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Additional Comment: Can one not see that since all men have sinned 6. When the Israelites finally arrived at Mt. Sinai, did Yahweh offer
and that sin is the transgression of the Law, that the law did exist them a covenant? Ex. 19:1-6. What were the Israelites to do? verse 5.
before they were formally given to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai. What did Yahweh mean by ‘obey My voice indeed and keep My
covenants’? Deut. 5:1-3; 6:1-3; 17-25. (Note: in Deut. 5:3 one must
insert the word ‘only’ after ‘our fathers’ so that it will be in agreement
with the promises of the covenant stated in Deut. 6:17-25). What else SACRIFICIAL LAW
they were to do? Deut. 6:7. Are we to do the same? Matt. 5:19. Did the
Israelites agree to do all that Yahweh told them? Ex. 19:8. What did Yahweh has certainly selected Israel out of all the nations of
Yahweh promise to do if they obeyed His voice? verses 5 and 6. the earth. While they were yet encamped before Mt. Sinai, Yahweh is
continually giving them instructions.
7. In Ex. 21:1, what type of sayings were to be given to the Israelites?
COMMENT: These judgments in Exodus chapters 21, 22, and 23 1. What were the Israelites to make under the direction of Bezaleel?
were to show man’s relationship to Yahweh, to man and to property, Ex. 25:9 and 31:1-11.
while chapter 20 contains the Ten Commandments.
2. Who were to minister unto Yahweh? Ex. 28:41.
8. After Moses told the Israelites the commandments and judgments, COMMENT: Aaron, as Moses, was of the tribe of Levi. Ex. 2:1-10
did the Israelites agree to do all that Yahweh had said? Ex. 24:3, 7. and 4:14. The tribe of Levi, the son of Jacob (Ex. 1:1-2), was the tribe
Was this covenant sealed with the blood of a sacrifice? verses 7 and 8. which Yahweh selected to minister unto Him. See Deut. 10:8.
See also Heb. 9:18-22. Again what were the Israelites to do for this
covenant relationship to remain? Refer back to questions 5,6, and 7. 3. Does the book of Leviticus contain further instructions for the
children of Israel? See the first two verses of chapters 1, 4, 11, 12, 15,
9. After the sealing of the covenant, was Moses instructed to come up 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, and 27.
to the mount to receive the tablets of the testimony? Ex. 24:12. How
long was he upon the mount? verses 13-18. 4. Where were the children of Israel located when all theses
COMMENT: In chapters 25 to 31:11, Moses is instructed as to the instructions were given to them? Lev. 27:34.
construction of the tabernacles, a pattern of the heavenly tabernacles, COMMENT: The commandments referred to have to do with more
so that Yahweh could dwell with the Israelites. Ex. 25:8. than the sacrificial laws. However, in this section we will only
examine the sacrificial laws, leaving the others to be studied later.
10. Did the children of Israel grow tired of waiting for Moses? Ex. Notice carefully a fact which has been overlooked by theologians who
32:1. What did they ask of Aaron? verses 1-4. Did the Israelites were eager to do away with the laws of Yahweh. Sacrifices were
disobey Yahweh? verses 7 and 8. Were the Israelites then guilty of ordained at Mt. Sinai also, because of transgression.
breaking the covenant? Heb. 8:7 and Jer. 7:23-26.
COMMENT: Just as Adam and Eve failed to obey Yahweh’s voice, 5. In dealing with sacrifices, as given in Leviticus, Yahweh speaks to
so did the Israelites. the children of Israel in two different utterances, to distinguish the two
types of offerings. In His first utterance, what type of offerings are
Additional Comment: It is interesting to note that these two tablets of mentioned? Lev. 1:3; 2:1; 3:1. Were these offerings of a sweet savour
the testimony, which were written by Yahweh, were written on both unto Yahweh? Lev. 1:0; 2:2; 3:5.
sides, not on one side alone as modern day art pictures them. See Ex.
32:15. 6. In Yahweh’s second utterance, what type of offerings are
mentioned? Lev. 4:2,3; 5:1-6, 15.
7. What other offerings were the Israelites to make? Ex. 29:20-28, 38-
41; Lev. 22:18-19; Num. 5:15, 18.
8. To become acquainted with what went on when a sacrifice was Heb. 7:11; Gal. 2:21. What then, did these sacrifices do for the
given, let us examine briefly one of these sacrifices: the sin offering of Israelites? Heb. 10:3.
Lev. 4. What type of animal was required? verse 3. Who was to kill COMMENT: These animal sacrifices which the Israelites had to offer
the animal? verse 4. In verses 5-12, note all the different things which only reminded them of their sins year by year, because the blood of
were done with this animal after it was killed, before the sacrifice was these animals could not take away sins. Heb. 10:4. The sacrificial
fully accepted. system was then a system which taught the People what they had to do
COMMENT: This had to be done for each offering brought to the to typically remove their sins from themselves and put on the animal
door of the tabernacle of the congregation, not only for the sin which was sacrificed. See Heb. 9:22. It was a shadow of the time when
offering, but similarly also for each of the other types. This sacrificial Yahshua would come and be the High Priest who would offer the one
law entailed great amounts of work. atonement sacrifice for all sins. Hence, these sacrifices were intended
to lead the Israelites toward the point of perfection.
9. Were offerings also to be made on specific days? Were there
offerings to be made every day? Ex. 29:38; Num. 28:3-8; Heb. 10:11. 13. Does Yahweh have pleasure in these types of sacrifices? Ps. 51:16;
Were there offerings to be made every week on the Sabbath? Num. Prov. 21:3; Hosea 6:6; 1 Sam. 15:22. What type of sacrifices does
28:9 and 10. Were there offerings to be made on the beginning of Yahweh take pleasure in? Ps. 27:6; 51:17; 69:30-31; Heb. 13:15-16;
every month? Num. 28:11-14. Were there offerings to be made once and 1 Peter 2:5.
yearly? Num. 29:1-6; Heb. 10:1. COMMENT: Yahweh has no pleasure in the animal sacrifices, in the
COMMENT: Here we can perhaps see how very time consuming this meal or drink offerings as prescribed in the sacrificial system. But He
sacrificial system had to be as well as the enormous number of persons does take pleasure in spiritual sacrifices when we present (yield)
necessary to perform all of the obligations required under this system. ourselves as a living sacrifice unto Him. Rom. 12:1.
10. When Yahweh brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, what THE ONE SACRIFICE
did He want them to do? Jer. 7:22 and 23. Did He speak to them
concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices? verse 22. Did they obey As we have seen the sacrificial system was not the desired end,
Him? verses 24-26. but only the image of the real thing. Heb. 10:1. These sacrifices could
COMMENT: The sacrificial laws concerning offerings of many kinds not remove the sins of the People, but only forced them to remember
then were not part of the covenant which Israel agreed to at Mt. Sinai. them.
11. Why, then, did Yahweh institute this sacrificial system? Gal. 3:19, 1. Was it prophesied that a new covenant would come, different than
24. Did not Israel disobey Yahweh’s voice? Ex. 32:7 and 8. How long the covenant that Yahweh made with the Israelites when He brought
was this system to be used? Gal. 3:19, last part and Heb. 9:8. Who is them out of the land of Egypt? Jer. 31:31-32 and Heb. 8:8-10. Was this
this Seed to whom Paul is referring? Gal. 3:16. For what purpose was to be a covenant in which the sins of the people would be forgotten?
this system intended? Heb. 10:1, first part. Who was the High Priest of Jer. 31:34 and Heb. 8:12.
these good things? Heb. 9:11, first part.
2. Who is the Mediator of this New Covenant? Heb. 9:11-15. What
12. Could these sacrifices make anyone perfect? Heb. 9:9 and 10:1. If had to occur before this New Covenant would be in force? Heb. 9:16.
these sacrifices could make one perfect, would they have to be offered Was this New Covenant then sealed by the death of the testator? 1 Cor.
year by year? Heb. 10:1-2. If these sacrifices could make one perfect, 15:13. For what other reason did He die? same verse. See also 1 John
would there have been any need of another High Priest, Yahshua? 1:7 and 2:2.
3. With the sacrificial system the sacrifices had to be made 4. Is Yahweh a respector of persons? Acts 10:34; Rom. 2:11; 10:12
continually. But with this New Covenant is there any need of further and Eph. 6:9. What does Paul say in Gal. 3:26-29 concerning the
sacrifices? Heb. 10:10-18 and 9:12. What will happen to those who do children of Yahweh?
not accept His sacrifice? Heb. 10:26-27. COMMENT: Here we see three conditions listed to being Abraham’s
COMMENT: Therefore, by Yahshua’s one atoning sacrifice we no seed. We must have faith in Yahshua and that His blood takes away
longer need to offer up animal sacrifices, as well as the meal and drink our sins, be repentive, and through baptism having our sins buried,
offerings, because His one sacrifice is sufficient. thus obtaining sonship and becoming heirs according to the promise.
See also Acts 2:38.
Additional comment: Looking back at the sacrificial system of
1. In Acts 13:45-46, to whom was the Word of Yahweh first brought? offerings, we find that the Old Covenant Israelites could only approach
What did they do with it? same verses. When they rejected it to whom Yahweh through that system. It was a mark of distinction between
did Paul and Barnabas turn? same verses. What was Paul those Israelites and the surrounding nations. However, since the
commissioned to do? Acts 9:15; 1 Tim. 2:7; II Tim. 1:11. Is not sacrificial system is no longer necessary, the opening was made so that
Yahweh calling the Gentiles also? Rom. 9:24-26. the Gentiles could be offered the promises. This is that wall of
partition, that law of commandments contained in ordinances, that was
2. Before the spread of the Word to the Ephesians, what were these abolished when He died. See Eph. 2:14-15. This was the handwriting
people called? Eph. 2:11. Did they have the promise of the covenant? (bond written in) of ordinances, which He took to the Tree. See Col.
verse 12. Did they have hope? same verse. What is this hope they did 2:14.
not have? 1 Peter 1:3 (lively hope means hope of living again, because
Yahshua rose from the dead. 1 Cor. 15:20-22). But how can these 5. For those who are called to be the sons of Yahweh, what must they
strangers and foreigners become members of Yahweh’s household? do? 1 Peter 2:21. Did Yahshua suffer for us? same verse. Are we also
Eph. 2:19. How was this made possible? Eph. 2:13 and Acts 26:20. to suffer with Him? Rom. 8:17. Are we expected to suffer (bear) all
things? 1 Cor. 9:12. What is the expectation of suffering? 1 Peter 5:10.
3. To whom was Paul speaking in Rom. 11:13? With what does he For what end result? 11 Cor. 1:3-7. Will these sufferings ever separate
compare them? verses 17 and 24. (The wild olive tree is the oleander us from Yahweh’s love? Rom. 8:38-39.
which bears no fruit). If, then the Gentiles are compared to a wild olive
tree, who is Paul referring to in verse 24, when he speaks of the good 6. What did Yahshua learn by His suffering? Heb. 5:8. In Rom. 6:12-
olive tree, with its natural branches? Can the natural branches of the 13 Paul tells us that we should yield ourselves as instruments
good olive tree be broken off? verse 17. Can the branches of the wild (weapons) of righteousness. Just what does he mean? Study the
olive tree be grafted in amongst the branches of the good olive tree? following before answering. Heb. 5:9; Ps. 119:172; Rom. 6:16-18;
Same verse. Can these branches which were grafted into the good Rev. 14:12 and Matt. 19:17.
olive tree, contrary to nature (verse 24), be cut off? verse 21. See also
John 15:4-6. Does not Yahweh want all men to be saved? 1 Tim. 2:3- 7. Even though Yahweh is calling His people out of Babylon (Rev.
4. Does this include the Gentiles as well as the Jews? 18:4) unto His eternal glory by Yahshua (1 Peter 5:10), what does He
COMMENT: Gentiles, by birth, can not receive the promise, but must further say about those whom He calls? Matt. 22:14.
be begotten again (John 3:1-7), as all men must, and become Israelites.
This is what is meant in Rom. 9:6, “for they are not all Israel which are 8. Why will only a few be chosen? Matt. 7:21-23 and Rev. 3:4-17.
of Israel.” See also Rom. 9:25-26 and Hosea 2:23.
COMMENT: Although rich, the assembly of the Laodicians are poor 7. What is Fifth Commandment? Ex. 20:12 and Deut. 5:16. Is this
– they have nothing; they are bling, they can not see theTruth; they are commandment also given in the New Testament? Matt. 19:19; Mark
naked – they do not have an outer protection. In Rev. 3:18 Yahweh 10:19; Luke 18:20; Eph. 6:2-3; and Col. 3:20.
wants us to obtain the Truth, which is pure – so that we may be rich;
obtain white raiment, the robe of the righteousness of the saints (Rev. 8. What is the Sixth Commandment? Ex. 20:13 and Deut. 5:17. Is this
19:8) – so that we are no longer naked; to obtain and anoint our eyes commandment also given in the New Testament? Matt. 5:21; 19:18;
with eyesalve, His Name – so that we are no longer blind. Whether we Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rom. 13:19; James 2:11; and 1 John 3:15.
receive them is up to what each and every one of us does.
9. What is the Seventh Commandment? Ex. 20:14 and Deut. 5:18. Is
NEWNESS this commandment also given in the New Testament? Matt. 5:27;
Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rom. 13:9 and James 2:11.
1. What was one reason Yahshua gave for His coming? Matt. 5:17.
Note the word Law. 10. What is the Eighth Commandment? Ex. 20:15 and Deut. 5:19. Is
COMMENT: The word translated destroy is from the Greek this commandment also given in the New Testament? Matt. 19:18;
“katakuo” meaning, “to come to nought or to throw down.” The word Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; and Rom. 13:9.
translated fulfill comes from the Greek “pleroma” meaning, “to make
full or fill up.” Can this possible mean the Ten Commandments, along 11. What is the Ninth Commandment? Ex. 20:16 and Deut. 5:20. Is
with the judgments and statues which the Israelites had to obey under this commandment also given in the New Testament? Matt. 19:18;
the Old Covenant? Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rom. 13:9 and Eph. 4:25.
2. Are Yahweh’s laws holy, just and good? Rom. 7:12. Are they 12. What is the Tenth Commandment? Ex. 20: 17 and Deut. 5:21. Is
grievous (burdensome)? 1 John 5:3. Are Yahweh’s commandments this commandment also given in the New Testament? Rom. 7:7 and
righteous? Ps. 119:172. How long shall His righteousness stand? Isa. 13:9.
51:6 and 8. Are we to be instruments of righteousness? Rom. 6:13. Are
we to fulfill all righteousness? Deut. 6:25. 13. By what should man live? Matt. 4:4; Luke 4:4 and Deut. 8:3. Are
the words which Yahshua spoke given to Him by Yahweh? John 14:24
3. What is the First Commandment? Ex. 20:2 and 3; Deut. 5:6 and 7. Is and 17:8.
this commandment also given in the New Testament? Matt. 4:10. COMMENT: Notice that man must live by every word that Yahweh
has spoken. The scriptures contain more than just the Ten
4. What is the Second Commandment? Ex. 20:4-6 and Deut. 5:8-10. Is Commandments. As we have seen they contain a wealth of
this commandment also given in the New Testament? Matt. 4:10; 1 commandments, statutes, and judgments.
Cor. 10:14; 1 John 5:21; and Acts 19:26.
14. In Matt. 5 beginning with verse 21, Yahshua makes reference to
5. What is the Third Commandment? Ex. 20:7 and Deut. 5:11. Is this some of the Ten Commandments. What is the new meaning He applies
commandment also given in the New Testament? Matt. 5:34-37 and to these commandments? Note specifically verses 22 and 28. See also
James 5:12. Acts 17:29.
COMMENT: For the Old Testament Israelites the act had to be
6. What is the Fourth Commandment? Ex. 20:8-11 and Deut. 5:12-15. committed before the law was broken, but now if one even thinks
Is this commandment also given in the New Testament? Heb. 4:8-10. about such an act, it is as he had committed the act already.
15. What does Matt. 15:11, 15-20 say about the heart of a man? See of Truth, Yahshua will say, “I never knew you, depart from Me, ye
also Mark 7:15, 20-23. Does this agree with what Paul is saying in that work iniquity.” Matt. 7:22-23 and Luke 13:25-27.
Rom. 7:23? Can this law of the flesh then prevent us from doing good?
Gal. 5:17. How then can we overcome this law of the flesh? Eph. 6:11- Quiz 6
COMMENT: In this last Scripture, we see a number of defenses 1. With what should we concern our lives today?
which we have to help us against the powers of Satan. A. Obtaining material wealth
B. Pleasing our friends
16. What is one such defense? Eph. 6:16. Who is this Shield? Gen. C. Doing what we feel is correct
15:1; Ps. 119:114; Prov. 30:5; Ps. 7:10 (defense means shield); Ps. D. Pleasing Yahweh
5:12 (favor is the shield). What do we find in His favor? Ps. 30:5;
86:1-3; 41:11; Isa. 60:10. What is another defense we can have? Eph. 2. Salvation is now available to:
6:17, first part. What is this helmet? 1 Thes.5:8. What is still another A. The Jews only
defense? Eph. 6:17, last part. What is this sword? same verse. What is B. The Gentiles only
still another source of help? John 14:26. Will the Holy Spirit teach us C. The Israelites
to live the type of life we should? same verse. What prerequisite must D. All people
there be to the receiving of the Holy Spirit? Acts 5:32.
COMMENT: It is indeed a difficult thing to keep and obey Yahweh’s 3. On what Scriptures should we base our living?
commandments, statues, and judgments. However, as we have just A. The Old Testament
seen, we have the most powerful tools at our disposal to enable us to B. The New Testament
gain our hope in this life, the hope of everlasting life. No matter what C. The Apocrypha
may happen to us in this life, we have the guarantee of everlasting life D. All Scriptures inspired of Yahweh
if we abide in Him and obey every Word He has given to us, the
commandments, the statutes, the judgments, for His Word is Truth 4. At what time in history did Yahweh give man commandments
(John 17:17) and the Truth shall set us free. (John 8:32). by which to abide?
A. At Mt. Sinai
CONCLUSION B. At the time of the apostolic assemblies
C. When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of
As we have seen in this lesson, Yahweh laid the basic ground good and evil.
rules for us to follow. But, as today, even then, man did what he D. When man was first put on the earth
thought was right. These basic rules are contained in His
commandments, statutes, and judgments, which, if obeyed, would 5. Which of the following is not true?
produce a society, the benefits of which this world will only begin to A. Israel knew of Yahweh’s laws and statutes before they reached Mt.
experience when Yahshua returns to set up His Kingdom. One can not Sinai
set aside any of Yahweh’s sayings unless the scriptures support its B. We should follow Yahshua’s steps
removal. This was true of the sacrificial system. Let us never forget C. Modern day Israel is made up of Gentiles only
that sin is the transgression of the law of Yahweh, 1 John 3:4. If we do D. We should be happy with what we have
not obey His commandments, statutes, and judgments, then in our time
6. In order for the Old or New Covenant to be established, what B. To offer His blood as a redemption price for our sins
had to occur? C. To be the Mediator of the New Covenant
A. The Israelites had to be obedient D. None of the above
B. Blood had to be shed
C. Each party had to agree on the terms 12. What type of sacrifices are we to make?
D. Nothing had to be done A. Spiritual sacrifices
B. Praising His Name with songs
7. Which of the following is not true? C. Presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice
A. The Testament Israelites did not have the hope of everlasting life D. All of the above
B. Each of the Ten Commandments was broken before the Israelites
reached Mt. Sinai. 13. Which of the following is not true? The purpose of the
C. We should not let others teach our children about Yahweh sacrificial system was:
D. The sacrificial system was one of the barriers which helped separate A. To continually remind the Israelites of their sins
the Jews from the Gentiles B. A means by which the Israelites could approach Yahweh
C. To force the Israelites to obey the moral law
8. In order for a covenant relationship to continue, we must D. A shadow of a future event
A. Agree on the terms
B. Abide by the terms 14. In James 1:2 we are told to rejoice whenever we are confronted
C. Live our lives as we fit with a temptation. Why should this be so?
D. None of the above A. It is through the sufferings of these trials and temptations that we
learn obedience
9. For what reason was the sacrificial system ineffectual? B. It is something which we are told to expect to happen to us
A. It became a ritualistic and mechanical procedure C. It is a means by which we are perfected
B. It required too much time to complete a given sacrifice D. All of the above answer the question
C. The animals blood could not remove the sins of the people
D. None of the above 15. Which of the following is not true?
A. Each of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament has its equal
10. Which of the following is not true? in the New Testament
A. The seat of man’s thoughts is in his heart B. When confronted with a fleshly desire we can only rely on our own
B. Once you have become a member of Yahshua’s body, you can not will power to overcome it
be cut off C. To think of doing an evil act is, in actuality, committing the act
C. Obedience to His commandments, statutes, and judgments is D. Yahweh wants all people to share in the promises
D. The full benefits of obedience will not be experienced until 16. In your own words, give a brief explanation of what obedience
Yahshua returns means to you and why it is of prime importance.
11. Which of the following is not true? For what reason did
Yahshua come?
A. To seal the New Covenant