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Computer Science

Code No. 083
1. Learning Outcomes
Ability to understand and apply basic computational thinking.
Ability to understand the notion of data types and data
structures and apply in different situations.
Ability to appreciate the notion of an algorithm and apply its
structure including how algorithms handle corner cases.
Ability to develop a basic understanding of computer systems -
architecture, operating system, mobile and cloud computing.
Ability to work in the cyber world with understanding of cyber
ethics, cyber safety and cybercrime
Ability to make use the value of technology in societies, gender and
disability issues and the technology behind biometric ids.

2. Distribution of Marks

Unit Unit Name Theory Periods

Marks Theory Practical

I Computer Systems and Organisation 10 10 10

II Computational Thinking and Programming - 1 45 80 60
III Society, Law and Ethics 15 20 ----
Total 70 110 70

Unit I: Computer Systems and Organisation

● Basic computer organisation: description of a computer system

and mobile system, CPU, memory, hard disk, I/O, battery.
● Types of software: Application software, System software and
Utility software.
● Memory Units: bit, byte, MB, GB, TB, and PB.
● Boolean logic: NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, NOT, truth tables
and De Morgan’s laws, Logic circuits
● Number System: numbers in base 2, 8, 16 and binary addition.
● Encoding Schemes: ASCII, UTF8, UTF32, ISCII and Unicode.
● Concept of Compiler and Interpreter
● Operating System (OS) - need for an operating system, brief
introduction to functions of OS, user interface
● Concept of cloud computing and cloud services (SaaS,IaaS,PaaS),
cloud (public/private), Blockchain technology

Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming - 1

Introduction to Problem solving: Problem solving cycle - Analysing a

problem, designing algorithms and representation of algorithm using
flowchart and pseudo-code.

Decomposition - concept, need for decomposing a problem, examples of

problem solving using decomposition.

Familiarization with the basics of Python programming: a simple “hello world"

program, the process of writing a program (Interactive & Script mode), running it
and print statements; simple data-types: integer, float and string.

● Features of Python, Python Character Set, Token & Identifiers,

Keywords, Literals, Delimiters, Operators.
● Comments: (Single line & Multiline/ Continuation statements), Clarity &
Simplification of expression
● Introduce the notion of a variable and methods to manipulate it
(concept of L-value and R-value even if not taught explicitly).
● Knowledge of data types and operators: accepting input from the console,
assignment statement, expressions, operators and their precedence.
● Operators & types: Binary operators-Arithmetic, Relational Operators,
Logical Operators, Augmented Assignment Operators.
● Execution of a program, errors- syntax error, run-time error and logical
● Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else; simple programs: e.g.:
absolute value, sort 3 numbers and divisibility of a number.
● Notion of iterative computation and control flow: for(range(),len()), while,
using flowcharts, suggested programs: calculation of simple and
compound interests, finding the factorial of a positive number etc.
● Strings: Traversal, operations – concatenation, repetition, membership;
functions/methods–len(), capitalize(), title(), upper(), lower(), count(), find(),
index(), isalnum(), islower(), isupper(), isspace(), isalpha(), isdigit(), split(),
partition(), strip(), lstrip(), rstrip(), replace(); String slicing.
● Lists: Definition, Creation of a list, Traversal of a list. Operations on a list -
concatenation, repetition, membership; functions/methods–len(), list(),
append(), extend(), insert(), count(), index(), remove(), pop(), reverse(),
sort(), min(), max(), sum(); Lists Slicing; Nested lists; finding the maximum,
minimum, mean of numeric values stored in a list; linear search on list of
numbers and counting the frequency of elements in a list.
● Tuples: Definition, Creation of a Tuple, Traversal of a tuple. Operations
on a tuple - concatenation, repetition, membership; functions/methods
– len(), tuple(), count(), index(), sorted(), min(), max(), sum(); Nested
tuple; Tuple slicing; finding the minimum, maximum, mean of values
stored in a tuple; linear search on a tuple of numbers, counting the
frequency of elements in a tuple.
● Dictionary: Definition, Creation, Accessing elements of a dictionary, add an
item, modify an item in a dictionary; Traversal, functions/methods – len(),
dict(), keys(), values(), items(), get(), update(), del(), del, clear(), fromkeys(),
copy(), pop(), popitem(), setdefault(), max(), min(), count(), sorted() copy();
Suggested programs : count the number of times a character appears in a
given string using a dictionary, create a dictionary with names of
employees, their salary and access them.
● Sorting algorithm: bubble and insertion sort; count the number of
operations while sorting.
● Introduction to Python modules: Importing math module (pi, e, sqrt, ceil,
floor, pow, fabs, sin, cos, tan); random module (random, randint,
randrange), statistics module (mean, median, mode).

Unit III: Society, Law and Ethics

● Cyber safety: safely browsing the web, identity protection,

confidentiality, social networks, cyber trolls and bullying.
● Appropriate usage of social networks: spread of rumours, and common
social networking sites (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) and specific
usage rules.
● Safely accessing web sites: adware, malware, viruses, trojans
● Safely communicating data: secure connections, eavesdropping,
phishing and identity verification.
● Intellectual property rights, plagiarism, digital rights management, and
licensing (Creative Commons, GPL and Apache), open source, open
data, privacy.
● Privacy laws, fraud; cyber-crime- phishing, illegal downloads, child
pornography, scams; cyber forensics, IT Act, 2000.
● Technology and society:
● understanding of societal issues and cultural changes induced
by technology.
● E-waste management: proper disposal of used electronic gadgets.

● Identity theft, unique ids and biometrics.
● Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers.

3. Practical

S.No. Area Marks


1. Lab Test (12 marks)

Python program (60% logic + 20% documentation + 20% code 12

2. Report File + Viva (10 marks)

Report file: Minimum 20 Python programs 7
Viva voce 3
3. Project (8 marks)
(that uses most of the concepts that have been learnt See CS-XII for the
rules regarding the projects)

4. Suggested Practical List

Python Programming

● Input a welcome message and display it.

● Input two numbers and display the larger / smaller number.
● Input three numbers and display the largest / smallest number.
● Given two integers x and n, compute .
● Write a program to input the value of x and n and print the sum of the
following series:
1+x+x +x +x +.............x
2 3 4 n

1-x+x -x +x -.............x x
2 3 4 n

+ x - x + x - .............x
2 3 4 n

2 3 4 n
x + x - x + x - .............x
2 3 4 n

2! 3! 4! n!

● Determine whether a number is a perfect number, an armstrong number or a
● Input a number and check if the number is a prime or composite number.
● Display the terms of a Fibonacci series.
● Compute the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of two
● Count and display the number of vowels, consonants, uppercase, lowercase
characters in string.
● Input a string and determine whether it is a palindrome or not; convert the
case of characters in a string.
● Find the largest/smallest number in a list/tuple
● Input a list of numbers and swap elements at the even location with the
elements at the odd location.
● Input a list of elements, sort in ascending/descending order using
Bubble/Insertion sort.
● Input a list/tuple of elements, search for a given element in the list/tuple.
● Input a list of numbers and test if a number is equal to the sum of the cubes
of its digits. Find the smallest and largest such number from the given list of
● Create a dictionary with the roll number, name and marks of n students in a
class and display the names of students who have marks above 75.

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