Bo Karlander, Szilveszter Nádas, Sandor Rácz and Jonas Reinius
New switching technologies are needed in the access network of third- fer and switching methods are needed to de-
generation mobile networks to provide a cost-effective transmission of liver different kinds of services in a cost-
different kinds of services, such as AMR-coded voice and large band- effective and high-quality fashion. This ap-
width data. The use of ATM and AAL2 switching techniques in the traffic plies to both the
concentration nodes can significantly reduce the need for link capacity in • radio network layer, which is responsible
for transferring data over the WCDMA
the access network. The most important sources of these savings are the
air interface; and
statistical fluctuation of the number of AAL2 connections, the fluctuation • transport network layer, which is respon-
of the number of users at a base station due to mobility, and the granulari- sible for transferring data between the
ty of the ATM virtual channel cell rate. Ericsson’s offering of AAL2 switch- nodes (node B and RNC) of the radio ac-
ing technology enables operators to maximize these gains in the WCDMA cess network.
radio access network. Indeed, in large networks, this technology has the As specified by the Third-generation Part-
potential to triple the capacity of the transmission link. nership Project (3GPP), the transport net-
The authors describe the advantages of AAL2 switching in the WCDMA work layer for the WCDMA radio access
radio access network. They also include results from a study comparing network (RAN) is to use ATM transport
bandwidth requirements when traffic between node B and the RNC is network technology and protocols. ATM
aggregated either at the ATM layer, by means of switching AAL2 paths adaptation layer type 2 (AAL2) technology
is used for the dominant part of data trans-
using ATM cross-connect, or at the AAL2 layer, by means of dynamically
switching AAL2 connections. The authors also describe the general archi- The AAL2 protocol enables several user
tecture for terminating and switching AAL2 connections in Ericsson’s (radio network layer) connections to be
WCDMA RAN node products. multiplexed flexibly and efficiently on a
common ATM virtual channel connection
(VCC) between two nodes. The use of AAL2
switching in intermediate nodes has the po-
Introduction tential to yield significant statistical multi-
Third-generation mobile networks offer a plexing gains on transmission links that
wide variety of services, such as voice, carry aggregated traffic for multiple nodes
circuit-switched data, and packet-switched without loss of control over the quality of
data at bit rates ranging from a few kbit/s service of individual connections.
up to 384 kbit/s (eventually up to 2 Mbit/s).
In this environment, highly adaptive trans-
WCDMA RAN—transport
network architecture and
3GPP Third-generation Partnership Project MAC Medium access control
Figure 1 gives a schematic view of a
AAL2 ATM adaptation layer type 2 Node B Radio base station, RBS WCDMA network, which consists of user
AMR Adaptive multirate (voice codec) O&M Operation and maintenance equipment (UE), the WCDMA terrestrial
ATM Asynchronous transfer mode PS 64 Packet-switched data at 64 kbit/s radio access network (WCDMA RAN), and
CAC Connection admission control PS 384 Packet-switched data at 384 kbit/s the core network.
(algorithm) PSTN Public switched telephone network
CBR Constant bit rate Q.2630 ITU AAL2 signaling protocol The WCDMA RAN handles all tasks that
CCH Common transport channel QoS Quality of service relate to radio access control, such as radio
CID Connection identifier RAB Radio access bearer resource management and handover control.
CN Core network RAN Radio access network The core network, which is the backbone of
CNA Concentration node area RLC Radio link control
CPP Connectivity packet platform RNC Radio network controller
WCDMA, connects the access network to
(formerly called Cello packet RXI CPP-based aggregation node external networks (PSTN, Internet). The
platform) SDH Synchronous digital hierarchy user equipment (mobile terminal or station)
CPS Common-part sub-layer (packet) SL1, 2, 3 Switching level one, two, three is connected to radio base stations (node B)
CS 64 Circuit-switched data at 64 kbit/s SRNC Serving RNC over the WCDMA air interface (Iu). During
DCCH Dedicated control channel STM Synchronous transfer mode
DCH Dedicated transport channel TTI Transmission time interval soft handover, one UE can communicate
DRNC Drift RNC UE User equipment with several node Bs simultaneously.
E1 ETSI 2 Mbit/s line interface UP User plane According to the WCDMA RAN speci-
GoS Grade of service VC Virtual channel fications drafted by the 3GPP, all radio net-
Iu Core network-to-radio network VCC Virtual channel connection
interface (3GPP) VCI Virtual channel identifier
work functions and protocols are separate
Iub Node B-RNC interface (3GPP) VPI Virtual path identifier from the functions and protocols in the
Iur RNC-RNC interface (3GPP) WCDMA Wideband code-division multiple transport network layer. The transport net-
LAC Link admission control access work layer provides data and signaling bear-
Iub Uu
External Core
network network UE
Node B
RNC Figure 1
Schematic view of a WCDMA network.
ers for the radio network application proto- used by signaling radio bearers and by radio
cols between RAN nodes, and includes bearers for packet-switched data services,
transport network control-plane functions but not by radio bearers for circuit-switched
for establishing and releasing such bearers services.
when instructed to do so by the radio net- The medium access control (MAC) pro-
work layer. tocol forms sets of transport blocks in the air
The initial WCDMA RAN specifications interface and schedules them according to
stipulate that the transport network layer the timing requirements of WCDMA. Each
must be based on ATM and AAL2 technol- scheduled period, called a transmission time
ogy. However, Release 5 of the 3GPP spec- interval (TTI), is 10 ms in length or multi-
ifications also includes the option of an IP- ples thereof.
based transport network. WCDMA radio connections, or radio ac-
The focus of this article is on the design cess bearers (RAB), have bit rate values be-
of ATM- and AAL2-based transport net- tween 8 and 384 kbit/s. The size of the MAC
works with particular emphasis on the Iub transport block sets and length of the TTI
interface between the RNC and node B. are RAB-specific.
For data transfer over the Iub interface, the
AAL2 at the Iub interface MAC transport block sets are encapsulated
Figure 2 shows the ATM and AAL2-based into Iub frames according to the Iub user-
protocol stack at the Iub interface for trans- plane (UP) protocol for CCH or DCH data
ferring data streams on common transport streams. Each Iub user-plane data stream
channels (CCH) and dedicated transport needs a separate transport network connec-
channels (DCH) to the air interface. tion between the RNC and node B. The trans-
The retransmission mechanism of the port network thus establishes one AAL2 con-
radio link control (RLC) protocol ensures re- nection for each data stream. In Figure 2, the
liable transmission of loss-sensitive traffic AAL2 switch (optional) is used for building
over the air interface. The RLC protocol is aggregating transport networks.
vice board on which the application func- Each ATM VCC used by an AAL2 path
tion that uses the connection resides. The is terminated by an AAL2 multiplexer func-
ATM line interface boards thus forward tion (located on the line interface board) that
ATM cells in either direction between the handles the AAL2 CPS layer, multiplexing
external line interface and cell switch. The and demultiplexing the AAL2 packets to
cell switch in CPP transfers ATM cells to and from ATM cells on the AAL2 path (an
and from connection-terminating boards in ATM VCC, see Figure 6).
the node, or to and from external interface For AAL2 connections that terminate
boards for cross-connected ATM VCCs. within the node, each AAL2 packet is car-
ried via the cell switch directly between the
line interface board and the application
board that terminates the AAL2 connection.
Figure 7 By contrast, for AAL2 connections that
VC-CC model. are switched through the node, each AAL2
packet is forwarded via the cell switch di-
rectly between the incoming and outgoing
line interface boards.
AAL2 packets are switched by hardware
network on the line interface boards and via the high-
capacity cell switch in the same way as ATM
cells are switched. Therefore, every traffic-
handling RAN node based on CPP tech-
nology can efficiently perform switching
CBR VCs within the AAL2 layer.
abilities also depend on the admission con- 64 kbit/s (PS 64) and packet-switched data
trol algorithm, and on the number of avail- at 384 kbit/s (PS 384). The evaluation also
able AAL2 paths (ATM VPs) between the took into account all common channels in a
two nodes. cell and a dedicated control channel
The connections were generated random- (DCCH) connection for each RAB.
ly in a simulator, and the packet-level traf- We ran simulations for different kinds of
fic descriptors were attributes of the gener- traffic mixes (Table 1). The results represent
ated connections. When a new connection a standard mix of voice (12.2 kbit/s AMR-
was generated in the simulator, the CAC al- coded), CS 64 and PS 64. Since many oper-
gorithms executed in the appropriate nodes ators do not intend to provide PS 384 bear-
in the access network, and we measured the ers when network load is heavy, it was rele-
blocking probabilities for each service. vant to study traffic mixes that excluded this
rate. The results from the other traffic mixes
Traffic parameters also favored AAL2 switching over VC cross-
During the simulation, different RAB types connect.
were considered for the following services: For each Iub interface, about 200 kbit/s
AMR-coded voice, circuit-switched data at was allocated for non-AAL2 control-plane
64 kbit/s (CS 64), packet-switched data at and O&M signaling.
Figure 9
Tree topology of the WCDMA RAN. RXI RAN aggregator
RBS Hub node B Switching level 3
level 1
200 300 600 1400 2800 3600 7200
One E1 node Figure 10
Two E1 nodes Reduced need for capacity for different
Four E1 nodes
Level-2 switching number of users and switching layers in
Level-2 and level-3 switching the 3x6 topology.
Note: While the gains from AAL2 capacity is needed to connect node B. Fig-
switching are typical, the results apply to a ure 10 shows how AAL2 switching reduces
specific traffic mix. The actual gains for the need for capacity in the link compared
other traffic volumes, mixes of voice and to VC-CC switching at SL2 and SL3 for dif-
data, and other activity factors for voice and ferent numbers of users per node B using the
packet data might vary. standard traffic mix. When the number of
users exceeds 600, two E1 access links are
Statistical gain at different traffic loads used. Likewise, when the number exceeds
We obtained the numerical results by sim- 2,800, four E1 access links are used.
ulating the network at the connection level. The gain in capacity from using AAL2
switching is calculated as follows:
Low traffic volume
Compared to VC-CC switching, the great- Gain=(CVC-CC – CAAL2) / CVC-CC
est reduction in bandwidth using AAL2
switching can be expected when traffic is where CVC-CC is the entire link capacity
light—for example, when only a small part (aggregated capacity at the considered level)
of the allocated bandwidth of the VCs is needed for VC-CC, and CAAL2 is the link
used. capacity needed for AAL2 switching.
Let us consider a tree network topology As can be seen, applying AAL2 switching
with three AAL2 switching nodes at switch- in SL2 reduces the consumption of link ca-
ing level 2 (SL2), and six node Bs connect- pacity by 35-60%. The gain in capacity ob-
ed to each concentration node (Figure 9). tained from AAL2 switching is especially
We call this topology the 3x6 topology. Ini- high (around 60%) when the use of SL1 links
tially, the link capacity at the lowest level is low. The gain is even greater (up to 65%)
is one E1 per node B. The number of users at SL3.
is less than 600 per node B (600 is the max- Thanks to the large gain in capacity from
imum number, assuming a standard or data- AAL2 switching, the operator can install
oriented mix). less capacity at SL2 and SL3 when first in-
For VC-CC switching, the required band- troducing service, and later upgrade the link
width is 14 Mbit/s for a switching node in capacity between switching nodes.
SL2, and 42 Mbit/s for a switching node in
SL3. Fully loaded system
We next increased the number of users Operators generally try to avoid loading the
served by a node B. Obviously, at some network to its limit. Nevertheless, they do
point, as the number of users grows, more need to determine the capacity limit and in-
3x12 Topology
One E1 node B 3x3
Two E1 node Bs
Figure 11 Four E1 node Bs
Fully loaded system. Gain in level-2 and Level-2 AAL2 switching
Level-2 and level-3 switching
level-3 link capacity from AAL2 switching.
vestigate traffic cases close to this limit. QoS Compared to VC-CC switching, the gain
problems are more likely to occur when load in capacity increases as more node Bs are
is heavy. Figure 11 shows the gain in ca- added per SL2 switching node. Due to a ho-
pacity for the different network sizes with mogenous distribution of traffic among
up to twelve switching nodes in the second node Bs, the gain from AAL2 switching at
level, twelve node Bs connected to each SL2 is the same for configurations with the
switching node (12x12 topology), and a same number of node Bs per switching node
fully loaded system. (for example, 3x12, 6x12 and 12x12). By