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1.1 General

This document covers the Design of Pump House

The design of Pump house includes the design of Pump House slabs,beams, columns, wall and its footings.

1.2 Material Specifications for Design Purpose

a) Grade of Concrete M25/M30

C) Grade of steel - High yield deformed bars with yield stress of 500 N/mm2

1.3 Reference Codes

a) IS:456- 2000 - Plain & reinforced concrete - Code of Practice (Fourth revision)
b) IS: 875 (Part-1) : Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads

(other than Earthquakes) for Buildings and Structures (Part-1) D L

c) IS: 875 (Part-2) : Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than

Earthquakes) for Buildings and Structures (Part-2) Imposed Loads

d) IS: 875 (Part-3) : Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than

Earthquakes) for Buildings and Structures (Part-3) Wind Loads

e) IS:1893(Part-1) : Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake resistant design of

structures General provisions and building.

f) SP: 16 : Design Aids for reinforced concrete to IS 456

g) SP: 34 -1987 Hand Book on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing.

h) IS:3370 - 2009 - Code of practice for concrete structures for the Storage of Liquids

Part I - General Requirements

Part II - Reinforced Concrete Structures

i) IS 800 - Code of practice for use of structural steel in general building construction

1.4 Plant Site Information :

Basic Wind speed 47 m/s (considered)
Seismic Zone Zone III

1.5 Software Reference

(A) STAAD - Pro V8i (SS6), Bently Systems, Inc.

The above software package is renowned and well used and accepted internationally for similar

type of structural analysis.


Dead Load

Brick loads on beam @ plinth level 18.40 kN/m

Brick loads on beam @ Tie level 1 20.70 kN/m

PH Floor Slab ( 0.2 x 25 )+1.2 6.200 kN/m2

Switch Gear Room Floor Slab ( 0.15 x 25 )+1.2 4.950 kN/m2

Auxilary Maintenace bay Floor Slab ( 0.15 x 25 )+1.2 4.950 kN/m2

Switch Gear Room Roof Slab ( 0.15 x 25 )+1.8 5.550 kN/m2

Self weight of roof slab projection acting on Roof Beam 4.050 kN/m

Parapet Load on Roof Beam ( 0.9 x 20 x 115 /1000) 2.070 kN/m

Total Loads On Roof Edge Beams 6.120 kN/m

Gantry Axial Load Acting on Bracket 16.1 kN

Gantry Bending Moment Acting on Bracket 12.4 kN-m

Selfweight Of Pump conidered 435 kN

Considered For Four Support 108.75 kN

Live Load

Gantry Axial Load Acting on Bracket 385.0 kN

Gantry Bending Moment Acting on Bracket 308.0 kN-m

PH Floor Slab 10 kN/m2

Switch Gear Room Floor Slab 10 kN/m2


Hydrotest condition

Floor lvl. 264.63 m

MWL 263.13 m


243.00 m

Depth of the water = (264.63-243) = 21.63 m

Water pressure at base of the wall 10x21.63= 216.3 kN/m2

Water pressure at base of the wall after increasing 4% = 229.278 kN/m2

Sump Empty- Earth pressure at Active

264.63 m

FGL 263.130 m

243.00 m

Height of soil above base of pump sump upto FGL = 20.13 m

Height of soil above base of inlet upto FGL = 20.13 m

Unit weight of water = 10 kN/m3

Unit weight of soil = 18 kN/m3

Coefficient of earth pressure at rest (ko) = 0.33

In Pump Sump,

soil pressure at the base of wall = 119.57 kN/m2

Load on Raft projection = 120 kN/m2

Working Condition

FGL 263.130 m

MWL 263.130 m 20.13

119.57 229
243.000 m

Height of soil above base of pump sump upto FGL = 20.13 m

Height of water above base of pump sump upto MWL = 20.13 m

Unit weight of water = 10 kN/m3

Unit weight of soil = 18 kN/m3

Coefficient of earth pressure at rest (ko) = 0.33

In Pump Sump,

Out side Soil pressure at the base of wall = 119.57 kN/m2

Water pressure at base of the Inner wall = 229 kN/m2

Load on Raft projection = 120 kN/m2

Water pressure at base Raft = 229 kN/m2

Actual Capacity of Tank = 2446 M³
select Earthquake ZONE = III
Grade of concrete M 30
Unit weight of RCC= 25 KN/M³
Unit weight of Water= 9.81 KN/M³
Weight Calculation

Component weight

Weight of tank wall 11506.65 KN

Mass of tank (mw) 1172951.07 KG
Bottom Ring Beam 329.7 KN
Bottom Beams 473.665 KN
Slab 565.5 KN
RAFT 3078.76 KN
Total= 4447.615 KN
Mass of super structure (mt) 453375.64 KG

water operating weight 23995.26

Parameters of Spring Mass Model
Height of circular tank 21.63 m
Water level inside h= 21.63 m
Diameter of water tank = 12 m
weight of water = 23995260 N
Total mass of liquid in tank container, (m) = 2446000 kg
height/diameter, h/D = 1.80
diameter/height,D/h = 0.55
corresponding to h/D ratio from fig.2 IS 1893 (part2):2014
for h/D=1.8 mi/m = 0.93
for h/D=1.8 mc/m = 0.128
for h/D=1.8 hi/h = 0.448
for h/D=1.8 hc/h = 0.849
for h/D=1.8 hi*/h = 0.45
for h/D=1.8 hc*/h = 0.85
From the above parameters:
Impulsive mass of liquid, mi = 2274780.00 kg
Convective mass of liquid, mc = 313088.00 kg
Impulsive Height (Without considering base pressure), hֽ= 9.69 m
Convective Height (Without considering base pressure), hc= 18.36 m
Impulsive Height (Without considering base pressure), hi*= 9.73 m
Convective Height (Without considering base pressure), hc*= 18.39 m
Time Period
The time period Tֽ of tank is calculated as per IS 1893:2014 (Part-2)
Time periofd for impulsive mode,
Mass density of water = 1000.00 kg/cum
Young's Modulus E= 27386.13 N/mm2
E = 27386127875 N/m
Ci = 5.44
Time Period in impulsive mode
Ti = Ci x hsqrt(ρ) Ti = 0.093 sec

Sqrt(t/d) sqrt(E)
Cc = 3.28
Time Period for convective mode
Tc = Cc x sqrt(D/g) Tc = 3.63 sec
Design Horizontal seismic Coefficient
Design Horizontal seismic Coefficient is given by : Ah=(Z/2)(Sa/g)(I/R)
where, zone factor,Z= 0.16
2) 2014
(Table :1,IS 1893 (Part-2) Importance Factor, I= 1.5
(Table :1,IS 1893 (Part-2) Response reduction Factor R = 4
Time period of impulsive mode when tank full Ti = 0.09 sec
For 5% damping , correction (Sa/g)i= 2.50
The design horizontal seismic coefficient ,(Ah)i = 0.0750
Base shesr Vi=(Ah)i(mi+mw+mt)g= 2870239.26 N
Time period of impulsive mode Tc = 3.63 sec
For medium soil soil and 0.5% damping , correction (Sa/g)c= 0.375
Multiplication factor for 0.5% damping = 1.75
(Sa/g)c for 0.5% Damping = 0.656
the design horizantal seismic coefficient ,(Ah)c = 0.0197
Base Shear Vc=(Ah)c Mc g = 60506.45 N
Total base shear at the bottom of staging ,
Total Base shear ,V= (Vi^2+Vc^2)^0.5 2870876.95 N
V= 2870.88 KN

Base moment calculation

Bending moment at the bottom of wall in Impulsive mode Mi = 35215.47973 KN-m
Bending moment at the bottom of wall in convective mode Mc = 1111.132538 KN-m
Total overturning moment at the base of stagging 35233 KN-m
Hydrodynamic Pressure
Impulsive Hydrodynamic Pressure
Maximum pressure will occur atΦ = 0.
At base of wall, y=0; Qiw (y=0)= 0.3868
Impulsive Pressure at the base of wall , Piw(y=0 )= 6.156 kN/m2

For stress analysis of tank wall, Impulsive and Convective pressure on wall is converted to
equivalent linear distribution.
Base shear due to impulsive liquid mass per unit circumferential length, 88.79 kN/m
qi=(Ah)i mi g/(∏D/2)
Pressure at Bottom and Top is given by:
ai=qi*(4h-6hi)/(hˆ2) 5.39 kN/m2
bi=qi(6hi-2h)/(hˆ2) 2.822 kN/m2
impulsive hydrodynamic pressure on the base slab (y=0)
on a strip of length l' is given by:
I' = D/2 - 6
X = D/2 - 6
pib= 0.866(Ah)ipghsinh(0.866 x/h)/cosh(0.866 l'/h) 6.685 kN/m2
Convective Hydrodynamic Pressure
Maximum pressure will occur at Ø = 0.
At base of wall, y = 0 : Qcw(y = 0) 0.0015
Convective pressure of the base of wall, Pcw ( y= 0 ) = 0.05 kN/m2
At y =h: 0.5625
Convective pressure at y= h, Pcw ( y = h ) = 0.87 kN/m2
Base shear due to impulsive liquid mass per unit circumferential length,
qc=(Ah)cMcg/(∏ D/2) 3.21 KN/m
Pressure at bottom and Top is given by:
ac=(qc/h^2)(4h-6hc) -0.162 KN/m2
bc=(qc/h^2)(6hc-2h) 0.459 KN/m2
Convective hydrodynamic pressure on the bose slab (y = 0)
x - horizontal distance of a point on bose of tank in the
direction of seismic force, from the centre of tank.
x= D/2 = 6 m
Qcb (x)= 0.306
Convective pressure on top of bose slab ( y = 0 )
pcb = 0.71 KN/m2

Pressure Due to wall Inertia

Pressure on wall due to its inertia,
Pww=(Ah)i t+ Pm g = 1.3125 kn/m2
This pressure is uniformly distributed along the woll height.

Pressure Due to Vertical Excitation

Hydrodynamic pressure on tank wall due to vertical ground acceleration,

IS: 1893 where, Zone Factor, Z = 0.16

(Part 2) Importonce Factor, I = 1.5
2014 Response reduction Factor R = 4
(Sa/g) = 2.5
The design horizontal seismic coefficient, ( Ah)i= 0.05
At the base of wall, i.e., y= 0, pv= 10.61 kn/m2
Maximum Hydrodynamic Pressure on wall
p= √((piw +pww)^2 +pcw^2 +pv^2) 12.975 kn/m2
Hydrostatic pressure under Working condition = 216.3 kn/m2

This maximum hydrodynamic pressure is about 5.999 % of hydrostatic pressure under working condition of
base. Container of tank is designed for hydrotest condition. Hence, it is marginally influence container design
as the stresses are already increased by 6%.

Sloshing wave height

Maximum wave height
dmax = (Ah)c R D/2 = 0.47 m
Hence, Sloshing height is below free board height of 1m

Seismic Calculation for Building

Seismic zone = III
Damping percentage = 5%
Importance factor (I) = 1.5
Response reduction factor (R) = 3
Zone factor (Z) = 0.16
Wind Load Calculation
Basic wind Speed considered (VB) = 47
Design Wind Speed is given by VZ = K1 x K2 xK3xK4xVb m/sec
Risk Coefficient ,K1 (Table :1 IS 875-PART 3) 1.07
Terrain, Height and structure size Coefficient (K2 - 0m to 10m)= 1.00
Terrain, Height and structure size Coefficient (K2 - I0m to I5m)= 1.05
Terrain, Height and structure size Coefficient (K2 - 15m to 20m)= 1.07
Terrain, Height and structure size Coefficient (K2 - 20m to 30m)= 1.12
Topography Factor, K3 (Table:I IS 875 - PART 3)= 1.00
Importance Factor for Cyclonic Region, K4 (Table:1 IS 875 - PART 3)= 1.00
Design Wind Speed is given by Vz (0m- 10m)= 50.29 m/sec
Design Wind Speed is given by Vz (10m- 15m) = 52.80 m/sec
Design Wind Speed is given by Vz (15m- 20m)= 53.81 m/sec
Design Wind Speed is given by Vz (20m- 30m)= 56.32 m/sec
Design Wind Pressure (0m - 10m) = Pz = 1.52 Kn/m2
Design Wind Pressure (10m - 15m) = Pz = 1.67 Kn/m2
Design Wind Pressure (15m - 20m) = Pz = 1.74 Kn/m2
Design Wind Pressure (20m - 30m) = Pz = 1.90 Kn/m2

For Column (0m - 10m) = P= 1.52 Kn/m2

(10m - 15m) = P= 1.67 Kn/m2
(15m - 20m) = P= 1.74 Kn/m2
(20m - 30m) = P= 1.90 Kn/m2
Design of wall - W1 (243 m-250m)

Grade of concrete M 30

Grade of Steel Fe 500

Max. Vertical BM acting on the wall/m water face,My = 75.19 kN-m/m

Max. Horizontal BM acting on the wall/m water face,Mx = 12.75 kN-m/m

Max. Vertical BM acting on the wall/m Soil face ,My = 221.41 kN-m/m

Max. Horizontal BM acting on the wall/m Soil face ,Mx = 37.60 kN-m/m

Maximum Shear stress acting an the wall = 0.002 N/mm^2

Shear Force acting at the base of wall Vu = 1.40 kN

Thickness of wall required for Max. Moment

= 221.41x1000000x 1.5/(0.1338 x 30x1000) = 288 mm

Provide wall thickness at Bottom = 850 mm

Provide wall thickness at Top= 300 mm

Effecetive depth @ bottom = 652 mm

Area of Vertical steel required on water face

Diameter of bar provided = 16 mm

Effective depth of wall = 700-40-16/2 = d,eff = 652 mm

Mu/bd = 75.19 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x652^2)= 0.27

% of steel required pt,req = 0.063 %

Ast required = 0.063 x 1000 x 652 /100 Ast,req = 410.76 mm2

Cl:8.1 of IS Minimum percentage of steel required pt,min = 0.35 %
3370 (part-
2):2009 Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x700 1225 mm2/m

Provide 16 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 150 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = Ast,prov = 1340.4 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.206 %

Area of Horizontal steel required on water face

Total Area of steel required for Axial tension = (Ast of Axial tension + Ast of Bending)

Ast, due to Axial Tension = T/(2 * 0.87 * fy) Ast, for Axial = 1000.92 mm2/m

Diameter of bar provided = 16 mm

Effective depth of wall = 700-40-16/2 = 652 mm

Mu/bd2= 12.76 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x652^2)= 0.04

% of steel required 0.009 %

Ast required=0.009 x 1000 x 652 /100= 58.68 mm2

Total Area of steel required 1059.60 mm2

Cl:8.1 of IS Minimum percentage of steel required = 0.35 %
3370 (part-
2):2009 Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x700 1225 mm2/m

Provide 16 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 150 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = 1340.4 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.206 %

Area of Vertical steel required on Soil face

Diameter of bar provided = 16 mm

Effective depth of wall = 700-40-16/2 = d,eff = 652 mm

Mu/bd = 221.41 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x652^2)= 0.78

% of steel required pt,req = 0.185 %

Ast required=0.185 x 1000 x 652 /100 Ast,req = 1206.2 mm2

Cl:8.1 of IS Minimum percentage of steel required pt,min = 0.35 %
3370 (part-
2):2009 Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x700 1225 mm2/m

Provide 16 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 150 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = Ast,prov = 1340.4 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.206 %

Area of Horizontal steel required on Soil face

Total Area of steel required for Axial tension = (Ast of Axial tension + Ast of Bending)

Ast, due to Axial Tension = T/(2 * 0.87 * fy) Ast, for Axial = 1988.16 mm2/m

Diameter of bar provided = 20 mm

Effective depth of wall = 700-40-20/2 = d,eff = 650 mm

Mu/bd2= 37.61 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x650^2)= 0.13

% of steel required pt,req = 0.03 %

Ast required=0.03 x 1000 x 650 /100 Ast,req = 195 mm2

Total Area of steel required 2183.16 mm2

Cl:8.1 of IS Minimum percentage of steel required pt,min = 0.35 %
3370 (part-
2):2009 Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x700 1225 mm2/m

Provide 20 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 125 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = Ast,prov = 2513.3 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.387 %

Check for shear

Max. Factored Shear Stress on the wall = 0.003 N/mm2

Percentage of steel provided = 0.387 %

Allowable shear stress = 0.446 N/mm2

Crack-width check for vertical bending (Water face)

Crack width, wcr = 3.0 acr em/ { 1+2.0(acr - cmin ) / (h-x) }

em =e1 - [ 1.5b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.1mm crack width
em =e1 - [ b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.2mm crack width
e1 = fs (h - x) / { Es.(d-x) }
where, acr = √ { (S/2)2 + (c + f/2)2} - f/2
h = d + c + f/2
Elastic modulus, Es = 200 KN/mm2

Width of section, b = 1000 mm

Thickness of wall, h = 850 mm
a = 850 mm
Clear cover, c = 40 mm
Tension R/F
Dia. of bar, f = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S = 150 mm
Ast = 1340.4 mm
Compression R/F
Dia. of bar, f' = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S' = 150 mm
Asc = 1340.4 mm2
Grade of steel, fy = 500 N/mm2
Grade of concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2

Effective cover, d' = 48 mm

Effective depth, d = 802.0 mm
Percentage of steel,

The depth of neutral axis is obtained from the following equation.

(bx2/2) + (1.5m-1) Asc (x -d') - m At (d-x) =0
By solving above equation we have, (Formula given By A.K.Jain, Page-858)
Depth of neutral axis, x = 103.36143 mm

Force of compression in concrete, C1 = b x scb'/2

Force of compression in steel, C2 = (1.5m-1) Asc scb"
Force of tension in steel, T = Ast sst'

Stress in concrete at the level of compression steel, scb" = ( x-d' )/x . scb'
Computed stress in tension steel, sst' = ( d - x )/x . m scb'
Moment of resistance w.r.t concrete, M = C1 (d - x/3) + C2 (d -d')
By solving the above equation we can get the folowing relation,

Computed comp. stress in extreme fibre M

scb' =
of conc. bx/2. (d - x/3) + (1.5m-1) Asc. ( x-d' )/x . (d - d')

Permisssible Stress in concrete in comp.(Bending) scb = 10.0 N/mm
Permisssible Stress in steel in tension (Bending) sst = 275.0 N/mm
Modular ratio, m = 9.33
Forces in member,
Moment, M = 75.187 KN-m
Tension, N = 0.001 KN
Eccentricity, e = 75186667 mm
d-h/2 = 377.00 mm

e > d-h/2
(Hence section is in bending.)

Then, modified moment, M1 = 75.19 KN-m

Stresses, scb' = 1.61 N/mm
scb" = 0.86 N/mm
sst' = 101.56 N/mm

Distance of the nearest bar from the point, acr = 81.04 mm

Critical Depth of neutral axis, xc = d / { 1 + sst/(m.scb)}

= 203.2 mm
(This section is under reinforced section.)

So, tensile stress in the reinforcement, fst = 101.6 N/mm

Strain at the level considered, e1 = 0.00054

Avg. steel strain at the level considered, em = -0.00095

Crack width, wcr = -0.2071 mm

Crack width limit, wlim = 0.1 mm

(Cl-35.3.2, IS 456:2000) OK
Crack-width check for vertical bending (Soil face)

Crack width, wcr = 3.0 acr em/ { 1+2.0(acr - cmin ) / (h-x) }

em =e1 - [ 1.5b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.1mm crack width
em =e1 - [ b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.2mm crack width
e1 = fs (h - x) / { Es.(d-x) }
where, acr = √ { (S/2)2 + (c + f/2)2} - f/2
h = d + c + f/2
Elastic modulus, Es = 200 KN/mm2

Width of section, b = 1000 mm

Thickness of wall, h = 850 mm
a = 850 mm
Clear cover, c = 40 mm
Tension R/F
Dia. of bar, f = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S = 150 mm
Ast = 1340.4 mm
Compression R/F
Dia. of bar, f' = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S' = 150 mm
Asc = 1340.4 mm2
Grade of steel, fy = 500 N/mm2
Grade of concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2

Effective cover, d' = 48 mm

Effective depth, d = 802.0 mm
Percentage of steel,

The depth of neutral axis is obtained from the following equation.

(bx2/2) + (1.5m-1) Asc (x -d') - m At (d-x) =0
By solving above equation we have, (Formula given By A.K.Jain, Page-858)
Depth of neutral axis, x = 103.36143 mm

Force of compression in concrete, C1 = b x scb'/2

Force of compression in steel, C2 = (1.5m-1) Asc scb"
Force of tension in steel, T = Ast sst'

Stress in concrete at the level of compression steel, scb" = ( x-d' )/x . scb'
Computed stress in tension steel, sst' = ( d - x )/x . m scb'
Moment of resistance w.r.t concrete, M = C1 (d - x/3) + C2 (d -d')
By solving the above equation we can get the folowing relation,

Computed comp. stress in extreme fibre M

scb' =
of conc. bx/2. (d - x/3) + (1.5m-1) Asc. ( x-d' )/x . (d - d')

Permisssible Stress in concrete in comp.(Bending) scb = 10.0 N/mm
Permisssible Stress in steel in tension (Bending) sst = 275.0 N/mm
Modular ratio, m = 9.33
Forces in member,
Moment, M = 221.407 KN-m
Tension, N = 0.001 KN
Eccentricity, e = 221407333 mm
d-h/2 = 377.00 mm

e > d-h/2
(Hence section is in bending.)

Then, modified moment, M1 = 221.41 KN-m

Stresses, scb' = 4.74 N/mm
scb" = 2.54 N/mm
sst' = 299.06 N/mm

Distance of the nearest bar from the point, acr = 81.04 mm

Critical Depth of neutral axis, xc = d / { 1 + sst/(m.scb)}

= 203.2 mm
(This section is under reinforced section.)

So, tensile stress in the reinforcement, fst = 275.0 N/mm

Strain at the level considered, e1 = 0.00147

Avg. steel strain at the level considered, em = -0.00002

Crack width, wcr = -0.0041 mm

Crack width limit, wlim = 0.1 mm

(Cl-35.3.2, IS 456:2000) OK
Crack-width check for Horizontal bending (Water face)

Crack width, wcr = 3.0 acr em/ { 1+2.0(acr - cmin ) / (h-x) }

em =e1 - [ 1.5b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.1mm crack width
em =e1 - [ b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.2mm crack width
e1 = fs (h - x) / { Es.(d-x) }
where, acr = √ { (S/2)2 + (c + f/2)2} - f/2
h = d + c + f/2
Elastic modulus, Es = 200 KN/mm2

Width of section, b = 1000 mm

Thickness of wall, h = 850 mm
a = 850 mm
Clear cover, c = 40 mm
Tension R/F
Dia. of bar, f = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S = 150 mm
Ast = 1340.4 mm
Compression R/F
Dia. of bar, f' = 20 mm
Spacing of bar, S' = 125 mm
Asc = 2513.3 mm2
Grade of steel, fy = 500 N/mm2
Grade of concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2

Effective cover, d' = 50 mm

Effective depth, d = 802.0 mm
Percentage of steel,

The depth of neutral axis is obtained from the following equation.

(bx2/2) + (1.5m-1) Asc (x -d') - m At (d-x) =0
By solving above equation we have, (Formula given By A.K.Jain, Page-858)
Depth of neutral axis, x = 99.071131 mm

Force of compression in concrete, C1 = b x scb'/2

Force of compression in steel, C2 = (1.5m-1) Asc scb"
Force of tension in steel, T = Ast sst'

Stress in concrete at the level of compression steel, scb" = ( x-d' )/x . scb'
Computed stress in tension steel, sst' = ( d - x )/x . m scb'
Moment of resistance w.r.t concrete, M = C1 (d - x/3) + C2 (d -d')
By solving the above equation we can get the folowing relation,

Computed comp. stress in extreme fibre M

scb' =
of conc. bx/2. (d - x/3) + (1.5m-1) Asc. ( x-d' )/x . (d - d')

Permisssible Stress in concrete in comp.(Bending) scb = 10.0 N/mm
Permisssible Stress in steel in tension (Bending) sst = 275.0 N/mm
Modular ratio, m = 9.33
Forces in member,
Moment, M = 12.751 KN-m
Tension, N = 0.001 KN
Eccentricity, e = 12750667 mm
d-h/2 = 377.00 mm

e > d-h/2
(Hence section is in bending.)

Then, modified moment, M1 = 12.75 KN-m

Stresses, scb' = 0.25 N/mm
scb" = 0.13 N/mm
sst' = 16.80 N/mm

Distance of the nearest bar from the point, acr = 81.04 mm

Critical Depth of neutral axis, xc = d / { 1 + sst/(m.scb)}

= 203.2 mm
(This section is under reinforced section.)

So, tensile stress in the reinforcement, fst = 16.8 N/mm

Strain at the level considered, e1 = 0.00009

Avg. steel strain at the level considered, em = -0.00141

Crack width, wcr = -0.3083 mm

Crack width limit, wlim = 0.1 mm

(Cl-35.3.2, IS 456:2000) OK
Crack-width check for Horizontal bending (Soil face)

Crack width, wcr = 3.0 acr em/ { 1+2.0(acr - cmin ) / (h-x) }

em =e1 - [ 1.5b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.1mm crack width
em =e1 - [ b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.2mm crack width
e1 = fs (h - x) / { Es.(d-x) }
where, acr = √ { (S/2)2 + (c + f/2)2} - f/2
h = d + c + f/2
Elastic modulus, Es = 200 KN/mm2

Width of section, b = 1000 mm

Thickness of wall, h = 850 mm
a = 850 mm
Clear cover, c = 40 mm
Tension R/F
Dia. of bar, f = 20 mm
Spacing of bar, S = 125 mm
Ast = 2513.3 mm
Compression R/F
Dia. of bar, f' = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S' = 150 mm
Asc = 1340.4 mm2
Grade of steel, fy = 500 N/mm2
Grade of concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2

Effective cover, d' = 48 mm

Effective depth, d = 800.0 mm
Percentage of steel,

The depth of neutral axis is obtained from the following equation.

(bx2/2) + (1.5m-1) Asc (x -d') - m At (d-x) =0
By solving above equation we have, (Formula given By A.K.Jain, Page-858)
Depth of neutral axis, x = 122.96158 mm

Force of compression in concrete, C1 = b x scb'/2

Force of compression in steel, C2 = (1.5m-1) Asc scb"
Force of tension in steel, T = Ast sst'

Stress in concrete at the level of compression steel, scb" = ( x-d' )/x . scb'
Computed stress in tension steel, sst' = ( d - x )/x . m scb'
Moment of resistance w.r.t concrete, M = C1 (d - x/3) + C2 (d -d')
By solving the above equation we can get the folowing relation,

Computed comp. stress in extreme fibre M

scb' =
of conc. bx/2. (d - x/3) + (1.5m-1) Asc. ( x-d' )/x . (d - d')

Permisssible Stress in concrete in comp.(Bending) scb = 10.0 N/mm
Permisssible Stress in steel in tension (Bending) sst = 275.0 N/mm
Modular ratio, m = 9.33
Forces in member,
Moment, M = 37.602 KN-m
Tension, N = 0.001 KN
Eccentricity, e = 37602000 mm
d-h/2 = 375.00 mm

e > d-h/2
(Hence section is in bending.)

Then, modified moment, M1 = 37.60 KN-m

Stresses, scb' = 0.69 N/mm
scb" = 0.42 N/mm
sst' = 35.36 N/mm

Distance of the nearest bar from the point, acr = 70.04 mm

Critical Depth of neutral axis, xc = d / { 1 + sst/(m.scb)}

= 202.7 mm
(This section is under reinforced section.)

So, tensile stress in the reinforcement, fst = 35.4 N/mm

Strain at the level considered, e1 = 0.00019

Avg. steel strain at the level considered, em = -0.00059

Crack width, wcr = -0.1139 mm

Crack width limit, wlim = 0.1 mm

(Cl-35.3.2, IS 456:2000) OK
Design of wall - W2 (250 m- 264.63m)

Grade of concrete M 30

Grade of Steel Fe 500

Max. Vertical BM acting on the wall/m water face,My = 14.98 kN-m/m

Max. Horizontal BM acting on the wall/m water face,Mx = 21.50 kN-m/m

Max. Vertical BM acting on the wall/m Soil face ,My = 142.38 kN-m/m

Max. Horizontal BM acting on the wall/m Soil face ,Mx = 57.19 kN-m/m

Maximum Shear stress acting an the wall = 0.153 N/mm^2

Shear Force acting at the base of wall Vu = 76.67 kN

Thickness of wall required for Max. Moment

= 142.38x1000000x 1.5/(0.1338 x 30x1000) = 231 mm

Provide wall thickness at Bottom = 850 mm

Provide wall thickness at Top= 300 mm

Effecetive depth @ bottom = 452 mm

Area of Vertical steel required on water face

Diameter of bar provided = 16 mm

Effective depth of wall = 500-40-16/2 = d,eff = 452 mm

Mu/bd = 14.98 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x452^2)= 0.11

% of steel required pt,req = 0.025 %

Ast required = 0.025 x 1000 x 452 /100 Ast,req = 113 mm2

Cl:8.1 of IS Minimum percentage of steel required pt,min = 0.35 %
3370 (part-
2):2009 Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x500 875 mm2/m

Provide 16 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 200 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = Ast,prov = 1005.3 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.222 %

Area of Horizontal steel required on water face

Total Area of steel required for Axial tension = (Ast of Axial tension + Ast of Bending)

Ast, due to Axial Tension = T/(2 * 0.87 * fy) Ast, for Axial = 742.53 mm2/m

Diameter of bar provided = 16 mm

Effective depth of wall = 500-40-16/2 = 452 mm

Mu/bd2= 21.51 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x452^2)= 0.16

% of steel required 0.037 %

Ast required=0.037 x 1000 x 452 /100= 167.24 mm2

Total Area of steel required 909.77 mm2

Cl:8.1 of IS Minimum percentage of steel required = 0.35 %
3370 (part-
2):2009 Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x500 875 mm2/m

Provide 16 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 200 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = 1005.3 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.222 %

Area of Vertical steel required on Soil face

Diameter of bar provided = 16 mm

Effective depth of wall = 500-40-16/2 = d,eff = 452 mm

Mu/bd = 142.38 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x452^2)= 1.05

% of steel required pt,req = 0.252 %

Ast required=0.252 x 1000 x 452 /100 Ast,req = 1139.04 mm2

Cl:8.1 of IS Minimum percentage of steel required pt,min = 0.35 %
3370 (part-
2):2009 Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x500 875 mm2/m

Provide 16 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 150 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = Ast,prov = 1340.4 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.297 %

Area of Horizontal steel required on Soil face

Total Area of steel required for Axial tension = (Ast of Axial tension + Ast of Bending)

Ast, due to Axial Tension = T/(2 * 0.87 * fy) Ast, for Axial = 1359.20 mm2/m

Diameter of bar provided = 16 mm

Effective depth of wall = 500-40-16/2 = d,eff = 452 mm

Mu/bd2= 57.19 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x452^2)= 0.42

% of steel required pt,req = 0.098 %

Ast required=0.098 x 1000 x 452 /100 Ast,req = 442.96 mm2

Total Area of steel required 1802.16 mm2

Cl:8.1 of IS Minimum percentage of steel required pt,min = 0.35 %
3370 (part-
2):2009 Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x500 875 mm2/m

Provide 16 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 100 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = Ast,prov = 2010.6 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.445 %

Check for shear

Max. Factored Shear Stress on the wall = 0.230 N/mm2

Percentage of steel provided = 0.445 %

Allowable shear stress = 0.473 N/mm2

Crack-width check for vertical bending (Water face)

Crack width, wcr = 3.0 acr em/ { 1+2.0(acr - cmin ) / (h-x) }

em =e1 - [ 1.5b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.1mm crack width
em =e1 - [ b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.2mm crack width
e1 = fs (h - x) / { Es.(d-x) }
where, acr = √ { (S/2)2 + (c + f/2)2} - f/2
h = d + c + f/2
Elastic modulus, Es = 200 KN/mm2

Width of section, b = 1000 mm

Thickness of wall, h = 850 mm
a = 850 mm
Clear cover, c = 40 mm
Tension R/F
Dia. of bar, f = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S = 200 mm
Ast = 1005.3 mm
Compression R/F
Dia. of bar, f' = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S' = 150 mm
Asc = 1340.4 mm2
Grade of steel, fy = 500 N/mm2
Grade of concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2

Effective cover, d' = 48 mm

Effective depth, d = 802.0 mm
Percentage of steel,

The depth of neutral axis is obtained from the following equation.

(bx2/2) + (1.5m-1) Asc (x -d') - m At (d-x) =0
By solving above equation we have, (Formula given By A.K.Jain, Page-858)
Depth of neutral axis, x = 103.36143 mm

Force of compression in concrete, C1 = b x scb'/2

Force of compression in steel, C2 = (1.5m-1) Asc scb"
Force of tension in steel, T = Ast sst'

Stress in concrete at the level of compression steel, scb" = ( x-d' )/x . scb'
Computed stress in tension steel, sst' = ( d - x )/x . m scb'
Moment of resistance w.r.t concrete, M = C1 (d - x/3) + C2 (d -d')
By solving the above equation we can get the folowing relation,

Computed comp. stress in extreme fibre M

scb' =
of conc. bx/2. (d - x/3) + (1.5m-1) Asc. ( x-d' )/x . (d - d')

Permisssible Stress in concrete in comp.(Bending) scb = 10.0 N/mm
Permisssible Stress in steel in tension (Bending) sst = 275.0 N/mm
Modular ratio, m = 9.33
Forces in member,
Moment, M = 14.980 KN-m
Tension, N = 0.001 KN
Eccentricity, e = 14980000 mm
d-h/2 = 377.00 mm

e > d-h/2
(Hence section is in bending.)

Then, modified moment, M1 = 14.98 KN-m

Stresses, scb' = 0.32 N/mm
scb" = 0.17 N/mm
sst' = 20.23 N/mm

Distance of the nearest bar from the point, acr = 102.92 mm

Critical Depth of neutral axis, xc = d / { 1 + sst/(m.scb)}

= 203.2 mm
(This section is under reinforced section.)

So, tensile stress in the reinforcement, fst = 20.2 N/mm

Strain at the level considered, e1 = 0.00011

Avg. steel strain at the level considered, em = -0.00188

Crack width, wcr = -0.4958 mm

Crack width limit, wlim = 0.1 mm

(Cl-35.3.2, IS 456:2000) OK
Crack-width check for vertical bending (Soil face)

Crack width, wcr = 3.0 acr em/ { 1+2.0(acr - cmin ) / (h-x) }

em =e1 - [ 1.5b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.1mm crack width
em =e1 - [ b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.2mm crack width
e1 = fs (h - x) / { Es.(d-x) }
where, acr = √ { (S/2)2 + (c + f/2)2} - f/2
h = d + c + f/2
Elastic modulus, Es = 200 KN/mm2

Width of section, b = 1000 mm

Thickness of wall, h = 850 mm
a = 850 mm
Clear cover, c = 40 mm
Tension R/F
Dia. of bar, f = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S = 150 mm
Ast = 1340.4 mm
Compression R/F
Dia. of bar, f' = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S' = 200 mm
Asc = 1005.3 mm2
Grade of steel, fy = 500 N/mm2
Grade of concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2

Effective cover, d' = 48 mm

Effective depth, d = 802.0 mm
Percentage of steel,

The depth of neutral axis is obtained from the following equation.

(bx2/2) + (1.5m-1) Asc (x -d') - m At (d-x) =0
By solving above equation we have, (Formula given By A.K.Jain, Page-858)
Depth of neutral axis, x = 103.36143 mm

Force of compression in concrete, C1 = b x scb'/2

Force of compression in steel, C2 = (1.5m-1) Asc scb"
Force of tension in steel, T = Ast sst'

Stress in concrete at the level of compression steel, scb" = ( x-d' )/x . scb'
Computed stress in tension steel, sst' = ( d - x )/x . m scb'
Moment of resistance w.r.t concrete, M = C1 (d - x/3) + C2 (d -d')
By solving the above equation we can get the folowing relation,

Computed comp. stress in extreme fibre M

scb' =
of conc. bx/2. (d - x/3) + (1.5m-1) Asc. ( x-d' )/x . (d - d')

Permisssible Stress in concrete in comp.(Bending) scb = 10.0 N/mm
Permisssible Stress in steel in tension (Bending) sst = 275.0 N/mm
Modular ratio, m = 9.33
Forces in member,
Moment, M = 142.379 KN-m
Tension, N = 0.001 KN
Eccentricity, e = 142379333 mm
d-h/2 = 377.00 mm

e > d-h/2
(Hence section is in bending.)

Then, modified moment, M1 = 142.38 KN-m

Stresses, scb' = 3.17 N/mm
scb" = 1.70 N/mm
sst' = 199.84 N/mm

Distance of the nearest bar from the point, acr = 81.04 mm

Critical Depth of neutral axis, xc = d / { 1 + sst/(m.scb)}

= 203.2 mm
(This section is under reinforced section.)

So, tensile stress in the reinforcement, fst = 199.8 N/mm

Strain at the level considered, e1 = 0.00107

Avg. steel strain at the level considered, em = -0.00042

Crack width, wcr = -0.0921 mm

Crack width limit, wlim = 0.1 mm

(Cl-35.3.2, IS 456:2000) OK
Crack-width check for Horizontal bending (Water face)

Crack width, wcr = 3.0 acr em/ { 1+2.0(acr - cmin ) / (h-x) }

em =e1 - [ 1.5b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.1mm crack width
em =e1 - [ b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.2mm crack width
e1 = fs (h - x) / { Es.(d-x) }
where, acr = √ { (S/2)2 + (c + f/2)2} - f/2
h = d + c + f/2
Elastic modulus, Es = 200 KN/mm2

Width of section, b = 1000 mm

Thickness of wall, h = 850 mm
a = 850 mm
Clear cover, c = 40 mm
Tension R/F
Dia. of bar, f = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S = 200 mm
Ast = 1005.3 mm
Compression R/F
Dia. of bar, f' = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S' = 100 mm
Asc = 2010.6 mm2
Grade of steel, fy = 500 N/mm2
Grade of concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2

Effective cover, d' = 48 mm

Effective depth, d = 802.0 mm
Percentage of steel,

The depth of neutral axis is obtained from the following equation.

(bx2/2) + (1.5m-1) Asc (x -d') - m At (d-x) =0
By solving above equation we have, (Formula given By A.K.Jain, Page-858)
Depth of neutral axis, x = 99.071131 mm

Force of compression in concrete, C1 = b x scb'/2

Force of compression in steel, C2 = (1.5m-1) Asc scb"
Force of tension in steel, T = Ast sst'

Stress in concrete at the level of compression steel, scb" = ( x-d' )/x . scb'
Computed stress in tension steel, sst' = ( d - x )/x . m scb'
Moment of resistance w.r.t concrete, M = C1 (d - x/3) + C2 (d -d')
By solving the above equation we can get the folowing relation,

Computed comp. stress in extreme fibre M

scb' =
of conc. bx/2. (d - x/3) + (1.5m-1) Asc. ( x-d' )/x . (d - d')

Permisssible Stress in concrete in comp.(Bending) scb = 10.0 N/mm
Permisssible Stress in steel in tension (Bending) sst = 275.0 N/mm
Modular ratio, m = 9.33
Forces in member,
Moment, M = 21.502 KN-m
Tension, N = 0.001 KN
Eccentricity, e = 21502000 mm
d-h/2 = 377.00 mm

e > d-h/2
(Hence section is in bending.)

Then, modified moment, M1 = 21.50 KN-m

Stresses, scb' = 0.45 N/mm
scb" = 0.23 N/mm
sst' = 29.51 N/mm

Distance of the nearest bar from the point, acr = 102.92 mm

Critical Depth of neutral axis, xc = d / { 1 + sst/(m.scb)}

= 203.2 mm
(This section is under reinforced section.)

So, tensile stress in the reinforcement, fst = 29.5 N/mm

Strain at the level considered, e1 = 0.00016

Avg. steel strain at the level considered, em = -0.00184

Crack width, wcr = -0.4859 mm

Crack width limit, wlim = 0.1 mm

(Cl-35.3.2, IS 456:2000) OK
Crack-width check for Horizontal bending (Soil face)

Crack width, wcr = 3.0 acr em/ { 1+2.0(acr - cmin ) / (h-x) }

em =e1 - [ 1.5b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.1mm crack width
em =e1 - [ b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.2mm crack width
e1 = fs (h - x) / { Es.(d-x) }
where, acr = √ { (S/2)2 + (c + f/2)2} - f/2
h = d + c + f/2
Elastic modulus, Es = 200 KN/mm2

Width of section, b = 1000 mm

Thickness of wall, h = 850 mm
a = 850 mm
Clear cover, c = 40 mm
Tension R/F
Dia. of bar, f = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S = 100 mm
Ast = 2010.6 mm
Compression R/F
Dia. of bar, f' = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S' = 200 mm
Asc = 1005.3 mm2
Grade of steel, fy = 500 N/mm2
Grade of concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2

Effective cover, d' = 48 mm

Effective depth, d = 802.0 mm
Percentage of steel,

The depth of neutral axis is obtained from the following equation.

(bx2/2) + (1.5m-1) Asc (x -d') - m At (d-x) =0
By solving above equation we have, (Formula given By A.K.Jain, Page-858)
Depth of neutral axis, x = 122.96158 mm

Force of compression in concrete, C1 = b x scb'/2

Force of compression in steel, C2 = (1.5m-1) Asc scb"
Force of tension in steel, T = Ast sst'

Stress in concrete at the level of compression steel, scb" = ( x-d' )/x . scb'
Computed stress in tension steel, sst' = ( d - x )/x . m scb'
Moment of resistance w.r.t concrete, M = C1 (d - x/3) + C2 (d -d')
By solving the above equation we can get the folowing relation,

Computed comp. stress in extreme fibre M

scb' =
of conc. bx/2. (d - x/3) + (1.5m-1) Asc. ( x-d' )/x . (d - d')

Permisssible Stress in concrete in comp.(Bending) scb = 10.0 N/mm
Permisssible Stress in steel in tension (Bending) sst = 275.0 N/mm
Modular ratio, m = 9.33
Forces in member,
Moment, M = 57.186 KN-m
Tension, N = 0.001 KN
Eccentricity, e = 57186000 mm
d-h/2 = 377.00 mm

e > d-h/2
(Hence section is in bending.)

Then, modified moment, M1 = 57.19 KN-m

Stresses, scb' = 1.08 N/mm
scb" = 0.66 N/mm
sst' = 55.83 N/mm

Distance of the nearest bar from the point, acr = 61.31 mm

Critical Depth of neutral axis, xc = d / { 1 + sst/(m.scb)}

= 203.2 mm
(This section is under reinforced section.)

So, tensile stress in the reinforcement, fst = 55.8 N/mm

Strain at the level considered, e1 = 0.00030

Avg. steel strain at the level considered, em = -0.00067

Crack width, wcr = -0.1162 mm

Crack width limit, wlim = 0.1 mm

(Cl-35.3.2, IS 456:2000) OK
Design of RAFT

Grade of concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 500
Max. BM acting on the Top of raft along Mx = 245.33 kN-m/m
Max. BM acting on the Bottom of raft along Mx = 245.33 kN-m/m
Max. BM acting on the Top of raft along My = 264.00 kN-m/m

Max. BM acting on the Bottom of raft along My = 264.00 kN-m/m

Maximum Shear stress acting an the raft = 0.046 N/mm^2

Shear Force acting at the base of raft Vu = 46.00 kN

Thickness of raft required for Max. Moment

= 264x1000000x 1.5/(0.1338 x 30x1000) = 314 mm

Provide wall thickness at Bottom = 1000 mm

Effecetive depth @ bottom = 942 mm

Area of steel required on top along Mx

Diameter of bar provided = 16 mm

Effective depth of raft = 1000-50-16/2 = d,eff = 942 mm

Mu/bd2= 245.34 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x942^2)= 0.41

% of steel required pt,req = 0.096 %

Ast required = 0.096 x 1000 x 942 /100 Ast,req = 904.32 mm2

Minimum percentage of steel required pt,min = 0.35 %

Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x1000 1750 mm2/m

Provide 16 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 100 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = Ast,prov = 2010.6 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.213 %

Area of steel required on bottom along Mx

Diameter of bar provided = 16 mm

Effective depth of raft = 1000-50-16/2 = 942 mm

Mu/bd2= 245.34 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x942^2)= 0.41

% of steel required 0.096 %

Ast required=0.096 x 1000 x 942 /100= 904.32 mm2

Total Area of steel required 904.32 mm2

Minimum percentage of steel required = 0.35 %

Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x1000 1750 mm2/m

Provide 16 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 100 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = 2010.6 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.213 %

Area of steel required on Top along My

Diameter of bar provided = 16 mm

Effective depth of raft = 1000-50-16/2 = d,eff = 942 mm

Mu/bd2= 264 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x942^2)= 0.45

% of steel required pt,req = 0.105 %

Ast required=0.105 x 1000 x 942 /100 Ast,req = 989.1 mm2

Minimum percentage of steel required pt,min = 0.35 %

Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x1000 1750 mm2/m

Provide 16 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 100 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = Ast,prov = 2010.6 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.213 %

Area of steel required on Bottom along My

Diameter of bar provided = 16 mm

Effective depth of raft = 1000-50-16/2 = d,eff = 942 mm

Mu/bd = 264 x 1.5 x 1000000/(1000 x942^2)= 0.45

% of steel required pt,req = 0.105 %

Ast required=0.105 x 1000 x 942 /100 Ast,req = 989.1 mm2

Total Area of steel required 989.10 mm2

Minimum percentage of steel required pt,min = 0.35 %

Min Area of steel required on each face = 0.35/100/2x1000x1000 1750 mm2/m

Provide 16 mm dia tor steel at a spacing = 100 mm c/c

Area of steel provided = Ast,prov = 2010.6 mm2/m

percentage of steel provided = 0.213 %

Check for shear

Max. Factored Shear Stress on the raft = 0.069 N/mm2

Percentage of steel provided = 0.213 %

Allowable shear stress = 0.344 N/mm2

Crack-width check

Crack width, wcr = 3.0 acr em/ { 1+2.0(acr - cmin ) / (h-x) }

em =e1 - [ 1.5b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.1mm crack width
em =e1 - [ b(h-x).(a - x) / { 3EsAs(d-x) } ] For 0.2mm crack width
e1 = fs (h - x) / { Es.(d-x) }
where, acr = √ { (S/2)2 + (c + f/2)2} - f/2
h = d + c + f/2
Elastic modulus, Es = 200 KN/mm2

Width of section, 0 = 1000 mm

Thickness of wall, h = 1000 mm
a = 1000 mm
Clear cover, c = 50 mm
Tension R/F
Dia. of bar, f = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S = 100 mm
Ast = 2010.6 mm
Compression R/F
Dia. of bar, f' = 16 mm
Spacing of bar, S' = 100 mm
Asc = 2010.6 mm2
Grade of steel, fy = 500 N/mm2
Grade of concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2

Effective cover, d' = 58 mm

Effective depth, d = 942.0 mm
Percentage of steel,

The depth of neutral axis is obtained from the following equation.

(bx2/2) + (1.5m-1) Asc (x -d') - m At (d-x) =0
By solving above equation we have, (Formula given By A.K.Jain, Page-858)
Depth of neutral axis, x = 137.81111 mm

Force of compression in concrete, C1 = b x scb'/2

Force of compression in steel, C2 = (1.5m-1) Asc scb"
Force of tension in steel, T = Ast sst'

Stress in concrete at the level of compression steel, scb" = ( x-d' )/x . scb'
Computed stress in tension steel, sst' = ( d - x )/x . m scb'
Moment of resistance w.r.t concrete, M = C1 (d - x/3) + C2 (d -d')
By solving the above equation we can get the folowing relation,

Computed comp. stress in extreme fibre M

scb' =
of conc. bx/2. (d - x/3) + (1.5m-1) Asc. ( x-d' )/x . (d - d')

Permisssible Stress in concrete in comp.(Bending) scb = 10.0 N/mm
Permisssible Stress in steel in tension (Bending) sst = 275.0 N/mm
Modular ratio, m = 9.33
Forces in member,
Moment, M = 245.333 KN-m
Tension, N = 0.001 KN
Eccentricity, e = 245333333 mm
d-h/2 = 442.00 mm

e > d-h/2
(Hence section is in bending.)

Then, modified moment, M1 = 245.33 KN-m

Stresses, scb' = 3.27 N/mm
scb" = 1.89 N/mm
sst' = 177.86 N/mm

Distance of the nearest bar from the point, acr = 68.58 mm

Critical Depth of neutral axis, xc = d / { 1 + sst/(m.scb)}

= 238.7 mm
(This section is under reinforced section.)

So, tensile stress in the reinforcement, fst = 177.9 N/mm

Strain at the level considered, e1 = 0.00095

Avg. steel strain at the level considered, em = -0.00020

Crack width, wcr = -0.0386 mm

Crack width limit, wlim = 0.1 mm

(Cl-35.3.2, IS 456:2000) OK
Design of Gantry Bracket

Load Calculation on Gantry Girder

Span of the Gantry Girder = 6m

Gantry is designed as simply supported beam spanning between two column brackets.

Self weight of the rail (50mm sq bar) = 0.200 kN/m

Self weight of gantry (PLATE GIRDER+MC400) = 1.875 kN/m

Total udl =0.2+1.87475= 2.075 kN/m

Wheel load without impact = 350 kN

Ref Cl 6.3 of Add impact of load (10% of max wheel load) = 35 kN
IS:875 (p II)-87 Total wheel load (with impact) =350+35= 385 kN

385 385

1.5 6

Max BM when line of action of one load and cg of the loads are

equal distance from the center of span

Ra = 198.73 kN

Rb = 583.72 kN

Max +ve bending moment acting at wheel location = 295.76 kN-m

Max shear force (when one of the wheel is at the support) =

=2.07475x6+ 385 + 385x0/6 397.45 kN

Design of Bracket supporting the Gantry Girder

Grade of concrete M 25

Grade of steel Fe 500


The backet is subjected to the maximum load when one of the

wheel loads is directly over it.

385kN 385kN
6m 2.07475kN/m


Maximum SF at an intermediate support

=2.07475x6 + 385 + 385x0/6 = 397.45 kN

Factored Load, Fv = 1.5 x 397.45 = 596.18 kN

Length of the bracket = 0.7 m

Self weight of the bracket =0.4x0.525x0.7x25= 3.68 kN

Total shear acting at the face of the column =397.45+3.68= 401.13 kN

Factored shear force acting at the face of the column =1.5x401.13= 601.7 kN

check for bearing :

bearing width = 250 mm

bearing length = 400 mm

bearing pressure = 596180 / (250x400) = 5.96 N/mm2

bearing strength of concrete = 0.8 fck = 20 N/mm2

> 5.96, O.K.

Table 20, tcmax = = 3.1 N/mm2
IS:456-2000 effective depth required, d = 596180 / ( 400 x 3.1 ) = 480.79 mm

provide, d = = 647.5 mm
distance of load point form the face of column, av = 500 mm
av / d , r = 500 / 647.5 = 0.7722

< 1, O.K.
clear cover = 40 mm

reinforcement dia = 25 mm

Depth at support, D = 647.5 + 40 + 12.5 = 700 mm

Depth at free face = 700 / 2 = 350 mm

determination of lever arm :

where, r = 0.7722

k = Fv / (0.86 fck b d) = 0.1071

z/d = = 0.786

z = 0.786 x 647.5 = 509 mm

Ft = Fv / tanq

= 596.18 x 500 / 509 585.64 kN

> Fv/2, O.K.

Applied horizontal force, Fh = 25.75+25.75x0/6 25.75 kN

Area of tension steel , Ast = 611390 / (0.87 x 500) 1405 mm2

(Refer IS:456) Minimum steel required = 0.85 x bd / fy = 440 mm2

Provide 6 - 20 dia bars at top

Shear Reinforcement

minimum shear steel required , Asv = Ast / 2= 1884.96 / 2 942.48 mm2

Provide 4 nos. 10 dia horizontal links (2 legged) in the upper

two-third depth.

spacing =2/3 x 647.5 / 4 = 108 mm

Shear Capacity of section

percentage steel provided, pt = 100 x 1884.96/ (400x647.5) 0.728 %

design shear strength of concrete, tc = 0.57 N/mm2
enhanced shear strength = 2 d tc / av = 1.48 N/mm2

shear capacity of concrete = 1.48x400x647.5/1000 = 383.32 kN

shear capacity of steel = 0.87fy Asv d / sv = 409.66 kN

Total shear capacity = 383.32 + 409.66 = 792.98 kN

> 601.7 O.K.

Load acting on the column from gantry girder bracket

Dead load

Axial load acting on the column =2.07475x6+3.68= 16.1 kN

Depth of the column = 600 mm

BM acting on the column =12.45x0.8+3.68x0.65= 12.4 kN-m

Live load

Axial load acting on the column = 385 + 385x0/6 385 kN

BM acting on the column =385x0.8= 308 kN-m

Design of Pump Floor Slab
Slab = Design of Slab
Overall thickness of slab = 200 mm Note (as per table 26 of IS:456-00):
Clear cover to reinforcement = 30 mm 1) Type 1 - Interior Panel
Self weight due to slab = 5 kN/m2 2) Type 2 - One short edge discontinuous
Floor finish = 1.5 kN/m2 3) Type 3 - One long edge discontinuous
Live load on slab = 10 kN/m2 4) Type 4 - Two adjacent edges discontinuous
Total load acting on slab = 16.5 kN/m2 5) Type 5 - Two short edges discontinuous
Grade of steel = 500 N/mm2 6) Type 6 - Two long edges discontinuous
Grade of concrete = 30 N/mm2 7) Type 7 - Three edges discontinuous (One long edge continuous)
Minimum % of steel = 0.12 % 8) Type 8 - Three edges discontinuous (One short edge continuous)
9) Type 9 - Four edges discontinuous

Slab Span Panel BM coefficients BM Calculation Area of steel required Along shorter span Along longer span Deflection check

lx ly ly/lx Type ax(+) ax(-) ay(+) ay(-) Mx(+) Mx(-) My(+) My(-) Astx(+) Astx(-) Asty(+) Asty(-) Bottom steel Top steel Bottom steel Top steel Span/d M.F.

Design of Slab


S1 4.5 5.071 1.13 4 0.042 0.055 0.035 0.047 14 18.4 11.7 15.7 302.6 400.6 250.8 340 10 @ 150mm c/c 10 @ 150mm c/c 10 @ 150mm c/c 10 @ 150mm c/c 27.27 2.00 < 26x2=52 OK
Design of Pump floor slab (TYPICAL DESIGN S1)
Grade of concrerte = = 30 N/mm2
Grade of steel = = 500 N/mm2
Max -ve BM per Unit Width of Slab along short span direction = 18.380 kNm
Max +ve BM per Unit Width of Slab along short span direction = 14.030 kNm
Max -ve BM per Unit Width of Slab along long span direction = 15.700 kNm
Max +ve BM per Unit Width of Slab along long span direction = 11.690 kNm
Overall depth of slab = 200 mm
Top reinforcement along short span direction
Effective depth of slab = 200-30-10/2= = 165 mm
Mu/bd2 = 1.01 N/mm2
Table 2 SP:16
percentage of steel required p = 0.24 %
Area of steel required Ast = 400.57 mm2
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.06 %
Astmin = 120 mm2
dia of bar used = 10 mm
Provide 10 dia bars at spacing = 150 mm c/c
Area of steel provided = 524 mm2

Bottom reinforcement along short span direction

Effective depth of slab = 200-30-10/2 = 165 mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.77 N/mm2
Table 2 SP:16
percentage of steel required p = 0.18 %
Area of steel required Ast = 302.6 mm2
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.06 %
Astmin = 120 mm2
dia of bar used = 10 mm
Provide dia bars at spacing = 150 mm c/c
Area of steel provided = 523.6 mm2

Top reinforcement along long span direction

Effective depth of slab = 200-30-10-10/2= = 155 mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.98 N/mm2
percentage of steel required p = 0.23 %
Area of steel required Ast = 363.71 mm2
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.06 %
Astmin = 120 mm2
dia of bar used = 10 mm
Provide dia bars at spacing = 150 mm c/c
Area of steel provided = 524 mm2

Bottom reinforcement along long span direction

Effective depth of slab = 200-30-10-10/2= = 155 mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.73 N/mm2
percentage of steel required p = 0.17 %
Area of steel required Ast = 267.9 mm2
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.06 %
Astmin = 120 mm2
dia of bar used = 10 mm
Provide 10 dia bars at spacing = 150 mm c/c
Area of steel provided = 524 mm2

Check for deflection

Shorter span, lx = 4.5 mm
Ast required ( for mid span - along shorter direction) = 302.6 mm2
Ast provided = 523.6 mm2
pt provided = 0.32 %
effective depth = 165 mm
fs = 0.58 x fy x Astreq / Astprov= = 139 N/mm2

Modification Factor (fig 4, IS:456) = 2.00

span / effective depth = 4500 / 165 = = 27.27
< 26 x 2 = 52
Design of SwitchGear room Roof and floor Slab
Slab = Design of Slab
Overall thickness of slab = 150 mm Note (as per table 26 of IS:456-00):
Clear cover to reinforcement = 30 mm 1) Type 1 - Interior Panel
Self weight due to slab = 3.75 kN/m2 2) Type 2 - One short edge discontinuous
Floor finish = 1.2 kN/m2 3) Type 3 - One long edge discontinuous
Live load on slab = 3 kN/m2 4) Type 4 - Two adjacent edges discontinuous
Total load acting on slab = 7.95 kN/m2 5) Type 5 - Two short edges discontinuous
Grade of steel = 500 N/mm2 6) Type 6 - Two long edges discontinuous
Grade of concrete = 25 N/mm2 7) Type 7 - Three edges discontinuous (One long edge continuous)
Minimum % of steel = 0.12 % 8) Type 8 - Three edges discontinuous (One short edge continuous)
9) Type 9 - Four edges discontinuous

Slab Span Panel BM coefficients BM Calculation Area of steel required Along shorter span Along longer span Deflection check

lx ly ly/lx Type ax(+) ax(-) ay(+) ay(-) Mx(+) Mx(-) My(+) My(-) Astx(+) Astx(-) Asty(+) Asty(-) Bottom steel Top steel Bottom steel Top steel Span/d M.F.

Design of Slab


S2 3 4 1.33 4 0.05 0.067 0.035 0.047 3.58 4.79 2.5 3.36 180 180 180 180 8 @ 150mm c/c 8 @ 150mm c/c 8 @ 150mm c/c 8 @ 150mm c/c 25.86 2.00 < 26x2=52 OK

S2 2 3 1.5 1 0.041 0.053 0.024 0.032 1.3 1.69 0.76 1.02 180 180 180 180 8 @ 150mm c/c 8 @ 150mm c/c 8 @ 150mm c/c 8 @ 150mm c/c 17.24 2.00 < 26x2=52 OK
Design of Pump Roof slab (TYPICAL DESIGN S2)
Grade of concrerte = = 25 N/mm2
Grade of steel = = 500 N/mm2
Max -ve BM per Unit Width of Slab along short span direction = 4.790 kNm
Max +ve BM per Unit Width of Slab along short span direction = 3.580 kNm
Max -ve BM per Unit Width of Slab along long span direction = 3.360 kNm
Max +ve BM per Unit Width of Slab along long span direction = 2.500 kNm
Overall depth of slab = 150 mm
Top reinforcement along short span direction
Effective depth of slab = 150-30-8/2= = 116 mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.53 N/mm2
Table 2 SP:16
percentage of steel required p = 0.13 %
Area of steel required Ast = 146.13 mm2
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.06 %
Astmin = 90 mm2
dia of bar used = 8 mm
Provide 8 dia bars at spacing = 150 mm c/c
Area of steel provided = 335 mm2

Bottom reinforcement along short span direction

Effective depth of slab = 150-30-8/2 = 116 mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.4 N/mm2
Table 2 SP:16
percentage of steel required p = 0.09 %
Area of steel required Ast = 108.48 mm2
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.06 %
Astmin = 90 mm2
dia of bar used = 8 mm
Provide dia bars at spacing = 150 mm c/c
Area of steel provided = 335.1 mm2

Top reinforcement along long span direction

Effective depth of slab = 150-30-8-8/2= = 108 mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.43 N/mm2
percentage of steel required p = 0.10 %
Area of steel required Ast = 109.53 mm2
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.06 %
Astmin = 90 mm2
dia of bar used = 8 mm
Provide dia bars at spacing = 150 mm c/c
Area of steel provided = 335 mm2

Bottom reinforcement along long span direction

Effective depth of slab = 150-30-8-8/2= = 108 mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.32 N/mm2
percentage of steel required p = 0.08 %
Area of steel required Ast = 81.06 mm2
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.06 %
Astmin = 90 mm2
dia of bar used = 8 mm
Provide 8 dia bars at spacing = 150 mm c/c
Area of steel provided = 335 mm2

Check for deflection

Shorter span, lx = 3 mm
Ast required ( for mid span - along shorter direction) = 108.48 mm2
Ast provided = 335.1 mm2
pt provided = 0.29 %
effective depth = 116 mm
fs = 0.58 x fy x Astreq / Astprov= = 78 N/mm2

Modification Factor (fig 4, IS:456) = 2.00

span / effective depth = 3000 / 116 = = 25.86
< 26 x 2 = 52
Design of Pump Floor Beam-B1
Taking maximum moment from staad and doing the typical beam design
Effective span of beam = 10.876 m
Clear Span of beam = 10.376 m
width of beam,b= 500 mm
Depth of beam,D= 700 mm
Maximum -ve Bending moment/ Support Moment ( From Staad ) = 660 kn-m
Maximum +ve Bending moment/ Mid span Moment ( From Staad ) = 600 kn-m
Maximum shear force, v (from staad)= 302 kn
Design for negitive steel (support section):
Maximum BM causing tension on support section, M = 660 kn-m
Cover to main reinforcement = 30 mm
Diameter of bar : 1 = 20 mm
Diameter of bar : 2 = 16 mm
Effective depth provided ,d = 660 mm
Mu/bd2 3.03 N/mm
percentage of steel required 0.838 %
Area of steel required for -ve moment = 2765.4 mm2/m
minimum percentage of steel= 0.17 %
Minimum reinforcement required = 595 mm2
No of 20 mm dia bars required= 6 no.s
Area of steel provided = 2890.26 mm2
Provide 6 Bars of 20 mm Diameter and 5 Bars of 16 mm Diameter in top
Design for Positive steel {Span section}:
Maximum BM causing tension on span section, Mu = 600 kn-m
Cover to main reinforcement = 30 mm
Diameter of bar : 1 = 20 mm
Diameter of bar : 2 = 16 mm
Effective depth provided ,d = 660 mm
Mu/bd2 2.75 N/mm
percentage of steel required 0.744 %
Area of steel required for +ve moment = 2455.2 mm2/m
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.17 %
Minimum reinforcement required = 595 mm2
Area of steel provided = 2890.26 mm2
Provide 6 Bars of 20 mm Diameter and 5 Bars of 16 mm Diameter at bottom mid span

Check for shear:

Maximum Shear Force,V = 302 Kn
The nominal shear stress on the section is, tv= V/b*d= 0.92 n/mm2
Maximum shear stress tcmax = 3.10 n/mm2
Hence Safe
The tension reinforcement available at this section is
Ast= 2890.26 mm2
I00Ast/bd = 0.88 %
The allowable shear Stress for tension reinforcement is tc= 0.38 n/mm^2
Since the nominal shear stress is more than shear capacity of the
concrete. Stirrups are to be provided
Stress borne by concrete due to longitudinal reinforcement 125.44 KN
Balance stress to be taken for shear reinforcement 176.560 KN
Diameter of stirrups = 10 mm
Nominal spacing of 2-legged 10 mm dia stirrup required
.=(Asv*0.87fy*d)/Vus 255.42 mm
(0.87x fy x Asv)/0.4b= 341.65 mm
0.75xd= 495 mm
Provide stirrup at a spacing of = 100 mm
Provide 2- legged 10 mm striupp at 100 mm spacing at supports
and 2 - legged 10 mm striupp at 150 mm Spaing at 1/3rd middle

Check for deflection: L/D = 15.54

Hence, Safe
Design of Pump Floor Beam-B2
Taking maximum moment from staad and doing the typical beam design
Effective span of beam = 11.818 m
Clear Span of beam = 11.218 m
width of beam,b= 600 mm
Depth of beam,D= 800 mm
Maximum -ve Bending moment/ Support Moment ( From Staad ) = 1419 kn-m
Maximum +ve Bending moment/ Mid span Moment ( From Staad ) = 1380 kn-m
Maximum shear force, v (from staad)= 667 kn
Design for negitive steel (support section):
Maximum BM causing tension on support section, M = 1419 kn-m
Cover to main reinforcement = 30 mm
Diameter of bar : 1 = 25 mm
Diameter of bar : 2 = 20 mm
Effective depth provided ,d = 757.5 mm
Mu/bd2 4.12 N/mm
percentage of steel required 1.273 %
Area of steel required for -ve moment = 5785.785 mm2/m
minimum percentage of steel= 0.17 %
Minimum reinforcement required = 816 mm2
No of 25 mm dia bars required= 8 no.s
Area of steel provided = 5811.92 mm2
Provide 8 Bars of 25 mm Diameter and 6 Bars of 20 mm Diameter in top
Design for Positive steel {Span section}:
Maximum BM causing tension on span section, Mu = 1380 kn-m
Cover to main reinforcement = 30 mm
Diameter of bar : 1 = 25 mm
Diameter of bar : 2 = 20 mm
Effective depth provided ,d = 757.5 mm
Mu/bd2 4.01 N/mm
percentage of steel required 1.223 %
Area of steel required for +ve moment = 5558.535 mm2/m
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.17 %
Minimum reinforcement required = 816 mm2
Area of steel provided = 5811.92 mm2
Provide 8 Bars of 25 mm Diameter and 6 Bars of 20 mm Diameter at bottom mid span

Check for shear:

Maximum Shear Force,V = 667 Kn
The nominal shear stress on the section is, tv= V/b*d= 1.47 n/mm2
Maximum shear stress tcmax = 3.10 n/mm2
Hence Safe
The tension reinforcement available at this section is
Ast= 5811.92 mm2
I00Ast/bd = 1.28 %
The allowable shear Stress for tension reinforcement is tc= 0.38 n/mm^2
Since the nominal shear stress is more than shear capacity of the
concrete. Stirrups are to be provided
Stress borne by concrete due to longitudinal reinforcement 172.77 KN
Balance stress to be taken for shear reinforcement 494.230 KN
Diameter of stirrups = 10 mm
Nominal spacing of 2-legged 10 mm dia stirrup required
.=(Asv*0.87fy*d)/Vus 104.73 mm
(0.87x fy x Asv)/0.4b= 284.71 mm
0.75xd= 568.125 mm
Provide stirrup at a spacing of = 100 mm
Provide 2- legged 10 mm striupp at 100 mm spacing at supports
and 2 - legged 10 mm striupp at 150 mm Spaing at 1/3rd middle

Check for deflection: L/D = 14.77

Hence, Safe
Design of LB AND SG Beam
Taking maximum moment from staad and doing the typical beam design
Effective span of beam = 7 m
Clear Span of beam = 6.75 m
width of beam,b= 250 mm
Depth of beam,D= 400 mm
Maximum -ve Bending moment/ Support Moment ( From Staad ) = 136 kn-m
Maximum +ve Bending moment/ Mid span Moment ( From Staad ) = 90 kn-m
Maximum shear force, v (from staad)= 90 kn
Design for negitive steel (support section):
Maximum BM causing tension on support section, M = 136 kn-m
Cover to main reinforcement = 30 mm
Diameter of bar : 1 = 16 mm
Diameter of bar : 2 = 0 mm
Effective depth provided ,d = 362 mm
Mu/bd2 4.15 N/mm
percentage of steel required 1.288 %
Area of steel required for -ve moment = 1165.64 mm2/m
minimum percentage of steel= 0.17 %
Minimum reinforcement required = 170 mm2
No of 16 mm dia bars required= 6 no.s
Area of steel provided = 1206.36 mm2
Provide 6 Bars of 16 mm Diameter in top
Design for Positive steel {Span section}:
Maximum BM causing tension on span section, Mu = 90 kn-m
Cover to main reinforcement = 30 mm
Diameter of bar : 1 = 12 mm
Diameter of bar : 2 = 0 mm
Effective depth provided ,d = 364 mm
Mu/bd2 2.72 N/mm
percentage of steel required 0.734 %
Area of steel required for +ve moment = 667.94 mm2/m
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.17 %
Minimum reinforcement required = 170 mm2
Area of steel provided = 678.6 mm2
Provide 6 Bars of 12 mm Diameter at bottom mid span

Check for shear:

Maximum Shear Force,V = 90 Kn
The nominal shear stress on the section is, tv= V/b*d= 0.99 n/mm2
Maximum shear stress tcmax = 3.10 n/mm2
Hence Safe
The tension reinforcement available at this section is
Ast= 1206.36 mm2
I00Ast/bd = 1.33 %
The allowable shear Stress for tension reinforcement is tc= 0.38 n/mm^2
Since the nominal shear stress is more than shear capacity of the
concrete. Stirrups are to be provided
Stress borne by concrete due to longitudinal reinforcement 34.59 KN
Balance stress to be taken for shear reinforcement 55.410 KN
Diameter of stirrups = 8 mm
Nominal spacing of 2-legged 8 mm dia stirrup required
.=(Asv*0.87fy*d)/Vus 574.61 mm
(0.87x fy x Asv)/0.4b= 874.7 mm
0.75xd= 273 mm
Provide stirrup at a spacing of = 100 mm

Provide 4- legged 8 mm striupp at 100 mm spacing at supports and

4 - legged 8 mm striupp at 100 mm Spaing at 1/3rd middle span

Check for deflection: L/D = 17.5

Hence, Safe
Design of TB
Taking maximum moment from staad and doing the typical beam design
Effective span of beam = 7 m
Clear Span of beam = 6.6 m
width of beam,b= 400 mm
Depth of beam,D= 500 mm
Maximum -ve Bending moment/ Support Moment ( From Staad ) = 255 kn-m
Maximum +ve Bending moment/ Mid span Moment ( From Staad ) = 220 kn-m
Maximum shear force, v (from staad)= 120 kn
Design for negitive steel (support section):
Maximum BM causing tension on support section, M = 255 kn-m
Cover to main reinforcement = 30 mm
Diameter of bar : 1 = 20 mm
Diameter of bar : 2 = 0 mm
Effective depth provided ,d = 460 mm
Mu/bd2 3.01 N/mm
percentage of steel required 0.831 %
Area of steel required for -ve moment = 1529.04 mm2/m
minimum percentage of steel= 0.17 %
Minimum reinforcement required = 340 mm2
No of 20 mm dia bars required= 5 no.s
Area of steel provided = 1570.8 mm2
Provide 5 Bars of 20 mm Diameter in top
Design for Positive steel {Span section}:
Maximum BM causing tension on span section, Mu = 220 kn-m
Cover to main reinforcement = 30 mm
Diameter of bar : 1 = 20 mm
Diameter of bar : 2 = 0 mm
Effective depth provided ,d = 460 mm
Mu/bd2 2.6 N/mm
percentage of steel required 0.695 %
Area of steel required for +ve moment = 1278.8 mm2/m
Minimum percentage of steel = 0.17 %
Minimum reinforcement required = 340 mm2
Area of steel provided = 1570.8 mm2
Provide 5 Bars of 20 mm Diameter at bottom mid span

Check for shear:

Maximum Shear Force,V = 120 Kn
The nominal shear stress on the section is, tv= V/b*d= 0.65 n/mm2
Maximum shear stress tcmax = 3.10 n/mm2
Hence Safe
The tension reinforcement available at this section is
Ast= 1570.80 mm2
I00Ast/bd = 0.85 %
The allowable shear Stress for tension reinforcement is tc= 0.38 n/mm^2
Since the nominal shear stress is more than shear capacity of the
concrete. Stirrups are to be provided
Stress borne by concrete due to longitudinal reinforcement 69.94 KN
Balance stress to be taken for shear reinforcement 50.060 KN
Diameter of stirrups = 8 mm
Nominal spacing of 2-legged 8 mm dia stirrup required
.=(Asv*0.87fy*d)/Vus 803.76 mm
(0.87x fy x Asv)/0.4b= 546.69 mm
0.75xd= 345 mm
Provide stirrup at a spacing of = 100 mm

Provide 4- legged 8 mm striupp at 100 mm spacing at supports and

4 - legged 8 mm striupp at 100 mm Spaing at 1/3rd middle span

Check for deflection: L/D = 14

Hence, Safe
Thursday, March 14, 2024, 02:39 AM



C O L U M N N O. 39 D E S I G N R E S U L T S

M25 Fe500 (Main) Fe500 (Sec.)

LENGTH: 1500.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 600.0 mm X 600.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm


REQD. STEEL AREA : 3793.71 Sq.mm.

REQD. CONCRETE AREA: 356206.28 Sq.mm.
MAIN REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 - 25 dia. (1.09%, 3926.99 Sq.mm.)
(Equally distributed)
TIE REINFORCEMENT : Provide 10 mm dia. rectangular ties @ 300 mm c/c


Puz : 5429.96 Muz1 : 498.25 Muy1 : 498.25

INTERACTION RATIO: 0.99 (as per Cl. 39.6, IS456:2000)


END JOINT: 124 Puz : 5478.44 Muz : 527.24 Muy : 527.24 IR: 0.94


C O L U M N N O. 49 D E S I G N R E S U L T S

M25 Fe500 (Main) Fe500 (Sec.)

LENGTH: 3000.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 600.0 mm X 600.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm


Page 303 of 523

Thursday, March 14, 2024, 02:39 AM



C O L U M N N O. 1737 D E S I G N R E S U L T S

M25 Fe500 (Main) Fe500 (Sec.)

LENGTH: 4500.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 400.0 mm X 400.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm


REQD. STEEL AREA : 1503.85 Sq.mm.

REQD. CONCRETE AREA: 158496.16 Sq.mm.
MAIN REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 - 16 dia. (1.01%, 1608.50 Sq.mm.)
(Equally distributed)
TIE REINFORCEMENT : Provide 10 mm dia. rectangular ties @ 255 mm c/c


Puz : 2347.02 Muz1 : 112.82 Muy1 : 112.82

INTERACTION RATIO: 0.99 (as per Cl. 39.6, IS456:2000)


END JOINT: 803 Puz : 2385.09 Muz : 122.19 Muy : 122.19 IR: 0.92


C O L U M N N O. 1738 D E S I G N R E S U L T S

M25 Fe500 (Main) Fe500 (Sec.)

LENGTH: 4500.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 400.0 mm X 400.0 mm COVER: 40.0 mm


Page 355 of 523

Footing Design: Design Calculation Page 1 of 21


Project Name :
Client Name :
Engineer Name :
Design File :

Analysis File :
Analysis Last Modified :

1. α = Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
2. ε1 = Strain at level considered, Calculated ignoring the stiffening
of the concrete in tension zone
3. εm = Average steel strain at level considered
4. ρact = Percentage steel provided
5. ρcrit = Percentage steel critical as per code
6. A = Plan area of footing base
7. Acr = Distance from the point considered to the surface of the
nearest longitudinal bar
8. AstPrv = Area of tensile reinforcement provided
9. Astrqd = Area of tensile reinforcement required
10. Asv = Area of shear reinforcement required
11. AsvPrv = Area of shear reinforcement provided
12. A1 = Bearing area of footing at slope of 1:2
13. A2 = C/s Area of column
14. B = Width of footing base
15. Beff = Effective width of footing
16. BoffB = Footing offset along B below column in plan
17. BoffT = Footing offset along B above column in plan
18. B1 = Width of sloped footing at top
19. ColOff = Column offset in sloped footing
20. D = Depth of footing
21. Deff = Effective Depth of footing
22. Df = Depth of founding layer
23. Dw = Ground water level
24. Ec = Modulus of elasticity of concrete
25. Es = Modulus of elasticity of steel
26. Foss = Safety factor against sliding
27. Fosu = Safety factor against uplift
28. Fst = Stress in steel
29. L = Length of footing base
30. Leff = Effective length of footing
31. LoffL = Footing offset along L on left side of column

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32. LoffR = Footing offset along L on right side of column

33. L1 = Length of sloped footing at top
34. Mx = Bending Moment along column D
35. Mx' = Bending Moment along column D due to odd shaped column
36. Mex = Eccentricity moment along column D
37. Mxx = Total Bending Moment along column D (Mx + Mx' + Mex)
38. My = Bending Moment along column B
39. My' = Bending Moment along column B due to odd shaped column
40. Mey = Eccentricity moment along column B
41. Myy = Total Bending Moment along column B (My + My' + Mey)
42. Muy = Factored moment along column B
43. Muy' = Factored Moment along column B due to odd shaped column
44. Mux = Factored moment along column D
45. Mux' = Factored Moment along column D due to odd shaped column
46. Netdown = Net downward load
47. OB = Maximum permissible offset on bottom side of column in
48. OL = Maximum permissible offset on left side of column in plan
49. OR = Maximum permissible offset on right side of column in plan
50. OT = Maximum permissible offset on top side of column in plan
51. P = Axial load for footing sizing
52. P1 = Soil pressure at corner 1
53. P2 = Soil pressure at corner 2
54. P3 = Soil pressure at corner 3
55. P4 = Soil pressure at corner 4
56. Pdelta = Column Load to be transferred by reinforcement
57. Pt = Calculated percentage tensile reinforcement
58. Pu = Factored axial load
59. q = Surcharge Load
60. sp = Spacing Between bars at outer most layer
61. SPu = Upward Soil Pressure
62. SPuL = Upward Soil Pressure from left
63. SPuR = Upward Soil Pressure from right
64. SPuB = Upward Soil Pressure from bottom
65. SPuT = Upward Soil Pressure from top
66. Tc = Design shear strength of concrete
67. Temp1 = Peak Hydration temperature
68. Temp2 = Seasonal Temperature Variations
69. Tv = Nominal shear stress
70. Vu = Design shear force
71. Vus = Strength of shear reinforcement
72. Vx = Shear along major axis
73. Vy = Shear along minor axis

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74. Waterpr = Upward water pressure

75. Waterup = Upward force due to water
76. Wcr = Surface Crack Width
77. WFoot = Add. Wt. due to difference in concrete and soil density
78. WFootc = Weight of footing and column with concrete density
79. WSoil = Weight of soil covering footing area
80. Zx = Section modulus of footing base along L
81. Zy = Section modulus of footing base along B

Code References:
IS 456
Parameter Reference
1. Ptmax : Cl.
2. Ptmin : Cl.
3. Pt : Cl. 38
4. Tc : Cl. 40.2.1
5. Tcmax : Cl. 40.2.3
6. Asv : Cl. 40.4
7. Min Shear Reinf : Cl.
8. Max Stirrup Spacing : Cl.
9. Punching Shear design : Cl. 31.6.3
10. Load transfer : Cl. 34.4
11. Ptnominal : Cl. 34.5.2
12. Crack width calculation : Annex-F
13. Cracking : Cl. 35.3.2

BS 8007 (For Early / Initial Thermal Cracking)

1. Surface Zone for suspended : Figure A.1
2. Surface Zone for ground slab : Figure A.2
3. Factors for the calculation of : Table A.1
minimum reinforcement

Design Code : IS 456

Footing No : FC1
Column No : C1,C2,C3,C7,C8,C22,C23,C27,C28,C29 ( 600mm X 600mm)
Analysis No : 9,329,10,29,30,89,90,109,1767,110

Concrete Grade : M25 N/sqmm

Steel Grade : Fe500 N/sqmm
Clear Cover : 50 mm
Df : 4M

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Dw : 0M

Density of Soil = 18 kN/cum

Soil Bearing Capacity = 500 kN/sqm
Gross Bearing Capacity = 572 kN/sqm
Permissible SBC Increase = 25 %
for EQ
Permissible SBC Increase = 25 %
for Wind
Live Load Reduction =0 %
Permissible area of loss of =0 %

Cross Section designed by : Maximum pressure

Consider overburden

Footing Type : Pad

Footing Size (L x B x D) : 2200mm X 2200mm X 550mm
Soil Wt. + Footing Wt. = 344.76 kN

Offset Along L (Loff) = 800 mm

Offset Along B (Boff) = 800 mm

Check For Maximum Soil Pressure:

Critical Column No = C3
Critical Analysis Load = 82
Critical Load Combination = [41] : (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ-Z)
Pcomb = 1010.54 kN
P = Pcomb + Effective Self Weight
P = 1355.30 kN
Mx = 31.63 kNm
My = -128.02 kNm
P/A = 280.02 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 17.82 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -72.14 kN/sqm
Maximum Soil Pressure = 369.98 kN/sqm
Allowable Soil Pressure = (1.25 X 500) + 72 kN/sqm
= 697 kN/sqm

Check For Minimum Soil Pressure:

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Critical Column No = C1
Critical Analysis Load = 73
Critical Load Combination = [33] : (LOAD 9: DL) +
Pcomb = 63.38 kN
P = Pcomb + Effective Self Weight
P = 408.14 kN
Mx = -21.92 kNm
My = 127.31 kNm
P/A = 84.33 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = -12.35 kN/sqm
My/Zy = 71.74 kN/sqm
Minimum Soil Pressure = 0.23 kN/sqm
> 0

Design For Bending:

Bottom Reinforcement Along L:
Critical Column No = C3
Critical Analysis Load = 29
Critical Load Combination = [58] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.2 (LOAD 10: LL) +1.2 (LOAD
4: EQ-Z)
Pu = 1212.65 kN
Mux = 37.96 kNm
Muy = -153.63 kNm
P/A = 250.55 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 21.39 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -86.57 kN/sqm

Deff = 492 mm
Beff = 2200 mm
SPu = 358.5 kN/sqm
Mu = SPu X B X Loff X Loff / 2
= 252.39 kNm
Pt = 0.12 %
Ast Rqd (BM) = 1452 sqmm
Ast Prv = 19 - T10 @ 125
= 1492 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Width

Top Reinforcement Along L:

Deff = 492 mm
Beff = 2200 mm

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S/W + Soil + Surcharge Load = 75.85 kN/sqm

Mu = 80.10 kNm
Pt = 0.06 %
Maximum of following
Ast Rqd (BM) = 726 sqmm
Ast(min) = Min Pt for Top Reinforcement X D X B
= 0.06% X 550 X 2200
= 726 sqmm
Max Ast = 726 sqmm
Ast Prv = 10 - T10 @ 245 c/c
= 785 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Length

Bottom Reinforcement Along B:

Critical Column No = C3
Critical Analysis Load = 29
Critical Load Combination = [58] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.2 (LOAD 10: LL) +1.2 (LOAD
4: EQ-Z)
Pu = 1212.65 kN
Mux = 37.96 kNm
Muy = -153.63 kNm
P/A = 250.55 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 21.39 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -86.57 kN/sqm

Deff = 476 mm
Leff = 2200 mm
SPu = 358.5 kN/sqm
Mu = SPu X L X Boff X Boff / 2
= 252.39 kNm
Pt = 0.12 %
Ast Rqd (BM) = 1452 sqmm
Ast Prv = 19 - T10 @ 125
= 1492 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Length

Top Reinforcement Along B:

Deff = 476 mm
Beff = 2200 mm
S/W + Soil + Surcharge Load = 75.85 kN/sqm
Mu = 80.10 kNm

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Pt = 0.06 %
Maximum of following
Ast Rqd (BM) = 726 sqmm
Ast(min) = Min Pt for Top Reinforcement X D X B
= 0.06% X 550 X 2200
= 726 sqmm
Max Ast = 726 sqmm
Ast Prv = 10 - T10 @ 245 c/c
= 785 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Length

Design For Shear:

One Way Shear Along L:
Critical Section @ d from Column Face
= 492 mm
Critical Column No = C3
Critical Analysis Load = 29
Critical Load Combination = [58] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.2 (LOAD 10: LL) +1.2 (LOAD
4: EQ-Z)
Pu = 1212.65 kN
Mux = 37.96 kNm
Muy = -153.63 kNm
P/A = 250.55 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 21.39 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -86.57 kN/sqm

Deff = 492 mm
Beff = 2200 mm
SPu = 358.5 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Loff - d) X B
= 242.92 kN
Tv = Vu / (Beff X Deff)
= 0.22 N/sqmm
Tc = 0.28 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

One Way Shear Along L (Tension Case):

At face of column
S/W + Soil + Surcharge Load,q = 75.85 kN/sqm
Deff = 492 mm
Beff = 2200 mm

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Vu = q x Loff X B X 1.5
= 200.24 kN
Tv = Vu / (Beff X Deff)
= 0.1850 N/sqmm
Tc = 0.2910 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

One Way Shear Along B:

Critical Section @ d from Column Face

= 476 mm
Critical Column No = C3
Critical Analysis Load = 29
Critical Load Combination = [58] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.2
(LOAD 10: LL) +1.2 (LOAD
4: EQ-Z)
Pu = 1212.65 kN
Mux = 37.96 kNm
Muy = -153.63 kNm
P/A = 250.55 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 21.39 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -86.57 kN/sqm

Deff = 476 mm
Leff = 2200 mm
SPu = 358.5 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Boff - d) X L
= 255.54 kN
Tv = Vu / (Leff X Deff)
= 0.24 N/sqmm
Tc = 0.28 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

One Way Shear Along B (Tension Case):

At face of Column
S/W + Soil + Surcharge Load,q = 75.85 kN/sqm
Deff = 476 mm
Leff = 2200 mm
Vu = q x Boff X L
= 200.24 kN
Tv = Vu / (Leff X Deff)
= 0.1912 N/sqmm

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Tc = 0.2910 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

Design For Punching Shear:

Critical Section @ d/2 from Column Face
= 242 mm

Critical Column No = C3
Critical Analysis Load = 29
Critical Load Combination = [58] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.2 (LOAD 10: LL) +1.2 (LOAD
4: EQ-Z)
Pu = 1212.65 kN
Mux = 37.96 kNm
Muy = -153.63 kNm
P/A = 250.55 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 21.39 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -86.57 kN/sqm

Deff = 484 mm
Leff = 1084 mm
Beff = 1084 mm
SPu = Max Pressure
= 358.5 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X ((L X B)-(Leff X Beff)
= 1313.90 kN
Tv = Vu / (2 X (Leff + Beff) X Deff))
= 0.626 N/sqmm
Tc = 1.25 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

Design For Punching Shear (Tension Case):

At face of column
Deff = 484 mm
Leff = 600 mm
Beff = 600 mm
Vu = -109.59 kN
Tv = Vu / 2(Beff + Leff) X Deff
= 0.08 N/sqmm
Tc = 1.25 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

Load Transfer Check For Load Transfer From Column To Footing

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Critical Column No = C3
Critical Analysis Load = 29
Critical Load Combination = [58] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.2
(LOAD 10: LL) +1.2 (LOAD
4: EQ-Z)
Pu = 1212.65 kN
A2 = 0.36 sqm
A1 = 7.84 sqm
Base Area = 4.84 sqm
A1 > Base Area
Thus, A1 = 4.84
Modification Factor = SquareRoot(A1/A2) < = 2
SquareRoot(A1/A2) = 3.6667
Thus, Modification Factor = 2
Concrete Bearing Capacity = 0.45 X Fck X Modication Factor X Column Area
= 8100 kN
Concrete Bearing Capacity > Pu, Hence Safe.

: IS 456
Footing No : FC4
( 400mm
: C4,C5,C6,C9,C10,C11,C14,C15,C16,C19,C20,C21,C24,C25,C26,C30,C31,C32 X
: 1507,1508,11,1762,1763,31,1509,1510,51,1511,1512,71,1513,1514,91,1515,1516,111

: M25 N/sqmm
Steel Grade : Fe500 N/sqmm
: 50 mm
Df : 4M
Dw : 0M

Density of
= 18 kN/cum
Bearing = 500 kN/sqm
Bearing = 572 kN/sqm
Permissible = 25 %

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Increase for
Permissible = 25 %
Increase for
Live Load = 0 %
Permissible = 0 %
area of loss
of contact

Cross : Maximum pressure


Footing Type : Pad

Footing Size (L x B x D) : 1250mm X 1250mm X 375mm
Soil Wt. + Footing Wt. = 106.16 kN

Offset Along L (Loff) = 425 mm

Offset Along B (Boff) = 425 mm

Check For Maximum Soil Pressure:

Critical Column No = C26
Critical Analysis Load = 79
Critical Load Combination = [38] : (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQX)
Pcomb = 481.54 kN
P = Pcomb + Effective Self Weight
P = 587.70 kN
Mx = 37.09 kNm
My = -6.9 kNm
P/A = 376.13 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 113.93 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -21.19 kN/sqm
Maximum Soil Pressure = 511.25 kN/sqm
Allowable Soil Pressure = (1.25 X 500) + 72 kN/sqm
= 697 kN/sqm

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Check For Minimum Soil Pressure:

Critical Column No = C9
Critical Analysis Load = 74
Critical Load Combination = [34] : (LOAD 9: DL) +
(LOAD 4: EQ-Z)
Pcomb = 83.17 kN
P = Pcomb + Effective Self Weight
P = 189.34 kN
Mx = 1.58 kNm
My = -35.26 kNm
P/A = 121.17 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 4.85 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -108.31 kN/sqm
Minimum Soil Pressure = 8.02 kN/sqm
> 0

Design For Bending:

Bottom Reinforcement Along L:
Critical Column No = C26
Critical Analysis Load = 18
Critical Load Combination = [47] : 1.5 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.5 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 597.4 kN
Mux = 42.86 kNm
Muy = -10.42 kNm
P/A = 382.34 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 131.66 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -32.02 kN/sqm

Deff = 317 mm
Beff = 1250 mm
SPu = 546.02 kN/sqm
Mu = SPu X B X Loff X Loff / 2
= 61.64 kNm
Pt = 0.12 %
Ast Rqd (BM) = 476 sqmm
Ast Prv = 7 - T10 @ 210
= 550 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Width

Top Reinforcement Along L:

D = 375 mm
<= 1000 mm, Hence

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Ast = Min Pt for Top Reinforcement X D X B

= 0.06% X 375 X 1250
= 281 sqmm
Ast Prv = 6 - T10 @ 300 c/c
= 471 sqmm
Bottom Reinforcement Along B:
Critical Column No = C26
Critical Analysis Load = 18
Critical Load Combination = [47] : 1.5 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.5 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 597.4 kN
Mux = 42.86 kNm
Muy = -10.42 kNm
P/A = 382.34 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 131.66 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -32.02 kN/sqm

Deff = 301 mm
Leff = 1250 mm
SPu = 546.02 kN/sqm
Mu = SPu X L X Boff X Boff / 2
= 61.64 kNm
Pt = 0.128 %
Ast Rqd (BM) = 483 sqmm
Ast Prv = 7 - T10 @ 210
= 550 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Length

Top Reinforcement Along B:

D = 375 mm
<= 1000 mm, Hence
Ast = Min Pt for Top Reinforcement X D X L
= 0.06% X 375 X 1250
= 281 sqmm
Ast Prv = 6 - T10 @ 300 c/c
= 471 sqmm

Design For Shear:

One Way Shear Along L:
Critical Section @ d from Column Face
= 317 mm
Critical Column No = C26

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Critical Analysis Load = 18

Critical Load Combination = [47] : 1.5 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.5 (LOAD 1: EQX)
Pu = 597.4 kN
Mux = 42.86 kNm
Muy = -10.42 kNm
P/A = 382.34 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 131.66 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -32.02 kN/sqm

Deff = 317 mm
Beff = 1250 mm
SPu = 546.02 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Loff - d) X B
= 73.71 kN
Tv = Vu / (Beff X Deff)
= 0.19 N/sqmm
Tc = 0.28 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

One Way Shear Along B:

Critical Section @ d from Column Face

= 301 mm
Critical Column No = C26
Critical Analysis Load = 18
Critical Load Combination = [47] : 1.5 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.5
Pu = 597.4 kN
Mux = 42.86 kNm
Muy = -10.42 kNm
P/A = 382.34 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 131.66 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -32.02 kN/sqm

Deff = 301 mm
Leff = 1250 mm
SPu = 546.02 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Boff - d) X L
= 84.63 kN
Tv = Vu / (Leff X Deff)
= 0.22 N/sqmm
Tc = 0.29 N/sqmm

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Tv < Tc

Design For Punching Shear:

Critical Section @ d/2 from Column Face
= 154 mm

Critical Column No = C26

Critical Analysis Load = 13
Critical Load Combination = [42] : 1.5 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.5 (LOAD 10: LL)
Pu = 636.3 kN
Mux = 14.04 kNm
Muy = -9.19 kNm
P/A = 407.23 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 43.13 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -28.22 kN/sqm

Deff = 309 mm
Leff = 709 mm
Beff = 709 mm
SPu = Max Pressure
= 478.58 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X ((L X B)-(Leff X Beff)
= 507.21 kN
Tv = Vu / (2 X (Leff + Beff) X Deff))
= 0.579 N/sqmm
Tc = 1.25 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

Load Transfer Check For Load Transfer From Column To Footing

Critical Column No = C26
Critical Analysis Load = 13
Critical Load Combination = [42] : 1.5 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.5
(LOAD 10: LL)
Pu = 636.3 kN
A2 = 0.16 sqm
A1 = 3.61 sqm
Base Area = 1.56 sqm
A1 > Base Area
Thus, A1 = 1.56
Modification Factor = SquareRoot(A1/A2) < = 2
SquareRoot(A1/A2) = 3.1225
Thus, Modification Factor = 2

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Concrete Bearing Capacity = 0.45 X Fck X Modication Factor X Column Area

= 3600 kN
Concrete Bearing Capacity > Pu, Hence Safe.

Design Code : IS 456

Footing No : FC12
Column No : C12,C13,C17,C18 ( 600mm X 600mm)
Analysis No : 49,50,69,70

Concrete Grade : M25 N/sqmm

Steel Grade : Fe500 N/sqmm
Clear Cover : 50 mm
Df : 4M
Dw : 0M

Density of Soil = 18 kN/cum

Soil Bearing Capacity = 500 kN/sqm
Gross Bearing Capacity = 572 kN/sqm
Permissible SBC Increase for EQ = 25 %
Permissible SBC Increase for Wind = 25 %
Live Load Reduction = 0 %
Permissible area of loss of contact = 0 %

Cross Section designed by : Maximum pressure

Consider overburden pressure

Footing Type : Pad

Footing Size (L x B x D) : 2050mm X 2050mm X 525mm
Soil Wt. + Footing Wt. = 295.51 kN

Offset Along L (Loff) = 725 mm

Offset Along B (Boff) = 725 mm

Check For Maximum Soil Pressure:

Critical Column No = C17
Critical Analysis Load = 75
Critical Load Combination = [35] : (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 10: LL) +(LOAD 5: WLX)
Pcomb = 713.52 kN
P = Pcomb + Effective Self Weight
P = 1009.03 kN

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Mx = 263.37 kNm
My = 3.67 kNm
P/A = 240.1 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 183.43 kN/sqm
My/Zy = 2.55 kN/sqm
Maximum Soil Pressure = 426.08 kN/sqm
Allowable Soil Pressure = (1.25 X 500) + 72 kN/sqm
= 697 kN/sqm

Check For Minimum Soil Pressure:

Critical Column No = C17
Critical Analysis Load = 67
Critical Load Combination = [27] : (LOAD 9: DL) +
Pcomb = 328.33 kN
P = Pcomb + Effective Self Weight
P = 623.83 kN
Mx = 204.52 kNm
My = 1.25 kNm
P/A = 148.44 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 142.44 kN/sqm
My/Zy = 0.87 kN/sqm
Minimum Soil Pressure = 5.14 kN/sqm
> 0

Design For Bending:

Bottom Reinforcement Along L:
Critical Column No = C17
Critical Analysis Load = 22
Critical Load Combination = [51] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.2 (LOAD 10: LL) +1.2 (LOAD
5: WLX)
Pu = 856.23 kN
Mux = 316.05 kNm
Muy = 4.4 kNm
P/A = 203.74 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 220.11 kN/sqm
My/Zy = 3.06 kN/sqm

Deff = 467 mm
Beff = 2050 mm
SPu = 426.92 kN/sqm
Mu = SPu X B X Loff X Loff / 2

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= 230.01 kNm
Pt = 0.121 %
Ast Rqd (BM) = 1161 sqmm
Ast Prv = 15 - T10 @ 150
= 1178 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Width

Top Reinforcement Along L:

D = 525 mm
<= 1000 mm, Hence
Ast = Min Pt for Top Reinforcement X D X B
= 0.06% X 525 X 2050
= 646 sqmm
Ast Prv = 9 - T10 @ 260 c/c
= 707 sqmm
Bottom Reinforcement Along B:
Critical Column No = C17
Critical Analysis Load = 22
Critical Load Combination = [51] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.2 (LOAD 10: LL) +1.2 (LOAD
5: WLX)
Pu = 856.23 kN
Mux = 316.05 kNm
Muy = 4.4 kNm
P/A = 203.74 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 220.11 kN/sqm
My/Zy = 3.06 kN/sqm

Deff = 451 mm
Leff = 2050 mm
SPu = 426.92 kN/sqm
Mu = SPu X L X Boff X Boff / 2
= 230.01 kNm
Pt = 0.13 %
Ast Rqd (BM) = 1204 sqmm
Ast Prv = 16 - T10 @ 140
= 1257 sqmm
Distributed Across Total Length

Top Reinforcement Along B:

D = 525 mm
<= 1000 mm, Hence

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Ast = Min Pt for Top Reinforcement X D X L

= 0.06% X 525 X 2050
= 646 sqmm
Ast Prv = 9 - T10 @ 260 c/c
= 707 sqmm

Design For Shear:

One Way Shear Along L:
Critical Section @ d from Column Face
= 467 mm
Critical Column No = C17
Critical Analysis Load = 22
Critical Load Combination = [51] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.2 (LOAD 10: LL) +1.2 (LOAD
5: WLX)
Pu = 856.23 kN
Mux = 316.05 kNm
Muy = 4.4 kNm
P/A = 203.74 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 220.11 kN/sqm
My/Zy = 3.06 kN/sqm

Deff = 467 mm
Beff = 2050 mm
SPu = 426.92 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Loff - d) X B
= 225.80 kN
Tv = Vu / (Beff X Deff)
= 0.24 N/sqmm
Tc = 0.27 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

One Way Shear Along B:

Critical Section @ d from Column Face

= 451 mm
Critical Column No = C17
Critical Analysis Load = 22
Critical Load Combination = [51] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.2
(LOAD 10: LL) +1.2 (LOAD
5: WLX)
Pu = 856.23 kN
Mux = 316.05 kNm

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Muy = 4.4 kNm

P/A = 203.74 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 220.11 kN/sqm
My/Zy = 3.06 kN/sqm

Deff = 451 mm
Leff = 2050 mm
SPu = 426.92 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Boff - d) X L
= 239.80 kN
Tv = Vu / (Leff X Deff)
= 0.26 N/sqmm
Tc = 0.28 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

Design For Punching Shear:

Critical Section @ d/2 from Column Face
= 230 mm

Critical Column No = C12

Critical Analysis Load = 13
Critical Load Combination = [42] : 1.5 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.5 (LOAD 10: LL)
Pu = 1073.01 kN
Mux = 53.31 kNm
Muy = 2.1 kNm
P/A = 255.33 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 37.13 kN/sqm
My/Zy = 1.46 kN/sqm

Deff = 459 mm
Leff = 1059 mm
Beff = 1059 mm
SPu = Max Pressure
= 293.91 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X ((L X B)-(Leff X Beff)
= 905.56 kN
Tv = Vu / (2 X (Leff + Beff) X Deff))
= 0.466 N/sqmm
Tc = 1.25 N/sqmm
Tv < Tc

Load Transfer Check For Load Transfer From Column To Footing

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Critical Column No = C12

Critical Analysis Load = 13
Critical Load Combination = [42] : 1.5 (LOAD 9: DL) +1.5
(LOAD 10: LL)
Pu = 1073.01 kN
A2 = 0.36 sqm
A1 = 7.29 sqm
Base Area = 4.2 sqm
A1 > Base Area
Thus, A1 = 4.2
Modification Factor = SquareRoot(A1/A2) < = 2
SquareRoot(A1/A2) = 3.4157
Thus, Modification Factor = 2
Concrete Bearing Capacity = 0.45 X Fck X Modication Factor X Column Area
= 8100 kN
Concrete Bearing Capacity > Pu, Hence Safe.

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