POWER2016-59259: Numerical Modeling of Liquid-To-Vapor Phase Change in Porous Medium Under Solar Heat Localization
POWER2016-59259: Numerical Modeling of Liquid-To-Vapor Phase Change in Porous Medium Under Solar Heat Localization
POWER2016-59259: Numerical Modeling of Liquid-To-Vapor Phase Change in Porous Medium Under Solar Heat Localization
June 26-30, 2016, Charlotte, North Carolina
Department of Mechanical
Tennessee Tech University
ABSTRACT solving the governing equations. The mass transfer along with
the fluid flow and heat transfer then solved. The simulations
Evaporation process is a crucial part of many fundamental were done under different conditions including the hour
industrials and medicals process. This paper numerically model distribution of irradiation in an average summer day and winter
a novel method of steam generation and enhanced evaporation day to estimate steam generation rate. Produced vapor were from
using solar thermal energy. In this model, a capillary-raised fluid 13.96 kg/m2 to 18.95 kg/m2 in typical summer and winter days,
flows through a porous medium under localized heating respectively. The results show a temperature changes between
condition, and the phase change from liquid to vapor at the 26.9°C and 54.4 °C. Development of the 3D numerical model
liquid-vapor interface occurs. The hydrophilic porous material and its implementation in existing data facilitates better
facilitates the capillary forces for better transportation of the bulk understanding of the transport phenomena through the porous
water through the porous media to the surface of porous media media.
where the absorbed solar energy deliver to the amount of water
inside the pores. The high capillary force due to the micro size INTRODUCTION
inter connected pores inside the medium will rise the fluid from
the cold bulk reservoir and the highly concentrated solar Despite progress in harvesting available renewable energy
radiation focused inside the medium will evaporates the liquid sources for industrial applications, the solar energy harvesting
very effectively. Based on this approach, the absorbed solar and utilization require significant improvement in terms of
energy is delivered into the specific small pores of porous media technical, durability, controls and cost [1]. Solar radiation can be
that initiate the localized evaporation process. The steam utilized to generated steam or vapor for many residential and
generated from this economical technique could be used greatly industrial applications including power generation, desalination,
for thermal solar desalinations process, sterilization process, etc. sterilization, and water purification [2-4]. The traditional
A CAD model of such porous media was developed using methods to generate steam from solar energy include the use of
SolidWorks package. The mesh will be generated on the CAD a solar absorber that gains the thermal energy from the sun
file and the model was imported into the ANSYS Fluent for radiation and a secondary loop of a fluid transfer this heat into a
Corresponding Author: Ehsan Languri, ELanguri@tntech.edu, (931) 372-6790.
Figure 1: Geometry and principle of the model. Using face meshing and inflation techniques, the created
geometry was meshed with 96223 nodes and 86064 elements,
(𝑇𝑙 −𝑇𝑠𝑎𝑡 )
𝑚̇𝑙𝑣 = Φ ∙ 𝛼𝑙 𝜌𝑙 (2) Figure 2.