Aircraft Accident Investigation Report: Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd. H L 7 5 3 4
Aircraft Accident Investigation Report: Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd. H L 7 5 3 4
Aircraft Accident Investigation Report: Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd. H L 7 5 3 4
Kazuhiro Nakahashi
Japan Transport Safety Board
This report is a translation of the Japanese original investigation report. The text in Japanese shall
prevail in the interpretation of the report.
AT AROUND 12:38 JST, MAY 27, 2016
July 6, 2018
Adapted by the Japan Transport Safety Board
Chairman Kazuhiro Nakahashi
Member Toru Miyashita
Member Toshiyuki Ishikawa
Member Yuichi Marui
Member Keiji Tanaka
Member Miwa Nakanishi
Probable Causes
It is highly probable that the causes of this accident were the fracture of the high
pressure turbine (HPT) disk of the No.1 (left-side) engine during the takeoff ground roll
of the HL7534, the penetration of the fragment through the engine case and the
occurrence of subsequent fires.
Regarding the cause for the 1st stage HPT disk to be fractured, it is probable that a
step was machined exceeding the allowable limit when machining U-shaped groove on
the aft side of the 1st stage HPT disk to manufacture the engine and from this step the
low-cycle fatigue cracks were initiated and propagated during running of engine.
Regarding why the step could not be found, it is somewhat likely that defects failed
to be detected at the time of the inspection by the manufacturer during the production
process. And as for the cracks that were not found, it is somewhat likely that those cracks
failed to be detected at non-destructive inspection on the disk by the Korean Airlines Co.,
Ltd , at the time of maintenance of the engine in use.
Regarding the fire breakout from the No.1 engine, it is probable that due to the
impact forces generated by the release of the fragment from the ruptured rim part of the
1st stage HPT disk through the engine case and the engine rundown loads generated
when the engine stopped suddenly, the cracks were developed in the outer case of the
Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger and the fuel and engine oil leaking through these cracks
contacted the hot area of engine case of the No.1 engine to be ignited.
Abbreviations used in this report are as follows:
Table of contents ( i )
2.12.1 Emergency System at Airport when Aircraft Accident occurred ....... 25
2.12.2 History of Firefighting ......................................................................... 26
2.13 Information on Rescue and Evacuation Guidance ............................... 26
2.13.1 Rescue and Evacuation Guidance By Airport Fire Station Staff....... 26
2.14 Information on Tests and Researches .................................................. 27
2.14.1 Investigation of the Engine ................................................................. 27
2.14.2 Emergency Evacuation Slide ............................................................... 32
2.15 Information of Organization and Management.................................... 36
2.15.1 Operation Manual and rules of the Company .................................... 36
2.15.2 Emergency Evacuation Training of Flight Crew ................................ 40
2.15.3 How to inform the emergency evacuation of the Company to all
passengers ....................................................................................................... 40
2.16 Additional Information ...................................................................... 41
2.16.1 Fire Extinguishing System of the Aircraft ....................................... 41
3. ANALYSIS ............................................................................... 42
3.1 Qualification of Personnel ...................................................................... 42
3.2 Aircraft Airworthiness Certificate ......................................................... 42
3.3 Relations to the Meteorological Conditions............................................ 42
3.4 Fracture of the 1st stage HPT Disk ........................................................ 42
3.4.1 Factor to initiate a step at U-shaped groove ........................................ 42
3.4.2 Causes to initiate Cracks ....................................................................... 43
3.4.3 Causes to fracture .................................................................................. 44
3.4.4 Causes to fail to find a step in U-shaped grooves ................................. 44
3.4.5 Causes to fail to discover cracks propagating from U-shaped grooves 45
3.5 Damage of the No.1 Engine ................................................................... 46
3.5.1 Damage of the HPT Case....................................................................... 46
3.5.2 Damage to Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger .................................................... 47
3.5.3 Damage to other parts ........................................................................... 47
3.6 Engine Fire ................................................................................................ 47
3.6.1 Progress of the Fire Breakout from No.1 Engine ................................. 47
3.6.2 Extinguishing Engine Fire .................................................................... 48
3.7 Emergency Evacuation ........................................................................ 48
3.7.1 Decision of the PIC................................................................................. 48
3.7.2 Actions Taken by Flight Crew ............................................................... 49
3.7.3 Actions Taken by CAs ............................................................................ 50
Table of contents ( ii )
3.7.4 Publicification of Emergency Evacuation to Passengers ..................... 50
3.7.5 Deployment of Slides ............................................................................. 51
4. CONCLUSIONS....................................................................... 52
4.1 Summary of Analysis ................................................................................ 52
4.2 Probable Causes ........................................................................................ 55
July 19 to July 22, 2016 Investigation on a manufacturing process of the
turbine disk and interviews
August 24, 2016 Interviews
October 10 to 14, 2016 Interviews, Investigation of the Engine repair shop
and Aircraft maintenance factory
1.2.5 Comments from the Parties Relevant to the Cause of the Accident
Comments were invited from parties relevant to the cause of the accident.
1 “PF (Pilot-Flying) and PM (Pilot-Monitoring)” are the terms to identify pilots on the basis of
role sharing when operating an aircraft by two pilots: The PF is mainly in charge of aircraft
control and the PM is mainly in charge of monitoring of the aircraft in flying status, cross-
checking of PF’s operations and performing tasks other than flying.
2 “N1” indicates RPM of fan and low pressure compressor at dual-spool jet engine. In addition, N
is a symbol to indicate rpm.
Around 37:39 The FO called-out “SPEED BRAKE up, the No.2 engine
Around 37:45 The Aircraft reported to reject a takeoff (RTO) to the
Around 37:50 The Tower requested a dispatch of fire engines via crash-
phone at Airport office.
Around 37:51 The ground speed of the Aircraft became 0.
Around 37:59 The PIC ordered cabin attendants “Crew at the station”.
Around 38:01 The PIC and the FO commenced the checklist for the
engine stop.
Around 38:13 Cut off fuel to the No.1 engine.
Around 38:20 ENGINE FIRE BOTTLE No.1 – OPEN to extinguish the
No.1 engine fire.
Around 38:27 The fire warning from the No.1 engine was released.
Around 38:51 Two chemical fire engines were dispatched from the Fire
Department East Building.
Around 38:51 The Aircraft reported that the fire was contained.
Around 40:40 The second FIRE BELL from the No.1 engine was
Around 40:52 The Aircraft reported to the Tower that there was a
message of fire breakout displayed on the No.1 engine. At
this time, the first two fire engines had arrived at the
scene and had commenced the fire-fighting operation.
Around 40:59 Firefighting for the No.1 engine (the second time).
Around 41:11 Fire warning for the No.1 engine was released. The FO
reported to the PIC that the fire was out, again.
Around 42:07 The third FIRE BELL from the No.1 engine was activated.
Around 42:13 The Aircraft reported to the Tower that because the
message of fire breakout from the No.1 engine was on and
the message did stayed on, the emergency evacuation from
the right hand side of the Aircraft would be required.
Around 42:37 The PIC called for the emergency evacuation checklist of
the FO.
Around 42:51 The PIC activated the emergency evacuation signal switch
Around 43:03 The PIC addressed the emergency evacuation to cabin via
Around 43:14 The PIC called for the checklist of the FO, again.
Around 43:25 The FO commenced to perform emergency evacuation the
Around 43:45 Cut off fuel to the No.2 engine was operated.
Around 43:48 FDR stopped to record.
Around 43:50 The Aircraft reported to the Tower to execute an
emergency evacuation.
(See Appended Figure 1. Recordings of FDR and Attachment 1.Recordings of CVR,
“PA” is an abbreviation of Public Address and means a broadcasting system.
FDR and Video.)
When the airspeed was at approximately 100 kt, “bang “ sound was heard,
and because the Aircraft drifted to left slightly, the PIC decided RTO, exchanged the
roles with the FO to take a control and immediately moved the thrust levers to idle
position. The V14 of the Aircraft at that day was 122 kt, the speed when moving the
thrust levers at idle position was approximately 110 kt, therefore, there were margin
in speed by approximately 10 kt till the V1 speed.
During the time to stop the Aircraft, lights were on the fire warning and the
sound of warning was confirmed. Furthermore, the EICAS5 message of “FIRE ENG
L (fire on the left engine)” was also confirmed. As the Aircraft stopped, the PIC had
checked the left thrust lever of being at the idle position and cut off the left side fuel
control switch. At this time, the FO pulled the fire handle, but still the message of
“FIRE ENG L (fire on the left engine)” was displayed, therefore, discharged the first
fire extinguisher bottle and did the time check. After a short time, the message went
out. As the FO reported the Tower “RTO on Runway 34R”, the Tower replied that
the fire engines were dispatched to the Aircraft. After the message went out, the
PIC instructed the FO to set the parking brake and told him “Fire was gone. That’s
OK.” Considering the possibilities of emergency evacuation, the PIC made PA to
cabin attendants “Crew at the Station”, then performed the memory item6. The fire
warning went out temporarily, but because after ten seconds, the light was turned
on again, he discharged the second fire extinguisher bottle. The fire warning went
out once, but immediately the light was turned on again, therefore, he decided to
perform the emergency evacuation. When discharging the fire extinguisher bottle
twice, the PIC saw the fire engines ahead, but since it was still further away, he felt
that the emergency evacuation must be carried out in a hurry. The PIC called for
the emergency evacuation checklist of the FO to hurry, but the checklist was not
found at the specified location, he could not read out the checklist, immediately.
While the FO was looking for the checklist, the PIC thought that the
emergency evacuation should be carried out in a hurry, therefore, he performed the
engine shut down procedure from his memory.
After the PIC completed the engine shut down procedure, he made PA to
evacuate via right hand side slides. And then, the FO completed the emergency
evacuation checklist by reading out the tablet (hereinafter referred to as “the
“V1” is the maximum speed that an operator is able to start RTO operation at serious events on an engine or
others affecting the continuous safe flight.
5 “EICAS” is the system to display the condition of engine and aircraft in integrated manner, and various
Tablet”) and evacuated to the cabin.
More than a half of passengers still could not be evacuated and their movement
were slow, then the PIC urged them to evacuate from the right hand side following
the cabin attendants’ instruction to stay calm in order not to be panic because the
fire were suppressed completely and it was all right.
After receiving the report from the purser that all passengers were evacuated,
first the FO evacuated, then after checking that no one remained in the Aircraft, the
PIC evacuated from R1 slide. After the evacuation, following the instruction by the
firefighter, the PIC left the vicinity of the Aircraft and moved to the direction of the
(2) The FO
When entering the runway, everything was normal. The FO was PF. The PIC
was PM and communicated with ATC (Air Traffic Control). According to the
regulation of the Company, the PIC should take the thrust levers up to the V1, after
the FO pushing the TO/GA7 switch, the PIC took over the charge of thrust levers.
Ten to fifteen seconds after hearing the call “80 kt, Hold” by the PIC, the PIC
took over the control due to the trouble and stopped the Aircraft, then I saw the
EICAS message of “FIRE ENGINE L”. The PIC stopped the No.1 engine, set the
parking brake and declared “Crew at the station”.
The PIC and the FO performed the memory item. After three to five seconds
from the discharge of the first fire extinguisher bottle, the message “FIRE ENG L”
went out. Reported to the Tower that the fire was out. Then, after five to ten seconds,
the same message was reappeared, therefore the second fire extinguisher bottle was
discharged, and three to five seconds later, again the message was out. But, again
five to ten seconds later, the same message was reappeared, therefore the PIC
decided to evacuate from the right hand side.
Because the FO was called for the emergency evacuation checklist of the QRH8,
he looked in the box at right side where QRH is normally stored but could not find,
then looking through the box at left side and the FO’s flight bag, but there were no
finding again and the FO was confused. Later on, he recalled the tablet had the
checklist and read out the emergency evacuation checklist in the tablet. The PIC
told the Tower to evacuate at Runway 34R. The PIC clearly instructed to evacuate
7 “TO/GA switch” means the switch attached to thrust lever and relating to an auto-throttle.
When pressing at the time of takeoff, it transits to “N1 mode”, the thrust lever is advanced to
takeoff thrust, when pressing during the approach, it transits to “GA” mode, and then “go
around N1” thrust is set.
8 “QRH” is a booklet in checklist styles publishing Normal Operation and Abnormal / Emergency
from the right hand side. However, after exiting from the cockpit, the FO was
confused that the L1 slide was deployed, but the FO confirmed that no one evacuated
from there.
(3) Chief Purser and Cabin Attendants
Chief Purser felt sure that there would be emergency evacuation to be carried
out based on the report of a cabin attendant in charge of L3 who found the smoke at
outside of the Aircraft, and she judged that an evacuation from R1 slide would cause
no problem because no smoke was seen there as checking outside through the
window at Door L1 and the passengers were almost to its capacity of the cabin, prior
to the emergency evacuation signal from the PIC and the announcement to
“Evacuate form the right hand side” via PA.
Based on the emergency evacuation signal from the PIC, L1 slide deployed, but
as seeing outside through the window of L1 Door, because the fire from the No.1
engine was quite obvious and there were fire engines parking at the exit of L1 slide,
the L1 slide was not used as the result. As announcement of not carrying baggage
and evacuating from the right side were made and cabin attendants kept shouting
at the passengers that do not carry baggage and take off the high heel, but many
passengers evacuated with their carry-on baggage.
Because the personnel in charge of R5 operated the slide manually but it did
not deploy normally, she blocked R5 and guided passengers to R4 to evacuate.
Personnel in charge of R4 tried to stop passengers to evacuate because the R4 slide
was blown by the wind at first,
but as the slide re-positioned
itself, the personnel started the
evacuation using this slide.
Furthermore, because R5 could
not be used therefore passengers
gathered to R4, the passengers in
the rear were instructed to use
the left side aisle to evacuate from
the right front side door. Figure 1. Door Layout for Emergency Evacuation
(4) Air Traffic Controller
The ATC cleared the Aircraft for takeoff from Runway 34R. Until then, the
ATC did not feel any abnormality. As the Aircraft commenced the takeoff ground
roll, because a fire from the No.1 engine near Taxiway C3 was seen, the ATC
reported to the Aircraft about the fire broke out from the No.1 engine and ordered
to reject the takeoff.
The ATC requested fire engines to be dispatched via crash phone. Before the
full stop as the ATC thought, we received the report from the Aircraft about their
RTO. At the time, a smoke was coming out of the Aircraft but not seeing fire. Later
on, the pilot reported that the fire message was displayed, so we reported back to
them that the fire engines were already dispatched. Then, the Aircraft reported that
the fire was out. And soon, the Aircraft reported that the No.1 engine fire message
had annunciated. At this time, already the first fire engine arrived at the site and
started to fight fire.
After one to two minutes, the Aircraft reported that “the fire message had
annunciated again (third time), we require the emergency evacuation from the right
hand side”. About 10 seconds after this, the slide was deployed. Shortly, the pilot
reported that “MAYDAY, we evacuate” and at the same time we saw the passengers
starting the evacuation. After this, as trying to confirm whether the Aircraft shut
down the right engine or not, but there was no response and we could not confirm
that there were any pilot left in the cockpit.
(5) Passenger A
According to the Passenger A who sat near the rear of the right wing, the male
cabin attendant shouted in Korean “run, pronto” and the door opened suddenly.
Hearing this, the passenger were getting into panic. As soon as the door opened, the
passengers were rushing to evacuate. There were no cabin attendant at the R3 door
near the right wing. The Passenger A went R3 and had companion escape ahead,
but the companion had leaped out to the runway because there were no one to assist
at the bottom of the slide. As following, the Passenger A was evacuated as being
pushed from the behind, hit his right knee onto the runway and suffered a bruise.
(6) Airport Firefighter (Airport Security Section and Disaster Prevention and Air
Safety Foundation)
According to an airport firefighter who worked at the east fire station, when
the Aircraft departed, as confirming the sound of “bang ” to know something
abnormal event occurred, the firefighter started to prepare for the dispatch prior to
the crash phone ringing. When entering the runway, the flame from the No.1 engine
was confirmed. Within about two minutes since the dispatch, the firefighter arrived
at the site. Judging that the water could be discharged from downwind side,
deployed the fifth truck at the left wing tip and the third truck at the rear of the
No.1 engine to start to discharge water. There were smoke coming out of the No.1
engine, the flame could be seen at the engine cowling. Later on, the forth fire engine
from the west fire station started to discharge water from forward of the No.1 engine,
and the third and fifth truck stated to extinguish the fire by using dry chemical
which could reach the inside of the engine. After the fire engines from the Tokyo
Metropolitan Fire Department arrived, we reported the situation and then dealt
with logistics support (be on guard).
According to the station firefighter who guided the evacuation, immediately
after the initial firefighting activities were started, the emergency evacuation was
commenced, but there were no passenger to assist at the bottom of the slide, the
firefighters took the charge of assisting the passenger at the bottom of R1, R2 and
R4 slides. There were none to assist at the R3 slide. After the evacuation, as the
passengers were shooting pictures near the Aircraft and making telephone calls,
they did not respond to the guide or instruction given by the airport firefighters,
therefore, they were guided by the guide-pointing rod to the perimeter road at sea
side. Many of passengers were carrying their baggage, and some of them carried
large suitcases.
Airline Transport pilot certificate (Airplane) January 3, 2002
Type rating for Boeing 777 November 24, 2009
Class 1 aviation medical certificate
Validity July 31, 2016
Total flight time 10, 410 hours and 05 minutes
Flight time in the last 30 days 32 hours and 00 minutes
Total flight time on the type of the aircraft 3, 205 hours and 22 minutes
Flight time in the last 30 days 32 hours and 00 minutes
2.6.2 Engine
Location to be worked No1 (Left) No2(Right)
Type PW4090
Serial number P222221 P222017
Date of manufacture October 23,2004 February 5, 1997
Total flight times 41,594 hours 70,660 hours
Total number of use time 9,832 cycles 11,059 cycles
resistant alloy having excellent heat resisting properties.
HPT is a component of engine driving HPC through a high pressure shaft as
converting the high temperature and pressure combustion gas from the combustor
to rotating movement by expanding via two-staged turbine and it consists of the 1st
stage stator vane (V1), the HPT1 rotor blade (R1), the second stage stator vane (V2)
and the HPT 2 rotor blade (R2). Each HPT rotor is a disk-shaped disk with dozens
of airfoil rotor blade installed on outer periphery of the disk.
HPT rotor is installed on a shaft (axis) and rotating in high speed between
stator vanes. During its operation, the HPT rotor receives thermal stresses caused
by the high temperature and pressure combustion gas, and centrifugal forces due to
the high speed rotation. Per the Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS), the maximum
exhaust gas temperature (EGT) is 675°C and the maximum HPT rpm is 10,850 RPM.
Furthermore, when starting an engine and making the engine the maximum
thrust to takeoff, the outer diameter of the disk near the blades are heated rapidly
and it expands as the result, but because inner diameter of the disk (hub) does not
become high temperature, tensile force would be generated between outer diameter
(rim) and inner diameter. As operating for some time, the heat transmits to the inner
diameter, the temperature difference would be gone. And at next, when the engine
stops, the outer diameter of disk would be shrink rapidly due to the cooling, but the
inner diameter would not be cooled so easily, therefore, the compressive stress would
be generated between the outer and inner diameter of the disk.
As these samples, the disk receives a set of tensile stress and compressive
stress per one cycle due to difference in temperature, which generated one cycle per
one flight (start – takeoff – climb – cruise – descent – landing – stop). Count this one
set of stresses as one cycle. The one cycle time varies depending on the operating
route distance, but it should be about one to 14 hours in general.
Comparing to fatigue accumulated within a short time like vibration, the metal
fatigue caused by receiving repeatedly sets of low cycle stresses as above mentioned
is called as a low cycle fatigue (hereinafter referred to as “LCF”). Almost all disks
installed in the engine have the fatigue life limit by LCF. Therefore, the engine
manufacturer set a fatigue life for the 1st stage HPT disk of the engine installed on
the Aircraft as 13,300 cycles for its use limit.
air or the grooves to install rotor blades on the perimeter as machined. (See Photo
1. the HPT Disk)
Furthermore, since large stress would act on the HPT disk repeatedly, if mere
scratch or step exceeding the manufacturing allowance exists, because of notch
effect9, it could be an originating point for stress to concentrate or fatigue crack, the
machining and inspecting at the manufacturing have being controlled strictly.
U-shaped grooves are machined for cutting and processing by vertical and
horizontal movements of the tip of the machining tool while the 1st stage HPT disk
which is a workpiece is mounted and turned on the turn-table of the vertical milling
machine. The vertical milling machine is processing automatically by computer
program control. Machine Operator (worker) monitors the status of positioning of a
workpiece, fixing, setting the machining tool and automatic processing.
Because U-shaped groove are cut from both sides of groove from the outer side
and the inner side, a machined resultant step-like trace would be initiated at the
seams from both sides. The Machine Operator, in order to remove this mismatch
step at the seams when processing final finishing of U-shaped groove, inserts 0.010
inches shim stock into a clearance between the tip on the machining tool and the
bottom of U-shaped groove while checking the situation by a fingertip touches and
visual examination, controls the manual feeder installed on the vertical automatic
9 “Notch Effect” is the phenomena that the surface of object with a notch could be initiated far
bigger stress than a flat smooth surface, when an external force works.
lathe for a precision finish, and sets the final processing position by adjusting the
clearance between tip of machining tool and the bottom of U-shaped groove. This
adjustment is to compensate the wear occurred at the tip of machining tool, and the
value (Z axis; vertical feeding) of the final machining position would be displayed on
the manual feeder counter for precision finishes. Inputting this value from keyboard
to vertical automatic lathe, automatic machining would be executed, but the real
final machining position is programmed to send the tip of machining tool at the
0.010 inches lower than this value in order to compensate the shim stock thickness.
According to the investigation by recreating the processing as the final
processing position without using the 0.010 inches thick shim stock and
investigating by recreating the machining by setting the condition without no gap
at the bottom of U-shaped groove initiated by the tip of the machining tool had
resulted in 0.010 inches deep step at the bottom of U-shaped groove. (See Figure 3.
Processing the HPT Disk with use of a vertical milling machine.)
Figure 3. Processing the HPT Disk with use of a vertical milling machine
After the manufacturing, a machine operator confirms that the HPT disk are
within its allowable range for manufacturing by visual inspection, touch
examination and measurement by instruments (Product Inspection). Subsequently,
an inspector (Inspector) confirms that the product is machined according to the
manufacturing instruction, and confirms that an inspection itself is carried out
correctly based on a work order and manufacturing drawing (Quality Inspection).
Work order and manufacturing drawing which used for inspection are
managed by the computer at technical section and the latest version are constantly
delivered to the workplace through the in-house Intranet.
The inspection method used by an inspector are specified depending on the
location of inspection such as visual inspection, touch examination, measuring by
measurement instrument and CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine; three
dimensional measuring device). Furthermore, when the inspector judges that it is
necessary for checking the machined step, making a replica using thermosetting
rubber compound to measure the mismatch between the two machined radii in the
groove by the optical comparator. Manufacturing allowable limit is shown in
manufacturing drawings. Because the locations of U-shaped groove are not specified
as the critical inspection points (blade mounting slot, installing grooves for hub shaft
and others which possess the highly critical situation), standard manufacturing
allowable limits of 0.002 inches is applied for the 1st stage HPT disk.
Furthermore, regarding the critical inspection points, the manufacturing
drawing has the note concerning the detailed inspection, in the records column in
the work order had the records of the measured values of the product inspection and
quality inspection, but other that, the manufacturing drawing does not have note
and only to pass or fail as the result of inspection are recorded in the work order. In
addition, U-shaped groove of the 1st stage HPT disk of the No.1 engine of the Aircraft
had not been processed at the repair work after the manufacture.
United States of America which is the State of Manufacture. On-site inspections
were carried out regarding the facilities, the equipment, the organizations, the
personnel and the quality management system relating to the manufacture of the
engine along with confirmation of the records of the manufacturing the 1st stage
HPT disk of the Engine and as interviewing the machine-operator and the inspector
who had worked to manufacture the engine, however, the facts to be the cause of
this incident was not found. When a malfunction of being out of the allowable limit
and others is found at the quality management inspection, QN (Quality Notification)
will be issued and there is a system to make up decision to rework or to reject by the
MRE (Material Review Engineer) who is an engineer of the technical section and in
charge of quality control, however, QN was not issued for the 1st stage HPT disk of
the engine.
④ Spray developer and suck up the penetrant from cracks. (Developing processing)
⑤ When illuminate with Ultra-Violet Light,the cracks emit fluorescence.
(See “Attachment No.2. FPI manual of the Company” for the detailed procedure of
FPI.) Major Operating History of the No. 1 engine and 1st stage HPT
According to the maintenance records of the engine, the major history of the
No.1 engine and the 1st stage turbine disk after their manufacturing are as shown
in Table 1. The 1st stage HPT disk of the engine was manufactured on October 28,
2004 and has a life limit of 13,300 cycles. It remained with the engine since then.
The part number was 53L121-001, SN CKLBHE5552. According to the
maintenance records, the 1st stage HPT disk had accumulated 9,832 cycles and
41,594 hours since new and the time and cycles since new of the engine and 1st stage
turbine disk are the same.
FPI for the 1st stage HPT disk was implemented at the times of manufacturing
the engine ①, and of disassembling HPT module10 ②, ⑥ and ⑧. Besides, the 1st
stage HPT disk of the engine was installed from the time of manufacturing the
engine, and number of cycles and use hours up to the time of accident were 9,832
cycles and 41,594 hours as the same for the both engines. In addition, when
disassembling the HPT module at the delivery to the engine repair shop, FPI on the
1st stage HPT disk for each time was implemented as specified by the engine
⑨ HL7534 left
12, 2014
“Module” is maintenance units which forms the engine structure parts in order to improve the
quality management system relating to the FPI at the engine repair shop of the
Company, we had checked the maintenance records at the time to carry out FPI on
the 1st stage HPT disk of the engine, but we could not find any fact to be the cause
of this accident.
The FPI at the Company was provided exactly as the method specified by the
Engine Manufacturer and the FPI is implemented by an operator and an inspector
who hold the qualification and capabilities required for FPI.
Operator carries out the inspection (NDI inspection) following the work order.
Inspector carries out QA inspection to guarantee the quality of inspected product by
confirming the inspection carried out properly by the operator following the
procedure and work process specified at the last.
On June 29, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as “at that time”), the inspector
(hereinafter referred to as “the Inspector”) who carried out FPI inspection on the
last of the 1st stage HPT disk of the engine was working as an inspector for about 25
years after working as operator at the Company for about 10 years. At that time,
the Inspector had accumulated about 27 years of experience at the Company. Then,
the Inspector was retired and is now working as cleaning aircraft parts at a company
relating to the Company. The Inspector made a statement concerning FPI at that
time of the investigation of this accident.
At that time, an operator (hereinafter referred to as “the Operator”) who
carried out the last FPI inspection on the 1st stage HPT disk of the engine was
working for cleaning aircraft parts at the Company for three years and then became
the Operator at the engine shop of the Company. At that time, the years of
experience at the Company was about 19 years. When investigating, the Operator
became an inspector working for the Company and he was the personnel who had
executed FPI in real at the time of investigating the FPI implementing system of
the Company as described later in 2.14.12, . At that time, the inspector and the
operator held the appropriate qualifications (FPI level11 Ⅱ) and passed the annual
Eyesight test provided by the Company.
According to the Operator, at first confirming the work order and executing
the visual checking a workpiece for its part number and its serial number, and then
the operator would carry out the work as following the work procedure (the
11 “FPI level” is an inspection qualification level that is specified by nation’s regulatory standard
authorized depending on an experience time and a degree of difficulty per the type of NDI and
Level 1 becomes to Level 2 then Level 3 as the highest. After the qualification authorized, in order
to maintain the competence, it is necessary to have experience times more than specified
inspecting time and pass an Eyesight test, and others. With being qualified more than level 2, one
can inspect alone.
procedure specified by the engine manufacturer).
According to the engine manufacturer, the inspection in a dark room, as an
inspector would take a few minutes to adjust to the darkness prior to the work, the
Inspector had been taking for about two to five minutes and the Operator for about
ten minutes.
The Operator had an experience to find out a crack at the cooling hole of the
2nd stage HPT disk of the same type engine in a past. The Inspector had no
experience to find out any crack at his inspecting turbine disk of the engine.
Furthermore, since the Operator became the Inspector of the Company at the
time of investigation who carried out FPI in real at the time of investigating the FPI
system of the Company, and made an statement described in, the following
are based on the statement of the Operator;
① When carrying out inspection, an inspector could inspect turbine disk done alone,
but depending work load, he/she would inspect it with other parts as combination.
Turbine disk inspection is done on the disk suspended from the belt traveling while
rotating the disk, and at first the whole disk is seen from the front. These are done
because the forward side of disk has higher level of critical. Time duration to inspect
a disk is about 30 minutes but it could be about one hour to inspect when taking a
longer time.
② When we differed in our opinion with the Technical section, we discuss with other
inspector and carry out the inspection all over again if required. Prior to the final
inspection done by the inspector, operator carries out inspection as following the
③ Regarding the inspection results, the differences in opinion do not occur that
many, up to now, but we had a cleaning section to re-clean because of insufficient
④ From 2004 to the present, there are no changes in work environment concerning
work quality or measures on malfunction.
⑤ The human factors training is carried out periodically for all member in the
engine shop as the subject. As the training is targeting for foreseeing operational
errors, restraining over-confidence and others, it is very useful for everyday
⑥ Regarding points to inspect at FPI of the engine with care, there is nothing
particular, but it is important to see the points where need cautions with care at the
inspection by confirming this according to the manual. We have not questioned the
engine manufacturer and others regarding manual, till now.
21 Records of FPI on the 1st stage HPT Disk
As described in, the 1st stage HPT disk of the engine after its
manufacturing had received FPI four times in total, which were implemented at the
time of engine manufacturing, at the engine manufacturer repair shop and the
engine repair shop of the Company, but any of these records did not contain
descriptions regarding any malfunction such as cracks and others.
however, no anomaly to cause obstacle to its operation was found.
2.11 Details of Damage of the Airframe and Engine
The on-scene examination at Tokyo International Airport revealed the
following details of damage of the airframe and engine. In addition, within the
following sentence, all references to position or directions, as referenced to the clock,
will be as viewed from the rear, looking forward, unless otherwise specified. Besides,
“Photo # X” means the number of photos shown in the Attachment 3.
(1) Damage of the No1 Engine were as follows;
① The left side of the engine and the external accessories were burned and sooted.
(Photo #1)
② The rear flange of the diffuser12 case at the position from about 5:30 to 6:30
o’clock was bent radially outward. The inner diffuser case had cracks between the
aft flange and the center part of the case and at about 12 o’clock, there was a piece
missing from the case.
③ The HPT case between the position of 7:30 and 9:00 along the periphery was
bent radially outward and twisted, exposing the 1st stage turbine disk and blades
and the 2nd stage turbine stator inner support.
All of the visible 1st stage turbine blades were in place in the disk were
fractured transversely across the airfoil adjacent to the blade root platform. There
were no 2nd stage turbine stator vanes visible through the hole in the HPT case.
(See Photo #7.)
④ Air Starter valve had a hole. (Photo #8)
⑤ A piece was missing from the rim of the 1st stage HPT disk.(See Photo #10.)
The missing pieces are found among the scattered debris at grassland near
Runway C.
⑥ On the body case of fuel-oil heat exchanger13, cracks and soot due to fire
damage were confirmed.
⑦ Pieces are missing along the periphery of cowling from the left rear frame of the
translating cowl along the periphery of cowling to front. (See Photo #11.)
(See Attachment 3. Status of the No.1 engine)
(2) Outboard Flap
The outboard flap had an 8-inches (20cm) long crack in the trailing edge at 48
inches (120cm) length to outboard from the inboard edge. (See Photo 2. Outboard
12 “Diffuser” is located at the aft side of compressor and is the device convert high velocity, lower
pressure airflow from the high pressure compressor to lower velocity, higher pressure airflow
prior to entering the combustor.
13 “Fuel-oil heat exchanger” is a system to warm fuel in order to prevent freezing of water in fuel
and cool the engine oil by exchanging heat between fuel and oil.
flap showing the cracks.)
Tokyo Fire Department shall dispatch 48 fire engines in total and 14
ambulance to the site and 239 firefighters in total shall carry out firefighting
operation and emergency medical aid operations.
14“Fire Suppressed” and “Fire Extinguished” are terms used for Firefighting, “Fire Suppressed”
means that a force of fire is lost by firefighting, and “Fire Extinguished” means that the fire is out
and the condition of no more firefighting required by the firefighter.
2.14 Information on Tests and Researches
2.14.1 Investigation of the Engine Analysis of fractured surface
After disassembling the No.1 engine of the Aircraft at the engine overhaul
facility, a metallurgical examination of the damaged 1st stage HPT hub (disk) and
the ejected disk fragment from the body was carried out by the NTSB and the engine
manufacturer. The findings as the results of this investigation are as follows;
The 1st stage turbine disk was complete except for a section of the rim that
was missing and the disk’s material conformed to the requirements. The missing
piece of the disk’s rim, that was about 19.68 cm (7.75 inch) as measured along the
snap inner diameter, was recovered from along the edge of the runway. The complete
fracture surface on the disk corresponded to the complete fracture surface on the
piece of the rim. The fracture surface on the disk and the recovered piece of the rim
and elliptical-shaped patterns. There were 73 blade slots in the disk and 9 blade
slots in the recovered piece of the rim. The 1st stage turbine disk has 82 blade slots.
0.010 inches (0.25 mm) deep step was confirmed all over periphery of U-shaped
groove at the aft side rim of the 1st stage HPT disk. Maximum allowable limit for
machining mismatch when manufacturing was 0.002 in (0.05 mm) as described in As the result of the detailed investigation around the step, it was confirmed
that several cracks were dotted along the left and right step around where the 1st
stage HPT disk was fractured. A detailed visual inspection could confirm the size of
opening were about 1 mm to 4 mm respectively. (See Photo 3-1. Fractured Rim,
Photo 3-2. U-shaped Groove and Crack 1, Photo 3-3. U-shaped Groove and Crack 2,
and Photo 4. Created Replica of the Step)
Regarding the fracture surface of the ejected fragment, cracks were originating
at the machined step in U-shaped groove and was propagating from the aft side of
the 1st stage HPT disk to the front side. The fracture surface exhibited severe
damage due to the impact and others, but the beachmark 15 of a typical
characteristic of the fatigue crack fracture surface was confirmed of its initiating
along with the propagating area on crack. The size of the three thumbnail cracks
were as follows;
① large; approximately 0.608 inches deep, approximately 2.358 inches long
(15.44mm x 59.89 mm)
② medium; approximately 0.282 inches deep, approximately 1.000 inches long
15“Beach mark” is half circle pattern like shell to be seen at a macro-observation of fatigue crack
(7.163 mm x 25.40 mm)
③ small; approximately 0.088 inches deep, approximately 0.489 inches long
(2.235 mm x 12.42 mm)
( See Attachment 4. Photo of fracture face)
Photo 3-2. U-shaped groove and crack 1
Photo 4. Created Replica of the Step
The fractured surface of the ejected piece of the 1st stage HPT disk was
damaged, however, stable striations could be counted at a part of the section with
the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The fractured surface on the disk was
unreadable because of oxidation from the fire extinguishing agent used by the fire
department. Furthermore, open the crack which was cut out a part from the disk
which had clear cracks from the remaining aft side of the disk, and analyzed the
crack surface. (See Attachment 5. Striations at the crack on the test piece)
The striation count analysis completed on the fracture surface and crack surface
estimated 2,130 cycles and 2,868 cycles of repeated stress respectively. Why these
two numbers differed from each other were because the time period to initiate
cracks were differed and cracks initiated at the initial crack propagation stage
was damaged by corrosion, heat and others. As shown in Figure 5, at the time of
accident, the disk had 9,832 cycles as the total number of cycles since the
manufacturing the disk, subtracting 2,130 cycles from these number became
7,702 cycles and subtracting 2,868 cycles from these became 6,964 cycles. Besides,
the total number of use cycles of the disk at the time of the previous inspection
was 8,023 cycles. Based on these numbers, it is possible that the 1st stage HPT
disk had cracks when it delivered to the engine shop of the Company to have the
previous inspection (November 12, 2014). (See Figure 6. Number of Cycles of the
Disk estimated from the analysis of the fracture surface of rejected fragment)
Furthermore, from the numerical analysis based on the counting at the crack
surface, values of 0.088 to 0.176 inches (2.24 mm to 4.47 mm) along the surface were
obtained on the cracks at the latest inspection at the engine repair shop of the
of the 1st stage HPT disk and at the quality inspection as described in, it
instructed the measuring the step by creating the replica as required by the decision
of an inspector.
Table 2.
Step of U-shaped Groove
Limit 0.0020 in max
Location of Replica
12 o’clock 0.0015 in
3 o’clock 0.0014 in
6 o’clock 0.0014 in
9 o’clock 0.0015 in
(2) FPI based on the working procedure of the engine manufacturer
As the result of FPI verification investigation using a sister disk, the sister
disk did not have any problem, and there were no crack indications.
At the time of implementing FPI on the sister disk at the engine overhaul shop
of the Company, regarding facilities, systems, procedures, operators and inspectors
did not have any disqualification in compliance with the requirements. The 1st Stage HPT Disk on Other Same Type Engine
According to the investigation carried out by the engine manufacturer, the step
of U-shaped groove exceeding the allowable limits was not found from the HPT disk
of the same type engine other than the engine of this accident with the
implementation of the technical report in (1).
32 Situation at Emergency Evacuation
According to the statements of the cabin attendants, they had deployed the
doors at five locations of the right side of the Aircraft and attempted to evacuate,
but the R5 door at the most rear side (hereinafter referred to as “R5 door”) was not
fully deployed. For the door at the left side of the Aircraft, L1 door at the most front
side had only the slide deployed, but it was not used. (See Photo 5.Emergency
Evacuation Slide.) Furthermore, the situation of the emergency evacuation was
recorded by the Monitoring camera at the Airport, it was confirmed that there were
passengers with baggages to evacuate and no assistances at the bottom of the slide
when the evacuation was started. Photo 6. shows the comparison of deploying R5
slide at the normal situation and at the accident.
Photo 7. shows the deploying situations of R3, R4 and R5 slides of the Aircraft
at the time of the accident. Furthermore, the R3 slide is narrower in width and
shorter in length compared to the R4 and R5.
Photo 6. Comparison of R5 slide deploying status
the cut off of No.2 engine was operated at 12:43:45 based on visual materials and
FDR. (See Appended Figure 1. Records of FDR.)
According to the materials concerning the engine exhaust air flow by the
Aircraft manufacturer, B777-300 Engine Exhaust verocity contours at idle thrust
are 55 km/h and reach approximately 40 m from the rear of the Aircraft and narrows
in width. (See Figure 7. Predicted Engine Exhaust Velocity Contours – Idle Thrust.)
Photo 8. R5 Slide
Figure 7. Predicted Engine Exhaust Velocity Contours – Idle Thrust
Operations QRH Cockpit Flight Operations
Manual Technical Support
(3) The location of onboard documents are specified as follows (excerpts);
No Location Name of Publication Note
④ Left Hand QRH Stowage QRH, Captain Announcement
⑤ Right Hand QRH Stowage QRH,POM
(affected side).........................Rotate to the stop
and hold for 1 second
If after 30 seconds, the FIRE ENG message
stay shown:
Engine fire switch
(affected side)..........................Rotate to the other stop and hold
for 1 second
6- 11 Omission
■ When an emergency evacuation is expected
PIC Cabin Crew
A:"Attention, crew at station" Standby at their stations preparing for
the next step.
■ When an emergency evacuation is required
PIC First Officer
"Passenger evacuation."
Conduct Passenger Evacuation Procedure in accordance with POM/QRH.
PA: Notify Tower:
"This is the Captain. Evacuate, "KE000, passenger evacuation, request
evacuate." emergency equipment."
Evacuation Command S/W:ON(then Cabin Crew
silence the cockpit warning horn) Initiate passenger evacuation
Note ) If an emergency fire or other conditions make certain exits
unusable, state the direction of egress, and evacuate on the runway, if possible.
The PIC should make a decision on the direction of exits
depending on which engine has the fire, wind direction, attitude and position of
the aircraft and the extent of aircraft damage.
Command the evacuation as determined after communication with the
captain and other crews.
Release Seatbelts!
Get Out! Leave Everything!
・Quickly confirm armed status of exit.
・Open exit. Utilize all available exits by requesting passenger assistance when
responsible for more than one exit.
・If exit is jammed or slide/raft is not usable, attempt to open it again and
(if necessary),redirect passengers to an alternate exit using appropriate
・Command the first passengers. "Stay At Bottom! Help People Off!"
2.16 Additional Information
2.16.1 Fire Extinguishing System of the Aircraft
When a fire broke out from an engine, a warning bell activates and a master
warning light and the red light of the fire handle turn on, “FIRE ENG L(R’) (engine
fire left (right))” in red characters is appeared on the display of EICAS. The Aircraft
has equipped two bottles of fire retardants behind the panels of right side wall in
the front baggage room, which operates independently as a fire extinguishing
system to an engine fire. Pulling a fire handle activates operations to close a main
cock of fuel and bleed air valve, to shut off the operating fluid of the hydraulic
system, to stop power generation of a generator, and to prepare to fight fire by
activating the fire retardant injection circuit. Turning the fire handle to the left or
right discharges the fire extinguisher bottle. If the first fire extinguisher bottle did
not extinguish the fire, turning the handle in the other direction will discharge the
second fire extinguisher bottle. If the first injection could not extinguish the fire,
turning the fire handle to other side enables to inject the second fire retardant. (See
Photo #9. Fire Extinguishing System of B777 Engine.)
inches thick shim stock into a clearance between a blade tip of the machining tool
and the bottom of U-shaped groove. This value will be fed into the vertical milling
machine by using a keyboard and processed automatically, but the final machining
position in real is programmed to send the tip of the machining tool to the lower
position by 0.010 inches (0.25 mm) which is corresponding to the thickness of the
shim stock. According to the verification done by the engine manufacturer,
recreating the processing in a final processing position as setting no space between
the tip for a tool and the bottom of U-shaped groove without using the 0.010 inches
thick shim stock, the bottom of U-shaped groove was cut far and resulted in being
the 0.010 inches high step.
In addition, as described in, when repairing after the manufacturing of
the disk, U-shaped groove was not machined.
Based on these, regarding the step (hereinafter referred to as “the step in U-
shaped groove”) of exceeding the allowable value in U-shaped groove at the aft side
of the 1st stage HPT disk was occurred, it is somewhat likely that the shim stock was
not used properly at the process of manufacturing the disk for the machine operator
to input a reference value to a vertical automatic lathe as a final machining position,
or it is somewhat likely that a miss-input was made at the time to input a reference
value to a vertical milling machine. In order to adjust the clearance, the work is
carried out using shim stock as checking the condition by sight and fingertip touches
and even an experienced machine operator has to use the shim stock procedurally,
otherwise because there is a possibility to mistakenly estimate a reference value or
to input erroneously a reference value, it is necessary for the engine manufacturer
to revise the inspection methods and machining method of U-shaped groove from
the view to prevent an occurrence of human errors.
3.4.3 Causes to fracture
As described in, it is probable that the crack generated in U-shaped
groove was propagating by the action of repetitive stress per a flight. As described
in and, the Company executed the FPI on the 1st stage HPT disk when
disassembling the HPT module, but the crack was not found. As described in, as the result of analyzing the fractured surface, it is somewhat likely that
the cracks in U-shaped groove of the 1st stage HPT disk may exist prior to the last
inspection conducted at the engine repair shop on November 12, 2014. Based on
these, it is probable that because the cracks were not be discovered at FPI conducted
the previous inspection and due to the flight following the inspection, the cracks
were propagating more to be fractured.
Furthermore, regarding the parts specified as the critical points to be inspected,
notes regarding the detailed inspection and entries of the measurements were
required for the work instruction, but for the other parts, only the results of
inspection were recorded in the work instruction. Based on these, it is somewhat
likely that the machine operator and the inspector did not pay sufficient attentions
to U-shaped groove which is not specified as the critical inspection location and have
failed to detect a step. As described in, according to the investigation results
of the engine manufacturer after the accident, the other same type engine did not
have the step exceeding the allowable limits. It is probable that because the engine
manufacturer did not estimate a high potential to have a malfunction occurred at
U-shaped groove, it was not specified as critical inspection parts. On the other hand,
because the HPT disk is the part to receive repetitive stress, repeatedly, if there are
slight scratches or step of exceeding manufacturing allowable limit, these could be
a point to initiate the stress concentration or fatigue crack due to notch effect. It is
necessary for the engine manufacturer to call attentions of machine operators and
inspectors as a critical inspection location at the inspection process regarding the
parts where step like the one in U-shaped groove could be caused by manufacturing.
from U-shaped groove could not be discovered, as described in 3.4.4, there was no
case that the area of U-shaped groove had error till now, furthermore, because U-
shaped groove is not point to be inspected with attention according to the inspection
manual specified by the engine manufacturer, the Inspector and the Operator
inspected with special emphasis on the critical inspection parts like mounting slots
for turbine blades, on the other hand, it is somewhat likely that the cracks in U-
shaped groove was failed to be detected. In addition, as shown in Photo 3 of,
it is possible that the fact attributed because cracks was existing along the
machining trace in U-shaped groove as dotting, it was difficult to find.
3.5.2 Damage to Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger
Regarding why the Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger had cracks generated, as
described in Attachment 3 (10), but there were no damage impacted from outside,
and as described in Attachment 3 (5), the inner diffuser case had cracks and missing
pieces and as described in Attachment 3 (8), the tail cone mounting bolts were
Therefore it is probable that those cracks were developed, when the 1st stage
HPT disk rim had been fractured and released, and struck into the turbine case, a
strong shock force was generated. In addition, it is also probable that engine run
down loads, which were generated when the engine No.1 stopped suddenly following
the disk rupture, was the contributing factor.
HPT disk through the engine case and the leaked fuel and engine oil through this
cracks contacted the high temperature engine cases of the No.1 engine to be ignited.
3.7.2 Actions Taken by Flight Crew
(1) Instruction of Emergency Evacuation
As described in 2.1.3 (1), the PIC called for the emergency evacuation checklist
in QRH to the FO to hurry to perform, but because the QRH was not at the specified
position, the FO could not perform the checklist right away. While the FO was
looking for QRH, it is highly probable that the PIC who thought that the emergency
evacuation should be done in a hurry, implemented the procedure to stop the engine
based on his memory. According to the FCOM (Emergency Evacuation Checklist)
(B777QRH) of the Company described in (1), after the both of fuel control
switches were cut off and the engine was stopped, an announcement of emergency
evacuation to the cabin should be made. As described in 2.1.3 (1), after cutting off
the engine, the PIC stated to announce the emergency evacuation via PA.
However, according to the analysis of FDR, CVR, QAR records and Video, the
time for the PIC to activate the emergency evacuation signal was at 12:42:51, the
time to announce to conduct emergency evacuation from the right side emergency
doors was 12:43:03, and the time for the fuel control switch of the No.2 engine to be
cut off was 12:43:45. And the first door being opened was L1 door and the time was
12:43:17. Based on these, instruction of emergency evacuation prior to halting of the
No.2 engine positioned in the evacuating direction was given, it is highly probable
that the No.2 engine was stopped about 28 seconds later after the first door was
opened. As described in, the wind velocity of the engine wake air flow is 55
km/h even at the time of idle thrust and when conducting the emergency evacuation
prior to the engine stopped, there are potential threat that the passengers could be
blown away by the engine wake air flow and others. It is necessary for the Company
to revise the education and training in order to enforce the thorough compliance to
emergency evacuation procedure.
(2) Regarding the misplacement of QRH
As described in, the Company provides manual (B777POM
OPERSTIONSL POLICY) regarding the responsibilities of pre-flight check, the
section in charge of boarding, the specified placement and the document to be on
board.According to the manual, regarding QRH checklist in paper to be used at the
time of emergency evacuation, the specified location is at the right of the FO and the
left of the PIC, the Flight Technical Support section of the Company should put there
and the PIC and the FO shall perform the checks on the loaded status respectively,
prior to the departure.
As described in 2.1.3 (2), this QRH was the one that the FO took time to find
because when the PIC called for this checklist of the FO, it was not at the specified
location, as the result, the FO used the checklist in tablet. The QRH was found in a
rack at rear of the FO seat, later date, as described in Based on these, it is
somewhat likely that the QRH was not placed at the specified location and the PIC
and the FO did not check sufficiently or did not check the documents that should be
loaded on an aircraft for sure prior to the departure. At the time of an emergency
situation to compete for a moment, if the checklist could not be found, because there
is possibilities that the action could be delayed and a recovery could not obtained,
the Company should promote thorough inspection of the documents to be carried on
an aircraft prior to a departure and it is necessary to publicize again the use of QRH
on an emergency situation for sure.
like possible threat of heeled shoes and baggage to damage a slide to be unusable
and others, and study how to promote more solid understanding and recognition.
Furthermore, in order to make prompt and safe emergency evacuation,
remarks or safety information like leaving baggage as air carriers publicizing, how
to use evacuation slide properly and leaving an aircraft side as soon as possible after
the evacuation, should be checked in full and it is desirable even for passengers to
act as understanding the criticality to follow instruction given by flight crew and
cabin attendants when conducting and emergency evacuation in order to safe life of
oneself and others.
16 The number listed in each sentence end of this clause, indicates a main clause number of “#3, Analysis”
of the machine operator or inspector to the parts where a step could be generated
like U-shaped groove when machining, by specifying the parts as a critical
inspection location. (3.4.4)
(6) Cause to miss the crack propagating from U-shaped groove
It is somewhat likely that the crack propagating from U-shaped groove could be
existing prior to the delivery to the engine factory of the Company, but the crack
could not be discovered at the latest FPI. Regarding this, an operator and an
inspector inspected with an emphasis on the critical points like turbine blade
mounting parts, on other hand, it is somewhat likely that the crack for U-shaped
groove failed to be detected. Adding more, it is somewhat likely that the cracks
which were dotted along the machining trace in U-shaped groove was difficult to
find because of assimilating into the machining trace. (3.4.5)
(7) Damage of the HPT case
It is highly probable that the damage of HPT case at the No.1 engine was due
to penetrating of the rim debris of the 1st stage HPT disk to the 8 o’clock direction
through the HPT case because of a centrifugal force. (3.5.1)
(8) Damage of Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger
Regarding why the Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger got cracked, it is probable that
when the fractured rim of the 1st stage HPT disk had been fractured and released,
and struck into the turbine case, a strong shock force was generated, in addition,
engine run down loads were generated when the No.1 engine stopped suddenly
following the disk rupture. (3.5.2)
(9) Damage and others on other parts
Regarding the breakage of the left translating cowl, it is somewhat likely that
it was created by the hitting of fractured rim debris of the 1st stage HPT disk.
Regarding why LPT and the tail cone did not have almost no damage, the
fractured piece of the rim of the HPT was ejected through the opening caused by
this ejection.
Regarding the cracks at the outboard flap, it is probable that it was caused by
the hit by the ejected debris due to the fracture of the 1st stage HPT disk rim. (3.5.3)
(10) Process of the fire breakout from the engine
Regarding the progress of fire breakout from the No.1 engine, it is highly
probable that due to the impact forces generated by the release of the fragment
from the ruptured rim part of the 1st stage HPT disk through the engine case and
the engine rundown loads generated when the engine stopped suddenly, the cracks
were developed in the Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger and the fuel and engine oil leaking
through these cracks contacted the hot area of engine cases of the No.1 engine to
be ignited.(3.6.1)
(11) Extinguishing the engine fire
Regarding that the PIC attempted to extinguish the fire using two fire
extinguisher bottles equipped on the Aircraft and once the fire warning message
was gone, but it reappeared, again, it is probable that because the opening was
created due to the damage to the inner wall of the left translating cowl, the fire
extinguisher could not fully be effective. (3.6.2)
(12) Decision taken by the PIC
Even the PIC attempted to extinguish the fire using two fire extinguisher
bottles equipped on the Aircraft, because the third fire warning message
reappeared, it is highly probable that the PIC decided to conduct emergency
evacuation and it is probable that because of the fire at the No.1 engine and strong
abeam wind from the right, he decided to evacuate to the right side. (3.7.1)
(13) Response (action) taken by the flight crews PIC’s
It is highly probable that the emergency evacuation was instructed prior to the
No.2 engine stop in the direction of evacuation and it took about 28 seconds from the
first door open and the No.2 engine stop. Regarding the instruction of emergency
evacuation was given before the No.2 engine stop, it is somewhat likely that the PIC
decided the emergency evacuation and then called for the emergency evacuation
checklist of the FO and turned the emergency evacuation switch on at the same
time, however, the FO could not find out the emergency evacuation checklist of QRH
(paper), and he took some time to read out the emergency evacuation checklist in a
Regarding the reason that the FO could not find QRH, it is somewhat likely that
the QRH was not placed at the specified location and the PIC and the FO checked
insufficiently or did not check the documents that should be loaded on the aircraft
for sure prior to the departure. The Company promotes thorough inspection of the
documents to be carried on an aircraft prior to a departure and it is necessary to
publicize again the use of QRH on an emergency evacuation. (3.7.2)
(14) Response (action) taken by cabin attendants
Regarding the fact that the chief purser opened the L1 door and let the slide
deploy, as she judged there would be no problem to evacuate by looking outside
through a window of L1 door in advance, it is somewhat likely that when she
received the signal of emergency evacuation from the PIC, automatically she
opened the L1 door. Instantly, as the chief purser recognized that it is not possible
to evacuate through L1 door, she guided passengers to other door. The chief purser
and cabin attendants announced that do not carry baggage to evacuate, but many
of passengers had carried their baggage to evacuate. (3.7.3)
(15) Disseminating the knowledge regarding the emergency evacuation to the
Cabin attendants had instructed passengers to evacuate without baggage
through the right side slide, but it is probable that many of passengers did not
follow the instruction not to carry the baggage. It is desirable that air carriers and
Civil Aviation Bureau should plan to promote the wide general public including
passengers to have full knowledge regarding the safety information at an
emergency evacuation with backup reasons like possible threat for heeled shoe and
baggage to damage slide and cause the slide unusable and others, and study how
to promote more solid understanding and recognition.(3.7.4)
(16) Deploying Slide
R5 slide slipped, bent in the rear under the fuselage and fully deployed with
the tip caught on the runway due to the effect of the resultant wind in wind
direction 007ºand 37.5 kt of wind velocity and 20 kt of engine exhaust flow, it is
somewhat likely that even after the engine exhaust flow of the No.2 engine were
stopped, it was unable to return to a normal standing position.(3.7.5)
impact forces generated by the release of the fragment from the ruptured rim part
of the 1st stage HPT disk through the engine case and the engine rundown loads
generated when the engine stopped suddenly, the cracks were developed in the outer
case of the Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger and the fuel and engine oil leaking through
these cracks contacted the hot area of engine cases of the No.1 engine to be ignited.
(2) Change of the 1st stage HPT disk manufacturing process;
The engine manufacturer changed the final finishing process of U-shaped
groove at the 1st stage HPT disk to have the process by a machine only by canceling
the process to have manual operation by a machine operator, in order to have no
processing error.
(3) Change of the product inspecting process
The engine manufacturer added the inspecting process to records step of U-
shaped groove at the inspection of the 1st stage HPT after manufacturing and add
U-shaped groove inspection (creating replica of step at U-shaped groove and
confirmation based on the use of Shadowgraph Machine) at the outside of the aft
side of the disk based on the Service Bulletin described in to the inspection
of U-shaped groove.
passenger remained. When the assigned area is empty, the cabin crew can pre
evacuation than some other passengers and control the passengers outside the
Appended Figure 1.: FDR Record
Appended Figure 2.: Estimated Route of Take-off Roll
Appended Figure 3.: Three-view drawing of Boeing 777-300
Attachment 1.: Records of CVR, FDR, and Video
~38:54 information will be informed shortly. (in Korean, English
) We are waiting for the take-off clearance. Please wait at
your seat. (Japanese)
38:18 F/O Engine fire switch - pull, still fire, rotate
38:25 TWR Korean Air 2708 fire trucks are going to you.
F/O I'm sorry. Say again.
TWR Fire vehicle going to around you.
F/O Thank you.
38:31 CAPT Fire is gone.
F/O Yes, fire is out.
CAPT Fire is gone?
F/O Yes sir, fire is gone.
CAPT Contact again and inform them fire is gone.
38:51 F/O Korean Air 2708, Fire is gone.
L3 CA IPN Call to CAPT
TWR Thank you, stand by, hold position.
F/O Holding present position, Korean Air 2708.
39:00 CAPT Hello … Hello.
L3 CA CAPT. There is smoke from engine on L3 side.
CAPT Extinguished fire. Fire truck has just reached and in
preparation. Please wait.
L3 CA Yes, sir.
39:12 CAPT It seems fire is gone.
39:57 PURS It seems fire was occurred at the back. Now, fire truck
arrived and will extinguish fire.
CAPT Hello … Hello.
PURS Yes, captain.
CAPT We have left engine fire. We extinguished, and fire was
gone. And fire truck arrived and extinguished fire. No
evacuation needed. Please wait. If it possible, please
inform them what I told you.
PURS Fire was extinguished, now?
CAPT Yes, fire has gone.
PURS If so, we will return to gate?
PURS Yes, sir.
CAPT For now, situation what I said to you...
PURS Do I need to tell all?
CAPT Just… Ahh… Evacuation checklist
40:40 FDR ENGINE FIRE ALARM (2nd time)
2nd Fire Bell Sound
40:41 F/O Fire engine comes again…
40:44 PURS Do I need to tell technical problem?
CAPT Hold on please.
40:52 CAPT Contact Tower again.
F/O Korean Air 2708, We got a Fire engine L/H message again.
TWR Roger.
CAPT Fire.
41:01 TWR Korean Air 2708, right now fire engine reaching your No.1
F/O Roger thank you, Korean Air 2708.
F/O Fire truck arrived.
41:11 CAPT Bottle discharged again…
F/O Fire is gone again.
CAPT Left side ----
41:38 F/O 2 fire trucks are coming forward.
42:06 PA Ladies and gentlemen,
42:07 3rd Fire Bell
42:08 CBN We just rejected take-off for technical problem. Further
~42:38 information will be informed shortly. (in Korean, English
and Japanese)
42:09 F/O Fire engine left message.
CAPT Need to Evacuation
42:13 F/O Tower Korean Air 2708, we got a fire engine L/H message
TWR Roger.
42:22 CAPT Tower Korean 2708, we still got the message. We need
evacuation to the right hand side.
TWR Understand.
42:30 CAPT Evacuation.
F/O Roger, Korean 2708.
42:37 CAPT Evacuation Checklist. (Order)
42:51 CAPT Evacuation signal sound
42:52 F/O Evacuation Checklist. (reply)
43:03 CAPT EVAC, EVAC, EVAC to the right hand side.
43:14 CAPT Evacuation Checklist. (Order)
43:17 F/O Stand by.
43:22 CAPT You can find in this…
43:26 F/O Evacuation Checklist. (reply)
43:27 F/O Parking Brake - set
Outflow Valve S/Ws (both) - manual
43:27 VIDEO R4 SLIDE deployment bounce to the fuselage
43:36 F/O Outflow Valve Manual S/Ws (both) - hold and open
43:41 CAPT Fully open completed
43:43 F/O Fuel Control S/Ws (both) - cut off
43:45 CAPT Both Cut off
43:45 QAR FUEL CUT OFF RH(5m35s from the LH engine cut off)
F/O Advise the CBN to evacuate
F/O Advise the Tower
43:48 FDR FDR recording terminated. (03:43:52)
43:50 CAPT TWR, Korean Air 2708, mayday, evacuate, evacuate on the
TWR Understood.
43:50 VIDEO Passengers commence to evacuate via R3 door
44:04 VIDEO R4 slide fully deployed.
44:06 VIDEO Passengers commence to evacuate via R4 door
Time (JST) has been proved by a time signal recorded in ATC communication.
Legend; TWR Tokyo Tower 124.35 MHz
CPT; Cockpit CPT; Captain
F/O; First Officer PURS; Purser
CA; Cabin Attendant CBN; Cabin
IPN; Intercom PA; Passenger Address System
Time Correction for FDR, CVR and QAR were set by making the ATC
communication recorded in CVR and VHF radio transmission signal recorded in
QAR and FDR with a time signal recorded in ATC communication.
Attachment 2.: FPI (SPOP-84) PROCESSING of KAL
Attachment 3.: The No.1 Engine
Photo #3. The right side of the No.1 engine
(2) Inlet and fan blade
The inlet and fan blade did not have any apparent damage. There were no
trace of sucking objects like birds from outside. When the fan was rotated, the LPT
rotated concurrently. (See Photo #4. Inlet and Fan Blade.)
(5) Diffuser Case
The outer diffuser case did not have any indications of a rupture or thermal
distress. The diffuser case rear flange between about 5:30 and 6:30 was bent
radially outward. The inner diffuser case had five cracks between the aft flange
and the center part of the case that varied in length from 1.5 (3.81) to 10.5(26.67
cm) inches. At about 12 o’clock, there was an approximately 2 inch (5.08 cm) by 1
inch (2.54 cm) piece missing from the case. (See Photo #5 Inner Diffuser Case)
Photo #6-1. The damage1 of the HPT case
It was confirmed that the 1st stage HPT blades and the 2nd stage HPT
stator vanes were missing from the roots. (See Photo #7. Fractured condition of the
1st stage HPT blades and the 2nd stage HPT stator vanes.)
Photo #7. Fractured condition of the 1st stage HPT blades and
the 2nd stage HPT stator vanes
② There was a raised edge on the edge of the tab that corresponded to a notch in
the edge of the hole in the starter air duct valve. (See Photo #8. A Hole opened in
Air Starter Valve.)
③ The HPT case’s forward flange was missing bolts between 3:30 and 8:30 and the
aft flange was missing bolts between 5:30 and 7:30.
④ Investigating the runway and an adjacent area after the accident, stator vanes
and others of the 1st stage HPT and the 2nd stage HPT were recovered. (See Photo
#9. Recovered Stator Vanes and others.)
⑤ A piece of the 1st stage turbine disk rim was recovered from amidst the debris
that was recovered from Runway 34R. The piece was about 7.8 inches (20 cm) long
and weighed 1.875 kg (4.134 lb) with seven blade slots. (See Photo #10. Piece of the
1st stage HPT disk rim.)
There was a ratchet mark17 on the fracture surface at the 1st stage HPT disk
rim. (See Photo #11. Ratchet Marks.)
“Ratchet marks” are the step-like junctions between adjacent fatigue cracks that propagate
and link up.
Photo #12. Tail Cone
(9) Lubricating Oil System
The lubricating oil was confirmed to be in the oil tank. The magnetic chip
detectors (MCD) for the accessory gearbox were pulled for examination, but the
MCDs did not have any debris or fuzz on the magnetic tips. The main oil filter and
the oil had no debris nor an acid odor.
(10) Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger
The main body case of Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger located at 8 o’clock of the
HPT case had cracks and soot by thermal damage, but there were no damage
impacted from outside. Three cracks were confirmed at the rear of the main body,
and the longest crack was approximately 34 cm (13.4 in) long. (See Photo #13-1
Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger and Photo #13-2 Cracks of Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger.)
Photo #13-1. Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger
18 “Translating Cowl” is the cowling of having a role of nozzle injecting air from the fan and a
role to inject the air from fan forward as providing a clearance between the fan cowl and sliding
back position of this cowl.
circumferentially missing from the aft edge between 6:30 to 9 o’clock that exposed
the core cowl. (See Photo # 14.Damage of Translating Cowl)
It was confirmed that the paint on the exterior of the aft side of the left
translating cowl below the missing section was blistered or burned away. The left
translating cowl (thrust reverser) inner wall had an approximately 94 cm (37 in)
long circumferentially by 79 cm (31 in) wide axially, an there was another hole that
was burned away. The interior of the left fan duct and translating cowl (thrust
reverser) inner wall were sooted. There were two pieces of the 2nd stage HPT vane
embedded in the inner surface of the translating cowl of the missing section.
④ The right side translating cowl
The right side translating cowl was not damaged, sooted or thermally
stressed. The inner wall of translating cowl and associated fan duct did not have
⑤ Aft cowl
The aft cowl pressure relief doors at 2, 4, 8 and 10 o’clock were all open.
Attachment 4.: Photos of Fractured Surface
Photo ① and ②: Beach mark (Seashell pattern) from the originating point was
confirmed at the fatigue crack propagation area at the fractured surface of fractured
and ejected debris of the 1st stage HPT disk rim part.
Photo ③: Crack propagates from originating point at the aft side of the disk to
the forward side. The fractured surface exhibited significant mechanical damage.
The fatigue progression exhibited a bluish heat tint.
Photos ⑤ and ⑥ was the pictures enlarged and photographed parts enclosed by
yellow lines shown in Photo ④ via Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and
striation which is a characteristics of fatigue fracture surface was confirmed.
Attachment 5.: Striations of a Test piece at the crack