Mining Capital Projects
Mining Capital Projects
Mining Capital Projects
Capital Projects Insights is a series of papers bringing together the latest thinking from
members of our global team on optimizing performance and value across the lifecycle of
capital projects.
Note: In this report, capital expenditure (CapEx) comprises the cash outflow on purchases of property, plant
and equipment, and intangible assets. Expenditure on exploration activity undertaken by mining companies
is not capitalized.
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
exploration spend is at historic lows1, and headcount
and internal project capacity have seen cutbacks as Note: Mining CapEx has declined heavily since the US$80B+ peaks
cost-reduction strategies have taken effect. of 2012. Our analysis, based on company CapEx guidance and
market sentiment, indicates that CapEx is increasing. Even with a
Now the cycle has turned, CapEx must increase modest growth rate, investment could exceed US$40B in 2020.
significantly in order to offset production declines
Source: S&P Market Intelligence, Deloitte Analysis
and meet emerging demand. With improved prices,
mining companies will be under pressure to find and
exploit resources along with delivering on their growth “At some point, a new CapEx boom
promises to the market.
is going to come along to plug
This paper asks whether mining companies have learnt
the lessons from the last cycle, and identifies the five a supply shortfall.“
biggest levers to deliver projects safely, on budget, and Simon Redmond, Sector Lead at S&P Global Ratings2
on time.
Traditional materials such as iron and copper will continue to make up the majority of production,
supported by the strong macro-economic environment. The future presents an opportunity to explore
more non-traditional, ‘green’ metals and minerals – mining companies must seize this opportunity by
delivering capital projects effectively and growing sustainability in the long term.
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
7070 The focus now shifts to delivery confidence. How can mining
5656 companies ready themselves for the next wave of capital
investment? The project delivery landscape has changed and the
challenges during the next investment cycle are different to those
2828 faced before.8
00 Source: The Economist, S&P Global Market Intelligence,
Deloitte Analysis
Rio Tinto BHP Glencore Anglo American Vale
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
Given the reduction in head count from the last cycle, owner teams need a rethink. Leaner teams, leveraged with the right capabilities and
project information, will ensure a better risk balance between owner and contractor.
Source: Deloitte
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
The target operating model design considered the organization’s capability requirements at key phases
of the project’s lifecycle, focusing on the optimal owner’s team structure and core in-house capabilities
needed. The operating model was subsequently implemented through a transition management plan, which
supported the stand-up of the required capabilities across a number of areas such as technology selection,
detailed supporting manuals, process maps, training materials and governance terms of reference. This
innovative way to set up a project owner delivery model enabled the right capabilities to be in place, at the
right time.
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
The current state of play analytics, forming the foundation for data-driven
The good news is, mining companies have made decision making in a consistent, timely and visible
significant advances in using technology, such as manner. Based on our experience with technology
self-driving vehicles, drones, three-dimensional (3D) delivery on multi-billion-dollar infrastructure
printing, and wearables, so as to optimize operational programs, we expect to see CapEx savings of up to
assets. Mining companies are now starting to rethink five percent from these technologies when
the way they generate, capture and process a wealth complimented by an effective owner’s team.
of project information throughout the project
Data is an asset: View information as an asset to be
lifecycle, but must do more to make the most of the
managed throughout the project lifecycle, ultimately
opportunity this data provides.
setting up a ‘digital twin’ to support success during
Such innovation still faces systematic barriers. Mining the transition to operations. Building information
companies must attract and develop new skillsets and management (BIM) can not only help with safety
expertise not typically associated with the sector’s performance, design, modular construction and
workforce. There is a need to increase transparency accurate budgeting, but can also facilitate smooth
and improve collaboration throughout the supply handover of data to enable a continuous maintenance
chain, with data and engineering information shared regime pre and post first ore.
more freely, processes more closely aligned, and
systems better integrated. Figure 5: The unified data system
Our view
Become digital: Mining companies need to shift
HSE Cost
from ‘doing digital’ to ‘being digital’. Achieving the
right blend of digital technology, data, and advanced
analytics in order to deliver data-centric capital
Source: Deloitte
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
Our team applied the latest technologies, such as image recognition, sensor data, text mining, machine
learning and data visualization, to provide predictive maintenance capabilities for these critical assets.
Identification of various failures ahead of full manifestation, allowed for controlled and planned maintenance
activity, increased rolling stock availability, a reduced risk of accidents and increased confidence in asset
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
Ability to
influence baseline
Impact of change
Start-up and
Pre-Feasibility Feasibility Execution
Operational Readiness
•• Ability to support business •• Ability to provide oversight/ •• Project controls capacity •• Inventory and preservation
Project controls/
case development control of design and scaled to fit activity levels. management.
through cost estimating, procurement activities. •• Standard and process •• Engineering data
risk assessment and high •• WBS and scope packages compliance. management.
level scheduling to enable defined with baseline •• Data-centric management •• Workstream prioritization and
investment decisions. estimates and schedules of information. agility in activity planning.
developed. •• Timely, consistent quality
•• Land access, environmental •• Detailed study, processing •• HSSE, time, cost, quality critical. •• HSSE, quality and completion
and infrastructure needs. options/technology selection. •• Risk and project execution focus.
Project focus/
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
Deloitte was engaged as Crossrail’s strategic partner, working as part of an integrated team to establish
governance, processes and systems that enabled control of cost, schedule, risk and scope with a leaner
organization. The integrated project controls solution incorporated enhanced analytics capabilities utilizing
a single, integrated source of information. The executive suite of dashboards and reporting prioritized
focus on material performance indicators, provided a clear line of sight on progress, as well as ensuring
transparency internally and to the project sponsors.
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
The current state of play Mining companies must also manage a range of
In recent years, the mining sector has moved to international treaties, complex local permitting
improve its reputation, but it nonetheless battles legislation and diverse approval processes. Without
with a history of poor environmental performance, a detailed understanding of such requirements
troubled community relations, as well as questions throughout the full project lifecycle and a balance
surrounding transparency and corruption. Recurrent being struck between a wide range of stakeholders,
events, such as local unrest, labor disputes and project redesign and resultant stoppages can occur.
production stoppages, stem from a disconnect
In order to manage such a complex web of
between stakeholder expectations and delivery.
requirements and interactions, mining companies
These negative perceptions can spill over into other
must not only optimize their corporate relations
jurisdictions and limit or restrict future relationships.
capabilities, but also evolve their approach to
The environment within which mining companies engagement. Today’s diverse stakeholders require
operate has expanded to include far more a proactive, customer mindset to fully realize common
complex challenges and proactive stakeholders. benefits.
One such example is the increasing focus on
Our view
energy management – continued legislative and
Embed a license to operate and customer
community pressure to use energy responsibly and
culture: Adopt an approach that balances the need
reduce greenhouse gas emissions is forcing mining
for strategic long-term planning and shorter-term
companies to act.9 These challenges require more
budgeting with delivering shared value to local
than a sustainability agenda, communications and
communities and the supply chain. This requires an
external relations efforts to manage and resolve.
organizational model that allows the coordination
Our research indicates that over two thirds of license of capabilities across all of a mine’s business areas,
to operate incidents occurred in Latin America and enabling effective relationship-building across the
Africa. As future growth opportunities move to entire project lifecycle.
more challenging environments in terms of access,
Deliver on your commitments: Build license to
geopolitical uncertainty, and business practices, the
operate aspects into investment and stage-gate
onus will be on mining companies to put strict control
decision making, and build a long-term institutional
and governance regimes in place.
capacity and strategy to nurture stakeholder
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
stakeholders, and collaborating as well as the project, mean that a clear strategy and plan for
engagement is required.
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
The current state of play Optimize your portfolio: Early-stage projects should
Although it’s true that mining companies have be continuously evaluated. Flexible, driver-based
taken significant steps to optimize their portfolios, modeling gives visibility of multiple ‘what if’ scenarios
commodity prices are notoriously hard to predict, and to support decision making in line with the overarching
disruptive technologies are continuously changing the strategic vision. Rolling this information into a single,
market landscape. consolidated view helps mining companies make
decisions that properly assess macro and project risks
The uptake of stringent capital allocation frameworks
at a portfolio level.
is a step forward in ensuring investments are made on
only the best projects, but when sanctioning long-term Partner strategically: Be selective, and optimize your
investments and strategic deals, mining companies partnering landscape. Define what drives partnering
have not been able to react as the macro environment decisions and develop your partnering ecosystem.
shifted. Further, investments must be assessed with a Mining companies should pursue grassroots
whole-lifecycle view. Often the true implications of deal partnerships with Juniors, enter into joint ventures
exit or mine rehabilitation are not considered, and the to uncover new deposits, better share risk and drive
additional costs prove prohibitive. innovation.
Due to a distrust of collaboration, concerns about Develop the right internal capabilities: Manage
intellectual property rights and competitive advantage, partnerships and joint ventures (JV) effectively.
mining companies have in many cases preferred to This includes establishing partnering frameworks
take a lead role, bearing the burden of risk. This has and operational controls, and embedding the right
meant that more capital is tied up over the long term, behaviors throughout the deal and project lifecycles.
more shouldering of risk, and missed opportunities.
Other industries, most notably oil and gas, have
leveraged partnering to their advantage by diversifying Use analytics to optimize portfolios
their portfolios, sharing the risks of large investment, One of the greatest difficulties organizations face
gaining access to new technologies and geographies, when trying to structure optimal portfolios is making
and fostering new relationships. informed choices about which assets to buy or sell, and
Our view when. Too often, these decisions hinge on subjective
Learn from other sectors: To reduce the risk of factors that cannot be effectively measured or
long-cycle megaprojects, oil and gas companies often improved. To remove some of that subjectivity, leading
engage in shorter-cycle projects designed to rapidly organizations are increasingly relying on data analytics
generate a positive cash flow. In addition to reducing to rank and score potential investment opportunities.
capital expenditures, these short-cycle investments Properly implemented, these analytical tools can help
help to preserve production capacity and help ensure mining companies improve their financial models,
portfolio agility. For mining companies, a phased uncover new business opportunities, and make better
approach to the largest investments could spread the investment and divestment decisions.
risk in a similar fashion.
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
After the challenges faced during the last downcycle, There are multiple barriers to overcome, not least
there is a palpable sense of optimism for mining operating in challenging geographies, constrained
companies. Global economic activity is improving, budgets, complex supply chains and a shortage of
and new industries and technologies are providing skills. Those who navigate these challenges first will
opportunities for commodities growth. reap the richest rewards.
But before launching into the next wave of By ensuring the right capabilities are in place, and
investment, the lessons of the last cycle must be through transforming traditional operating models,
learnt, and the industry needs to rebuild trust with mining companies can select the right investments,
stakeholders in its ability to deliver value in the find the best partners and deliver capital projects with
longer term. confidence, to the benefit of investors, employees,
local communities, and suppliers alike.
Finding the right balance between in-house
exploration, joint ventures and acquisitions, and
developing your own projects will be key.
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
Global contacts
Global Leader, Lead Mining Capital Global Leader, Global Leader,
Mining Projects Partner Infrastructure Energy
& Capital Projects & Resources
Phil Hopwood Marc O’Connor Nick Prior Rajeev Chopra
+1 416 601 6063 +44 20 7303 5324 +44 20 7007 9858 +44 20 7007 2933
Regional/Country contacts
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
1. S&P Global Market Intelligence.
2., October 29, 2017. “Metals start to shine as miners find new optimism” by Jon Yeomans. Accessed at http://www. January 05, 2018.
3. International Monetary Fund, October 2017. “Seeking Sustainable Growth: Short-Term Recovery, Long-Term Challenges”
4., January 31, 2018. “Tracking the trends 2018” by Deloitte. Accessed at
energy-and-resources/articles/tracking-the-trends.html on January 31, 2018.
5., November 24, 2017. “The view from the top at Bechtel, Wood and Fluor on mining EPC/EPCM” by Paul Moore.
Accessed at January 15, 2018.
6., March 24, 2017. “Miners Regain Mojo to Spark $18 Billion in Exploration Hunt” by David Stringer. Accessed at on January
03, 2018.
7., September 12, 2017. “Reeling in cost overruns” by Carly Leonida. Accessed at http://www.miningmagazine.
com/future-of-mining/future-of-mining-sustainability/reeling-in-cost-overrruns on January 22, 2018.
8. The Economist, March 11, 2017. “Mining companies have dug themselves out of a hole” by The Economist. Accessed at https://
cobalt-mining on January 22, 2018.
9., September, 2016. “Energy Management in Mining” by Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (AU).
Accessed at on
January 25, 2018.
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
Mining capital projects | Are you ready for the next CapEx investment cycle?
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