3G V/s Wi-Fi: Seminar Report ON
3G V/s Wi-Fi: Seminar Report ON
3G V/s Wi-Fi: Seminar Report ON
3G v/s Wi-Fi
REGD.NO: 0301101178
Page no.
Introduction 1
Working of 3G 5
Various types of 3G 6
Working of Wi-Fi 6
Implications 13
Conclusion 18
3G vs Wi-Fi
The two most important phenomena impacting
telecommunications over the past decade have been the explosive parallel
growth of both the internet and mobile telephone services. The internet
brought the benefits of data communications to the masses with email, the
Web, and eCommerce; while mobile service has enabled "follow-me-
anywhere/always on" telephony. The internet helped accelerate the trend
from voice-centric to data-centric networking. Data already exceeds voice
traffic and the data share continues to grow. Now, these two worlds are
converging. To realize the full potential of this convergence, however, we
need broadband access connections. What precisely constitutes "broadband"
is, of course, a moving target, but at a minimum, it should support data rates
in the hundreds of kilobits per second as opposed to the 50Kbps enjoyed by
80% of the internet users in the US who still rely on dial-up modems over
wireline circuits or the even more anemic 10-20Kbps typically supported by
the current generation of available mobile data services. While the need for
broadband wireless internet access is widely accepted, there remains great
uncertainty and disagreement as to how the wireless internet future will
The goal of this article is to compare and contrast two technologies
that are likely to play important roles: Third Generation mobile ("3G") and
wireless Local Area Networks ("WLAN"). Specifically, we will focus on 3G
as embodied by the IMT-2000 family of standards versus the WLAN
technology embodied by the WiFi or 802.11b standard, which is the most
popular and widely deployed of the WLAN technologies. We use these
technologies as reference points to span what we believe are two
fundamentally different philosophies for how wireless internet access might
evolve. The former represents a natural evolution and extension of the
business models of existing mobile providers. These providers have already
invested billions of dollars purchasing the spectrum licenses to support
advanced data services and equipment makers have been gearing up to
produce the base stations and handsets for wide-scale deployments of 3G
services. In contrast, the WiFi approach would leverage the large installed
base of WLAN infrastructure already in place.
In focusing on 3G and WiFi, we are ignoring many other
technologies that are likely to be important in the wireless internet such as
satellite services, LMDS, MMDS, or other fixed wireless alternatives. We
also ignore technologies such as BlueTooth or HomeRF which have at times
been touted as potential rivals to Wifi, at least in home networking
Typical Wi-Fi setup contains one or more Access Points (APs) and one
or more clients. An AP broadcasts its ssid (Service Set Identifier,
"Network name") via packets that are called beacons, which are
broadcast every 100 ms. The beacons are transmitted at 1 Mbit/s, and
are of relatively short duration and therefore do not have a significant
influence on performance. Since 1 Mbit/s is the lowest rate of Wi-Fi it
assures that the client who receives the beacon can communicate at
least 1 Mbit/s. Based on the settings (e.g. the SSID), the client may
decide whether to connect to an AP. Also the firmware running on the
client Wi-Fi card is of influence. Say two APs of the same SSID are in
range of the client, the firmware may decide based on signal strength to
which of the two APs it will connect. The Wi-Fi standard leaves
connection criteria and roaming totally open to the client. This is a
strength of Wi-Fi, but also means that one wireless adapter may
perform substantially better than the other. Since Wi-Fi transmits in the
air, it has the same properties as a non-switched ethernet network. Even
collisions can therefore appear like in non-switched ethernet LAN's.
Wireless Routers
3. Standardization