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D2066 and D2676 EN (460 KB PDF) - Man

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Mobile machinery

Industrial engines

D2066 and D2676

Diesel engines for construction, agricultural and
special-purpose machinery.

Powered by MAN.
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Group
Built to win the field.

Not big words but big deeds are called for in ag- conditions that would have prompted others to
riculture and the construction industry. And give up long ago. They run reliably evenin diffi-
MAN diesel engines, as robust as they are eco- cult terrain and amid large temperature fluctua-
nomical, do a convincing job. These compact tions, and with high power density and high eco-
units with 110 up to 882 kW (150 up to 1,200 hp) nomy, too. Whether cornfield or greenfield, MAN
will work in the most confined spaces under diesel engines will always bring in a profit.

D2066 and D2676 engine description

Cylinders 6 cylinders
Arrangement Vertical in-line
Number of valves 4 per cylinder
Process Four-stroke diesel
Charging 1-stage turbocharging with SCR,
2-stage turbocharging with interstage cooling and EGR
Injection system Common rail
Engine cooling Air/air intercooling with SCR
Water/air intercooling with EGR
Engine regulation Bosch EDC7
FFR, MFR as option
Exhaust-gas status Modular engine concept for different exhaust-gas standards:
EC Step 3A and EPA Tier 3
EC Step 3B and EPA Tier 4 interim
EC Step 4 and EPA Tier 4 final from 2014

Customer benefits

■ Flexible installation thanks to compact, light en- ■ Fast spare-parts supply and first-class after-sales
gines with high power density terms

■ Secure planning possible thanks to modular, future- ■ Enormous economy thanks to innovative technolo-
orientated engines gies for optimising fuel consumption and extending
service intervals
■ Independent, flexible and cost-optimised service
direct from one source
Technical data

Engine model D2066 D2676

Cylinders 6 6
Bore mm 120 126
Stroke mm 155 166
Displacement litre 10.5 12.4
Ratings1 kW 235-324 294-397
hp 320-440 400-540
Rated speed rpm 1,800 1,800
Max. torque Nm 1,900 2,500
at speed rpm 1,000-1,400 1,100-1,400
Exhaust-gas technology Cooled EGR/SCR Cooled EGR/SCR
Exhaust-gas status EC/EPA Step 3B/Tier 4i Step 3B/Tier 4i

Dimensions 2
A – Length mm 1,630 1,630
B – Width mm 893 893
C – Height mm 1,046 1,046
D – Crankshaft centre mm 302 302
Weight kg 975 1,015
Ratings to ISO 3046-1. 2 Data are approximate; for detailed installation dimensions please request the drawings.


MAN engines are the optimum units for powering agricultural or

construction machinery. They are at home in a wide range of ap-

■ Harvesters
■ Choppers and shredders

■ Mobile and dockside cranes


■ Construction machinery
■ Special-purpose machinery such as ski-slope tenders

Definition of duty mode

Depending on the application, MAN engines work in heavy, medium

or light duty mode – but always reliably and always economically.

Duty type Light Medium Heavy

Rating 100% 90% 80%

Full-load share up to 20% up to 50% up to 100%

Average use time up to 50% up to 70% up to 100%

Example Crane Combine harvester Shredder

Modular exhaust-gas technology
for tailoring to requirements
Amazingly intelligent modules: all exhaust-gas-related attachments
on MAN diesel engines are strictly modular in design. The exhaust-
gas standard required on any particular market decides the exhaust
system. The great advantage remains the same: machinery manu-
facturers buy the engine with just the system they need to meet the
relevant exhaust-gas standard, which in turn optimally equips them
for selling on the most varied markets. The wise MAN is prepared.

Do it yourself with MAN – in servicing, too. We enable machinery
manufacturers to integrate maintenance and repair of the engines
in their own service systems. In this way, they save time and money
and get one-hand service. To ensure that everything runs perfectly
right from the start, we offer qualified training courses and a graded
certification process.

D 114.483/E · mu 11092 · Printed in Germany

Text and illustrations not binding.
We reserve the right to modify the engines and regulate their availability in the course of technical progress.

MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG
Engines & Components, Department SEL
Vogelweiherstrasse 33
90441 Nuremberg, Germany


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