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Compressor Controls

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& Opportunities in
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Seminar Seminar
Abu Dhabi
October 2009
Daryl Vickers
Up & Midstream Segment

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 1 CCC 2009


• Financial im pact of optimizing

turbom achinery control system s
• Com pressor Classifications
• Turbocom pressor Control
– Measuring Distance from Surge
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

– Aux Equipment Selection

– Specialized Control Responses
– Compressor Performance Control
– Managing Multiple Interactive Control Loops
• Maximizing Av ailability and Flexibility of
Offshore Com pre ssor Netw orks -
An Integrate d Approach

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 2 CCC 2009


• Turbocompressor Control continued…

– Parallel Compressor Loadsharing Techniques
– Loadsharing for Series & Compound
• Steam Turbine Control
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

– Turbine Classifications
• Application example
– FCCU turbomachinery control optimization
• Gas Turbine Fuel Control & Sequencing

*Application examples & dynamic simulation

to be used throughout the day

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 3 CCC 2009

Lifecycle costs
30-year life cycle costs for a 20,000 hp compressor

Initial Co st
$1.5 M illion

Maintenance Cost
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

$4.5 Million
of tota l c osts
Energy Cost
$180 Million

Costs in constant dollars

Source: “Experiences in Analysis and M onitoring Compressor Performance”

Ben Duggan & Steve Locke
E.I. du Pont, Old Hickory, Tennessee
24th Turbomachinery Symposium

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 4 CCC 2009

Lifecycle costs
30-year costs per a 1,000 hp
$ Millions


What can we
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


Initial Cost Maint enanc e Energy Lost Production

Costs in constant dollars Controllable

Source: “Experiences in Analysis and M onitoring Compressor Performance”

Ben Duggan & Steve Locke
E.I. du Pont, Old Hickory, Tennessee
24th Turbomachinery Symposium

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 5 CCC 2009

Machinery Controls Retrofit
• Typically turbomachines last 30 years or more
• Control systems are technically obsolete in 10
• Old control systems may not be maintainable
– Ele ctronic com pone nts una vailable
© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration

– Maintena nce sta ff lose s skill s and knowle dge

• Newer control systems offer
– Be tter pe rforma nce
– Be tter ma chine ry prote ction
– Be tter syste m availabili ty
• Im proved e lectr onic c om pone nts
• Re dundanc y
• ROI can be attractive due to production increases
and energy savings

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 6 CCC 2009

Compressor Types &
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 7 CCC 2009

Centrifugal compressors
• Widespread use, many applications
• Gas is accelerated outwards by
rotating impeller
• Can be built for operation as low as 5
psi, or operation as high as 8,000 psi
(35 kPa or 55,000 kPa)
• Sizes range from 300 hp to 50,000 hp
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


Cross section of horizontal split

Picture of horizontal split

Cross section of barrel

type compressor
Picture of barrel
type compressor

IMPELLER S Cross section of

bull gear compressor

Single Case Compre ssor Centrifugal Impeller Picture of bull

gear compressor

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 8 CCC 2009

Cross section of horizontal split
Discharge volutes Impeller inlet
labyrinth seals
Shaft and
Drive coupling labyrinth seal

Journal bearing
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Casing Thrust bearing

(horizontally split
flange) Compressor
discharge nozzle

inlet nozzle

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 9 CCC 2009

Horizontal-Split Turbocompressor
© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 10 CCC 2009

Axial compressors
• Gas flows in direction of rotating shaft
• Can be built for lower pressures only 10 to
100 psi (0.7 to 6.8 Bar)
• High flow rate
• Efficient
• Not as common as centrifugals
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Stator B lad es
Rotor Blades Shaft


Blad es
Blad es



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 11 CCC 2009

Axial Compressor Internals
© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 12 CCC 2009

Compressor System Classifications

Single- Se ction, Thr ee- St age Single-C as e, Two- Se ction, Six- St age
© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration

Par allel Net work Two-C as e, Two- Se ction, Six- St age

Serie s Net wor k


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 13 CCC 2009

© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 14 CCC 2009

Control Syste m Design Goals

1. Reliable Machine ry and Proce ss

– Preve nt unne ce ssar y proce ss trips and
downti me
– Mini mize e ffe ct and duration of proce ss
disturbance s
– Preve nt surge , ove rspe e d, ov erhe ating, and
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

possible associate d da mage

– Auto mate startup and shutdown proce ss
2. Efficient Machine ry & Process Operation
– M axi mize proce ss throughput
– Mini mize se tpoint dev iation
– Opti mize loadsharing of multiple units
– Mini mize antisurge re c ycle or blow-off
– Ope rate at lowe st possible e ne rgy leve ls

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 15 CCC 2009

Developing the compressor curve

H pc c Differential
Polytropic Pressure
(P d/Ps(P
) or
2d) - (P
or) (P2 2- P1)
pr 1oce ss,

Rpr oce ss, 1

Rc 2
© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration

Rc 1

Compr essor cu rve

for a specif ic
sp eed N 1

Q2 Q1 Qs, n ol
v or
assma l


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 16 CCC 2009

Developing the Operating Envelope

Process limit
Adding control
Ma ximu m spe ed
Surge limit

Power limit
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Stonew all or
choke limit

Stable zone
of operation
Minimu m speed
Ac tual available
operating zone
Qs2, v ol u me


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 17 CCC 2009

What is Surge?
© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 18 CCC 2009

Surge description

• Flow reverses in 20 to 50 milliseconds

• Surge cycles at a rate of 0.3 s to 3 s
per cycle
• Compressor vibrates
© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration

• Temperature rises
• “Whooshing” noise
• Trips may occur
• Conventional instruments and human
operators may fail to recognize surge


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 19 CCC 2009

Some Surge Consequences

• Unstable process flo w and pressure

• Damage can occur to seals, bearings,
impellers, even the compressor shaft
© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration

• Increased seal clearances and leakage

causing excess internal recycle
• Lower energy efficiency
• Reduced compressor life


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 20 CCC 2009

Process & Machine Variables
during Surge Events
• Rapid flow oscillations
• Rapid pressure oscillations
1 2 3

TIME ( sec.)
– Unchecked, surge cycles
continue at a rate of 0.3 sec to
3 seconds/cycle
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

• Temperature rises exponentially

• Process instability
1 2 3 • Potential machine/process trips
TIME ( sec.)
• Potential machine damage
TE MP ER ATURE • Conventional instruments and
operators may fail to recognize
surge events
1 2 3
TIME ( sec.)


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 21 CCC 2009

Developing the surge cycle on the
compressor curve
• From A to B…….20 - 5 0 m s… … …… ….. Drop into surge R losses
• From C to D…….20 - 1 20 ms …… … … … Jump out of surge
• A-B-C-D-A …… ….0.3 - 3 s econds … …… Surge cycl e
Pd = Compr esso r dischar ge pressur e
Pv = Vessel pr essur e
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Pd Rlosses = R esist ance losses over pip e


• Pressur e builds
D • Resistan ce goes up
• Compressor “rides” the curv e
C • Pd = Pv + R losse s

• Electro motor is st arted

• Ma chine ac celerat es
to nominal speed
• Compressor rea che s
performanc e curve
Note: Flo w go es up f ast er
becau se pr essur e is th e
integr al of flow
Ma chine shutdown Qs, v ol
no flow, no pressure

• Compressor reaches surge point A

• Compressor loses its ability to make pressure
• Suddenly P d drops and thus Pv > P d
• Compressor surges -“Plane goes to stall”
• Compressor starts to build pressure
• Compressor “rides” curve towards surge
• Point A is reached
• The surge cycle is complete
• Because P v > P d the flow reverses
• Compressor operating point goes to point B

• Result of flow reversal is that pressure goes down

• Pressure goes down => less negative flow
• Operating point goes to point C
• System pressure is going down
• Compressor is again ab le to overcome Pv
• Compressor “jumps” back to performance curve and goes to point D
• Forward flow is re-established

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 22 CCC 2009

Factors leading to onset of surge
• Machine/Proce ss Startup and Shutdow n
• Operation at Re duce d Throughput
• Operation at He avy Throughput with:
– Proce ss u pse ts / Load cha nge s
– Ope rator e rrors
© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration

– Gas c o mp osition ch ange s

– Coole r proble ms
– Filte r or strainer proble ms
– Driv er proble ms / Po we r loss / Trips
• Surge is not limite d to time s of re duce d
throughput, it can and doe s occur unde r
full operation


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 23 CCC 2009

Calculating Distance
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

from Surge


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 24 CCC 2009

Calculating Distance from Surge

– The more accura tely we can mea sure the di stance to
surge, the closer we can operate to it without taki ng ri sk
– Mappi ng of the (S LL) i s not a fixed line in the m ost
commonly use d coordi nate s. The SLL change s depe nding
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

on the com pre ssor inlet condi tions: Ts, Ps, MW, k s
– The anti surge controller m ust provide a di stance to surge
calculation tha t i s invariant of any cha nge in inlet
condi tions
– Thi s will lead to sa fer control yet reducing the surge
control margin whi ch means:
• Bigger turndown ra nge on the c ompress or
• Re duce d e nergy consumption during low loa d c onditions


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 25 CCC 2009

Commonly used (OEM provided)
coordinate systems of the compressor map

• Ty pical com pre ssor maps include: (Q s, H p ),

(Qs, Rc ), or (Qs , p d ) coordinates, w here:
Qs = Suction flow and can be expre sse d a s actual
or sta ndard volume tri c flow
Hp = Pol ytropic Head
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Rc = Compre ssor Ratio (pd / ps)

pd = Di scharge pre ssure of the com pre ssor
ps = Sucti on pre ssure of the compre ssor
ks = Exponent for i se ntropic compre ssion

• These m aps are de fine d for (1) specific set

of inle t conditions: ps, Ts, MW and ks


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 26 CCC 2009

The problem with OEM provided
coordinate systems of the compressor map

• The se coordinate s are NOT inv ariant to

suction conditions as show n
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• For control purposes we want the SLL to be

presented by a single curve for a fixed geometry

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 27 CCC 2009

Defining the Position of the
Operating Point

Of most interest to the antisurge

hr control are two points :
Performance Curve
Operating • The Surge Point
Point • Current Operating Point
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

Surge Position of any point in the

Point compressor map can be defined
by a s lope of a line fr om the
origin to the operating point:

Slope OP L =
The operating point is defined by the slope of a
line from the origin to the operating point


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 28 CCC 2009

Distanc e Fro m S urge is a Movin g
• Defining the position of
the operating point is a
challe nge under normal
De sign conditions
• M ost all proce ss
N co mpre ssors will also
have to operate in Off-
© 2009 C o m pr ess or C o nt r ols C or po r ati o n

M s De sign conditions
g T
s i n ng
r e e as
i • Auto matic antisurge
c r control must be able to
In e c
D operate under v arying
operating conditions :
– Suc tion Te m pe ra ture
– Suc tion Pr es s ur e
Design Nitrogen Off-gas qr – Ga s C om pos ition
Ps Ps Ps
– Rota tiona l Spe e d
Ts Ts Ts
ks ks ks


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 29 CCC 2009

Deriving Invariant Coordinates

Zs,d = Com pressibility in Suction, Discharge
Equations for Zs + Zd
Polytropic Head & Zavg = Average Compressibility =
Ts = Suction Tem perature
Volumetric Flow2 : Rc = Com pression Ratio =
P d = Discharge Pressure
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

R −1 P s = Suction Pressure
Hp = Z avg R T s ⋅ cσ R
R = u - Gas Constant

Δ Pos MW = Molecular Weight

Q = Zs R Ts ⋅
Ru – Universal Gas Constant
Ps σ =
k- 1
k = Specific Heat Ratio =
k ηp Cv
Cp = Specific Heat at Constant Pressure
Cv = Specific Heat at Constant Volume
η p = Polytropic Efficiency


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 30 CCC 2009

Deriving Invariant Coordinates

Re duce eac h e qua tion by a fa ctor A:

A = Z s R Ts
Rc − 1
Z avg R Ts . Z s R Ts . Δ Pos
Hp σ Qs2 Ps
A= = = q2s,red
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

hp , red
Z s R Ts Z s R Ts

From experience, we know that the ratio of Z avg/Z s varies negligibly.

Assuming it to be constant over the compressor operating range:

h p,red = σ
R c− 1 q2s,red = Δ Pos


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 31 CCC 2009

σ can be calculated from Pressure
and Temperature Measurements

The relationship between pressure &

temperature for polytropic compression
points to a practical way to measure Td ⎛Pd⎞ σ
polytrophic constant σ : =
Ts ⎝Ps⎠
= R c

log ⎛Td⎞
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

Solving for σ: σ= ⎝Ts⎠

log ⎛Pd⎞
Calculating σ improves accuracy when:
- Ga s com posi tion varies
- Com pre ssor efficiency change s


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 32 CCC 2009

Working with Invariant Coordinates

The reduce d coordina te s

hr define a performance map
SLP (Surge Lim it Point) which:
OPL (Operating Point Line) • is invaria nt to cha nging
OP ( Operating Point) inlet c onditions
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

• has one sur ge lim it

point for a given
rotational s pee d a nd
compress or geometr y
• permits calc ulation of
h p,red the operating point
Slope OPL=
q s,red
2 without difficulty to
obta in m olec ular
weight a nd
qr2 compressibility
measurements .
Performance C urve Drawn in
Reduce d C oordinates


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 33 CCC 2009

Distance From Surge Calculation

SLL (Sur ge Limit Li ne)

The contr oller continuous ly

hr calcula tes :
Performance Curv e
Point The ratio of the slope of the
Surge Lim it Line & the s lope of
the Operating point line :
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Slope OPL
OPL (Operating Ss =
Point Line)
Slope SLL

The distance be tween the

qr2 operating point a nd the s urge
Variable S s defines the relative s lope lim it:
of a line from the origin to the d = 1 - Ss
operating point

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 34 CCC 2009

CCC A/S Controller Deviation

The controller calculates

deviation from the SCL
hr DEV = d - b1
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

1 d = 1 – SS

b1 = the relative distance

between the SLL &

O PL the SCL

DEV represents the

distance between the
operating point and the
qr2 surge control line


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 35 CCC 2009

Simplifying the surge parameter
by replacing hr with Rc

• Reduced Head (hr ) can be replaced by compre ssion

ratio (R c ) in some ca se s while keepi ng the
coordinate syste m invariant to suction condi tions
f1(R c)
• The surge parameter Ss now be come s: Ss = 2
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

w here func tion f 1 still represe nts the

set of values for Rc a long the SLL

• Thi s elimina te s the need for Td and Ts transmi tters for


Important Note: CCC still recom mends Td and Ts

transmi tters as well as a rotational speed input for
compressor monitoring purposes


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 36 CCC 2009

Building the Surge Limit Line

• Non-linearity in the
Surge Limit Line can be
accommodated using hr
a function based
on a piecewise
characterization of
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

either map axis

qr,SLL qr2
• The surge
parameter is f1 (hr )
defined as: Ss =

• The function f1 returns the value of q r2 on

the SLL for input hr

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 37 CCC 2009

Advantage of Invariant
Coordinates Illustration (1)
NOT invaria nt c oordinates (Hp , Qs) Invaria nt coordinates (hr, q r2)
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Hp = Polytropic head
Qs = Volumetric suction flow Choose the right coordinates for
hr = Reduced head
Qr2 = Reduced flow squared the antisurge control system


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 38 CCC 2009

Advantage of Invariant
Coordinates Illustration (2)
NOT invaria nt c oordinates (Rc, Q s) Invaria nt coordinates (Rc, qr 2)
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

q r2

R c = Pre ssure ratio
Qs = Volumetric su ction flow
q r2 = Reduc ed flow squared


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 39 CCC 2009

Simplifying the surge parameter
by replacing h r with R c
• Reduced Head hr can be replaced by Rc while
keeping the coordinate syste m invariant to suction
condi tions
f (R )
• The surge parameter Ss now be come s Ss = 1 2 c
w here the function f 1( ) returns
the va lue of qr,SLL
2 on the SLL for
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

the input Rc

• Thi s elimina te s the need for Td and Ts transmi tters for


Important Note: Td , Ts , and rotational speed (N) are

still recom mended inputs for your anti-surge control
system for m oni toring and event archi ving purposes


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 40 CCC 2009

The simplest CCC
surge parameter
• An anti surge algorithm can be de signed
around two transmitters: Δpo and Δp c
• The parameter Ss = is invariant to inlet conditions
q2r and speed
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• For two transmitters choose the function: f1 to be (R c - 1)


Ss =
f1(Rc) Rc - 1
= Δp =
( ps
-1 )p.
pd - ps
q2r o Δpo Δpo Δpo

• Selecting the speci fic function for f1 (R c) to be (R c - 1)

keeps the map invariant to inlet condi tions and speed


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 41 CCC 2009

Disadvantage of the Δ pc /Δ po
surge parameter
• The SLL i s ra rely a straight line in the coordina te s qr 2 and
• The parame ter Δpc /Δpo repre sents a straight line in the
invariant coordi nate s qr 2 and Rc

• The Δpc /Δpo approach re sults in l oss of turn down and

unnece ssary re cycle
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Ac tual Surge Limit Line

Loss of operating

SLL calculated by
antisurge controller using
Δ p c /Δ p o = constant


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 42 CCC 2009

Actual field data showing
disadvantage of Δ pc /Δ po surge parameter
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

SLL fro m ma p

Δ pc /Δ po,c =constant


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 43 CCC 2009

Surge Testing
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 44 CCC 2009

Surge testing, a daily routine



.55 1

© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration


1 1 1 1
1 1



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

“High Speed Re cordi ng of Inlet Flow”


X axis controller executions and Y axis is some flow measurement. (To be

verified). 25 executions is 1 second.

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 45 CCC 2009

Why Surge Test?

• Maximizing operating e nvelope

– Validating pre dicte d co mpre ssor maps
– Establishing accurate surge li mit (or safe
operating point ne ar surge)
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• Field-te sting com pressor responses in

proce ss conditions through field devices
– Actual trans mitte r fie ld calibrations
– Actual flow ele me nt installation
– Actual proce ss gas (in some case s)
• Determining signature of surge for proper
configuration of surge dete ction system


Surge testing will be most useful for end-users since they will benefit the bigger
operating envelope.

Example to use could be a argument between enduser-contractor-Oem-CCC if a

compressor is not able to develop enough head to open the check-valve. If a surge
test is done data is availab le that clear shows the maximum achievable head of the
particulair compressor stage.

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 46 CCC 2009

Why Surge Test?

• Testing sur ge control system response in

difficult process conditions
– Ensuring syste m is capable of preve nting surge
and bre aking surge cycle (if ne ce ssary)
© 2009 C o m pr ess or C o nt r ols C or po r ati o n

• Field perfor mance data available for future

benchmar king
– Can the machine deve lop e nough he ad?
– Can the co mpre ssor ope rate ove r the co mple te
range nee de d?
• Preventing unexpected surprises after
com missioning


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 47 CCC 2009

Typical CCC Surge Test

Predicted Surge Default Surge • Proce dure typically

Limit Line Control Line take s place with the
b1 co mpre ssor “off-
Operating proce ss” or in ne arly
full re c ycle
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• CCC e ngineer starts

with predicte d surge
li mit & de fault surge
control margin
• Antisurge v alve he ld in
M anual in partially ope n
Initial State


When the machine is started the first action is to proof the system. (control
element, process, measurement and controller behavior).

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 48 CCC 2009

Typical CCC Surge Test

“S af e” S urg e Te mpor ar y S urg e • The surge limit line

Limit Lin e Control Lin e (SLL) is move d to the
K right in a safe distance
Op er ating from the pre dicte d
Point surge li mit
© 2009 C o m pr ess or C o nt r ols C or po r ati o n

b1 = 0 • The antisurge control

margin (b1 ) is the n set
to “0” (no margin)
• The antisurge v alve
slowly close d mov ing
the operating point to
the te mporary SCL/SLL,
Test Pre paration (see ne xt slide)


When the machine is started the first action is to proof the system. (control
element, process, measurement and controller behavior).

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 49 CCC 2009

Typical CCC Surge Test

• Antisurge controller is
“S af e” S urg e Te mpor ar y S urg e
Limit Lin e Control Lin e place d in AUTO
• CCC e ngineer slowly
Op er ating de cre ase s “K” there by
Point incre asing the slope of
© 2009 C o m pr ess or C o nt r ols C or po r ati o n

b1 = 0 • The operating point
follows the SCL/SLL
moving ever close r to
the actual surge limit
• This action is re pe ate d
qr2 in s mall ste ps le tting
M oving towards surge the proce ss stabilize
be twee n mov e me nts


When the machine is started the first action is to proof the system. (control
element, process, measurement and controller behavior).

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 50 CCC 2009

Typic al CCC Surg e Test

• At the actual surge

Con fir m ed Sur ge
Limi t Lin e point a sudde n drop in
flow will occur
Sur g e P oint
• Re c ycle TripTM and
Safe ty On TM work to
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

bre ak the surge cycle

and ree stablish stable
control in a safe
operating re gion
• Establishe d K v alue
(slope of the SLL) is
ev aluate d in relation to
Touching Surge to e xisting data


When the machine is started the first action is to proof the system. (control
element, process, measurement and controller behavior).

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 51 CCC 2009

Typical CCC Surge Test

• Test data is adjusted as

Ne w Surg e ne ce ssary and e ntere d
Control Lin e into the antisurge
Op er ating
control para meter set
Point • CCC e ngineer the n
© 2009 C o m pr ess or C o nt r ols C or po r ati o n

enters a ne w surge
control margin (b1 )
Re -e st abli sh appropriate for ongoing
S af e Margin
operation of the
• Safety On TM is the n re set
2 moving the SLL back to
Setting the controller the ne wly e stablishe d
and now field te ste d

When the machine is started the first action is to proof the system. (control
element, process, measurement and controller behavior).

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 52 CCC 2009

Example: Export Compressor Test
Qs vs Rc


3 *

Rc =Pd/Ps

2.6 Train A T est ed Curve

* Train B T est ed Curve
2.4 5 Predicted Cu rve
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration


2 1

4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000

Qs in AM^3/hr

• In thi s example, (2) “identical” compre ssors were surge

te sted during CCC system commi ssioning
• The predicted surge limit on Train A turned out to be
si gnifi cantly to the left of the predicted curve
• Thus, the te st identified the potential for a wider operating
range to e stabli shed on Train A

Surge test of two identical compressor show a considerable difference between the
performance of two machines. Both machines performing better than the design so no
guaranty or performance issues are possible. It does however show that one “identical”
unit has an considerable bigger turn down (bigger operating envelope) than the other

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 53 CCC 2009

Is surge testing req uired?

• NO !
• But re comme nde d by CCC due to significant
end-user & contractor be nefits
• CCC does not require actual machine
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

surging during commissioning to set-up

control systems
- However, our e xpe rie nce indicate s that there are
ofte n significant differe nce s be twe e n docu me nte d
co mpre ssor maps and field te st data
• CCC field service e ngineers perform te sting
only with full cooperation of complete
commissioning team

Make clear, especially to OEM’s and Contactors, that surge testing is not a
requirement but a strong recommendation. I guess CCC does give the follow
recommendations but all of them are OK for us.
Three Surge Test’s on different speed/perfomance curves
One surge test on the performance curve that comes closed to normal operating
One Surge limit line check. The operating point will be placed on the theoretical SCL.
If the compressor doesn’t surge the SLL is “proven”. Remember that there is always
a risk of surge the machine
Using the theoretical surge line and set a 10% (based on actual flow) safety margin.

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 54 CCC 2009

Factors Affecting
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

Surge Control Margin


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 55 CCC 2009

The approach to surge is fast

1 SEC.
100% B
A Pressur e Se t Point


100% Qs
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• Performance curve s are almost
D invariably flat near surge
• Even small change s in compre ssion
ratio cause large change s in flow
• Suction or di scharge pre ssure
controller will accelerate the operating
AB C point in the direction of surge


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 56 CCC 2009

Factors Affecting
Surge Control Margin
RTL Larger S urge Control Margin
SLL SCL – In abilit y to s urge test
– Less t hen ide al p ip ing
conf ig ur at io n
– Hig h n oise-t o-sig n al ratio
on s ystem in p uts
– Com pr om ise d re cycle valve
respo nse
– L arge pr o cess dist urb an ces
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

are poss ib le
– Flat cur ves

Smaller Control Margi n

– Surge test in g w ith varying
speeds an d pr o cess g as
con dit ions
– Ide al piping co nf ig ur atio n
– Cle an an d re pe at ab le
transm itter sign als
– Fast & accur ate recycle
valve resp onse
– NO large pr o cess
dist urb an ces
*Dashed lines show co mpromised surge control m argin – Stee p cur ves


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 57 CCC 2009

Piping Layout
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 58 CCC 2009

Piping Layout Considerations
• Piping la yout influe nce s the controllabilit y of the
the total s yste m
• The pri mary obje ctive of the antisurge controller is
to prote ct the co mpre ssor against surge
• This is achieve d b y lowe ring the re sistance to
co mpre ssor flow
• The re sistance is lo were d b y ope ning the
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

antisurge v alve
• De ad-time & lag-ti me should be mini mize d
• This is achieve d b y
mi ni mizing the
volu me be twee n VSD S

three flange s Compressor 1

volume to be
– Di scharge flange of minimized
the com pre ssor
– Re cycle valve fla nge
– Check val ve flange


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 59 CCC 2009

Using a single antisurge valve
increases recycle lag time

Section 1 Section 2 Large volume

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

• In or der t o pro tect se ct io n 1 t he antis urge valve nee ds t o be o pene d

• The vo lum e betw een com pressor dis ch arge , che ck valve and
antis urge valve determ ines the de ad tim e an d lag tim e in the s ystem
• L arge vo lum e sign if icant ly de creases the effe ct iveness of t he
antis urge pr ote ct io n
• Res ult
– Poor surge pr ote ction
– Lar ge s urge mar gi ns
– Ene rgy w aste
– Process tri ps be ca use of s ur ge


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 60 CCC 2009

Sharing recycle coolers
degrades surge protection

Large volume

Section 1 Section 2
Sm all volume
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

• The p ip ing co nf ig ur atio n f or se ct io n 2 is e xce lle nt for sur ge

prote ct io n
• Minim um volum e betw ee n t he t hree f lan ges
• The p ip ing co nf ig ur atio n f or se ct io n 1 is n ot ide al as t here is a large
volum e of pr o cess gas t o be de- pressurized
• Res ul t
- Poor surge protection
- Large surge margins
- Energy w aste
- Proces s trips becaus e of surge


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 61 CCC 2009

Installing recycle valve upstream from
cooler improves control response

Compressor 1 Compressor 2 Increased

Minimum volume due
volume to cooler
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• Com pressor 1 h as ide al piping con fig ur atio n f or sur ge pr otect io n as

the betw een t he t hree flan ges is m inim ized

• The pipin g lay- out for com pressor 2 is com m on but n ot opt im um
from an antisur ge system resp onse po int of view
• The co oler cre ates add ition al vo lum e an d decre ases the
effectiveness o f t he ant isurge contro l s ystem


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 62 CCC 2009

R e cy cle lin e s co nfi g ure d
for o pti m u m s urg e p rot ectio n

Se c ti o n 1 Se c ti o n 2 Se c ti o n 3
© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n

Mini mu m

• This co mpre ssor has ide al piping configuration

for surge prote ction
• The proce ss v olu me is mini mize d betwe e n the
three flange s for all se ctions


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 63 CCC 2009

Which piping configuration w ould
you choose ???
Pip ing Configur ation #1

Sectio n 1 Sectio n 2 Sectio n 3

© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration

Pip ing Configur ation #2

Sectio n 1 Sectio n 2 Sectio n 3

• Confi gura ti on #1 ha s mi ni m um v ol ume betw ee n the fla nge s a nd i s the be st

la y-out for a ntis urge c ontr ol re ac ti on ti me
• Confi gura ti on #2 re quir es one less c oole r le ss / ca pi tal i nv estm e nt is l ow er
and cooler m ai nte na nc e c os ts ar e r educe d
• Confi gura ti on #2 w il l r equire bigger sur ge control ma r gi ns


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 64 CCC 2009

Auxiliary Equipment
Selection and
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 65 CCC 2009

Flow Measuring Device
(FMD) selection criteria
• M ain se le ction criteria for FM D in antisurge control
s yste m:
– Repeata bility
– Suffi cient signal-to-noi se rati o
• Ac curac y of the FM D is not critical
• FM D de lays mu st be absolute ly mini mal
• Pre se nt state-of-the-art li mits the choice of FM D to
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

he ad flow me te rs or to othe r dev ice s that are base d

on the principle of ve locity me asure me nt:
– Ori fice plate s
– Venturi s
– Pitot tube s
– etc.
• Re co mme nde d flow range for FM D and trans mitte r
is maxi mu m co mpre ssor flow
• Re co mme nde d Dp corre sponding to Q max,
co mpre ssor is 10” WC (250 mmH 2O) or more


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 66 CCC 2009

Flow M eas uring Device
(FMD) loc atio n


minimum possib le minimum possib le

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Suction Dischar ge

• The pre fer re d l oca ti on of the FM D: • Less pr efera ble l oca ti on of the FM D:
- Suction of compres sor - Discharge of compre ssor
- As clos e to the inlet flange as - As clos e to the discharge flange as
possible possible

• Se le ctio n of t he lo cation sh o uld be b ase d on :

- Nece ssi ty of s ur ge de tec ti on
• Often more difficult with flow me asured in discharge
- Ca pi tal c os t of flow mea suri ng dev ice
- Opera ti ng c ost of the FM D (per ma ne nt press ure l oss )


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 67 CCC 2009

Response time of the
FMD trans mitter
• The speed of approaching surge is hi gh
• The transmi tter type and brand should 1 SEC.
be selected ba sed on two major factors:
– Reliabilit y
– Speed of respo nse
De sired ri se time for Δp (flow) A C D
• Pd B
transmi tters i s 200 m s or less 0
– Pressure step is 100%
– The f irst order resp onse ( 63%) is less
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

than 200 m s
• De sired ri se time for pre ssure B

transmi tters i s 500 m s or less

Actu al pr essur e 0
Transm itter output 100%
63% response
1- ( 1/ e)


Time In only 400 m s, Δ PO dropped b y
14% , with a 2% ch ange in Δ Pc
τ 1 is less th an 200 m s

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 68 CCC 2009

The effect of d ampi ng
the Δ p o (flo w) trans mi tter
• Knowing the flow is e sse ntial to de te r mine the
distance betwe e n the operating point and the SCL
• Da mping the Δ p o (flo w) trans mitte r de stro ys
e sse ntial infor mation
Sta rt of S urge
Fl ow 50
τ = 16.0 s
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

τ = 1.70 s
0 τ = 0.03 s
τ = 0.20 s
Ac tual Fl ow

0 1.25 2.50 3.75 5
Ti me (sec onds )
Da mping the Δ p o (flo w) trans mitte r can paral yze the
co mple te antisurge control s yste m!

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 69 CCC 2009

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 70 CCC 2009

Basic Antisurge Control System

• The anti surge controller UI C-1 protects the compre ssor

against surge by openi ng the re cycle valve
• Ope ning of the re cycle valve lowers the re si sta nce fel t by the
compre ssor
• Thi s take s the compre ssor away from surge

VSD S R proce ss
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Compressor R proce ss+v alve

1 1 1

Suction Discharge



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 71 CCC 2009

Antis ur ge Co ntro ller O peratio n Protection #1
T he Sur ge Co ntro l Line (SCL)

Rc SLL = Surge Limit Line

SCL = Surge Control Line

• Whe n the ope rating
A point crosse s the SCL,
PI control will ope n the
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

re cycle v alve

• PI control will give

ade quate prote ction
qr2 for s mall disturbance s

• PI control will give stable control during ste ady

state re c ycle ope ration
• Slow disturbance e xa mple


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 72 CCC 2009

Antis ur ge Co ntro ller O peratio n Protection #2
T he Recycle T rip®® Line (RT L)

SLL = Surg e L imit Lin e

Be nefits:
SCL-2 = Op en L oop L ine – Reliably breaks the
SCL = Surg e Contr ol L ine sur ge cy cle
– Energy sav ings due to
s maller s ur ge mar gins
OP – Compress or has mor e
turndown before
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

recycle or blow-off
– Surge can be
prevented for v irt ually
any dist ur bance
Output Q2
to Valve

Total Re sponse Recycle Trip ®

PI Contr ol Action
PI Control Response

Open-loop Response +
Tim e To antisurge v alve


Disturbance arrives - the operating point moves towards the SCL

When the operating point reaches the SCL, the PI controller opens the a/s valve
based on it’s proportional and integral action.
The operating point overshoots the SCL until it reaches RTL
When the operating point hit s RTL the conclusion is:
We are close to surge
The PI controller is too slow to catch the disturbance
Move the valve now!
An open loop response is triggered
Operating point moves back to the safe side of RTL
The Open-loop function should be ramped out
PI controller integrates to stabilize the operating point on the SCL
Total response of the controller is the sum of the PI control and the Recycle Trip ®

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 73 CCC 2009

What if one Recycle Trip® step
response is not enough?
After time dela y C2 controlle r che cks if Ope rating
Point is back to safe side of Recycle Trip ® Line
- If Ye s: Exponential decay of Recycle Trip ® re sponse.
- If No: Another step i s added to the Recycl e Trip ® re sponse.

to valve Multiple s te p res ponse
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration


to valve One s te p res ponse
PI Control

Recycle Trip®

C2 C2 C2
PI Control
Recycle Trip®


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 74 CCC 2009

CCC’s U niq u e D e riv ativ e R e sp o ns e Alg o

• W he n the ope r a ting poi nt

Rc m o ve s quic k ly tow ar ds the
SC L, the ra te of c ha nge
(dS/dT) is us e d to
dy na m ic a lly inc re a s e the
s ur ge c ontr ol m a r gin
© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n

• PI c ontr oller r e ac ts e ar lier

• Sm a ller ste a dy s tate s ur ge

c ontr ol m ar gins c a n be
us e d w itho ut s a cr ific ing
re lia bility



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 75 CCC 2009

Built-in s urg e d etector

P ressur e and Flow V ariations • Surge signatur e should be recorded

Dur ing a Typical Sur ge C ycle
dur ing commissioning
100% • Rates of change for flow and
pressure tr ansmitters should be
Pd • Thresholds should be configur ed
slightly mor e conser vative than the
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

actual rates of change during

sur ge
100% • Surge is detected w hen the actual
rates of change exceed the
configured thr esholds
Δ Po • The following methods have been
– Ra pid drop in f low
0% – Ra pid drop in pressure
20 to 50
– Ra pid increa se in t e mpe rat ure
– Ra pid drop in f low & pre ssure


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 76 CCC 2009

Antis ur ge Co ntro ller O peratio n Protection #3
T he Safety On® ® Respo nse (SOL)

SOL - Safet y On® L ine

SLL - Surg e L imit Lin e
RTL - Recycle T rip® Lin e

SCL - Surg e Contro l L ine • Com pressor can
surge due to:
– Transmi tter calibrati on
shi ft
– Sticky anti surge valve
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

or actua tor
– Partially bl ocked
anti surge valve or
recycle line
New R TL – Unusually large
proce ss upset
Add ition al surg e mar gin qr

Benefits o f Safety On ® respo nse:

Co ntin uo us surging is avo ided
Operato rs are alarmed abo ut surge

If Operating Point crosses the Safety On® Line the compressor is in surge
The Safety On® response shifts the SCL and the RTL to the right
Additional safety or surge margin is added
PI control and Recycle Trip ® will stabilize the machine on the new SCL

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 77 CCC 2009

Improving the accuracy of
Recycle Trip® open loop control

• Ope n loop re sponse is the fastest w ay to

get the antisurge v alve ope n
– But, ope n loop control lacks the accurac y
ne e de d to pre cisel y position the antisurge v alve
• By de finition, ope n loop corre ctions of a
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

fixed m agnitude are ofte n e ither too big or

too sm all for any spe cific disturbance
– The rate of change of the position of the
co mpre ssor operating point has bee n prove n to
be an e xce lle nt pre dictor of the stre ngth of the
– This de riv ativ e calculation can be use d to adjust
the magnitude of the ope n loop re sponse


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 78 CCC 2009

Recycle Trip ® based on derivative of S s

Recycle Trip®
Respo nse calcu latio n :
d(Ss ) • Maximum prote ction
C = C1 Td – No surge
– No compre ssor damage
wh er e:
• C
• C1
= Actu al step to th e valve
= Constant - also d efines • Minim um proce ss
m aximum step
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• Td = Scaling con stant

• d(Ss)/dt = Rate of chang e of the
operating po int – No proce ss trips

Output Output
to valve Medium dis turba nce to valve Lar ge dis tur bance

PI Control
PI Control
Recycle Trip® Recycle Trip®
Time Time


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 79 CCC 2009

What if one Recycle Trip ® step
response is not enough?
After ti me de lay C 2 controlle r che cks if Operating
Point is back to safe side of Recycle Trip ® Line
- If Ye s: Expone ntial deca y of Recycl e Trip ® re sponse.
- If No: Another step i s added to the Recycle Trip ® re sponse.

to valve Mul ti ple s te p res ponse
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


to valve One s te p res ponse
PI Contr ol

Recycle Trip ®

C2 C2 C2
PI Contr ol
Recycle Trip ®


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 80 CCC 2009

Built-in surge detector

P ressur e and Flow V ariations • Surge signatur e should be recorded

Dur ing a Typical Sur ge C ycle
dur ing commissioning
100% • Rates of change for flow and
pressure tr ansmitters should be
Pd • Thresholds should be configur ed
slightly mor e conser vative than the
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

actual rates of change during

sur ge
100% • Surge is detected w hen the actual
rates of change exceed the
configured thr esholds
Δ Po • The following methods have been
– Rap id drop in flow
0% – Rap id drop in pressure
20 to 50
milli-seconds – Rap id increase in temperature
– Rap id drop in flow & pressu re


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 81 CCC 2009

Antis ur ge Co ntro ller O peratio n Protection #3
T he Safety On® ® Respo nse (SOL)

SOL - Safet y On® L ine

SLL - Surg e L imit Lin e
RTL - Recycle T rip® Lin e

SCL - Surg e Contro l L ine • Com pressor can
surge due to:
– Transmi tter calibrati on
shi ft
– Sticky anti surge valve
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

or actua tor
– Partially bl ocked
anti surge valve or
recycle line
New R TL – Unusually large
proce ss upset
Add ition al surg e mar gin qr

Benefits o f Safety On ® respo nse:

Co ntin uo us surging is avo ided
Operato rs are alarmed abo ut surge

If Operating Point crosses the Safety On® Line the compressor is in surge
The Safety On® response shifts the SCL and the RTL to the right
Additional safety or surge margin is added
PI control and Recycle Trip ® will stabilize the machine on the new SCL

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 82 CCC 2009

Limiting P s or P d using the
Antisurge Controller


1 1 1

Suction Discharge
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• The antisurge controlle r can be configure d to li mit:

- Maximum discharge pre ssure (P d)
- Minimum suction pre ssure (P s )
- Both maximum Pd and minimum Ps
• This doe s NOT conflict with antisurge prote ction


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 83 CCC 2009

Increase co m pressor system ava ila b ility
with a uto mated fa llback strateg ies

• Statisticall y over 75% of control loop proble ms

originate fro m fie ld dev ice s
• The antisurge syste m sh ould have fallback
strate gie s to handle trans mitter failure s proble ms
• Syste m sh ould continuousl y monitor input v alidity
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

• Input proble ms/failure s should initiate a fall-back

mode of operation without a machine /proce ss trip

Be nefits
– Nui sance Trip Avoida nce
– Latent Failure Alarm
– Increa se d Ma chine & P roce ss Availability


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 84 CCC 2009

Fallback Strategies
• Antisurge controller
– If a pre ssure trans mitte r fails, a mini mu m flow
algorith m can be use d as auto matic fallback
– If a te mpe rature trans mitte r fails, hr is
characterize d as a function of co mpre ssion ratio
– If the flow trans mitter fails
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

• Redundant tra nsmitter i s use d (if pre se nt) or

• Output i s driven to:
– L ast k now n go o d value , a pre-se lected value or, the
greater o f t he tw o
• Performance controller
– Switche s to re dundant trans mitter upon pri mary
trans mitter failure
– Output fre eze s or goe s to pre -se le cte d v alue if all
trans mitters fail
• All transm itter failure s are alarmed

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 85 CCC 2009

CCC Tig ht Shut-o ff Line (T SL)
D ynamic control range
Flo w rat e Controller
through output
PI Contr ol

Controller A B C Time
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Lo w clamp on controller output

0% to the v alve
TSL = T ight Shut-off
Be nefits
B • No leak age a nd nois e w he n c ontr oller
A is fa r aw a y fr om s ur ge - poi nt A
• Eli minate s noi se a nd e ner gy w as te
• Eli minate s dea d ti me i n the res ponse
of the antis ur ge v alv e w hen the
opera ti ng poi nt is close to the S CL

Many antisurge valves have the following characteristic:

from 0% to low clamp value the flow rate through the valve is (almost) zero and
does not change
Once the low clamp is reached the characteristic is linear
Typical low clamp value can be 5% - we will use the 5% as the value throughout in
this example
For dynamic control we want to use the range 5% - 100% on the valve
The 5% or low clamp value represents the closed position for control purposes
At the low clamp value the valve
Usually still leaks which result s in energy waste
Makes an annoying noise
Typical for worn valves and valves wit h Teflon seat
CCC antisurge controller has a Tight Shut-off Line (TSL) that eliminates the
When the operating point is to the right of the TSL the controller closes the valve at 0% -
point A
This is below the low clamp value
When the controller crosses the TSL the output of the controller jumps to the low clamp
value - point B
The controller is now “ready to go” when the operating points hits the SCL - point C

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 86 CCC 2009

Performance Control
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 87 CCC 2009

Co mpressor Perfor mance Co ntrol

• Also calle d:
– Throughput control
– Capacity control
– Proce ss control

• Matches the com pressor throughput to the

© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• Can be based on controlling:
– Discharge pre ssure
– Suction pre ssure
– Net flow to the user


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 88 CCC 2009

Perfor manc e Co ntrol
by disc harg e throttling
R pro cess + Rv alv e
A Pr oc e s s
R pro cess
Pressur e lo ss
acr oss valve P

Curve 1 Note s: PI

Curve 2 • Extrem e ly inef ficie nt

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

(cons um es ap pro x. t he s am e
pow er f or e ver y lo ad)
• Rarely use d
2 • No t re com m en de d
Shaft qr
po wer

P2 Curve 1 Note s:
• Curve 2 re presents :
Curve 2
- Low er s pee d on v ariable s pee d
sys te ms
- IGVs cl ose d on v aria ble
ge ometr y c om pres sors
qr - Inle t thr ottle v alv e close d on
fixe d s pee d c om pre ssors


Compressor operates in point A

Required power is P 1

Pressure is controlled by pressure drop over valve

Opening of valve would reduce resistance to Rprocess

Lower resistance would require less speed and power

Power loss is P 1 - P 2

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 89 CCC 2009

Performanc e Control
by suction throttling

Pro c e ss
Rpr oces s

Suction valve open PI

Suction valve throttled
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

Note s
• Com m on on ele ctric m otor
Shaft qr2 m achines
• Mu ch m ore efficie nt t han
dis ch arge t hrott ling
P1 • Pow er co nsum ed ch an ges
prop ortio n al to the lo ad
• Thrott le losses are across
suct io n valve



Inlet valve manipulates suction pressure

Changing suction pressure generates a family of curves

Pressure is controlled by inlet valve position

Compressor operates in point A for given Rprocess

Required power is P 1

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 90 CCC 2009

Perfor manc e Co ntrol
by adjustable g uid e v anes
R pro cess Pr oc e s s



α max
α OP
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

α mi n
Note s:
2 • Im pr o ved t urn dow n
Shaft qr • More ef ficie nt t han su ct io n
po wer
throt tlin g
• Pow er cons um ed is
P1 pro port ion al t o the lo ad
• Pow er loss o n in let thr ottling
is elim in ate d



Change of guide vanes angle a result s in different compressor geometry

Different geometry means different performance curve

Pressure is controlled by inlet guide vane position

Compressor operates in point A for given Rprocess

Required power is P 1

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 91 CCC 2009

Performance Control
by speed variation

R pro cess Pr oc e s s

N max PI

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

N mi n

Note s
• Most effic ient:
Shaft qr2 (Power ≈ f(N) 3)
po wer
• Steam turbine , gas tur bine or
varia ble spee d e lectric motor
P1 • Typically capita l investme nt
higher tha n with other s ystems
• No throttle losses



Changing speed generates a family of curves

Pressure is controlled by speed of rotation

Compressor operates in point A for given Rprocess

Required power is P 1

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 92 CCC 2009

Control Loop
© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 93 CCC 2009

Co ntr ol loop interactions
• Turbom achine ry control is a “unit
• Each control loop inte racts w ith all the other
control loops
• The interactions m ust be “de couple d” to
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

achieve effective:
– M achinery prote ction
– Proce ss stability & prote ction
– Energ y e fficie nc y
• A poor, but not uncomm on solution
– Capacit y control in DCS
– Inde pe nde nt turbine spe e d gove rnor
– Inde pe nde nt antisurge control s yste m

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 94 CCC 2009

Antisurge & process controllers
will interact

• Both controllers m anipulate the same

– The operating point of the co mpre ssor
• The controlle rs have diffe rent and
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

sometime s conflicting obje ctives

• The control action of e ach controller affects
the other
• Interaction be gins on the surge control line
where control stability is m ost im portant


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 95 CCC 2009

Ways to cope with antisurge & process
control interactions

• De-tune the loops to minimize interaction

Result - poor pressure control, large surge
control margins and poor surge protection
• Put one loop on manual, so interaction is
not possible. Operators will usually put the
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

antisurge control in m anual

Result - no surge protection and ofte n
partially open antisurge valve
• Decouple the interactions
Result – loop stability, minimized setpoint
deviation, m ore effective surge prote ction,
and surge control m argins can be reduced


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 96 CCC 2009

Antisurge & Performance Loops

• Interaction starts a t B
• Performance controller on

di scharge pre ssure re duce s

performa nce to bring
B pre ssure back to se tpoint
• Unle ss pre vented, PI C can
C A PIC-SP drive compre ssor to surge
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

• Anti surge controller starts

to operate at B
• Even if surge i s a voi ded,
interaction degrade s
pre ssure control accura cy
• Re sults of interaction
ΔP o – L arge pressure de viatio ns
dur in g dis tur b an ces
– In cre ased risk of sur ge


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 97 CCC 2009

Advanc ed Loop Decoupling
© 2009 C o m pr ess or C o nt r ols C or po r ati o n

• Decou plin g is requ ired betw een antis urge co ntro l loo ps t o
prevent instabilit y & e xcess recycle
• Decou plin g is also requ ired t o avoid neg ative inter actions
betw een antisur ge & pressure contro l lo ops
• Co ntro l f un ctions s ho uld be integr ated f or co ord in ated m ode
sw itch ing requ ired during st art-up , s hut dow n, & trip s cen arios

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 98 CCC 2009

Loop D eco upling for
m ultiple antisu rg e controlle rs

Tu r b i ne Sec ti o n Sec ti o n
1 2


© 2009 C o m pr ess or C o nt r ols C or po r ati o n

• CCC s ystem s use feed-f orw ard s ig nals betw een a/s co ntrollers
to de cou ple neg ative inter act io ns
• Working in depen dent ly, w he n UIC- 2 ope ns it ’s recycle valve :
- Secti on 2 w ill m ov e aw ay fr om surge
- Secti on 1 w ill be driv en tow ards sur ge
- The rev erse happe ns i f UIC-1 ope ns i t’s v alv e first
• Fee d-forw ar d sign als im pr ove contr ol lo op st abilit y and can
sign ificant ly redu ce req uired surge contr ol m arg ins
**Dec oupli ng si gnal func ti on s houl d be conditional on a/s dev iati on


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 99 CCC 2009

Interacting Antisurge Control Loops


Section 1 Section 2


1 2 1

Disturb ance
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Rc, 1 R Rc, 2 R

2 • The system i s oscillati ng 2

qr,1 qr,2
• Slowing down the
controller tuni ng would
lead to:
- In cre ased risk of sur ge
• Compress or da ma ge
• Process tri ps
- Big ger s urge m arg ins
• Ene rgy w aste

Disturbance comes from the discharge side

P d,2 increases
P s,2 remains constant
Rc,2 increases
Section 2 moves towards surge
Antisurge UIC-2 will open the recycle valve to protect section 2 against surge
P d,2 decreases
P s,2 increases
Rc,2 decreases
Section 2 moves away from surge
Opening of recycle valve on section 2 caused Ps,2 = P d,1 to increase Result:
P d,1 increases
P s,1 remains constant
Rc,1 increases
Section 1 moves towards surge
Antisurge controller UIC-1 will open the recycle valve to protect section 1 against
P d,1 decreases
P s,1 increases
Rc,1 decreases
Section 1 moves away from surge
Opening of recycle valve on section 1 caused Pd,1 = P s,2 to decreaseResult:
P s,2 decreases
P d,2 remain s constant
Rc,2 increases
Section 2 moves towards surge
Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 100 CCC 2009
Loo p D eco u plin g b et w e e n
m ultipl e A ntis urg e Co ntrolle rs

Se c ti o n 1 Se c ti o n 2

UIC Ser ia l UIC Ser ia l PIC

1 n etwo r k 2 n etwo r k 1
© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n

• All CCC contr ollers are con ne cte d o n a ser ial netw ork
• Th is allow s t hem t o co ord in ate t heir co ntro l act io ns
• Whe n UIC- 2 o pens t he re cycle valve :
- Section 2 w ill be pr otected against sur ge
- Section 1 w ill be driv en tow ar ds s ur ge
• How m u ch se ct io n 1 is dr iven tow ar ds s urge de pen ds o n how
m u ch t he re cycle valve o n se ctio n 2 is o pene d
• The o ut pu t of UIC- 2 is se nd t o UIC- 1 to inf orm UIC- 1 abo ut the
dist urb an ce t h at is arriving
• UIC- 1 anticip ates t he dist urb an ce b y im m e diate ly ope nin g its

Note: The sa me a pplies w he n the anti surge v alv e on s ection 1 is opened fi rs t

101 Perform anc e Co ntro l

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 101 CCC 2009

Integrating Multiple
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Limiting Variables


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 102 CCC 2009

Integrating Multiple Limiting Variables

Process limit
Adding control
Maxi mum speed
Surge limit

Power limit
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

Stonewall or
choke limit

Stable zone
of operation
Minimum speed
Actual available
operating zone
Qs, v olu me

Your turbomachinery control system must m ove smoothly in

and out of com pre ssor and driver limits while providing preci se
proce ss control and stability with minimal control margins

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 103 CCC 2009

Power limiting with the
Performance Controller
Power limit
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

N 2N 3
Be nefits:
• Maximum protection
– No machinery damage
Qs, v ol • Maximize production
– Machine ca n be pushed
Note : to the limits without risk
Same approach for other of damage
variables (pressures,
temperatures, etc.)

Primary variable P d
Limiting variab le Power
Compressor operates in point A for R1 at N1
Process resistance changes from R1 to R2
PIC will speed machine up to N2 in order to control pressure P d
Machine hits power limit

Compressor operates in point B for R2 at N2

Process resistance decreases further to R3
PIC would like to speed machine up to N4 and operate in point D
However power limiting loop takes control and controls machine at speed N3

Compressor will operate in point C for R3 at N3

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 104 CCC 2009

Dynamic si mulatio n:
singl e co mpressor



Speed trans mitt er for
indicating purposes
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


only 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Suction 1
Proces s

Ser ial
net wor k

• Compress or is c ontr olled on Pd by PIC-1

• HIC-1 c ontr ols the process load and ca n be use d to create pr ocess
disturba nces
• Contr ollers c omm unicate via seria l c omm unication to c om puter
running the s imulation

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 105 CCC 2009

Maximizing Availability
and Flexibility of
Offshore Compressor
© 2009 C o m pr ess or C o nt r ols C or po r ati o n

Networks -
An Integrated

106 No te: Con ten t s o f this ar ticle a ppeared in Hy drocarb on Engi neering Fe bruary 200 7 is sue .

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 106 CCC 2009

Case Study:
Bayu-U ndan Offshor e Pl atfor m
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

– Proce sse s over 1. 1 billion ft 3/ day wet ga s

– Platform extracts over 115, 000 bpd condensate, propa ne,
butane and produce s over 950 MMS CFD dry na tural ga s
– Pha se 1 achie ving production in 2004 invol ved wetga s
proce ssi ng and dry ga s reinjection
– Pha se 2 achie ving production in 2006 invol ved exporting dry
107 ga s to Darwin LNG

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 107 CCC 2009

The BIG Picture
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


Bayu-Undan is essentially a gas processing complex wit h NGL extraction built

offshore. Gas from wellheads feeds the production separator where heavier
hydrocarbons drop out as liquids. Glycol contactors remove water. The
turboexpander/recompressors (cold process trains) remove condensate. Liquids
from the low temperature separators are cooled and the fed to the 2 nd stage
separator. Light hydrocarbons flash out and are fed to the flash gas
compressors interstage. The flash gas compressors compress light gas from the
fractionators and feeds the gas back to the front end of the process. Dry
natural gas after dehydration and condensate processing is fed to the
reinjection/export compressors for export and/or reinjection back to the

The critical turbomachinery driving the process included the following:

•Two parallel single stage turboexpander recompressors
•Two parallel gas turbine driven two stage compressors
•Three parallel gas turbine driven three stage compressors

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 108 CCC 2009

Expanding the Operating Envelope
Proc ess limit Conv enti onal Contr ol
Adding Limit
control Maximum speed

Power limi t

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Stable zone
of operation
Adv ance d Control
Minimum s peed
Actual av ailable
oper ating zone
Qs, v ol Setpoi nt

• Con ve ntio n al co ntr ol s yste m s b ased o n s im p list ic alg orithm s

• Re qu ires e xtr a con tro l m ar gins s acrificin g com press or perform an ce
• Ad van ce d con tro l s ystem s ut ilize ap plication spe cific alg orit hm s, f ast
h ardw are and r ate of ch ange of fee d f orw ar d s ig n als
• Ad van ce d con tro l s ystem s allow oper at ing closer t o t he lim its w it ho ut
109 sacrif icing reliab ilit y

Typical compressor performance is limited by physical constraints such as maximum

speed, minimum speed, power limit and by process limits. The theoretical map is
further limited after adding control margins. Conventional control systems utilize
simp listic algorithms such as minimum flow with questionable execution times
requiring extra surge control margins. Excessive control margins results reduces the
compressor’s actual availab le operating zone.
Advanced control systems utilize specialized algorithms with deterministic hardware
and the ability to send rate of change of feed forward signals between controllers. As
a result smaller control margins are achievable without sacrificing reliability. Therefore
the setpoint based on a conventional control system can be raised often resulting in
increased production. For example for flare control the advanced control system
setpoint would be higher resulting in minimized flaring.

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 109 CCC 2009

Total Integr ated Appro ach
Co n vention al Ap pro ach Int egrat ed Appr oach
© 2009 C o m pr ess or C o nt r ols C or po r ati o n

• Conventional appr oac h to implement c ompr ess or c ontr ols in O EM s upplied

PL C sy stem, DCS sys tem or in ES D sys tem
• All thr ee har dw are- centric appr oac hes hav e inher ent flaw s that s acr ific e
av ailability of the pr oc ess
• Total integr ated appr oac h w as taken by providing IT CS sy stem f or eac h
serv ic e focus ed on meeting the ov erall perfor manc e contr ol objectiv es of
110 the pr oc ess

PLC’s have been proven to be inadequate for antisurge controls. Wit h different
OEM’s for different machine services the result would be different PLC’s with
different control strategies. This would make integration virutually impossib le.
Utilizing the DCS for antisurge controls has also been proven inadequate. However
success of this approach lies heavily on the DCS engineer’s turbomachinery
The last approach is integrating wit h the ESD system. Although economically
attractive this violates the practice of keeping the basic process control systems and
emergency shutdown systems separate. Process control systems are designed to
keep the plant running while ESD systems are designed to trip the plant. In reality
the ESD system while achieving the desired safety level of the system sacrifices the
process availab ility by causing unnecessary process trips. Often too much focus is
given to control system hardware and not the quality of control. These systems fall
short in adequately integrating antisurge, loadsharing and performance control to
maximize availability of the turbomachinery.
This approach involves determining the overall process control needs wit h respect to
turbomachinery control for all machines. This involves providing an ITCS for each
service focused on meeting the performance control objectives for the process. For
practical purposes the ITCS for both flash gas and reinjection services included the
antisurge and performance control loops while the governor control loops remained
with the OEM.

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 110 CCC 2009

Projec t Exec ution
Project team consi ste d of:
• ConocoP hillips
• TIGA (JV between Fl uor & W orleyParsons)
• Compre ssor OEM’ s Sulzer (S olar GT), GE Rotoflow &
Dre sse r-Ra nd (RR GT)

ITCS Vendor Re sponsibility:

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

• Re view preliminary proce ss control philosophy

• Provide preliminary control system de sign report
• Assi st i n dynami c si mulati on se tup
• Re view preliminary dynami c sim ulation te st re sul ts
• Provide fi nal control syste m de si gn report
• Re view final dynamic simula tion re sults
• Provide fi nal ITCS engi neering ma nual
• Post com mi ssioning recom menda tions


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 111 CCC 2009

ITCS Design Basis
Primary Control Objective s:
• Provide maximum protection for each machine
• Maximize liquids production
• Maintain gas for reinjection/export

Secondary Control Objective s:

• Provide nece ssa ry limiting loops for each machine
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• Balance load between machines providing equal protection

Final Control Elements Available:

• Flash Ga s Compre ssor speed and anti surge valve s
• Turbo expanders inlet guide vane s and JT valve s
• Recom pre ssors anti surge valve s
• Reinjection/export com pre ssors speed and anti surge
valve s


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 112 CCC 2009

Flash Gas ITCS
• Pro vided in variant antisur ge
co ntro l for each st age
• Opt im ized 1 st st age and interstage
pressure co ntro l
• Eq u idist ant t o sur ge lo adsh aring
• Decou plin g betw een antis urge an d
perform ance contr ol lo ops
• Decou plin g betw een antis urge
co ntro l loo ps
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• Lim it in g loo ps


Primary objective of flash gas compressor is to compressor gas from the de-ethaniser
and gas from the 2 nd stage separator. In order to maximize liquids production the
first stage suction pressure and interstage pressure need to be controlled. This can
only be done by using combination of gas turbine speed and antisurge valves.
Challenge in real time is determining which pressure is controlled by speed and the
other by the antisurge valve. Since flow from the de-ethanizer and flow from the 2 nd
stage separator are both very dynamic the need for optimized performance control
was identified. The ITCS system was required to determine this based on efficiency
or in other words minimum recycle.

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 113 CCC 2009

Turboexpander ITCS
• Maint ain prod u ction
separator pressure
• Pre vent in variant
ant isurge contr ol for t he
recom pressor
• Exp ander o verspeed
prevent io n co ntro l
• “ Br ake contr ol” for
overspeed pre vention
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• JT V alve Prep osition in g

• Opt im ized loadsh aring
strateg y
• Decou plin g betw een
ant isurge and
perform ance contr ol
loo ps
• Lim it in g loo ps


To maximize gas feeding cold process trains, production separator pressure is

controlled. Primary objective of the turboexpander/recompressors is to maximize
liquids production. Therefore conventional approach such as split range control
between IGV and JT valve was not acceptable. Advanced control strategies used are
as follows. Overspeed prevention strategy based on on direct control of speed by
firstly acting on the recompressor’s antisurge valve to increase the shaft load and
then closing the IGV if speed continues to increase. JT Valve prepositioning reduces
the severity of expander trips on the process. Upon expander trip, the control
system prepositions the JT valve based on the capacit y equivalent to the the
turboexpander’s throughput immediately before the trip. This strategy keeps the
process online and minimizes temperature excursions in the low temperature
separator and in effect maximizing liquids production. With the loss of one train
triggers the control system to load up the second train. The running train switches
to flow control while the JT valve controls the production separator pressure.

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 114 CCC 2009

Reinjection/Export Operating Modes

E xpander On F CV Mo de A: L oa d Sha rin g S tage 3 (Ex port)
475 MMscf d Mo de B: C ho ke Con tr ol Operati ng P oint

310 barg
Mo de C: Suct ion Pre ss. C ont ro l
400 Mod e B 0 - 400
57. 6 barg

M Mscf d MM scfd S tage 1

Operat ing Point

275 Mod e A P CV
M Mscf d 8212 rpm

Expander On E xport
475 MM scfd 400 - 800 M Mscf d
190 barg
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

275 Mod e A

190 barg
M Mscf d
Inlet V ol. Flow

150 -550 MMscfd
Mode 2 – Low / High / High S peed Norm al E xport Mode

• Tot al 6 o per atin g m o des depe nd in g o n e xpor t g as req u irem ents an d st ate
of u pstream cold pro cess tr ains
• Wit h o ne or m ore e xp an ders dow n, g as o ff s pe c f or e xpor t
• Oper at in g m o des cle arly in d icated nee d f or ant ich oke con tro l
• Oper at in g m o des tr anslate d to 3 define d com press or contr ol m odes
• Sw it ch in g com pressors from o ne m o de t o an other nee de d t o be b um p less
and m inim um u pset to t he pro cess


Over six operating modes were identified depending on whether the upstream
expander/recompressors were online and the export requirements. This required CCC
translate these operating modes into control modes for each individual compressor. The
control modes were defined as below.
Mode A: Participates in a load Sharing scheme based on controlling suction manifold
pressure, applicable when the compressor operates in eit her high speed mode (discharge
pressure = 310 barg), or low speed mode (discharge pressure = 190 barg). One, two or
all three compressors may operate in this mode.
Mode B: Non-loadsharing (stand-alone) choke control scheme, applicable only when the
compressors operate in low speed mode (discharge pressure = 190 barg). One or a
maximum of two export/reinjection compressors may operate in this mode.
Mode C: Non-loadsharing (stand-alone) compressor suction pressure control scheme,
applicable when the compressor operates in low or high speed mode. Only one
compressor at a time may operate in this mode.

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 115 CCC 2009

Rei njec tion/E xpor t IT CS
• Pr o vide in var iant an tis urge co ntro l
for e ach st age
• Ut ilize “sh ared valve” contr ol
strate g y f or antis ur ge contr ol
• Main t ain s u ctio n pressure
• Pr o vide in tegr ate d antich oke contr ol
• Op tim ized lo adsh arin g con tro l
• De cou plin g betw ee n antis urge an d
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

perform an ce con tro l lo ops

• Lim itin g lo ops


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 116 CCC 2009

Total Integrated Approach in Action
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration


All three control systems were integrated with each other by internal controller
communication to allow for feed forward control actions where necessary. One of the
benefits realized by this approach was demonstrated during the design phase, when it
was recognized that the flash gas compressors would potentially run into overload
condition while running at maximum speed due to excessive gas coming from the de-
ethanizer. It was determined that this condit ion could be alleviated by opening the
turboexpander/recompressors’ antisurge valves. Since communication between all ITCS
was originally envisaged to be beneficial, setting this up in the system was not difficult.

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 117 CCC 2009

Feedbac k from the Field
Exp ande r/Re co mpre ss or IT CS

• “T he trains run ve ry we ll in loa dsh aring, flow a nd

pre ss ure control, and both pre ss ure co ntrol. T his
has a flo w e ffe ct of e xce lle nt re cov e rie s. T he
stability of the control has allowe d the plant to
ope rate abov e de sign an d me e t both allocate d
© 200 9 Comp resso r Cont rols Co rpo ration

and stre tch targe ts for v olu me s for the last two
ye ar s.”

Reinje ction/Exp ort IT CS

• “ With the co mpre s sors in e xport mode , this h as

allowe d u s to incre ase furthe r ra w ga s rate s to
the facility me anin g in cre ase d v olu me s. T he
cho ke control mode , disch arge pre ss ure li miting
and a ntisurge pre ssure ov e rride co ntrol fun ctions
all have bee n use d with gre at succe s s.”

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 118 CCC 2009

Bas e Lo adi ng
Para lle l Co mpr essor Co ntro l

Turbin e Compressor 1 Swing


© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Proces s


Compressor 2 loaded

Note: In applications with (2) variable speed mac hines, operators

select desired speed for base-loaded machine

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 119 CCC 2009

Bas e Lo adi ng
Para lle l Co mpr essor Co ntro l
Rc, 1 Com press or 1 Rc, 2 Com press or 2
Swing ma chine Base machine

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Q P, 1 + Q P, 2 = Q P, 1 + Q P, 2
2 2
qr,1 qr,2
Q P,1 Q C,1 Q P,1 Q P,2 Q C,2 = Q P,2
wher e:
QP = Flo w to pro cess
Note s: QC = Total compr esso r flo w
• Base lo adin g is inef ficie nt QC - Q P = Recycle f lo w
• Base lo adin g in cre ases the risk of sur ge sin ce
com press or #1 w ill t ake the w orst of an y d ist urb an ce
• Base lo adin g re qu ires fre que nt o per ator inter vent ion
• Base lo adin g is NOT re com m en ded


Machines operate at same Rc since suction and discharge of both machines are
tied together

Base load one or more compressors and let the other(s) absorb the load

Base machine is fully loaded and runs without recycle

Swing machine can be running with recycle

Load could be re-divided to eliminate recycle

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 120 CCC 2009

Eq uidistant L oads haring
Pa ralle l Co m pressor C o ntrol
Tu r b i n e C o m p re s s or 1


© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n

Proces s

C o m p re s s or 2


• All c ontr olle rs ar e c oor di na ting c ontr ol r es po ns e s on a

re a l-tim e ba sis via digita l c om m unic a tions
• LSI Cs ge t the ir pr oc es s va r ia ble fr om the ir c om pa nio n a /s
c ontr oller a nd the ir s etpoi nt fr om the MPI C

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 121 CCC 2009

Eq uidistant L oads haring
Pa ralle l Co m pressor C o ntrol
Rc, 1 Com press or 1 Rc, 2 Com press or 2
S C L = S ur g e C o n tr o l L i ne D EV = 0
0. 1 0. 1
0. 2
0. 2
0. 3
0. 3

D ev 1 = D ev 2
© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n

Q1 = Q2
N1 = N2
2 2
qr, 1 qr, 2
DE V 1 DE V 2

N ote s :
• Maxim um t urn d ow n (ener g y s avin gs) w ith o ut re cycle or b low - off
• Minim izes t he r isk of s urge sin ce all m ach ines abs orb par t of t he
dist urb an ce
• Auto m atically ad apts t o d ifferent size m achines
• CCC p ate nte d alg orit hm


Machines operate at same Rc since suction and discharge of both machines are tied

The DEV is a dimensionless number representing the distance between the operating
point and the Surge Control Line

Lines of equal DEV can be plotted on the performance curves as shown

Machines are kept at the same relative distance to the Surge Control Line (SCL)

This means in practice the same DEV for both machines

Recycle will only start when all machines are on their SCL

Since DEV is dimensionless all sorts of machines can be mixed: small, big, axials,

The DEV will be the same for all machines but they will operate at different speeds
and flow rates

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 122 CCC 2009

The Pressure Ov erride Control
(POC) respons e
Be nefits PV
• Fast res ponse during fast ups ets PID
• A void process trips due to lack of PV
response in performance c ontrol (One-Sided)
elements SP
• Allows closer operation to
process limits without taking risk DE V f ro m oth e r
load sh aring Aver age Master
cont roll er s Controller
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

An alog Inpu ts

Relief valve Mode
setting DE V DE V DE V
Pri m ar y Load Pri m ar y
PIC-SP PI RT re spo ns e bal ancin g re spo ns e

+ +
Loop Loop
Antisu rge Decoupling Loadsh aring
Controller Decoupling Controller

To antisu rge valve To perform ance

qr control element


When a large disturbance occurs, it can happen that the performance control
element (e.g. speed) is too slow to keep the pressure under control
The operating point rides the curve and the pressure rises sharply
There is a high chance to exceed the relief valve setting and trip the process
The CCC master controller has a Pressure Override Control (POC) mode that will
open the antisurge valve to get the disturbance under control quickly
Opening of the antisurge valve is much faster than a reduction in speed
As soon as the operating point drops under the POC-SP line, the antisurge valves
start to close again
The primary PID loop will stabilize the operating point on the PIC-SP line

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 123 CCC 2009

Dynamic si mulatio n:
par allel co mpr essor s
Compressor 1

UIC Ser ial LS IC Ser ial
1 net wor k 1 net wor k
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

1 1
Compressor 2 Proces s
UIC Ser ial LS IC
2 net wor k 2


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 124 CCC 2009

© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 125 CCC 2009

Steam T urbi ne Co ntr ol Ov ervi ew

• Introduction to Ste am Turbine Controls

• Ev olution of Turbine Controls
• Speed Me asureme nt
• Overspee d Prote ction
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

• Adv ance d Control Algorithm s

• Actuation Sele ction
• Extraction Turbine Controls


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 126 CCC 2009

Steam T urbi ne Cl assific atio ns

• API 611 Ge neral Purpose Turbine s

– T ypically use d for me chanical drive s
– Proce ss pu mps, ID & FD fans, BFP
– Spare d e quip me nt
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

• API 612 Special Purpose turbines

– T ypically use d for critical drive s
– Co mpre ssors, axial blowe rs, BFP
– Critical applications


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 127 CCC 2009

Steam turbine classification by
mechanical design

Conde nsing or ba ck pressure

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 128 CCC 2009

Steam turbine classification
by steam system

Back pr essur e tur bine

• Ste am is e xp an ded to b ack pressure leve l
• Rem ain in g e nerg y in ste am is use d e lsew here
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Low pressure Ot her ste am

steam he ader users


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 129 CCC 2009

Steam turbine classification
by steam system

Conde ns ing turb ine

Ste am is f u lly
expan ded t o
retrieve m axim um
am ou nt of ener g y
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

To condenser


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 130 CCC 2009

Condensing steam turbine
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 131 CCC 2009

Steam turbine classification by
mechanical design

Single e xtra ction/admission

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 132 CCC 2009

Extraction steam turbine
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 133 CCC 2009

Steam turbine classification by
mechanical design

Double e xtra ction/a dmission

V1 V2 V3
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 134 CCC 2009

Hydraulic/ M ec hanic al
Go vernor Li mitatio ns

• Expensive over hauls

• O verhung load on the rotor
• Mechanical wear
• Li mited oper ator int erface
© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n

• Oil considerations


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 135 CCC 2009

Challeng es and op portunities
in steam tur bine co ntrol

• O verspeed is the danger

– Av oidance by the control syste m
– De te ction and trip b y se parate s yste m
© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n

• Electronic controls are superior to hydro-

mechanical controls
– M ore accurate and re pe atable
– Can be inte grate d with othe r controllers
– Be tter ope rator interface s
– Can be re dundant for control, v oting for trip


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 136 CCC 2009

B asi c el e m e nt s of
a Co nt rol Loo p

Control ler c om par es

PV a nd SP a nd de te rm ines
acti on (output)

© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n

Cha nge i n c ontrol

v ariable is m eas ure d

ment Control

Control ele me nt
Processs infl uences pr oces s
to get contr ol v aria ble
back to desi re d lev el
Process c ha nge c aus es
cha nge i n c ontrol v ariable


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 137 CCC 2009

B asi c S p e ed
Co nt rol Lo op El e m e nt s

Spee d contr olle r c ompares

PV a nd SP a nd de te rm ines ac ti on
SI C- 1


S t a t us RUN
A n t is u r g e C o tn ro l re

Au t o

M a n
a l M AN

L m
T tir a ck n
i g
T r a n F lai

Output of SI C
Fa b
l a c k DI SPL AY
Co m E
r r CO UNT


F a u tl
© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n


cha nges

Magne tic
Pick up posi tion of c ontr ol
meas ur es elem ent
spee d c ha nge to mov e s pee d
back to S P
Loa d

Tur bi ne l oa d c ha nges a nd
cause s s pee d to change


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 138 CCC 2009

Break away can
be extremely fast

Steam turb in e Load

Be arin g Lu be Oil Sh aft

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


Hig h Tim e


• Operator or controller ramps open V1

• Steam is admitted to turbine
• Due to high friction between shaft and bearing (no oil film) turbine does not
move yet
• When there is enough steam the machine suddenly breaks away
• Oil film is established and friction reduces
• Machine rapidly accelerates due to low friction
• Operator or PID controller starts to close V1 to avoid overspeed
• Due to slow response of operator or PID controller a significant speed
acceleration occurs
• Overspeed and machine damage can occur

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 139 CCC 2009

Break away control
prevents machine damage

RP M Steam turb in e Load

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Tim e

• Re duced overshoot during breakaw ay of
• Le ss me chanical stre ss on cold m achine
• Reliable and repe atable start up

• CCC speed controller (SIC) keeps V1 closed and the RPM-SP at zero
• The SIC ramps open the V1 valve
• The SIC sets the RPM-SP at the minimum threshold where reliable speed
measurements from the MPU’s is guaranteed
• The V1 valve is never ramped open beyond a configurable threshold
• This avoids excessive speed excursions
• The turbine starts to roll
• This is not detected until the MPU’s give a speed signal to the SIC
• This happens when RPM exceeds RPM-SP threshold
• As soon as RPM exceeds RPM-SP the SIC will close the V1 valve
• This avoids overshoot
• V1 is kept close until RPM< RPM-SP
• When RPM< RPM-SP PID control is enabled
• The machine is accelerated to its first warm-up speed

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 140 CCC 2009

Warm-up schedules
for steam turbines
• OEM provide s war m-up sche dule s for ste a m
• M achine nee ds to be ke pt for certain period on
give n spee d
• T ypically there are 1 or 2 war m-up or idle spe e ds
• Afte r war m-up the ma chine can be loade d
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

RP M OEM warm-up diagram To minimu m


Idle 2

Idle 1

War m -up War m -up Ti me

ti me 1 ti me 2

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 141 CCC 2009

Auto m atic control of idle spe eds

• Spee d controlle r automatically ramps turbine to

Idle 1 and Idle 2
• M achine acce lerate s or de cele rate s at configurable
ra mp rate s
• Ramp s can be aborte d and re sume d at any time
• Auto Se que ncing base d on Hot and Cold Ramp
Profile s
© 2009 C o m pr ess or C o nt r ols C or po r ati o n

To minimum
RPM OEM w ar m -up dia gr a m governor

Idle 2

Idle 1

Wa rm -up Wa rm -up Time

time 1 time 2

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 142 CCC 2009

Benefits of auto matic w ar m- up

• Due to closed loop control, machine is
kept on war m-up speed even when
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

steam conditions change

• Operator can focus on other parts of
the plant during startup
• Reliable and repeatable startup --
operator independent
• Allows for remote starting from DCS


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 143 CCC 2009

Critical sp eed av oid ance
• Critical spee d r ange low and high values are co nfigure d
• RPM - SP cann ot be set in th is r ange
• As s o on as RPM - SP goes ab o ve Nc r itic al ,l o w t he co ntro ller r am ps RPM-
SP t o Nc r itic al . hi g h b ase d o n con figur able ram p rate
• Machine acce lerates t o ot her side of crit ical s pee d r ange d ue t o
ope nin g of V 1 ste am valve
• Different r am p r ates can be con figure d
© 2009 C o m pr e ss o r C o nt r ol s C o r po r ati o n

Ncri tical ,hi g h
Cr itic al S p ee d Ra n g e
Ncri tical ,lo w

Ti me

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 144 CCC 2009

Avoidi ng critical sp eed
damag e d uring lac k of steam
• RPM - SP is r am ped thr u Ncr itical,high
• Contr oller ope ns V 1 t o acce lerate t urb ine t o Ncritical,high
• Wit h V 1 100% o pe n m achine does n ot re ach Ncr itical,high w it hin
predeterm ine d t im e t 1 d ue t o lack of ste am pressure an d/or f low
• Contr oller r am ps dow n RPM- SP to Ncr itical,lo w
• Machine de celer ates to Ncritical,lo w
• Machine d am age is avoided
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Ncri tical ,hi g h
Critical Sp eed Range
Ncri tical ,lo w

Ti me


0% Ti me

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 145 CCC 2009

Start-up Seq uenci ng

Act u at or Posit ion

Maximum Gov ernor

Speed Set Point

Closed loop
pressur e contro l

Rated Local SP
Minimu m Governor
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Idle 2 sequ ence end s

Idle 2
Ramp rat e chan ges at Id le 2
Set Point “jumps” critical speed rang e Range 2

Set Point “jumps” critical speed rang e Range 1

Idle 1 sequ ence end s Idle 1

Minimu m

Start-up abort s without valid

speed input

Tim e


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 146 CCC 2009

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 147 CCC 2009

Extraction turbine.
Horsepower relationships
• Tot al h orsepow er = HP horsep ow er + L P h orsepow er
• At const ant speed :
Tot al de velo ped h orsepow er = T ot al cons um ed horsep ow er

V1 V2
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

HP section LP section L OAD

HP horsepower LP horsepower LO AD

Total developed Total consumed

horsepower horsepower


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 148 CCC 2009

Extraction turbine.
Horsepower valve interaction
• Ho rsep ow er dem an d in cre ases
• In let valve ope ns t o s u pp ly add it io n al p ow er
• Extr act io n valve o pens to keep e xtr action const ant

V1 V2
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 149 CCC 2009

Extraction turbine.
Flow relationships
Inlet Steam Flow = Extract io n Flow + Exh aust Flow
Qin = Qext r act + Q exh au st

V1 V2
Q in
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration


Q extract Q exhau st


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 150 CCC 2009

Extraction turbine.
Extraction flow valve interaction
• Extraction dema nd increases
• Extraction valve c loses to s upply additiona l extraction steam
• Inlet valve ope ns to kee p delivered power to the load consta nt

V1 V2
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 151 CCC 2009

Extr actio n map
Maxi mum Horsepower Inle t S tea m
lev el of limit fl ow li mit
Inlet stea m extr action
0 %
=1 0 Stea m flow limit
Mini m um c ti on f
lev el of E xtr Maxi mum
exha us t lev el

10 0%
fl ow of ex ha us t

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

fl ow

fl ow=

fl ow=
zone of

us t

us t
operationfl ow
Horse pow er

on limi t
c ti
t ex tr a
s tan
Q in V1 V2 C on
Mini m um
=0 %
low lev el of
on f
a cti extr action
E xtr

Q extr ac t Q exha us t
delivered to load


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 152 CCC 2009

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n



Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 153 CCC 2009

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

Control Optimization


Animate Ethylene slides.

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 154 CCC 2009

PRT Configuration
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 155 CCC 2009

Response from
a Conventional System
on Breaker Disconnect
while generating 15 MW
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 156 CCC 2009

Response from
CCC's Integrated Control System
on Breaker Disconnect
while generating 15 MW
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 157 CCC 2009

FCCU Wet Gas Compressor
Sou th Am erican Refinery
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 158 CCC 2009

Probl ems

• We t gas com pre ssor operating with

constant re cy cle at constant spee d

• Re cycle use d to control suction pre ssure

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

• Suction pre ssure control operating higher

than de sire d


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 159 CCC 2009

Potential Energy Savings
• Base d on the supplie d powe r curve s, the
approxi mate horse power re quire d for the giv en
existing proce ss flows are :
– HP = 2800 Stage One
– HP = 2800 Stage Two
– HP Total = 5600
– kW Total = 4176
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

• The e stimate d power re quire me nts with reduce d

re cycle and the calculate d proce ss flows are :
– HP = 2540 Stage One
– HP = 2500 Stage Two
– HP Total = 5040
– kW Total = 3758
• The re sulting power savings due to re duce d re cycle
– ΔHP = 2800 – 2540 = 260 HP
– ΔHP = 2800 – 2500 = 300 HP
– ΔHP = 260 HP + 300 HP = 560 HP


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 160 CCC 2009

Potential Energy Savings
• Converting HP to kW whe re 1kW = 1.341022 HP
re sults in:
– ΔP = 418 kW
• Annual Estimate d Ene rgy Sav ings
– Steam Cost i s 8. 87R$/ton
– Usi ng steam curve s supplied, assuming constant slope
© 2009 Compressor Cont rols Corpo ration

extraction line s
• Fro m e xtraction map, 418 k W e quate s to 4T/h of
ste am.
• There fore , e nergy savings e qual:

4.0 T/h x 8.87 R$/ton x 8760 h/yr =

= 310,800 R$/year

Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 161 CCC 2009

1st Stage

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

W process = 59 .08 T/h


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 162 CCC 2009

2 nd Stage

© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

W process = 53 .37 T/h


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 163 CCC 2009

Extra ction Ma p
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 164 CCC 2009

Prod uctio n I ncreas e?
• It is believe d that a de crease in suction
pre ssure on the wet gas com pressor w ill
lead to an incre ase in production. By
operating w ith a sm alle r surge control
margin due to im prove d control, a higher
com pre ssion ratio can be achieve d at the
same spee d. Assuming a constant
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

discharge pre ssure, the com pression ratio

can be increase d by lowering the suction
pre ssure .
• From the 1st stage compre ssor m ap, the
curre nt com pre ssion ratio is 3.33. Allow ing
the ope rating point to ope rate at the same
speed curve w ith the new surge control line
results in a new com pre ssion ratio of 3.63.


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 165 CCC 2009

Production Increase?
• Ps, min gauge = 1.69 – 1.01325 = 0.68
• Possible Se t Point Re duction
• 0.89869 – 0.68 = 0.22 kg/cm 2
• Lowering suction pre ssure on fractionator
colum n de crease s discharge re sistance to
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

FCCU air blower pote ntially incre asing mass

flow of air


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 166 CCC 2009

Thanks for your time & attention!
© 2009 Comp resso r Cont rols Corpo ratio n

*Ple ase do not he sitate to contact

CCC for any of your turbom achine ry
control sy ste m needs


Challenges & Opportunities in Turbomachinery Control 167 CCC 2009

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