Power System Oscillation Damping and Stability Enhancement Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)
Power System Oscillation Damping and Stability Enhancement Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)
Power System Oscillation Damping and Stability Enhancement Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue VII July 2020- Available at www.ijraset.com
Abstract: In modern power system network power oscillation is a major source of concern for power utilities. Because of the
enormous demand on power system has initiated the system to load heavily which leads to voltage unbalance conditions. The
static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) is capable of delivering a compensating voltage with an inductive and capacitive
range. SSSC is a FACTS device which is used to increase the power system capacity and system stability. SSSC has a voltage
source converter, dc capacitor and a series transformer which injects voltage in series with the transmission line. SSSC-based
power oscillation damping (POD) controller is proposed to eliminate the power oscillation damping in power system and
enhance the transient stability. Also, controller used here for controlling SSSC is hysteresis controller and lead lag controller to
enhance the dynamic response of the system. A multi machine bus system with SSSC and POD controller is simulated in
MATLAB/Simulink software. Simulation results show the effectiveness of this controller with SSSC for power system stability
enhancement under different fault conditions.
Keywords: Static synchronous series compensator (SSSC), Power oscillations, Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS), Power
oscillation damping (POD).
A power system is becoming more complex and heavily loaded day by day. Earlier electric power systems were small and localized.
Thus, real and reactive power compensation in transmission line is necessary which will improve the stability of the power system.
Due to high non-linear characteristics of modern power system, the operating parameters changes continuously. Unwanted power
differences and increasing load over the transmission lines also result in power oscillation in the system. The power systems must be
able to withstand all these variations. Due to such characteristics, oscillations last for few seconds (3-20 sec.) in a power system
after a severe fault occur. It becomes important to damp out these oscillations as soon as possible. These unnecessary oscillations
may cause huge power quality disturbances in power plant and power system stability problems. Considering the stability conditions
the power transfer capability is limited in long transmission. The FACTS devices are more advantageous in controlling the power in
the transmission lines. Because of the presence of the FACTS controller the power system stability has been improved under
different fault conditions and also improved voltage stability, reactive power compensation and oscillation damping. In this paper,
static synchronous series compensator (SSSC), one of the types of FACTS controllers is examined. A Static Synchronous Series
Compensator (SSSC) is a series controller of FACTS family is connected in series with the transmission lines and used to improve
stability and performance of the system.
The SSSC controller mainly depends on the output amplitude of voltage source converter (VSC) with several semiconductor and
thyristor switches. The SSSC circuit model has a voltage source converter (VSC), DC capacitor and a series coupling transformer.
Coupling transformer are connected in series with power system which couples the SSSC with the transmission line. Primarily shunt
compensation is utilized mainly to maintain the required voltage profile in the transmission line. Whereas Series compensator can
primarily operate over the steady state power transmission, maximum power transmission capability, voltage stability and transient
stability. These series controllers are more productive in compensation of reactive power and active power exchange as compare to
shunt controller. Also, this series compensation provides most cost-effective mean to maintain stability of power system.
FACTS controllers are classified in four main categories: shunt controller, series controller, series-series controller and series-shunt
controller. Series connected FACTS devices can directly control active power flow control by changing its line reactance in
transmission line. GCSC, SSSC, TCSC are the series FACTS devices.
The purpose of series controller is to increase or decrease the overall reactance of the transmission line in order to control the
reactive voltage drop across the line and thereby controlling the transmission line electric power.
This paper proposes how SSSC can be utilized for enhancing stability of power system by providing reactive power compensation.
SSSC has its own control unit and we can also provide external control to it. There are many controllers such as proportion integral
(PI), proportional integral derivative (PID), hysteresis control. Amongst which hysteresis controller is used because of its simplicity
and faster response. This controller also gives beneficial and reliable ratio between costs to performance.
SSSC can be used as an ideal synchronous voltage source which produces three-phase AC voltages of desired fundamental
frequency with controlled amplitude and phase angle. This injected voltage is nearly sinusoidal ac voltage with variable magnitude
and phase angle. SSSC provides advantage over TCSC that if removes gigantic passive component of reactors and capacitor. An
expression for injected voltage by SSSC is given as,
Where, Vsssc (0) is value of injected voltage by SSSC at (0 < Vsssc(e) < Vssscmax) by changing phase angle, magnitude of VSSSC
can be maintained at required level. SSSC have its own controlling unit which controls the switching action for VSC. In proposed
paper a hysteresis controller is provided to internal control system of SSSC. Working and structure of proposed controller is
explained further in this paper.
This method controls the switches of the voltage source inverter asynchronously so that it ramp the current through the inductor up
and down and follows the reference current. Hysteresis current control is the simplest control method to execute in the real time.
The hysteresis control method enhanced system stability, it has simple implementation and increased response speed and reliability.
Under steady state condition Vqref is the desired reference value of the compensation voltage to be injected in transmission line
under steady state condition. Resultant value of compensation voltage Vq is obtained by adding the modulated voltage (ΔVq) to the
Vqref. This Vq output signal from controller is given to the SSSC internal control system, so that SSSC can provide compensation
in order to limit damping and remove oscillation of the system.
Vq = Vqref + ΔVq.
The inputs to the POD controller are the current flowing in line 2 and the voltage at bus no.4. The POD takes input as Vabc, Iabc
and it convert it as power. If there is no fault in the system then switch will remains open. But if there is any kind of fault occurs on
transmission line then controller becomes closed.
Fig 6.
Different fault conditions such as line to ground fault, double line to ground, and three phase faults are examined through Simulink
software, with and without power oscillation damping controller.
Fig 7 (a)
The above simulation results fig 7 (b), shows variation of power at bus 2 with time, as there is fault on transmission line at t = 1.33
sec and disappear after 10 cycle. The line voltage waveform fig7 (a) shows that the injected voltage follows exact same path as
reference voltage. After running simulation by making controller ‘OFF’, then rerun simulation by making controller ‘ON’.
The settling time when POD is on is lesser as compared to when the power oscillation damper is off. Also, the graph fig7 (c)
indicates that the oscillation in the system are removed when POD turn ON. Both the conditions are compared in below graph
Fig 7 (d)
B. CASE II. Double line to ground fault with and without POD.
Same like previous case, in double line to ground fault observations are recorded. Simulation is done first when POD controller is
not working and secondly when POD controller is working. Fig8(c) shows the comparison between two cases. It is concluded that
oscillation remains 6 sec in the system after the fault occurs when the POD is off. And the oscillations damp out in 2 sec when the
POD is ON.
Fig 8(c)
Fig 9(c)
In this proposed paper simulation are performed on a two machine four bus power system with and without SSSC based (POD)
controller under various unsymmetrical faults conditions. It is clear from the results that the settling time for power system
oscillations are reduced by considerable amount. Hysteresis band control provide excellent dynamic performance. SSSC can provide
both lead and lag compensation, it injects voltage which is in quadrature with line current. It is also concluded that SSSC is
proficient in maintaining desired power flow on all the buses of transmission line. SSSC not only reduce the oscillation but also
significantly improved the stability of the power system and increased the power transmission capability.
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