Critical Incidents of The Respiratory System
Critical Incidents of The Respiratory System
Critical Incidents of The Respiratory System
Critical incidents affecting the respiratory system can rapidly Oropharyngeal injury
precipitate deterioration in other areas of the body; they repre-
Cuts or bruising to the lips or tongue occurs in approximately 5%
sent a significant source of morbidity and mortality in anaes-
of anaesthetics; however, it is likely that there is significant
thesia. In the UK, a review of cases logged with the National
under-reporting of such events. The risk of damage to a tooth is
Health Service Litigation Authority (NHSLA) between 1995 and
approximately 1:4500 cases. Laryngoscopy is the most common
2007 found adverse airway and respiratory system events
cause: careful, detailed preoperative assessment and documen-
accounted for 12% of anaesthesia-related claims, and 53% of
tation of the teeth, coupled with care during airway manage-
deaths. A thorough understanding of the possible respiratory
ment, reduces the risk of dental damage. Rolled swabs placed
system complications which may arise during anaesthesia is
between the lateral molars as a ‘bite-block’ can provide protec-
fundamental to its safe delivery.
tion from biting and grinding during emergence. Conversely, an
The Montgomery ruling in the UK Supreme Court highlights
oropharyngeal airway adjunct may prevent occlusion of an
the need for clinicians to better tailor discussions of potential
airway from biting but poses a risk to teeth.
complications to the individual patients with whom they consult.
The estimated frequency of sore throat after anaesthesia is
We can no longer rely on the Bolam test (whether an esteemed
20% where a supraglottic airway (SGA) is used, increasing to
body of medical opinion would uphold a decision) when
40% with a cuffed tracheal tube (TT). Insertion of gastric tubes,
weighing-up which information to share in the consenting
temperature probes, suction apparatus and devices such as
oesophageal Doppler or transoesophageal echo probes also risk
trauma. In most cases, symptoms are mild and short-lived, but
they may prove a source of complaint or litigation in the context
Edward TC Miles MA MSci MBChB FRCA is a Specialist Trainee in
Anaesthesia at North Bristol NHS Trust and The Bristol School of
of extended severity and chronicity, or where the patient uses
Anaesthesia, United Kingdom. Conflict of interests: none declared. their voice professionally.
Lubrication and correct size selection of airway devices,
Tim M Cook BA MBBS FRCA FFICM is a Consultant in Anaesthesia and
including laryngoscopes, can reduce shearing forces applied to
Intensive Care Medicine, Royal United Hospital Bath NHS
Foundation Trust, Royal College of Anaesthetists Advisor on Airways,
the tissues with which they come into contact; a meticulous
Honorary Professor, University of Bristol, United Kingdom. Conflict of approach to correct placement and inflation pressures is also
interests: none declared. paramount. High volume, low pressure cuffs are to be preferred
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 20:12 687 Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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for TTs and pressure gauges should be used to appropriately varies between machines). While it is raised gas pressures which
titrate the air in SGA cuffs (60e70 cmH2O) and perhaps in TTs cause injury, damage is hastened and more severe with increased
(<30 cmH2O). flow rates.
There have been case reports of damage to the laryngeal, Danger is greatest when a long hollow device is placed deep in
glossopharyngeal and hypoglossal nerves caused by direct pres- the airway and oxygen is administered via a high pressure
sure from SGAs compressing the structures of the oropharynx. source. Examples are the Aintree intubation catheter (AIC) and
The i-gelÔ is associated with a lower incidence of sore throat hollow bougies used in airway exchange, or an airway exchange
than cuffed devices, but its bulk may increase airway trauma. catheter (AEC) left in situ after extubation. If the distal portion of
Clumsy laryngoscopy, especially with curved blades and stylets, such a device becomes wedged, there is no escape path for
can cause pharyngeal injury or perforation. Forces applied during delivered gas and barotrauma will result. Ensuring the tip re-
laryngoscopy are reduced by use of videolaryngoscopy; a 2016 mains above the carina (approximately 23 cm from the lips) will
Cochrane review demonstrates a reduced rate of airway trauma protect against ‘wedging’ and subsequent injury.
and sore throat when videolaryngoscopy is used. On balance AECs, AICs and hollow bougies should be
reserved for airway exchange; on the rare occasions when oxy-
Upper airway and oesophageal injury gen delivery via these devices becomes necessary, care must be
taken to maintain the tip above the carina and low-pressure gas
Laryngeal injury
sources must be used.
The vocal cords and posterior laryngeal structures may be
injured in up to 1% of intubations, affecting mostly young,
Lung injury as a consequence of controlled ventilation
healthy patients during routine uncomplicated intubation and
accounting for around one-third of airway trauma claims against Positive pressure ventilation may cause injury by effects of vol-
anaesthetists. Injuries include laryngeal granuloma, nerve palsy, ume (volutrauma), pressure (barotrauma) and repeated infla-
arytenoid dislocation and fracture; subglottic stenoses and tion/deflation (shear/atelectrauma). Controlled ventilation leads
granulomata are rarer. Harm may be temporary or permanent to migration of inflammatory cells into the alveolae and release
and may interfere with speech, swallowing and occasionally with of cytokines. There is also a decrease in surfactant, an increase in
breathing. Injury to the posterior laryngeal components from an production of mucus and a decrease in the efficiency of the
SGA is less common than intubation related injury. Use of mucociliary transport mechanisms. Already injured lungs are at
excessively large tubes or inflation of a cuff across the laryngeal particular risk of further injury. Emerging evidence suggests that
inlet are prime causes of injury. Solutions include avoiding ‘lung protective ventilation’ may have a role in the operating
intubation where it is not indicated, using videolaryngoscopy theatre and in elective major surgery, as well as in the intensive
where possible to avoid blind (bougie) techniques, selecting care unit (ICU).
smaller TTs and optimally managing and monitoring cuff pres- Lung protective ventilation involves: low volumes (6e7 ml/
sure and position during use. kg ideal body weight); relatively high positive end expiratory
pressure (PEEP) to maintain a position on the steep part of the
Tracheal and oesophageal injury compliance curve; avoidance of high mean airway pressures
These injuries are rare, but convey significant mortality owing to through use of pressure controlled ventilation; avoidance of high
mediastinitis. Oesophageal intubation with a TT can be enough inspired oxygen concentrations; reduced periods of disconnec-
to cause perforation; both oesophagus and trachea may be tion; and use of recruitment manoeuvres such as ‘sighs’ or pe-
injured by (mis)use of stylets, TTs and bougies. Avoidance of riods of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) at
oesophageal intubation, scrupulous use of airway adjuncts and approximately 30-minute intervals. Such protocols are associated
early detection of symptoms (e.g. chest pain, surgical emphy- with a lower incidence of postoperative pulmonary complica-
sema) and treatment after potentially injurious events reduces tions and reduced length of stay. Which components of the
harm. ‘package’ are most important, and how long after extubation
protection persists, remains unclear.
Lower airway injury
Barotrauma to the lower airway may result from mismanage- Hypoxaemia
ment of the upper airway, in particular from inappropriate The NAP4 point estimate for the risk of death or brain damage
methods of oxygen delivery. Microscopic barotrauma occurs from failure of oxygenation during anaesthesia was approxi-
when positive pressure ventilation is applied with too large tidal mately 1:151,000 anaesthetics, increasing to 1:110,000 when a
volumes creating or exacerbating acute lung injury (see below). TT was used. The corresponding rate for SGAs was 1:202,000,
Macroscopic barotrauma (air leak, pneumothorax, pneumo- and for face mask (FM) anaesthesia 1:154,000. The duration and
mediastinum, surgical emphysema) can occur when a high- severity of hypoxaemia required to cause death or organ failure is
pressure source is applied to the airway without a route for dependent on many factors. In NAP4 some patients came to
egress. harm from relatively short periods of apparently modest hypo-
High-pressure sources include gas cylinders (400 kPa), wall xaemia while others survived prolonged and severe events (e.g.
oxygen (400e600 kPa) and ‘jet ventilation’ equipment (e.g. up to 30 minutes of SpO2 <70%).
Sanders injectors and Manujets, 100e400 kPa). In contrast, an Hypoxaemia will most likely first be detected by a fall in the
anaesthetic machine’s fresh gas output supplies at approximately oxygen saturations in the presence of an otherwise adequate
2e6 kPa, increasing to 30e40 kPa on ‘flush’ mode (although this pulse plethysmogram. More occult presenting signs include
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pallor with cyanosis, tachycardia with hypertension (early in Early identification of airway failure is key to mitigating its
adults), bradycardia (in young children, or late in adults), other sequelae; guidelines in the UK mandate waveform capnography
arrhythmias and electrocardiograph (ECG) disturbances or, in be used in clinical environments where child and adult patients
extreme cases, cardiac arrest. Causes of hypoxaemia include undergo, or are dependent on, ventilation via an artificial airway
difficulties with airway management, hypoxic inspired gas e including anaesthesia, critical care and emergency de-
mixtures or anaesthetic circuit disconnection, inadequate partments. The failure to detect improper placement of a TT,
ventilation, increased shunt, significant pneumothorax, pul- owing to absent or misinterpreted waveform capnography, has
monary oedema, or equipment failure. Haemoglobinopathies been identified as a future ‘Never Event’ by NHS Improvement.
and the use of intravenous dyes can produce spuriously low In response, the RCoA and DAS have launched the ‘No Trace ¼
saturation readings (84e86% in methaemoglobinaemia) or Wrong Place’ safety campaign, aimed at facilitating early recog-
reassuringly high readings when hypoxaemia is in fact present nition of failed intubation. A crucial message of this campaign,
(as high as 98% with 10% carboxyhaemoglobin levels). given the high rates of intubation failure amongst critically ill
On detection of hypoxaemia, 100% oxygen should be patients, is that waveform capnography persists (albeit in
administered at high flow rates; oxygen supply should be attenuated form) throughout cardiac arrest and resuscitation.
confirmed by checking pressure gauges and oxygen analysers There is controversy as to whether the never event should also
in the breathing circuit. Mechanically ventilated patients should apply to neonates. There are practical challenges to use of
be temporarily switched to manual ventilation, confirming waveform capnography in neonatal practice; it is usually readily
adequate volumes are being delivered and enabling assessment achieved during anaesthesia, and often used during neonatal
of equipment for defects, such as obstructions or leaks. Use of a transfer, but only rarely in neonatal critical care.
self-inflating bag enables rapid discrimination between gas The term ‘cannot intubate, cannot oxygenate’ (CICO) de-
delivery/anaesthetic circuitry faults and problems with the scribes the situation in which progressive modalities of airway
airway device/patient. Manual ventilation also facilitates management have failed and oxygen delivery is critically
assessment of the patient’s airways, which may have become compromised. The estimated CICO event rate in NAP4 was
obstructed by mucous, blood or gastric aspirate, and their lung 1:50,000 anaesthetics, which is similar to other case series. The
dynamics, which may have been adversely affected by bron- death rate from CICO was 1:479,000 anaesthetics.
chospasm, oedema, chest wall deformity, pneumothorax or Risks for CICO include surgery of the head and neck, although
surgical intrusion. Inspection and auscultation of the chest an increased incidence is also observed in obstetric anaesthesia
during manual ventilation may facilitate assessment of the and in obese patients. Rates are higher in ED and ICU settings,
cause of hypoxaemia and direct subsequent actions to remedy owing to both technical factors related to the case mixes
it. Waveform capnography is critically useful to distinguish encountered and non-technical factors related to carrying out a
hypoxaemia from failure of ventilation (flat or very abnormal complex task in a setting, and as part of a team, where it may not
trace) from pulmonary causes (normal or nearly normal trace). be routinely practised.
When CICO arises, it is important to maintain a structured
Airway failure approach to rescuing the situation, avoiding task fixation and
The majority of airway failures are unanticipated (>80% for multiple attempts at laryngoscopy worsening an already precar-
FM techniques, >90% for intubation). When one element of ious state. In the UK, the DAS publish guidelines for the struc-
airway management fails, the risk of other techniques failing is tured management of unanticipated difficult intubation,
increased many-fold. This ‘composite failure’ is under- encouraging a stepwise progression through the different airway
appreciated but the likely cause of many airway disasters. management modalities. Perhaps complimentary to the DAS
Mask ventilation is difficult in 1e5% of cases and impossible in guidelines, the ‘vortex’ model describes a more fluid approach in
approximately 1:500. Failure rates for SGAs are less well which adequate FM ventilation, SGA and TT placement can be
described, ranging from 1:500 to 1:10 in different studies. In attempted in any order, but with no more than three attempts (or
practice, an SGA may need replacing in 3e5% of cases and may one optimal attempt) at each. The final common pathway to
fail totally in 1%. these approaches, in the context of ongoing airway failure e with
Difficulty with tracheal intubation occurs in approximately or without hypoxaemia, is progression to establishing an emer-
5e10% of anaesthetics. Failed tracheal intubation occurs in gency front of neck airway (FONA) for oxygenation.
1:1000e2000 routine anaesthetics, 1:250e300 rapid sequence NAP4 highlighted cases where FONA was undertaken without
inductions (RSIs), and 1:100 emergency department (ED) and an attempt at oxygenation with SGA and some patients in whom
ICU intubations. Difficult, failed, or delayed intubation was the FONA was established without prior administration of appro-
primary cause in approximately half of events reported to NAP4. priate muscle relaxant. This has been confirmed in recent registry
Importantly, failed intubation likely occurs at some point in all studies. Adequate neuromuscular blockade and attempts at
airway disasters. When direct laryngoscopy fails, further at- oxygenation via an SGA are likely to rescue most CICO events
tempts with the same technique have a failure rate of approxi- and should both be undertaken before proceeding to FONA.
mately 80%. Videolaryngoscopy after failed direct laryngoscopy Waking the patient should always be considered but is not al-
carries an approximate 90% success rate. ways feasible.
Each modality of airway management has its own risk factors, Where FONA is attempted, NAP4 demonstrated low success
but obesity, being male, poor mouth opening (Mallampati 3e4), rates of needle-based techniques in the hands of anaesthetists.
poor neck extension, and increasing age likely contribute across The DAS 2015 guidelines have subsequently recommended the
modalities. scalpel-bougie FONA as the rescue technique of choice.
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should not be given prophylactically, but remain in reserve sufficient to manage severe laryngospasm. In paediatric practice
should pneumonia develop. There is no survival or morbidity when laryngospasm occurs during gaseous induction intramus-
benefit derived from the routine use of steroids. Death following cular succinylcholine 4 mg/kg is rapidly effective.
severe aspiration occurs either early from airway obstruction, or Once stabilized, treatable causative factors should be
late from multi-organ failure secondary to ARDS. addressed. Following prolonged episodes, patients should be
monitored for evidence of post-obstructive pulmonary oedema
Aspiration of blood (POPO), which may require an extended period of ventilation
Where the airway has been exposed to blood from surgical or and diuretics on ICU, before extubation is re-attempted.
anaesthetic interventions, the risk of its aspiration should always
be considered. Blood in the airway was a significant cause of Bronchospasm
complications reported to NAP4, including obstruction and fa- Bronchospasm occurs when smooth muscle in the conducting
talities during emergence, accounting for approximately 20% of airways contracts, as a result of irritability (smokers, asthmatics,
reported cases. This is a particular risk in the context of head, volatile anaesthetics), or light anaesthesia. In anaphylaxis,
neck and dental surgery. asthma and lung disease, it is also associated with airways
When large volumes of whole blood are aspirated, the resul- inflammation and oedema, increased mucus secretion and
tant clots can cause prolonged obstruction within the trachea and airway plugging. Bronchospasm occurs in approximately 0.2% of
bronchial tree, leading to catastrophic, prolonged failure of all general anaesthetics, with the risk tenfold greater in those
oxygenation. Aspiration of blood can be occult, often occurring with reactive airways disease. Ventilation pressures will rise and
after the removal of a secured airway, or in the recovery area. widespread expiratory wheeze may be heard on auscultation or
Awareness of the risk, coupled with a meticulous and gentle within the breathing circuit. Expiratory time will lengthen and
approach to suctioning under direct vision following at risk carbon dioxide elimination will be slowed, resulting in a char-
surgeries, protects against inhalation of the ‘coroner’s clot’ which acteristic ‘ramped’ or ‘sharks-fin’ capnography waveform. A
can collect in the nasopharynx of the anaesthetized, supine pa- misplaced SGA, endobronchial intubation, tracheal tube tip/wall
tient. If a flat capnography trace develops after the airway has apposition, and mucous plugging can all mimic bronchospasm
been exposed to blood, the possibility of clot aspiration should be and should be excluded.
actively excluded through direct laryngoscopy, suctioning, Where bronchospasm is suspected, high concentration oxy-
airway exchange, and direct examination of the trachea with FOB gen should be delivered and anaesthesia deepened using a non-
or rigid bronchoscopy. irritant volatile (sevoflurane, halothane) or intravenous anaes-
thetic. Salbutamol via the TT or intravenously, nebulized ipra-
Laryngospasm tropium bromide, and intravenous aminophylline, ketamine and
Direct stimulation from above, or surgical manipulation of magnesium all produce bronchodilation, as does adrenaline
distant sites, can result in the forced closure of the vocal cords by (intravenously or nebulized) in extreme cases. Intravenous cor-
the intrinsic muscles of the larynx. Laryngospasm is reported to ticosteroids act more slowly to suppress the underlying inflam-
occur to some degree in up to 1% of anaesthetics, with markedly matory processes and may be appropriate depending on the
increased incidence in paediatric practice, particularly in infants. cause. Ventilation using reduced tidal volumes may be required
Adult patient risk factors for laryngospasm are asthma, smoking, to protect against barotrauma. Respiratory acidosis above pH 7.2
concurrent upper respiratory tract infection, obesity and reflux. It may be tolerated to allow for extended expiratory times, pre-
can also be precipitated by surgeries involving a shared airway, venting ‘gas trapping’ which raises intrathoracic pressures, limits
dissection close to the superior laryngeal nerve and surgical venous return, and reduces cardiac output.
stimulus, especially cervical or anal dilatation. Induction and
emergence are particular risk periods for laryngospasm. Low Pneumothorax and tension pneumothorax
doses of intravenous or vaporized anaesthetic agents during Simple pneumothorax is uncommon during anaesthesia. It may
maintenance of anaesthesia with an SGA can also be a cause, as develop from pre-existing airways disease (e.g. asthma, emphy-
can thiopentone (which accentuates airway reflexes) or irritant sema), injury (e.g. rib fractures, blunt or penetrating thoracic
vapours (e.g. desflurane). injury), surgery (e.g. neck, chest, diaphragm, laparoscopy), or
Initial management of laryngospasm is with 100% oxygen at anaesthetic procedures (e.g. supraclavicular nerve block, sub-
high flow rates via a tightly fitting mask, using two hands if clavian or internal jugular central venous line, poorly managed
necessary to produce a jaw thrust and adequate seal. Vigorous controlled ventilation). During positive pressure ventilation or
attempts at ventilation will only serve to inflate the stomach, use of nitrous oxide, a simple pneumothorax e which may cause
increasing the risk of aspiration; CPAP should instead be main- a minor degree of respiratory compromise e may progress to a
tained. During emergence, CPAP, jaw thrust and patience may be tension pneumothorax.
enough to break the spasm, as may anterior pressure behind the Tension pneumothorax is characterized by reduced chest
ramus of the mandible (Larsen’s point). Where practical, the movement and increased expansion on the affected side. Per-
airway should be suctioned to remove debris from around the cussion of the affected hemithorax may demonstrate hyper-
larynx. If these techniques fail, or if laryngospasm occurs on resonance and auscultation may reveal reduced or absent
induction, the next step is to deepen anaesthesia with propofol in breath sounds. Ultrasonography will reveal loss of normal ‘lung
0.5 mg/kg increments. Refractory spasm may require (re)paral- sliding’ and ‘comet tails’ and the presence of a ‘bar code sign’. A
ysis and (re)intubation in order to (re)gain control. Very small late clinical sign is deviation of the trachea away from the side
doses of intravenous succinylcholine e e.g. 0.1 mg/kg e may be with the pathology. As the volume of the pneumothorax
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increases, mediastinal shift results in kinking of the vena cava processes (anaphylaxis, inhalational injury, sepsis, ARDS) or
and engorgement of the neck veins. Failure of venous return neurogenic causes (subarachnoid haemorrhage, brain injury,
causes a fall in cardiac output followed quickly, if untreated, by seizures, eclampsia).
cardiac arrest and death. Post obstructive pulmonary oedema (inaccurately also termed
On diagnosis, application of 100% oxygen is classically fol- ‘negative pressure’ pulmonary oedema) is a specific anaesthesia
lowed by large-bore needle decompression thoracostomy (sec- complication that may occur after forced efforts at spontaneous
ond intercostal space, mid-clavicular line), prior to definitive ventilation against a closed (e.g. laryngospasm) or occluded (e.g.
intercostal drain insertion. In prehospital and major trauma set- foreign body, bitten down on) airway. It can follow extubation if
tings, open thoracostomy in the mid-axillary line is increasingly upper airway obstruction (obesity, obstructive sleep apnoea) is
practised as the first-line decompression strategy for positive- not recognized. It can be followed by severe hypoxaemia and
pressure ventilated patients. Large bronchopleural connections oedema lasting considerably longer than the precipitating event
may require multiple drains in parallel to prevent re- and requiring standard treatment, including admission to ICU.
accumulation, or lung isolation using double-lumen ETTs. Management of pulmonary oedema involves sitting the pa-
tient up and applying high-flow oxygen with CPAP if awake, or
Pulmonary embolus PEEP if intubated and ventilated. Diuretics and nitrates reduce
When embolic material from the periphery lodges in the vessels preload, shifting a failing heart leftwards on Starling’s curve and
of the pulmonary vasculature, an area of dead-space is produced, improving pump function. Awake patients will experience sig-
leading to immediate reactive changes in gas exchange, causing nificant distress for which low-dose opiates are traditionally
hypoxia and normocapnoea or hypocapnoea. There is an im- employed. Twelve-lead ECG, bedside echocardiography and se-
mediate fall in compliance, an increase in pulmonary vascular rial troponin assays are useful in determining the underlying
resistance and a reduction in cardiac output. The typical cause. A
sequence of events is a fall in etCO2, a rise in airway pressures
(or fall in tidal volume depending on ventilatory mode), tachy-
cardia, hypotension and then hypoxaemia. During massive or FURTHER READING
widespread pulmonary embolus (PE), right heart failure can Birenbaum A, Hajage D, Roche S, et al. Effect of cricoid pressure
occur, followed by cardiac arrest. Large blockages by fat (long- compared with a sham procedure in the rapid sequence induction
bone procedures and cementation), gas (neurosurgical or lapa- of anesthesia: the IRIS Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Surg 2019;
roscopic procedures, open central lines) or amniotic fluid 154: 9e17.
(caesarean section) are most likely during anaesthesia, although Cook TM. Airway complications e strategies for prevention. Anaes-
embolus of septic vegetations and foreign bodies may also occur. thesia 2018; 73: 93e111.
Although rarely implicated perioperatively, postoperative Cook TM, Woodall N, Frerk C, eds. 4th national Audit Project of the
venous thromboembolism (VTE) complicates approximately royal College of anaesthetists and the difficult airway society 2011.
1% of general surgical and many multiples greater orthopaedic London: Royal College of Anaesthetists. ISBN 978-1-9000936-03-
and trauma procedures. As a member of the perioperative team, 3 accessed 3rd July 2019,
the anaesthetist shares in the responsibility of risk assessment Desciak MC, Martin DE. Perioperative pulmonary embolism: diagnosis
and prophylaxis against VTE by ensuring the correct application and anesthetic management. J Clin Anesth 2011; 23: 153e65.
of mechanical and pharmacological measures tailored appropri- Frerk C, Mitchell VS, McNarry AF, et al. Difficult Airway Society 2015
ately to the individual’s risk profile. guidelines for management of unanticipated difficult intubation in
Large PEs can trigger widespread inflammatory states and adults. Br J Anaesth 2015; 115: 827e48.
consumptive coagulopathies, which further complicate the situ- Higgs A, McGrath BA, Goddard C, et al. Guidelines for the manage-
ation. Management of PE is mainly supportive, with high-flow ment of tracheal intubation in critically ill adults. Br J Anaesth 2018;
oxygen to reduce pulmonary hypoxic vasoconstriction, off- 120: 323e52.
loading the right ventricle, and vasopressors to increase systemic Lewis SR, Butler AR, Parker J, Cook TM, Smith AF. Videolaryngoscopy
vascular resistance, maintaining coronary perfusion. Where the versus direct laryngoscopy for adult patients requiring tracheal
source can be established, this is treated as appropriate (e.g. intubation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 11: CD011136.
anticoagulation or thrombolysis for blood clot, cessation of sur- Neuberger Hale, Kerr Clarke, Wilson Reed, Hodge. JUDGMENT
gery for fat embolus, flooding the operative site and raising Montgomery (appellant) v lanarkshire health board (respondent)
venous pressure for air embolus). (Scotland) Lady Hale, Deputy President. London: The Supreme
Court, 2015.
Pulmonary oedema Royal College of Anaesthetists. Risks associated with your anaes-
Sudden onset respiratory distress, particularly in the recently thetic. Available from:. 2017. London: Royal College of Anaesthe-
extubated patient, may indicate the onset of acute pulmonary tists. accessed 3rd July 2019
oedema. Causes may be: cardiogenic, such as infarction, ven- Warner MA, Warner ME, Weber JG. Clinical significance of pulmonary
tricular failure, or valvular pathology; or hydrostatic, in the aspiration during the perioperative period. Anesthesiology 1993;
context of excessive perioperative fluid therapy or increased 78: 56e62.
porosity of pulmonary capillary beds owing to inflammatory
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