Insert Document Title: Power Plant Failures in Turbofan-Powered Aircraft
Insert Document Title: Power Plant Failures in Turbofan-Powered Aircraft
Insert Document Title: Power Plant Failures in Turbofan-Powered Aircraft
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2008 to 2012
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Safety summary
Although the rates were low for the turbofan engine aircraft group as a whole, there were large
differences between individual aircraft models. Three aircraft types in particular, the Boeing 747
classic, the Fokker F28/F100 and the British Aerospace BAE 146/Avro RJ, had far greater rates of
power plant occurrences between 2008 and 2012 than any other aircraft in this study. Although
these three aircraft types represented some of the older fleets, there were other fleets of aircraft of
similar ages with far lower rates of occurrences.
Safety message
The small number of high and very high risk power plant occurrences between 2008 and 2012
remind us that even highly sophisticated modern power plants can, and do, fail. Timely and
vigilant reporting of all technical problems is therefore strongly encouraged to ensure as much
information as possible is collected to better understand these problems. Of particular importance
in technical occurrences are the follow-up reports from engineering inspections. These are often
the only way that the root cause of the problem can be determined. The more comprehensively
these are reported to the ATSB, the more insightful and useful reports like this become.
Context ......................................................................................................................................1
Reporting of technical failures 1
Safety analysis .........................................................................................................................3
Review of occurrences reported to the ATSB 3
Operations and aircraft involved 4
Common occurrence events 5
Abnormal engine indications 6
Auxiliary power units 6
Partial power loss 7
Oil loss 7
Engine controls 7
Total power loss / engine failures 7
Precautionary in-flight shut downs 8
Engine systems 8
Transmission and gearboxes 8
Compressor stalls 8
Other 8
Occurrences by engine model 10
CFM-56 12
CF-6 12
V2500 13
Rates of occurrences by aircraft model 15
BAE 146/Avro RJ 18
Boeing 747 classic 18
Fokker F28/F100 19
Occurrences by aircraft year of manufacture 21
Higher risk technical failures 22
Summary................................................................................................................................ 26
Sources and submissions .................................................................................................. 27
Sources of information 27
References 27
Australian Transport Safety Bureau .................................................................................. 28
Purpose of safety investigations 28
Developing safety action 28
Glossary................................................................................................................................. 29
ATSB – AR-2013-002
When aviation safety incidents and accidents happen in Australia, or involve Australian-registered
aircraft operating overseas, they are reported to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB).
Accidents, as well as those incidents that pose a serious risk to safe aviation operations are
investigated. Most reports, however, are used to help the ATSB build a picture of where trends
exist, if they are indicative of safety issues, and how these could affect different types of aviation
Proactively reviewing all occurrences reported to the ATSB provides the opportunity to monitor the
health of aviation across Australia over many types of operations and before emerging safety
issues manifest into accidents. By doing so, it is hoped that the wider aviation industry will be able
to learn from the experience of others.
This report is the first in a series of research investigations looking at technical failures reported to
the ATSB. This report will review power plant problems reported to the ATSB affecting turbofan-
powered aircraft, and the types of incidents they are associated with. Other reports in this series
will look at airframe and systems issues affecting turbofan-powered aircraft, and technical failures
involving other aircraft types such as turboprops, piston-engine fixed-wing aircraft, and piston and
turboshaft powered helicopters.
Many of these technical issues would be considered major or other defects by the Civil Aviation
Safety Authority (CASA), and should also be reported to CASA via the Service Defect Report
(SDR) system.
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Case Study: In-flight engine malfunction 100 km south-east of Bali International Airport,
Indonesia – 9 May 2011 Boeing 747-400
ATSB investigation AO-2011-062
On 9 May 2011, a Boeing 747-400 aircraft was en route from Sydney to Singapore. Approximately
100 km south-east of Bali, all engine thrust levers were advanced and the aircraft began a climb
from flight level (FL) 360 to FL 380. Following initiation of the climb, the flight crew noticed that
the No. 4 engine exhaust gas temperature (EGT) had increased rapidly to 850 °C. The thrust lever
for the No. 4 engine (Rolls-Royce RB211-524G2-T) was then retarded, until the EGT was brought
within the normal limits. Subsequently, the flight crew noted that the N2 vibrations for that engine
remained at approximately 3.5 units, well above normal operating level, and as such, they elected
to shut the engine down. Air Traffic Control (ATC) was informed and the aircraft was descended to
FL 340. The flight continued to Singapore without further incident.
The increase in the exhaust gas temperature and vibration from the No. 4 engine was a direct
result of the failure and separation of a single intermediate-pressure turbine blade. The turbine
blade had fractured following the initiation and growth of a fatigue crack from an origin area near
the blade inner root platform. Detailed modelling and analysis was undertaken by the engine
manufacturer, Rolls-Royce, following the occurrence, and while the root cause for the intermediate
pressure turbine blade failure was not fully identified at the time of this report, it was considered
that the wear and loss of material from the turbine blade outer interlocking shrouds had reduced
the rigidity and damping effects of the shroud and may have contributed to the high-cycle fatigue
cracking and failure. The engine manufacturer has advised that they are continuing work to
understand the underlying mechanism of the failure and will advise the ATSB if any further
information is obtained.
At altitudes above 10,000 ft in Australia, an aircraft’s height above mean sea level is referred to as a flight level (FL). FL
380 equates to 38,000 ft.
In a 3-spool turbine engine, N1 refers to the low pressure (LP) shaft speed, expressed as a percentage of the
maximum rated speed. N2 refers to the intermediate pressure (IP) shaft speed.
ATSB – AR-2013-002
Safety analysis
Review of occurrences reported to the ATSB
As the ATSB and industry work closely to continually improve the level and quality of reporting,
there has been a gradual increase in the number of all reported safety occurrences over time that
is independent of growth in flying activity. A review of the ATSB occurrence database shows that
between 2008 and 2012 approximately 1,930 occurrences relating to technical failures were
reported to the ATSB by flight crews and operators of Australian civil (VH-) registered turbofan-
powered aircraft. In contrast, there were about 20,500 safety occurrences of all types that were
reported to the ATSB over the same period involving the same types of aircraft. Within the
technical failures occurrences, 280 were classified as being power plant occurrences.
Each of these occurrences are characterised by one or more specific occurrence events. For
example, a single occurrence may involve an abnormal engine indication followed by a partial
power loss, followed by a precautionary in-flight shut-down, followed by a diversion/return. Thus,
from the 280 power plant occurrences, there derive 363 occurrence events. Each event has been
coded using the ATSB occurrence type classification.
Although the total number of all reported safety matters to the ATSB has been generally
increasing, Figure 1 shows that the number of reported occurrences relating to technical failures in
turbofan aircraft has fluctuated between 321 and 489 occurrences per year. In contrast, the power
plant sub-set (shown in red) has remained fairly consistent over the past five years with between
52 and 66 occurrences per year, or 13 to 15 per cent of the annual total of technical occurrences.
This does not include approximately 70 reports submitted to the ATSB over this period relating to technical issues that
were considered as non-reportable ‘events’ under the Transport Safety Investigation Regulations 2003.
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Figure 1: The number of technical occurrences involving turbofan aircraft, 2008 to 2012
4 High capacity aircraft are certified as having a maximum capacity exceeding 38 seats, or having a maximum payload
capability that exceeds 4,200 kg.
5 Low capacity operations are conducted in aircraft other than high capacity aircraft, that is, aircraft with a maximum
capacity of 38 seats or less, or having a maximum payload capability of 4,200 kg or below.
6 Charter operations involve the carriage of passengers and/or cargo on non-scheduled flights by the aircraft operator,
or by the operator’s employees, for trade or commerce.
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Private/business operations accounted for three occurrences which came from a Canadair CL-
604s, a Cessna 560 and a Hawker 900XP.
The single occurrence from a low capacity RPT aircraft involved an IAI 1124 (operating freight).
Figure 2: The proportion of power plant occurrences from each operation type between
2008 and 2012.
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Figure 3: The number power plant related occurrence events between 2008 and 2012.
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result of an APU oil leak. These kind of events accounted for 29 (57%) of the 51 APU events, two
of which resulted in air-returns.
Nine of the APU events were a result of a failure of the APU to start, either in cruise (1), climb (1),
on descent (2) and five at start-up (one of which resulted in a flight cancellation). Another six
events described an auto-shutdown of the APU in cruise, four of which resulted in air-returns.
Seven events were unspecified APU warnings or faults after landing (3) on taxi (2), or in cruise (2),
however, only one of these resulting in a ground return. Intriguingly, one of these events describes
an APU warning that was a result of a dog in the cargo hold escaping its cage and chewing
through a wiring loom.
Oil loss
More than half (11 of 21) of the occurrences with oil loss events related to APU oil leaks, which
were usually detected as fumes or smoke in either the cabin or cockpit transported by the air-
conditioning system. Of these, most (7) occurred on the ground during APU start-up or shut down.
The remaining APU related oil loss events happening during flight, two of which resulted in a
return to the departure aerodrome. The remaining 10 oil loss occurrences were as a result of
engine oil leaks; two of these necessitated an in-flight shut down of the affect engine, two
necessitated diversions to alternate aerodrome and there was one occurrence resulting in an air-
Engine controls
Of the problems that related to engine control issues, nearly half (9 of 19) were a failure of the
autothrottle systems, five of which occurred during take-off and resulted in rejected take-offs. Four
more of the engine control events described thrust modulation system (TMS) failures, three of
which led to air-returns and the fourth to a rejected take-off. All four of these events involved the
same aircraft (a BAE 146) in a four month period. The remaining six events described one-off
failures of the following; throttle lever fault, a failure of the engine computer, an uncommanded
thrust increase, a problem shutting down an engine, a reverse thrust fault and a failure of engine
firewires, none of which pertained to any particular aircraft or aircraft models.
Variable incident guide vanes are located in front of the first compressor rotor and vary the angle of incidence of inlet air
to the first compressor rotor to keep it in the stall-free operating range.
Note: total power loss refers to the loss of power to a single engine only, not all engines on the aircraft.
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were uncontained engine failures whereby a failed component of the engine was ejected beyond
the protective casing of the engine cowling.
Engine systems
There were 14 occurrences that involved one or more of the engine ancillary systems; starter
motors or thrust reversers, for example. Nearly half of these engine system occurrences (6 of 14)
described a stater motor failing on start-up. The remaining eight occurrences were an assortment
of the following; trust modulating systems (TMS) warning, integrated drive generator failure (2),
spar valve motor failure, electronic engine control (EEC) failure, thrust reverser fault, high jet pipe
temperature warning and a variable-incidence guide vane air flow control unit failure.
Compressor stalls
There were four occurrences recorded as being compressor stalls in this period; two involved
compressor stalls on the initial climb resulting in air-returns while the two others occurred on final
approach and did not alter the remainder of the flight.
There were 36 occurrences with a technical failure event that did not fit into one of the above
groups. Often, these ‘power plant other’ occurrence events were associated with another
occurrence type and the other describes a part of that occurrence which did not fit within the
context of the primary occurrence type.
This group of occurrences contained 29 occurrences that included an abnormal engine indication;
two on start-up, two in-flight where the flight continued unaffected, three that resulted in a
diversion, ten that occurred during take-off and resulted in rejected take-offs, and 11 that resulted
in returns (10 air-returns and one ground-return). Of these 11, three were associated with partial
power losses and another three necessitated an in-flight shut down of an engine. An additional
seven events described thrust reverser faults, two of fumes events and one an autothrottle fault.
The failure mechanisms that led to these events were as varied as the events themselves. As an
example, looking at the causes of the ten rejected take-offs, the only recurring fault was failures of
a variable incidence guide vane on three occasions. Other faults leading to rejected take-offs
included; high-pressure bleed valve faults, compressor vane faults, high stage valve faults,
pressure/temperature senor probe faults, high pressure compressor damage, pitot probe faults
and a fuel flow regulator fault.
ATSB – AR-2013-002
Case Study: In-flight engine malfunction and air turn-back 120 km SW of Brisbane Airport
10 November 2009
ATSB investigation AO-2009-069
On 10 November 2009, a Boeing 737-400 departed Brisbane on a scheduled passenger service
to Melbourne. As the aircraft was climbing through 24,000 ft, the crew reported hearing a loud
thump from the right side of the aircraft, accompanied by a rise in exhaust gas temperature (EGT)
and engine vibrations outside of normal limits.
The crew retarded the right engine thrust lever and the engine indications returned to normal
levels. At this time, a non-normal checklist for engine limit / surge / stall was also completed. The
aircraft was returned to Brisbane and landed without further incident. As a precaution, the right
engine was shut-down during taxi.
A preliminary inspection by the operator’s engineering staff revealed significant damage to the low
pressure turbine (LPT) assembly. The CFM56-3C-1 engine was subsequently returned to an
overhaul facility for disassembly and inspection, overseen by ATSB investigators.
Creep rupture was identified as the likely failure mechanism in previous stage-1 LPT blade failures
in this engine type investigated by the ATSB and the engine manufacturer. As a result of this
occurrence, the engine manufacturer revised service bulletin SB 72-1113 to expand the range of
blade manufacturing batch numbers that had previously been identified as being predisposed to
creep-related failure. Blades in the identified batches were to be withdrawn from service as soon
as they are next removed from the engine.
ATSB – AR-2013-002
Many of these engine models are used in a number of different aircraft, and conversely, many
aircraft can be specified with a number of different engine types. Table 1 outlines the different
engine/airframe combinations that are found for the occurrences in this report (note that other
combinations are possible but are not contained in this report so have been omitted from the
CFM International is a joint-owned company of SNECMA and GE Aviation.
International Aero Engines is a consortium backed by four aero-engine manufactures, Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney,
Japanese Aero Engine Corporation and MTU Aero Engines.
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To get further insight as to whether certain types of occurrences are affecting particular engine
models, the occurrence types are graphed individually in Figure 5. As in Figure 3, most
occurrences involve abnormal engine indications. However, Figure 5 shows that the majority of
these occurrences derive from only four different engine models; the CFM-56 (27), the CF-6 (25),
the V2500 (23) and the RB211 (21).
The difficulty in making any meaningful conclusions from the data in either Figure 4 or Figure 5 is
that there are a number of different possible airframe / engine combinations (see Table 1).
Additionally, these data do not take into account either the number of these engines in the fleet or
the hours that they have flown. In order to make any useful comparisons, occurrence data must
be normalised by the number of hours flown. However, as the hours flown data pertain only to
aircraft model, and due to the various airframe/engine combinations, there is currently no practical
way of discerning actual engine hours. Thus no quantitative conclusions can be made regarding
the reliability of any particular engine model and these figures serve only as a qualitative insight
into the types of issues associated with each engine model.
The Rolls Royce RB211 describes a family of engines manufactured from the early 1970’s through to the late 1980’s. In
this report there are three RB211 models used on three different aircraft, they are the RB211-524 D4 (Boeing 747-300),
RB211-524 G2 (Boeing 747-400), and RB211-524H36 (Boeing 767-300). In this report, the Trent 900 engines are
included in their own category.
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All 27 abnormal engine indications from the CFM-56 (dark orange bars in Figure 5) were
associated with Boeing 737 aircraft, 11 classics and 16 NG. Nine of the 27 occurrences involved
an indication of an engine overheating (including engine gas temperature (EGT) warnings),
resulting in one rejected take-off, one diversion and one return (with six unknown outcomes). A
variable by-pass valve, a low pressure turbine blade failure and an engine spar valve were each
responsible for EGT warnings while the cause of the other six remain unknown.
Indications of low oil were the next most common with four events; compared to overheating
events, the consequences were consistently more severe with three of the four events resulting in
an in-flight shut-down (two of which were followed by a diversion), with the fourth resulting in an
air-return. An inspection showed this to be a result of a spurious low oil pressure warning caused
by a faulty test switch, while one of the other indications was attributed to a scavenge oil filter and
oil indicator. The only other recurring indication was that of an engine thrust reversal problem. The
remaining indications included N1 indicators, engine control warning, fuel imbalance, duct
pressures and a master caution-engine.
Recurrent indications from the CF-6 (green bars in Figure 5) engine include oil warnings (6),
excessive vibrations (3), and full authority digital engine control (FADEC) warnings (2). Other one-
off indications included abnormal thrust and/or low power, digital engine control unit fault, amber
engine caution, N1 and N2 fluctuations, engine pneumatic systems warnings, EGT warnings,
engine valve lights and reverse thrust warnings. In the events where the cause of the fault is
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known; two of the oil warnings were a result of integrated-drive generator faults which both lead to
diversions, another oil warning resulted from a faulty temperature sensor and one form a faulty oil
seal which lead to an in-flight shut-down followed by an air return. A leaking de-icing unit led to a
digital engine control unit fault which resulted in an in-flight shut-down. One of the engine vibration
indications lead to an air return, an engineering inspection found that the engine had seized with
LPT stages 1-5 damaged with stage 3 nozzle segment found with broken and cracked airfoils.
For the 23 abnormal indication events involving the V2500 engine (pink bars in Figure 5), 18 were
in A320-200’s and five in A321-200. Three of the four abnormal engine indications that occurred
en route resulted in diversions. One of these indications was known to be a compressor valve
indication. The fourth that occurred during en route involved numerous electronic centralised
aircraft monitor (ECAM) warnings but had no bearing on the rest of the flight. An engineering
inspection traced the indication to an engine pylon connector not being installed correctly. Four
indications were received at start-up, with one involving sparks emanating from the engine and
other fumes in the cabin. A faulty starter unit and a faulty indicator were responsible for the two
Rolls-Royce RB21111
Of the 21 abnormal engine indications generated by the Rolls-Royce RB211 (purple bars), there
were five occurrences of excessive engine gas temperatures (EGT), two of which were also
accompanied by engine vibrations while another three involved vibrations alone. Low oil
pressures, engine surges, engine thrust problems and fuel system warnings each accounted for
two of the indications. The remainder were made up of an overpressure warning, an engine
overspeed, an electronic engine control (EEC) warning and an engine bleed air warning. There
was one occurrence were the indication type was not reported.
Determining the cause of the abnormal engine indications for non-investigated occurrences
usually relies on the ATSB receiving a follow-up notification after an engineering inspection. For
the Rolls-Royce RB211 occurrences, only 11 of the 21 occurrences had follow-up reports. Where
they were reported, there was little repetition of any particular fault, with the causes being just as
varied as the indications. A de-bonding of an acoustic liner resulted in one of the noise and
vibration indications; a compressor blade release from the high pressure compressor and a failure
and separation of a single intermediate-pressure turbine blade both resulted in vibration and EGT
warnings; a loose bolt in the low pressure fuel filter resulted in a fuel leak indication; metal in the
tail pipe and in the magnetic chip detector resulted in an engine surge, while a fuel metering unit
and variable inlet guide vane were found responsible for another engine surge and oil level
indications; metal chips found in the gearbox and oil filter lead to a low oil pressure and
temperature indication; an engine electronic control fault lead to a low thrust indication and an
autothrottle warning; the engine bleed air warning was found to result from an engine fan air
modulating valve tubes; an open circuit in the engine heat probe and a fuel valve actuator lead to
throttle issues.
The RB211 generated the most occurrences of partial power loss with 13 occurrences, all of
which were associated with Boeing 747-400 aircraft. Interestingly, over half of all these
occurrences related to insufficient thrust on take-off, all seven of which resulted in rejected take-
offs. In three of these rejected take-offs the fault was traced to the variable inlet guide vanes
(VIGV); the control unit, the return spring and the ram actuators were all found to be the sources
of problems. Two others were fuel related with a faulty fuel flow regulator from a faulty fuel
management unit. The final two rejected take-offs were a result of a faulty pressure/temperature
probe and a damaged high pressure compressor.
Other partial power losses involving RB211s included; severe vibrations (1) that lead to a
precautionary in-flight shut-down due to a failure and separation of an intermediate-pressure
turbine blade; an engine surge (1) with visible flames emanating from the engine resulted in a
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precautionary in-flight shut-down and a return, although the cause was unknown metal fragments
were found in the chip detector and tail pipe; reduced thrust and fuel pressure warning (1) as a
result of a faulty engine fuel governor; an acoustic liner de-bonding caused a partial power loss
resulting in an in-flight shut-down; and two temporary partial power losses where the cause was
unknown and had no impact on the rest of the flight.
In addition to partial power loss, the RB211 was also associated with the largest number of total
power losses / engine failures , with 7 occurrences. Six of these involved 747-400 aircraft and
one involved a 767-300. One of these occurrences was classified as being uncontained engine
failure; a potentially serious occurrence. In this case, a Boeing 747-400 sustained an engine
failure on climb as a result of a fatigue fracture of a single stage-2 low pressure turbine (LPT)
blade. This occurrence was investigated by the ATSB (AO-2010-066). The other six total power
losses were all contained and generally much lower risk occurrences. Two occurred during the
engine start, with both involving automatic engine shutdowns; one of these was traced to burnt
pins in an electrical connection. The one that happened on take-off resulted in the take-off being
rejected. A subsequent engineering inspection revealed damage to the high pressure compressor
and the engine was replaced. One occurred en route and involved an engine failure due to the
fuel metering unit. Finally, two total power losses occurred on climb, both necessitating
precautionary in-flight shut-downs and returns. One of these cases a subsequent examination
confirmed that the engine had sustained serious damage as the result of a compressor blade
release from the stage 1 high pressure compressor (HPC 1).
Note: total power loss refers to the loss of power to a single engine only, not all engines on the aircraft.
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Case Study: Abnormal engine indications - Boeing 767-300, near Perth Airport WA,
12 November 2010
ATSB investigation AO-2010-093
On 12 November 2010, a Boeing 767-300 aircraft departed Perth on a scheduled passenger flight
to Melbourne. During the climb through 7,000 ft, the flight crew heard a popping sound followed by
vibration coming from the left engine. Engine vibration gradually increased to a peak value of
about 4 units while all other engine parameters were noted as normal. The vibration decreased
when the crew retarded the engine power lever to the flight idle position. Shortly thereafter the
crew declared a PAN and requested a return to Perth, then notified all passengers of the
situation. The turn back and subsequent single-engine landing were uneventful.
The aircraft operator carried out an initial examination of the aircraft and engine. The engine was
found to have seized and metal pieces were found in the tail pipe. The engine was replaced and
the aircraft returned to service. The engine manufacturer conducted an investigation into the
failure of the LPT stage 3 nozzle segments. The investigation identified that the most probable
reason for the failure was a transient mean stress of the segments during take-off, coupled with
other operational stress and mechanical factors.
13 A PAN radio broadcast is an international urgency call indicating uncertainty or alert to the safety of an aircraft or its
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Figure 6: Number of power plant occurrences for all occurrence aircraft where hours
flown is known.
Data from Figure 6 are divided by the total hours flown for each aircraft model in the five year
period between 2008 and 2012. This is displayed as the rate of power plant occurrences per
10,000 hours flown in Figure 7. The contrast between the two figures shows the importance of
normalising this type of data by hours flown. Note that the data in Figure 7 are normalised by
airframe flight hours, not engine hours, and thus do not take into account the number of engines
per aircraft. In Figure 7, the 747 classic, 747-400, A380 and BAE 146/Avro RJ all have four
engines whereas the remaining aircraft models all have two.
Figure 7: Rate of power plant occurrences by aircraft model per 10,000 hours flown.
In Figure 7 it can be clearly seen that over the this five year period the BAE-146/Avro RJ have had
a rate of occurrences more than twice as high as any other aircraft model in this data set, with a
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rate of 7.55 occurrences per 10,000 hours flown. The next closest was the Fokker F28/F100 with
a rate of 3.63 occurrences per 10,000 hours flown, followed by 747 classics with a rate of 3.02
occurrences per 10,000 hours flown. When taking into account the different number of engines
per airframe the BAE-146/Avro RJ and F28/F100 have rates (per engine) more than double any
other airframe, including the 747 classics. The remaining 12 aircraft models have comparatively
lower rates ranging between 0.13 and 1.00 occurrences per 10,000 hours flown (by airframe).
When reviewing rates of occurrences like those in Figure 7, it is important to consider that different
aircraft models are operated by different airline operators and that higher rates of occurrences
could simply be a result of a better reporting culture in particular operations.
Figure 7 shows the rate of all power plant occurrences while in Figure 8 the rate of occurrences
are displayed individually for each of the 11 occurrence types in the power plant group. As we are
now looking at the airframe as a whole, all occurrences in the power plant set including auxiliary
power unit are included in both Figure 7 and Figure 8.
Figure 8: Rate of power plant occurrences by aircraft model by occurrence type.
Abnormal engine indications accounted for the highest rate for most aircraft models. In fact, the
only aircraft model were abnormal engine indications were not the most prevalent type of
occurrence rate was the 747 classics, which had a greater rate of reported partial power loss
occurrences (with the abnormal engine indications being the next highest rate).The 747 classics
actually had the highest overall rate of partial power loss, which was also reflected in Figure 5
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which showed most of the partial power losses attributable to the two engines used by the 747
classic (CF-6 and RB211).
Within the abnormal engine indications set of occurrences, by at least a factor of two, the BAE-
146/Avro RJ has the highest rate, with just under five occurrences per 10,000 hours flown. These
aircraft also have the highest rates of engine control, engine systems, oil loss, precautionary in
flight shut down and (a single engine) total power loss / engine failure reports.
BAE 146/Avro RJ
There were 11 abnormal engine indications involving BAE 146/Avro RJ aircraft between 2008 and
2012. Although this was by no means the highest number of occurrences for an individual aircraft
model, when taking into account the hours flown, the rate becomes increasingly significant. These
11 indications included one indication of a compressor stall (although the stall itself was
unconfirmed), an engine fire warning indication, a thrust modulation system warning, three
indications of excessive vibrations (one was accompanied by a low oil waring), two exhaust gas
temperature warnings (one high temperature and one failed sensor), a high turbine gas
temperature warning and two indications of low oil. Seven of these abnormal engine indications
led to inflight shutdowns, five of which resulted in air returns, one return to gate, and one rejected
There were only four engine control issues with BAE 146/Avro RJ’s, however, this was not only
the highest rate but also the highest number of occurrences for any aircraft model. As previously
described in the Control Issues section, these four occurrences involved thrust modulation issues
on the same aircraft within a four month period. A brief summary of the sequence of events is
outlined below:
• Nov 2011. During cruise, the crew received a Thrust Modulation System (TMS) warning
and returned to Adelaide. Engineers replaced the TMS computer.
• Jan 2012. During the climb, the Thrust Modulation System (TMS) fault light illuminated
and the crew returned the aircraft to Adelaide. An engineering inspection revealed a faulty
• Feb 2012. During cruise, the Thrust Modulation System (TMS) failed. After burning off
fuel, the aircraft returned to Adelaide. Engineers replaced the number 4 TMS actuator.
• Feb 2012. During the take-off run, the crew received a Thrust Modulation System (TMS)
fault warning and rejected the take-off. Engineers replaced the TMS computer.
The two precautionary in flight shut downs also occurred in the same aircraft, albeit seven months
apart and on different engines. In the first occurrence the number four engine was shutdown due
to smoke being detected in the cabin. The flight was diverted. An engineering inspection revealed
that a bearing seal had failed resulting in an oil leak that contaminated the air-conditioning. The
other occurrence involved a shutdown of the number two engine due to excessive vibration. After
burning off fuel for approximately 90 minutes, the flight was return to the departure airport. The
cause of the vibration remains unknown.
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take-off. At 80 knots, the take-off was rejected and the aircraft was returned to the gate without
further incident. The power loss was attributed to a fuel flow regulator which was subsequently
replaced. Five months later while on approach, the number four engine failed to respond to throttle
inputs. The engine was shut down and then restarted. The engine then performed normally and
the aircraft continued to an uneventful landing. During the subsequent engineering inspection, the
fuel flow regulator was replaced. The forth partial power loss occurrence involved a different
aircraft in which the number two engine surged during the landing when reverse thrust was
selected. There were no further consequences and the cause was not known.
Fokker F28/F100
For the Fokker F28/F100, abnormal engine indications were the highest rate of occurrences, and
the second highest rate of abnormal engine indications overall. Of the 11 of these type of
occurrence involving the F28/F100, five occurred on take-off which all resulted in rejected take-
offs. One of these was attributed to a sticky high pressure bleed value and another to a faulty fuel
flow regulator; the causes of the remaining three were unknown. Another four of the 11 happened
on climb; one was a faulty engine pressure ratio reading which was manually reset and the flight
continued; another resulted in an in-flight shut down and an air return and was attributed to a
faulty oil pressure transmitter; another was an indication of low oil pressure which also resulted in
an in-flight shut down and an air-return, an engineering inspection revealed metal particles in the
engine which were suspected to have originated from a failed starter idler gear in the high speed
gear box. In the remaining occurrence on climb, a hole in the combustion chamber lead to a
reduction in thrust and an air-return.
The two abnormal indications that occurred en route both resulted in precautionary in-flight shut
downs; one led to a diversion and was found to be due to a loss of air sealant to the number three
bearing, while for the other, the oil pressure indicator failed and resulted in an air-return; the oil
pressure transmitter was later replaced.
The one abnormal engine indication that occurred on descent was due to a lack of lubrication on
the fan blades which resulted in excessive vibration and a grinding noise. The engine was
reduced to idle and the flight continued.
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Case Study: Engine failure involving Airbus A380, A6-EDA
ATSB investigation AO-2012-150
On 11 November 2012 an Airbus A380 aircraft departed Sydney for Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
While climbing through an altitude of approximately 9,000 ft, the flight crew reported hearing a
loud bang, which was accompanied by an engine exhaust gas temperature over-limit warning.
This was followed by an uncommanded shutdown of the No 3 engine (right inboard). The flight
crew jettisoned excess fuel and returned the aircraft.
A witness to the event reported hearing a distant bang on the night of the occurrence, followed by
impact noises on the tile roof of their property in NSW. Pieces of suspected engine debris were
later collected by the NSW police service.
Pieces of engine debris recovered from Riverstone, NSW. Source: NSW Police
The investigation found that the increase in the exhaust gas temperature and subsequent engine
shut down was a result of significant internal damage that had initiated within the high pressure
turbine (HPT) module. The damage had resulted from the effects of HPT stage-2 nozzle distress,
likely caused by exposure to hotter than expected operating temperatures. The nozzle distress led
to eventual failure and separation into the gas flow path. Over the preceding weeks there were
two other engines within the operator’s fleet that had experienced a similar problem, and a
number of steps had been taken by the manufacturer to address the issue, including the
increased monitoring of distress development. During the previous flight, the engine health and
trend monitoring program had identified a performance trend shift with this particular engine, and it
was due to be inspected upon return to the main base in Dubai.
The damaged Engine Alliance 15 GP7200. Clockwise from left; HPT stage-2 nozzle distress, HPT stage-1 nozzles
(forward looking aft), Hole in HPT case and missing stage-2 nozzles
Note: As this occurrence involved an overseas operator it is not part of the data set for this report.
Engine Alliance is a joint venture between General Electric and Pratt and Whitney
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Potentially more relevant is the age of each fleet of aircraft models having power plant
occurrences. Figure 10 shows the range in the year of manufacture for each aircraft model, for
aircraft involved in power plant occurrences between 2008 and 2012. Note that these years of
manufacture relate to the actual aircraft involved in occurrences and do not represent the entire
year range over which these models were manufactured. For each aircraft model, the blue bars
represent the range of years in which the occurrence aircraft were manufactured and the small
black horizontal bars represent the median (middle value) of the range. The year values are given
on the left side vertical axis. To compare aircraft model age with occurrence rate, on the right
vertical axis, and shown by the red markers, is the rate of occurrences per 10,000 hours flown for
each aircraft model (the same data shown in Figure 7).
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Figure 10: Range of manufacture years and occurrence rates for the aircraft involved in
power plant related occurrences between 2008 and 2012
The median values (black horizontal bars) in this figure give an indication to age of the aircraft
which were most affected within each model fleet. For example, in the BAE-146/Avro RJ, Boeing
737 classic and Embraer 170 groups, the median age lies in the middle of the age range
indicating that aircraft across the entire range of ages were more-or-less affected in equal
numbers. Whereas in groups like the Airbus 321 where the median lies at one extreme of the age
range, this shows that the distribution of aircraft ages was skewed to the younger end of the fleet;
i.e. more newer aircraft in the A321 fleet were having power plant occurrences than the older
aircraft. The opposite applies to the Boeing 717 and Fokker F28/F100 groups for example, where
a greater proportion of older aircraft were affected.
It can also be seen in this graph that the prevalence, or likelihood, of a power plant occurrences is
not necessarily associated with aging aircraft. For example, the Boeing 737 classic (0.62), Boeing
747 classic (3.02), Boeing 747-400 (0.55), Boeing 767 (0.53), BAE-146/Avro RJ (7.55) and Fokker
F28/F100 (3.63) all have similar aircraft ages, however, three of these models have much higher
rates of occurrences (BAE-146/Avro RJ, Boeing 747 classic and Fokker F28/F100).
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The ATSB assesses the probable level of safety risk associated with each reported safety
occurrence, considering the circumstances of the occurrence at the time it happened . The safety
risk of occurrences is assessed using a modified version of the Aviation Risk Management
Solutions (ARMS) ERC framework . This framework bases the safety risk on the most credible
potential accident outcome that could have eventuated, and the effectiveness of the remaining
defences that stood between the occurrence and that outcome. The intention of this assessment
is to determine if there was a credible risk of injury to passengers, crew, and the public or damage
to the aircraft.
Most occurrences reported to the ATSB are unlikely to conceivably result in any type of accident
because there were numerous defences in place including pilot skills and training, standard
operating procedures, aircraft systems and design, air traffic management, airspace and
aerodrome infrastructure, and components of an operator’s safety management system (SMS) to
prevent an accident outcome from developing.
In the set of 280 occurrences described in this report, 273 (98%) were classified as being a low
risk rating with a low or no accident outcome. Only four were classified as medium risk, two as
high risk and one as very high risk. Figure 11 shows how the low, medium, high and very high risk
occurrences are distributed across the 11 occurrence types. It can be seen clearly from Figure 11
that the vast majority of all occurrence types are low risk occurrences and that no one type of
occurrence has resulted in more very high, high, or even medium risk occurrences.
Figure 11: The number of low, medium, high and very high risk occurrence events per
occurrence type for power plant related occurrences between 2008 and 2012.
The Event Risk Classification (ERC) methodology is used by the ATSB to make assessments of the safety risk
associated with occurrences. For more information on how the ATSB uses occurrence and investigation data to drive
proactive safety improvements, see Godley, 2012.
The methodology is from the report The ARMS Methodology for Operational Risk Assessment in Aviation
Organisations (version 4.1, March 2010). ARMS is an industry working group set up 2007 in order to
develop a new and better methodology for Operational Risk Assessments. It is a non-political, non-profit
working group, with a mission to produce a good risk assessment methodology for the industry. The results
are freely available to the whole industry and to anyone else interested in the concept.
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The single very high risk occurrence, which involved abnormal engine indications and a (single
engine) total power loss / engine failure, is summarised below. It should be noted that very high
risk occurrences, particularly power plant ones, are very rare.
• On 4 November 2010 during climb through 7,000 ft, the Airbus A380’s No. 2 engine (a Rolls-
Royce Trent 900) sustained an uncontained engine rotor failure of the intermediate pressure
turbine disc. The engine failure was the result of a fatigue crack in the oil feed stub pipe; that
allowed the release of oil into the engine and resulted in an internal oil fire. This fire led to the
separation of the engine’s intermediate pressure turbine disc from the drive shaft. The disc
rapidly accelerated and burst; with sufficient force that the engine structure could not contain it,
releasing high-energy fragments and debris. Multiple impacts were sustained by the aircraft
resulting in significant structural and systems damage. The ATSB found that a number of Trent
900 engines were manufactured with non-conforming oil feed pipes that did not conform to the
design specifications. The non-conformance led to a thin wall section that significantly reduced
the fatigue endurance of the affected oil feed stub pipes, increasing the risk of premature, in-
service failure. This accident was investigated by the ATSB (AO-2010-086).
The two high risk occurrences both involved abnormal engine indications as well as engine control
issues. These two occurrences are summarised below:
• On 18 April 2012, an Airbus A330 was conducting a passenger service between Sydney and
Jakarta when, during the initial climb passing FL 300, the crew received abnormal engine
indications for the left engine. The indications included significant N1 fluctuations accompanied
with vibrations through the airframe. After levelling off at FL 360 all engine parameters
stabilised and the aircraft returned to Sydney. On the descent the left throttle reduced
uncommanded to idle and the speed dropped 20 knots before the pilot intervened. During the
subsequent engineering inspection, the hydro-mechanical unit was replaced.
• On 29 March 2011, while on approach to Singapore after a flight from Melbourne, the crew of
an Airbus A380 reported an uncommanded thrust increase on the number 1 engine. The thrust
lever was closed and the landing proceeded without further incident.
The four medium risk occurrences involved six different occurrence events; abnormal engine
indications (2), partial power loss (1), total power loss (2) and transmission / gearboxes (1).
Summaries of the four medium risk occurrences are provided below:
• On 22 December 2012, a Gates Learjet 35A was being used for an emergency medical
service operation from Sydney to Darwin. During the cruise, the crew received a chip light
indication for the left engine. Approximately 20 minutes later the left engine failed. After
actioning the checklist a PAN call was made and the aircraft diverted to Mount Isa. An
engineering inspection revealed that the engine failure was caused by a failure of a bearing in
the left engine tower shaft.
• On 26 June 2011, during climb the crew of a Fokker F28/F100 on a scheduled passenger flight
from Brisbane to Rockhampton noticed that the left engine oil pressure had reduced. The
engine was shut down and a PAN call made. The aircraft returned to Brisbane. The
engineering inspection found metal particles and the engine was removed from the airframe. It
was suspected that the starter idler gear in the high speed gearbox failed.
• On 13 May 2009, a Boeing 737-400 on a passenger flight from Brisbane to Townsville struck a
bird on departure. The bird was ingested into the left engine resulting in engine vibration and
broken fan blades. The aircraft was returned to Brisbane for a landing.
• On 30 August 2010 a Boeing 747-400 aircraft departed San Francisco, US. As the aircraft
passed through 25,000 ft, the aircraft's number-4 engine failed, resulting in the puncturing of
the engine casing and nacelle and the release of debris. The engine was shut down and the
flight crew returned the aircraft to San Francisco. There were no injuries. An investigation
conducted by the engine manufacturer found that the engine failure was initiated by the fatigue
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fracture of a single stage-2 low pressure (LP) turbine blade. The ensuing rotor imbalance
caused the LP turbine bearing to fail, which ultimately resulted in the uncontained release of
debris. As a result of this occurrence, the engine manufacturer released non-modification
service bulletins NMSB72-AG729 and NMSB72-AG800; instructing operators of RB211-524
engine variants to fit a more robust LP turbine bearing, so as to reduce the likelihood of
catastrophic engine failure resulting from rotor imbalance. This serious incident was
investigated by the ATSB (AO-2010-066).
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A review of power plant occurrences reported to the ATSB showed that there were 280 power
plant related occurrences involving turbofan engine aircraft between 2008 and 2012 (36 per year
on average). With a combined total of over five and a half million flight hours for turbofan engine
aircraft in this timeframe, this equates to approximately one occurrence every 20,000 flight hours.
The vast majority of these (98%) were classified as being low risk rating occurrences with a low or
no accident outcome, however, there were four classified as medium risk, two as high risk and
one as very high risk, although none of these resulted in injury to passengers or crew.
Although the rates of power plant occurrences (by hours flown) were low, there were large
differences between individual aircraft models. In particular, the British Aerospace BAE 146/Avro
RJ had a rate of power plant occurrences more than double any other aircraft in this study. They
were followed by the Fokker F28/F100 and the Boeing 747 classic, with the rest of the aircraft in
the study all having comparatively low rates of occurrences. These three aircraft types were some
of the older fleets in the study, however, there were several other aircraft types with similar median
airframe age with far lower rates of occurrences. This may suggest that other operating conditions
may need to be considered with estimating engine reliability. These could include the operating
environments, flight cycle number (as opposed to total engine hours) or maintenance procedures.
As always, the individual reporting practices of each operator could also potentially influence the
final data. With this in mind, the ATSB encourages all operators to continue vigilantly reporting all
technical problems with, were possible, follow up engineering inspection reports.
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Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) (2012, November). Civil Aviation Advisory Publication
(CAAP) 51-1(2): Defect Reporting.
Godley, S. T. (2012, September). Proactively monitoring emerging risks through the analysis of
occurrence and investigation data: Techniques used by the Australian Investigator. Paper
presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators
(ISASI), Baltimore, MD.
Aviation Risk Management Solutions (ARMS) Methodology for Operational Risk Assessment in
Aviation Organisations (version 4.1, March 2010).
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Occurrence: accident or incident.
Transport safety matter: Defined in section 23 of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003
(TSI Act) as an event where:
• a transport vehicle (an aircraft, ship, or rail vehicle) is destroyed
• a transport vehicle is damaged
• a transport vehicle is abandoned, disabled, stranded or missing in operation
• a person dies as a result of an occurrences associated with the operation of a transport vehicle
• a person is injured or incapacitated as a result of an occurrence associated with the operation
of a transport vehicle
• any property is damaged as a result of an occurrence associated with the operation of a
transport vehicle
• a transport vehicle is involved in a near-accident
• a transport vehicle is involved in an occurrence that affected, or could have affected, the safety
of the operation of the transport vehicle
A transport safety matter also includes something that occurred that affected, is affecting, or might
affect transport safety.
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Australian Transport Safety Bureau
Enquiries 1800 020 616
Notifications 1800 011 034
REPCON 1800 011 034
Twitter @ATSBinfo
Final – 19 June 2014
2008 to 2012
Power plant failures in turbofan-powered aircraft
Aviation Research Report
ATSB Transport Safety Report