Environment International: Vincent de Paul Obade, Richard Moore
Environment International: Vincent de Paul Obade, Richard Moore
Environment International: Vincent de Paul Obade, Richard Moore
Environment International
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/envint
Review article
Handling Editor: Robert Letcher Water is vital not only for food, energy and sanitation but also for ecosystem functioning, human health, socio-
Keywords: economic progress and poverty reduction. Water security exists when all people have physical and economical
Fresh water access to sufficient, safe, and clean water that meets basic needs. However, water security is threatened by
Indicator growing human population, episodic environmental disasters, indiscriminate land management practices, con-
Water security taminants, and escalation in geopolitical conflicts. < 3% of the estimated 1.4 billion cubic kilometers of water on
Water quality earth is available for consumption. Although there exist a range of laboratory and field methods for measuring
the chemical, physical and biological properties of water, the information available to the public remains in-
consistent and patchy. To this end, we advance a new theory of a single-value objective water quality index
(WQI) that considers the interaction between the above properties, to provide concise information for source
water quality surveillance and monitoring. Although geospatial technologies such as remote sensing is credited
as a high frequency spatiotemporal mapping tool, exiguous information is available on its application for con-
structing single-value WQIs. Besides, no remote sensing device exists that directly measures water quality, which
must indirectly be inferred through modeling sensed remote sensing signals with measured water properties.
This review not only highlights the water security conundrum but also provides an overview of methods for
integrating geolocated qualitative (e.g., management data) with quantitative (i.e., measured water constituent
properties) into a WQI.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: obadev@yahoo.co.uk (V. de Paul Obade), moore.11@osu.edu (R. Moore).
Received 11 May 2018; Received in revised form 18 June 2018; Accepted 20 June 2018
0160-4120/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V. de Paul Obade, R. Moore Environment International 119 (2018) 220–231
Table 1
Overview of parameters for water quality surveillance and monitoring.
Physical Chemical Biological
Phosphates which are largely lost through runoff and erosion are major locations; is rapid, non-destructive, reproducible, durable and provides
NPS pollutants; compared with nitrates which being soluble are leached both analog and digital data to support automated processing. How-
and recyclable depending on climate and bioactivity (Causse et al., ever, no remote sensing device exists that directly measures water
2015; de Paul Obade et al., 2013). In essence, high quality soils are quality, which can instead be indirectly inferred by modeling sensed
natural buffers against contaminants (Adhikari and Hartemink, 2016; remote sensing signals with measured water properties. Because, water
Lal, 2018). For brevity, soil organic Carbon (SOC), a proxy of soil management decisions determine ecosystem health and productivity,
quality plays a key role in: (i) water purification and retention, thereby other reviewed priorities include: (i) evaluating consequences of an-
preventing indiscriminately managed nutrients (e.g., nitrogen and thropogenic activities on water security, (ii) which strategies ensure
phosphorus) from contaminating surface or ground water, (ii) food, sustainable freshwater ecosystems? and (iii) what tools, models, and
fuel, and fibre production, (iii) biodiversity conservation, (iv) climate information are required for cost-effective monitoring of water quality?
regulation, and (v) nutrient cycling (de Paul Obade, 2017)
Conceptually, a water quality index (WQI) synthesizes complex 2. Risks and impacts of water insecurity
water characteristic properties into more interpretable and informative
format to support decision-making (Chaturvedi and Bassin, 2010; Khan Although 71% of the earth's total surface area (51 × 107 km2) is
et al., 2003; Liou et al., 2004; Mohebbi et al., 2013). In essence, WQIs water, only 2.5% (3.5 million cubic kilometers out of a total 1.4 bil-
should integrate water quality parameters using techniques that: (i) are lion cubic kilometers) is renewable freshwater (Lal, 2015a). Approxi-
simple to develop and use, (ii) correlate well with water constituent mately 70% of this freshwater is contained in ice caps, glaciers, per-
properties, and (iii) are replicable and accurate at variable scales manent snow, ground ice, permafrost, or ground water, and only 1.2%
(Cobbina et al., 2010; House, 1990; Mohebbi et al., 2013). Although is available for direct consumption by living organisms (Gleick and
guidelines exist for water quality determination (Ashbolt et al., 2001; Palaniappan, 2010). Consumptive water refers to water unavailable for
WHO, 2011), no universal comprehensive single-value WQI has been use after being evapotranspired, ground infiltrated or incorporated into
conclusively determined. Here, the feasibility of integrating field and plant or animal tissue, whereas, non-consumptive returns to surface
remote sensing data to generate a concise objective WQI is explored. runoff and is reusable after treatment. Blue water refers to fresh surface
Remote sensing technologies acquire data even from inaccessible field or ground water and includes precipitation, whereas green water is the
V. de Paul Obade, R. Moore Environment International 119 (2018) 220–231
soil water, which plants uptake and transpire. “Gray” or contaminated 2016).
water originates from domestic use, urban and industrial discharge; As realized from the extreme lead (Pb) levels in Flint, Michigan
whereas virtual water encompasses water consumed in production of (USA) in 2016 (Ingraham, 2016), and Toledo, Ohio (USA) in 2010 and
commodities (e.g., agricultural or industrial) and traded across inter- 2014 (Lindstrom, 2016; Stewart et al., 2014), no guarantees exist for
national boundaries (DIA, 2012; Lal, 2015b). clean water. Intake of water with elevated Pb levels can cause anemia,
Water scarcity occurs when human demand or consumption exceeds severe mental and physical impairment especially in children. Pb has
supply to the extent that per capita availability of renewable freshwater been used for ages in plumbing fittings and water distribution systems,
is < 1000 m3/person/year, whereas water stress or extreme lack of however, because of Pb poisoning, copper has replaced Pb as a safer
water to satisfy human or ecological demands occurs when water alternative. Alternately, chromium-6, a raw material for stainless steel
supply < 1700 m3/person/year (DIA, 2012; Lal, 2015b; Rijsberman, production, was found in approximately 75% of water samples in U.S.A.
2006). Globally, an estimated 2 billion people live under squalid con- between 2013 and 2015, and may have been consumed by an estimated
ditions in areas of high water stress with limited sanitary facilities, 200 million people (Zaremba, 2016). Chromium-6 pollution causes
insufficient clean water, and unreliable energy access (WHO, 2008; liver damage, reproductive health problems and cancer. Although
Water and United Nations, 2008; WHO/UNICEF, 2004). Producing permissible limit for Pb in treated drinking water is documented as 15
energy requires water, for instance, thermoelectric power expends parts per billion (ppb); that for Chromium-6 is unknown (Scott, 2016;
roughly 40% of freshwater in the U.S. (i.e., 160 billion cubic meters). Zaremba, 2016). Other adverse ramifications of pollution include soil
Yet, water purification and desalinization consumes energy and emits salinization, and outbreak of water-borne diseases (Rijsberman, 2006;
CO2(g) (FAO, 2008; Rijsberman, 2006; UNDESA, 2014). Reduction in Semenza et al., 2012; Vincent et al., 2004). In Kenya, almost half of the
soil-water storage or low soil-water availability at critical crop growth population (~16 million) resides in unhygienic sanitary conditions;
stages can result in pedological, or agronomical drought respectively. which has contributed to disease outbreaks, soaring infant mortality
Conversely, ecological drought refers to low water availability after rate, and lower graduation rates among children (http://water.org/
land-use conversion, whereas sociological drought occurs when human country/kenya/). Arsenic, detected in dangerous levels in some
water demand exceeds supply. Meteorological and hydrological drinking water supplies in India (i.e., Ganges delta) and rural China, is
droughts are long-term deficiencies in precipitation or water flow in carcinogenic and genotoxic in high concentration, and its intake can
reservoirs, respectively (Lal, 2013). Imperfections in climate models cause acute abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, muscular pain, and
may explain the sometimes blurred and unreliable information on skin cancer (Komorowicz and Barałkiewicz, 2016; Kumar and Puri,
drought phenomenon (Awange et al., 2016; Cutter et al., 2012). Against 2012). Above all, the arsenic concentration in drinking water should
the backdrop of abrupt climate change and increasing water footprint, not exceed 10 μg L−1 (WHO, 2011).
over 50% of the global population will lack clean water, and about 700 Elevated nutrient concentration (i.e., Total Nitrogen (TN) or Total
million people risk water instigated displacement by 2050 (FAO, 2008; Phosphorus (TP)) in water reservoirs trigger blossoming of cyano-
Rijsberman, 2006; UNDESA, 2014). bacteria such as Anabaena sp., Planktothrix or Microcystis sp. that cause
Societal vulnerability to disasters depends on settlement patterns eutrophication. Eutrophication stresses aquatic ecosystems, reduces
and population density, economic status, precipitation intensity and water aesthetics impacting on tourism industry, threatens drinking
land use patterns (Gleick, 2014; Swanson et al., 2015). These disasters water supplies, produces a bad odor, and clogs reservoirs (de Paul
can have devastating consequences to human life, environment and Obade et al., 2013, 2014; Vincent et al., 2004). According to the World
even slow down economic progress (Vorosmarty et al., 2000). For in- Health Organization, the maximum threshold for phytoplankton mi-
stance, flooding destroy infrastructure, displaces people, submerge crocystin toxin in recreational waters is 20 μg/L (Michalak et al., 2013).
homes, inundate farmlands, and cause recurring humanitarian crisis in Water contaminated with toxic cyanobacterium can cause ailments
the states of Colorado, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mis- such as blue baby syndrome (methaemoglobinaemia), liver cancer,
sissippi, and Louisiana, USA (Coffman and Dobuzinskis, 2013). Not only nausea, vomiting, respiratory illnesses or even death (Chang et al.,
is the precise environmental footprint of the 2010 gulf of Mexico oil 2015; Wright, 2016). Extreme cases of “hypoxia” or “dead zones” at-
spill unknown, but also the efficacy of remedial measures; especially tributed to oxygen depletion have reportedly occurred in the Black Sea
after spending over US $ 12 billion on the restoration efforts (Haq, (Eastern Europe), Lake Taihu and Pearl River Delta (China), Lake
2010). In Africa, disastrous floods recur in the Limpopo basin of Mo- Winnipeg (Canada), Lake Erie, the Gulf of Mexico, and Chesapeake Bay
zambique (Spaliviero et al., 2014), and river Nyando in Kenya (IFRC, (U.S.) (Selman et al., 2009). Elsewhere, the water hyacinth (Eichhornia
2016). Minimizing disaster impacts requires proactive strategies that crassipes) invaded Lake Victoria, the largest lake in East Africa with over
include: (a) creating socio economic safety nets, (b) restoration plans 30 million people in its vicinity, blocking fishing access and providing
backed by scientifically credible data (Bouma and McBratney, 2013; breeding grounds for disease carrying mosquitoes and snails (le Roux
Lal, 2009a, 2009b; Power, 2010). Fig. 1 depicts the interconnection et al., 2016; UNEP, 2013).
between water quality, society and environment, based on the Driving Geopolitical tensions are simmering between Ethiopia and Egypt
Forces-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework (EEA, because of the grand renaissance dam, located in the Blue Nile river
1997). DPSIR gauges effectiveness of strategies for tackling environ- (Khaled et al., 2016). This dam built at an estimated cost of U.S. $4
mental challenges (Gari et al., 2015; Niemeijer and de Groot, 2008). billion has a capacity to retain about 70 billion cubic meters of water,
Demographic explosion and overcrowded settlements, resource over useful for irrigation, flood control, and generating 6000 MW of elec-
use, poor waste disposal, leaching of pollutants, flooding, dysfunction tricity. However, apart from Egypt risking the loss of 60% of its crop-
of infrastructure, and rapid groundwater depletion adversely affect lands due to water diversion, the environmental consequences could be
water quality and availability (FAO, 2008, 2013; Laurent and Ruelland, catastrophic (Chellaney, 2013; Khaled et al., 2016). Alternately, Tur-
2011; Mueller-Warrant et al., 2012; Ramadas and Samantaray, 2018; key's numerous dam construction along the Tigris and Euphrates river
Rijsberman, 2006). Due to water withdrawal for irrigation exceeding basin for military purposes, hydroelectric power and irrigation, has
average annual recharge, the groundwater levels at Ogallala aquifer reduced water flow and created rifts with neighboring Iraq and Syria
declined by 30 cm/year between 1996 and 2011 (i.e., totaling 4.3 m); (Gleick, 2014). Syria accuses Turkey of socio-economic sabotage and
which doubled to 60 cm/year after the 2012 drought (Kisekka et al., creating a humanitarian crisis by contaminating water with fecal
2017; Lal et al., 2012; NBC, 2016). Meanwhile, the risk of leakages from matter, a scenario that enhances risk of waterborne diseases, lowers
the $3.8 billion Midwestern U.S. oil pipeline traversing Missouri River yields of irrigated fruits and vegetables, and interferes with aquatic
not only threatens biodiversity and environmental health but also the ecosystems (Chellaney, 2013). Drought may have ignited the ongoing
sanctity of sacred sites belonging to Native American Indians (Levine, civil war in Syria, that has created a humanitarian crisis and displaced
V. de Paul Obade, R. Moore Environment International 119 (2018) 220–231
point (PS) & non-point source (NPS) pollutants
food, water, energy security
contaminated surface and ground water
ecosystem functions
peace and tranquility threatened
impaired habitats
infrastructure and industry issues
1. Research:
quantitatively demystify enigmas (e.g., sources and fate of contaminants, land
management vis–à–vis water quality)
new technology (e.g., integration of sensor technology) and metrics (WQI)
2. tighter legislation (e.g., on water quality trading), riparian/wetland management
3. comprehensive solutions (moral and technical)
Impacts Driving Forces (i.e., influencing water quality)
. .
pathogens, epidemics Natural
. .
environmental & socio-economic costs weather (precipitation (dry/wet), temperature)
elemental water and energy cycles soil type/texture, topography
ecosystem processes (e.g., leaching)
Anthropogenic (land use and management conflicts)
agricultural practices (i.e., excess irrigation,
pesticide and fertilizer use, monoculture, intensive
grazing, subsurface tile drains, runoff)
urban sources (impervious surface, sewage
overflows/leaks, open landfills/waste dumps)
atmospheric deposition (e.g., urban traffic air
pollution deposited by rainfall)
Fig. 1. Driving Forces-Pressures-State-Impact-Responses (DPSIR) water quality infrastructure. Abbreviation WQI stands for Water Quality Indicator.
over 2 million people (Gleick, 2014). not objectively integrate qualitative and quantitative water quality
constituent variables, and thus is non-comprehensive and unreliable. In
this regard, the question remains how to blend data on water properties
3. Remediation options overview into a credible and robust water quality metric? Otherwise, WQT is a
market strategy designed to reduce water pollution through issuing
Despite existing legislation, the complexity of natural systems and permits and providing economic incentives to support ecosystem
their interactions with anthropogenic activities complicate prioritiza- management and restoration initiatives.
tion of remediation strategies to control pollution. Curtailing water Approximately half of water reservoirs within USA do not meet
pollution requires understanding of key driving forces influencing minimum water quality standards (EPA, 2000). Purifying polluted
water quality, strict enforcement mechanisms, and proactive manage- water resources in USA is estimated to cost millions of dollars each year
ment strategies. Examples of feasible management options include the (de Paul Obade et al., 2013; Ritchie et al., 2003). The Clean Water Act
Proper Functioning Condition (PFC) assessment method and water (CWA) was enacted in 1972 to: (i) control water effluent standards by
quality trading (WQT). PFC method evaluates the hydrology, vegeta- establishing a pollution cap based on mandated Total Maximum Daily
tion and erosion/deposition within riparian areas thereby providing Loads (TMDLs), (ii) ensure the water reservoirs are fishable and
critical information for understanding the drivers of ecosystem function swimmable (EPA, 2016b; Freeman, 2000; Ghosh et al., 2011). Based on
(Kozlowski et al., 2016; Swanson et al., 2015). However, PFC is a the sum of all pollutants, TMDLs provide permissible pollution limits
subjective approach because the assessment criteria relies on expert allowable in water reservoirs. Under section 303 (d) of CWA, all im-
opinion and visual interpretation of field sites either directly, or by paired waters within respective watersheds must be listed (EPA,
using raw aerial photographs and satellite imagery. Besides, PFC does
V. de Paul Obade, R. Moore Environment International 119 (2018) 220–231
2016b). Although CWA is credited for significantly controlling PS water time-consuming, labor intensive process, and thus expensive (Ramesh
pollutants, NPS pollution remains a problem. et al., 2010; Ritchie et al., 2003).
As a strategy to control pollution, the U.S. federal CWA requires all From a practical standpoint, laboratory analyzed field data and
facilities that discharge wastewater, or storm water within specific geospatial technology (e.g., remote sensing and Global Positioning
watersheds to purchase a WQT permit applicable within the defined Systems (GPS)) are integrated using a Geographical Information
jurisdiction. WQT allows point polluters (e.g., industries) to opt out Systems (GIS) (Fig. 3) to provide spatially/temporal continuous data
from fully implementing pollution reduction technologies but instead that can be validated and complemented from the sampled field points
purchase “pollution credits” from NPS polluters (e.g., farmers) (de Paul (Gitelson et al., 2008; Haji Gholizadeh et al., 2016; Ritchie et al., 2003).
Obade et al., 2014; Moore, 2014). However, prior to participating in GIS are computer-based tools that integrate database operations and
WQT, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires these NPS can query, statistically analyze, overlay, visualize, manage and store
polluters to incorporate best management practices (BMPs). Examples geographically referenced data. The GIS-based Soil and Water Assess-
of BMPs include crop rotation, water conservation, allocating a con- ment Tool (SWAT) driven largely by weather data approximates surface
servation easement, prescribed burning, grazing management plan, runoff, discharge, sediment and nutrient loads and can thus be used to
conservation agriculture, recycling waste, integrated nutrient and pest predict agricultural management impacts on water quality (Ha et al.,
management (Kozlowski et al., 2016; Lal, 2013; Lal et al., 2012; 2018; Michalak et al., 2013). Other hydrologic and water quality
Swanson et al., 2015). models include the ADAPT, ANNAGNPS, APEX, COUPMODEL,
WQT permits are issued by the National Pollutant Discharge CREAMS/GLEAMS, DRAINMOD, EPIC, HYDRUS, HSPF, InVEST, KI-
Elimination System (NPDES) a subsidiary of EPA, which enforces the NEROS2/AGWA, MACRO, MIKE SHE, MT3DMS, RZWQM2, SHAW,
CWA mandate (Ghosh et al., 2011; Moore, 2014; Stephenson and SWIM3, STANMOD, TOUGH, WARMF etc. (Adhikari and Hartemink,
Shabman, 2011). Approximately 1000 permits have been issued costing 2016; Kisekka et al., 2017; Yuan et al., 2015). Among the parameters
between US $ 400 to 2000. However, NPDES continues to impose integrated and analyzed by these models include hydraulic con-
stringent measures for WQT permits, for instance, by reducing TP limits ductivity, TN, TP, pesticide concentration, bacteria loading rate, eva-
to 1 mg/L, with considerations of lowering further to between 0.5 and potranspiration (ET), soil porosity and erodibility, soil bulk density (ρb),
0.75 mg/L, which is arduous to monitor (de Paul Obade et al., 2014; fecal coliform concentration, soil organic carbon (SOC), runoff curve
Moore, 2013). No wander, specifying spatial and temporal scales for number, rooting depth, crop yield, subsurface drainage flow etc.,
which WQT can be most effective remains a challenge. (Adhikari and Hartemink, 2016; Kisekka et al., 2017; Yuan et al., 2015).
To recapitulate, WQT credibility depends on: (i) enforcement of a However, none of these models explicitly generate “single-value” WQI.
pollution cap, (ii) BMP verification system, and (iii) restrictions cur- Table 2 reviews standardized WQIs that have been utilized with mixed
tailing pollution (de Paul Obade et al., 2014; EPA, 2016b; Savard, 2000; results (Mohebbi et al., 2013; Ramesh et al., 2010).
Shrestha et al., 2008). WQT can be a risky venture because legal lia-
bility is not transferrable for credits purchased, implying that the credit 4.1. Water quality surveillance and monitoring using remote sensing
buyer may be fined for exceeding TMDL cap stated in original permit
should the contract with the non-point polluter lapse (Selman et al., Determination of the spatial extent of water resources is not a dif-
2009). The Alpine and Muskingum WQT programs (Moore, 2014); and ficult task at a specific site; the problem is monitoring water quality.
the electrical power research institute's (EPRI), exemplify WQT in- This knowledge gap is a major impediment in the process of planning or
itiatives operational in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana (USA) (EPRI, 2016), even informing water resource managers and decision makers on the
that can be emulated in other localities. socio-economic impacts of development projects. Thus, the potential of
technologies such as remote sensing which provide continuous spatial
4. Monitoring water quality strategies and temporal data needs to be fully explored to understand water
quality dynamics. Optical, thermal, active and passive remote sensing
Sustainable water quality management entails: (i) developing robust based systems that are either hand-held, or operated from boats, air-
water quality assessment models and tools, and (ii) utilizing technolo- craft, and satellites have transformed the paradigm of mapping by
gies that can promote water use efficiency, for instance, by increasing sensing beyond the visible electromagnetic spectrum and providing
green water, purifying gray water and minimizing virtual water (de repetitive, spatially continuous data in real-time that can be upscaled or
Paul Obade et al., 2013, 2014; Lal, 2015a; Maruthi Sridhar and Vincent, downscaled (de Paul Obade and Lal, 2013; Oliver and Webster, 2014;
2007; Mohammed, 2002). Besides, new monitoring capabilities pro- Ouma, 2016; Pérez Hoyos et al., 2016; Roy et al., 2008, 2014). Active
viding real time information are required to assess the risks and im- systems emit and detect own energy to and from the target, whereas
plications of anthropogenic land management practices on water re- passive systems rely on energy from the sun. Unlike passive sensors,
servoirs (Bushaw-Newton and Seller, 1999; Vincent et al., 2004). Many active sensors generate pulses that penetrate clouds and smoke. Al-
different statistical methods, automated or semi-automated technolo- though remote sensing systems provide frequent synoptic coverage, and
gies utilizing field data, and interpretations from aerial or satellite are non-destructive, its caveats include: (a) bidirectional reflectance
imagery, or both to assay water quality exist (Hajigholizadeh and distribution function (BRDF) effects and spectral mixing problem
Melesse, 2017). A conceptual flow chart portraying a holistic yet syn- caused by adjacency effects and uneven illumination, (b) data-gaps
thesized WQI is depicted in Fig. 2. attributed to cloud cover, smoke, sun-glint, aerosols, atmospheric in-
Water quality information is gleaned by a range of techniques terference; all of which lower the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), (c) rig-
varying in complexity and sophistication. The most commonly used orous and continuously evolving data processing and calibration re-
methods regardless of limitations include: (i) in situ (local/point/field) quirements (e.g., changes in data quality and formats following the
measurements (e.g., Secchi disk depth (SDD) which evaluates the depth launching of newer satellites), (d) mismatches between spatial, spectral
of water transparency/clarity in reservoirs but may be limited for and temporal resolution, (e) high costs of data acquisition, archiving
flowing river systems), (ii) laboratory analyzed samples, and (iii) em- and absence of long-term data (Chang et al., 2015; de Paul Obade et al.,
pirical/analytical modeling of remotely sensed data from scanned lo- 2013). Haze in imagery attributed to variation in sensor slope angles or
cations or samples (Haji Gholizadeh et al., 2016; Maruthi Sridhar and directions can be minimized by ratio-ing sensor bands. Notwith-
Vincent, 2007; Olmanson et al., 2013; Reif, 2011). Although lacking in standing, the explosion of digital geo-information products create re-
spatial coverage and temporal extent, adequately collected field data dundant information (Ouma, 2016; Vitharana et al., 2008).
for a point is accurate, and thus used to validate data from other Although an overview is provided here on water quality sensors
sources, such as remote sensing. However, collecting field data is a (Tables 3, 4, & 5); the sensor specifications, other sundry details such as
V. de Paul Obade, R. Moore Environment International 119 (2018) 220–231
field (insitu) data (e.g.,)
Remote Sensing (passive, active;
pigment samples extracted in hot ethanol data fusion
passive + active), Google Earth
phytoplankton chlorophyll quantified fluorometrically
Engine, GPS
turbidity determined turbidity sensor, secchi disc
dissolved/particulate organic carbon determined by high
temperature combustion
synthesize (e.g., single-value) water quality index
algorithm development
empirical, analytical & hybrid (e.g., structural equation models)
uncertainty / sensitivity analyses (e.g.,)
R , Root Mean Square Error (RMSE),
coefficient of variation = (standard deviation/mean)×100
Fig. 2. Framework for monitoring water quality. Passive Sensors rely on naturally occurring external energy source (e.g., sun for illumination), whereas Active
sensors provide own energy source to scan target.
Abbreviations: GIS, Geographical Information Systems; GPS, Global Positioning Systems.
software's, digital processing techniques are beyond the scope of this quality that accurately represents measured surface signals. Atmo-
work, but are accessible online or from the following references (Chang spheric signal attenuation and geometric distortions are assumed min-
et al., 2015; de Paul Obade and Lal, 2013; Haji Gholizadeh et al., 2016; iscule in proximal sensing given the reduced atmospheric path length
Hajigholizadeh, 2016; Ouma, 2016; Pérez Hoyos et al., 2016; Revilla- and proximity to target of measurement. However, data acquired from
Romero et al., 2016). Prior knowledge of spatial (pixel size, or size of aerial/space platforms have substantial path length, necessitating geo-
smallest feature distinguishable by sensor), spectral (band ranges, or metric and radiometric corrections. Radiometric correction minimizes
region of electromagnetic spectrum sensed), temporal (frequency of atmospheric distortions thereby enhancing clarity of imagery, whereas
imagery acquisitions), radiometric (color depth, or number of digital geometric correction compensates for systematic and random errors
levels representing data) resolution, and swath (area of coverage) are necessary for accurate extraction of distance, area and direction in-
important considerations in sensor selection (Ouma, 2016). Notably, formation from imagery (Chang et al., 2015).
remotely sensed data should be calibrated to ensure highest data Spaceborne sensors may be of high spatial resolution (e.g., Compact
V. de Paul Obade, R. Moore Environment International 119 (2018) 220–231
resolution but less swath width (Table 4) (Olmanson et al., 2013). Be-
cause hyperspectral sensors have numerous, narrower, spectral bands,
they contain more precise and detailed information than multispectral
and panchromatic respectively; but require greater storage and pro-
cessing requirements (Chang et al., 2015; Haji Gholizadeh et al., 2016).
flight dynamics (i.e., pitch, roll, yaw) (Chang et al., 2015; Chipman
et al., 2009; Reif, 2011). Data acquired using ground based sensors such
as portable hand-held spectroradiometers (e.g., Fieldspec,1 PSR+
35002) can be used to calibrate or even synergize data from space or
unique parameters i.e., dissolved oxygen, fecal coliforms, pH,
aerial platforms (de Paul Obade et al., 2013; Maruthi Sridhar and
(Pb), Manganese (Mn), Mercury (Hg), Nitrate (NO3−) and
Health – based parameters: Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd),
Vincent, 2007).
biochemical oxygen demand, nitrate, total phosphate,
generates higher reflectance within the blue region of the visible elec-
tromagnetic spectrum than in the red, and vice versa for turbid water.
-uses rating curves ranging from 0 to 100 with zero denoting
but may also provide new insights on the role oceans play in regulating
weather (Ritchie et al., 2003). Alternately, thermal pollution arising
from extreme water temperature variability attributed to thermal re-
(2) Drinking Water Quality Index
Indeed, high water temperatures kill aquatic life because essential gases
(3) Canadian Drinking Water
(1) NSFWQI (U.S. National
(e.g., oxygen) are released from the water into the atmosphere (Kumar
and Puri, 2012). Although temperatures of surface water bodies sig-
nificantly fluctuate on a seasonal or even daily basis, that for
Quality Index)
Table 2
V. de Paul Obade, R. Moore Environment International 119 (2018) 220–231
Table 3
Some current spaceborne water quality systems (Modified from Hajigholizadeh, 2016; Chang et al., 2015).
Satellite sensor Spectral bands (wavelength, nm) Spatial resolution Approximate revisit interval Category
(m) (days)
Table 4
Some current Airborne Water Quality Sensors (modified from Hajigholizadeh, 2016).
Sensor Scan system/sensor type Number of bands, & spectral range (μm) Resolution (m) Imaging swath
Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Whiskbroom/Hyperspectral 224 (0.40–2.50 μm) 17 12 km (614 pixels/scanline)
Daedalus Multispectral Scanner (MSS) Pushbroom/Multispectral 12 (0.42–14.00 μm) 25 714 pixels/scanline
PROBE-1 in USA (HyMap) Whiskbroom/Hyperspectral 128 (0.40–2.50 μm) 3 to 10 512 pixels
V. de Paul Obade, R. Moore Environment International 119 (2018) 220–231
(Chong and Jun, 2005; Hajigholizadeh and Melesse, 2017; Mehmood assessment technique whereby each measured observation is sequen-
et al., 2012). In contrast, non-parametric methods such as artificial tially estimated and error determined (de Paul Obade and Lal, 2013;
neural networks (ANNs), support vector machines (SVMs), genetic al- Mehmood et al., 2011, 2012). Confusion matrix or classification table is
gorithms (GAs), decision tree techniques, principal component analyses normally used to evaluate accuracy of remotely sensed data
(PCA), partial least squares regression (PLSR) are parsimonious (Hajigholizadeh and Melesse, 2017). This table has rows representing
(Hajigholizadeh and Melesse, 2017; Liou et al., 2004). Multivariate observed categories of the dependents, the columns having predicted
statistics not only screen significant model variables but can also extract categories for each dependent, whereas the diagonal representing per-
regression coefficients even from quantitative and qualitative (e.g., fect predictions. Thus, the percentage of correct classifications is com-
management) data simultaneously, which can conjoined as exemplified puted based on relating the diagonal values with the totals in the row or
in de Paul Obade and Lal, (2016). In principle, the construction of a Soil columns, using Kappa. Kappa (KHAT statistic) is a metric that quantifies
Quality Index (SQI) and WQI are similar, because both constitute che- the difference between actual and chance (Congalton, 1991;
mical, physical and biologic attributes. Eq. (2) is a prototype water Hajigholizadeh and Melesse, 2017). Kappa values range between ne-
quality model subsequently aggregated, standardized and transformed gative to positive one, with positive one value indicating a perfect
into WQI (%) (Eq. (3)). For monitoring purposes or to conduct relative classification significantly better than a random result, whereas nega-
comparison of water quality which is the gist of WQIs, the units cancel tive values represent a poor classification (Congalton, 1991; de Paul
out so long as “oranges are compared with oranges”, that is, same input Obade et al., 2014; Foody, 2002, 2010).
variables (e.g., physical, chemical and biologic properties) are modelled
into WQI per site.
6. Conclusions and future perspectives
Attribute Index (AI) α {water properties (e. g.
, clarity, nutrient concentration…..)} (2) This review highlights water security issues and explicates potential
requirements for constructing a synthesized WQI linking biogeochem-
(WQI = AI MAXAI − MINAI ) × 100 (3)
ical water properties to refined remotely sensed data. Indeed, water
quality is determined by quantifying concentration or existence of
AI: Attribute Index computed from derived remote sensing band specific biological, chemical and physical water constituent properties.
ratios. However, constituent elements that can threaten water quality do
MAXAI: Maximum Aggregate Index remotely sensed for good change over time (i.e., sometimes high concentration of Arsenic occur).
quality water (e.g., good drinking water per WHO standards). Thus, this review proposes a WQI generated from fused field and re-
MINAI: Minimum Aggregate Index remotely sensed for poor quality motely sensed data that can integrate multivariate qualitative and
water (e.g., waste-water). quantitative water constituent properties into a “single-value” WQI, so
Other techniques include the parsimonious decision tree which re- insights can be gained to guide future model development and appli-
cursively splits data into mutually exclusive subsets using tree like cations. WQI information is pertinent for (i) decision making and
partitions, and classifies data either continuously or categorically (dis- management especially regarding control and remediation of con-
cretely) (de Paul Obade et al., 2014; Saghebian et al., 2014). Yet, the tamination hotspots, (ii) reporting and understanding various water
challenge remains identifying specific spectral resolution sensitive to quality threats to human health, and (iii) surveillance of water quality
water constituents to rank and map critical parameters influencing life cycle, for instance, from the reservoir to tap.
water quality. Nonetheless, the multivariate regression models and Some future remote sensing systems equal to this task are also listed
geostatistics may facilitate interpolation and mapping of point data in Table 6. It is important to note that small payload sensors are be-
over a continuous surface, especially through fusing field data with coming fashionable because their electronics and detection sensors
remotely sensed data. have reduced size and mass (Ouma, 2016). For instance, unmanned
aerial vehicles (drones), or nanosatellites (e.g., from Terra Bella3 and
5. Calibration and validation Planet Labs4) packed with high-powered optics and sensors are not only
affordable in comparison to current aerial and space borne sensors, but
Although uncertainty and sensitivity analyses (SA) are often carried their agility allows them to achieve attitude-change maneuvers rapidly
out in tandem, they serve different purposes; because uncertainty fo- allowing them to operate from any orbit; thereby providing high tem-
cuses on error propagation, whereas SA explores the strength of re- poral resolution products (Olmanson et al., 2013; Ouma, 2016; Rango
lationships between model inputs and outputs (Yuan et al., 2015). SA is et al., 2009).
applied in parameter fixation, screening-out of key model parameters, From a practical standpoint, calibrated remote sensors/devices sy-
resource allocation for parameter and data measurement, model or al- nonymous to “no contact thermometers” should be constructed that
gorithm corroboration, and to justify scientific based decisions directly measure water quality (e.g., in %, with 100% denoting ex-
(Hajigholizadeh and Melesse, 2017; Yuan et al., 2015). However, SA cellent/high quality and 0% low quality). Such devices will not only
results of models are derived for specific scenarios thus are site and provide an insight on the deviation from pristine conditions for natural
condition dependent. For all applications, the reliability of geo-in- water bodies (e.g., to inform recreational water users); but also enhance
formation products depends on sampling strategy; accuracy between knowledge on the interrelationship between water quality dynamics,
model inputs, outputs and actual field conditions. Among the common abrupt climatic change and anthropogenic land use/management.
sampling techniques for field data acquisition include; random, cluster, Thus, robust algorithms accurately synthesizing water quality in-
stratified, systematic, and Latin hypercube among others. Visual in- formation and transferable to other regions are required. Finally, de-
spection of statistical input versus output plots (e.g., box and whisker velopment of high fidelity and concise WQI will be useful for time series
plots) can rudimentarily inform on model reliability. analyses so as to enhance the understanding of socio-economic dy-
Frequently used “goodness-of-fit-measures” for quantifying accu- namics vis–à–vis water quality status.
racy include: (i) coefficient of determination (R2), which describes the
closeness of data to the fitted regression line, (ii) standard deviation,
and (ii) root-mean square error (RMSE). For instance, a lower RMSE
signifies higher accuracy, and conversely for R2. R2 > 0.7 is considered
as the limit of applicability for linear regression-based sensitivity 3
techniques (Yuan et al., 2015). Cross validation is another accuracy https://www.planet.com/
V. de Paul Obade, R. Moore
Table 6
Future water quality observation systems.
Sensor Swath width Spatial resolution (m) Spectral channels & resolution (nm) Temporal Application Launch year Reference
resolution (days)
Sentinel-2A (European 290 km 10 m (4 visible and near-infrared Multispectral imager (MSI) 13 spectral bands 5 Chlorophyll, 23rd June 2015 1
Space Agency) bands), 20 m (6 red-edge/shortwave- (443 nm–2190 nm) Harmful algal blooms (HABs), turbidity, Operational
infrared bands (SWIR)) & 60 m (3 water content indices 7 years
atmospheric correction bands)
Sentinel-2B/2C • monitor ocean conditions, topography, pollution, currents. 2017/2021 1,4
Sentinel-3A • monitor impact of climate changes on melting ice, ocean temperature 2016 2,4
Sentinel-3B, 3C, 3D, 4 • improve meteorological forecasts Before 2021 2
Operate for
7 years
Environmental Mapping 30 km 30 × 30 m spectral range from 420 nm to 1000 nm (VNIR) 4 -assess spatial and temporal water scarcity 2018 and operate 4
and Analysis and from 900 nm to 2450 nm (SWIR) and water quality problems? for 5 years
Programme (EnMAP) Hyperspectral; Visible to SWIR -how climate change, intensive agriculture,
water demanding industries and high
population density affect water availability?
-how water quality is impacted by land use
change and climate?
Hyperspectral InfraRed instruments on 60 m @nadir visible to short wave infrared (VSWIR: VSWIR = 19 -water quality not assigned ~ 3
Imager (HyspIRI) low orbit 380 nm–2500 nm) in 10 nm bands and a TIR = 5 -surface temperature maps 2016
multispectral 3 to 12 μm in the mid and -Evapotranspiration (ET).
thermal infrared (TIR) -drought
GeoEye-2 0.25 2016 4
Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) http://pace.gsfc.nasa.gov
Web-based decision support systems simple and streamlined to enhance data accessibility to end-users and decision makers 4
Google Earth Engine can be used to create cloud free mosaics https://earthengine.google.com/
1. http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Observing_the_Earth/Copernicus/Sentinel-2/Facts_and_figures
2. http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/sentinel-3.htm
3. https://hyspiri.jpl.nasa.gov/.
4. Additional sensor information available also in Chang et al., 2015; Haji Gholizadeh et al., 2016; Ouma, 2016.
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