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Soal Tugas Bernoulli

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1. Water is flowing through a pipe having diameters 600 mm and 400 mm at the bottom
and upper end respectively. The intensity of pressure at the bottom end is 350 kN/m2
and the pressure at the upper end is 100 kN/m2. Determine the diffference in datum
head if the rate of flow through the pipe is 60 L/sec.

2. Gasoline (SR=0.8) is flowing upwards a vertical pipeline which tapers from 300 mm to
150 mm diamter. A gasoline mercury differential manometer is connected between 300
mm and 150 mm pipe section to measure the rate of flow. The distance between the
manometer tapping is 1 meter and gauge reading is 500 mm of mercury. Find:
a. Differential gauge reading in terms of gasoline head
b. Rate of flow (neglect friction and other losses between tappings)

3. The suction pipe of a pump sises at a slope of 3 vertical in 4 along the pipe which is 12
cm in diameter. The pipe is 7.2 m long its lower end being just below the water surface in
the reservoir. For design reasons, it is desirable that pressure at inlet to the pump shall
fall to more than 75 kPa below atmosphere pressure. Negelcting friction, determine the
maximum discharge that the pump may deliver. Take atmosphere pressure at 101.32 kPa
4. The following data relate to a conical tube of length 3.0 m fixed vertically with its smaller
end upwards and carrying fluid in the downward direction. The velocity of flow at the
smaller end is 10 m/s, and the larger end is 4 m/s. The loss of head in the tube = (0.4 (V 1-
V2)2)/2g where V1 and V2 are velocities at the smaller and larger ends respectively.
Pressure head at the smaller end is 4 m of fluid. Determine the pressure head at the
larger end.

5. In a smooth inclined pipe of uniform diameter 250 mm, a pressure of 50 kPa was
observed at section 1 which was at elevation 10 m. At another section 2 at elevation 12
m, the pressure was 20 kPa and the velocity was 1.25 m/s. Determine the direction of
flow and the head loss between these two sections. The fluid in the pipe is water. The
density of water at 20oC and 70 mmHg is 998 kg/m3.

6. A pipe line carrying oil (SG=0.8) changes in diametr from 300 mm at position 1 to 600
mm diameter at position 2 which is 5 m at a higher level. If the pressure at position 1 and
2 are 100 kN/m2 and 60 kN/m2 respectively and the discharge is 300 L/s, determine
a. Loss of head
b. Direction of flow

7. A conical tube is fixed vertically with its smaller end upwards and it forms a part of
pipeline. The velocity at the smaller end its 4.5 m/s and the large end 1.5 m/s. Length of
conical tube is 1.5 m. The pressure at the upper end is equivalent to a head of 10 m of
a. Neglecting friction, determine the pressure at the lower end of the tube
b. If head loss in the tube is (0.3 (V1-V2)2)/2g where V1 and V2 are velocities at the
smaller and larger ends respectively. determine the pressure at the lower end of the

8. A drainage pump has tapered suction pipe. The pipe is running full of water. The pipe
diameters at the inlet and the upper end are 1 m and 0.5 m respectively. The free water
surfaces is 2 m above the center of the inlet and centre of the upper end is 3 m above
the top of free water surfaces. The pressure at the tip end of the pipe is 25 cm of
mercury and it is known that loss of head by friction between top and the bottom
section is one tenth of the velocity head at the top section. Compute the discharge in
L/s. Neglect loss of head at the entrance of tapered pipe.
9. The closed tank of a fire engine is partly filled with water, the air space above being
under pressure. A 6 cm bore connected to the tank discharges on the roof of a building
2.5 m above the level of water in the tank. The friction losses are 45 cm of water in the
tank. The friction losses are 45 cm of water. Determine the air pressure which must be
maintened in the tank deliver 20 L/s on the roof.

10. A siphon consisting of a pipe of 12 cm diameter is used to empty kesone oil (SG=0.8)
from the tank A. The siphone discharge to the atmosphere at an elevation of 1.2 m. The
oil surface in the tank is at an elevation of 4.2 m. The centre line of the siphon pipe at its
highest point C is at an elevation of 5.7 m. Determine:
a. The discharge in the pipe
b. The pressure at the point C
The losses in the pipe mau be assumed to be 0.45 m up to summit and 1.25 m from the
summit to the outlet.
11. The outlet at the bottom of a tank is so formed that the velocity of water at point A is 2.2
times the mean velocity within the outlet pipe. What is the greatest length of pipe (l)
which may be used without producing cavitation? Neglect all other losses.
Take atmospheric pressure=96.24 kPa (abs) and vapour pressure=3.9 kPa (abs)

12. A turbine has a supply line of diameter 45 cm and a tapering draft tube as the figure
below. When the flow in the pipe is 0.6 m3/s the pressure head at point L upstream of
the turbine is 35 m and at a point M in the draft tube, where the diameter is 65 cm, the
pressure head is 4.1 m. Point M is 2.2 m below the poin L. Determine the power output
of the turbine by assuming 92% efficiency.
13. The figure shows a pipe connecting a reservoir to a turbine which dischargeswater to the
tail race through another pipe. The head loss between the reservoir and the turbine is 8
times the kinetic head in the pipe and that from the turbine to the tail race is 0.4 times
the kinetic head in the pipe. The rate of flows is 1.2 m3/s and the pipe diameter in both
case is 1.1 m. Determine
a. The pressure at the inlet and exit of the turbine
b. The power generated by the turbine

14. The figure shows a pump drawing a solution (SG=1.8) from a storage tank through an 8
cm steel pipe in which the flow velocity is 0.9 m/s, The pump discharges through a 6 cm
steel pipe to an overhead tank, the end of discharge is 12 m above the level of the
solution in the feed tank. If the friction losses in the entire piping system are 5.5 m and
pump efficiency is 65%, determine:
a. Power rating of pump
b. Pressure developed by the pump

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