D2066 and D2676 EN (460 KB PDF) - Man
D2066 and D2676 EN (460 KB PDF) - Man
D2066 and D2676 EN (460 KB PDF) - Man
Industrial engines
Powered by MAN.
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Group
Built to win the field.
Not big words but big deeds are called for in ag- conditions that would have prompted others to
riculture and the construction industry. And give up long ago. They run reliably evenin diffi-
MAN diesel engines, as robust as they are eco- cult terrain and amid large temperature fluctua-
nomical, do a convincing job. These compact tions, and with high power density and high eco-
units with 110 up to 882 kW (150 up to 1,200 hp) nomy, too. Whether cornfield or greenfield, MAN
will work in the most confined spaces under diesel engines will always bring in a profit.
Customer benefits
■ Flexible installation thanks to compact, light en- ■ Fast spare-parts supply and first-class after-sales
gines with high power density terms
■ Secure planning possible thanks to modular, future- ■ Enormous economy thanks to innovative technolo-
orientated engines gies for optimising fuel consumption and extending
service intervals
■ Independent, flexible and cost-optimised service
direct from one source
Technical data
Dimensions 2
A – Length mm 1,630 1,630
B – Width mm 893 893
C – Height mm 1,046 1,046
D – Crankshaft centre mm 302 302
Weight kg 975 1,015
Ratings to ISO 3046-1. 2 Data are approximate; for detailed installation dimensions please request the drawings.
■ Harvesters
■ Choppers and shredders
■ Construction machinery
■ Special-purpose machinery such as ski-slope tenders
Do it yourself with MAN – in servicing, too. We enable machinery
manufacturers to integrate maintenance and repair of the engines
in their own service systems. In this way, they save time and money
and get one-hand service. To ensure that everything runs perfectly
right from the start, we offer qualified training courses and a graded
certification process.
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG
Engines & Components, Department SEL
Vogelweiherstrasse 33
90441 Nuremberg, Germany