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Automatic Three Phase Induction Motor Star - Delta Starter: A Project Report Submitted at D N Polytechnic Meerut

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Automatic three phase induction motor star - delta starter

A Project Report Submitted at


In partial fulfillment of the Diploma

Electrical Engineering

Submitted by:-



Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

Electrical Engineering Department
D. N. Polytechnic, Meerut
Affiliated By
Board of Technical Education Uttar Pradesh
This is certified that:




Have completed their project work, titled

“Automatic three phase induction motor star - delta starter”

As per the syllabus and have submitted a satisfactory report on this project
as a partial fulfillment towards the degree of


Head of department:
Prof. Narendra Kumar

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

This is to certify that:




Have completed their project work, titled

“Automatic three phase induction motor star - delta starter”

As per the syllabus and have submitted a satisfactory report on this project
as a partial
ial fulfillment towards the degree of






External Examiner:



Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut


Expressing gratitude is a difficult task, and words often fall short of

reflecting one’s feelings. It is our proud privilege, however to do so and we
undertake this task with utmost sincerity.
We express our heartfelt thanks to Prof. Narendra Kumar Head of the
Electrical department, for providing us with an opportunity to do this
project and giving invaluable encouragement in our endeavors.
We extend our heartiest gratitude to our respected teachers for all the help
he rendered in the course of the project. Indeed it was his support and effort
that lead us through all the difficulties and problems of this project. He not
only extended his precious guidance and suggestion but also gave his
constructive criticism and personal attention in the completion of this work.
Last but not the least; we would like to thank our parents who are main
pillars of our academic ventures.


Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut



Chapter Page No

1 Introduction 01

2 Overview 09

3 Circuit Description/ System Model 12

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut


An induction is an ac electric motor in which the electric

current in the rotor needed to produce torque is induced by

electromagnetic induction from the magnetic field of

the stator winding. An induction motor therefore does not

require mechanical commutation, separate-excitation or self-

excitation for all or part of the energy transferred from stator

to rotor, as in universal, DC and large synchronous motors. An

induction motor's rotor can be either wound type/slip ring

type or squirrel-cage type.

Squirrel cage induction motor

Squirrel cage induction motors are simple and rugged in

construction, are relatively cheap and require little

maintenance. Hence, squirrel cage induction motors are

preferred in most of the industrial applications such as in

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

⮚ Lathes

⮚ Drilling machines

⮚ Agricultural and industrial pumps

⮚ Industrial drives.

Slip ring induction motors

Slip ring induction motors when compared to squirrel cage

motors have high starting torque, smooth acceleration under

heavy loads, adjustable speed and good running


They are used in

⮚ Lifts

⮚ Cranes

⮚ Conveyors , etc.,

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

Principle of Operation

In both induction and synchronous motors, the AC power

supplied to the motor's stator creates a magnetic field that

rotates in time with the AC oscillations. Whereas a

synchronous motor's rotor turns at the same rate as the stator

field, an induction motor's rotor rotates at a slower speed than

the stator field. The induction motor stator's magnetic field is

therefore changing or rotating relative to the rotor. This

induces an opposing current in the induction motor's rotor, in

effect the motor's secondary winding, when the latter is short-

circuited or closed through an external impedance. The

rotating magnetic flux induces currents in the windings of the

rotor; in a manner similar to currents induced in

a transformer's secondary winding(s). The currents in the

rotor windings in turn create magnetic fields in the rotor that

react against the stator field. Due to Lenz's Law, the direction

of the magnetic field created will be such as to oppose the

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

change in current through the rotor windings. The cause of

induced current in the rotor windings is the rotating stator

magnetic field, so to oppose the change in rotor-winding

currents the rotor will start to rotate in the direction of the

rotating stator magnetic field. The rotor accelerates until the

magnitude of induced rotor current and torque balances the

applied load. Since rotation at synchronous speed would result

in no induced rotor current, an induction motor always

operates slower than synchronous speed. The difference, or

"slip," between actual and synchronous speed varies from

about 0.5 to 5% for standard Design B torque curve induction

motors. The induction machine's essential character is that it is

created solely by induction instead of being separately excited

as in synchronous or DC machines or being self-magnetized as

in permanent magnet motors.

For rotor currents to be induced, the speed of the physical

rotor must be lower than that of the stator's rotating magnetic

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

field ( ); otherwise the magnetic field would not be moving

relative to the rotor conductors and no currents would be

induced. As the speed of the rotor drops below synchronous

speed, the rotation rate of the magnetic field in the rotor

increases, inducing more cu

rrent in the windings and creating

more torque. The ratio between the rotation rate of the

magnetic field induced in the rotor and the rotation rate of the

stator's rotating field is called slip. Under load, the speed drops

and the slip increases enough to create sufficient torque to turn

the load. For this reason, induction motors are sometimes

referred to as asynchronous motors. An induction motor can

be used as an induction generator

generator, or itt can be unrolled to form

a linear induction motor which can directly generate linear


Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

Induction motor basics

The AC induction motor, also called the squirrel cage motor,

comprises a simple cage-like rotor and a stator containing

three windings. The changing field produced by the AC line

current in the stator induces a current in the rotor, which

interacts with the field and causes the motor to rotate.

The base speed of the AC motor is determined by the number

of poles built into the stator windings and the frequency of the

AC input voltage. A load on the motor causes the motor to slip

in proportion to the load.

Necessity of starters for 3 phase induction motor

When a 3- phase motor of higher rating is switched on directly

from the mains it draws a starting current of about 4 -7 times

the full load (depending upon on the design) current. This will

cause a drop in the voltage affecting the performance of other

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

loads connected to the mains. Hence starters are used to limit

the initial current drawn by the 3 phase induction motors.

The starting current is limited by applying reduced voltage in

case of squirrel cage type induction motor and by increasing

the impedance of the motor circuit in case of slip ring type

induction motor. This can be achieved by the following


⮚ Star –delta starter

⮚ Auto transformer starter

⮚ Soft starter

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut


The star delta starter is used for squirrel cage induction motor

whose stator winding is delta connected during normal

running conditions. The two ends of each phase of the stator

winding are drawn out and connected to the starter terminals

as shown in the following figure.

During staring the starter switch is thrown on to the STAR -

START. In this position the stator winding is connected in star

fashion and the voltage per phase is 1/√3 of the supply

voltage. This will limit the current at starting to 1/3 of the

value drawn during direct switching. When the motor

accelerates the starter switch is thrown on to the DELTA -

RUN side. In this position the stator winding gets connected in

the Δ fashion and the motor draws the normal rated current.

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

Starters for 3-phase squirrel-cage induction motors often use

star-to-delta converters. The stator coils of the motor are

connected in star configuration at the time of power-on and

switched to delta configuration when the motor reaches 3/4th

of its full speed, after the stator coils have developed sufficient

back electromagnetic force (emf).

The starter circuit presented here offers two main advantages:

single-phase prevention and automatic star-to-delta

conversion. It can be used only with those motors which are

rated for connection in delta configuration at the given line

voltage and which have both ends of each of the three stator

windings available individually.

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

At start, the line voltage is applied to one end of each of the

three windings, with the other ends bridged together,

effectively connecting the windings in star configuration.

Under this connection, the voltage across the windings is 1/√3

of line-to-line supply voltage and so the current flowing

through each winding is also reduced by this factor. Compared

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

to delta connection, the resultant current flowing from the

supply, as also the torque, is reduced by a factor of 1/3 in star

configuration. The relevant equations for star and delta

connections are given in the box.

As soon as the moment of inertia is overcome, and sufficient

back emf is induced in the stator windings, the star connection

is opened and the ends of the windings are connected to the 3-

phase supply in a fashion to create a delta connection.

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

List of Components Used

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

Circuit description

Fig. 1 shows the circuit of the automatic star-to-delta converter

comprising a single-phase preventer and a timer.

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

Three single-phase transformers are used to step-down the 3-

phase supply separately. Phases R, Y and B are stepped down

by transformers X1, X2 and X3 to deliver the secondary output

of 12V at 300 mA. The transformer output is rectified by a full-

wave rectifier and filtered by a capacitor.

The three 12V DC supplies drive relays RL1, RL2 and RL3,

respectively. When all the three phases are present, the 12V DC

supply derived from the R phase is fed to the coil of relay RL3

and the timer circuit through the contacts of relays RL1 and

RL2. As a result, relay RL3 energises.

Simultaneously, timer NE555 (IC1), which is configured as a

monostable multivibrator, is also triggered. Its time period is

determined by capacitor C4, resistor R1 and preset VR1. Preset

VR1 is used to set the time period required to reach 3/4th of

the full speed of the motor. The negative triggering pulse for

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

IC1 is provided by the combination of resistor VR1, R1 and

capacitor C4. The timer output at pin 3 is connected to the base

of transistor T2 via resistor R2. As a result, transistor T2 is

driven to saturation and relay RL4 energises (indicated by

glowing of LED2). Thus at power-on, relay RL3, as also RL4,

energises (if all three phases are present) to connect the stator

windings in star configuration. On tracing the connections you

will observe that R phase is connected to R1 end of R windings,

Y phase is connected to Y1 end of Y windings and B phase is

connected to B1 terminal of B stator windings. The other ends

of all the stator windings (i.e., R2, Y2 and B2) get bridged

together to form star connection.

After the specified delay, which is provided for the speed of the

motor to 3/4th of its full speed value, the monostable output

goes low to cut off transistor T2 and de-energise relay RL4. The

motor stator coils now switch to delta configuration. Now you

will observe that R phase gets connected to the junction of R1

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

and B2 terminals, Y phase is connected to Y1 and R2 terminals

and B phase is connected to B1 and Y2 terminals of the stator

winding. This connection conforms to delta configuration.

Since the output of IC1 is low in this state, pnp transistor T1 is

forward biased to light up LED1 and indicate delta


Relay ratings. RL1 and RL2 are normal control relays, which

are used to energise relay RL3. PCB-mounted OEN Type 57

relays rated for 12 volts (or equivalent) may be used for the

purpose. RL3 and RL4 are required to support the complete

line current during star as well as delta configurations.

555 Timer

A simplified "block diagram" representing the internal

circuitry of the 555 timer is given below with a brief

explanation of each of its connecting pins to help provide a

clearer understanding of how it works.

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

Pin Configuration

Pin 1: Grounded Terminal: All the voltages are measured

with respect to this terminal.

Pin 2: Trigger Terminal: This pin is an inverting input to a

comparator that is responsible for transition of

flop from

set to reset. The output of the timer depends on the amplitude

of the external trigger pulse applied to this pin.

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

Pin 3: Output Terminal: Output of the timer is available at

this pin. There are two ways in which a load can be connected

to the output terminal either between pin 3 and ground pin

(pin 1) or between pin 3 and supply pin (pin 8). The load

connected between pin 3 and ground supply pin is called

the normally on loadand that connected between pipe 3 and

ground pin is called the normally off load.

Pin 4: Reset Terminal: To disable or reset the timer a

negative pulse is applied to this pin due to which it is referred

to as reset terminal. When this pin is not to be used for reset

purpose, it should be connected to + VCCto avoid any possibility

of false triggering.

Pin 5: Control Voltage Terminal: The function of this

terminal is to control the threshold and trigger levels. Thus

either the external voltage or a pot connected to this pin

determines the pulse width of the output waveform. The

external voltage applied to this pin can also be used to

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

modulate the output waveform. When this pin is not used, it

should be connected to ground through a 0.01 micro Farad to

avoid any noise problem.

Pin 6: Threshold Terminal: This is the non-inverting input

terminal of comparator 1, which compares the voltage applied

to the terminal with a reference voltage of 2/3 VCC. The

amplitude of voltage applied to this terminal is responsible for

the set state of flip-flop.

Pin 7 : Discharge Terminal: This pin is connected internally

to the collector of transistor and mostly a capacitor is

connected between this terminal and ground. It is called

discharge terminal because when transistor saturates,

capacitor discharges through the transistor. When the

transistor is cut-off, the capacitor charges at a rate determined

by the external resistor and capacitor.

Pin 8: Supply Terminal: A supply voltage of + 5 V to + 18 V is

applied to this terminal with respect to ground (pin 1).

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

The 555 Timers name comes from the fact that there are

three 5kΩ resistors connected together internally producing a

voltage divider network between the supply voltage at pin 8

and ground at pin 1. The voltage across this series resistive

network holds the positive input of comparator two at 2/3Vcc

and the positive input to comparator one at 1/3Vcc.

The two comparators produce an output voltage dependant

upon the voltage difference at their inputs which is determined

by the charging and discharging action of the externally

connected RC network. The outputs from both comparators

are connected to the two inputs of the flip-flop which inturn

produces either a "HIGH" or "LOW" level output at Q based on

the states of its inputs. The output from the flip-flop is used to

control a high current output switching stage to drive the

connected load producing either a "HIGH" or "LOW" voltage

level at the output pin.

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

The Monostable 555 Timer

The operation and output of the 555 Monostable is exactly the

same as that for the transistorised one we look at previously in

the Monostable Multivibrators tutorial. The difference this

time is that the two transistors have been replaced by the 555

timer device. Consider the 555 Monostable circuit below.

Monostable 555 Timer circuit diagram

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

When a negative ( 0V ) pulse is applied to the trigger input (pin

2) of the Monostable configured 555 Timer oscillator, the

internal comparator, (comparator No1) detects this input and

"sets" the state of the flip-flop, changing the output from a

"LOW" state to a "HIGH" state. This action inturn turns "OFF"

the discharge transistor connected to pin 7, thereby removing

the short circuit across the external timing capacitor, C1.

This action allows the timing capacitor to start to charge up

through resistor, R1 until the voltage across the capacitor

reaches the threshold (pin 6) voltage of 2/3Vcc set up by the

internal voltage divider network. At this point the comparators

output goes "HIGH" and "resets" the flip-flop back to its

original state which inturn turns "ON" the transistor and

discharges the capacitor to ground through pin 7. This causes

the output to change its state back to the original stable "LOW"

value awaiting another trigger pulse to start the timing process

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

over again. Then as before, the Monos
table Multivibrator has

only "ONE" stable state.

The Monostable 555 Timer circuit triggers on a negative-going


pulse applied to pin 2 and this trigger pulse must be much

shorter than the output pulse width allowing time for the

timing capacitor to charge aand

nd then discharge fully. Once

triggered, the 555 Monostable will remain in this "HIGH"

unstable output state until the time period set up by the R1 x

C1 network has elapsed. The amount of time that the output

voltage remains "HIGH" or at a logic "1" level, is given by the

following time constant equation.

Where, t is in seconds, R is in Ω's and C in Farads.

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

Example No1

A Monostable 555 Timer is required to produce a time delay

within a circuit. If a 10uF timing capacitor is used calculate the

value of the resistor required to produce an output time delay

of 500ms.

500ms is the same as saying 0.5s so by rearranging the formula

above, we get the calculated value for the resistor, R as:

The calculated value for the timing resistor required to

produce the required time constant of 500ms is45.5KΩ's which

does not exist as a standard value resistor, so we would need

to select the nearest preferred value resistor of 47kΩ's which is

available in all the standard ranges of tolerance from the E12

(10%) to the E96 (1%), giving us a new recalculated time delay

of 517ms.

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

If this time difference of 17ms (500 - 517ms) is unacceptable a

second lower preferred value timing resistor can be selected

and connected in series with the first trimming resistor to

adjust the pulse width to the exact desired value.

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut


After completing this project on the topic (Star – Delta

Starter). I can concluded that this starter will be very

helpful in Our Electrical Engineering World.

During making of This project, We learn more about

things and by lot of experiments we are sure about its

realibility. Now We are able to talk any issue related

with project.

The whole credit goes to My Teachers and My friends;

they refined my ideas and make this project wonderful.

Thank You…

Department of Electrical Engineering, D.N. Polytechnic, Meerut

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