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Astm C 94 - 2017

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Tills Inlrrnatl ... nal )I ~nd~rd "'~ dr.d(llX"d I" 1I«0rd,,,..... itll im~m3li ... n3I1,.

IT<'i>l:niud p rindples ... n 'l~ndartll (~t1on O:Slabli~ htd In Ih. Uttision on Prindpl~ ror ,""
Ik" ''''pnM!nl '" Inl .... ~ II ... n"t S' and~ rds, Guld~ ~"d 1I<,<, ... mn'tndalion~ Issued b,. Ib~ World Tnd~ Ort~nIUII ... n Ttthnklll lIarrk'rs 10 1hdr (TIIT I Co"'mitt ....

_'u tL
Designation: C94/C94M -17


Standard Specification for

Ready-Mixed Concrete 1
This 5t~nd::rd is iuued ulKkr It.., fiXffl.Jo,~illnruiOll (.'9"K.'9" M; ,he Ilumher hnmed'Jldy follo .... ing the dcsillnallon in(hcau", Ihe l~ar of
(lrillin~1 nd<lption or, in the C:ISC of fC.'i.ion, the year of last fCvision. A .. umocr in f'lfCnlhc5c. indic:ale.' Ihe yeM of Ill." reapprov~1. A
loUpcrsc ri pl epsilon Is) ind,cate, an editorial chanle si nce the last n:vis ion or rtapp!'Oval.

Thi" .,'uIIII}anl h"" bee" "1'1'"",. <1 fi" '<Ie h,' "!leltc iu oj Ihe U.S. lhl"IrIIII~11I of /)rjm,<e.

I. Scope. 1.6 This intematiol1al standard was developed ill (lccor-

1. 1 This speci fi cation covers ready-mixed concrete as de- dOll ce with ;",emariO/wlly recogl1ized principles 0/1 stolldard-
fined in :1.2.2 (Note 1). Requircments for qual ity of ready- ;z(l/ioll establisllel/ ill lite Deci.rion 0 11 Principles for lite
mixed conerele shall he ei lher as slaled in Ihis specification or D eve!opmelll of Inlcl"I1(/fiol1a/ Standards. Guides lIlId Recom-
us ordered hy the purc haser. When the purchase r's melll/M;oIlS i.tslled by the WorM Trade Organization Technical
requirements, as slaled in Ihe order, differ from Ihose in this Barriers 10 Trade (T8T) Committee.
spec ification, the purchaser 's requirements shall govern. This
2. Refcn!nced Documents
spedfica lion docs not cover the placement, consolidalioo,
curing, or protcction of the concrete after delivery to the 2.1 ASTM Stwullllt ls:'
purchaser. C:I l /C:I 1M Praclicc for Making and Curing Concrete Tesl
Specimens in the Field
N(Jn\ I-Concrete produced by volumetric batching nnd c(H1tinuuu s C33/C33M Specificalion for Concrete Aggregates
mixing is covert.-d in Specification C685. Fiber-reinforced concrete is
covered in Specification C ] 116, C39/C39M Tcst Method for Compressive Strength of Cylin-
drical Concrele Speci mens
1.2 Thc vlllues stlltcd in either 51 uni L", shown in bmckels, C 125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag-
or inch-pound units arc 10 be regarded separately as slandard.
The values stated in cllCh system may not be eXilct cquivalents; C l 38/C l 38M TeSI Method for Density (Unil Weight), Yield,
therefore, each system slmll be used independently orthe other. and Air Contcnt (Gra vimetric) of Concrete
Combining values from the two syslems may resuh in non- C143/C 143 M Tesl Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cemcnt
conformance with the standard.
1.3 As used Ihroughout this specification the manufacturer C J50/C 150M Specificalion for Portland Ccment
produces ready-mixed concrete. The purchaser buys ready- C I72/C I72 M Practice for Sampli ng Freshly Mixed Con-
mixed concrete. crete
1.4 The lext of this slandard references notes and footnotes C I 7:1/C I 73 M Test Mcthod for Air Contenl of Freshly Mixed
which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes Concrele by the Volumetric MClhod
(exel uding those in lables and figures) shall not he considered C2:1 l /C23 1M Tcst Method for Air Content of Fresh ly Mixed
as requirements of the siandard. Concrele by the Pressure Melhod
C2601C260M Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures
1.5 This sf(lIId(mJ (Ioes 1I0t IJllrpol't to address all the safety
for Concrete
concerns, if ally, (lssocimed with ils lise. It is th e responsibility
CJ:lOIC330M Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for
of tlte II ser of this stmulard to establish appropriate safef." alld
Structural Concrete
heulllr practices alld determille the applicabilily of regulatory
C494/C494 M Specification for Chemical Admixtures for
limitatiolls prior 10 lise. (Wa rning-Fresh hydraulic cementi-
lious mixtures are cuuslic and may cause chemical bums 10
C567/C567M Tcst Mcthod for Detcrmining Density of
skin and tissue upon prolonged use.2)
Slructural Lightweight Concrele
C595/C595 M Spccifi calion for Blcnded Hydraulic Cements
'Thi~ 'pt(ific:nioll is urder the juris4iclion of ASTM Committee C09 on
C6 18 Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined
Con<.:n:te and Concrete 1\1lJ:n.-g:II~"'I nlxl is IIIe d,rl"C1 respoosibilily of Subconlnl itt~-.: NalUral P07.1.o1an for Use in Concrele
C09.4O on lIe:Kly. M i~w C(",crl'(e.
Current edilion appro"cd March t. 21.117. l'ublisht.~1 Apri l 2017. Originally
~pproved in 1933. 1.0.'1 ~vicu~ edition approved '" 2016 a< C941C94M-16b. DO t: ' For n::fcfenced ASTM ~Innd~rd~. y , ~it the ASTM ,,·wsile. www.a.trn,Qrg. o r
1O.152U/C009"_(W')4M·17. ConlOCt AST~ I CUJtomer Scrvi« "I service@asl m.org. For Anmw/ Boot of ASTM
' See Sectiotl 011 Snf~t~ Precau lions, Ma"u~1 of Aggn:gate and Concrete Tes ling, S(",,,/,,nJ.' volume ililonn ntioli. letel 10 the stnndJnI' ~ 110cumenl Summary p:lS~ On
Am,,,,,/ 8ool1 of A!,TM S/(lIId,,,,/,,. Vol (M,02 , the ASTM .... cbsi le.

f A S umm ary o f Changes secti o n nppe"rs II I t he end of th ls ,~ ta nd urd

Coprnghl O Asn.t 1nt..... IIonaI. 100 B." H.otlOr 0rIYI. f>O 80. C7OO. W~ C<InshoIIod< .... PA 1 ~28 ·2QW, Uriled St.tH
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,~@I' C94/C94M - 17
C617 Spec ification for Aggregates for Radiat ion-Shielding 3.25 W(//CI; /lIrgcl blllch, II- quantit y of water to be added
Concrete to the batc h Ihrough Ihe water measuri ng system after com-
eM5 Specification for Concrete M ade by Volumetric Batch- pensati ng for the <Iuamity of icc, if used, s urface mois ture on
ing and Continuous Mixing Ihe aggregates and WOller in Ihe admix tures. when applicable,
C9R9JC9R9M Specification for Slag Cement for Use in and by sublracting a quanti ty of waler Ihal is anticipated 10 be
Concrete and MnTlars added at the jobsilc or in transit to adj ust slump or s lump nO\\!
C IOl7/CtOt7M Specification for Chemical Admixtures for of the concrete batch.
Use in Producing Flowing Concrete
C I064/CI064M Test Method for Temperature of Freshly 4. llasis of Purchase
Mixed Hydraul ic-Cement Concrete
4. I The basis of purc hase s hall be a cubic yard or cuhic
CI077 Practice for Agencies Testi ng Concrete and Concrete
metre of frcsh concrete as discharged rrom thc tra ns po nation
Aggregates for Usc in Construction and Criteria for
Testing Agency Evaluation
CI I16 Specification for Fiber- Re inforced Concrete and 4.2 The volu me of fres h concrete in a given batch s hall be
Sholerctc determined frol11 Ihe total mass of the batc h divided by Ihe
CI 157/C I 157M Performance Specification for Hydraulic densi ty of the concrete. The total mass of Ihe balch s hall be
Cement detennined as the net mas.... of the eonc rele in Ihe bmch as
C1240 Specification for Si lica Fume Used in Ccmcntit ious dclivered. including Ihe total mixing waler as defined in 9.3 .
Mixtures The density shall be determined in accordance wi th Tesl
C 1602lCl602M Specification for M ixing Water Used in the Melhod CU81C U 8M. The yield shall be determined as the
Production of Hydrau lic Cemcnt Concrete averagc of at least three mcasure mcnts, one from each of three
C I61l1CI61lM Test Method for Slump Flow of Self- di lTerent tra nsportation uni ts sa mpled in accordance with
Consolidating Concrete Practice CI721C I72M .
2.2 ACi Uocllmem f: 4 Non. 2-11 shoutd he understood (ha t the volume of hardened concrete
ACI 2 11 . 1 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for may be, 01" appear to be, less than expected due to waste and spillage.
Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete over-exc:\vation, spreading forms. some loss of emrai ned air. Of $Ctllemenl
ACI 211.2 Standard Practice for Selecti ng Proportions for of wei mixtures. none of which are the respons ibili ty of Ihe prod ucer.
Structural Light weight Concrete
ACI 301 Standard Specifications for S tructural Concrete S. Maleri.lls
ACI 305R Guide to Hot Weather Concreting 5. 1 In the absence of designated applicable m.llerial
AC I 306R Guide to Cold Weather Concreting s pecifications. the following material specifications s hal l be
ACI J I8 Building Code Requi rements for Structural Con- used:
crete and Commentary
2.3 Other DOClllllents:~ 5.2 Cemellli/iolls Materials:
NIST 105- 1 National Institute of Standards and Technology 5.2. 1 Hy(/r(IUlic Cement-Hyclr:tu lic cement shall confornl
\0 Specification C 150!C 150M . Specifi c;tl ion C595/C595M , or
Specifi cation C 11 57/C1 157M .
3. Terminology 5.2.2 SllpplemeIllGl)' CemelltitiOIiS M(lte rials-Coal fl y as h
or nalural pozzolans shall conform to Specification C6 18. Slag
3. 1 DefinitiOlls-The terms used in Ihis sJX.'Cification arc
defined in Terminology C 125. cement shall conform to Specifi cation C989/C989M . Sil ica
fume shall conform to Specification C 1240.
3.2 DefillitiOlIS of TeflllJ Specific to 'I1li~' S/wulmd:
3.2. 1 COllcrele, cell/ral-mixed. II- ready-mixed concrete 5.3 Aggregale.f- Nor mal weight agg regates shall conform
mixed completely in a stationary mixer. 10Specification C33/C33 M. Lightweigh l aggregates sh:l ll COII-
foml to Specificatio n C330/C330M and heavyweight agg re-
3.2.2 concrete, ready-mixed. ,,--concrete manufact ured and
gates shall confonn to Specification C637.
deli vered 10 a purc hase r in a fresh s tate.
5.4 Water-Water shall conform to Specification C lfi021
3.2.3 C()I1C/~te, shrillk-mixed. II-ready- mixed concrete par-
tially mixed in a stalionary mixer with mixing completed in a Clh02M .
truck mixer. 5.5 Air-£l/Imil/iIlR Admixtllres- A ir-entraining ad mixtures
3.2.4 concrete, {flick-mixed. II- ready-mixed concrete com- shall conform to Specifi cat ion C260/C260 M ( Note 3).
pletely mixed in a lruck mixer. 5.6 Chemical Admixtllres---Chemical adm ixtures shalt con-
form lO Specification C494/C494M or C I017/ClO 17M as
applicable (Note 3) .
• Avaibble from Americ:m COOCt"'~ tnstitute (AClj.I'.O. DOl 9094. famlln~ton
H,lb. MI48JH.9094, hup;ll""ww.("flnCrete.Ofl!. N(JI1! l -In :l11y given inslance. the: req uired dooagc o r air-crnraining.
• NIST Handbook 105- 1 (",vised 1990). ''SpeciflCations and Toler:lllces for accelcrating. and rctarding admixtures may vary. Therefore. u range of
R cf~rcncc Standards and Field Stand~rd Wcishts and Measures- I. Specifications dusages shookl he allowed. which will pcrmit ohl:tin ing the des in..'tI crr~'CI .
~nd Tokrnnce~ for Field Stptldnrd Weight s (NIST C I~ S$ Fj:' National Institute of NU"l1i 4- lnlcrchnngin g kinds. charactcri~tic~. types. c lasses. or gmdes
Slllmiards IIIl1I Tcchrn>I<.lI:Y" U.S. tkpt. oi" Commerce. hllp:llw ww.nis1.l:ov/pmll of thc malerial s pemlilled in ready-mi~cd concrcte may produce concre te
wmdluploOOlI05- I.pdf. of dill"erenl properlies.

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• C94/C94M - 17
6. Ordering Information NQno 7- lI igh-dc nsity nr heavyweig ht concrClt typica ll y con tai ns
aggregate with a re lative dens ity of 3.3 or greater conforming to
6. 1 In the absence of designated app licable gcncr:l l Specification C6H. This concrete is used for rad iat ion shield ing or OIher
specifications, the purch:lscr's order shall include the foll ow- applications where higl"ICr den~ily is requ ired hy dc.~ ign . For acceptance of
ing: density at the time Qf delivery. a rel at io nshi p between the fresh density and
6.1.1 Dcsigrmlcd size. or sizes, of coarse :lggrcgalc, the density of hardened concrete re([ui red by des igll sho uld be established.
6. 1.2 Slump, or slumps, desired at Ihe po int of delivery (sec 6.1.8 If desired, any of Ihe opt ional requirements of Tnhle 2
Section 7 for acceptable tolerances), in Specification CI602JCI602M .
6. 1.3 Slump now. or flow s, desired al the point of delivery 6. 1.9 Purchaser shall state any drum rcvolution limit as to
(sec Section 7 for accc pt..1.blc IO]Cr::lI1ccs). when the concrete dischnrge must begin. If no drum revolution
6.1.4 Total air content at the point of delivery for concrete limit is stated by purchaser. Ihe manufacturer shall determine
that will be exposed to cycles of freezing and thawing or and communicale thc limit to the purc haser prior 10 deli very.
[llIticip;lIcd exposure of the concrete (sec Section 8 for sam-
pling for air content tests ;lnd tolerances) . 6.2 If a project spec ification applies. the order shall include
applicuble re(luiremcnts for the concrete 10 be produced ill
NOlll 5-Tabl c ] prov ides lotal air conte ntS for conn ete that vary by compliance with (he spt..'Cification.
ex posure condition and 3;grc8ate size. Total air coments less th an those
show n in Tahle I nmy he specified or used for concre te that is not suhjed 6.3 If Ihe type, kind, or clas.~ of cementi(ious materi.lls in
to freezing and th awing. This may be done to improve workability and
5.2. 1 and 5.2.2 are nm designated by the purchaser, it is
cohes iveness. reduce the rme of bleedi ng, reduce the waler com en! for a
given consiste ncy. or at hieve req uired li ghtweight conClCle density. permitted to usc CCllIcntitious ma(erials in conuete mixtures
Specifi ed to tal air conten ts higher lh an those shown in Tnblc I may reduce (ha! will satisfy the concrete propert i c..~ and other requi rements
sllenglh wilhoul .IIlY fUrlller impro vemcnl of durability. of the purchaser as ordered.
Exposure eOlldition ~ for freez in g and thawin g e nvironments in Table I
correspond \0 Ih e follo wing: 6.4 Optioll A:
Mmlaati' f.:rI'O.l'flrt'-Collcrcte exposed to frCC Ze· lhaw cycles bUI not 6.4.1 When the purchaser requires the manufacturer to
in COntac t with the ground or with limited e:<.posure to water, limiting tIM!
abili ty 10 cause snturat ion of a ponion o f the concrele prior to freezing. assumc full responsibility for the selection of the pro portions
The concrete shall not receive deic in g salts or other aggressive chcmie315. for the concrete mi xture (Note 8), thc purchascr shall also
Exn mples include: ex terior beams, colunms. walls, girders. fl)()( ings be low specify thc followi ng:
lhe frost line, or ele vated slabs where application of de ic ing sail is 001 Requirements fo r compressive strenglh as <leler·
antieipa!td. The air ~Ilnt~nt 1I.'<luircmcnts fur thi ~ c ~pos urc arc consi s t~nt
with those for Exposure Class FI of AC1 3 18. mined on samples taken from the transportation unit at the
Sevue £ rl'osurt'-Conc rete e:<.posed to frcc ze·thaw cycles wh ile in poinl of discharge evaluated in accordance with Section 18.
contact with Ihe ground or with frequ ent eXllOSure 10 wuter, potcnt ially The purchaser shall specify the requirements in terms of the
caus ing saturation of II pon ion of lhe conc rete prior to freezi ng. The compressive strength of standard specimens cured under stan·
concret e may r«c1vc deicing che micals o r o ther aggressive chem ic als.
dard laboratory conditions for mo ist curing (see Section 18).
Examples include: pave rrems. bridge dcck$, curbs, guUeTs, s idewalks.
canal linin gs. Of exterior waler tank s or sumps. The air conlent req uire· Unless otherwise specified the age at tesl shall be 28 days.
mentS for thi s expos ure arc consislent with those for Ex pos ure Classes 1"2
and F3 of ACI 3 18. N Oll; 8- Th e pu rc ha ser. in selectin g requirements for wh ich he
<lSSUI11CS rcspuns ihi lity shoulll give t un sid craliun to rcqui rClllt nt s fur
6.1.5 Which of Options A. B. or C shall be lLSed as a basis workability. placeabilit y, llllrabilily, surface tex ture. and density, in addi ·
for determining the proportions of the concrete 10 produce the tion to lhose for slructurnl design. The pu rchaser is referred to Standard
requ ired qual ilY. Prac tice ACI 2 11 . 1 and Standard Practice ACI 211 .2 for the selection nf
proportions that will resu lt in concrete sui table for various types of
6. 1.6 When light weight concrcte is slx.'cified , the cqui lib· structures and condit ions o f u posure. TIl.: water--celilent ralio o f most
riutll density, struc tural lightweight concretes cannot be detennined wilh sufti ciem
acc uracy for usc as 3 spedfi c3tion basis.
NOIll 6--The dens ity of fresh concrete is the onl y measurable dens ity
of li ghtweight concrete til th e lime of de livery. T he density of fre~ h 6.4.2 Allhe requcsi of the purchaser, the manufacturer shall,
eOntrele is al ways hi gher than the equ ilibrium or oven·dry densi ty. prior to the actual delivery of the concrcte, furnish a statement
Therefore. for acce ptance of light weight concre te based o n density at the
tin"IC of deli very. 3 relationshi p be tween the equili briu m density and to the purchaser. g iving the dry masses of cement and saturated
dens it)' of fresh coocrete needs 10 be established. Definitions o f, and surface·dry·masses of fine and coarse a~gregate and quantities.
me thods for determ ining or calcu lati ng eq uili brium and oven-dry density. type, and name of admixtures (if any) and of watcr per cubic
are covered by Te~t Met hod CS671C567M. yard or cubic metre of concrete that will be used in the
6.1.7 When high·densilY or heavywei ght concrete is manufacture of each elass of concrete ordered by the purchaser.
speci ft ed. the densily of fres h concrete, and The manufacturer shall also furni sh evidence s3tisfaclory to Ihc

01 and

(See Note 5)
MOOOrele ,.,
,., '.0
Severe '.0

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• C94/C94M - 17
purchaser that Ihe materials In he used and proportions selected He shall also fu rnish evidence satisfa(.:tory to Ihe purc hase r that
will prodm;c concrCh~ of the quality speci fi ed. the materials to be lIsed and pro rlort ions selected will produce
concrcle or the quality specified. Whatever stre ng ths arc
6.5 Option B:
allained the quantity of cemenl used shall not be less than the
6,5. 1 When the purchaser assumes responsibi lity for the
minimum specificd.
proportioning of the concrete mixture. he simI] also specify the
followi ng: 6.7 The proportions arrived at by Options A, B. or C for
6.5. J.1 Cement conlcnt in kilo,grams per c ubic melre each class of concrete and approved for usc in a project shall
[pounds per cubic yard] of concrete. he assigned a designati on to facililHtc idc nti fi cation of each
6.5. 1.2 Max imum allowable wate r conlCIlI in lilTCS per cubic concrcte mix ture delivered to the project. T his is Ihe designa·
metre 19a1lons per cubic yardl of concrell.:, including surface lion re<luired in 14 . 1.7 and supplies information on concrcte
moisture on the aggregates, but excl uding wmcr of absorpt ion proportions whcn they arc not given scparately on each
(Note 8), and delivery ticket as outl ined in 14.2. 1\ ccnificd copy of all
6. 5. 1.3 If admix tures arc rC(luircd, the type, name, ;md proportions as established in Oplioll5 1\ , B. or C shall be on fil e
dosage 10 be used. The cement cOlllen! shall not be reduced al Ihe batch plant.
when adm ixtures are used under Ihis option without the wri tte n 6.8 T he purchase r shall ensurc that thc manufacturer is
approval of the purchaser. provided copies of all rcpons of lests performed on concrete
6.5.2 At the request of the purchaser, the man ufac turer shall. samples taken to dc termine compl iance with speci fi cation
prior to the ac tual delivery of the concrete. fu rn ish a statement re(luiremenls. Reports shall be provided on a timely b:l.~ i s.
to the purchaser giving the sources, densities, and sieve
analyses of the aggregates and the dry musses of cement and 7. Slump or Slump Flow
saturated-surface-dry masses of fine and coarse agg regate and
7.1 Unless other tolerances arc indicated by the purchaser,
quanti ties. type and !lame of admixture (if any) and of water
the fo llowi ng shall apply.
per cullic ya rd or cullic metre of concrete Ihal will he used in
7. 1. 1 When slump is stated as a "maximu m" ur "nut to
thc manu fac lure of each class of concrete nrdered Ily the
exceed" req ui rement:
ToierallCElS for "MaKlrlll,lm" or 'Not 10 Exceed' SIurrf>s
6.6 Oplion C:
6 .6. 1 When the purc haser requires the 1ll:lI1ufacturer to For Stu".., 01: Tolerance

assu me responsibility for the selection of the proport ions for 75 mm [3In.1 or less .. 0 and - 40 mm [I 'h tn.1
thc COilcrete mixture with the minimum ullowable cement More than 75 mm 13 in.1 .. 0 aoo - 65 mm [2!h in.1
content specified (NolC 9). the purchaser shall also specify the 7.1. 1.1 The maxi mum or not to exceed slu mp provision
followi ng: shall be used only if a job si le water addition is permilled by
6.6. 1. 1 Required compressive slrength as determined 0 11 Ihe specification in accordance wilh 12.7.
samples taken fro m the transponation unit at the point of 7.1.2 Whetl slump is stated as a targel or nomi nal sl um p:
discharge evaluated in accordance with Section 18. T he pur·
Tolerances for Target or Nomlnat SJu"..,s
chase r shall specify the requirements for strength in terms of
tests of standard specime ns cured under standard labora tory For Stu".., 01: Tolerance
conditions for moist curi ng (sec Section 18). Unless otherwise
50 mm [2 in.lllnd less .t 15 mm I'k in.1
speci ficd the age at tesl shall be 28 du ys. Mora t!\an 50 to 100 mm 12 \tIrovgh 4 in.} .t 25 mm II in.1
6.6. 1.2 Minimum cement contellt in kilograms per cuhie More lMn tOO mm 14 in.1 .t 40 mm 11'AI in.l
met re [pounds per cubic yard] of concrete. 7. 1. 3 When thc purc haser sl<ttes a slump now requi re ment If admi xtu res arc required . the Iype, name, and for sclr--co nsolida ting concrete:
dosage 10 be used. The cement content shall not be reduced T(jerallCEll for Slump Flow
when admi xtures are used.
For Stu".., Flow Tolerance
Nom 9-Ortion C can he d istinctive and useful ol1ty if Ihe desisn~l ed
mi nimum ccmcnt con tent i$ 3t 3bout the same Ic"clthnt would ordinnril~' Lass than or equat to 550 mm 122 tn.1 .t40mmlt 'hln.1
More tharl 550 mm (22 In. J .0: 65 mm [2 'I. In.1
be required for the strength, aggregate size. and sl ump or slump flow
spec ified. At the same tirre. it must be an alt10Unt that will be suflieient to 7. 1.4 The tolera nces for slump or slump flow apply to the
ensure durability under expected savice conditions, as well as satisfactory
values stated in the order when adjustmetlls in accordance with
surface texture 300 density. in the event spec ified strength is allained with
it. For additional infomK tion refer to Siandard I'r:lc tice ACt 211 . 1 nnd 12.7 and 12.8 arc pcrmilled.
Standard Practice 211.2 referred to in Note 8. 7.2 Concrcte shall be ava ilable within Ihe pe rmiss ible range
6.6.2 At the req uest of the purc haser, the mallufaclUrer shall. of slump or slump fl ow for a period 01' 30 min starti ng either on
prior 10 Ihe a<:lual delivery of the <:oncrelc, furnish a statement arrival at the job si te or after thc in itial slump adjust ment
to the purc haser, giving the dry masses of cement and sat ur.lteu pcrmilled in 12.7, whichever is latc r. The first and last V4 m3
surface-d ry masses of fi ne and coarse aggregale and quantities. ]V4 yd~l discharged arc exempt from Ihis requi rcmen t. If the
type, and name of admi xture (if any) and 0]" wate r per cubic user is unprepared for di scharge of the concrete from thc
yard or (.: ubi(.: md re of (.:Oll(.:rele Ihat will he used in the vc hicle, the produccr shall nOI be respons ible fo r the lim itat ion
man ufal"lure of each c1:tSS of concrele ordered by the pun: haser. of minimum slump or slump fl ow aftcr 30 min have elapsed

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slarting either on arri val of the vehicle at the prcscrihcd cx(':ept if the req uired quantity of aggregale is less than 15 % of
destination o r al the rC<lucsted deli very time, whichever is late r. scale capaci ty. the quantity of aggregate weigh{,-d shalt be
wi thin :!:0.3 % of scale capacity.
8. Air-Entrai ned Concrete 9.2.2 For cum ulative we igh batchers, if the requ ired ([uan-
8. 1 Unless otherwise sl>ccificd, for air-entrained concrete lity of aggregate is equal to or grcliler than 30 % of the scale
the lolal air contents in Table ) shall npply based on Ihe capacity. the (!uantity of aggreg'lle we ighed shall be wilhin
exposure condition slated in Ihe purc hase order. It is permitted ::!: I % of the n.:quired mass at cadi successive wdghing. If the
to reduce the total air content values in Table 1 by one re(lu ired quanti ty o f aggregate is !ess than 30 % of the scale
percentage point for concretes with a speci fi ed compressive capacit)" the quantity of aggregate weighed shall be within
strength greater than or equal 10 35 MPa 15000 psi] . Total air ::!:0 .3 % of seale capacity at each successivc weighing.
content that differs from the values in Table I is pcnnillc<i for
concrete nol exposed 10 cycles of freezing and thawing (Note N(TII. 12-Thc 1J~lch ing acc uracy limi t of 41.3% of scale cap~cit)'
5). eSlablishe~ a reasonable minimum weigh ing to lerance that i ~ independen t
of the qu;\ntil ), of m~teri n l being weighed.
8.2 The air content of air-entrained concrete when sampled
from the transporta tion unit al the point o f discharge shall be 9. 3 Mix ing water shall consist of batch water (water
within a tolerance of::!: 1.5 of the spec ified value. weighed or mctered at the plant), icc, free moisture on the
aggregates, wash water relained in the mixer before batching,
8.3 When a preliminary sample taken within the time limits water added at the jobsile in accordance with 12.7 or by an
o f 12.7 and prior to discharge for placement shows an air
automalCd truck mixer system in accordance with 12.8, and
COil tent below the speci fi ed level by more than the allowable
water introduced from admix tures if the qua nti ty added in-
tolerance in accordance with 8.2, the manufacturer may use
creases the water-eementitious materials ralio by more than
additional air entrainillg admixture to achicve the desired air
O.O! (Note 13). The batch water shall be measured by mass or
content level, followed by a minimum of 30 revolutions at
volume to an accuracy of ± I % of the mixing water eSlab-
mixing speed, so long as the revolution limit of 6.1.9 is not
lished by the designed mixture proportions. Icc shall be
exceeded (sec Note 10).
measured by mass. In the case of truc k mixers. any wash water
NOTl! 1000Acceptance ,ampling and testing in accordance with Prnnice retained in the drum for use in the nex t balch of concrete sh<ll1
C 1721C I72M is not obvit tcd by th is prov ision. Increasing the air cOlllent
be measured: if this proves impractical or impossible the wash
may in crease the slum]> or slum]> flo w.
water shall he discharged hefore loading the next hatch of
9. Measuring Materiliis concrete. Quantity of mixing water shall be accurate to within
:!:3 % of the <l1l1ount established by the designed mixture
9. 1 Except as oth erw i ~ spec ifically permitted, ccmentitious
materials shalt be measured by mass. When supplementary
eementitious materials arc used in the concrete mixtu res, the NOll, 13-Mixing water is the 1"(;lt amount "r water in a hmc h tess the
cumulati ve mass is permilted to be measured with hydraulic wnter absurbl."t.! by the lIggrcga tes. M i~ing wmcr is used tu calculate the
cement , but in a bntch hopper and on a scale which is separate wmer-cementit ious mmcrials ratio (w/cm).
and distinct from those used for other materials. T he mass of 9.4 Chemical admix tures in powdered form sh<lll be mea-
the hydraulic cement ~ hatt be measured before supplementary sured by mass. Liquid chemical admixtur..:s shall be batched by
cementitious materials. When the quantity of eementitious mass or volume. Admixtures measured by either mass or
m.lIerial exceeds 30 % of thc full capac ity of the scale, the volume. shall be batched with an accuracy of :!:3 % of Ihe total
measured quantity of the hydrau lic ccment shall be within :!: amount requi red or plus or minus Ihe amount or dosage
I % of the required mass, and the cumu lative measured required for 50 kg 1100 IbJ of hydraulic cement, whichever is
quantity of hydraulic cement plus supplement ary cementitious
m.Herials shall also be with in :!: I % of the required cumu lati ve
mass at each intermediate weighing. For smaller batches to a NOTl, 14-Admi~ture dispensers of the mec hanical lype capable of
minimum o f I m' II yd 1 ] . the measured quantity of the adj ustment for "lITialion of dosage. a.nd of simple calibration. lITe
hydraulic cement and the TIlca<;ured cumulati ve quantity of rc<:ommcndcd.
hydraulic cement plus supplementary cementitious materials
used shall be not less than the required amount nor more than 10. Batching l'lanl
4 % in excess. When the purchaser requires alternate methods 10.1 Bins with adequate separale compartments shall be
of mcasuring cementitious materi,lls, measurcment mcthods provided in the batching plant for fi11 e a11d for each required
and reporting shalt be stated in the order (see Note I I). size of coarse aggregate. Each hin compartment shall he
N l1lt. I I-Cementitious m~terials in bag~ rna)' be used when requested desig ned and operated so as to discharge effi ciently and freely.
or permitted by the purchlscr. with minimum segregation, into thc weighing hoppe r. Mcans
9.2 Aggregate shall be measun -d .. by maSS. The quantity of of control shall be provided so that, as the quantity desirt-d
. in
aggregale weighed shntl be the re(lu ired dry m a.~s plus the total the weighing hopper is approached, the material shall be shut
moisture content (absorbed and surfacc) of the aggregate. o fT with precision. Weighing hoppers shall be constructed so as
9.2.1 For indi vid ual wcigh batchers, the qua ntity of aggre- to elim inate accum ulations of tarc materials and to discharge
gate weighcd shalt Ix: within :!:2 % of the rc([uired mass; fully.

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10.2 Indicating d::viccs shall he in fu ll view and ncar thc volume of mixcd concrete. If used for the complele mixing
enough 10 he rcad accurately hy Ihe operator white charging the of concmte, stationary mixers shall be equipped with an
hopper. The operator s hall have convenient access (0 311 acceplable timing device th:l\ will not permil thc balch to be
controls. discharged untilthc speci fied mi xing lime has elapsed .
10.3 Scales shall be considered accurate if their accuracy is 11.1.2 Each tntck mixer or agitator shall have attached
\'crilicd through the nonl1311y used capacity in accordance wilh thereto in :I prominent place a metal plate or plates on which
Table 2 aud load indicated relm; vc to applied Icslload is within are plainly marked the gross volume or thc drum, the capacity
:! O.15 % of the total capacity of Ihe scale OJ' 0.4 % of Ihe net of the drum or containcr in terms of Ihe volume of mixed
applied load, whichever is g reater. The minimum quantity and concrete, and the minimum and maximu m mixi ng speeds of
sequence of :lpplicd lest loads used 10 verify material scales rotation of the drum, blades, or paddles. If thc concretc is truck
shall confonn \0 Table 2 and ilg notes. mixed as described in 12.5, or shrink mixed as described in
12.4, the volume of mi xed concrele shall nOI cxcecd 63 'k of
lOA All exposed fulcrums, clevises, and si milar workin g the lotal volume of Ihc drum or container. If the concrete is
parts of scales shall be kepI clean. Bcam scales shull be central mixed as deserihed in 12.3, the vol ume of concrete in
equipped w;lh a balance indicator sensitive enough 10 show the truck mixcr or agitator shall not cxcecd 80 % o f the total
movement when a weight equal to 0. 1 % of the nominal volume of thc dntlll or container. Truck mixers and agitators
capacity of the scale is placed in the batch hopper. Poinler shall be equ ipped with means to readily verify the num ber of
travel shall be a minimum of 5 % of the neHated capacity of revolutions of the drum, blades, or paddlcs.
the largest weigh beam for underweight and 4 % for over-
11 .2 Stationary and truck mixers shall be capable of pro-
ducing uniformly mixed eoncretc within the spccified time in
10.5 The device for the measurement of the added water 12.3 or thc specified number of revolutions in 12.5. The
shall be capahle of delivering to the hatch the quantity required capability to produce and dischargc uniformly mixcd concretc
within the ac(.:uracy mquired in 9.3. The device shall be so shall be determined in accordance in Anncx A I . if rcquired.
arranged that the measurements will not he alfected hy variahle
No nl 16-The sequence or mcthod of ch~rging thc mixcr will h~vc ~n
pressures in the water suppl y line. Mcasuring tanks shall he important cflc.:.:t on the uniformity of the COIlcrclC.
equipped with outside taps and valves to provide for checking
11.3 The agitator shall be capahle of maintaining the mixcd
their calihration unless other means are provided for readily
concrete in a unifonllly mixed condition. The capahility to
and accurately determining the amount of water in the tank .
mainlain and discharge uni fonllly mixed concrete shall he
NOTI\ 15- The scatc :lccura~y timiWliol1S "r thc Natimml /{cmJy Mixcd determined in accordance in Annex A I , if required.
Concrete Association Plant Ccniflc,ltion nrect the requirements of this
speciflcation. 11.4 Sl ump tests of individual samples can be used to
provide a quick check of the probable degree of uniformity.
II. M ixt!rs and Agillltors Sampling and tcsting shall be in accordance wilh Annex A I . If
11.1 Mi ;';ers include stationary mixers 0 1' truck mixers. the difference in slump exceeds the Ii milS in Annex A I , thc
Agi tators include truck mixcrs or truck agi tators. mixer or agitator shall not be used unless the condition is
11 .1.1 Stat ionary mixers shall be equipped with a metal corrected. except as provided in 11.5 .
pl;tte or plates on whIch arc plainly marked the mixing speed 11 .5 Use of the equipment not COnfOnlling to 11 .2 is
of the drum or paddles. and the maximum capacity in terms of pennitlcd if operated with a longcr mixing time, a smaller load,

TABLE 2 Minimum Field Standard Weights and Test Loads'\

tin temlS 01 device capacity) Millimum loads lor Verification of Scale A.ceuracy

o to 2000 kg HlO .. HlO ..

(0 to 4000 lUI

2001 to 20 000 kg Greate' of" Field standard weights or test load to used capacity, If greater lhan mnlmum
(4001 to 40 000 lUI 10%aSOOkg specified.
jlOOObj Strain.Joad tests" ,.e P6.rrltled to be used above test load minimums. During initiaJ
verification. a seale shan be tested to Ilill capacity.
,\ If the configuration and set up of the sc.aIe system pl'BYents access 01' appIicallon 01 adequate liek:I standa.d weights Of ~ an unsafe condi1lon Is c.eated by tile v&.ilicallon
process tIl&n lhe use of the seal& above tile venfied 1>06111on shall be disconllnl.led unlit correctlv& measures have been completed.
IJ Field standard weights used In ve.~ylng eccuracy 01 weighing devices shall comply with 'lKlulrements of NIST Handbook 105·1.
e The te.m 'e51 load" means the sum of thIJ combination 01 field standard weights and any Olher applied load used In the conduct 01 a test using substitution lest methods.
Subs1ilution Test-ln the substitution t&SI p!"oce<Iu.e. malerlel 01' objects a•• substituted lor lleld slar.dald weights. or a corrtllnation oflleld standard weights and previously
quantified material or objects, using the seale under lest as a cornparalol. AddiIionai test weights or olher known lestioads may be added to the known test load to verify
the aCCI.Jracy of hIghef weigtt ranon on the scala.
DThe scale shal be tested from zero to at least 10 % 01 scale capacity USing liel<! standard weights. and then 10 at least SO % 01scale capacity using a series 01 subst~ution
load tests that ut~lze lield standard we9hts equaling at feast 10 % 01 scale capacity.
II ASlrain.J08d test shall be oonducled to verily the aocuracy from SO % of scale capacity to the used capacity 01 the scale. At least one load tast shan be performed In
each quarter 01 scale capacity. Straln·load Test-In the st.aln·load test procedure. an unkflOwn quantity 01 material or objects a.e used to establish a reference load or
tare to which fi&kl Slandard weights or substitution test loads are added.

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• C94/C94M - 17
Of a more cnicicnl cIlarging sequence. If required, the unifor- 12.4 S",.il!k-Mix~d COl/crete- Concrete that is fi rst par!ially
milY of concrete shall he evalualed in accordance with Annex mixed in a stati onary mixer. and then mixed completely in it
AI. truck mixer, shall conform to Ihc following: The time of partial
mixing shall be the minimum time required to intermingle the
11. 6 Mixers nnd agitators shall be examined or their mass
ingredients. After tra nsfcr to <I truck mixer the amount of
determined as frequently as Ilcccssary to detect changes ill
mixing at the designated mix ing speed shall be that ncccssary
condit ion due 10 nccLLllluialiollS of hardened concrete or mortar
to mect the requirements for uniformity of concrete as indi-
and exam ined to de tect wear of blndes. If these condition arc
cated in Anllex A I. Additional turning of the mixer, if any,
considered ex tensive enough 10 alTee! the mixer performance,
shall be at a designated agitating speed.
A nnex A I establishes the basis \0 de termine whether cOITcction
of deficiencies is required or if the cOlTcclion of the defici en- 12.5 Truck-Mixed C()IJ(:rete- Concrcte lhat is completely
cies is adcqu:llc. mixed in a truck mixer for 70 10 100 revolutions <It the mixing
speed designated by the manufacturer shall prod uce uniformly
12. Mixing and Delivery mixed concrete as defined in Annex A I. The st<lrt of mixing
shall he when all the materials have heen loaded in the mixer.
12.1 Ready-mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered to
If requirements for uniformity of concrete indicated in Annex
the point designated by the purchaser by means of one of the
A I afe not met with 100 revolutions of mixing thaI mixer shall
following combinations of operations;
not be used until the condition is corrected, except as provided
12.!.1 Celltl'lll-MiJ. ed Concrete. in 11.5. If satisfactory perfonnance is found in one truck mixer,
12.1.2 SlJ rink-Mixed Concrete. the performance of mixers of substantiall y the same design and
12.1.3 Truck- Mixed Concrete. condition of hlades are permitted 10 he regarded as satisfactory.
12.2 Mixers and agitators shall be operated within the lim its Additional revolutions of the mixer heyond the Ilumhe r found
of capaeity and speed of rotation designated by the manufac- to produce the required uniformil Y of concrete shall he at a
turer of thc eq uipmcnt. designated agitating speed.

12. 3 Celltral- Mixed Concrete- Concrcte that is mixed com- NOll, 18---Truek mixers of similar design bearing 3 Pe rformance Rating
pl<ltc uf the Truck Mixcr Manufac(urcrs HUrC1\U have t>ccn (cstL-d for their
pletely in a stationary mixer alld transported to the poillt of abili ty to produce uniformly mi~ed concrete in accordance with Annn
delivery eithcr in a truck agitator, or a truck mixer operatillg at AI.
agitating speed, or in non-agitatillg equipment ap proved by the
12.6 When a truck mixer or truck agitator is used for
purchaser and mceting the requirements of Scction 13, shall
transport ing concrete that has heen completely mi xed in a
conform to the following: T he mixing time shall be counted
stationary mixer, any turning during lnmsportalion shall he al
from the ti me all the solid materials are in the drum. T he hatch
the speed designated hy the manufacturer of the equipment as
shall be so charged into the mixer that some water will enter ill
agitating speed.
advance of the cement and aggregale and the targel batch water
shall be in the drum by the end of the first one fOllrth of the 12.7 For concrete delivered in truck mixers. no water from
specified mixing time; or in accordance with the central the truck waler system or elsewhere shall be added after the
concrete mixer manufacturer's recommended chargillg se- initial introd uction of water during batching, except as permit-
quence. ted in ! 2.8 , and if on arrival at the job site the slump or slump
12.3.1 If no mixer performance tests arc made, lhe accept- fl ow needs 10 be increased to comply with thc requiremcnt
able mixing time for mixers having capaci ties of 0.76 m} ! I stated in the purchase ordc r. Unless otherwise stated , obtain the
yd~l or less shall be n()t less than I min. For mixers of greater req uired slump or slump fl ow within the tolerances stated in
capacity. this minimum shall be increased 15 s for each cubic 7. 1.1 , 7.1.2, or 7. 1.3with the addition of water. or water-
metre [cubic yardl or fmction thereof of additional capaci ty reducing admixture, or both. The maximum quantity of water
(Sec Note 17). or water-reduci ng admixture that can be added at the job site
shall be determined by the mnnufacturcr and shall not e xceed
NoTf'. 17-St~tioo~ry mixers of simil~r design bearing a Performance Ihe maximum water content for the batch as established by the
Rating plntc of thc Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau have been tc.~tcd
for thei r ability \0 produce uniformly mixed concrete in accordance with
designed mixture proportions. Adj usting the concrete mixturc
Annc~ Al for low slump « 50 nUll (2 in.]) and normal slump (100-150 with water or water-reducing admixture shall be done before
mm (4-6 in. I) concrete in a mixing limc between 30 and 90 s. disc harge of concrete, cxccpt when obtaining a preliminary
sample in accordance with 17.6. Addit ional water shall be
12.:1.2 If mixer performance tests have been made in accor-
injected into the mixer under pressure and direction of flow to
dance with Annex A I, the acceptahle mixing time is permilled
allow for proper distribution within the mixcr. After the
to he reduced to the time equal to or greater than that used in
additions. the dr um shall be turned at least 30 revolutions at
the qualifi cation testing. If the mixing time is so reduced Ihc
mixing speed. The quantity of water or water-rcduc ing admix-
maximum time of mixing shall not exceed this reduced ti me hy
ture added shall be recorded.
more than 60 s for air-entrained concrete. Mixer performance
tests shall he repeated whenever the appearance of the concrete 12.8 Fur truck mixer!\ with autumated water or w<ltt:r-
or a comparison of coarse aggregate content of separate reducing admixture measurement and slulTlp or slump flow
samples as descri hed in Annex A I indicates thaI adequate monitoring equipmellt defined in 12.S. 1and if permitted by tht:
mixing has not heen accomplished. purchaser, water, or water-reducing admixture, or both, may be

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~mP' C94/C94M - 17
added during lranspMtation to the joh site. Such additional Norl 20--When hoi water i~ used r.tpid stifrening may occur if hot
water shal l he inj,->(,"Icd into the mixer under such press ure :lnd water is brought ill d il\.'Cl contact with tnc ceme nt. Additional information
on cold weather concreling is cootained in AC t 306R.
direction of fl ow 10 allow for propcr dislritullion withi n the
mixer. The water content of the hatch shall 1101 exceed that 12. 12 The producer shall deli ver the ready mixed concrete
estahlished hy the designed mix lnre proporlions. If water Of during hOI weather at cOllcrete lemperalUrcs as low as
wutcr-r..:dudng admi xture is added, the mi xer shall he turned at practicable. s ubject to the approval of the purchaser.
least 30 dru m revol utions :11 mixing SI)ccd. Said mixing s h,.l1 NOT" 21- ln some situations ditlic ul t}' may he encountered when
take place after the last waler or water-reducing admixture concrete Icmpcr.ttures apprO.lCh 32 ~c [90 °F1. Additional information
addition but before the stan of d ischarge. The acce ptance or may be fou lxl in AC t 305R.
rejection of concrete based on slump or slump fl ow shall be in
accordance with Section 17. 13. Use of Nonagilllting Equipmenl
12.8. 1 The automated slump or slump fl ow monitoring 13. 1 If thc usc of non-agitating tranSfKlrtation eq uipmenl is
eq uipment shall be capahle of obtain ing one or more physica l npproved by the purchaser, the concrete s hall be manufactured
measurements on the truck mixer related 10 concrete slump or in a central mix plant. Thc foll owi ng limitations slmll "pply:
slump fl ow and providing an indicati on of slump or slump fl ow
1 ~ . 2 Bodies of nonagitating equipmem s hall be s mooth.
based on pre-established correl ations. The slump or slump fl ow
watertight , mel,,1 containers e(luipped with gates that will
measurement e(luipment s hall re port in terms of s lump or
permit control of the discharge of the concrete. Covers s h,,11 be
slump fl ow. The device for the measurement o f water s hall he
provided for proleclion from the weather if required by the
:lceurate to ::t~ % of the :lmount added wi th said device. The
device for the measurement of water-reducing admixture shall
be accur:lte to the greater of ±3 % of the ,unount added or ::!:30 13.3 The concre te shall be deli vered to the site of the work
mL I ::!: I fI oz1. Upon request by the purchaser, Ihe manufac- with a satis t",lcto ry degree of uniformit y. Satisfact01Y degree of
turer shall submit da ta no older than 6 months substantiating uniformity is de fined in Annex AI.
the acc uracy of the devices used for the measuremenl of wa ter 13.4 Slump tests of individual samples obtaincd and tcstcd
or wa ter-reduci ng admix ture. The C(luipmcnt shall ha ve con- in accordance with Annex A I can be used for a quick check of
trols to prevenl disdlarge of water at pre-scI lim its to avoid the probable degree of uniformity. If these sl umps dine r by
exceeding the max irllum water cOlllent for the batch as more than thc limi ts in Table A 1.1, the nonagi tali ng equipmenl
establ ished hy thc designed mixture proporli ons. s hall not be used unlcss the conditions are corrcctcd as
[2.9 Discharge of the concrete shall be completed within I provided in l.JS
Iii h afler the introdUClion of the mixi ng waler 10 the cement 13.5 If the n.."quirements of Anllex A I are not met when the
and aggregales or the introduction of the cement 10 the nonagilating equipment is operated for the max imum time of
aggregates. This limitation may be waived by the purchaser if haul. and with the concrete mixed tlte minimum time, the
Ihe concrete is of such slump or slump flow afler the 1'/2-h lime equipment shall only be used when operated using s horter
has been reached thaI it can be placed, without the addition of hau ls, or longer mixillg times, or combi nations thereof thm wi ll
water to the batch. In hot weather, or under conditions resu lt in Ihe rcquiremellls of Allilex A I be ing mel.
contributing to rapid stifl'ening of the com:rete, a time less than
I 'ii h is permitted to be specified by Ihe purchaser. 14. Batch T icket Inrormation
12.1 0 If a drum re\olutionlimi t (6. 1.9) for s tan of discharge 14.1 Thc manuf"cturcr of thc concrete s hall fumi sh to thc
is specified by the purchaser, this limit shall govern. purchaser with each batch of concrete before unloading at the
NOlll 19-Dcpend ing on the project requirements, the technoloj;Y is sitc, a delivery ticket containing information conccOling said
:waitable 10 the manufactu rer to niter fresh concrete propcnies (such as concrete as foll ows:
SCllin!; tim~. stump or stu mp now, and air cunte nt). On sumc projects. thc 14.1. 1 Name of ready-mix company and balc h plan \, or
manufacturer may request cll~nges to cenain fresh concrete properties due
batch plant number,
to the di stance or projected Iransportation ti me between the batch plant
and the poi nt of de livery.
14.1.2 Scrial number of ticket,
14.1.3 Date,
12. 11 Concrete delivered in cold weather shall ha ve the
14.1.4 Truck num ber,
applicahle mi nimum temperature indicated in thc following
14.1.5 Name o f purchaser,
tahle. (The purchase r shall inform the producer as to the Iype
14.1.6 Specific designation of job (name and location).
of construclion for which the concrete is intended.)
14.1.7 Speci fic clnss or designation of the concre te 111
Minimum concrete Terrperature as Placed con formance with that employed in job specifi cations,
Section Sin, mm [in.) Temp!lrBture, min, -C I"F) 14.1 .8 Amount of concrete in cubic yards (or cubic metres),
14. 1.9 Time loaded or o f fi rst mixing of cement and
<300 1<121 13 [55) aggrega tes, and
300-900 [12-361 10 1501
900-1800 135-721 7145) 14.1.10 Amount of water added al Ihe request of the
>t800 1>72) 5 [40) purchaser or thc purchaser's dcsignated re presentative and
The maximum te nlpcrature of concrete produced wit h their initials.
heated aggregates, heated water, or hoth, s hall at no time 14. J .11 Type and quantit y of admixture or othcr adjust-
during its production or transportation exceed 32°C [90 °FJ . ments made to the b:lIch aflcr batching.

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14.1 . 12 For trucks equipped with automated water or watcT- sh.lll note all know n deviat ions from the prescribed procedures
reducing admixture measurement and slump or slump now ( Note 22). The rerorts shall also list any parl of the teSI
monitoring C(lu ipmcrlt as defined in 12.R. l , the IOlal amount of methods not performed liy the testing agency.
waler or water-reducing admixture added by said equipment.
Non: 22- J)cviarion from sran<i:lrd Ics t melhods may nd,·crsely affeci
14.1.13 Revolution lim ;1 as determined oy the manufac- lest results.
tu rer in accordance with 6. 1.9. Norf. 23-[)evi(llion from slandard moisturc and temperature curing
requiremcnl.~ of Practice Cj I/C3 1M is often a reason for low strenglh lest
14.2 Additional ill formation for certification purposes as
results. Sueh devi(ltions may invalidate the usc of such te st results as a
designa ted by the purchaser ,lIld required by the job speci fi ca- basis for rej~"{;lion of Ihe concrere.
tions shall be fum ishcd when requested; such informat ion as:
[4.2.1 Reading of revolution counter 31 the fi rst additio n of 17. Sampling and Testing Fresh Concrete
[7.1 T he contractor shall an-ord the inspector all reasonable
[4.2.2 Type, brand, and amount of cement.
access and assistance, without charge, for the procurement of
14.2.3 Class, brand, and amount of coal fly ash, or raw or
samples of fres h concrele at time of placement to determine
calcined 1l3tuml pozzo]ans,
conform:lIlce of it to this specification.
14.2.4 Grade. braud, and amount of slag cemenl.
14.2.5 Type, brand, and amou nt of silica fume, 17.2 Tests of concrete required to determine compliance
14.2.6 Type, brand, and amoun t of admixtures with this specification shall be made by a certified tec hnician in
14.2.7 Type, brand. and amount of fiber reinforcement, acco rdance with Practice C I077.
14.2.8 Source and amount of each metered or weighed 17 .3 Samples of concrete shall be obtai ned in accordance
water, with Practice C[ 72!C 172M, except when taken to detertnine
14.2.9 illformation necessary to calcul nte the mixing water, uniformity of slump within anyone batch or load of concrete
as listed in 9.3 , ( 11 .4. 13.4, and Annex AI ).
14.2.10 Maximum size of aggregate,
17.4 Slump or slu mp now. air-content, density, and tem-
14.2.11 Mass (amount) of fine and coarse aggregate,
perature tests shall be made at the ti me of discharge at the
14.2. 12 Ingredients certified as being previously approved,
opt ion of the inspector as often as is necessary for control
checks. In addition, these tests shall be made when speci fi ed
14.2.13 Signature or initinls of producer's representative.
and always when strength speci mens are made.
15. I'!:mt Inspection 17.5 Strength tests as well as slump or slump now,
15.1 The manufacturer shall alrord the inspector all reason- temperature, density, and air content tests shall generally be
able access, without cha rge. for making necessary checks o f madc with a freq uency of not less than one test for each 115 m~
the production facilities and for sccurillg necessary samples to [150 yd~l. Each test shall be made fro m a sepamte hatch. On
determine if the concrete is being produced in accordance wilh eaeb day concrete is de livered, at least one strength lest shall be
this specification. Al l tests and inspection shall be so conducted made for each class of concrete.
as nOI to interfere unnecessarily with the manufacture and 17.6 If preliminary checks of slump, slump fl ow, or air
delivery of concrete. content arc made, a single sample shall be taken after the
16. I' racticcs, Test Methods, lmd Report ing discharge of not less than 1/4 rn 3 or \;'4 yd~. All other require-
ments of Practice C I72/C I72 M shall be retnined. If the
16.1 TeSI ready-mixed eoncn.:te in accord ance with the preliminary measurement of slump (1 2.7) or air content (8.3)
following methods:
falls outside the specified limits, address as indicated in section
16.1.1 Compressioll Test Speciment-Practice C3 1!C3 1M .
17.6. 1 or 17.6.2 as appropriate.
using standard moist l:uring in accordarKe with the applicable 17.6.1 If the measured slump or sl ump flow, or air content,
provisions of Prac tice C3 11C3 1M.
or both is greater than the specified upper limit, a check lest
16.1.2 Compressioll Tesls- Test Method C3WC39M. shall be made immediately on a new test sample. In the even t
16.1.3 Yield. Mass per Cubic "-oot- Test Method e13S!
the check test fa ils, thc concrete shall be considered to havc
C1 38 M. failed the requirements of the specification.
16.1.4 Ai,. COllte/It- Test Mdhod C I 38!C I3S M; Tes t
17.6.2 If the measured slump or slump flow. or air content.
Method C I73/C l 73 M or Test Method C23 1/C23 IM . or both is less than the lower limit. permit adjustments in
16.1.5 Slump-Test Method C I43/C I43M.
accordance with 12.7 or 8.3 or both. as appropriate. and obtain
[6.1.6 SllImp Flow-Test Melhod C 161 1/C 16 11M .
a new sample. If the sample of the adjusted concrete fails. a
[6.1.7 Samp/illf.: Fresh COllcrete- Pmctil:e C I721C I72M.
check tcst shall be made immediately on a new sample of the
16.1.8 Temperature- Test Melhod C I064/CI OM M. adjusted concrete. In the event the check test fails , the concrele
[6.2 The testing agency perform ing ncceplance tests of shall be considered to have failed the requirements of the
concrete shall meet the requirements of Prac tice C 1077. specification.
16.1 Testing agency reports of concrete test results llsed 10
delermine compliance with this specification shall include a IS. Strength
statement that all tests performed by the testing agency or its 18.1 Whcn strength is used as a basis for acceptance of
agents were in accordance with the applicahle test methods or concrete. standard speci mens shall be made in accordance with

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~t' C94/C94M - 17

PrJ.cticc C3 1/C1 1M. The sllCCimcns shall Ilc cured under 18 .4.2 When the specified strength is 35 MPa [5000 psi ] or
standard moi sture and ICITII)Cralurc conditions in accordance less. 110 individual strenglh lest (average of two cyl inder lests)
Wilh the appiicahlc provis ions of Pract ice Cl I/Cl IM . The shall be more than 3.5 MPa [500 psi] be low the spec ified
technician pe rforming Ihe strength test shall he certified as an strength, / 'c '
ACl Concrete Strength Testing Technician, Concrete Laoor.l-
NOH 2.' - Due to v3rimions in materia ls, ope rations. and tes ting. the
tory Testi ng Technician-Grade II or hy an equivalent wriucn average: strength necessary to meet these req uire ments will be substan-
nnd performance lest program covering the relevant lest tially higher than the specified strength . TIle amount hi gher depends upon
methods. If acce ptance is based upon compressive strength test the siandard dev iation of Ihe I c~ t result .• ,md the accuracy with which tlwt
resu lts, th e cert ific at ion requirement is satisfi ed by certificati o n value cun be estimated rrom prior data as explai ned in AC ! 2 14 R6 and
AC ] 301. Pertinent dot:! arc give n in A lll'cnd i ~ XL
as an ACI Concrete Laboratory Testi ng Tcchnician-Gradc I or
by an equivalent wriUcn and performance test program. 18.4.3 Whcn Ihe spl.'cificd strength is greater tha n 35 MPa
[5000 psi] , no individual strength lest (average of two cylinder
18.2 For a strength test, alleaSl lwo st:l.11dard test specimens
tests) shall be less than 0 .90 / '~.
shall be made from a composile sample secured as required in
Section 17. A lest shall be the average of the slrenglhs of Ihe 19. Failure to Meet Strength Re(fUiremcnts
specimens tested at the a£e specified in 6.4. 1. 1 or 6.6. 1. 1 (Nole
24). If a s pecimen shows definite evidence other than low 19. 1 In the event Ihat concrete tested in accordance with the
strength, of improper sampling, molding. handling, curi ng. or requirements of Section 18 fail s to meet the strength require-
testing, it shall be discarded and the strength of the remaining ments of this specification, Ihe nlanu fllClurer of the ready-
cyliuder shall then be cOl1sidered the test result. mixe(1 concrete and the purchaser sha ll confer \0 de termine
whelher agreement can be reached as 10 what adjustment or
NOTf. 24- Additiollal tests may be made at OIher ages to obtain adjustments, if any, shall be made to the mixture proportions.
inromlation ror determining rorm re moval time o r when a structure may
be put in 5Crvice. Specimen~ for suc h tests are cured according to the
production process, or testing procedures.
sectiOfl 0fI Field Curing III Practice C3IfC3IM . NUll' 26-AC t 3 t8- t4. Sections 26. 12.4 and R26.1 2.4 (commen tary)
18. 3 The represenlati ve of the purchaser shall ascertain ;md address when and how low stre ngth te st rcsuils can be in vestigated.
record the del ivery-ticket numbe r for the concrete and the exaCI
20. Keywo rds
location in the wo rk at which each load represented by a
strength tcst is deposited. 20. 1 accuracy; blended hydraulic cemen\; certification ;
ready- mixcd concrete; scales; testing
18.4 To conform to the requirements of this spccificmion,
slrength tests representing c"eh class of concrete must meet the
followil1g two requ irements ( Note 25):
6 AC I 214 H._1l . '"Guide 10 Evalualion of Slrenglh Test R~il\Ih' of Concrele:'
18.4. 1 The average of any three consecutive strength tcsts a"a; tllbt~ from Americlln COllcrele lnJtilule . farmington Hilli. hit.
shall be equal to. or greater than, the specified strength,f 'c ' and www.toocme.org. 20I I, 16 pp.

(Mand;llnry Inro rmation)


A 1. 1 Signilicllllce and Use eval uale the ellcct of hatching sequence for charging or loading
A 1.1 .1 This annex provides procedures to evaluate the mixers of acceptable condition.
ability of stat ionary ~nd ll"U(.;k mixers to pnxlu(.;c unifo rmly A 1. 1.3 It is nOI Ihe intent that this complete evaluat ion be
mixcd (.;oncn.:te. The procedures des(.; ribed herein can also be performed on mixers at an established fre(IUeney. For equip-
used to determine the rcqui red mini mum mixing re volutions in ment in operation. a visual inspection of the condition of the
truck mixers for shrink mixed concrete and for evaluating the mixer for h[ade wear and hardened concrele huildup can he
uni formity of COlicrete mixlures del ivercd in 1I0nagitatilig wndueled as an alternative. [I' une mixer of il speci fi c design
equipmcnt. has been evaluated by procedurcs in th is annex , it can be
A 1.1 .2 The sequence and method of charging mixers has a assumed that mixers of essent ially the same design and o(
significant ellcct on the ability to produce uniformly mixed different sizes will also produce uniforml y mixed concrele. A
concrete. The procedures in this annex can also be ust.'<i 10 selected portion of this evaluation, s uch as comparison of

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<6@!' C94/C94 M - 17
slump or coar.;e aggregate content, can also be performed as a A 1.3.2 SallllJ/ing From S/aJiunary Mixas-SampJes of con-
quil: k indicatiun of the unifunllily of COrlcrete mixtures. crete shall be ubtaineo immediately aner mix ing duration is
completed, in accordance with one of the following proce-
A l.2 Concrete M ixture, LOlld Size, and M ixing uUJ'es:
A 1.2.1 Unless th..: intent is 10 eval uate special project A I. 3.2.1 Alternative Procedure / - The mixer shall be
situations or concrete mixtures, Ihe concrele mixture used for stopped, and the required samp[cs re mol'ed by any suitable
this evaluation should be typical of Ihal produced in Ihe means from the mixer at approximately equal distances from
production facility. Recommended mixture characteristics in- thc front and back of thc drum, or
elude Ihe fo llowing: A AI/ernll/h'e Procedure 2-As the mixer is being
A 1.2.1. 1 Cemcnli liollS materials content of ~OO to ~50 emptied, individual sarnph:s shall be take n afll:!" disc harge of
k gJm~ [500 to 600 Iblyd 1, approximately 15 % and 85 'm of the load. The met hod of

A Coarse ag£rcgatc size No. 57 or No. 67 from sampling shall provide samples that arc obtained from widdy
Specification C33/C33 M, separated portions, but not from the very ends of the hatch
A Fine aggregate fi neness modulus 2.5 to 3.0, ( Note A 1.2).
A. I .2.1.4 Targcl sl ump of 100 10 150 mm [4 10 6 in·1 or for A [.3.3 Sampling Pram Truck Mixe/"J-The concrete shall be
paving uperations at 25 \0 50 mm [ I to 2 in.[, and discharged at the normal operating rate for the mixer being
A Air content of 4 to 6 %. tcsted, with care being exercised not to obstruct or retard the
discharge. For the duration between obtaining samples, the
A 1.2.2 The load size used for this evaluation shall be withi n mixer shall he turned in the mixing direct ion at agitat ing speed .
-20 % and +10 % of the rated mixi ng capacity of the mixer. Obtain samples by intercept ing the fu[1 discharge stream from
A 1.2.3 Use a hatching sequence of concrete materials that the chute without stopping and starting the disc harge duri ng the
has bccn used previously with success or in accordance with collection of the sample.
the rccormm:ndation of thl.: mixt:r manufacturer. Use altl.:fIlativt: A 1.3.4 S(IInpling From Nonogi/lIIing Equipment-Obtain
procedures if the purpose is to evaluate the effect of batching the two samples from approximately 15 % and 85 % of thc
sequence. discharge from the nonagitating equ ipment in accordance with
NOTE A t.t - The stand"rds of fhe Truck Mixer Manufacturers Bure:lU. Practice C I721C I72M. Mix the portions obtained from each
T MM H 100 and of the Concrete Ptalll Manufacturers Bureau. C PMB 100, location into uniformly mixed samples.
provide reconnllendafions for batching sequence.
Non , A 1.2- No samples should be faken before 10 % Of arrer 90 % of
A 1.2.4 For stationary mixcrs, mix concn,:te at the mixing the batch has been disehargcd. Due \0 the difliculty of dctermini ng the
speed and minimum duration recommended by the mixer aeruat quantify of concrete discharged, the intent is to provide samples fhat
manufacturer. The start of mixing time shall be from the time are representative of widely separntcd portions, but not the beginning and
end of Ihe toad.
a11 sol id materials arc in thc mixer. Mixing timc is taken as the
earlier of when the mixer is stopped or when the fi rs t material AlA S lump
is disc hllrged. Use a suitable ti ming device, aCellr;lle to [ s, to
measure lind record the time duration of mix ing. A 1.4. [ Perform the slump test on each sample in accordance
with Test Method C I43/C [43M . Start the slu mp lest within 5
A 1.2.5 For truc k mixers, mix concrcle at a mixi ng speed mi n after the sample was obtained.
exceeding 12 r/min or at the speed recommended by the
manufacturer. Complete mixing using between 70 and 100 AU Density (Unit Weight) and Yield
revolut ions of the drum at mix ing speed. To determine the A 1.5. [ Determine the density of each sample in accordancc
mixer drum revolutions, the start of mixing shall be when all with Test Method C 138/C 138M . Usc the measure for measure-
the materials have been loaded in the mixer. Record the ment of air content by Test Method C23 1/C23 1M unless the
number of revolutions at mixing speed . concrete contains a larger nominal maximu m size coarse
aggregate than is appropriate for this measure.
A 1.3 Sam pli ng
A 1.3.1 Separate srunples, each consisting of approxi mately A 1.5.2 Ca[culate the density (unit weight) of each sample as
O. [ m·l [2 ft3] shal[ be taken after discharge of approxi matdy follows:
15 % and 85 % of the load ( Notc A 1.2). T hcse samples shall be M
D ""- (A 1.1)
obtained within an elapsed ti me of not more than 15 min. The I'
samples shall be secured in accordance with Prac tice C [721
C I72 M, but sha11 be kept separate to represent specific points
D = mcasured density (unit weight), kglm~ [[b/ft]]
in the batch rather than combined to form a composite sample.
M = net mass of concrete in the measure, kg [[b], and
Sufficient personnel must be avai lable to perform the required
V = volume of the measure, 111 3 [fr'] .
tests promptly. Segregation during sampling and handl ing must
be avoided. Each sample shall be covered 10 prevent moisture A 1.5.3 From the average density (unit weight) of the two
loss or contamination. Re mix the minimum necessary before samplcs, calculate the yield of the balch in accordance with
performing the tests. Test Method C 138/C 138 M.

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~t' C94/C94M - 17
A 1.6 A ir Content Cure the specimens in accorda nce with Practice CJ I/C31 M,
A I .6.1 Measure the ai r content of each sample in accor- except that the cylinders shall he immersed in water immedi-
da nce with Test Method C231/C231 M. Usc Tesl Method ately afte r molding with the temperature mai ntained hetween
C l 73/C 173Mif the concre te is made with liglllwcighl aggre- the re(lu ired tcmllCrdture limits for init ial curing ort he standard
gale or if the coarse agg regate in the concrele has an aggregate curing procedures in Prac tice C3 IIC3 I M for the fi rst 24 h.
correction faclor larger than 0.5 % when determined in Transporl the cylinders to the lahoratory fac ilities aft er 24 h
accordance with Test Method C231/C23 1M . and cure in accordance with the standard curing proced ures of
Practice C3 [/CJ I 1\'1.
A 1.7 A ir-Free Density (Ullil Weight) A 1.9.2 Test the cylinders in accorda nce with Test Mcthod
A 1.7.1 Calculate Ihe ai r-free densi ty (unit weight) of each C39/C39M at an age of 7 days. If the streng th of an individual
sample as (ollows: cylinder differs fro m the average stre ngth of either sample by
more tha n 9.5 %, th is value can be disregarded for de termining
nir·frce densi1y'" 100 - A X 100 (A 1.2) the average strength for the somple.
A [.Q.3 Ave rage the strength of the cylinders fro m each
where: sample and express that value as a percentage of the avemge of
D = measured density, kglm~ Il blft;\J ' and all cylinders made from that hatc h. Calcu late the difference in
A = measured ai r content on that sample, %. strength hetween each sample as a percentage of the overall
A 1.8 Coarse Agg regate Content
A I .R. ! Usc the concre te in th e measure used 10 measure ALIO Report
densi ty (unit weight) 10 de termine the coarse agg regate con· A I . [0. 1 Report the following informati on:
ten\. If a separate portion of the sam ple is used, Ihe concre te A 1. 10. 1.1 Purpose of the evaluation.
sample shall be at least 15 kg [:'5 [h). Place the concrete in an A 1.10. 1.2 Type and descriptio n of mixer and rated mixing
adeq uately sized container and dete rmine the net mass of the capacity.
fresh concrete. A Concrete mixture proportions, hatch quantilies,
density ( unit weight), and yield of the hatch.
A 1. 8.2 Wash each sample over a 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve
A 1.10. [ .4 Mixing durati on for stat ionary mix ers or numher
suffi ciently to remove the cemenl ond most of the fin e
of revoluti ons at mixing s peed for truck mixers .
aggregate. Determine the mass of the wet coarse aggrega te.
A [ .10. 1.5 Slum p of each sample and the difference between
store in a pl as tic bag and transport it to a laboratory facility.
samples, mm [in.l.
Dry the coarse aggregate in an oven at 230°C [ I IOOFl for 16 ±
A Air content of each sample and the difference
2 h. Sieve the coarse aggregate over a 4.75 nun (No.4) sieve
hctween samples, %.
to remove any fine agg regate particles. Determine the mass of
A 1.1 0.1.7 Ai r-free density (un it weight ) of each sample and
dry coarse aggregate in each sample.
the din'erence hetween samples, k glm ~ [lhJft 3).
A [. ~.3 Express t h ~ mass of dry coarse aggregate as a A 1.1 O.I .R Coarse aggregatc content of each sample and the
percentage of the mass of the original COilcrete sample: din'erence betwcen samples, %.
, A 1.IO. 1.9 Average strength in MPa [psil and perce nt of
coarse nggregale conlcnl. 'J."'M' x 100 {A 1.3) overall ave rage for cach sample and the percent d ifference
hetween sam ples.
c "" mass of dry coarse agg regatc, kg Ilbl. and Al.1I RC(IUi rc mcnts for Uniformity of Concrete
M = net mass of same frcsh concrete sample, kg llb l. A 1.1 [.1 The maximum pcrmiued difference for each prop-
erty obtained fro m thc two dincrcnt samples of the same botch
A l .9 Compressive Strength
arc as provided in Table A 1.1 . Test results conformi ng to the
A 1.9. 1 Make a llea~t th ree 150 x 300 mm 16 x 12 in ., or 100 limits of all fi vc properties listed in Table A 1.1 shall indicate
x 200 mm 14 x 8 in.) cylinders from each concrete sample. uniform concrete within the limits of this Sl>cc ificatio n.

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, .
• C94/C94M - 17
TABLE A1.1 Requirem ents for Uniformity 01 Concrete
Test Permissible

Air content,
Slump. mm (in.):
If average slUIlll is less than 100 mm [4 in_l 2511.0)
If average slullll is 100 10150 mm [4 to 610.] 40 [1.5)
CQarse aggregate COIltenl, %
Average compressive st rength at 7 days for
each sample," %
" Approval or the mixe. shall be tentative, pending results altha 7~ay comp ressive
strength tests.


(NOllllllllldatory Infor nmt iun)



Xl.l Section 18.4 of this specificat ion conta ins the same TABLE X1.2 Required Average Compressi ve Strength When Data
strength requirements as those contained in ACI318 and Are Not Avai lable to Establ ish a Standard Deviation
AC1301, except it dO\!s not require the subm ittal of the data SpeCified Slrenglh. Required Average Strepglh. f '"
f '" MPa [psi] (MPa l psi
and calcu lation of the average strength, f 'cr necessary to meet < 21 [3000] [1'.+7.0) 1'0+ 1000
those requirements. T his Appendix docs not include all of the 21 to 35 [3OCXlto 5OCIO] [1'c.8.3] 1 ",,+ 1200
detailed requircments of the ACI Code and Specification that > 35 (5000] [1.101",, + 5 .01 1.10'',,+700
will govern a suhmiua! for their respective purposes. The
followi ng material is intcnded to guide users of this specifica-
tio n when no formal submittal is required.
tion between 1.16 for 15 tests and 1.00 for 30 tests. The test
X I .1 .1 Table X 1.1 provides the statisticall y-based formul as record should be obtained from a simi lar mixture with a
to calculate the required average strcngth f 'cor when strength specified strength within 7 MPa 11000 psil of the spec ified
test records from previous projects are available. The strength strength for the ncw project for which the average compressivc
tes\ results arc used to establish the standard deviation. s. AI strength is being determined. The equations arc relatcd to the
least 30 consccuti ve test results arc required to obtain a rob ust strength acceptance eritcria in 18.4 and establish less than a 1%
estimate of the standnrd de viation. If the number of tests is chance of failing these critcria if concrete is produced to
between 15 and 30, the calculated standard deviation is achieve the requircd average strength at the same deg ree of
multiplied by a facto r to allow for the uncertainty of the variability implied by the standard deviation used. Because the
estimated standard de'l iation. The factor is a linear interpola- average strength,!'"" must be high cnough to conform to both
averages of three consecutive test results and the rcquirements
TABLE XU Required Average Compres sive Strength when Data on minimum strength of an individual test resul t, the highcst
are Available to Establish a Standard Deviation average strength if 'CI") dctermi ned from thcsc two equations
governs. Morc detailed guidance on this subject matter is
avai lable in ACI 214R.!i
',,+ .34$
1'".. .. I 'c+ 2.335 - 500 XI.I.2 If it is a new mixture or strength level and a strength
If "rr c f '. + 2.33$ - 3.51 test record is not avai lable 10 establish a standard deviation
> 35 MPa 15000 psi) Use the larger from Eq Xt. 1 and XI .3:
1 '", .. 1",,+1.34$ (XLI) then Table X! .2 provides default levels of strength over-
f '", .. 0.90 f '< + 2.33$ (XI.3) design.
where; X!.!.3 Table Xl. 3 prov ides calculated values of over-
f'" specified compressive strength, design and required average strenglh for selected standard
, '".. required average compressive strength. and
$ standard oovialloo. deviations and specified strength levels that might be consid-
ered typical. More exact valucs are obtained from X 1.1. 2.

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~ ~~.
c· •
il' [ ,"
o~ _

.. '< :;.
- "-,.

j" TABLE X1.3 Overdesign Necessary to Conform to Specified Compressive Strength

1•~ f'

Strength, f 'co MPa

• ~ ",. ..,
~ ~
<000 ""
"" ""
"" '"
8>0 ",. "'"

'" '"
'"2.' ..,
8.' 0
i ~
"" "" '" 8>0
"'" 35 '.8 8.2 8.'

i·• '-""
Suength, f ... MPa '"

• ,..'" ,."
."" ,. ,..., -....
."" ''''
.,,' 4670 ''''
.,,' "'0
"'0 8200
20 22.7
38.2 38.'
~ 5000 5<00
65<, ..,. ""
"'0 35 37.7 38.' ....8
"" 43.3
, '

• C94/C94M - 17

Cornmi ucc C09 has ident ified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C94/C94M- 16b) thaI may impact the usc of this standard. (Approved March I. 2017.)

(/)Addcd 7.1. 1. 1. (4) Extensive revision to Annex A I.

(2) Revised 9.2 - 9.2.2 and Note 12. (5) Revised NOle 26.
(3) Rcviscd [1.2- 11.6. 12.3.2. 12.4. 12.5, and 13.1- 13.4 .

ASTM Inlemafiooaltakas no pasilion fflsp6Cling the validity 0I8ny pallJ(1/ rights IlSSllrfed in COfI(16Clion with Bny Item mentioned
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