Nitronic Solidification Mode Calculation PDF
Nitronic Solidification Mode Calculation PDF
Nitronic Solidification Mode Calculation PDF
Nitronic 50 and Nitronic 50W, two nitrogen-strengthened stainless steels, were heat treated over a
wide range of temperatures, and the compositions of the ferrite and austenite at each temperature were
measured with analytical electron microscopy techniques. The compositional data were used to
generate the (y + 6) phase field on a 58 pct Fe vertical section. Volume fractions of ferrite and
austenite were calculated from phase chemistries and compared with volume fractions determined
from optical micrographs. Weld solidification modes were predicted by reference to the Cr and Ni
contents of each alloy, and the results were compared with predictions based on the ratios of calculated
Cr and Ni equivalents for the alloys. Nitronic 50, which contained ferrite and austenite at the solidus
temperature of 1370 ~ solidified through the eutectic triangle, and the weld microstructure was
similar to that of austenitic-ferritic solidification. Nitronic 50W was totally ferritic at 1340 ~ and
solidified as primary delta ferrite. During heat treatments, Nitronic 50 and Nitronic 50W precipitated
secondary phases, notably Z-phase (NbCrN), sigma phase, and stringered phases rich in Mn and Cr.
A. Microstructural Features of N50W and N50
Examination of optical micrographs from Nitronic 50W (b)
heat treated at 1100 ~ hr disclosed bands of fine ferrite Fig. 1 - - N 5 0 W , ll00 ~ h. (a) Bands of ferrite (8) and stringer phases.
particles (Figure l(a)). The banding occurred as a result of (b) Small intragranular Z-phase precipitates (arrows) in austenite matrix.
alignment of ferrite, present in the casting, with the rolling
direction. Growth of this original ferrite took place during
heat treatment. Stringers of large and small precipitates were Z-phase was present in this particular heat of N50W because
also observed. Energy dispersive spectra on these precipi- the specifications required Nb.
tates in thin foils found them to contain primarily Cr and After heat treating at 1150 ~ min the amount of fer-
Mn, with the ratio of these elements varying from phase to rite increased significantly, although it still tended to be
phase. Small amounts of V, and occasionally Ti, Nb, and concentrated in bands. Ferrite nucleated not only at austenite
Mo were also detected in these phases. A third type of grain boundaries, but both intragranularly and at twin
precipitate was observed in the thin foils. It had a rod-like boundaries. Annealing at 1180 ~ rain resulted in some
morphology when viewed in certain orientations, and a cir- coarsening of the ferrite. The rod-shaped precipitates were
cular cross-section in other orientations (Figure l(b)). These not observed, since the Z-phase coarsened at the higher
rod-shaped precipitates were identified as Z-phase, a com- temperatures and assumed a spherical morphology. At
plex nitride. 14.19,20Spectra showed this phase to be rich in Nb 1220 ~ min, the quantity of ferrite had increased, the
and Cr, with small amounts of V, Fe, and Mo. The stoichi- banding was no longer evident, and impingement of the
ometry of this phase has been approximated as NbCrN. 2~ growing ferrite was frequently observed.
Fig. 2--N50W, 1280 ~ min. (a) Ferrite in dark-etching austenite.
(b) TEM micrograph showing straight-sided intragranular ferrite particles.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5 - - N 5 0 , 1380 ~ min. (a) Austenite in continuous ferrite matrix. Incipient melting at boundaries (arrows) appears also in (b) where liquid pool
has transformed.
in the amount of ferrite was observed up to the solidus 33 wt pct Cr, 5 wt pct Mn, 5 wt pct Ni, and 50 wt pct Fe.
temperature of - 1367 ~ together with evidence of incipi- In N50, the composition of the sigma was similar, with 6 to
ent melting at a few grain boundaries. A sample heat treated 7 wt pct Mo, 32 to 33 wt pct Cr, 4 wt pct Mn, 5 to 6 wt
at 1380 ~ rain exhibited large amounts of incipient pct Ni, and 52 wt pct Fe. More details on the formation of
melting at grain boundaries and especially near the areas of sigma in these alloys are given in Reference 17.
austenite (Figure 5(a)). Examination of what had been a The partitioning of elements to the ferrite and austenite
pool of liquid at 1380 ~ (Figure 5(b)) showed a lathy or was of interest, and the data from a range of samples are
Widmanst~itten-type structure. Dark-field images of this re- summarized in Table II. In both heats, ferrite which formed
gion (Figure 6) showed the distribution of lathy ferrite and at the lower temperatures, where the volume fraction of
austenite within an area of ferrite. This study thus has shown ferrite was low, was enriched in Cr and Mo and depleted
that the lower-Cr, higher-Ni Nitronic 50 does not transform in Ni relative to the alloy compositions. At higher tem-
completely to ferrite before melting begins. peratures, where the volume fraction of the austenite was
Sigma phase formed in both Nitronic 50 and Nitronic low, the austenite was depleted in Cr and Mo and enriched
50W in the temperature range investigated (800 to 1000 ~ in Ni, relative to the alloy compositions.
It was observed in samples aged in the cold-worked condi- Some partitioning of Mo to the ferrite was observed, and
tion and in samples annealed at 1120 ~ min prior to the austenite was most depleted in Mo at temperatures near
aging. Sigma in N50W contained 4 to 6 wt pct Mo, 32 to the solidus. The Mn content of the austenite tended to be
slightly higher than that of the ferrite. No strong influence performed on N50W and N50. Since N50W and N50 are
of temperature on the Mn content o f the phases was ob- complex Fe-Cr-Ni alloys with about 8 pct of other elements,
served. In N50 and N50W, ferrite at all temperatures con- the Cr and Ni contents of the coexistent phases cannot be
tained less Fe than did the austenite. represented on a single constant Fe section.
Figure 7 shows the Cr concentrations of the coexistent
ferrite and austenite in N 5 0 W as a function of temperature,
B. The (y + 6) Phase Field
together with the liquidus and solidus temperatures of the
Figures 7 to 10 summarize the results of the micro- alloy. A portion of the ( y + ~) phase field has also been
chemical analysis and differential thermal analysis studies determined, using compositional data from samples heat
g g I 1.3 Ni
=d23.0 Cr
L) U
iq __ g
_ li~uidus
solidus solidus
%. W
g. "~ ,~ g
~J W
cr O~
g H-
o ~ !
/., ~'+o I O~
L lw lz
* I i 9 J I l
g I ~ I i 1
0 i0 20 30 40 40 30 20 10 0
treated in the cold-worked condition and from those an- o ! " I
ples is indicated by the legend "CW". Similar (y + 6) and g 21.4 Cr
(7 + 03 phase fields appear in the plot of Ni concentrations (D
in these phases (Figure 8). In both Figures 7 and 8, only
the (y + o') field is labeled at low temperatures. Alloys
of a higher Cr concentration are needed to determine the 8 licluidus
o'/6 boundary. dZ solidus
Data from N50 furnace samples were used to generate Cr Iii
and Ni compositions for the (3' + 6) phase field boundaries g
for that alloy (Figures 9 and 10). The (3/+ 6) phase field for N
N50, determined from Cr and Ni concentrations, is similar W
to that of N50W. Figure 11 presents all of the Cr concentra- c~
tions from both alloys for comparison. The (3' + o') phase 2>o
fields for the two alloys are not identical. However, this
study has not established the equilibrium volume fractions 1r '7+0
of austenite and sigma, and the differences in the (y + or) W
phase-fields may reflect non-equilibrium conditions. x
C. Volume Fraction Measurements p--
Volume fractions of austenite and ferrite were determined (D
from light optical micrographs using both an areal sum- SIGMA
mation method and a systematic point count method9 The
data were then compared with volume fractions calculated I I * , . I I I
:t liquidus
. . . .
i,.,, 12.4 Ni
o liquidus
21.4 c,-.~_I~23"~
W T W ~
i "
& fy x=, x ")'+O
~ x "y+O I "'~ m
/L i
r (D
i I i I i I I I I i I ! I i
4O 30 20 10 O 0 10 20 30 40
be calculated. Values for twice the standard deviation, set of data by the square root of the number of data sets
2s, are also reported in Tables III and IV. For the optical (micrographs). This defined the mean volume fraction, /z,
measurements made using each technique, these values with 95 pct confidence based on precision. Values for 2s/tz
were obtained by dividing the standard deviation for one were also tabulated.
Temperature Technique* Vol Pet Ferrite + 2s 2s/tz Vol Pet Austenite -+ 2s 2s/l~
1380 ~ STEM/EDS, Cr 86.0 -_.4.3 5.0 pet 14.0 -+4.3 30.7 pet
STEM/EDS, Ni . . . .
perimeter 84.4 -1.1 1.4 pet 15.8 -+l.1 13.5 pet
point count 87.0 -1.8 2.1 pet 13.0 -+1.8 13.8 pet
1370 ~ STEM/EDS, Cr 81.1 +4.8 5.9 pet 18.9 -+4.8 25.4 pet
STEM/EDS, Ni 80.5 ___6.7 8.3 pet 19.5 -+6.7 34.4 pet
perimeter 74.1 -+4.5 6.0 pet 25.9 +--4.5 17.4 pet
point count 74.9 -+3.0 4.0 pet 25.1 -+3.0 11.9 pet
1340 ~ STEM/EDS, Cr 53.5 ---3.5 6.5 pet 46.5 -+3.5 7.5 pet
STEM/EDS, Ni 49.9 ---4.7 9.4 pet 50.1 -+4.7 9.4 pet
perimeter 41.0 --+2.4 5.8 pet 59.0 -+2.4 4.1 pet
point count 39.3 __+4.6 11.7 pet 60.7 -+4.6 7.6 pet
1300 ~ STEM/EDS, Cr 9.5 -+4.5 47.4 pet 90.5 -+4.5 5.0 pet
STEM/EDS, Ni 9.0 -+4.0 44.4 pet 91.0 -+4.0 4.4 pet
perimeter 3.2 -+0.5 16.0 pet 96.8 -+0.5 0.5 pet
point count 3.1 ---0.7 22.6 pet 96.9 -+0.7 0.7 pet
*All STEM/EDS calculations corrected for differences in Fe content
For the volume fractions determined from phase chem- phases. Initial calculations assumed that the phase chem-
istries, the values of 2s were determined from statistics on istries could be represented on a constant Fe section. In
the STEM/EDS data. Spectra taken in any one ferrite or reality, the N50W (7 + 6) phase field shown in Figures 7
austenite grain yielded mean compositions with a standard and 8 is a projection onto a 58.2 wt pet Fe section. Fe
deviation of 0.22 wt pet Cr. Therefore, with 15 ferrite or concentrations range from 55.7 wt pet in ferrite at 1100 ~
austenite data points at a particular temperature, the 95 pet to 59.4 wt pet in austenite at 1330 ~ Similarly for N50,
confidence level of precision on a mean composition with a bulk concentration of 59.5 wt pet Fe, the ferrite at
would be 2s -- 0.12 wt/Cr. The value for Ni was 2s -- 1260 ~ contained 57.9 wt pet and the austenite at 1380 ~
0.16 wt pet. With this precision, and an average com- contained 60.1 wt pet Fe. The lever arms used to calcu-
position of 23.5 wt pet and 20.0 wt pet Cr in ferrite and late the volume fractions were corrected for the variation
austenite, respectively (N50W at 1310 ~ the minimum in Fe content of the phases, except for one case where
Cr in the austenite would be 19.88 and the maximum the Fe content of the major phase was measured to be
20.12 wt pet. The minimum Cr in ferrite would be 23.38 slightly greater than the alloy Fe level (N50W, 1320 ~
and the maximum 23.62 wt pet. Using these values, the Uncorrected and Fe-corrected volume fractions are shown
smallest calculated amount of austenite was 10.9 vol pet, in Table V. As can be seen, the effect of Fe-correction
and largest was 17.7 vol pet. The smallest calculated is to decrease the difference between volume fractions cal-
amount of ferrite was 82.3 vol pet and largest was 89.1 vol culated from Cr concentrations and those calculated from
pet. Therefore, the variation about the average calculated Ni concentrations.
volume fractions of 85.7 vol pet ferrite and 14.3 vol pet Consideration of the data in Tables III and IV showed that
austenite was 3.4 vol pet, on the basis of precision. Simi- the volume fractions obtained using the optical methods
lar calculations were done for the other Cr and Ni composi- were generally similar, and that the volume fractions
tional data. The resultant values for 2s and for 2s/iz are determined from the Cr concentrations were generally
shown in Tables III and IV. close to those obtained from the Ni concentrations. Some
The accuracy of the phase composition would be affected discrepancies were observed between volume fractions
by the accuracy of the X-ray fluorescence technique used to measured by optical techniques and those obtained from
determine alloy compositions, since these values were used phase chemistries. Possible reasons for these differences
to calculate elemental constants for STEM/EDS mea- and a discussion of the relative precision and accuracy of the
surements. X-ray fluorescence data from NBS standards techniques will be presented later.
were obtained when the N50 and N50W heats were ana-
lyzed. The calculated Cr and Ni concentrations of the NBS
D. Solidification Modes
standards were within about 0.2 wt pet of the certified val-
ues. This is a lower limit on the accuracy in determining the The microstructures of autogenous gas tungsten arc
elemental constants for STEM/EDS. Inaccuracy in these (GTA) welds on N50 and N50W were examined to deter-
constants would alter the measured ferrite and austenite mine the solidification mode of each heat and the amount
compositions. This would tend to translate the (3' + 6) and type of ferrite present. In a weld which solidified as
phase field but not change its width or the relative position primary delta-ferrite, most of the ferrite retained at room
of the alloy composition within the phase field. Thus, some temperature would be located at the dendrite cores ~~
inaccuracy in measuring the alloy Cr and Ni concentrations indicating that the first phase to solidify was delta-ferrite.
would not affect the volume fraction calculations. This solidification mode has been termed ferritic-austenitic
The volume fractions calculated from the STEM/EDS by Suutala et al. ,1o since delta-ferrite forms as the primary
data have been corrected for the differences in Fe in the or leading phase, with subsequent austenite formation