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Technical Data: P/S 870 Class A Corrosion Inhibitive Sealant

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P/S 870 Class A Corrosion Inhibitive Sealant

Description Performance Properties
P/S 870 Class A is a corrosion inhibitive sealant. It ( Ty p i c a l )
has a service temperature range from -65°F (-54°C) to Cured 7 days @ 77°F (25°C), 50% RH
250°F (121°C), with intermittent excursions up to
Cured specific gravity 1.45
275°F (135°C). This material acts as an effective bar-
rier against the common causes of corrosion on alu- Nonvolatile content, % 86
minum alloys or between dissimilar metals. The Ultimate cure hardness,
cured sealant maintains elastomeric properties after Durometer A 50
limited exposure to both jet fuel and aviation gas.
Soluble chromate, % 4
P/S 870 Class A is a two-part, manganese dioxide
Peel strength, pli (N/25 mm), 100% cohesion
cured polysulfide compound. The uncured material is
AMS 2629 JRF, 2 days @ 140°F (60°C)
suitable for application by brush in thickness up to 25
MIL-A-8625 (Anodized aluminum) 28 (125)
mils. It cures at room temperature to form a resilient
MIL-T-9046 (Titanium comp. C)* 29 (129)
sealant having excellent adhesion to common aircraft
substrates. 3% AMS 2629 JRF/NaCl-H2O immersion,
The following tests are in accordance with MIL-PRF- 2 days @ 140°F (60°C)
81733 Type I specification test methods. MIL-A-8625 (Anodized aluminum) 30 (133)
MIL-T-9046 (Titanium comp. C)* 31 (138)
Application Properties *Primed with PR-148 Adhesion Promoter
( Ty p i c a l ) Tensile strength, psi (KPa)
Color Standard cure, 14 days
Part A Black @ 77°F (25°C), 50% RH 250 (1724)
Part B White Elongation, %
Mixed Gray Standard cure, 14 days
Mixing ratio Part A:Part B @ 77°F (25°C), 50% RH 250
By weight 15:100 Low temperature flexibility @ -65°F (-54°C) - No
Base viscosity cracking, checking or loss of adhesion.
(Brookfield #6 @ 10 rpm), Resistance to hydrocarbons - 7 days @ 140°F (60°C)
Poise (Pa-s) 300 (30) immersed in Type III fuel.
Application life and cure time @ 77°F (25°C), 50% Weight loss, % 7.0
RH Flexibility - No cracks after bending 180 degrees over
Cure time 0.125 inch (3.18 mm) mandrel.
Application Tack free to 30 A Repairability to itself - Excellent to both fresh cured as
life time Durometer well as fuel aged and abraded fillets.
(hours) (hours) (hours)
A-1/2 1/2 <16 36 Salt spray (fog) test for 1000 hrs. (ASTM B117) - No
A-2 2 <24 64 corrosion to base substrate or deterioration of
Fungus resistance Non-nutrient
Note: The application and performance property val-
ues above are typical for the material, but not intend-
ed for use in specifications or for acceptance inspec-
tion criteria because of variations in testing methods,
conditions and configurations.

W h e r e S m a r t S o l u t i o n s Ta k e F l i g h t ®
P/S 870 Class A Corrosion Inhibitive Sealant
Surface Preparation Health Precautions
Immediately before applying sealant to primed This product is safe to use and apply when recom-
substrates, the surfaces should be cleaned with mended precautions are followed. Before using this
solvents. Contaminants such as dirt, grease, and/or product, read and understand the Material Safety
processing lubricants must be removed prior to Data Sheet (MSDS), which provides information on
sealant application. health, physical and environmental hazards, handling
A progressive cleaning procedure should be employed precautions and first aid recommendations. An MSDS
using appropriate solvents and a new lint-free cloth is available on request. Avoid overexposure. Obtain
conforming to AMS 3819. (Reclaimed solvents or tis- medical care in case of extreme overexposure.
sue paper should not be used.) Always pour solvent For industrial use only. Keep away from children.
on the cloth to avoid contaminating the solvent sup-
For emergency medical information call
ply. Wash one small area at a time.
It is important that the surface is dried with a second
Additional information can be found at:
clean cloth prior to the solvent evaporating to prevent
the redeposition of contaminants on the substrate.
For sales and ordering information call
Substrate composition can vary greatly. This can affect
1-800-AEROMIX (237-6649).
sealant adhesion. It is recommended that adhesion
characteristics to a specific substrate be determined
prior to application on production parts or assemblies.
For a more thorough discussion of proper surface
preparation, please consult the SAE Aerospace
Information Report AIR 4069. This document is avail-
able through SAE, 400 Commonwealth Avenue,
Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.

Packing Options
P/S 870 Class A is supplied in two-part kits and
Semco® cartridges.

Mixing Instructions
Mix according to the ratios indicated in the applica-
tion properties section. Mix Part A and Part B sepa-
rately to uniformity, then thoroughly mix entire con-
tents of both parts of kit together taking care to
avoid leaving unmixed areas around the sides or bot-
tom of the mixing container.

Storage Life
The storage life of P/S 870 Class A is at least 6
months when stored at temperatures below 80°F
(27°C) in original, unopened containers.

Semco is a trademark of PRC-DeSoto International, Inc., registered with the U.S. Patent Office.
PRC-DeSoto International, Inc.
12780 San Fernando Road
All recommendations, statements, and technical data contained herein are based on tests we believe to be reliable Sylmar, CA 91342
and correct, but accuracy and completeness of said tests are not guaranteed and are not to be construed as a war- Telephone (818) 362-6711
ranty, either expressed or implied. User shall rely on his own information and tests to determine suitability of the Toll Free (800) AEROMIX
product for the intended use and assumes all risks and liability resulting from his use of the product. Seller’s and manu- www.ppgaerospace.com
facturer’s sole responsibility shall be to replace that portion of the product of this manufacturer which proves to be
defective. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable to the buyer or any third person for any injury, loss, or dam- Issue Date: 12/09
age directly or indirectly resulting from use of, or inability to use, the product. Recommendations or statements other Supersedes: 03/09
than those contained in a written agreement signed by an officer of the manufacturer shall not be binding upon the Lit: 0117
manufacturer or seller.

Printed in U.S.A.

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