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IKI 30 V5 Eng PDF

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Protection Relay acc. IEC 60255

Transformer Monitor IKI-30

Intelligent transformer monitoring

Applicable for transformers with nominal power Pn:
160..2500kVA (@5-15kV); 250..7500kVA(@20-25kV); 400..12000kVA(@30-36kV)

Application a) Overcurrent- and short circuit/earth fault protection

by combination of IKI-30 and circuit breaker/ load breaker
Application b) Overcurrent protection by combination of IKI-30 with load breaker
and high voltage fuses; (tripping by IKI-30 disabled in range of short
circuit current; disconnection by high voltage fuses)

Selectable tripping options:

- DMT definite minimum time characteristic (ANSI 51)
- IDMT inverse definite minimum time characteristic (ANSI 51);
2 curves available
- instantaneous overcurrent characteristic (ANSI 50)
- external, fast tripping without delay
- optionally: earth-fault stage characteristic (ANSI 50N, 51N)

Release of tripping coil optionally:

- low power tripping coil (no external power supply needed)
- standard tripping coil (with separate power storage unit PSU)

Self test, On-site function test by test button; relay for watchdog alarm

Event-Recorder for up to 16 events; download by interface-cable to PC

(only for type IKI-30E)
Maintenance-free, power supply by current transformer
power supply buffered by lithium battery
(live cycle > 15 years, if current transformers are not connected)

A u x ilia r y v o lta g e
- c u s to m e r s p e c ific tr ip p in g c o il
- L o w - p o w e r tr ip p in g c o il o r
A lte r n a tiv e ly :
w ith c a p a c itiv e p o w e r b u ffe r

C u s to m e r s p e c ific C a p a c itiv e P o w e r B u ffe r

tr ip p in g c o il P o w e r - S to r a g e - U n it

L o w -p o w e r
tr ip p in g c o il
a u x ilia r y v o lta g

tr ip in te r n a l

tr ip in t,. e x t

S p lit- C o r e C T
tr ip r e m o te t

tr ip e x te r n

w a tc h d o g

IK I- L U = /~ = /~
r e la y 2

r e la y 1
1 9
1 0

1 5
1 6
1 1

1 3

1 7

2 0
1 2

1 8

2 1


o p tio n a l:

1 4

R e la y

B a la n c e d - C o r e
N .C .

N .C .
N .C .

3 /2 4 V in t


Protection Relay acc. IEC 60255

Technical data
User adjustable parameters by DIP-switches behind front cover
Pick-up current Is: 3 ranges for each range 16 values adjustable; range 1: 5..20 A; range 2: 25..100A;
range 3: 110..260 A
Short circuit level I>>:
short circuit-threshold ratio I>>/Is 8 values selectable (2..20)
short circuit delay time tI>> 8 values selectable (0..2s); disabling of tripping possible
Overcurrent level I>:
- Independent overcurrent pick-up value I>/ Is 8 values selectable (1,1..3)
delay time tI> 16 values selectable (1..300s)
- IDMT 1 (IEC very invers) start point I>/ Is 8 values selectable (1,1..3)
IDMT 2 (IEC extremely invers) start point I>/ Is 8 values selectable (1,1..3)
characteristic shift: v 8 values selectable (0,05..10 s)

Optionally earth stage Ie>:

earth fault-pick-up value ratio Ie>/Is 8 values selectable (0,1..2)
earth fault delay time tIe> 8 values selectable (0..5 s)
Frequency: 50/60 Hz selectable
Inherent delay: approximately 43 ms
Reset: after 2h or automatic after current recovery or manual by key
Power supply: by current transformers; if primary current > 1 A;
complete supply if primary current > 5A; buffered by lithium battery
Current transformers: connected to input 1, 2, 3: split core current transformer type IKI- 30 LU
optionally to input 4: balanced current split core transformer (only for type IKI-30E)
type depending on diameter
Outputs: 2 Alarmrelays: load 230VAC/DC, 5A; N.C. or N.O. selectable
Tripping Output: suitable for coil 3V@0,02Ws; special version for coil 24V@0,1Ws
According to: IEC 60255-5
Operating/storage temperatur: -25°C .. +55°C / -30 ... +70 °C
Housing: front panel mounting (acc. to DIN 43700); IP 40
dimension: 96 x 48 x 80 mm (w x h x d)
recommended cut: 92 x 45 mm (w x h)
Part.-numbers: - Protection Relay type IKI-30_1: 2500286 (Relays: NC) | 2501286 (Relays: NO)
- with earth stage type IKI-30E1 2500287 (Relays: NC) | 2501287 (Relays: NO)
- with earth stage; tripping-out-
put 24V@0,1Ws type IKI-30E2 2503287 (Relays: NC) | 2504287 (Relays: NO)
- Wall mountable housing 2500994 wxhxd = 180x110x137 mm
- Low-Power Trip Coil IKI-30-TC 2500275 3 V, 0.02Ws
- Interface-Cable for PC / IKI-30 2501047 cable with USB connector for download the event-
recorder to a PC
S ta r tin g p o in t ID M T

tim e tim e
tim e /
t/s tIe > /

1 E 2 1 E 3
1 E 2


1 E 1 1 E 2
1 E 1

tI> Ie > /Is

I> > /Is

1 E 0
1 E 0 1 E 1

I> > /Is

tIe >

1 E -1 v =
tI> > 1 E -1 tI> > 1 E 0
0 ,4

0 ,3

0 ,2
0 ,1
1 E -2
1 E 0 1 E 1 2 E 1 1 E -2 1 E -1
1 E 0 1 E 1 2 E 1 1 E 0
Ie > /Is
I/Is I/Is
tim e d e la y e d a n d in s ta n ta n e o u s in v e r s e d e fin ite m in im u m tim e o p tio n a l: tim e d e la y e d
o v e r c u r r e n t c h a r a c te r is tic a n d in s ta n ta n e o u s o v e r c u r r e n t e a r th s ta g e c h a r a c te r is tic
c h a r a c te r is tic

Kries - Energietechnik GmbH & Co KG

Sandwiesen 19 Telefon (++ 49) (0) 7151 96932 - 0

D-71334 Waiblingen Telefax (++ 49) (0) 7151 96932-160
www.kries.com E - Mail service@kries.com

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