PropNex PDF
PropNex PDF
PropNex PDF
/l80 Lorong I Toa Payoh, ft0.0'l H08 Hub Est Wing, Slngapore 3t84t0
' Tdr {6i} g8m 8000 . Far: (6$ 6829 8800
ihereinafter called "tle Landlord' which expresslon shall where the context so admits inclurie the person entitied for the tirne being to ilre reversion
immediately expectant 0n the term l'lereby created) 0f the one part.
{haeinafter calied the lenant' which expression shall where the context so admiis inciude the Tenant's successors and assrgns) of the other part.
1!? i:?ndlord agreT-t9,1!!and the Tenant agrees to take FART ol the premise that situated anei kncwn as 623 Aliunled Road.
Aliui€d htdustrial Comrlex.
Sshedule annexed hereto (hereinafier called 'the fittings") T0 HOLD iinto the Tenant lrom the 1't Ociober ZOIO to 30eieptember 202t tcr
a tiieO term ot
Two {2} years, at rhe rent o{ Slt{GAp0RE DOLLARS Eight Hundred onty
{$900.00} per month pluo GST which is payable monthly in advance witloilt
deducticn whatsoever on the 1st day of each calendar month.
(c) To pay all charges due in resp€ct of any telenhones or other equipment installed at $e PAYTIENT OF OUTGOINGS
said oremises, including any tax payable there0n,
\. (d) T0 pay ail charges ior the suppiy af waier, electricity, gas and any water borne sewerage
system, any such installations fitted or used at the seid premises. ancluding any tax
payable thereon.
(ei To keep the interior of the said premises including the eanitary-ee$+raterepparatuq It{TERIOR l,lAI}lTEt{AN CE
fumlture, doors and windo$rs ther€of in good and tenantahle repair and condition
throughout this tenancy (fak wear and tear and damage by any act beyond the conrol of
tle Tenant excepted).
0 fi) T0 permit the Landlorci a*d its agents, surveyors and workmen with ail necessary AGCESS TO PREUISES FOR
appliances t0 enter upon the said premises at all reasonable times by prior REPAIRS
appointment for the purpose whether of viewing the condition ttrereof or of doing
such works and things as may be required for any repairs, aiterations 0r
irnprovements whether of the said premises or o{ any parts of any building to
which the said premises may form a part cf or adjoin.
(ii) During the two {2) months immediatety preceding the expiration of the tenancy herein ACCESS TO PREMISES FOR
t0 permit the Landlord 0r its represenrarives at alr reasonable times and by prior }IEWTENATITS
This is a gereral docunknt vfiich may *ot be appr0pnak for use ifl ail cases. Wren in doubt, please loitials
seek legal advice. ln he
event of a dispute, the LandlordlTenart agree not to hold Pmpilex Realty Pb Lttlliable, is afiy *anges, amendmenb, Landiord Tefiatt
additio{}s and deietlons that were nuds 0n t}e stefldard Tenancy Agreernent lorm frd had bem done wrtr
ttie consstt and
p,artis prior to :E signing 0f he a{reeqq[-
agreement 0f
appointment t0 bring inlerested parties to yiew and the said premises for fie
purpose of letting the saixe,
(iii) During the currency of this tenancy, to aliow the Landlord or its representatives at all FOR POTETITIAL SAIE
reasonable times and by pnor appointment t0 bring any inlerested parlies to view
the said premises in the event ol a prospective saie thereof, The said premises
shall be sold subject tc this tenancy.
(S) To repiace elec$ic bulbs, lubes afid ottler exrendable items at his own expense up to REPLACEIIEI'IT
Dollars One Hundred Fifty (S$150.00) p€r iletn. Such expendittrre in excess of Dollars
One Hundred Fifly (S$150 0C) sha{l be barne by tlre Landlord.
(h) At all times dudng the term hereby crsaied 10 comply with all $uch iequirements a$ may COMPLIANCE WITH RULE$
be imposed upon lhe Tenant by Management Corporation requirements and or any
stalute legislation now $ herealler in force and any 0rders, rules, regulations,
requirements and notices tliereuncier.
{i) T0 yield up the said premises at the expiratian 0r sooner delermination oi this tenancy in YEILDIilG UP OF PREIIISES
such good and tenantabie repair and condition (fair wear and tear excepted) as shall be
in accordance with ttte conditions, c0venants and stipulations hefein contained and with
all locks keys and the fumiture.
0i Not to make or permit to be made any structural aiterations to the said premises. NO UNAUTHORISED
(k) Nol to use the said premises or any part thereof other than a khep PURPOSE OF USE
hessohyarehouselfactorylshoploffice in connection with and for the purpose 0f the
Tenant's business and t0 obtain licenoes and pemits at the Tenant's experlse from the
relevant authorities where necessary fdelete wtrichever is not appropriate).
\e (i) NOt t0 exceed thg maximum electricity ioad and not t0 load 0r permit t0 be loaded on any ELECTRICAL LOADING
pad 0f the floors of the said premises weights exceeding those specified by the Landlord, I,JHIT
Man4ement Corporalion or cther bodies {w,irere applicabie}.
(m) Not t0 assign sublet or pa d with the possession of the said pt emises or any pad thereof I,IO ASSIGNi{EHT OR
without the lyritten consent of the Landlord wh0se consent shali not be unreasonably SUBLET
wilhheld in the case o, a respectable and raponsible tenanl. This prohibiiion shall not
apply t0 the occupalion of the said premises ff any part thereof by any person 0r
persons employed or engaged by the Tenant or members 0t ihe Tenant,s family where
{*) Not to keep 0r permit to be kept on the said premises or any part lhereof any materiais of NO DANGEROUS
a dangerous or explosive nature or the keeping 0f which may contravene any statute or iIATERIATS
subsidiary legislation.
(o) Not to do or permit to be done anything whereby the pr:licy or policies of insurance 0n the NOT TO VOID INSURANCE
said premises against damage by fire may become void or voidable or whereby the
premiiLm lhereon may be increased,
(p) Not t0 use the demised premises or any paft thereof for any uniaw{ul or irnnoral I{O ILLEGAL IMUORAL
pueoses and not to do or permit or sufier to be done upon the demised premises any act ' TO CAUSE
or thing w,trich may become a nuisance to or annoyance t0 0r give cause for reasonabie NUISANCE
u oomplaints irom the occupants of other parts of the Building or of adjoinrng or adjacent
(q) To be respnsible for and to indemnify tre Landlord from and against ail claims and TO INDEIII{IFY LANDLORO
demands and against damage occasio;red to the demlsed premises 0r any adjacent 0r
nelghbouriflg prernises or injury caused to any pe,son by any act default 0r negligence 0f
the Tenant or the servants, agenb, licensees or invilees ol the Tenant.
(ri Not to 0bstruct cr cause or suffer to be obstrucled the hall lobby staircases landings and t{o oBsTRucTtoir
passages leading to the demised premism.
(s) To apply for and obtain ali necessary perrnitsllicence etc from the relevant authorities icr APPLICATIOH OF
lhe use 0f ths said premises for their trade. LICEIISEIPERTIIT
ia) T0 pay all ratet, laxes, maintenance charges and any surcharges thereon. assessments PAYilEt{T Of TAXE$
and ultgoing (except as otheuise provided in this Agreement) which are or may
hereafter be charged or imposed 0n the said premises including any surchaqes
This is a gercral doo:ment which may not be appropdate for $se irr all cass. When in doubt, please seek legal advice, ln he lnitials
event of a dispute, he Landlord/Tenanl agtee not to hold PropNex Realty Pb Ltdliable, for any dranges, annendrnents, Lardlord Tena*
additions and deietions that i,vefe made ofi fte sta')dard Tenacy AgreenBnt iorm hat had been dcne wttlr he consent and
agreernefit 0f boft parties pfur to he sbning of he agreement.
payable thereon.
(b) To insure the said premises against loss 0r damags by flre and to pay all premium IN$URAIICE
(c) To maintain the structural c0ndition of the said premises including saflitary pipe$ and STRUCTURAL
electrical wiring and to keep the roof of the said premises in good anci lenantabie repair ilIAII,ITENANCE
aftd coftdition.
(d) Thatfie Tenant paying the rent horeby reser,/ed, observing and perlonning the several QUIET P0SSESSTOIT /
conditions, covenant$ and stipulations on the Tenanls part herein contained shail ENJOYi'EI{T
peaceably hoid and enjoy the said premises during thi$ tenancy without any inte$uBtiQn
by the Landlord or any person rightfuliy c,aiming under or in trxst {or tne Landlord,
(a) lf the rent hereby reserved shall not be paid for seven (T) days after its due or ii there OEFAULT OF TENANT
shall be a breach of any oi the conditions, covenants 0r stipulations 0n the pail 0f the
Tenant herein contained, the Landlod shali bs entitied to re,enter upon the said
plemi$es and thereupon tilis tenancy sflall immediateiy absolutely determine but lvithout
preludice to any right of action of the Landlord for damage 0r otheMise in respect of any
such breach or any antec€dent breach.
(b) in the event the rent remaining unpaid seven (i) days aiter becoming payabte (whether REXT IN ARREARS
fomaliy demanded or not), ix shail be lav*fu] for the Lan0lord to cl;im lnterest a1 tBn
percent (10%) calculated on monthly basis 0n the amount unpaid calculated from after
the date due t0 the date of actual payment.
(c) The Landlord shali not be liable t0 the Tenant 0r the Tenant's servanB 0r agenB or other LII'ITEO LIABILITY OF
persons in lhe said premises 0r p€rsons cailing upon the Tenant for any accidents LAI{DLORD
happening, injury suffered, damage 10 or rcss of any chatter property sustained on the
said pren:ises.
id) ln case the said premise$ or any part thereoi shall at any limB ciuring this tenancy be UNTENANTABILIW
destroyed or damaged by lire lighlning riot explosion or any oth$ ciuse beyond the LEAOIHG TO SUSPENSIOTII
control 0f the parties ilereto s0 as to be unflt for occupation and use, then and in every OF REI,IT
such ease (unless lhe insuranOe money shall be wholly or parlially inecoverable by
reason soiely 0r in pafi of any act, default, neglect or cmission of lhe Terant or any of
tileir seryants agents occupien gu€sts or visito$), &e rent hereby reserved or a just ind
fair proporlion frereof according to the nature and extent of the destruction or damage
sustained shall be suspended and cease to be payable in respecl of any period while the
said premi$es shall c0nlinue to be unil for occupation and use by reason of such
deslruction or damage,
(e) in case the said premises shail be deskoyed cr damaged as aforesaid. either parry shall Ul{TEl,lAi{TABILITY
be at liberty by notice in writing t0 the other dete.mine this tenancy, and upon such n0tice LEA9IHG T0 TERIrilt{ATlOtl
being glven, this tenancy 0r the balanoe lhereol shaii absolutely cease and detennine OF LEASE
and the deposit paid hereunder together with a reasonable proportion of such advance
rent as has been paid hereunder, where applicable, shall be refunded to fie Tenant
forthwith bu1 without prejudice to any right 0f aclion of either pa(y in resp€d 0f any
antecedent breach 0f lhis Agre€ment by the other,
{f) if the Tenant is in breach of any clause 0t this agre€ment, leading to an early termination REIi{BURSE COHTIISSION
of the tenancy, then the Tenant shall in any event reimburse the Landtord on a pro rata FOR PREI'ATURE
basis the commission the Landlord has paid topRopl,lEx REALTY prE LTD(neieinafter TERUIHATION
called 'the Agency' )for the remaining unfulfilled term, without preludice to any otiler
rights of the Landlord to claim agalnst the Tenant for any other breaches of this
is) it is expressly understmd by the Landlord that the commission paid to lhe as the cotliffissroil FULLY
brokerage fee in this traosacli0n has been fully earned for services rendered and there EARI{EO
the Landiord shail have no claim against the Agency for a refund 0f the commi$sion
should the Tenant prematurely terminate the tenancy herein or {or any other reascil$,
(h) The Landlord shali 0n the written rEust of the Tenant made not less than tr,{o (z) RENEVIIALCLAUSE
months belore the date o{ expiry of this tenancy, and if there shall not at the time of sulh
request be any existing breach or any non-observance of any o{ the conditions,
cOvenants ff stipuiations 0n the part of the Tenant herein c0ntained, at the expense 0f
This rs a ge{eral doelfiient rrJhich may not be appropriate for use rn all cases. When in doubt please
seek legal arvice. tn tle
e!€nt of a dispute, &e Lddlord/T€fialt agree not to hold Prodtex Realty Pb Ltdliable, for any drarges, Landlord Tenant
additions and ddetiffis dlat rcre rr9de ofl he stsndsd Tenarcy Agreenent furm t]at hd befi dfie txith fie cons€$t
agrcement of bottt panres prior t0 the sbdng of he 4reemeflt.
the Tenant, grant to tlle Tenant a tenancy of tls said premises for a firrther torm of one
(1) year lrom the date of expiry 0t this tenancy at a rent tc be agreed rlased on the
prevailing market rent but olhenvise containing ttre llke conditiorrs, covenants and
stipulations as are herein contained with tile exception of this option for renewal, ln the
event ti]at the Landlord should grant the Tenant an exten$ion of the said term heein then
ths Landicrd and the Tenant $hall pay tite agency renewEl comrnission of half month anci
GST for every one (1 ) year oi less period of extension of lease"
(i) Any notlc€ served under or in any way in connecti0n with this Agreement shall be HOTICE
sufficiently served on the Tenant it l€ft at the said premises or delivered to the Tenant
peB0nally 0r sent t0 the Te$ant at the saici premises by registered post and shall
suficienuy served on the Landlord if delivered to tire Landlord penonafiy or sefll t0 the
abovementianed address by rEistered posl. Any nclice senl by registered post shall
deemed t0 be given at the time when ir due course of post it would ne deliveied at tne
address to which it is sent
fi) Ihe waiver by eiiher party of a breach of defauit of any of the provisions in this WAIVER OF OETAULTS
Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach cf tire same or
otlle{ pruvisions nor any deiay or omission 0n the parl of eiiher p-arty l0 exeicise cr avail
itsell of any right thai ii has or may have herein, operates as a waiver of any breach cr
delault of the other party,
(ki The slamp duty for stamping this Agreement in duplicate and any iEal cost shali be STAIIP OUTY & LEGAL
imme by the Tenant and shail be paid 0n the date of signing of this igreement. cosT
(i) This Agreement shall be subject 1o the iaws of the Republlc of Singaoore, GOVERITII{G LAW
ll'* WTNESS V|HEREOF the parties have hereunto set heir hands the day and year fimt above wrirten.
ln the presenca oi
NRjC No,
E ln iie presence of \
NRiC No,
(List of fumiture. fixtures and fittings. As per following lnventory List
1, Ceiiing lights
2, Window Blind --
3, llain door.Key
4. Fack lock key
Thb is a general utltidl may not be appropnate fo. use in all cases. Wlten m lnitials
doubt, pleae seek legal aduce ln &e
everit of a dispute, he Landlordffe*art agrce not to hold Pmpl{ex Reatty Pb Ltdliable. Landlord Tenart
for afiy &artges, amefldme*,
addiboas and deletons that were r€de lhe standard Tenalcy Agreerent hnn frot had been dme wih fte cffisent ard
both tile of he