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TCDS EASA ARTOUSTE III Issue 02 - 20160108 - 1.0

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TCDS No.: E.

091 Safran Helicopter Engines

Issue: 02 ARTOUSTE III Date: 01 August 2016


No. E.091


Type Certificate Holder

Safran Helicopter Engines

64510 Bordes

For Models:


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An agency of the European Union

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TCDS No.: E.091 Safran Helicopter Engines
Issue: 02 ARTOUSTE III Date: 01 August 2016


I. General............................................................................................................................................4
1. Type/Models: .............................................................................................................................4
2. Type Certificate Holder: .............................................................................................................4
3. Manufacturer: ............................................................................................................................4
4. DGAC/EASA Certification Application Date: ...............................................................................4
5. DGAC/EASA Certification Reference Date: .................................................................................4
6. DGAC/EASA Certification Date: ..................................................................................................4
II. Certification Basis...........................................................................................................................5
1. Certification Specifications: ........................................................................................................5
2. Special Conditions: .....................................................................................................................5
3. Deviations: .................................................................................................................................5
4. Equivalent Safety Findings: ........................................................................................................5
5. Environmental Protection Requirements: ..................................................................................5
III. Technical Characteristics ...............................................................................................................5
1. Type Design Definition: ..............................................................................................................5
2. Description: ................................................................................................................................5
3. Equipment:.................................................................................................................................6
4. Dimensions: ...............................................................................................................................6
5. Dry Weight: ................................................................................................................................6
6. Ratings: ......................................................................................................................................6
7. Control System: ..........................................................................................................................6
8. Fluids (Fuel/Oil/Additives): ........................................................................................................7
8.1 Fuel ........................................................................................................................................... 7
8.2 Oil .............................................................................................................................................. 7
9. Aircraft Accessory Drives:...........................................................................................................7
10. Bleed Extraction: ......................................................................................................................7
IV. Operational Limitations ................................................................................................................7
1. Temperature Limits: ...................................................................................................................7
1.1 Exhaust Temperature (T4) Limits.............................................................................................. 7
1.2 Fuel Temperature ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Oil Temperature........................................................................................................................ 7
2. Maximum/Minimum Speeds: .................................................................................................... 8
3. Pressure Limits: .......................................................................................................................... 8
4. Installation Assumptions: .......................................................................................................... 8
5. Time Limited Dispatch: .............................................................................................................. 8
V. Operational and Service Instructions .............................................................................................8
VI. Notes ............................................................................................................................................8
SECTION: ADMINISTRATIVE................................................................................................................9
I. Acronyms and Abbreviations ..........................................................................................................9
II. Type Certificate Holder Record ......................................................................................................9
III. Change Record ..........................................................................................................................9

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An agency of the European Union

TCDS No.: E.091 Safran Helicopter Engines
Issue: 02 ARTOUSTE III Date 01 August 2016

I. General

1. Type/Models:

ARTOUSTE III B, ARTOUSTE III B1, ARTOUSTE III D. These Models are approved for use on single-
engine civil rotorcraft at the ratings and within the operating limitations specified below, subject to
compliance with the powerplant installation requirements appropriate to approved installations.

Except where otherwise noted, data applies to all models.

2. Type Certificate Holder:

Safran Helicopter Engines

64510 Bordes
DOA-ref: EASA.21J.070

Until 18 July 2016 Turbomeca

After 18 July 2016 Safran Helicopter Engines

3. Manufacturer:

Until 18 July 2016 Turbomeca

After 18 July 2016 Safran Helicopter Engines

4. DGAC/EASA Certification Application Date:

Not identified (before 19 August 1957)

5. DGAC/EASA Certification Reference Date:

ARTOUSTE III B 19 August 1957

ARTOUSTE III B1 19 August 1957
ARTOUSTE III D 30 June 1969

6. DGAC/EASA Certification Date:

ARTOUSTE III B 15 December 1961

ARTOUSTE III B1 25 May 1982
ARTOUSTE III D 14 May 1971

Note: The present data sheet cancels and replaces the data sheet “Fiche de caractéristiques
moteur N° M12” issued by the French Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile (DGAC).

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An agency of the European Union

TCDS No.: E.091 Safran Helicopter Engines
Issue: 02 ARTOUSTE III Date 01 August 2016

II. Certification Basis

1. Certification Specifications:

ARTOUSTE III B Air 2051, dated 19 August 1957

ARTOUSTE III B1 Air 2051, dated 19 August 1957
ARTOUSTE III D General Technical Conditions CTG 001, dated 30 June 1969

Note: Air 2051 was issued by the Direction Technique et Industrielle of the French Ministry of
Defence and was based on Part 13 of the Civil Air Regulations of the USA. CTG 001 was issued
by the DGAC and was based on Section C of the British Civil Airworthiness Requirements.

2. Special Conditions:


3. Deviations:


4. Equivalent Safety Findings:


5. Environmental Protection Requirements:

Fuel Venting per ICAO Annex 16, Volume II, Amendment 6, dated 20 November 2008, Part 2, Chapter

III. Technical Characteristics

1. Type Design Definition:

The Type Design Definition is in accordance with the following Safran Helicopter Engines Drawings.

Bare Engine Parts List Fuel Control Equipment Engine Equipment list
ARTOUSTE III B 0 218 00 000 0 0 218 00 000 0 0 202 12 000 0
ARTOUSTE III B1 0 218 04 000 0 0 218 04 000 0 0 202 12 000 0
ARTOUSTE III D 0 218 01 000 0 0 218 92 501 0 0 218 85 501 0

2. Description:

The ARTOUSTE III B, ARTOUSTE III B1 and ARTOUSTE III D are turboshaft engines with one single-
stage axial compressor, one single-stage centrifugal compressor, an annular combustion chamber

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TCDS No.: E.091 Safran Helicopter Engines
Issue: 02 ARTOUSTE III Date 01 August 2016

with a centrifugal fuel injection wheel and a three-stage axial turbine. A co-axial reduction gearbox
provides a drive for a splined transmission shaft to the helicopter main gear box.

3. Equipment:

All equipment required for engine operation is included in the engine Type Design Definition. For
additional details, refer to the applicable Installation and Operation Manuals.

4. Dimensions:

Length (mm) Height (mm) Width (mm)

ARTOUSTE III B 1 815 667 520
ARTOUSTE III B1 1 815 667 520
ARTOUSTE III D 1 815 627 555

5. Dry Weight:

Dry weight (completely equipped): 178 kg (± 3 kg)

6. Ratings:

Rated shaft power in kW(1)

Take Off Maximum Continuous


(1) Values defined under the following conditions:

- static, sea level standard day conditions (15 °C, 1 013 mbar);
- on the engine test bed with “Froude” brake system;
- with the air bleed ports closed;
- with no accessory power extraction;
- with calibrated SAFRAN HELICOPTER ENGINES air intake duct P/N 6 201 63 702;
- with straight short SAFRAN HELICOPTER ENGINES exhaust pipe, having an outlet diameter of
348 mm.

Performance curves are available in the applicable Operation Manual.

7. Control System:

The ARTOUSTE III engines have a hydromechanical control system.

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An agency of the European Union

TCDS No.: E.091 Safran Helicopter Engines
Issue: 02 ARTOUSTE III Date 01 August 2016

8. Fluids (Fuel/Oil/Additives):

8.1 Fuel

For a list of fuels and fuel additives approved for use in each variant, consult the applicable Operation

8.2 Oil

For a list of oils approved for use in each variant, consult the applicable Operation Manual.

9. Aircraft Accessory Drives:


10. Bleed Extraction:

Limitations on the use of air bleed are defined in the applicable Operation Manual.

Maximum bleed air temperature: 280 °C

Maximum bleed air pressure: 520 kPa
Maximum bleed air flow rate: 170 g/s

IV. Operational Limitations

1. Temperature Limits:

1.1 Exhaust Temperature (T4) Limits

Starting: 630 °C
Take-off (stabilised): 550 °C
Maximum Continuous: 500 °C
Maximum residual before starting: 150 °C

1.2 Fuel Temperature

Refer to the applicable Operation Manual for details.

1.3 Oil Temperature

Minimum for starting: Refer to the applicable Operation Manual for details
Minimum for engine loading: + 0°C
Maximum in operation: + 85°C

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An agency of the European Union

TCDS No.: E.091 Safran Helicopter Engines
Issue: 02 ARTOUSTE III Date 01 August 2016

2. Maximum/Minimum Speeds:

Steady state, Transient Maximum permissible Nominal

normal over-speed output shaft
operating (limited to 10 s) speed
conditions rpm rpm rpm
ARTOUSTE III B 33 500 ± 200 33 500 ± 1 000 35 500 5 773
ARTOUSTE III B1 33 500 ± 200 33 500 ± 1 000 35 500 5 773
ARTOUSTE III D 33 500 ± 200 33 500 ± 1 000 35 500 5 864

3. Pressure Limits:

3.1 Fuel Pressure

Pressure (gauge) at engine inlet for starting: +30 to +80 kPa

Pressure (gauge) at engine inlet in operation: -30 to +120 kPa

3.2 Oil Pressure

Operating range (gauge): 110 to 500 kPa

4. Installation Assumptions:

Refer to the applicable Installation Manual.

5. Time Limited Dispatch:

Not applicable to engines with hydromechanical controls.

V. Operational and Service Instructions

Installation Manual Operation Manual Maintenance Manual Overhaul Manual

218 01 933 218 00 940 218 00 935 218 00 936

For Service Letters and Service Bulletins, refer to the SL and SB directory.

VI. Notes

1. Life-limited engine components are listed in Chapter 5 of the applicable Maintenance and
Overhaul Manuals.

2. Conversion from non-civil use:

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TCDS No.: E.091 Safran Helicopter Engines
Issue: 02 ARTOUSTE III Date 01 August 2016

This note is applicable to the following cases:

Case 1: ARTOUSTE III B, ARTOUSTE III B1 or ARTOUSTE III D engines originally assembled by Safran
Helicopter Engines may have been in service with military, customs, police or other
operators not under the jurisdiction of a civil Authority.

Case 2: ARTOUSTE III B or ARTOUSTE III B1 engines can be created by converting ARTOUSTE III BF
or ARTOUSTE III BF1 engines. The ARTOUSTE III BF and ARTOUSTE III BF1 are military

The compliance of Case 1 and Case 2 engines with the European rules enabling issuance
of an aircraft standard certificate of airworthiness must be checked. Their configuration,
including design changes and repairs, does not necessarily conform to the type definition
approved by EASA, and it is possible that in operation they have exceeded the limits
approved by EASA. Before a standard certificate of airworthiness is issued to an aircraft in
which a Case 1 or Case 2 ARTOUSTE III B, ARTOUSTE III B1, ARTOUSTE III D turboshaft
engine is installed, an EASA Form 1 must be issued for the engine. This requires
incorporation of Safran Helicopter Engines Alert Service Bulletin A218 72 0094, Version E
(or any subsequent approved issue) for Case 1 engines, and Alert Service Bulletin A218 72
0804, Original Issue (or any subsequent approved issue) for Case 2 engines.


I. Acronyms and Abbreviations


II. Type Certificate Holder Record

Until 18 July 2016 Turbomeca

After 18 July 2016 Safran Helicopter Engines

III. Change Record

Issue Date Changes TC issue

Issue 01 14 December 2010 Initial issue 14 December
Issue 02 01 August 2016 Name change from Turbomeca to Safran 01 August 2016
Helicopter Engines


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Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet.

An agency of the European Union

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