Insurance Management System
Insurance Management System
Insurance Management System
Team members:
Manavi J. Kamble (174022)
Tanaya M. Shekatkar (174046)
Gauri G. Shivsharan (174049)
Insurance management system is a process of organizing a
professional and focused on health and life policies. For all needed people .it
involves Health and life insurance policies of different companies like LIC,
Bajaj, Kothak, etc. for managing the policy, we have to arrange the all services
personally. And this is very consuming, the main aim to this project to save the
management time. Its Secure also.
The main purpose of life Insurance Management System project is to estimate
some important statistics of Micro insurance is the current market of India by
gathering and analysing and analysing data which is available. The statistics
will be useful to prepare better insurance plans to boost up the life insurance in
Problem Statement:
The project is focused on Insurance Management
System, which shows information about different insurance companies,
Customers, Policies, Claim Handling and other related concepts, such as Claim,
Premium, and different kinds of Insurance policies.
Front End:
For the front end, we will be using:
To make it more dynamic, we added CSS/Query and Bootstrap to it.
Back End
At the back end, we will be using :
Hardware Requirements:
Processor: Pentium IV and Above
Monitor: 15” Colour Monitor
Software Requirements:
Operating System.: Windows 10
Developing Tool: Visual Basic Editor
Database: MySQL
Project Flow:
Produce user friendly interface: To make easy record management user
interface should be very simple and easy to handle.
Generate quick reports: In the existing system it takes a long time to
generate any reports. So, this is also an objective of new system to
generate quick reports.
Keep data secure: Data security was a big issue in the old system. All
insurance data is recorded on paper so there is big chance of data loss in
case of physical damage. So, the third objective is to provide data
The developed system is applicable to only MIRC to provide online
services to its member organizations. the need of insurance Management
System is in demand almost.
In very aspect, from professional to personal, insurance management
Need now a days. It provides secured login and password feature. User
can be benefitted from the system, as it is designed to be user friendly. It
has simplest from communication.
1. The system proposed by us, is simple website build for basic
needs for user of it.
2. Even user have their health and life insurance policy.
3. The user can be able to contact personally.
4. This way both of them can have interaction.
5. This saves a lot of time of user.
6. User can see the gallery of recent conducted events and there
are many policies according to user income.
Application Domain:
Web Application.