Sci Module: Rs232 / Rs485 Convertor
Sci Module: Rs232 / Rs485 Convertor
Sci Module: Rs232 / Rs485 Convertor
• Rugged design CONTROL VOLTAGE The 220 VAC adapter has been designed for
• Simple to use international markets where normal house-
The RS232/RS485 Convertor power pack should hold voltage is 220 VAC. Its plug is also
• Visible power, receive, transmit, and DTR be plugged into a standard power outlet. The shown in Figure 1.
LEDs output end should be plugged into the jack
• Three possible mounting arrangements labeled “POWER” on the convertor.
• 120 VAC or 220 VAC plug-in adapter MOUNTING
The AC power adapter comes in either 120 or
included 220 VAC input voltages. The input voltage The RS232/RS485 Convertor module should
• Two interface cables provided must be specified when ordering. be mounted or positioned close to the serial
• Suitable for use with direct or modem communication port on your computer. It
The 120 VAC adapter has a standard North should be set up such that the four LEDs on
communications American plug, as shown in Figure 1. the front of the unit are visible. Three differ-
ent mounting arrangements are possible:
Figure 1
215 ANDERSON AVE., MARKHAM, ONT. L6E 1B3 FACTORY TEL: (905) 294-6222 FAX: (905) 201-2098
mounting angles for permanent attachment relays, communication on the RS485 may be- and RS232/RS485 convertor are required for
to a surface, dual sided adhesive material for come impossible. For this reason, the RS232/ each additional site.
attachment to the side of a computer or RS485 convertor has a terminal labeled “GND”.
desk, and rubber feet for free standing mount- This terminal is internally connected to the The local modem is under direct control of
ing. These can be used as shown in Figure 2. computer’s ground. The shield may then be the computer. This setup is typically config-
Mounting details and physical dimensions inserted in this terminal to bring all isolated ured in the communications software used,
are also shown in Figures 2 and 3. relays on the link to a common ground with the such as Multilin’s RelayCom. The remote
computer. External grounding of the shield is modem operates completely independently,
DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS not necessary if it is connected to the “GND” so it must be configured prior to installation.
terminal. Up to 32 Multilin relays per serial port Configure it as follows:
The 9 pin male connector end of the interface 1. DTR always asserted.
cable must be plugged into the 9 pin female can be connected together in a daisy chain
fashion as shown in Figure 5. 2. Autoanswer mode.
connector labeled “RS232” on the convertor. 3. No handshaking/no flow control.
The other end of the interface cable will be a The RS232/RS485 convertor has terminals 4. Error Control/ARQ disabled
female connector with either 25 or 9 connec- labeled “+” and “–”.
tions (both cables are included in the pack- For modem communications, the RS232/
age). This end should be plugged into the Depending on the length of the RS485 wires RS485 convertor’s DIP switches SW1 and
serial port of your computer. Some computers and the level of electrical noise, two terminat- SW2 inside the case must be set as follows:
have 9 pin serial ports and some have 25 pin ing resistor-capacitor networks may be re-
serial ports. Use the cable appropriate to your quired as shown in Figure 5. These resistor- DIP
capacitor networks prevent unwanted volt- FOR MODEM
computer. See Figure 4. SWITCHES
age signal reflection at each end of the
RS485 requires a shielded twisted pair of wires SW1-1 ON
communication link. They must be connected
to be connected between each Multilin prod- at each end of the communication link only, SW1-2 OFF
uct and the RS232/RS485 convertor. Polarity is not on all of the devices on the link.
very important in RS485 connections. The “+” SW1-3 ON
(or “A”) terminals of all devices must be con- MODEM COMMUNICATIONS SW1-4 OFF
nected together; likewise with the “-” (or “B”)
terminals and the shield terminals. It is very To use a modem facility, a setup as in Figure 6 SW2-1 OFF
important that the shield connection is grounded is required. One modem is connected directly SW2-2 ON
in one place only to prevent a difference in to the computer. Another modem and a
RS232/RS485 convertor module is required at SW2-3 OFF
ground potential between relays. If a ground
potential of greater than 10V exists between the remote site. This is all the hardware that is SW2-4 ON
required for one remote site. Another modem
215 ANDERSON AVE., MARKHAM, ONT. L6E 1B3 FACTORY TEL: (905) 294-6222 FAX: (905) 201-2098
f IMPORTANT NOTE: When using the SCI Module with a 565/575 or MTM Plus, the shield should NOT be connected to any 565/575 or
MTM Plus in the daisy chain. This is because these products do not have isolated communications ports and will impose their own ground
on the shield. The shield should be terminated at the RS232/485 convertor box terminal GND only. Terminal GND is internally connected
to ground via pin 5 of the RS232 connector. Connecting the shield to a 565/575 or MTM Plus while at the same time terminating it at the
RS232/485 convertor, or grounding it at any location, may create a ground loop and cause communications failure.
215 ANDERSON AVE., MARKHAM, ONT. L6E 1B3 FACTORY TEL: (905) 294-6222 FAX: (905) 201-2098
The convertor box is configurable via three The four LEDs on the cover of the convertor (RECEIVE, TRANSMIT, DTR, and POWER) can be
internal DIP switch banks which are accessi- very useful for debugging RS485 communications. Under normal operations the following
ble by removing the convertor box’s cover. sequence should occur for the LEDs:
1. DTR ON Convertor switched to transmit state from computer
Two-wire RS485 is by nature half duplex and 2. TRANSMIT ON Data being transmitted from computer to relay(s)
requires a means for switching between a 3. TRANSMIT OFF Data transmission complete
receive or transmit state. The means for
doing this is configurable as either data- 4. DTR OFF Convertor switched to receive state from relay(s)
controlled or master-controlled via the DTR 5. RECEIVE ON Data being received from relay(s) to computer
signal. Data-controlled requires no control 6. RECEIVE OFF Data reception complete
signals from the master device (RS232 side)
to switch transmission modes; in cases where At baud rates above 300 some of the steps appear to happen simultaneously; however, all three
the master (eg. PLC) is not easily programmed of the LEDs should be flashing on and off. If any of the LEDs do not come on the following
this will be the preferred method. DTR-con- suggestions might help:
trolled requires the master to toggle the DTR
signal to switch modes (DTR low transmit;
DTR high receive). DIP switch 1 (SW1) 1. DTR remains ON/OFF If you are using DTR-controlled switching then the master
configures the direction control mode as (computer) is not using DTR properly. If using data-controlled
indicated by the following table: switching then the convertor is malfunctioning; contact Multilin.
SW1 -1 -2 -3 -4 2. TRANSMIT remains OFF The master (computer) is not transmitting any data or the
*Data Controlled ON OFF ON X RS232 connection may be faulty.
DTR Controlled OFF ON OFF X 3. RECEIVE remains ON An RS485 slave device is biasing the line and preventing
* Factory Default
communications from occurring. Try removing all devices but
CONNECTION TYPE one from the line.
The convertor may be set up for use with a 4. RECEIVE remains OFF The RS485 slave device is not responding. This is the most
direct connection to RS485 slave devices or common problem and may have several causes. Ensure that
with a connection via a modem. The modem the correct data is being sent to the correct device address.
setting simply reverses the transmit/receive Ensure that the polarity of the RS485 line is correct. Ensure that
data lines on the RS232 side. DIP switch 2
grounding of the RS485 devices is correct.
(SW2) configures the connection type as
indicated by the following table: 5. POWER remains OFF The convertor is malfunctioning; contact GE Pqower Management.
SW2 -1 -2 -3 -4
* Factory Default
The convertor may be used with devices
communicating at baud rates 300, 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600, and 19.2k. DIP switch 3
(SW3) configures the baud rate by properly
adjusting the Receive Enable delay signal as
indicated by the following table. SW3 set-
tings are only relevant when in data control-
led mode. See Direction Control for details.
SW3 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
19200 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON 1601-0063-A3
* Factory Default
215 ANDERSON AVE., MARKHAM, ONT. L6E 1B3 FACTORY TEL: (905) 294-6222 FAX: (905) 201-2098