slab 225 kN
24.48 kN Mortar 24.48 kN
12 kN Tiles 12 kN
36.48 kN Total FFL 36.48 kN
ering (12 mm tk) 14.688 kN Slab plastering (12 mm tk) 14.688 kN
312.156 kN Wall + parapet in ly direction 416.208 kN
130.065 kN Wall + parapet in lx direction 173.42 kN
ering (12 mm tk) ly 35.2512 kN Wall + parapet Plastering (12 mm tk) ly 47.0016 kN
ering (12 mm tk) lx 14.688 kN Wall + parapet Plastering (12 mm tk) lx 19.584 kN
859.0782 kN Total DL of F2 1023.132 kN
300 kN LL 300 kN
1009.078 kN Total SW2 1173.132 kN

1 (General building)

(Building Ht = 1.5+3+3+3+1 = 11.5 m)

0.468365 secs


0.06 6% Ritcher / Magnitude

211.8011 kN

Floor 3
kN Q3 70.3879
kN Pt load to each column in F3 17.59697 kN

0.288 kN/m (9 m height)

( column is cantilever, fixed at bottom & top end free)

kN m
kN m
kN m
kN m
kN m

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